Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Hey everybody, I have a 3 day weekend since I'm taking Monday as a vacation day :dance: Monday is our 2 yr. Anniversary!! :wub: We're going down to Ohio to an indoor waterpark / hotel for Saturday night. I probably won't be back on-line until late Monday night. Everyone have a good weekend.

Congrats :dance: Have fun.

Alright Ladies It's time for me to vent!!!!! We have been waiting 8 freakin business days for this Visa. I have been told to have patience so many times that I want to scream :angry: . Thank God It's Friday I want a Da** drink. But instead I will go shopping for Verton a coat because when he hits Atlanta dressed Jamaican style he is going to freeeze. Everyone have a good weekend and be blessed.

(((Hugs))) I hope it comes soon!

HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN !!!!!!! Just recieved a call AirPAc will deliver at 4 pm.
morantbaygirlFemaleJamaica2006-12-08 13:21:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Hey everybody, I have a 3 day weekend since I'm taking Monday as a vacation day :dance: Monday is our 2 yr. Anniversary!! :wub: We're going down to Ohio to an indoor waterpark / hotel for Saturday night. I probably won't be back on-line until late Monday night. Everyone have a good weekend.

Congrats :dance: Have fun.

Alright Ladies It's time for me to vent!!!!! We have been waiting 8 freakin business days for this Visa. I have been told to have patience so many times that I want to scream :angry: . Thank God It's Friday I want a Da** drink. But instead I will go shopping for Verton a coat because when he hits Atlanta dressed Jamaican style he is going to freeeze. Everyone have a good weekend and be blessed.

Edited by morantbaygirl, 08 December 2006 - 11:20 AM.

morantbaygirlFemaleJamaica2006-12-08 11:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

I say go for it and have a blast!

:thumbs: Get some of those fish net thingies

Great idea. I was waiting for a professional to respond....thanks Dee :devil: . Just kidding.

Your a mess. :lol: D will just ask me are you going to put that black thing on. I always say I might. :innocent: Dont't forget the high heels ;)

I'm afraid to ask....but what black thing??

I plan to carry high heels to class on Saturday....just hope I don't strain or sprain anything...wish me luck.

A lot of nothing. B) No don't do that, you would not be of any good use :lol: so be careful.

OKAY ladies I am about to go home and practice this belly dancing thing :dance: Is it okay if you have more than one BELLY :wacko: .?
morantbaygirlFemaleJamaica2006-12-07 17:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

I have a bedroom question - if you haven't been so already....would you do a striptease dance for your fiance or hubby?

I haven't done it but I do think it would be sexy. I would love to do it but I just haven't gotten up the courage. I think with guys being very visual they would appreciate it ten times more than we could ever imagine.

:devil: :whistle: I never wear any clothes anyway so me putting them on may be a treat for my fiance'.
But really i think that is a very sexy idea!!! I would do it just to see his reaction.
morantbaygirlFemaleJamaica2006-12-07 16:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
[quote name='luvtravlin' post='607267' date='Dec 7 2006, 08:59 AM']kelly (L)[/quote]

Okay's what's up in our camp. I don't like to air out my business, to...I need the support and someone to vent to about this entire MESS !!!

I have given it MY ALL and have gone waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over my limit and WAAAAY overdue !!!!!!!!!!!

I am going to PAY Craig to leave!!! I told him that I will BUY him a ticket back to Jamaica (basically take away from my sons Christmas....but that's no big deal) and Craig said, he's NOT going BACK !!! He's going to "run away" and I explained to him that if he runs and HAS to go back to Jamaica, he'll most likely be banned from coming to the states again. He could really care less. ALLLLLLLLLL Craig is about is making MONEY .....buying a car, getting 2 jobs and making MONEY. I'm sooooo sick and tired of the disrespect. He STILL talks to the Mississippi bee-atch and SHE calls him at ALL hours!!! He's young and WAY immature (that came out full blast about a month after he got here).

I am going to have him sign something agreeing on the date that he left and separation AND that I will not be responsible for him "running away"....or something like that.

Will "I" get in trouble?

Thanks for any and all advice!!


Kelly OMG

I don't know your race but you need to turn BLACK on that Brother :devil: and Ms Mississippi!!!!!! Ask him does he remember all ya'll( southern term) had to go through? Ask him will miss mississippi send him a plane ticket and furnish him somewhere to stay. I would buy him the ticket and put it in a christmas card. I would aslo write out a invoice for payment to ms mississippi for all you paid to bring homeboy over here. I am so mad and it's not me going through this!!!!!!

Edited by morantbaygirl, 07 December 2006 - 09:44 AM.

morantbaygirlFemaleJamaica2006-12-07 09:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
[quote name='luvtravlin' post='607247' date='Dec 7 2006, 08:48 AM'][/quote]
:lol: Ok, how many times have you been to Jamaica? (I know we had this as a poll a while back but we have lots of newbies now) What other Caribbean islands have you been to? Where do you want to go for your next vacation? Can you tell I'm already sick of the cold weather and thinking of the tropics? :P B)

I have been to Jamaica a total of 8 times now!! I have been to San Juan, St. Thomas, St. Martin, and Cayman Islands briefly while on cruises. And I have been to Punta Cana (Dominican Republic). For our next vacation we're thinking about going to Barbados.

I've been to Jamaica 26x and right now is THE longest stretch in the past 10 yrs that I haven't been there. I'm sooooooo ready for a warm vacation !!! Also have ventured to Cancun, Riviera Maya, Cozumel, Barbados, Bermuda and Punta Cana. As many times as I've sent some of my clients to other islands, I feel like I've been there myself !! B)

I've been to JA 5x's ,Nassua, St. Thomas, Purto Rico, Grand Caymen, Freeport and Cozamel. I want to go to Barbados next also, but I will probably go back to JA I have never been to Negril.
morantbaygirlFemaleJamaica2006-12-07 09:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Hi all,

Dee, did you have awful terrible weather as well there in KC a few days back? It totally missed us, but looked like KC got hammered with ice and then snow.

Well, I have great news, Lake took his math GED test and PASSED!!! It was the second time he took it, his teacher just called yesterday afternoon, and he was dancing around the kitchen and giggling like a schoolgirl! It was too cute!

I am stressing a LOT! I would love other peoples opinions of this, just to hear what you all have to say bout it.

Well, you all know Lake got a really great job with great benefits, etc at the school system here, where he loves everyone he works with, etc. Well, he has been positively INSISTENT about going home for Christmas this year, since he hasnt been home for Xmas in over 5 years, yada yada. Now last year he went home for 5 weeks in January if you will remember, so it was CLOSE to xmas, but not xmas time, where he really wants to spend time with all the fam gathered. (He DID get to see everyone last time, for a couple days, tho). Anyhows....I will have to take out another loan in order for him to do this, far, even tho he has worked for 4 months, it will cost everything he has made so far, then plus he wants some "extra" (like $5,000) to pay back his brother. The loan I am getting is at 24%...yikes! We are in pretty deep straights, with him doing this right at this time. Another year, fine and dandy, but right now...OUCH! But I do understand somewhat, he DOES have children back there, they are in bad shape right now, cant even afford food, etc. at this time.
He has asked for leave of absence, but who knows, after only being there a short time. I know its stupid to quit a great job, and you just CAN NOT do that in America, where you take off 6 weeks every year, until you are established and have leave built up, and some money put back, etc. I would never be able to do this if we lived in an apartment, with reg bills, etc, which means Mom an sis are funding room and board, really, til he gets back and can make it back up.
I have explained and explained, but am not gonna say he CANT go. So I went ahead and got tickets, (havent bot return, Kelly..might need to talk to you bout that one) several months back. I just now told my fam, and boy are they stressing me out bigtime. They are not telling me anything I havent already thot of, and say its awfully selfish of him. He says he really doesnt want me to go, its way too dangerous, etc, and that I mite get killed, etc, as whites over there, especially Americans, are robbed and killed all the time. Its MUCH worse than Jamaica, crime wise.
I am not sure he really knows how much everything all costs, really, even tho I talked and talked. So now he wants to sell his Tahitian black pearls, which I am loathe to do, even tho we might be able to get about $3,000 for them if they are worth anything like what the jeweler told us. They are such an integral part of my memories of first meeting him, I just would rather pay 25% than sell the darn things.
I just dont know how to explain that once you find a great job, with great benefits, that you LIKE, and have folks you really like that you work with, to throw that away is nine kinds of stupid! He thinks jobs are so EASY to find...I keep telling him six years ago, businesses were getting 500 apps from desperate folk just to work at places like Taco Bell paying $6.50 an hour cuz times were so hard and jobs were so scarce, (we had massive layoffs here) He just doesnt get that, cuz he hasnt gone thru it, I guess, but he HAS gone thru it in his country. Arrrhhhhhh!
Anyhow, Mom is ready to "divorce" him. lol Its all rather funny, I guess, how life works, but the money situation sure has me stressed.
Hugs to all

Jill I understand how he feels but I truly understand how you feel. I look at all the money i have already spent and what I still have to spend. It's hard to be sympathetic when you have already done so much. Me personally I would not get further into debt. Love is a wonderful thing but bankrupcy last a very long time. But my opinion doesn't matter nor does anone elses. Do you have the resouces are you going to be put in a strain.
morantbaygirlFemaleJamaica2006-12-06 09:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

We are still playing "Who's got the visa?" Monday the embassy said airpak picked it up; last night we were talking to airpak right until they closed, and it still hadn't arrived. They then checked the tracking number and said it's still at the embassy. His plane ticket was for today, so we had no choice but to switch it. So no it's for Saturday. I didn't want to go much farther because I'll lose the good ticket price if it's past Tuesday. Other than Shauan, how long has it taken folks to get the visa?


Do you know how to be a wife??? We think we want a husband. :huh: I didn't know the real meaning of being a wife, until God sent me my husband. So think long and hard for what you ask for you might just get it and not know what to do with it ;)

That's a good point Denise. In the most successful marriages that I have personally seen; if you have a truly good man and a great husband-then those qualites almost always bring out the best in the woman. So if the man takes the lead in being a good husband and father then it almost always follows that the woman will be a good wife. So another point of view is "does your man know how to be a husband?"

Glad to hear you're feeling better too :) . I'm sure you'll get some good news soon.

Ann-how did George make out?

When was your interview? I need some answers on the same line. How long does it take for them get the Visa. Verton's ticket is for Friday his interview was on th 28th of Nov this is the sixth working day :wacko: . I told him if he doesn't get it today then I will have to change the date.
morantbaygirlFemaleJamaica2006-12-06 09:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

I'm hungry :(

and annoyed. I want my damngonit green card!!!!! :angry:

Can you tell Aunt Flow's in the house? :(

Can anyone say MIDOL :lol:
morantbaygirlFemaleJamaica2006-12-05 17:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

I just went out and checked my mail box.. I got my approval letter today my case has been forwarded to the NVC :dance: :dance:

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! We are still waiting on the Visa to be delivered :(
morantbaygirlFemaleJamaica2006-12-05 10:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Its a snow day playing in the white stuff! Snow day sleding down a hill! Whoopie no work today I am going back to bed!! :yes: :whistle:

One Luv (L)

Thanks Jax -_- ; just rub it in for those of us who have to work today :P .
Enjoy your snow day :lol:

Sorry Michele :lol: It looks like all schools in northern IL area were shut down today. Where I live they are saying 11inches to 16 inches.

I live in Georgia can you believe it is 68 degrees and the sun is shinning. Very rarely do we have snow day. But when we do the whole city shuts down :dance:

Jax -- I am in the "southern suburbs" -- it rained/sleeted all night and only started snowing here at 7:00am. It's coming down pretty hard now but the ground is so wet......wish I had a snow day :crying:

They didn't cancel school by you? That is a shame it started to late? Is there a lot on the ground now? Now I can really get into a Christmas spirit. Snowmobiling today hopefully when roads clear. My hubby asked me when he gets here if he can go so I am getting him trained well. He just wanted to make sure I had heat in the house :lol: .

It's been 60-70 degrees here this week...not bad for November. No snow in sight.

Thats the weather we had here until Wed. afternnoon. I think the storm is heading out east now.

morantbaygirlFemaleJamaica2006-12-01 14:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

How will I know where the AOS interview will be?'s actually called a "Local Office" Looks like there is one in Phoenix and a "Sub-Office" (whatever that is) is in Tucson.

Hello family!!!

The interview was actually painless. I was only asked two questions 1) When we met? 2) Where did we meet? They asked Verton a total of six. The only one he couldn't answer was do I have any pets and he told them he didn't know but I never talked about any. Which was true because i don't have any :lol: . They also asked when did he propose and he said on my first visit :blush: . She then asked how was he so sure i was the one and he answered that when we met we connected and it felt like we had know each other a life time already. After she loked at several 200.00 cell phone bills there was no question about the truth of a relationship. Thank you family for all you information and advice. I will be posting a review of the embassy as soon as my feet touch the ground I am so happy.
morantbaygirlFemaleJamaica2006-11-30 11:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Well here we are up at the crack of dawn...4am! We decided to do the black friday thing with my family :help: Crazy :blink: Pray for us all :lol:

You are a brave soul! :lol: :lol: Hope you got some good buys and no one tackled you in the process.

Hello family,

I set my clock for 4:30 am :hehe: . When the alarm went off i was raring to go!!!! Back to sleep that is Yardies I just couldn't do it :lol: . Now I am at work thanking GOD that I stayed at home. Wish me luck on my journey the interview is Tuesday. For all thoughs that braved BLACK FRIDAY my hats off to you :D
morantbaygirlFemaleJamaica2006-11-24 12:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Welcome home Darlene.
Have a good trip Tanya!
Hope everything works out for your family Stephen.
Shauna are you ready?
How are you Kelly?
Does anyone else have to work on Friday like me? :angry:
Elizabeth I admire your dedication to renovate an old house. I know I couldn't do it.
Everyone have a great day tomorrow!!


Edited by morantbaygirl, 22 November 2006 - 11:12 PM.

morantbaygirlFemaleJamaica2006-11-22 23:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
[quote name='sjb1221' date='Nov 22 2006, 12:13 PM' post='582163']
[quote name='Minfay' date='Nov 22 2006, 10:08 AM' post='581881']
[/quote]All in all, the SS card was one of the easiest things we did ;) [/quote] ...and it was one of our hardest. Our local SS office is staffed with IDIOTS. MDYoung "attached" the actual rules (from the SS) to get that "not vaild without.....blah, blah, blah" taken off the card. We went into the office with everything he gave us and the idiots still wouldn't do it. I was so frustrated at that point I didn't really care anymore. It's no biggie.....I should have asked to speak to a Supervisor but we had already spent two hours of our life there and I really didn't want to spend any more....

Hello family.

Sorry that your SS office sucks. Damien applied for his new card (without the not valid...) two weeks ago and we had no probelms.

NOTE: please do not apply for the new card while job searching. We applied for his new card the same day he had a job interview. I had no idea they would keep his current one. Well the interviewer offered him the job the next day and wanted Damien to come in the following week to fill out paperwork, drug testing, etc. They would not except the receipt letter from the SS office like most companies....they wanted the card before his start date. Luckily it came in the mail a few days later....that was very close.

Happy Thanksgiving. I work this Friday :crying: what was I thinking :bonk:

We're going to see Sizzla this Saturday...can't wait. Enjoy the weekend.

:angry: I work this Friday to but 11/27/2006 HELLO JAMAICA :dance: :dance:
morantbaygirlFemaleJamaica2006-11-22 13:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

ok...i don't know what is going on with my fiance, but i swear he is doing everything in his power to test the last little bit of patience that i have for him---and i mean it...on friday evening, we talked, and i found out that he has yet to receive his appt. letter from the embassy...well, of course he didn't seemed too fazed by it, although he knows that he needs it to schedule his medical, and well...the interview is in 2 1/2 weeks!! So...i told him (yes told, because i am sick of suggesting to him) that he better make it his business to go to kingston to pick up the d@!! letter on tuesday because i'm sure medical appts. aren't all that easy to come by...he seems to think that because a medical is done in a day we will be fine...not even thinking about what if there AREN'T appt. times available between now and then...ON TOP OF THAT...he still doesn't have the freakin marriage form...he said that he went by the office one day last week and the lady told him that it takes 5-10 working days to come back...well, first off, i pointed out that he has not received ANYTHING that he was supposed to from anyone in Jamaica, so what makes him think that this will be the sole exception---you just can't trust what these people say to be true....then when i pointed out the fact that 10 working days from today was Dec. 4th, then he was like, "don't u think i've been thinking about it? i know!" at which point i went into, "well i sure wish you would STOP thinking and start DOING mode...hell i think about a lot of stuff, but when it's time to get stuff done, it should be done...actually this stuff should have BEEN least the marriage form part anyway...the Embassy letter maybe not because we've been waiting for only a week and i was trying to give JA the benefit of the i have been fuming for the past couple of days and i haven't talked to him because i just feel like we are going to end up arguing more...and i just don't want to deal with that....this is the first time that i've actually felt like not dealing with him at all....then he brings up this whole thing about how i don't trust that he will get things done (and i did not confirm nor deny his allegations)...i simply said 'whatever'...i'll talk to u l8tr....seriously, i am so sick of this whole thing i don't know what to do...and unfortunately its causing some serious problems between us.... :(


WHEW!!! girl you do not need to run your b/p up but let him know he needs to go to the embassy with his case # and pick-up the letter. Tell him he has to do the Medical at least 7-10 days out so that the results will be at the ebassy for the interview. We had problems with the NON-IMPEDIMENT Of marriage thing to because they bring them to you they want give them to you at the office. He can make his Medical appt before he get the letter in hand he just has to present it when he gets the medical tell him to call and make the appointment!!!!!!! Then he will have time to go GET the letter. Hope I helped I ran my Blood Pressure up too. But he can make movements now. Our interview is 11/28/2006 so i know how you feel.

Much luv

I wasn't sure if he could go ahead and schedule the medical appt or not, but since u gave me this info, I suppose I'll call him 2day and tell him to set it up ASAP! As for the Non-Impediment form, I don't understand why they just won't give it to you once they get it back? That's dumb! Do they deliver it or something!? Trust me I'm probably at STROKE level as far as Blood Pressure is concerned!! This is just too crazy! :wacko: :wacko: I just want to make sure all the stuff is done, and unfortunately I'm not there to do so, so I have to rely solely on him to do his part (this is sooooooo hard!) Anyhoo, good luck on your interview! The 28th is SO SOON!! Are you going to be there? :thumbs:

I saw this on another forum. I looked through seems good enough, and the folks and JA don't need internet connection:

Thanks, it looks like a good deal but won't work for me since most of the ppl I speak to only have a cell phone and the ones that don't all have NetSpeak so they can call me for free.

Yes I fly out on 11/27/06 I am so nervous!! And yeah they have to deliver it.

Edited by morantbaygirl, 20 November 2006 - 01:46 PM.

morantbaygirlFemaleJamaica2006-11-20 13:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

ok...i don't know what is going on with my fiance, but i swear he is doing everything in his power to test the last little bit of patience that i have for him---and i mean it...on friday evening, we talked, and i found out that he has yet to receive his appt. letter from the embassy...well, of course he didn't seemed too fazed by it, although he knows that he needs it to schedule his medical, and well...the interview is in 2 1/2 weeks!! So...i told him (yes told, because i am sick of suggesting to him) that he better make it his business to go to kingston to pick up the d@!! letter on tuesday because i'm sure medical appts. aren't all that easy to come by...he seems to think that because a medical is done in a day we will be fine...not even thinking about what if there AREN'T appt. times available between now and then...ON TOP OF THAT...he still doesn't have the freakin marriage form...he said that he went by the office one day last week and the lady told him that it takes 5-10 working days to come back...well, first off, i pointed out that he has not received ANYTHING that he was supposed to from anyone in Jamaica, so what makes him think that this will be the sole exception---you just can't trust what these people say to be true....then when i pointed out the fact that 10 working days from today was Dec. 4th, then he was like, "don't u think i've been thinking about it? i know!" at which point i went into, "well i sure wish you would STOP thinking and start DOING mode...hell i think about a lot of stuff, but when it's time to get stuff done, it should be done...actually this stuff should have BEEN least the marriage form part anyway...the Embassy letter maybe not because we've been waiting for only a week and i was trying to give JA the benefit of the i have been fuming for the past couple of days and i haven't talked to him because i just feel like we are going to end up arguing more...and i just don't want to deal with that....this is the first time that i've actually felt like not dealing with him at all....then he brings up this whole thing about how i don't trust that he will get things done (and i did not confirm nor deny his allegations)...i simply said 'whatever'...i'll talk to u l8tr....seriously, i am so sick of this whole thing i don't know what to do...and unfortunately its causing some serious problems between us.... :(


WHEW!!! girl you do not need to run your b/p up but let him know he needs to go to the embassy with his case # and pick-up the letter. Tell him he has to do the Medical at least 7-10 days out so that the results will be at the ebassy for the interview. We had problems with the NON-IMPEDIMENT Of marriage thing to because they bring them to you they want give them to you at the office. He can make his Medical appt before he get the letter in hand he just has to present it when he gets the medical tell him to call and make the appointment!!!!!!! Then he will have time to go GET the letter. Hope I helped I ran my Blood Pressure up too. But he can make movements now. Our interview is 11/28/2006 so i know how you feel.

Much luv
morantbaygirlFemaleJamaica2006-11-20 10:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Jill -- I just can't even imagine what you are going through. I'm sending good thoughts your way.... (F)

Jonesie -- I've missed you (L) Roy will be showing up at your place early next week -- you are a much better person than I.....I am SCARED TO DEATH to drive in the car with Roy :hehe:

Purple oh my :lol: Please get it out and send me a pic. I have never seen a purple tree begore :yes: :D

I think we'll put it up next week -- I will take pictures and put them up on Yahoo. The living room/dining room is purple -- one wall, that goes up the stairs is red -- at the top of the stairs is aqua.....every room in the house is a different color.....I LOVE COLOR!! The louder and more obnoxious the better :jest: I let Roy paint one room -- it's "his" room -- he picked a light peach color.....YUCK!!! He said at least one room in the house needed to be "calm" :lol: :lol:

MR. MIKEY is COMING HOME :D :dance: :D

:dance: :dance: Congratulations!! :dance: :dance:

CONGRATULATIONS :dance: :dance: on Mike coming home.
PURPLE ROOM!!! PURPLE TREE :lol: I love it thats my favorite color. MY House is all one color . all the people going for their interview...mike tried to hand in the ds-230 part II and they said will get a letter in the mail 2 weeks after you arrive in the i hope that clears up some confusion...

I don't think we ever did anything with Part II -- never got a letter about it either.....:wacko:

morantbaygirlFemaleJamaica2006-11-17 10:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Maybe if you mention the flight situation they will let you pick up the visa the next day or the day after in our case, from the embassy?

That's not a bad idea....

My fiancee tells me he wants to fly here by his self. I am kind of worried about him doing this beacause "we" all know how crazy :wacko: it is in the airports.... Customs, Immigrations, Security, Baggage claim etc....

If you can <possibly> mail him copies of the Customs & Immigration (I-94) Forms FILLED OUT ahead of time this will help. I got extra copies for Roy and he took them with him on the plane to follow....if you can't, no biggie. Someone will help him.

I think I will stay home and help my mom and dad put up their Christmas tree. I won't be putting mine up this year because I will be visiting my husband. Do a lot of you put up your trees the day after Thanksgiving?

I have a seven foot purple x-mas tree -- when I first got it I put it up and didn't take it down for five years :lol: My living room is purple so it actually became part of my "decor." Whenever I saw ornaments (all year) I would buy them and put them on the tree. When I knew Roy was coming I took it down. I really do want to put it back up for Christmas but I am afraid I won't want to take it down again....I just love it!!

:lol: :lol: At purple living room :lol: I usually go all out decorating for christmas. I will not be getting a real tree this year..Last year was a nightmare, trying to get it out of the house :angry: Planning to put the tree up this weekend :star:

well the good news mike the last i talked to him was 30th in line and the guard said they might be let in early...and his phone is off which means he handed it in....sssoo the suspense is KILLING me.... :wacko:

:blush: (F) He'll be home before you know it.

I had a blue and white Christmas. It was so pretty it took me awhile to take it down too!!! That was my first attempt at being Martha Stewart.
morantbaygirlFemaleJamaica2006-11-16 11:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

well for whatever reason i am the lucky person that the process has been made hard for :(
mike got there and was standing on the other side of the road and the securtiy guard announced....NO BLUE PAPERS TODAY :( :(

Shauna, sorry to hear the bad news :( I will tell you a little story that might make you feel better. When I was supposed to fly down for Tony's interview, Hurricane Ivan struck JA!! All the airports were closed, hotels were closed, and the Embassy was closed INDEFINATELY :o I had already bought my ticket AND Tony's ticket to fly back home with me. I had to pay a lot of money to change the tickets because I missed the "hurricane fee waiver" by ONE day :angry: Just because the airport was opened back up they said I could fly down there. However, the Embassy was still closed and most of the island was without power. And to make matters even worse, I was supposed to spend my birthday in JA with Tony and I ended up spending it in Michigan ALONE :crying: Needless to say, everything was delayed by about 3 weeks but we did finally get the Visa and get him back home with me.

Hang in there ;)

I am in the same situation ! Interview is on Nov 28 Flight booked for Dec 8th. I was informed that after the interview was approved you then had to pay a courier. After you pay the courier they deliver it in 4 days. Is
this true :( ?

thanks! i'm trying it just sucks big time!! but tomorow mike will go again...and the guard said deffinatly i am just praying it really works...

ok question i heard you can express the visa to like 3 days??? how much does that cost and do you need to go back to kinston to pick it up???

Maybe if you mention the flight situation they will let you pick up the visa the next day or the day after in our case, from the embassy?

Good luck.

morantbaygirlFemaleJamaica2006-11-15 17:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

well for whatever reason i am the lucky person that the process has been made hard for :(
mike got there and was standing on the other side of the road and the securtiy guard announced....NO BLUE PAPERS TODAY :( :(
i'm a little frustrated because since when does the embassy get to make the rules...on the back of the paper it says nothing about today being an exception....i am just so pissed...i told mike to go and try to beg the officer to let him in because i already booked his flight for next thursday...and well of course he wouldn' here i sit for 2 more days until he has to go back....
i just don't understand why these things are being made so difficult for us...i'm trying to be a good sport about it and yes i know he has thursday but there are other problems like the visa what if he doesn't get it in time...the way our luck has been going he won't...i just feel like i am going to have a break down...

Shauna I am so sorry but guess what he will get the visa on time and he will be on that plane!!!!!! POSITIVE THOUGHTS RULE!!!!!! From the Dirty South Much Support.

Tanya(Atlanta Georgia)
morantbaygirlFemaleJamaica2006-11-14 13:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Okay -- Just a warning ......for anyone (who might be) driving in the south suburbs of Chicago....Roy passed the written test yesterday and got his drivers permit. He actually passed the first time out. The driving instructor really put him through the ringer before he would take him for the test.....but, he passed and we are all so happy. He will be driving with the instructor for five hours....then with me :wacko: I am taking donations for valium....send it all my way :lol:

which is one of my most favorite days of the year.... The kick off to holiday shopping :dance:

You're brave! :yes: I won't go near the malls that day. They are just too crazy, the lines are too long, there is no where to park, ..... :wacko: My mom and her friend go every year though rain or shine.

The stores by my house are opening at MIDNIGHT -- I have never been the type to go shopping that day -- just like Rhonda -- I stay as far away as possible. BUT, I think I just might have to drag Roy out to experience this weird American tradition :lol:

Shauna -- I have a good feeling about this.....:thumbs: Try to relax.....

I was going to try and teach Verton to drive when he gets here. Then i started having flash backs :crying:
about the drivers in Jamaica .I think I am going to pay someone else to risk their Life :hehe: .

:luv: Tanya
morantbaygirlFemaleJamaica2006-11-14 10:51:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

When Roy flew to Chicago (O'Hare) it was also his first time....I was soooooo worried about him. Turns out, people are a lot more friendler than I gave them credit. People helped him on the plane, when he got off someone took him to the line he needed to be in....then showed him where to get his bag.

I didn't think of this until we were in the car driving home but -- he was on a plane that was coming from Jamaica with tourists (who hopefully had a great time) and with other yardies. Everyone was so willing to help him out. Try not to worry -- it won't be like he is flying "within the States" where nobody would help :wacko:

Thanks Mindy because I remember my first time in Jamaica :blink: they didn't even have a ramp, we went down the stairs on the plane B) . I found it exciting but inam strange.


Edited by morantbaygirl, 13 November 2006 - 05:25 PM.

morantbaygirlFemaleJamaica2006-11-13 17:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Shauna when is Mike going back to the embassy?

he is going on tuesday!!! i just pray that everything is filled out right and that there isn't a problem with my parents being retired....but if all goes well he should soon be here!!

:thumbs: Once he get's the visa will he be coming right away?

kelly hooked me up with a cheap rate for a plane ticket on if all goes as planned he will be here that night :D

Wow that's great Shauna; I'm sure everything will be fine.

Stephen how was the wedding?

Late fill in here. There was a slight change of plans on Friday. Was supposed to have ceremony at court house. Discovered on Thursday that it was close due to observarance of Veterans Day. What a bummer. Had to do some panic cancellation . Gladly it was my employers footing the bill and not some private caterer. Had to postpone to Friday 17th. Man these American holidays will kill me. Thanks for the support guys. She picked her dress out and rumor has it that it is a killer. I was not allowed to see it though. But we are coming along fine. She has developed a great rapport with my family so the clothes situation has been solved. They offered her directly and she accepted and actually has begun wearing. My grandmother who is suffering with cancer was so sweet she gave her the jewelry for the wedding and gave her so much clothes and jewelry for other things we are having an issue with space. This has been easier than I thought especially with my sister who is very protective. They are already shopping buddies.

Will keep you guys posted about what happens after Friday.

Stephen are you the little brother? Question Yardies My fiance when approved will be coming through Atlanta
alone I will meet him at th Airport with security the way it is now how can i meet him at immigration? This will be his first time out of Jamaica and if anyone has been to Hartsfields you know how big it is.
morantbaygirlFemaleJamaica2006-11-13 13:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Well Folks,

I'm off to do my medical this morning. :yes:

I promised Jay I'd be good and take those needles like a man :unsure: . But we ladies know what it is like to get our men into a doctor's office to have his nether regions poked and prodded and blood drawn. I think I should correct that statement... I'm going to be tough and take it like a woman! :P

Be back later!

Good luck Mars!!! I'll be talking with you later. :thumbs:

morantbaygirlFemaleJamaica2006-11-13 09:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

That is where I stayed for the 2 nights and it was nice. I paid 102 per night. We were on the second floor also overlooking the back parking lot. It served the purpose. We had rented a car because I had big ideas of seeing a lot things but that did not happen. LOL
Didn't get to use the pool as it rained the whole time except when we checked out of course.
If you are there longer than overnight go to the Quad night club. It was awesome.
And make sure you at least drive by Emancipation Part to see the nudie statues.

I am staying in the same hotel Nov 27-29 thanks for the info. How much did you guys end up paying for your medical? Verton called and they told him 80.00us for the medical 7000.00 jamaican for immunization???
morantbaygirlFemaleJamaica2006-11-10 13:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Thanksgiving is very special to us because Damien arrived in the US two years ago on Thankgiving night. We had our first American soul food dinner together :luv: He ate everything on the plate (turkey, beef ribs, mac & cheese, corn pudding, sweet potatoes with marshallows, etc). I was so surprised because I didn't think he would eat it.

We went to my aunt's house last year and had a wonderful time. Damien made brown strew fish and it was gone within 5 family loved it. My family thanked him for being a wonderful addition to our family (L).

Not sure about this year yet. My daughter is going out of town so I may TRY to cook (Lord, help us) and just stay home...candlelit dinner..just for the two of us. OR we can go back to my aunt's house ;)

How romantic!!! I like that too.

Verton is a fish and chicken man I will see him after Thanksgiving. I have a small family with a huge appetite :hehe:. I usally cook Ham, Chicken and Dressing and a Standing Rib roast. This year I want to try something different a little Cajun cuisine. Fried Turkey /red beans and rice and cajun dressing( with seafoood in it) But it's going to be BIG because that Monday i'll be in Jamaica for the interview. :lol:
morantbaygirlFemaleJamaica2006-11-09 15:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)
Congradulations i feel like doing the happy :dance: :dance: . The Embassy is acually moving to Hope Rd .

Edited by morantbaygirl, 08 November 2006 - 04:13 PM.

morantbaygirlFemaleJamaica2006-11-08 16:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

GOOD MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D i couldn't sleep....wonder why :whistle: :whistle:

just wanted to say bye....and keep us in your thoughts!!! we need some good vibes!!!! :D :D

Need you ask Shauna: you know we're with you all the way girl!! :yes:

Shauna and Stephen and Anna all the best to you all. I know you're either in JA or on your way and we can't wait to hear the good news. Darlene have a good trip back.

Once again to all best wishes, positive vibes, safe travels, happy reunions and try to enjoy lovely Jamaica while you're there TCB.


:dance: :dance: CONGRADULATIONS :dance: Irecived a email from th eEmbassy stating that my honey's interview may not be untill January because the Embassy was movin in December :crying: TOO EVERYONE ELSE THAT GOING DOWN GOOD LUCK
morantbaygirlFemaleJamaica2006-10-29 18:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Hello from rainy Kingston Jamaica!!!

We got it!!!

Trini and Nanny, good luck. It wasn't so bad. Just make sure you have duplicates of the forms they send from the Emabassy.

Window 11, she was so nice.

Get there by 6 am. The line grows fast after that.
No cell, pager, calculators, umbrellas....

Have to get some sleep now. Going out to the Quad night club to celebrate....

darlene congradulation :dance: :dance: :dance: . after you get some rest can you go into more details once you get home. I am praying for a December Date. :devil: :devil: don't celebrate like i would :thumbs: :thumbs:
morantbaygirlFemaleJamaica2006-10-27 13:16:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Good morning Yardie fam!!!

I just wanted to check in and say hello.

Good luck with the new job. What kind of photography are you doing?

Hey Rhonda,

I do portraits mostly but lately I've been getting hired to shoot special events like fundraiser, parties and christenings. I'm trying to get into weddings (cause that's where all the money is). Thanks for the good luck!! :D

Best wishes on your new job and the photography. Would you like to do the photography full time eventually?

Yes definately! If business pick up the way I want it to, I can! :)

It's been way too quiet in here lately :( I'm gonna have to start a new topic:

What is your favorite thing about your man? (No X-rated stuff ladies :lol: :devil: )It can be something about his looks, personality, behavior, etc... I know we did the most annoying thing, so now lets say something nice ;)

I'm going to attempt to not be shallow here. Because while I'm completely and totally smitten by his looks :blush: , I think my husband is the most resourceful person in the world. He's so smart. He'll see a problem, analyze it and solve it in a matter of minutes. Sometimes the little things that he does suprises me. Example, we were having trouble keeping one the cabinets in our kitchen closed, and he reaches into his toolkit, takes out a hook (that's typically used for hanging pictures) and rigs it so that it keeps the cabinet shut and with a slight turn it opens again. I would've never thought of that, I just kept complaining that the damn cabinet door wouldn't stay shut. Everytime we buy something that requires assemby, he doesn't even look at the instructions, he lays out all the pieces, looks at them carefully and then figures out what goes where. I love im so (L) (L) (L)

Okay my turn, My man has a body to die for :devil: . Not my normal type but he is short and fine. My man has a heart of gold and a spirit that i have never seen in a male. And he treats me like I am a Queen.
morantbaygirlFemaleJamaica2006-10-27 09:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Good morning everyone

I am starting to wonder what is going on with my case, it hasn't been touched since 8-25. I don't even know if I have a NOA1 yet or not :help:... I know they don't do anything fast... But I'd think by now someone would have touched my case.

The reciept # isn't the NOA1 is it :blink: ??

Yes girl if you recieved a receipt # thats the N0A1. You will recieve a RFE(request for more information or your approval letter. It's a long process :whistle: depending on where you had to send you 129F form. By looking at the time lines I wish I could have sent mine to Vermont :yes:
morantbaygirlFemaleJamaica2006-10-27 08:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 3)

Just to add my two cents :huh: I have been a nurse for 15 years I love what I do!! I agree that if you lose that passion for what you do you need to find that passion in something else. Yardies tomorrow is not promised to us that's why all of us stepped out of the norm and decided to bring our passion here!!! How many people asked are you sure? What if it doesn't work out? He just wants a visa!!!. Either find something that you love to do or find a reason to start loving what you do again. Just My Two Cents.

Why the heck am I so nervous? My stomach is doing flip flops and I still have all day tomorrow to get through, and never mind not sleeping tomorrow night!!!

Can you tell me if this is okay or does it need more? It is the employer letter that I am writing to have my boss sign.

(Me) has been employed by xxx since July 12, 1992. She is currently a Staff Accountant in the Office of xxx.
Current salary is xxx biweekly, xxx annually.

This is a permanent position.

If there are any questions, yaddy, yaddy, yaddy.

I would be nervous too!!! But remember you are ther for support. Never let them see you sweat :thumbs:

I've tried everything to weasel the interview date out of the Embassy--all they'll tell me is that it will be in December and they will mail him a letter. AARRGGHH! I know someone else was waiting for an interview date, too...any news?


Hey I am waiting too let's hold hands!!! It has been such a frustrating process. Soooo long.
morantbaygirlFemaleJamaica2006-10-24 12:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHow did you meet?
We met in Ocho Rios when I was leaving Dunes River Falls July 2005.
morantbaygirlFemaleJamaica2007-02-28 15:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaAmerica, Here I Come!!!!!!!!
morantbaygirlFemaleJamaica2007-05-16 12:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
QUOTE (rhondapayter @ Nov 13 2007, 02:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sonshyne @ Nov 12 2007, 07:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Myisha & Ricardo (ricardoswife) - 08-28-03
Tam & Aaron (JA tam) - 12-18-03

Rhonda & Tony - 12-11-04

Shemonya (sjb1221) & Damien - 01-07-05
Elizabeth & Henry - 1-16-05
Kimmy & Kashi --05-21-05
Darah & Henry (doodle) - 07-30-05
Jamie & Andre - 09-27-05
Julie (sbys) - 11-18-05

Squitto - 02-14-06
Jonesie - 02-17-06
Mindy & Roy - 03-03-06
Kelly (Jomo) & Andre - 06-29-06
Jax (Belwinmills) - 08-08-06
Mr & mrs Jengles - 08-27-06
Jenice & David (USA-Jamaica) - 12-20-06

Dee & Dave (Brownskin) - 2-14-07
Tonya & Fitz (Tonya) - 3-17-07
Pam & Neil (Sonshyne) -06-22-07
Sarah & Marlon (NowMrs) - 10-13-07

Tanya & Verton (morantbaygirl)

Tanya, somehow your date got lost. Are there any others we don't have on here yet? We've got a nice list going! Didn't someone say there were only a FEW VJ couples STILL MARRIED and going strong? tongue.gif Looks like more than a few to me!

morantbaygirlFemaleJamaica2007-11-15 15:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
QUOTE (rhondapayter @ Nov 13 2007, 03:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (shrewdgal @ Nov 13 2007, 02:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am beginning to go crazy and think I MIGHT WANT A BABY sooner rather than later..6 teachers at my school preg. thus year!!! And so many on here!!
I hope these days speed by for you!!!
Is any heading down over Thanksgiving?

biggrin.gif There's 6 of us just on the Yardie thread that are preggo tongue.gif Something in the wata.....

I won't be going anywhere anytime soon! I wish I was!

hi everyone
morantbaygirlFemaleJamaica2007-11-13 15:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
QUOTE (Jomo @ Nov 8 2007, 05:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Can I ask what you all mean when you say you encourage him to go back to school and that kind of thing? I always take this kind of thing as women saying they feel the man wasn't schooled enough and for this reason I feel looked down upon. I read talk of ESL classes, college classes, GED's, all that kind of thing.

Now, I'm not saying it's bad talk nor is it a bad idea. I'm just wondering how your SO feels about additional schooling talk. Does he feel like you are saying you are smarter then him? Does he resent the topic?

Jomo my husband didn't have alot of chances to go to school due to finaces . He is very happy about the chance to go to school. He is working on his GED now. H ejust takes it as a chance to better himself not for me but for him.
morantbaygirlFemaleJamaica2007-11-08 19:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
QUOTE (jawi876 @ Nov 8 2007, 04:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (morantbaygirl @ Nov 8 2007, 03:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jawi876 @ Nov 7 2007, 07:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Yardiewife @ Nov 7 2007, 06:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Question: Do any of you buy saltfish in your area? I found saltfish online for 3.99/lb boneless and skinless good.gif Problem is the shipping is MORE than the fish itself! We can't find any in our area...if you have it in your area...what is the cost? Is 3.99 a good deal and should I just suck it up on the shipping?

We have it here in the Farmer's Market for about that price, no shipping cost. Have you tried the Farmer's Market in your area? You should also check local meat/fish markets to see if they can get it for you. I can't find ackee to go with my saltfish. I can't find fresh calaloo either. crying.gif crying.gif

Hope you find a great deal though. good.gif


The 285 Farmers Market on Covington Hwy and 285 always have Calaloo and often have canned Akee. Fresh breadfruit.
The Kingston Market across the street near the unemployment office have several things too.

really? I didn't see the canned ackee or fresh calaloo the last time I was there. Do they have yams too?

Yes and Dasheen too
morantbaygirlFemaleJamaica2007-11-08 19:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 4)
QUOTE (rhondapayter @ Nov 8 2007, 03:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Updated list

Still going strong heart.gif :

Rhonda & Tony
Shemonya (sjb1221)
Elizabeth & Henry
Julie (sbys)
Jax (Belwinmills)
Brownskin (Dee & Dave) - had their problems, but back on strong
Jamie & Andre
Myisha & Ricardo (ricardoswife)
Darah & Henry (doodle)

Morantbaygirl(Tanya and Verton White) love each other like cooked food
morantbaygirlFemaleJamaica2007-11-08 19:05:00