K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
He works for BP!!! He is in the gulf stopping the leak on the oil well. It takes two hands you know. Hang on Poach i am moving the boat.
dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-18 15:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

Please by all means move to the front of the line. Poach and I will eat some chicken drink some beer and you know we would never tell a lie, well maybe one. Poach did you get the DNA results of who is the midgets father yet?

dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-18 15:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Kirk, you see what we caused, NOA2's are raining down. Where is ours man? You know like being back in right? Hurry up and wait!!! Congrads IBLP on you NOA2!!!!!!!!!!!

I think i will jog maked through a briar patch see if that helps. I am up for anything at this point. Damn,76 days and nothing.


Uk, cool on updating i was looking for you there and did not see it like you said.
dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-18 14:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
UK? Where are you at on igors list? Kirk and I need to take one step forward. Come on Princess.

dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-18 13:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Yes, I gave Anna as much support as i could from 8000 kilometers away. As for her friends, a good old fashion DI "knife hand" with a touch of "in your face' on the side. but, that is the kinder softer vesion of David. Kirk i think the 'Widow maker" is a better choice.

Kirk, knows the score . For me all i can do is support Anna the remaining days she has there. We spoke this morning and she had had no sleep and i let her run get some sleep. We will speak tonight. She has no idea about where she is heading and the attitudes here. They are far different than over there. You could hear in her voice she was ready to be here.

dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-18 12:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
No Uk, Anna had a long night. Her grand mother has taken ill and not likely to make it. Kirk and I were speaking about Anna and yes Kirk, you were right. Anna told me her friends have become "jealous". I told her well if they are they were not your friends to begin with. But, I am sorry for that happening.

Kirk, has some great insight and me being a engineer the whole VSC thing baffles me.

If it is ok with the forum after Kirk and I get finshed stopping the oil in the gulf, We will take over VSC and streamline things abit. I think we would install a drive throught window for sure, we would ask each client "would you like a EAD card with that K-1?" of course we would offer monopoply playing pieces to win your citizenship and hell we will throw in apple pie you know the whole red white and blue thang!!

dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-18 11:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Yes, I am back to my normal self now. During that time i was writing i could have parked in a handicap parking space and for sure it was a strange place i was in while writing. Poachs letter cause me to cry a river of tears and needed a canoe to get to work this morning.

I have not read the news yet but again on a serious note. Poach has a full grasp of the process. We spoke about it last evening on the phone and i hope he places into words what happens in VSC. It does not make the wait any better but it does logically explain why thongs happen the way they do.

Now, I am hoping to hear something in next two weeks and I hope everyone hears as well. Poach, you have been touched more times than a door knob and i am no virgon so i think we can hang on a while longer.

All well in the AO and underwya Sir, standing fast.


I crack my self up, what the thongs happen the way they do, wow,lol lol
dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-18 08:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Hand me a tissue? :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying:
dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-17 21:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Update the list UK, everybody take one step forward!!!!. Comne on.

dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-17 18:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

There you go UK!!!! I guess it was my romantic

dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-17 16:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Ok Uk you asked for it.
I met Anna on Line in 2008 and we began to speak. I had been speaking with other ladies but I knew there was something about her. The way she spoke and her thinking. Her parents had been married 45 years and that spoke volumes to me. Anna was very humble and she had no one really to step up to the plate and make it happen.
I just wanted her to know that someone cared and could change her life and I stated doing it. My first thing was English lessons. It stunned her I would offer that and mean it. Trully that was the turning point in our relationship. Then, I repaired her teeth. She would just tell me thank you over and over again but, she was thanking me everyday just being a part of my life and enjoying her smile. Then, I went there to visit in January. We both knew it was good and we wre firm in what we had been thinking and had her Mothers and Dads blessing.
I told Anna when I was there she no longer had to work at the orphanage. She was only making 250 a month and I could not see her doing that and she could use the time to prepare to come here and visit with friends and family there before leaving. I sent her to Turkey for two weeks with her best friend to have a week there because now she will be leaving what she knows and coming to a brand new life here.
I have told her everything about my life and family and she has seen where she will be living and if you look at my photo for sure we are ‘beauty and the beast”.
Kirk has refer to himself and me as “Jarheads” yes, he is correct and I carry the code in my heart and Anna knows that. I will never turn my back on her or any person in need and Anna know if she falls I will carry her.
It is not what people say it was what they do. I have been doing for Anna and her smile is her greatest gift she could ever offer to me.
If I have to tell you UK I have solved the “Global Warming Crisis” the scientist just have not seen Anna yet. If my heart were a light house then I am sure they could see my light from my heart on Mars. I could easy lay down my life for her and I would wait I life time just to hold her hand again and look into her eyes.
I know my Role. I am Southern. I am a Marine. SEMPER FI!!! OOOO but I am just a man and a gentleman. I still stand when a lady enters the room. I open her car door or any door for her. I do it because it make me feel good and I want her to know just how special she makes my life having her in it.
So, as we all place one foot in from of the other and move in the direction of our heart please place on what we learn here so others can find there Happiness. After all, we only have one life to live and lets all make the most of it.
David Lee Swann
dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-17 16:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Ok Uk, I will arge to write one romantic letter telling the process. One and that is all. Green light for BP Poach!!!!
dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-17 15:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
What should i tell BP man?

dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-17 15:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
As you can see i have recovered from being serious! it will never happen again.

dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-17 15:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

UK, seriously. You are asking this thread to be serious, thoughtful, caring, mushy, and honest. Wrong month. Just kidding. You know that we will come up with stories of losing bar bets, drunken binges, poker games, payoffs, and prison time. Okay, I will give you what you ask for in a later post without my midget, brass poles, photography equipment, etc. Me and David get to keep the thongs for reasons only me and him know.


Bp just called me and asked if you and I could come down and stop the leak in the Gulf. They told me we would have to 'take the thongs off" I told them i would see if you were up for it.

You know, another day in the life of super heors like us. Do not tell anyone why we have to take the things off ok?

dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-17 14:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
I have to say VSC is a goverment agency. That means they are still on break and will not work until Tuesday!!! Look at last week, same thing happen. I have my mind crossed, my legs crossed, I some time have my wires crossed, I have no cross hairs , i am bald. And yes my fingers are crossed as well.. Please, i work for the Goverment and i am on break, do not bother me again,lol
dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-17 14:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Yes, I am a sucker for brains. Anna told me "she will work with what she has" I am not sure what she meant by that? For sure she is not hard to look at for sure. Sexy and smart, now that is a package.

dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-17 13:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Cool, on a serious note for a change. I am a March filer. My petition arrived on March 4 at vsc. we have had nothing. No touches or anything. As to the list and approvals i feel that we are close and should happen in the next two to three weeks. For sure would love to know how close peoples approvals were as too what was forecasted on Igors list.

Sure, anyone here watches the list and the frustration of the changing dates and the shear not knowing and trying to make plans is a bwitch or a "Bloody Wanker" as you fine people from the UK would state.

A bit of History for you UK, the southern accent or "redneck" is the close to "The Kings English". Most of the southern states and my home state was one of the 13 colonies. Englishmen seetle in South and southern states because of trade. So when you litem to a "true Southern speak" you will hear some of that in his speaking.

For sure, Anna and i play trivia and her knowlege of the USA amazes me. She only missed who was the current Vice President. She only missed also that USA is a republic, she stated it was a democracy.

You know, there are few Americans that know that. Ask what what the 3 branches of Goverment are and they will look at you like you have slapped them. Ask a American a geography question and they have no clue.

Uk,most Americans do not even know what is past their own back yard. I have met many that have not even crossed the Mississippi River. I have been to many countries. YEs, i have been to yours. Slept on the floor in Gadwick.

To me it is amazing how we all come together in this process. After all, this soon will be your home as well. What part of the world will you be living in when you get here?

dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-17 12:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Uk, in this waitng process it sucks!!!! such is the reference to the vacuum! Just watch out the the attechments! Midgets go crazy wiith them.


Would love to know how you found out the other information that the other person asked you about!

dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-17 11:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Yea, that is Holden with me at Cherry this past Christmas. I can not show Alex photo (he is in too) up know what i mean about Alex and his job. Thanks about the "AK 47" shirt. It has a dual emaning you know. I have seen it at work, and now i will have one firing at me again lol.

I have been workong on the vacuum instructs in Russian. I have to say i did not get very far with it with Anna. But she told me "Nick ratshe bevon whoi" Which transaltes "No Good stupid male part" i woneder what she meant by that? And who that was directed at? I told her i was trying to help out a friend and his girl from Kherson and she had never seen a vaccum. Anna then went on to tell me "You think we do not have this in Ukraine?" I did not know how to answer at that point and refer Anna to speak to the midget. Anna then told "you are the only mental midget a know" Damn, now she knows.

dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-17 11:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Lol, well. Yes i did have tears in my eyes with the widow maker. Now, you know what i carry "AK 47". I would love to have that tee shirt we talked about. Now i have both hands on the keyboard, it seems to work better this way what a concept!! Fishing was great, waether was hot but with a breeze. We were out about five hours and the seemed to be jumping in the boat. We have to get a bigger barrel the video camera keeps getting stuck when i try to "pop out" of the barrel. DO you have that problem as well? As far as "Gentleman and Sir" yes, you caught me.

dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-17 03:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
I forgot one thing, Poach, can you speak to the clown in the barrel in your bedroom and see if he is up for this? I know he was in the same class as we were, Only reason i failed 3rd grade 5 time I forgot where the door was.

dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-16 17:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Cool, I need to come upi there with you and do some cooking i see. Cool pick of bear and turkey!!!! Vika will be in "Hog Heaven" lol. She will never have time to learn how to use vacuum, she will be in "kitchen" ;) All the time! lol. As far as the dancing goes I feel we have reached the point of the "no thong rule". I FEEL WE MUST HIT TM WITH EVERYTHING WE GOT!!!! I do have a goat(I have spoken with him about this" One midget, "But he will only do this if he wears a red cowboy suit and rides the goat?" Strange, he would not do it naked. I am working on that. I got his attention when i told him i would ask the "UKPRINCESS" for some fish and chips. You know those midgets are crazy about that.

Sorry gang, time for all out "Scorched Earth" on VSC!!!

dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-16 17:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Poach, on a serious note. Have you spoke to Vika about how long it will take her to get police report? Let me know.

dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-15 06:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Uk, you just opened a door for him you should not have dear. I can onlu imagine what this reply from hom will be like, :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I can not wait to see this one.
dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-14 15:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Lol, of course beers in the plastic pool!!! We will even break out the 'Slip and side" might even ride the "big wheel around'lol. Thank God Anna is a Psychologist. I will take her to the limit of her training. She :thumbs: so, she knows how crazy i trully am. I think she likes it.

dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-14 13:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Poach, do you think a Labor day party is in order? Sure, party at David's wait a minute, Anna's and David's. I have got to remember that.

dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-14 12:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Yes Uk, we are no threat. We are two dogs on a porch chasing cars and laughing and waiting like you are. So, My oldest is in the big Sandbox "Afghanistan" so I fully understand that side of things.

For sure, (when wanted) I use the Southern speaking manner versus (Redneck speak that you have been subjected too here) lol. We are all in this together and it is quite the process for sure. Hoping things continue to move and i will be watching for your NOA2.

dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-14 12:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Me and the Poacher Ukprincess you need to be careful of. We accepted a gift from (Uncle Sams Misguilded Children) called ocd. We are both from the south so trully that is a double whammy for anyone. Imagine what our Ladies think of us.

This is hard yes but, it is nothing compared to what i went throught. The last five years were the best years but the worst years. In 2005 I losted everything i owned. Yes, i mean everything. Wife,home, business and lost both parents to cancer during those five years right in front of my very eyes. I have two boy's both are grown and in the Marines.

So, i stated over and not to mention I was 318 pounds. I stepped on the scales this morning at 188 pounds. I have 11 more pounds to go.

I slept on a couch in a fight gym that my friend owned and walked two miles every morning to the bus stop to go to work. I also was teaching at the gym as well. This was 2006 and my journey had begun. I saw my life and me as i wanted it to be and moved myself toward it. It is that OCD thing I have working in a positive direction. Now, I am here. I have pulled myself up and on top again. So, when i look at 53 to 70 days. It has a whole different meaning to me.

Evryone should know about the Global warming thing and it is easy explained. Look at poacher's photo. I hate to say it I am the brains of the outfit.
I have been telling poacher the key board works better with two hands. He has not understood that yet but i hope he comes around. If poacher is left uunattended he will get in trouble. That is easy for all to see. When you see the words "pole" and "dancing" and "beer" for us redneck boys that sspells "going down hill fast for us". I am happy just to have a big screen duct taped to my trailer to watch the races. So the other here is added excitement.

I hope all here have a quick NOA2 and things happen quickly for all with no problems.

dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-14 05:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Yes,my son say it best before he when in " He did not want to be called "Seaman". Please drink a beer and get a hold on yourself, wait a minute, you may be doing that.

dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-14 03:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Cool UK, you are almost there. Have not seen Anna since January. It is ok just have so much going on. Home and getting ready for her to be here. I real life I have around 53 days left or more ocunting the embassy stuff. That is not much time to cover the ground that i have to cover. Working noght and day now to get things done.

dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-13 15:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Wow? two touches,hm hm hmmm. I have had nothing!!!! Count yourself as lucky!!!!! I am with Kirk on this about touches. I am now have to pay myself for touches.

dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-13 14:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
I have a goat for sure! It has had all shots. (I am having to do that for Anna's cat to come here now). Yes, for sure with the grand ma's. I was hoping you would bring that pole with you. Maybe they would get on it. And!!! And, yes, hot boiled peanuts in the house next to the Velvet Elvis. (thank you very much). And yes, i have left the building. :rofl: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-13 14:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
One blow up plastice pool for beer and a place to put our feet. Yes, I am up for it. Show be great photo's for sure.
dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-13 09:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
I say lets rock Kiev the "Redneck way"man. I can see now. grill, lounge chairs and cooler in front of US embassy there. We will cook the Jarheads one as well. Wait a minute, that is us. If you have the portabpe tv we could replay a nascar race for full effect. Of course i will have my bug zapper with me there for added effect. We will spare nothing.

David, should i bring the Disco ball? or is that too much?
dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-13 08:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Yes,Yes, I have my bug zapper on next to the Pink flamingos, my feet are up on my nome next to my grill inside the hood of my neighbors "babies mama daddy car" that use to run on the dirt track on Satter day (yes that is two words here)night. Check came today and we are drinking boones farm and have fried chickin from Golden Pantry, we got free because they were about to throw it out before it ruin you know.

Yall come on by and take a pull off the wine bottleor as we say "Get U Sum" no that is not a math problem, we will throw a squirel or possum on the grill with ya.

dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-12 18:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Can It be the down south "trailer Trash" talking we love so much? lol

dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-12 18:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
kharkovpoacher, Look at what you have done to these people, WOW!!!! Pole dancing and stuff, man you are worst than the common cold. LOL!!!! It is good to see. I am pulling for everyone.

Best Wishes
dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-12 15:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

Thanks all. House is slowly gettint there. I have replaced the back door. The casings were destroyed from the kicking. They went through every closet and ripped everthing out of them, including some of the shelves. I have had to do some drywall repair in every closet. In one closet I have thousands of rounds of ammunition. There are 8 ammo cans full of ammo on the floor and shelves filled full of ammo. Well they dumped all of the ammo cans, probably hoping there was a pistol hidden underneath. The deputy said it looked like they where hard after my weapons. That is why my belongings where so trashed. It is obvious I have weapons. Ducks, deer, boar, and other animal mounts. All of the ammo. All my toys were in the safe, except the one I carry with me. Yes, I have an alarm system. Only works in the "on" position. I had gotten lazy about activating it when I left. Not no more. It will be turned on from now on. Also, I don't live in the hood or near one. I will hope the prints the detective found are good enough for them to find a match. Well, back to this mess.

VSC, crank out some more. Make me happy.

Man, Holla at me if i need to come up and do some criminal hunting. As Doc Holiday would say "I'm Huckedberrry, that just my game!" Sorry it happen man if you need anything let me know Devil Dawg.

Good Luck,
dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-10 06:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Same deal, small on beach. Who knows with congress, I was thinking that was you in mess hall. lol

dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-05 09:49:00