CanadaOH NO, Its too late!

I'm not overly concerned about the coffee, but I belive you may possibly be setting up your son for a very hard life with you wearing that #8 ball cap!! Maybe get it replaced with a Calgary Flames ball cap!! You will thank me!! lol

......or you may be setting his DAUGHTER up for a hard life by calling her a boy!!!!

maybe they name little boys Emily out there on the prairie but where i come from.....well it jus' aint happenin' ;)

I ain't heard of any males named "Emily" out on the prairie either (and living there for 20+ years qualifies enough IMO). However, a Flames jersey would be an excellent buy :lol:

Edited by CherryXS, 07 May 2007 - 01:43 PM.

Saddle BroncMale02007-05-07 13:43:00
CanadaCanadian Grocery List....

If I remember a carton of milk is 1 gallon, while the bags, are 3 gallons or liters or whever the hell they measure them in. So it basically is buying them in bulk and saving milk trips to the store or buying 3 bulky box cartons since it's easier to carry. That's just what I've thought.

Oh and I think the chips that taste like chicken are I think BBQ Chicken flavor...

Actually, cartons come in 0.5, 1 and 2 litre versions (for Americanese, you can substitute "quart" for "litre"). The bags come in packs of 3 x 1.3 litres each (for roughly 1 gallon).
Saddle BroncMale02007-03-06 09:15:00
CanadaCanadian Grocery List....

While I'm not the Canadian in the relationship, I do know that butter tarts are from up north, thanks to wikipedia. Oh, Canadian Bacon, which you all call ham. ;)

actually, we call it back bacon, or peameal bacon. Ham is something else entirely.

Shreddies! uniquely Canadian.
Bits 'n' Bites
Kraft Dinner (different from the US version Mac & Cheese)
Cinnamon Spread :thumbs:

crumpets are British too, and I can get them now at Ingles grocery store here in town. Frozen, but its better than nothing! And I found perogies the other day too, which I'd been looking for forever!

actually I just found something out about Shreddies from WIKI..

In the United Kingdom, the cereal was first produced by Nabisco's former UK division but is now made by Cereal Partners under the Nestlé brand at Welwyn Garden City. The factory opened in 1926. It began making Shreddies in 1955. The site was briefly owned by Rank Hovis McDougall in 1988, who sold it to Cereal Partners in 1990. Nestle's site at Staverton started making Shreddies in 1998, and is where all production will be moved in 2008.

The cereal is one of a number of whole-grain cereals marketed with the whole grain symbol, as part of a marketing campaign emphasising the healthiness of the cereal. It began manufacture in Canada in 1939 at Lewis Avenue, Niagara Falls, Ontario.

Actually, it is true that Yanks call ham "Canadian bacon" (as they don't have a clue what peameal bacon is) as "fancy name, charge more".
Saddle BroncMale02007-03-05 09:54:00
CanadaCanadian Grocery List....

I can't find crumpets...

You can usually find them in the bread/bakery section of a supermarket (I've seen them at Wegman's and Giant here--and in Atlanta and Memphis, I've seen them at Kroger).

Damn, I've been looking in canned goods all this time, thanks!... :devil: ....No Wegman's, Giants or Kroger in this part of Missouri therefore no crumpets.. :crying:

Well, you must have one of the (aptly named) Schnucks around (where you can find them).
Saddle BroncMale02007-03-03 21:53:00
CanadaCanadian Grocery List....

I can't find crumpets...

You can usually find them in the bread/bakery section of a supermarket (I've seen them at Wegman's and Giant here--and in Atlanta and Memphis, I've seen them at Kroger).
Saddle BroncMale02007-03-03 10:57:00
CanadaCanadian Grocery List....

Aren't Shreddies just called All-Bran here?

Saddle BroncMale02007-03-01 14:12:00
CanadaCanadian Grocery List....

Hey you have to disqualify Smarties, they're actually British.

Then one would also have to disqualify Aero and several other popular chocolate bars.

I'll add Cherry Blossom (chocolate with cherry in middle) to my list

Edited by CherryXS, 01 March 2007 - 12:10 PM.

Saddle BroncMale02007-03-01 12:09:00
CanadaCanadian Grocery List....
  • Saskatoon berries
  • Old Dutch Chips
  • Rosebuds
  • Jersey Milk
  • Laura Secord
  • Robin Hood Flour
  • Nanaimo Bars
  • Mint chocolate chips (surprise--not easily available in US)

Saddle BroncMale02007-03-01 11:48:00
CanadaK3 is Expired
The expiry date of the visa IS NOT the same as that of the approval notice.

How can you have an expiry date on a visa that hasn't been issued yet (as you have stated, it isn't going to be issued till 2007-06-18)?
Saddle BroncMale02007-05-31 10:28:00
CanadaWhy no Tim's in the US...

I've been to the one in Parkersburg WV (thank you becca!) and it is just as good as any I've been to.

Which makes me hanker to move back to Atlanta area--as I would from there be passing through Parkersburg every August to go to Sebring, OH.
Saddle BroncMale02007-05-31 06:46:00
CanadaWhy no Tim's in the US...

You know I still can't figure out what people see in Tim Hortons at all. Maybe since I'm not a coffee drinker (though I have drank it before from Tim Hortons and others) and well it all pretty much tastes the same wherever I had it.

Not true; I've seen several unfranchised coffee (including "fancy" such as espresso, capuccino, etc) which prepare coffee quite well (unlike Charbucks).

Also, for making coffee at home, it makes considerable difference (if you use the Safeway brand "Edwards", then you will wreck the coffee beyond even Charbucks)
Saddle BroncMale02007-05-30 09:25:00
CanadaWhy no Tim's in the US...
:huh: There's lots in Michigan, and I've seen their sign on exits in Toledo area.

Saddle BroncMale02007-05-29 13:59:00
Canada24 Signs You Might Be Canadian

"His Merry Spacemen"!!

HA HA!! I had FORGOTTEN about Rocket Robin Hood.. SOOOOOO good.. or baaaad.. depending on how you look at things! I didn't realize it had CDN roots..


Easy to figure from when I lived in Calgary; it was only shown on the CTV network, never on the Spokane-based cable.
Saddle BroncMale02007-06-01 14:45:00
Canada24 Signs You Might Be Canadian

Did we mention the Hilarious House of Frightenstein yet? Cause that is CLASSIC CDN tv!!! :wacko:

Remember that quite well.

Also, the cartoons "Rocket Robin Hood" and "History by Max: 2000-yr-old mouse"
Saddle BroncMale02007-06-01 13:47:00
Canada24 Signs You Might Be Canadian

Anyone remember the Raccoons TV show?? I used to LOVE that show.. I have no idea what it was about anymore.. just that there where raccoons... It was on CBS...

You must mean CBC--CBS is American.
Saddle BroncMale02007-05-31 13:36:00
Canada24 Signs You Might Be Canadian

My husband is going down memory lane with this thread... he wants to know if anyone remembers:

Peter Puck

Commander Tom and Promo the Robot (he said these shows came in from Buffalo, but he loved them)

Remember Peter Puck quite well--the mascot for Hockey Night in Canada.

Thought cute till the term was applied to refer to Pocklington (As a "grafted-in" Calgarian, I prefer to call him "Peter Pox").
Saddle BroncMale02007-05-25 20:14:00
Canada24 Signs You Might Be Canadian
:lol: :lol:
Saddle BroncMale02007-05-24 08:59:00
CanadaPOE Question

What is the routine when I go to activate the K-1 Visa at my POE. I'll be entering through Halifax Airport and they have only recently established a US POE certification there.
I spoke with them yesterday to find out thier procedure as to entering with my belongings. They explained where I was to go before checking in at the airline desk. They told me up until now I'll be the first K-1 Visa they process at Halifax POE. Hope they know what to do lol lol
When I inquired about the I- 94 she said that the airline will give that to me. So when I get this I-94 what does the POE officer do with it? Do they give it to me to have for future use? Is it stamped or do they write something on it? What is the routine so I'll be sure to have everything I require later for filing AOS


Make sure when you check in with your airline that you ask for the I-94 ... I suggest you file it out before proceding to Immigration ... Once you get up to the window let the officer know that you are activating your K-1 Visa ... They will send you into a different area (secondary screening) and this is where they will go through your brown envelope ... As mentioned above, they will staple the I-94 into your passport and stamp it with the current day and write in the expiry date ... They will also write in your A# ...

It was a breeze ... good luck ...

You appear to be confusing the I-94 with the US customs form. Airlines have never given out I-94's, though they do hand out customs forms at the counter (used to be, they had a pile of them there and we could just haul away a set--but not in the last 8 years).

I-94 is given by the inspecting USCIS officer for K-1/K-2 and TN-1/TD.
Saddle BroncMale02007-06-02 06:51:00
CanadaPOE Question

What is the routine when I go to activate the K-1 Visa at my POE. I'll be entering through Halifax Airport and they have only recently established a US POE certification there.
I spoke with them yesterday to find out thier procedure as to entering with my belongings. They explained where I was to go before checking in at the airline desk. They told me up until now I'll be the first K-1 Visa they process at Halifax POE. Hope they know what to do lol lol
When I inquired about the I- 94 she said that the airline will give that to me. So when I get this I-94 what does the POE officer do with it? Do they give it to me to have for future use? Is it stamped or do they write something on it? What is the routine so I'll be sure to have everything I require later for filing AOS


I'm going to assume that you have NOT yet booked the ticket. An idea you can use in that case is to fly to Calgary and then board a SFO-bound United flight (which usually does make a stop in Spokane).
Saddle BroncMale02007-05-31 12:55:00
CanadaNow I know why my Dad isn't fond of the RCMP


I had my RCMP Police certificate 10 minutes after I walked into the Calgary RCMP Office... and I didn't have to pay anything.

Wonder if I'm missing something...?


That's what I did (in July 1999) for my certificate (to be used in Montreal in Dec 1999--though I hadn't gotten an interview appointment yet then).
Saddle BroncMale02007-06-05 11:07:00
CanadaPayment for K-1 interview in Canada

I remember Montreal only accepted cash - that is what the notice said when I attended over 3 years ago. I do know that the pre-deposit and bring the receipt format has been in effect for immigration TO Canada for 4 or 5 years now, so they may be 'borrowing' a page from Canadian Immigration about having the funds pre-deposited. If that is the case, it is an easy process -you just use the proof of payment receipts instead of bringing the money with you. However, they should make sure everyone knows - or have some sort of 'overlap' time period where both methods of accepted.

That would explain it considerably (as my GC interview was 7.5 years ago)
Saddle BroncMale02007-06-08 12:53:00
CanadaPayment for K-1 interview in Canada
:huh: I can remember paying GC fees with plastic.
Saddle BroncMale02007-06-08 12:06:00
CanadaTN - TD visa

humm don't want to rock your world too much but you don't actually have to be british it use There are a lot on non-brits and a lot of TN and Hb1 types there

Methinks your earlier post was simply ignored, though you made a good point; it "just happened" that there was someone on here (myself obviously, having actually been on a TN-1--albeit never married while on it) who is familiar with the situation.
Saddle BroncMale02007-06-15 17:43:00
CanadaTN - TD visa

Correct.. A TD visa is only available if your spouse has status in Canada or Mexico. It is not available in India.

Actually, the TD visa can be issued if the "sponsoring" spouse is:
  • a Canadian on TN-1 in the US
  • a Mexican on TN-2, in US
For the TD spouse, the visa can be issued in another country (such as India, UK, Belarus...); however, the short term of the TN-1 is highly likely to be used by US CO's for rejection of the petition.

In theory, it should be "straightforward" like H4 for H1-b's spouse; in practice, it would need a NAFTA-knowledgible CO--and I've actually seen INS personnel (in 1999) who weren't knowledgible.

So (as I also replied on the India forum), I would recommend to patel_goondo that he ask his employer to convert his TN-1 to H1-b (basically, this requires an I-129 and LCA). Then he can apply for H4 for his wife--a lot fewer headaches.
Saddle BroncMale02007-06-15 09:36:00
CanadaOHIP for US PR?
Check into "independent" lorry-driving (such as with JB Hunt--you'll see their number on their ubiquitous lorries) in the US.
Saddle BroncMale02007-06-18 08:17:00
CanadaOHIP for US PR?
If he works for the US branch of a Canuck employer, he does not have rights to OHIP benefits (which, AFAIK, require residence in ON :P).

You may have missed a third choice though: what benefits does the US branch (of the Canuck Co.) have?
Saddle BroncMale02007-06-18 08:01:00
CanadaPOE question-Activating Visa during visit-before moving
For activation, the regular 3 hours is plenty.

For my activation trip (actually, success return trip to Atlanta), I got to Dorval at about the 3 hours; they'll take you into a separate room and take your FP and the MBE--total time about 1/2 hour.
Saddle BroncMale02007-06-19 11:24:00
CanadaPOE question-Activating Visa during visit-before moving
I presume it is considerably different for imported vehicles (VW, Toyota, Hyundai, ...) than for domestic; would that be correct?
Saddle BroncMale02007-06-19 10:52:00
CanadaPOE question-Activating Visa during visit-before moving
AFAIK, you don't have to activate the visa on the first US visit after receiving the MBE; but you may face a lot of questions.
Saddle BroncMale02007-06-19 10:24:00
Happy Anniversary (F) (F) (F)


Happy Birthday (F) (F) (F) (F) (F) -- (F) (F)
Saddle BroncMale02007-06-19 14:25:00
CanadaPOE Question
Not aware that any will not allow such activation, but there are certainly some who will be unfamiliar with it (such as Peigan, MT/Cardston, AB).

Edited by CherryXS, 21 June 2007 - 07:59 AM.

Saddle BroncMale02007-06-21 07:58:00
CanadaChretien's Retirement Dinner:-)
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Saddle BroncMale02007-06-20 16:27:00
CanadaFiling AOS & AP
Um, you can do the medical exam after you file--as long as it's before the interview.

(which is what we did)
Saddle BroncMale02007-06-21 14:17:00
CanadaFiling AOS & AP
In theory, you can start preparing your documents 5 seconds after the marriage and file the same day.
Saddle BroncMale02007-06-21 13:24:00
CanadaOK, we all know about flames'sss obsession...
Invalid poll -- should have had a choice for "neither".

Ch@rbux burns coffee both there and here.

Unfortunately, Second Cup actually lives up to its name--the beans used are second-rate.

IMO, Chomps (a Calgary chain whose "cash-cow" is desserts) makes far better coffee than either.

Edited by CherryXS, 23 June 2007 - 09:41 AM.

Saddle BroncMale02007-06-23 09:40:00
CanadaHow well do you Know Canada

Isn't it so much better to just be born with Canadian citizenship? :devil: :whistle:

That would have been nice for me in one way (when I was waiting endlessly for cutoff-date progress).

You would only need to know French if you plan to immigrate to Quebec.

So long as it's 16th-century "Cockney-equivalent" French.
Saddle BroncMale02007-06-25 10:31:00
CanadaHow well do you Know Canada
On the citizenship test, I got 104/111.

The mistakes included all 3 questions relating to BC government.
Saddle BroncMale02007-06-22 13:36:00
CanadaHow well do you Know Canada

14 for me. I remember scribblers. I still have some from elementary. Some of the real old ones have the globe on the front.

Funny, the ones I can remember were really plain-jane (basically said "40 pages ruled")

Edited by CherryXS, 22 June 2007 - 11:02 AM.

Saddle BroncMale02007-06-22 11:02:00
CanadaHow well do you Know Canada
19/21 (as an Albertan, I still maintain that the oil industry started in Leduc, so I was unfairly zapped 1) :lol:
Saddle BroncMale02007-06-21 16:44:00
CanadaI'm back from Montreal -Had my poutine and smoked meat!
Saddle BroncMale02007-06-29 07:59:00