Asia: SouthFiance is British Citizen, But Indian Born
Try India's National Portal site (note: I'll admit I'm straw-grasping, as I always had--and still do--my yellowing original birth-certificate available as well as copies).

Edited by CherryXS, 18 March 2009 - 11:22 AM.

Saddle BroncMale03/18/2009 11:21
Asia: SouthQuestion as with MARM's thread for Indian citizens
QUOTE (CherryXS @ Apr 1 2009, 02:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
(pre-emptive strike post)

Also true that under another set of circumstances, I could have gotten married earlier (and had entirely different process):
  • willingness to marry non-desi USC
  • that I had been able to convince Bro. Joe of its workability (as fiancée in that case would not be LEF-affiliated)
  • willingness to do wedding in US (I really wasn't very enthused at the prospect until somewhat before I filed N-400)
  • that we'd "iron out" the issue of which church to attend regularly
Oops, posted this when fatigued and counting-down clock--forgetting that the "pre-emptive strike" actually was out-of-scope for the thread.

Saddle BroncMale04/3/2009 7:59
Asia: SouthQuestion as with MARM's thread for Indian citizens
(pre-emptive strike post)

Also true that under another set of circumstances, I could have gotten married earlier (and had entirely different process):
  • willingness to marry non-desi USC
  • that I had been able to convince Bro. Joe of its workability (as fiancée in that case would not be LEF-affiliated)
  • willingness to do wedding in US (I really wasn't very enthused at the prospect until somewhat before I filed N-400)
  • that we'd "iron out" the issue of which church to attend regularly

Saddle BroncMale04/1/2009 13:13
United KingdomWho Killed Diana?

hrmm, I dunno....of course al-Fayed is an attn ####### and the Diana memorial in Harrod's is awful.


He owns Harrod's (or did last time I checked)....he stimulates the economy by owning an international landmark where green tourists flock to buy branded sh!t for ridiculous amounts & employs countless Brits. He should be granted citizenship based on that.

By that logic, Venezuelan president Chavez should also be granted US citizenship since the Venezuelan government owns Citgo:
  • stimulates US economy (through commerce--selling of petrol, coffee, snacks)
  • provides jobs to large numbers of Americans (directly at its outlets, indirectly to snack/junk-food and coffee companies, refinery workers, lorry drivers)
  • provides business opportunities (owning franchised petrol-pump stations) to a somewhat smaller (but still large) number of Americans.
Tradeoff: although no Citgo petrol-pump station qualifies as "international landmark", Harrods also does not provide business opportunities (except for its owner).

(and Chavez--as noted by Dean--is, like Fayed, an attention-seeking chop_)
Saddle BroncMale02007-01-10 12:31:00
United KingdomWho Killed Diana?

I find Fayed a complete waste of space. After Diana died he was constantly on the TV in the UK, putting out conspiracy theories, stirring the pot and being generally annoying.

I have to say though, the cheesiest thing imaginable is the stupid STUPID statue he has, in Harrod's, of Dodi and Diana entwined and releasing a bird. It is unbelievably tacky and whenever I saw it I would have to laugh and shake my head.

The ULTIMATE cash in.

which reminds me of an old Peanuts cartoon where Snoopy is sobbing after a snowman starts melting--however, Charlie Brown notices that he is NOT too sensitive as to avoid eating the carrot (nose). So, al-Fayed hasn't exactly been so grieving as to not exploit his son's memory.

The day he had his Royal Warrant removed was a good day. I just hope the British Government never cave in and give him British citizenship. He has been trying for years and, to my knowledge, he still hasn't been given it. When he applies they tell him he is "not of good character"... :lol:

He proved his character (or more accurately lack thereof) when he decided to destroy Hamilton. IMO, they should give him deportation papers and escort him onto the next flight to Cairo (or Alexandria).

I think we will be hearing a lot more about "conspiracy theories" since its the 10th anniversary of her death this year. It doesn't seem possible but it is.

Unfortunately, we'll continue hearing about it till al-Fayed is eight-feet-under!
Saddle BroncMale02007-01-09 19:35:00
United KingdomWho Killed Diana?

Because that chop_ al-Fayed is still pouring money to use a bully pulpit.

Yup, the man just can't let it go. Publicity anyone?

His character (more accurately, the lack thereof) was evidenced greatly during the Neil Hamilton Libel Trial in 1999 through his claim that he "did not know that giving MP's gifts constituted bribery" (when al-Fayed's native Egypt is known for quite-open corruption)--binning the court's contention that he showed "the genuine concern of a grieving parent" (nothing genuine about al-Fayed).
Saddle BroncMale02007-01-09 11:41:00
United KingdomWho Killed Diana?
Because that chop_ al-Fayed is still pouring money to use a bully pulpit.
Saddle BroncMale02007-01-08 21:32:00

Yeah I tried to get Air India or Air Kuwait but they were booked solid for 9 months from UK to New York. Cheaper by some distance.
My wife flew Air India to England last year to see me while K1 was pending. Her parents were not happy, they just thought it was going to be hijacked or crash or something, when infact the planes that get targeted for terrorism tend to be American carriers such as AA.

Because Air India was once targetted (in 1985, the Kanishka/AI-182 incident--another in Japan was also supposed to blow up on ground, but the timing was incorrect); however, India has increased security at airports since then, both domestic and international.

However, Air India's quality is of some concern to desi travellers (of course, if you require a "Jain" meal, you're SOL as no other carrier offers this).
Saddle BroncMale02007-01-27 11:15:00

BA tran-atlantic is poor. Fly Virgin.

When I used it in 1999, it was actually fairly good; has it degraded since then?
Saddle BroncMale02007-01-27 11:10:00

Unfortunately, in the case of going for the "cheaper" AA or UAL--then you will get what you paid for!

A ride to the US?

Yes. :)

On that, you take a chance--you may get a cancellation without notice.

I have never had a positive experience with any US-based airline off of North American shores (one neutral, three somewhat negative, one flight-through-hell).

And that even includes US-based airline's craft used in codeshare!

Edited by CherryXS, 26 January 2007 - 10:15 AM.

Saddle BroncMale02007-01-26 10:14:00
Unfortunately, in the case of going for the "cheaper" AA or UAL--then you will get what you paid for!
Saddle BroncMale02007-01-26 09:35:00
United KingdomThis might be a stupid question...
Transatlantic cruise is one way.

Another is to go through Europe and Russia to real-far-east and take ships to Alaska, then to lower-48. I remember reading of a Welsh bridesmaid getting to Australia using a similar approach.
Saddle BroncMale02007-01-29 09:17:00
United KingdomFav. all time food and drink in the UK

Just wondering if I can do some food shopping in the next few weeks, stuff I can take with me that will keep for a while, having ideas of just turning up with two suitcases full of food.
All the curry ingredients I can carry, a ton of Twix bars to freeze and eat while still frozen, Fair Trade tea bags, Green and Blacks chocolate, wheaten bread from my favourite bakery in Belfast, Heinz baked beans, HP chilli sauce.....

Howzabout another approach.

Take your trip THROUGH Canada, with a couple-days delay between landing in Canada and going to US.

Then you can get some of the above (the HP sauce and Heinz beans) in Canada and bring them across.

I'm going to be flying direct to Philly but I'm already wondering about begging a friend who lives in Buffalo to do a little cross border shopping for me before he comes down to Philly for our wedding.
Great thing about where I'm going to be living is a Gujerati grocery store right across the street so lots of goodies there for me too. They have great samosas and the widest selection of fresh veggies I've seen anywhere I've been in the US.

Some Brit goods (Ribena, brit candies; you can also get Kissan squashes) will be available at the Gujarati store.

My suggestion of going through Canada was made after I looked at CanadianFavourites--which lets you know you can also order some of the items online (though it will price-clobber you somewhat, it is somewhat convenient).

Edited by CherryXS, 01 February 2007 - 02:35 PM.

Saddle BroncMale02007-02-01 14:33:00
United KingdomFav. all time food and drink in the UK

Just wondering if I can do some food shopping in the next few weeks, stuff I can take with me that will keep for a while, having ideas of just turning up with two suitcases full of food.
All the curry ingredients I can carry, a ton of Twix bars to freeze and eat while still frozen, Fair Trade tea bags, Green and Blacks chocolate, wheaten bread from my favourite bakery in Belfast, Heinz baked beans, HP chilli sauce.....

Howzabout another approach.

Take your trip THROUGH Canada, with a couple-days delay between landing in Canada and going to US.

Then you can get some of the above (the HP sauce and Heinz beans) in Canada and bring them across.
Saddle BroncMale02007-02-01 12:40:00
United KingdomFav. all time food and drink in the UK
For L&D, methinks I've seen McVitie's biscuits in desi stores (I've definitely SEEN them in US).

For TracyTN--easy solution to (Chas') "missing" curry: many Kroger stores carry Deep entrees (frozen) and some others carry packet-currys (and I'm not even thinking of desi stores here).
Saddle BroncMale02007-01-27 15:30:00
United KingdomFav. all time food and drink in the UK

I had sticcky toffee pudding in 'Tea and Sympathy' in NYC. It's completely british in there. I would miss bangers and mash with onion gravy if they didn't serve that in there too.

I do miss refresher bars, cornish pasties, orange squash and mcVites Chocolate digestives (although i did find some hobnobs)

Orange squash -- Kissan brand available in desi stores (lots of those around where you are).

Don't have a clue what a "refresher bar" is.
Saddle BroncMale02007-01-27 12:28:00
United KingdomFav. all time food and drink in the UK

Kinda OT but not really. The SO is big time into cooking and so of course has a spice stash. There are some he's going to want to ship (saffron is the first one that springs to mind). Would that cause a brouhaha in customs?

If it is saffron threads then probably not! But I can find saffron here! I got some at a spice store just last week. I've see it else where as well!

There are TONS of things I would love to ship over. Cheese for one! :)

Would Black Diamond (or McLaren's) cheese work?

You CAN have foreign--at least, Canuck--cheese shipped to you; also Canuck versions of many Brit candies (also, the ORIGINAL ones in desi stores--btw, saffron is a very common item in these, sometimes it's included in some Basmati rice packets as special).
Saddle BroncMale02007-01-24 09:26:00
United KingdomFav. all time food and drink in the UK
There are some grocery stores (Harry's Farmers' Market in Metro Atlanta area, with Duluth and Marietta branches, is an example), you can actually get many Sainsburys' products (I know I've seen Sainsbury's paneer at both those Harry's branches).
Saddle BroncMale02007-01-19 09:43:00
United KingdomFav. all time food and drink in the UK
Oh, I used to love Jaffa cakes when I lived in Calgary (prior to 1993, there were M&S outlets there, so I could actually get St. Michael's products).

Now, nearly impossible to get these in North America.
Saddle BroncMale02007-01-15 19:19:00
United KingdomFav. all time food and drink in the UK
Surprisingly (for a desi) Vegetable Stroganoff (a lot of restaurants in UK actually have it on the menu--in the US, the word "Stroganoff" is ALMOST ALWAYS associated with "beef").

Edited by CherryXS, 13 January 2007 - 09:12 PM.

Saddle BroncMale02007-01-13 21:12:00
United KingdomAdvance Parole
IMO, it would be best for AOS beneficiaries (except those on H1-b's--as they can use the original or extended H1-b AS EAD and AP document equivalent) to AVOID making trips outside US until either:
  • AP is in hand (or renewed AP, if necessary)
  • AOS is complete

Saddle BroncMale02007-02-05 11:24:00
United KingdomVaccine's needed for MN USA
Get a Varicella titre--a positive result is as good as the "jab" (which will anyway be useless).
Saddle BroncMale02007-02-07 12:20:00
United KingdomNot engaged/married but looking to move to upstate NY

Becca mentioned student/work visas....that might be a good way to go....but I would assume it wouldn't be as easy as the VWP.

Correct (as there is somewhat more of a process), but may be worth it as it removes the 90-day and 1-refusal headaches of VWP

Perhaps the OP can come on a vwp, then find someone to sponsor him thru either student or work...not sure about the logistics of either, and I'm sure it would require a trip home, but finding an employer to sponsor you wouldn't be so easy doing over the phone from GB anyways.

Not sure about VWP->work; however, it is possible to do student->work without returning home.
Saddle BroncMale02007-02-13 14:38:00
United KingdomNot engaged/married but looking to move to upstate NY

Well I'm not currently engaged or married, but I'm looking to move to upstate NY to be with my girlfriend, and after looking around here, I'm wondering if I have any chance of actually doing this without being at least engaged.
We have discussed it, and marriage is an option if it means we could be together.
Basically looking for any advice you guys can offer and any problems I'm likely to run into (I have all the usual phone records/chat logs/plane tickets from visiting her if we do decide to get engaged).
Any help is greatly appreciated~

I'll repost my question--what are your quals?

(as I noticed no-one thought about temp work visa)
Saddle BroncMale02007-02-13 12:57:00
United KingdomNot engaged/married but looking to move to upstate NY
oops, double post

Edited by CherryXS, 13 February 2007 - 11:14 AM.

Saddle BroncMale02007-02-13 11:14:00
United KingdomNot engaged/married but looking to move to upstate NY

Well I'm not currently engaged or married, but I'm looking to move to upstate NY to be with my girlfriend, and after looking around here, I'm wondering if I have any chance of actually doing this without being at least engaged.
We have discussed it, and marriage is an option if it means we could be together.
Basically looking for any advice you guys can offer and any problems I'm likely to run into (I have all the usual phone records/chat logs/plane tickets from visiting her if we do decide to get engaged).
Any help is greatly appreciated~

What are your quals?
Saddle BroncMale02007-02-13 11:08:00
United Kingdomhow long is Temp EAD stamp good for?
Theoretically, the temp EAD and passport with visa (both have photos) should be adequate.

However, it may take up to 45 days (half of the POE-issue EAD term) to get it.

As for whether it is essential, the couple should weigh the costs (inconvenience of going through JFK, possibility of missing/altered connexions--some which go from LA GUARDIA OR NEWARK, possible extra cost). Especially when Limey K-1's have the option of going through the Immigration-only PFI's at Dublin or Shannon (Ireland).
Saddle BroncMale02007-02-16 08:17:00
United KingdomFinally, here in USA

Oooh you must be so excited!

Whens the date?

One day before my anniversary (I looked at her timeline).
Saddle BroncMale02007-03-21 13:58:00
United KingdomFinally, here in USA

i am currently living in VA

Virginia Marriage Licence Laws

('course, if you plan on a religious wedding OUTSIDE VA, you may want to check the regulations in the state where you're planning to do this, as combined licence/religious may save you some time).
Saddle BroncMale02007-03-21 08:21:00
United KingdomFinally, here in USA

thanks guys for the greetings

my POE was @ Dulles Airport (IAD).

i can relax for a while,
but need to do wedding stuff now.

Which one of the three (VA, DC or MD) are you living in?

The licence regulations are somewhat different based on that parameter (or, are you getting the licence ENTIRELY OUTSIDE this region, as we did?).
Saddle BroncMale02007-03-20 09:50:00
United KingdomCadbury's Dairy Milk

for $100 US I will sort it for you :devil:

Along the lines famous 2-kittens/monkey/bread fable (similar to 2-otters/jackal/fish fable), eh?
Saddle BroncMale02007-02-14 08:26:00
United KingdomCadbury's Dairy Milk

As America's longest continuously operating chocolate manufacturer, Ghirardelli has established its position as America's premium chocolate company for more than 150 years.
...Ghirardelli uses an intensive refining process to ensure that its chocolate truly melts in your mouth! Ghirardelli has no grainy feel because we refine most of our chocolate flakes until they are 19 microns (human hair is 100 microns in diameter). Other mass market chocolates are refined to only 40 microns.

I'll believe that about Nielsen's, but not about Cursey's!

Edited by CherryXS, 12 February 2007 - 08:29 AM.

Saddle BroncMale02007-02-12 08:27:00
United KingdomCadbury's Dairy Milk
Would the CANUCK version work?

Canadian Favourites Chocolates

(FYI, it does NOT taste like it was made by Cursey's; if not satisfied, you can always buy Nielsen products instead).

Edited by CherryXS, 02 February 2007 - 01:25 PM.

Saddle BroncMale02007-02-02 13:24:00
United KingdomFreaking Finally for TracyTN
Saddle BroncMale02007-03-22 09:14:00
United KingdomAnyone else got a FOUR DAY WEEKEND? :D
For me half an hour more @ work.

(not sure, maybe this should really have been in OT?)
Saddle BroncMale02007-04-05 13:19:00
United KingdomAnyone else got a FOUR DAY WEEKEND? :D

My dad is a fed govt employee - he doesn't have Friday off for Good Friday (he's off but that's due to his flex schedule). I don't think its a federal holiday.

Sure isn't (I've worked projects for IRS and USPTO before--and not gotten that day, or Easter Monday off).

However, some STATE GOV's (such as GA) do (the monday, not the friday--in 2000, a former employer arranged to have a 10-hour "discuss ways to multiply revenues 10-fold" meeting on Easter Monday, as its main client GADOE was closed for that day; I AWOL'd from the meeting by driving to Memphis on Good Friday, and driving back in leisurely manner on Monday).
Saddle BroncMale02007-04-04 10:53:00
United KingdomAnyone else got a FOUR DAY WEEKEND? :D
Although I'm not a Brit, I arranged to get a 4-dayer (driving to Saginaw Friday, mostly resting, but also trying to get new India visa monday).
Saddle BroncMale02007-04-04 07:37:00
United KingdomThis woman at work is driving me nuts
Maybe give her a few alum pills? :lol: :lol:

(of course, you know I got this suggestion from an old "Bugs" cartoon)
Saddle BroncMale02007-04-19 13:07:00
United KingdomMmmmm...biscuits!

When we visited FL we came across LOTS of British food shops. Anytime we go anywhere we always check online before we go to see if there is going to be a place for Neil to get some goodies from home.

That's because the population of Florida outside of Miami is probably about 50% British. At least it seems that way! :)

More like 90% Canadian, :lol:

(but Canuck cities oft have British food shops--for those Brit items you ABSOLUTELY CAN't get @ RCS, Co-op, ... Note: Canuck imitations included for the counting)
Saddle BroncMale02007-04-23 08:54:00
United KingdomMmmmm...biscuits!

You guys need to get used to not being able to get them when you get to the USA.


CanadianFavourites Cookies (go to the "Nabisco Peak Freans")

For those who are picky that it HAS to be British....

British Delights McVities page

Many of the grocery chains here in Michigan carry them... Meijer, Kroger, even WalMart....

Prolly 'coz they don't wanna lose business to cross-border stores such as Dominion and RCS.
Saddle BroncMale02007-04-20 09:23:00