Asia: SouthIs there a delay in getting NOA2 if your SO is British of Pakistani orgin?
Theoretically, he should be on the same level as a multi-generation English/Scotch/Welsh--in practice, ethnicity may play a part in USCIS officious' decisions to cause delays, etc.
Saddle BroncMale01/31/2007 8:38
Asia: SouthIs there a delay in getting NOA2 if your SO is British of Pakistani orgin?
dip_sticks, do you mean EBD (English-born desi) or Pakistani naturalised to Britain?

Unfortunately, there is different chargeability (by birth country) for these.
Saddle BroncMale01/30/2007 14:51
Asia: SouthDid you change your religion for your Desi SO?

Perhaps the word desi should have been left out of the title (as donaal and anya-d, both NOT South Asians) have posted here.
Saddle BroncMale01/18/2007 15:15
Asia: SouthDid you change your religion for your Desi SO?

I am a Non-practicing Roman Catholic... .. after my divorce .. I stopped going to conventional church.. mainly the day .. probably 8 years after my divorce... I was confronted by a church member told.. ohhh since you are divorced.. you are welcome to come in... I asked.. hey I never knew i was not allowed... haha.. that was probably the last day i attended formal church. ..
Since then.. I have searched many different religions... .. Christianiaty, Budhist Taoism. While working on my Masters in Oriental Medicine.. I had the gift of a opportunity to travel 45 days in China. Had numerous opportunities to study with some of the Budhist priest.. went to the White Cloud temple in Beijing.. got to sit with the oldest Taoist priest at the time. Given the fact I was on a QiGong excersion... we had many doors open that we had otherwise not had gotten. Ever since then I have learned that no matter what the religion... we all ultimaetly are believing in primarily the same thing... stepping out of the box.. looking at the whole picture. it is a part of spirituality .. the belief.. that is important.
I learned it is not the formality but the thought and belief... whether you call it your quest via Christianity or Budism, Taoism .. Muslim.. Hindi... .. do we not all seek the same enlightenment?

Janak is from Gujurat. He is Hindi. He knows I have my beliefs but do not go to formal church... I know he goes and I look forward to learning his religion as well as he mine.
I dont think it would be a matter of either of us changing our religion but accepting each other for who we are and blending giving each other what we both have to offer. that is what makes us .. us..

Mistake at the two bolded points: "Hindi" is the national language of India (spoken "native" by 45%, and understood-but-non-native by an additional 15-20%); the religion is HindU.
Saddle BroncMale01/16/2007 8:07
Asia: SouthDid you change your religion for your Desi SO?

my husband is muslim and im christian. nope i wouldnt change for anything in the world either.

Not sure on this post--as neither of you is desi (Sub-continental)

Edited by CherryXS, 15 January 2007 - 08:58 AM.

Saddle BroncMale01/15/2007 8:58
Asia: SouthDid you change your religion for your Desi SO?
Also true that neither of us changed for the other.

Both of us are born-again Christians (originally Hindus) but came to this quite independently (Pras in India in 1983, myself in Atlanta in 1994).
Saddle BroncMale01/13/2007 15:06
Contacting the congressman certainly is a good idea.

She should also write to the State Dept. (K-3, and other consular-issue visas fall under its purview) along with a copy of her marriage licence/certificate (evidence of marriage).
Saddle BroncMale02/7/2007 7:30
Asia: SouthH4 to H1
It still may work if a copy of the H4 approval notice is sent with the application.

Maybe you should consult an immigration attorney on this matter.
Saddle BroncMale02/8/2007 13:13
Asia: SouthH4 to H1
Searching for a job while on dependent visa is acceptable (though WORKING on one isn't).

Yes, a change from H4 to H1-b can be done--subject to total quota restrictions, etc.
Saddle BroncMale02/8/2007 9:30
Asia: SouthThe Desi Food Thread

Yes, the cheese in the spinach is paneer (the dish is called saag/paalak paneer).

For ALL paneer dishes, you can buy ricotta cheese (ANY supermarket) and bake in a Pam-sprayed non-stick pan for about 30 minutes @ 350oF; then let cool down for a few hours (this will remove excess water) and cut into cubes with plastic knife (one of the rather limited number of uses for these). and put into your curry sauce (or in the case of saag paneer, fold into the cooked spinach).

DO NOT substitute American "cottage cheese" for the ricotta--as doing this always results in disaster. If you use feta--ok if you like LOTS-AND-LOTS of salt generally.

For basic roti, your basic homemade whole-wheat-flour tortilla is identical; and non-fried homemade corn (masa) tortilla is identical to maki-ka-roti (which, FYI, is traditional with saag paneer).

Is there a way in particular to cook the spinach for this dish?

Just add a little ginger-garlic paste and 1 tsp chili powder to your normal cooking method.
Saddle BroncMale01/29/2007 14:17
Asia: SouthThe Desi Food Thread
Yes, the cheese in the spinach is paneer (the dish is called saag/paalak paneer).

For ALL paneer dishes, you can buy ricotta cheese (ANY supermarket) and bake in a Pam-sprayed non-stick pan for about 30 minutes @ 350oF; then let cool down for a few hours (this will remove excess water) and cut into cubes with plastic knife (one of the rather limited number of uses for these). and put into your curry sauce (or in the case of saag paneer, fold into the cooked spinach).

DO NOT substitute American "cottage cheese" for the ricotta--as doing this always results in disaster. If you use feta--ok if you like LOTS-AND-LOTS of salt generally.

For basic roti, your basic homemade whole-wheat-flour tortilla is identical; and non-fried homemade corn (masa) tortilla is identical to maki-ka-roti (which, FYI, is traditional with saag paneer).

Edited by CherryXS, 29 January 2007 - 09:01 AM.

Saddle BroncMale01/29/2007 8:58
Asia: Southmorocco to india

hi everyone. i'm currently applying for the k-1 for my moroccan fiance to come to the US..

but i just i got a possible good job opportunity in INDIA. they even said i could bring my moroccan fiance if i wanted....

does anyone here have any idea how i could find out if its possible to get him a visa to go to india? lol even if its just a visitor visa. would that be hard for him to obtain that coming from morocco?

Relatively "straightforward"; applicant goes to Indian Embassy/Consulate and sends in visa form, along with passport (and a photo).

so complicated. i may not do it but i'd like to see if its even possible.......... there are so many negatives: it would just prolong our moving to america (starting the whole visa process over!) starting a family, him beginning HIS career, etc.
but the pros: i've always wanted to go to india and i'd get to be there a whole year! with free room and board, transportation, and a chance to save some real money. this opportunity will never ever come up again (and once i have a baby it sounds impossible)

hmmmm. opinions?

and opinions on pune. is it a great city? (thats where the job will be i think)

Transport-wise, OK (major rail junction; has domestic airport, close to Mumbai). Otherwise, very similar to Bangalore.

May change your choices for (US) visa processing however.
Saddle BroncMale02/12/2007 11:18
Asia: SouthWhat is needed after NOA2
The only payments of which I am aware AFTER NOA-2 are those made by the beneficiary:
  • cost of medical
  • visa fees at consulate

Saddle BroncMale02/28/2007 10:57
Asia: SouthWhat's with "Singh" and "Kaur"?
"Singh" is a name given to all Sikh men (and considerable numbers of Hindu Jats and Rajputs), and "Kaur" (restrictively--it's generally not found outside of Sikhism) to all Sikh women.

"Kumar" means "prince", common epithet.

"Bhai" means "brother" (mostly used for addressing, not the name itself)

"ben" means "sister" (detail as with "bhai")

As far as "surnames" go, it can be somewhat difficult to explain. Many South Asians (ubiquitously) use their "native village" name as surname (so you get "Mantek Singh Attariwala", meaning "Mantek Singh, native of Attari"), but some do not.
Saddle BroncMale03/1/2007 9:31
Asia: SouthAdministrative Review??????

Here's a plausible answer you WON't like.

'Coz you're dealing with USCIS and Dept. of State!

huh? i didnt get that...could you elaborate? please

Just a belated rant, from my own GC process (1996-1999).
Saddle BroncMale03/12/2007 12:57
Asia: SouthAdministrative Review??????
Here's a plausible answer you WON't like.

'Coz you're dealing with USCIS and Dept. of State!
Saddle BroncMale03/12/2007 12:26
Asia: Southhi..traditional wedding query

hi ..thanx... for ur reply..
we hv already had an engagement ceremony prior to filing the k1 query is abt the wedding in india...can it be done on travel document advance parole??families r insistent abt it....

Oh, you mean doing a registered wedding here and ceremonial later in India.

Probably OK, but can mean a long gap between registered and religious weddings.
Saddle BroncMale03/17/2007 13:28
Asia: Southhi..traditional wedding query
Elaborate engagement ceremony is the simplest solution (and is also what we actually did).

(keep a prominent sign with "BETROTHAL" or "ENGAGEMENT" visible, and take photos of it--it is EXCELLENT evidence for the petition).

All of our India-based relatives (plus my dad, who actually travelled to India from Calgary for this) but one (Pras' dad) supported the idea.
Saddle BroncMale03/16/2007 10:51
Asia: SouthHe's On His Way!!!

YEA! I'm SO SO excited for you guys!! :dance: :dance: Finally you two will be together, a dream come true! :thumbs: Best wishes for a wonderful time together and quick filing of AOS! :yes: (PS hope to experience the same in a month or two :D)

A little tangential but....

Has Nagaraju gotten both police clearances (local police, and passport-wise) yet?

(as this caused me much stress in late-Nov/early-Dec 2005)

For lak&ajm--CONGRATS!!!

Edited by CherryXS, 16 March 2007 - 07:53 AM.

Saddle BroncMale03/16/2007 7:52
Asia: SouthWest Bengal Stalinist regime perpetrates peasant massacre (India)

Not to stray from India, and I know the Maoists in Nepal have ties to those in India, but I wouldn't exactly say they've won yet. They will likely be a strong minority in the new constituent assembly, but still a minority. I doubt we'll see a Maoist PM or a Maoist majority in Nepal anytime soon (please, please let me be right!). In fact, there was apparently a strong march (10K people per the news) against the Maoists in Kathmandu just a couple of days ago.

I worry about my in-laws, too, in Nepal. We are going to visit in June... about the time they are scheduled to have elections... yikes!


Maya, maoists (Naxals, JVP, Sendero-Luminoso, etc.) never have cared for elections--only for wrecking of societies. They never have a vision for reconstructions.

(shown by Naxals' most frequent attempt to boycott elections)
Saddle BroncMale03/21/2007 8:16
Asia: SouthWest Bengal Stalinist regime perpetrates peasant massacre (India)

Are you familiar with the Naxal problems in the 1960s-1970s? We are looking at a repeat, except this time the 'peasants' are better organized and much better armed. My in-laws are in Calcutta and this could get very dangerous.

Difference here is that the ACTUAL peasants (not someone claiming falsely to "represent" them as Naxals have been doing) is against the party the Naxals would be expected to SUPPORT (it obfuscates about them anyway), CP/I-M.
Saddle BroncMale03/20/2007 6:55
Asia: SouthThe LTTE has an air force now? The first terrorist group in the world to have air capability.. a sign of things to come?

Sounds to me like the LTTE might have subs, too. This Indian Navy guy seems to be seriously scoffing at the possibility, which just makes me think it's more serious than they're admitting.


Chauhan's assertion of it being "impossible to develop DIY submarines" is historically inaccurate, as shown by The Turtle, which attempted (albeit failed) to sink HMS Eagle on 1776-09-07.
Saddle BroncMale04/2/2007 8:33
Does this include those who already filed (and even done so far)?
Saddle BroncMale02/8/2007 15:42
Asia: SouthIndia and Pakistan both eliminated from the World Cup
I can actually remember HOLDING (and being photo'd--unofficial, for souvenir only) the Prudential Cup at Begumpet Airport in 1983.
Saddle BroncMale03/26/2007 8:52
Asia: Southanyone received visa from Delhi consulate??
Not even sure about Chennai (whether it allows USC to attend K-1 interview or not).
Saddle BroncMale02/6/2007 10:41
Asia: Southis delhi consulate that scary ?
Indians will need a visa to travel to Bangladesh; it is best if you arrange that particular from the US (whether you are on GC or AP will make zilch difference in this case).

You can fly into Bangladesh (Dhaka or Chittagong) from Delhi on Biman, Air-India, or Indian Airlines.
Saddle BroncMale04/11/2007 8:36
Asia: SouthInterview in Chennai, India

.... Note to others: come at 7:45 AM not earlier; when you come has nothing to do with when you are interviewed. :no:


(btw, that's NOT unique to Chennai Consulate, nor even to India; in 1999, I had an 8:30 am appointment--according to the letter--@ Montreal Consulate for EB-GC; I got there @ 8:15 am, but had to take a number when I got inside, present documents when number was called, then wait for name to be called for interview. They don't call in numeric order for the numbers, nor alphabetic order for the names :wacko: )
Saddle BroncMale04/16/2007 8:11
Asia: SouthUSD Currency Exchange Rates (Asian Currencies)
Elaine, it is (at the moment) advantageous for Nagaraju, as he can get $$ at Rs. 43.
Saddle BroncMale04/18/2007 7:33
Asia: SouthBest wishes Nagaraju & Eileen (ELW)
Saddle BroncMale04/13/2007 10:00
Asia: SouthBest wishes Nagaraju & Eileen (ELW)
Suggestion for Nagaraju (if no hotel booked already): stay @ Ranjit Hotel on NH Rd., near Gemini Flyover.
Saddle BroncMale04/11/2007 13:11
Asia: SouthWhy Wal-Mart entry can disrupt India


IMO, BurningInAgony is a troll/jotun (as the name alone suggests).
Saddle BroncMale04/21/2007 13:36
Asia: SouthEntry with visas/GCs from India
I can post two experiences here (based on the title):
  • My 2000/01/14 after going to India for 3-week trip (starting 1999/12/24). I had just gotten the GC (temp stamp in passport, "regular" one would arrive in Feb 2000) @ Montreal Consulate and activated it @ Dorval 18 days before departing for India. "Easy" (but long line--well, I guess that's "course-par" @ Hartsfield, total of 40 mins through imm/customs) re-entry (though one piece of missing luggage--due to Delta)
  • Pras' entry @ DTW 2006-04-04 on K-1; total time through imm/customs about 20 min, no difficulties

Saddle BroncMale04/27/2007 9:49
Asia: SouthTransit visa needed in Germany?

So I was looking into Tickets for my wife and spoke to a Lufthansa representative.

I asked if there were any "special" requirments since my wife will be traveling from Mumbai to Frankfurt and then into the USA. I was told that since my wife has an Indian passport, that she may need a "Transit" visa for when she lands in Frankfurt.

I told them that she's coming on an immigration visa, but were adement that she needed one.

Can anyone shed any light on this if you happend to go through Frankfurt?


For citizens of India traveling through Germany to the USA:

Visa not Required if all of the following conditions are met:

- transiting only through Frankfurt, Munich or Hamburg; and
- continuing to a third country by same or first connecting
aircraft within 24 hours (Note: Hamburg transit area open
only between 04:30 and 23:30); and
- holding valid visa for Canada, Switzerland or U.S.A.; and
- arriving and departing from/to a non-Schengen state (see:
- travelling to/from one of the countries for which they hold
a visa; and
- not leaving the transit lounge; and
- holding sufficient funds, ticket with confirmed reservation
and all travel documents required for next destination.
Transit through any other airports will require a (transit)

Exactly correct; Pras did not need a transit visa to layover/connect (7 hours) @ Frankfurt last year.
Saddle BroncMale04/27/2007 13:52
Asia: Southvisa step coming here

Hello all,

my fiance has already has received the K-1 visa and planning on coming here to the US, i am planning on going for vacation and planning on coming back with him to the US, we are planning on coming through LA's port of entry. Has anyone had problems entering the US with your fiancee/ fiance; did they ask tricky questions; when coming back can i stand in the non-immigrant line with him or do i have to go to the US citizen line and wait for him to go through the non-immigrant line? I appreciate all of your answers, thanks you.



(though you SHOULD have posted it in "Asia: East & Pacific")
Saddle BroncMale05/3/2007 18:37
Asia: SouthWhen did you submit your proof or relationship evidence?
Along with the petition.
Saddle BroncMale05/17/2007 10:57
Asia: SouthPlane ticket India to USA

That's not callous CherryXS, just practical! :yes: (Nagu is of course expert at falling deeply and happily asleep on the cement floor of a noisy railroad platform :P.)

What about the comment on the "POE JFK SUCKS!!" thread, the person that said their friend was not allowed to stay in the airport and those without money had to walk around a hotel but were not allowed to remain in the airport! :o How can that be? Can't just anyone in the airport remain all night? Or should I just go ahead and book a $150 a night room for the 17-hours Nagu will have to wait? (Less of course maybe 3 hours immigration and 2 hours domestic flight check-in.) Your learned advice, please! :wacko: :(

Other choice is to do standby on a flight from LGA (LaGuardia) or EWR (Newark) to LAX. There are busses that run between the three airports.

Admittedly, some problems:[list][*]passenger will be set back the bus fare (last I checked, JFK to LGA was $15--which is still less than $150/night hotel)[*]the journey will likely be made by rather jetlagged, tired passenger.

Plus point of it is that Nagaraju has a chance to reach home sooner.
Saddle BroncMale05/1/2007 9:15
Asia: SouthPlane ticket India to USA

I just booked my wife's ticket for June 2nd. She'll be flying from Mumbi to Paris to Atlanta to Charlotte.

Her interview is not until May 24th, but felt that having a 9 day buffer will be enough for her to get the visa in hand if she doesn't happen to get it on the day of the interview itself.

The one-way ticket cost Rs 40,000 approx from a local travel agent.

If you can rebook it to one coming straight-in to Charlotte, I recommend doing so--basically, I consider it optimal to use your local airport if it IS a POE (which Charlotte is) unless coming from Canada or Ireland (likely these latter will be irrelevant to you, so...)
Saddle BroncMale05/1/2007 9:10
Asia: SouthPlane ticket India to USA

Thanks again all, for all the suggestions! Just wanted to let you know that we reserved his ticket today. :D I did tons of heavy research but found the best prices on Local travel agents quoted higher rates (or exchange rates of me sending the money made them higher) :(. On, the search engine advertised cheaper rates, but whenever I clicked on a ticket to book it, a message would come up saying the ticket price had changed and it would be $200-300 more than advertised :angry: (their cheapest was $1,400 Hyd-JFK-Fresno). Expedia was also higher.

We booked leaving Hyderabad on May 25, arriving JFK May 25 evening, and flight to CA on 26th morning, total price $1,074. Yes it would have been $200-300 cheaper flying directly to CA, but if he gets the EAD and works even 1-2 months the extra 1-2 thousand dollars will be worth the trouble and cost! :yes:

Only problem is a long layover in JFK. :crying: I'm thinking about posting a question if anyone knows of any nap nooks there in the airport. (Once my mom and I slept near a Singapore airport balcony on a long layover. :whistle:) Getting a hotel would be toooo expensive and I don’t have the $800 it would cost to get a round trip ticket & hotel there, to be with him. :cry:

Nagaraju may have to use the time-honoured approach used quite oft in Indian rail-stations (and also @ Heathrow airport). Find a batch of empty seats (or, if none available, stretch out on the floor) and take the nap.

Sorry to be so callous, but..
Saddle BroncMale04/30/2007 9:51
Asia: SouthPlane ticket India to USA
As a consolation, it will be somewhat easier if/when Sujeet naturalises (I'm a little leery about being pretzelised for 15 hours), as it would open Gatwick-Heathrow transits (sometimes, these are economical--but much hassle if you need a UK visa; for me, that was never a problem even BEFORE I got my GC)
Saddle BroncMale03/20/2007 9:45
Asia: SouthPlane ticket India to USA
Arrival Timetable (unfortunately, requires plenty of sifting as domestic flights are also there)

Edited by CherryXS, 19 March 2007 - 11:35 AM.

Saddle BroncMale03/19/2007 11:35