Yeah, I hope that we get the same guy too!
sercontigoFemaleNigeria2006-11-09 22:30:00
Does Lagos need to confirm by phone or email that they have the packet? Or is having the USCIS letter and the NVC letter enough to send your fiance to Lagos to retrieve the packets? I sent Lagos an email last Wednesday including my NVC case# and I don't have a reply yet. I have the USCIS letter and expect the NVC letter on Monday. If I scan and send to my fiance, does he have enough to get the packet? Will they turn him away?
sercontigoFemaleNigeria2006-11-12 14:47:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanYESSS !!!
Oh, Taye. I am so happy for you and yours. Hope her trip is safe and your life is a good one together. Congratulations. (F)
sercontigoFemaleNigeria2006-11-09 22:27:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSuccess!!!!
very wonderful news
i am so happy for the two of u
sercontigoFemaleNigeria2006-11-13 14:12:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHubby has arrived!
Oh my goodness. I am so happy for you all being with your SO's after so much time! (L)
sercontigoFemaleNigeria2006-11-16 20:35:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanGood News! Interview date moved up!
Wow...wish I knew that contact or belonged to that club! Congratz! :P
sercontigoFemaleNigeria2006-11-08 19:21:00
sercontigoFemaleNigeria2006-11-18 23:01:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanEleke crescent: Mission Accomplished!
Masterpiece you are the Bomb Diggety!!! Thanks for all your help and input! Such valuable your commentary... (F)
sercontigoFemaleNigeria2006-11-15 21:21:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanInterview Details
I am really happy for the 2 of you.
sercontigoFemaleNigeria2006-11-13 22:02:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanCollection of passport/visa by second party??
Congratz on the Visa approval. I doubt a PP can be issued to a second party. :no:
sercontigoFemaleNigeria2006-11-15 19:57:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanInterview Date Assigned
My fiance David has been assigned February 7, 2007 for his face to face interview.
sercontigoFemaleNigeria2006-11-20 21:37:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanFees Associated with Interview Date
Is the fee for the visa in Lagos $100? Is this the only fee? I read once about fingerprints. Is there a fee for that for K1 visa applicants? :yes:
sercontigoFemaleNigeria2006-11-24 14:43:00
From what I have read the background check police letter needs to be from the "places the beneficiary has lived for more than 6 months". David has only lived in Aba since age 14, so his police letter is from there. He will be getting it updated in late January so that it is recent enough for his Feb 7 interview date.

My question is this: Inside his packet, there's a letter that instructs applicants to go to a Lagos Police Station. He just wants to make sure that this is not a requirement for beneficiaries who have never lived in Lagos. Is it? As always I appreciate your help and input.
sercontigoFemaleNigeria2006-11-24 14:41:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanWhere can i get get police report in Lagos
yes, thats what david told me robyn
so he's going to get it from lagos
he has one from aba already, he intends to update it to be safe and also get one in lagos
better safe than sorry
sercontigoFemaleNigeria2006-11-27 19:24:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNVC COMPLETES DS230
My fiance's approval was 10/17/06 and the interview is 2/7/07. But my fiance is going to Lagos...there are some going to Ghana in this forum that will be able to give you a better idea of how long you will wait. Just be patient and they will reply now that this post is in the right topic.
sercontigoFemaleNigeria2006-11-29 22:19:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanurgent please concerning packet 3&4 lagos consulate
I just love the way we help each other on this site! Its such a relief to know others are going through what you are experiencing and that they can help you. Thanks to all of you! :D
sercontigoFemaleNigeria2006-11-30 23:49:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanINTERVIEW DATE FOR DS230?
My fiance's approval was 10/17/06 and the interview is 2/7/07. But my fiance is going to Lagos...there are some going to Ghana in this forum that will be able to give you a better idea of how long you will wait. Just be patient and they will reply now that this post is in the right topic.
sercontigoFemaleNigeria2006-11-29 22:18:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanFinally, we turned in packet 3 and got our interview date for Ghana

Awww, Babe! I am sorry its more waiting, but I know you will relieve some of that waiting with the time you two will spend in Greece together! I am just relieved the bro-n-law made it and that part is over! Whew, that was the stress, huh?

I am so happy for you two and may God continue to bless you. :luv:
sercontigoFemaleNigeria2006-11-29 22:16:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanupdated timeline K-3 VISA
CONGRATULATIONS on your interview date! It feel so good to get closer and closer to being with your Mate! I am happy for you. (F)
sercontigoFemaleNigeria2006-11-30 23:51:00
I know you must feel so good! Congrats! (F)
sercontigoFemaleNigeria2006-11-30 23:47:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanjah bless: approved!
Congrats! Have a great time in Ghana. :D
sercontigoFemaleNigeria2006-12-04 19:54:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAccra interview a semi-success
I am so happy for the two of you! Have a safe flight home! (F)
sercontigoFemaleNigeria2006-11-30 23:45:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanOn way to Lagos...
Take Care, Enjoy the Trip and Best Wishes on your interview. :luv:
sercontigoFemaleNigeria2006-12-08 19:32:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanA&O

Hi you wonderful people! Thank you for thinking of us! :D

Yes, we made it to New York. The flight and arrival formalities went smoothly, the waits weren't too long, and people were friendly. And it's not even very cold in NY at the moment!

We have been trying to get adjusted, see the city, and meet up with family and friends. O seems happy but pretty overwhelmed, so I think today we'll just walk in the park a bit and take it easy.

O did receive his EAD stamp at JFK. He asked for it: not sure if you have to ask. I was allowed to just que in the non-U.S. citizen line to wait with him and go to the desk with him. That was nice.

Thanks again for thinking of us and I'll be crossing my fingers for friends on VJ and see you on the AOS board soon!

:dance: :dance: :dance:

I am so happy for you both.
sercontigoFemaleNigeria2006-12-15 20:30:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanLagos Visa Approval
So happy for you both. :)
sercontigoFemaleNigeria2006-12-11 20:21:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanFiance Moved!!

My fiance moved to a new apartment in Accra a few weeks ago, but his mailing address is still the same. His mailing address is listed on the I-129F, but I included an addendum listing his physical address as well. We're still waiting on our NOA2, so should we contact USCIS now to notify them of his address change or wait to notify the embassy in Accra once they receive our packet? I know everyone in Ghana receives mail via P.O Box, so I don't foresee this as creating a huge problem for us. But I'm sure we should notify someone of his physical address change.... Right??

Thanks in advance...

I don't think you should fuel the fire. Just my opinion.
sercontigoFemaleNigeria2006-12-18 21:50:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanInterview Details
I am happy for you.
sercontigoFemaleNigeria2006-12-15 20:34:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPlease HELP
Honesty in this process is imperative. Keep your words simple... just say that you were introduced through mutual friends, who some are members of his family and met in person during your visit to Ghana. Don't screw this up...tell the truth.
sercontigoFemaleNigeria2006-12-20 21:32:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHas your SO taken more than 1 trip to Lagos?
I guess I didn't realize this could happen in reading posts in the past, but my fiance David has been to Lagos twice and has yet two more trips to make.

1. He initially went to Lagos to retrieve Packets 3 & 4 in November. He was able to complete one part of his medical exam and was given another date to return for the remainder.

2. He went to Lagos again this week. He had some immunizations that require him to go back in January. He did get his police report on this visit.

3. He's going in Jan to finish the immunizations.

4. He will be going 7 Feb for the actual interview.

Wow 4 trips!!! Is everyone experiencing this?
sercontigoFemaleNigeria2006-12-20 21:37:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPhone Cards to Africa
Pingo is awesome!
sercontigoFemaleNigeria2006-12-15 20:32:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanLagos Interview
wow girl :help:
I am really sorry to hear what you had to go through at the embassy. I agree that if you had not been there for the interview, it might have been bad. I hope he gets his visa soon! Praying for you both!
sercontigoFemaleNigeria2006-12-29 20:09:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanCanadians Marrying Nigerians
[quote name='lovetolaf' date='Jan 5 2007, 09:24 PM' post='649232']
First of all I do not know you, so your opinion does not count for anything in my life. Secondly, you have no idea about the outcome of my situation and unles you know me personally and have walked with me as a friend for the time I have known this man, you will never know. I did not post my story for someone to make judgment calls on me, but for some friendly supportive advice. And you are right, you DO NOT KNOW my whole situation, therefore you are not allowed the privilege of making judgement calls on me , this man, or my life.

Relax Love2Laf, we are very supportive, laid back and helpful in this forum. When someone says something to you its not to hurt, but to help. Please don't feel attacked. Best wishes to your and your fiance.
sercontigoFemaleNigeria2007-01-06 15:06:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAOS and EAD in process
Well, welcome back the board. What good progress you are making and I am really happy you two are finally together!
sercontigoFemaleNigeria2007-01-05 19:52:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanThe Flurry after K1-visa
Thanks for the valuable info. My fiance & I were just discussing this 10 day wait last night. Best wishes and wow... you will be in my prayers with regard to the daycare situation!
sercontigoFemaleNigeria2007-01-08 08:53:00
Africa: Sub-Saharanlong distance relationship

hello vj members
i read all the posts about the long distant relationship. i see that vj members are really up on giving good advice. i was glad for that because all advice was appreciated and taken very seriously. well my guy(uchenna) and i are still doing the online dating stuff. lately i have been so involved with the internet and our chats that i havent really had time to do much of anything else. :lol:
I will continue to chat, email, and phone him. I really like this guy. I think Im falling for him. Im so excited. We havent talked much about the visa processes or anything like that. Just mainly talking about us and our families. I think I will do as most of you said and just take my time. I don't want to rush into anything. Thanks again for all the advice. Im glad to be a part of the vj family.

These folks on here do give great and very HONEST advice. You will grow to appreciate it even more as your relationship develops. Remember, don't hesitate to "throw anything" at us in the form of questions you may have and we will try to help out or at least give you our very healthy opinions. :no:

Ask lots of questions and take your time. Best wishes!
sercontigoFemaleNigeria2007-01-10 18:19:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanAnything we are missing?...Naija Vj's

i have to agree with donnaal. Nigeria is a country with very HIGH FRAUD!!! If ANYONE knows how to make use of that passport, it WOULD be a NIGERIAN. WHATEVER you do; DO NOT SEND that passport; rather it be cancelled or not. That is something you do not want to do. I'm giving you this advice per my husband and a few of his Naija friends. DO NOT SEND THAT PASSPORT there!!!! Girl, do u realize that the mail system there is just as worst. Even if you send it DHL or FEDEX, you are DEFINITELY TAKING A RISK!!! B-4 you get the wrong idea, Im not stating that your husband would use it against you, but it's a possibility that it could end up in the hands of someone who would. Do you realize what a USA passport means in Nigeria? Ask you husband or any other Naija about it!!!!

I have sent a photo copy of my passport in Nigeria because I did not have the copy of my previous tickets I used to go to Nigeria with. Would that be a threat to my life in any way? I had used it for my husband to ne able to get visa for the CO. I was asked to get phone records, & a coloured photo copy of my passport. Well, I am thinking of purchasing a new passport ASAP if this will be a problem because my husband and I are coming home together in May.

You should start a new topic and post this as a new thread so you can get some advice from the always helpful VJers. This is a good question.
sercontigoFemaleNigeria2007-01-08 13:45:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanJFK EAD STAMP
If my fiance arrives at JFK on a Saturday or Sunday, can he still get the work visa stamp? I just wondered their hours of operation...
sercontigoFemaleNigeria2007-01-08 08:58:00
Perhaps this should be in Poll format, but I am not too sure how to accomplish that on VJ and I am kinda sleepy... :huh:

What is the number of days you or your SO waited from the day the visa was granted (at the interview) to the day it was actually picked up and in hand?

Thanks for your input.
sercontigoFemaleNigeria2007-01-10 22:43:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPrincess Metzger leaving for Liberia
Awwww! Best wishes, Princess! I remember that feeling too ecstacy combined with nervousness!
sercontigoFemaleNigeria2007-01-08 13:43:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanLifting Conditions
Best wishes to you and your Hubby
sercontigoFemaleNigeria2007-01-14 23:46:00