Russia, Ukraine and BelarusWill Call Ticket at Borispol
Hey guys,

For those that you have done it lately as anyone done a will call ticket? Purchase here and picked upi there? Please advise with details.

dswannMaleUkraine2010-04-08 15:49:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFinal preparations for Kiev interview
Thank You guys for stepping up to the plate on the "shock topic" I was married to a Ukrainian Lady for ten years. She spoke no english when she came and i carry her all the way to her citizenship. With Anna, I will do the same. Sure we have had the "Skype Tours" But as Anna states to me " I will understand when i am there and see it" There is no way you can paint a true picture of life here from Skype. Sure you might now where the tooth paste is in the home but can she drive and buy it if needed? My role, is to provide knowlege for life and our life together here. From Banking to paying bills and her understanding where the insurance policies are. My first k-1 she did not want to know any of that, Anna is very different. Anna and i have spent hours on Skype. One reason Anna does not know about my home is? I have two of them. She has seen the one on Athens Gerorgia but, Anna will be picking out our new beach home in Fernadina Beach Florida. Bad on me? Wow? I was thinking I was adding to her life and giving her choices she had never had? Maybe i am wrong.

best of luck to All
dswannMaleUkraine2010-04-12 18:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFinal preparations for Kiev interview
lol, Yes that is a big one thing you left out. Lol, Good luck!!!!

dswannMaleUkraine2010-04-12 04:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFinal preparations for Kiev interview
CAse and point but, Sure Skype tours are great but, The way we live and the pace. Banking all is very different. Friends? Hmmmmmmm, you will see. I maybe wrong but from my past experience these ladies compare notes. It is good in some cases and not in others. Sure, I have prepared as much as I can but she will have to do some on her own. My point is "Natasha" in ten years did not have One friend here in USA (all Russian Ladies were her friends) She failed to embrace the culture here and never moved away from the Ukraine really at the end of day. In coming here it is a new way of life. Sure, I have been all over the world and Europe and USA are like hot and cold in there difference. Sure, everybody is different and reacts different.

In all i told Anna "I am marrying a Human being and lady that just happens to be from the Ukraine". Of course, we all want their best for our loved ones. We all want to do what ever we can to make their coming here easy as possible. We are all in that boat. I am glad to know you and her have studied the file. She is already here, and you just do not know it! Best of luck.

dswannMaleUkraine2010-04-11 23:02:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFinal preparations for Kiev interview
I wish you luck man. One thing i would do is go over your file with her. Ask her questions that are clearly in your file. This really helps. It gives her a feel of what could be asked in the meeting. I can say this becuase this is my second K-1 visa. She is going to have shock upon coming here. I can only say from myself one of the biggest mistakes i made in my first K-1 was having gather Russian friends for support here. In my first K-1 that lasted ten years she had not one USA friend. The biggest step for any lady is driving. I have the Drivers manual written in Russian if you need it I can e-mail it to you.

I am now living in Jacksonville Florida working at The Navy nuke base as a computer engineer. Anna has a degree in Psychology. I was living in Athens Georgia and she would have gone to University of Georgia here. I have already had her degree translated and it stands up here. I have been working to find a college in Jacksonville area and I have. Now Anna will have to pass TOELF and GRE exam. She speaks fluently in english so the toelf will not be a problem but the GRE might be another story with Anna being weak in Algebra.

I, really do not see Anna working a job here in USA until she finishes her masters. The masters in her field has become the new BA and she will need it to have a good job.

Now, over the time Anna and i have been together i have been preparing her for coming here. Discussing bank accounts the day to day life. After that first week of spending time with her we all have to return to the day to day grind of things. At that point that is where it becomes real life.

I took Anna two of Dave Ramseys books and a Zodiac book and you can guess which she read first and she has just begun the Ramsey books. She some thinking. It will be nice to hear what happens with your meeting in Kiev. All the best to you!!

dswannMaleUkraine2010-04-11 10:33:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusQuestions about Ukrainian University Education
You are correct. Anna has a BA in Psychology. The school were she will attend translated ther degree already and told us All she had to do was handle the GRE and Toelf exam. The university of Georgia was different. They refered us to a translation company to handle the translation then it would be evaluated at that point. So, from school to school it is different. Then, comes the other question, what does she want to accomplish with the degree going forward? Anna and I spoke today and she is going the online route for her masters. The whole in state and out of state thing is a killer and i am not longer in Athens or Atlanta where you can throw a rock and hit a school. Son for her the balance and savings of going the online route and working to have a social life and meet friends is a good one.

dswannMaleUkraine2010-04-21 13:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusQuestions about Ukrainian University Education
Hey, going throught the same thing. First some schools translate the degree from a far. At that point they compare the requirements and see where they end up. You can call the school and they will do the translation ot refer you to a company that they use in this area. For the masters the GRE or MAt exam will be needed and The TOEFL exam for English as well. Anna will be faced with waiting one year before she can enter the program because she will not be here in time to meet the deadline for entrance. The other thing is in state and out of state. Where i love now I can throw a rock and hit the Florida line. The nearest schools are in Jacksonville and you have to live in FLA for one year before you can get in state. Also, contact the department head of the school she is going too and they can place you on the path to help.

dswannMaleUkraine2010-04-21 04:22:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusInterview Approval
Man, I was waiting to see that, It truly made my day. I was worried when you did not post yesterday. Congrads.

David :dance:
dswannMaleUkraine2010-04-20 07:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarus10 Yr. Green Card received
Did she have a degree when she came? How did she end up trans her degree? Did she come into Atl and did she get a 90 ead card there? I have the cat ready to go now!! Thanks for you info on that. David
dswannMaleUkraine2010-04-30 17:07:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarus10 Yr. Green Card received

Yes!!!!! The DHS and USCIS will be off our backs for another year! Oleksandra just finished classes for another semester and just has exams. Right after that, she's going back to Ukraine for several weeks for the first time since coming to the USA. Exciting times! Posted Image

Cool man!!!!! Sounds like things are going well for you two!!!! What and where is she studying in A town? Best Wishes David

Still waiting on Vermont to wake up.
dswannMaleUkraine2010-04-30 12:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTrying to locate Vet for Cat in Kirovograd So cat can fly here?

I asked her, and she said she knew a good one, but she knows how to get there only by memory and not by street names, but she said that she can probably ask in the shops where she buys the pet food for the cat

sorry I couldnt help more, we spoke about it this weekend, but I forgot to post her answer

Not a problem, Thanks for the effort. I feel Anna will obtain this during the upcoming week. Our Appoved k-1 from USCIS and NVC has arrived in Kiev. So now just wanting for her date at embassy.

dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-28 05:36:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTrying to locate Vet for Cat in Kirovograd So cat can fly here?

My Fiancee's home town is Kirovograd, I can ask her to ask her family there, maybe they can give some good places to go, Kirovograd isnt a big place.

Cool Thanks!!
dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-27 14:57:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTrying to locate Vet for Cat in Kirovograd So cat can fly here?

I was trying to help Anna for sure with my post. Her Grandmother is dying and she is moving and preparing to come here since we got our NOA2 today. The cat is a new addition and just trying to help and minize the steps. I was thinking anything I could do to do i would try to do. Thanks Gary for your reply. You and your wife are a huge help to many here.

Best Regards
David Swann
dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-21 14:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTrying to locate Vet for Cat in Kirovograd So cat can fly here?
Cool Gary, I see the prblem is on the Uklraine side not the US. This was what i was looking for. Thanks!!! David
dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-20 04:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTrying to locate Vet for Cat in Kirovograd So cat can fly here?
Well, the reason i asked the question was i had spoken to KLM and they told me that "Masha" the cat would have to be inspected and have papers in order to fly. I read this link, after that i was trying to locate a vet in Anna's hometown (Kirovograd) that would do the same thing as in Kiev. Thanks Gary for the post. You know i am just trying to cover my bases here. You and Alla are a great help to many people here.

dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-19 13:49:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTrying to locate Vet for Cat in Kirovograd So cat can fly here?
This is a K-1 Topic and best placed in the Ukraine forum? The helps my K-1 process. I do not need help from another country in need it from the Ukraine. Any help would be great thanked.

dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-19 11:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTrying to locate Vet for Cat in Kirovograd So cat can fly here?
I am trying to locate a vet for cat to get required shots for travel to USA. If anyone has done this i know Lyiv has done this from Atlanta. Any help of numbers in Kiev as to the steps amd what to do would be great!!!!!!

dswannMaleUkraine2010-05-19 09:22:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPolice report before NOA2
You can pay a extra fee and it does speed things up. It cost about ten dollars US.

dswannMaleUkraine2010-06-12 07:11:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUniversity Diploma translated/Apostille in Ukraine
lo, Thaks for the info!!
dswannMaleUkraine2010-06-14 14:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUniversity Diploma translated/Apostille in Ukraine

Anna has a BA in psychology. I see that Alla teaches. Anna would like to get her masters here and become a teacher here. Any advice is welcomed in that regard. David
dswannMaleUkraine2010-06-14 07:33:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusYet Another Visa Approval!
Congrads my friend!!!
dswannMaleUkraine2010-06-28 18:12:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFed Ex And Ukraine
Ok, do not send clothes. It will be subject to customs and a cleaning fee that will be chatrged to your fed ex account. The documents are not a problem. My package will be in Anna's hands the end of the week. I will have to call Julia in Kiev to confirm. The time difference is a a mother because they do not update until our 11am and they are closed by then in Kiev. So, that leads to trace here in USA at fed ex not opening to 8am and getting anyone to move away from script here in USA is a miriacle. Today was a holiday there in Ukraine and nothing was happening and offfice was closed there. So in am i will call and follow up again.

dswannMaleUkraine2010-06-28 18:37:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFed Ex And Ukraine
Well, I have made contact with Kiev and they tell me i have to pay a "cleaning fee" which is 46 dollars. I had to set up a fed ex account and they told me they will inform me of the status by 12pm eastern today. They have contacted Kiev for update for the web. Amazing, simply amazing.

dswannMaleUkraine2010-06-16 08:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFed Ex And Ukraine
I shipped the visa package and some clothes to Anna in Kirovograd. I see it is in Customs since yesterday. I looked for any tariffs or things and did not see any on clothes and documents and it is still in the est time window for delivery. Any had experince with this.

dswannMaleUkraine2010-06-15 13:16:00
United KingdomWhat happens if your visa is delivered while you are at work?

They tried to deliver while i was at work today and left a card. It had a number to call and the website address to arrange redelivery. So i booked it for saturday online and was able to give my mobile number(a few people had the problem that in the embassy you have to have your phone off and that is the only way i know my number )

I would have got it delivered at work but i am not at a fixed location. So hopefully i get my visa on saturday. Incidentally it says on the website and the card they left that they accept bank cards as i.d. My only non card i.d. is my passport which of course the courier will have, so it better be o.k.

honey.. I don't know about there but in america they are so stupid about i.d.'s that they probably won't open the package for you.

####### :( :angry:
or maybe i just worry too much
BellaNot TellingEngland2006-07-13 07:43:00
United KingdomInterview 10th July London
Thank you everyone!! to those of you who are still waiting.. just keep the faith.. !! Dreams do come true!!!!!!!
BellaNot TellingEngland2006-07-10 22:14:00
United KingdomInterview 10th July London
heck yeah baybeee..

soon i will be back in babys arms woooo <L333

thanks everyone!

BellaNot TellingEngland2006-07-10 11:31:00
United KingdomU.S. Citizen not allowed in U.K.

As I happen to be Jewish I find your last remark totaly out off line....

Go away and take your type of thinking somewhere else...


what because you are jewish he is supposed to tip toe around glass for you? STOP BEING SO DEFENSIVE

and while you are at it stop being such a fascist too


he can THINK wherever he wants

Edited by Bella, 03 April 2006 - 03:41 PM.

BellaNot TellingEngland2006-04-03 15:40:00
United KingdomU.S. Citizen not allowed in U.K.

You have issues with authority you need help....


and you just need help
BellaNot TellingEngland2006-04-03 15:39:00
USCIS Service CentersStarting to feel frustrated
on your timeline it says you were married a year before you filed 130. Did you live in Morocco during that year? I only ask because if you did then you could have gone directly through the consulate there and gotten his visa in a couple of days or weeks. If not then I'm sorry but it is a wait. I don't know how fast 130's are going now but it took 4 months for our k1 to be approved and another 3 months to get to the interview and then 2 more weeks wait for the passport returned with the visa in it. So be patient and enjoy your time talking and planning your future together.

hassan_debbieFemaleMorocco2009-02-02 17:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRelationship Failed: Would you have told her?
Let me first start by saying I am so sorry for what happened to your children and what you have been through. My heart goes out to you. Yes this is something that you should tell your future wife. She needs to have this information so she is better able to understand your daughter's situation's in order to be there for them as their new step-mother.

I know that different cultures view things differently but there is never a time when it's ok to punish the child for the sins of the father. You should have been up front with her about this since you said it was inevidable it would come out later but if someone truly loves you they wouldn't leave you for horrible acts commited by someone else. Give her some time, I'm sure she was hurt that you weren't honest with her and she has a million things going through her mind right now. Be patint and give her some space and hopefully things will work themselves out.

Just remember that you love her and that she probably feels betrayed right now that you kept this huge secret from her that you let her firends know. Patience is a virtue that would be good to have right now. I wish you both the best of luck.

DanielleandChadFemaleAustralia2009-07-29 09:08:00
USCIS Service CentersUSCIS Service Centers
Yes CSC is Sucking wind. Way Way Behind
TiksmanMaleThailand2006-01-28 17:31:00
USCIS Service CentersCSC=California Lack of Service Center

Although I am really pleased for the people going thru vermont its annoying THAT center can get to NOA2 inside a month and CSC takes up to 3 or 4 months (or longer) to get to the same place..

TiksmanMaleThailand2006-02-02 21:37:00
USCIS Service CentersCSC=California Lack of Service Center
They sent this to you in the mail ------ if so :P :lol: :lol: :jest:
TiksmanMaleThailand2006-01-30 18:05:00
USCIS Service CentersCSC response
That sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:crying: :protest:
TiksmanMaleThailand2006-01-31 19:44:00
USCIS Service CentersNOA2 from CSC

Freaking Congratulations !!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Tiksman, Jaylen.. it is coming ;) :dance:

I remain untouched however (I know how that sounds :lol: ) and you guys BOTH have touches from this year...I just hope something happens soon..but no Im not stressing over it (no point, can't alter what they do one way or another)
:thumbs: to all of us

Most of mine were due to emails I sent to the csc.
TiksmanMaleThailand2006-02-06 00:13:00
USCIS Service CentersNOA2 from CSC
Congrats another november approval come on December!!!!!
TiksmanMaleThailand2006-02-04 14:19:00
USCIS Service CentersNovember 13 I-129F Approved from CSC (TSC)
Should be by notice date this is the way I have mine set
TiksmanMaleThailand2006-02-06 07:41:00
USCIS Service CentersNovember 13 I-129F Approved from CSC (TSC)
TiksmanMaleThailand2006-02-01 15:36:00
USCIS Service CentersOne more week...
Praying for all of us!!!!!!!!!

CSC please wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TiksmanMaleThailand2006-02-04 14:16:00