K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAvoid unnecessary RFEs! (same sex marriage I-129F petitions)



Grr, they should add this onto the USCIS website instead of just saying we apply as any other hetero relationship. Fingers crossed for no RFE's!

mstewartMaleCanada2013-10-01 10:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp! I have a Court Date! (K-1 visa applicant)

My fiancée (petitioner) recently received a letter stating that I have a court date in a couple weeks for a debt collection. The problem is, I'm basically stuck in my home country and cannot return to the US until I have a visa (which is why we have applied for the K-1).  Therefore, I am physically unable to attend. My first question is, what do I do about this? I've never had a court date before but I know enough to know that if you don't show up to a court date a warrant will be issued for your arrest which of course I do NOT want.  I've never had any trouble with the law before, NEVER not even a parking ticket, and of course I don't want anything that can possibly affect my K-1 approval. My fiancée keeps trying to call the number on the letter to ask what my options are but she can't seem to get a hold of anyone which is SO frustrating.  I want to know how I can prove that I'm in another country and physically cannot make it to court.


I also want to know if, GOD FORBID, the warrant IS issued, will it affect my K-1 application? We still have not been approved so I'm wondering if this can hurt us or not. Like I mentioned, it's a debt collection thing from one of two credit cards I got in college. They were only $500 a piece and in the beginning I was paying them off but then I lost my job and was unable to. I was young and broke and shouldn't have touched those cards to begin with. Now, they've grown to a little over $3,000 but I NEVER thought I would be taken to court for such a small amount.


I'm so nervous about this, any advice? Can this, or debt in general, keep us from being approved for our K-1? :unsure:

jens_prodigyFemaleBahamas2014-04-02 16:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDid I miss something? Confused.
Oh ...LOL. Got excited for nothing. Thanks everyone. Lol
jens_prodigyFemaleBahamas2014-06-25 12:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDid I miss something? Confused.
I just called NVC and received our case number (so exciting!!!) . The lady I spoke with said our petition was not only received already but it's already on it's way to the Nassau embassy! I did NOT expect that. This process has gone so slowly for us thus far that I was almost expecting to hear that the petition had not made it to NVC yet! So great news! Even though the lady informed me that the petition was on it's way to the embassy I was so excited that I couldn't help but to pull up and check our status myself. But now Im really confused. The status says, "in transit" like I expected but then below that it says, NVC provided me with an interview date. Huh???? No they didn't. What's this mean? Interview date already? What? Unless I was too excited and missed it, I dont recall her giving me anything but the case number. Here's exactly what it says:

"Your case is in transit to the Consular Section. Your interview date was provided to you by the National Visa Center."

What does this mean? I should call back but I can't right now because I'm late for work and I was on hold for 20mins the first time lol. But this will bother me all day.... Help please!

jens_prodigyFemaleBahamas2014-06-25 11:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2- Waiting to be sent to NVC.. Beneficiary Address change?
Hey I had this same question because I (beneficiary) moved during the process. My mom's address is listed so I'm sure I'll get my packet 3 without issue but it would be a little faster if I could change the address. But then again I don't want to risk slowing down anything with my consulate by changing my address lol
jens_prodigyFemaleBahamas2014-06-26 15:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELP! DS160 Questions..Missing Passport?
So last night my fiancee and I sat down (over FACETIME of course :) to complete the DS160 online form. I was merrily filling it out with no problems until I realized, I'm missing one of my passports with a LOT of info that I need for the form. So, I'm in my early thirties but I've had a passport since I was about 7 or 8. While I was in college, that first passport expired and I had to get another one so I did. I'd only had it for about two years when the Bahamas began encouraging people to get their electronic passports ASAP. I decided to wait to get mine since the passport I'd just gotten was still valid for several years. But, I remember upon one entry to the US a CBP officer very rudely asked, "when are you getting your electronic passport?" After that, I decided to go ahead and get it done.When I went to pick up the electronic passport they made me surrender my other one because they said I couldn't be in possession of two valid passports which made sense at the time but now it presents an issue for me.

As I sat down last night to fill out the DS160, I had with me my first expired passport and my new electronic passport ready to go but then I remembered I was missing one ...and that one perhaps has the most crucial info in it. There's one question that asks about overstays...I have one (I overstayed for about three weeks after college) but the info is in that passport and I don't remember the exact date. Also, one question asks about previous trips to the US and that passport has many, many trips in it. What do I do? Now I know customs and border patrol has all this info in their system anyway because when I was denied entry last year because they pulled up my records and showed me a bunch of my last trips to the US, so should I not worry about it?

There is a question that asks if you've ever had a passport lost or stolen and then there's a box to explain. I was wondering if I should click LOST and then enter my explanation in the box about having to surrender a passport and therefore some of my information is missing.What do you guys think??? Please help, I'm freaking out.

Secondly,in the previous US trips box, how many trips do they want? I've been travelling to the US since I was a child, then went to college there, then travellled back and forth for months at a time after college--I have a LOTTT of trips. I don't quite know where to begin. I remember filling out these visa forms in the past and they used to have a time limit on that question (i.e. trips in the last 5 years) now they just ask for previous trips. What do I do ?

Sorry this was long guys but anyone have any insight on either question? Thanks.

jens_prodigyFemaleBahamas2014-07-10 07:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa Interview Questions
That's my birthday so I hope and pray that it's a lucky day for you! Good luck!
jens_prodigyFemaleBahamas2014-07-10 07:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAvoid unnecessary RFEs! (same sex marriage I-129F petitions)

Thanks everyone for posting this useful info.

Sadly, I sent (what I though to be a very complete) I-129F package two days ago, after weeks of reading everything I could, yet somehow missing this thread until today.

We did not specify location where we intended to marry, even though it will be San Francisco, so now I'm pretty disheartened thinking we will get an RFE. Maybe the fact that we will live in Puerto Rico makes it complicated enough already, so I'm thinking there is a big chance that we'll get one, *sad face*

They should definitely include this in their website, it's hard to think I might get an RFE, when I was certain I had been very thorough (guess I wasn't). It's even harder to mention a possible marriage date, since we don't know how long the process takes. I am a romantic one, and in my mind I was daydreaming about a summer wedding, though realistically was expecting this to possibly take much longer to process, probably around December. We'll definitely do it as soon as we have that visa.

I'll keep you updated. Congratulations everyone on their respective journeys.

I wouldn't worry about it. It seems that some people get RFEs for this and some don't. My partner and I did NOT specify where we will be marrying and we were approved without an RFE. So don't sweat it. And If it does happen it seems to be an easy fix, just send back a quick letter ASAP and you're on your way. So good luck!

jens_prodigyFemaleBahamas2014-07-13 15:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAvoid unnecessary RFEs! (same sex marriage I-129F petitions)

We just got APPROVED!!! It took TSC 65 days, so I can't really complain, knowing it will (hopefully) be a smooth transition to NVC and US Consulate.
For the record, we will reside in FL (no same-sex marriage) and will marry in MA (my partner is originally from there). We did NOT provide them with any laws pertaining to same-sex marriage in MA, and we did not receive any RFE.
To all of those who haven't received any news yet, hang in there!!!

Congrats! i'm so happy for you. It seems that you've been with your partner almost as long as I've been with mine. We turn 8yrs next month! :) What a great almost-anniversary gift for you both. I can't wait til we have the same good news.

jens_prodigyFemaleBahamas2013-10-26 16:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAvoid unnecessary RFEs! (same sex marriage I-129F petitions)

Well got the dreaded RFE notice today.  When I submitted our application in July I included the intent to marry letters from both of us which included where the marriage was taking place.  We have been together for 15 years and included dated photos, copy of my will, copies of passport pages, airline itineraries , apartment leases, joint bank account info, when I went to school in Taiwan.  What more could they want?  I feel they are processing same sex applications with greater scrutiny.  

Sorry to hear this! But, at least your case is being looked at. That's a positive way to look at this and at least you know for sure you have an RFE, to me that's better than in my case sitting here waiting every day WORRYING about whether or not I'll get one. At least you know, now you can fix it and be done with it.
Goodness, it seems a few RFEs went out today. I checked my status at 10am this morning, maybe I need to check again. :/

jens_prodigyFemaleBahamas2013-10-01 14:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAvoid unnecessary RFEs! (same sex marriage I-129F petitions)

I cant believe how much this RFE has stressed me in the last hour since I got the email and text for it. My neck is all tense. My fiance and I just had an argument over it. She does not understand this process and it doesnt matter how many times I try to explain it to her she just ends up more confused and I get frustrated quickly. I'm trying to calm down as much as I can, I dont even know what the RFE is for yet, for all I know it can be the simplest thing. I think waiting for the RFE hardcopy is going to be harder than waiting all this time after NOA1.

I think stressing is the LAST thing you should do. Trust me, I understand the frustration at your partner as well. Mine sounds similar to yours. I'm the one freaking out every day anxiously checking the USCIS website and worrying about the least little thing I see on VJ while She acts as if we just put in a request to get a renewed passport or drivers license!! I'm all like, "you DO realize this is our future don't you, why are you so nonchalant??" But we're just different that way I guess. She just prays about it and forgets it while I do all the stressing for the both of us. So from one stress-er to another, you just have to keep busy and find some way to distract your mind until that RFE letter comes through. That's all you can do, stressing doesn't help in any way. At least this RFE means your case is moving along - even if it does add a few weeks (and you dont know if it will). I'm still waiting to hear my Alien number has changed so I'm trying not to worry about that. LOL.
Sigh. We just gotta breathe, relax and distract ourselves. One good distraction for me: my fiancee will be here to visit for a week on Saturday!! I'm so excited! This will be the first time we've seen each other in 3months and it will most likely be the last time until the K-1 visa is in hand so it'll be bittersweet but I'm grateful for it! Here's to a speedy approval for us all!!

jens_prodigyFemaleBahamas2013-10-01 14:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAvoid unnecessary RFEs! (same sex marriage I-129F petitions)

Hi fellow VJ'ers -
It may be worth updating the VJ website regarding two specific requirements for same sex marriage I-129F petitions to help prevent others from encountering the RFE that we just received today.
We filed our I-129F on June 28, 2013, just two days after DOMA's Supreme Court smackdown. Shortly after this, we read on websites like Immigration Equality that same sex couples should include verbiage in their "Intent to Marry" letters declaring the US state in which they plan to marry, specifically a state that allows legal same sex marriage.
Since we had already sent off our petition without it, we were hoping that including the intended marriage state was merely a "friendly suggestion" to help reduce the likelihood of generating an RFE.  Unfortunately, we've learned today that omitting this info *will* generate an RFE.
However, in addition to asking us to "identify the state in which we intend to marry", the RFE also asked us for something we had not read anywhere else: to provide a "copy of the relevant state's marriage laws permitting people of the same gender to legally marry." 
Since we are getting married in Maryland, we included a copy of Maryland's House Bill (438) that legalized same-sex marriage, as well as a USA Today /AP press article that identified that legal same sex marriage had begun. We contacted Immigration Equality who suggested providing both the legal documentation as well as a public article from an established news source. 
Hopefully, this will help any of you who are starting out your journey, and I hope that VJ will update the FAQ's to point out this important requirement distinction for same sex couples.
Best of luck to all!
Rob and Adrian 


Wow, Thanks for this info although it does worry me because I too did NOT specify that we intend to marry in a state where it is legal, I thought it was obvious!!! I mean, DUH! LOL. Well I'm hoping and praying we don't receive an RFE because of this. We're still waiting on word. Thanks for the heads up though!

jens_prodigyFemaleBahamas2013-10-01 13:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust Venting: Slightly Frustrated with Nassau Consulate
So it seems that all the while we were checking the ceac site and seeing "in transit" and waiting patiently to receive packet three was for nothing because they don't do anything at the Nassau embassy until you call. It seems our petition got there on June 26th and has been sitting there ever since with no contact from anyone. When I called first I got no answer so I kept calling. Finally I reached the lady everyone says to contact and she put me on hold for a full ten minutes to go locate it. When she came back she said, "oh yeah , here it is" as if they'd never given it a second thought until I called. I'm wondering, had I never called, how long would it have sat there gathering dust? Wow.I swear these people have no concept of the situation we're in and how badly we want to be with our fiancés. Especially after I got a call at 6:30am from my fiancee who thought she needed to go to the ER and I couldn't be there for her. She had to call her aunt who lives about 45mins away to come get her. Times like this just makes me extra upset and ready for this process to be over so I can start the rest of my life! Sigh

Well, I'm only slightly frustrated but for the most part I'm happy because she said she will email me a checklist by the end of the day and we can get things moving again. :) It's just been so long in this process that I'm ready to get it all over with and waiting three extra weeks while something just sits on someone's desk is unacceptable. P.S. my case number ends with 001 so I know mine was the only one there or at least the first one there for this month so they should've been moving with it dang-nab-it. LOL . Okay end of rant. Seriously, if your consulate is Nassau, CONTACT THEM IMMEDIATELY and do not wait. Also, don't let them brush you off the phone like they did the first two times I called, keep calling and asking to speak with Ms. Darling and she will help you. Now to wait patiently until she emails ...tick, tock...:)

jens_prodigyFemaleBahamas2014-07-14 09:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVISA Photos ?
Thank you! I think I will take the chance and keep the photos I have without the glasses. I actually like them lol. He is actually a really good photographer I just think he didn't know that it's okay to keep your glasses on. Lol
jens_prodigyFemaleBahamas2014-07-16 07:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVISA Photos ?
Hey guys,
I just got through taking a set of photos - (2) for Visa and (3) for Medical. Even though I usually wear glasses the photographer asked me to remove them. We had a bit of back and forth about it because I assumed that since I usually wear glasses I should definitely wear them in my photo. He disagreed so strongly that in the end I went with what he said. Now, I'm wearing glasses in the photos I took for the original filing of the I129F (used a different photographer) My question is, will this cause problems? Should I have them retaken or is it okay? I don't want the embassy thinking I'm trying to change my appearance or anything. Even though I look the exact same:)

jens_prodigyFemaleBahamas2014-07-15 14:27:00
Thanks guys, you are right, appreciate it!
jens_prodigyFemaleBahamas2014-07-19 18:27:00
Help guys, I've been going over this DS160 form 1,000 times and I just need to ask this one question before I finally submit it today.
There is a question that says: HAVE YOU EVER HAD A LOST OR STOLEN PASSPORT ? Yes or No and then a space to explain. I haven't ever had a lost or stolen passport so my first thought is to check no and move on BUT when I changed over to an electronic/machine-readable passport two years ago my current passport was still valid, therefore they wouldn't let me keep it (understandably). Now, my problem is , that passport had a lot of info needed for this DS160 form in terms of last trips to the US, last dates of visas and some other info like the date of my brief overstay. NONE of which i can remember off the top of my head, so do I check YES in the box and just EXPLAIN that I've never lost or had a passport stolen but I had to surrender it, therefore I do not remember specific dates in some of the questions I've answered on this form.... or just guess to the best of my ability and click NO as my answer.

jens_prodigyFemaleBahamas2014-07-19 16:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProcessing hold due to pending security checks
We got the same thing and it caused our process to drag on resulting in us not receiving our approval until 8mths later. Yes, I've also heard that they are checking the petitioner but in our case, although I can't be sure of course, I think they were checking me..the beneficiary since I've lived and worked in the states before and have a SSN and all that. Who knows? I do know that it was a very frustrating time for us and a little scary wondering what they could possibly be finding :/. Even if you knowwwww you have nothing to hide,just knowing someone is scrutinizing you so hard is very nerve wracking. Be patient I'm sure it will all turn out okay like ours did.
jens_prodigyFemaleBahamas2014-07-08 08:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 VISA HELP - G-325A

Yes, you can write it down after printing it. The city my husband was born it wouldn't fit, so I wrote it in pen on the G325A and included it on an attached sheet of paper. I think you can put "NONE" or "N/A" where it asks for middle name. 


Just remember this- if there isn't enough room, you can always write it in yourself (legibly of course) or write "see attached" and attach an continuation sheet.


Best of luck.

y3ll0wMaleHaiti2014-06-01 21:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F
Agree with the others, skip the binders, have it all bound with one large binder clip. Secondly, we had 19 visits, but we did NOT provide proof on all 19. We provided proof on two or three - just make sure the trip(s) were in the last two years. After the primary i129f form paperwork, we had a "cover sheet" listing all the documentation to follow that we were providing. In that we stated something to the effect of "proof of travel provided here is a representative sample but not a comprehensive collection of all trips made to visit one another."
TAB2TABMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-11 08:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresItineraries
Echoing the others, boarding passes, not itineraries are the way to go. If you no longer have boarding passes, you can do as we did and contact the airlines and have them provide you with a proof of travel letter for the specific flights you travelled on. Depending on the airline you flew on, they may charge a nominal fee to issue a letter to you, (British Airways did not charge, while Continental did).

In summary, boarding passes + passport stamps OR proof of travel letter + passport stamps and you'll be good to go. Itineraries only prove that you purchased a ticket.

TAB2TABMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-11 08:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDid you book your fight before attending the interview?

Many airlines on their cheapest non-refundable flights will let you change the date of flight for a nominal fee ($50-75 is what I've seen). So, as far as your gamble is concerned:


Scenario A: You guess correctly - your flight costs $150 purchased ahead of time versus $550. You win, by $400.


Scenario B: You guess incorrectly (visa doesn't arrive in time) - your flight costs $150 + change fee of $50 + difference in fare of $400 for a total of $600 versus $550. You lose, but only by the change fee ($50) not the whole cost of the flight.


Scenario C: You guess incorrectly (unthinkably, the visa is denied at interview) - in this case, you're out the cost of the flight, $150, but that probably is the least of your concerns in this instance.


So my suggestion if you're considering the "gamble": research whether your flight date can be changed, what the change fee is, then make your decision based on how you feel about losing the change fee, versus buying the flight 1 week before at $550.


TAB2TABMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-25 18:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAvoid unnecessary RFEs! (same sex marriage I-129F petitions)

Well, as of 9:15 pm this evening (Oct 30) we officially got electronic notice of our NOA2 (approved!) after submitting our RFE response!!!


They acknowledged receipt of our RFE response on Oct 3, so it took them 27 days to approve it... not the best turn around time but we're thrilled we are moving on to the next step!!


For those of you who have been asking about whether to revise one letter or two letters of intent (i.e. which state you intend to marry in), I made the decision to just send one (mine, the petitioner). The RFE was addressed to me as the petitioner and asked (me) to declare which state we are marrying in, so I didn't see any reason to re-send both... just gave them what they requested, and finally moving forward again!


Feel free to send us a message if you have further questions... Continued best wishes and luck for everyone! 


Rob and Adrian 


TAB2TABMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-30 21:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAvoid unnecessary RFEs! (same sex marriage I-129F petitions)

Got my RFE in the mail today, and it reads the following:

Information you provided on your Form I-129F indicates that you and the beneficiary are the same gender. Please identify the state in which you intend to celebrate your marriage and submit a copy of the relevant state's marriage laws permitting people of the same gender to legally marry.

And there it is. Getting everything ready to overnight on Monday and NOA2 here we come!!!!!


Espared, that was exactly the RFE we received as well. Here is the update on our progress so far:


Monday Sept 30:   Received the hardcopy RFE.. (It was dated Sept 25)

Tuesday Oct 1:     Sent our response, overnight USPS

Wed Oct 2:           Confirmation from USPS package received

Thurs Oct 3:          Official confirmation from USCIS, RFE response received and being processed.


I agree with those of you who believe that this is all step in the positive direction. I'd much rather know that our case has reached a real adjudicator and not still somewhere in the middle (or bottom) of a pile. From what I've seen, once most people send their response to RFE, the NOA2 is not too far away. This is an easy RFE to resolve as well, and is not a reflection on the strength of our case in particular.


I will keep everyone posted on our progress, and let you know when we have received our NOA2.


Everyone stay positive, we will soon make it through this process and be reunited with our loved ones!


Rob and Adrian

TAB2TABMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-06 08:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAvoid unnecessary RFEs! (same sex marriage I-129F petitions)

Thanks for the feedback everyone...


IvanAlex, keep us posted on what your RFE is. I agree with kmiami that from what I've seen, most people get their NOA2s a few weeks after replying to their RFE (assuming no other issues). You will probably be getting your paper copy of your RFE shortly, as ours was sent out Sept 25 and we received it in the mail on Sept 30.


Susan53011, sounds like the USCIS is currently a bit inconsistent about whether or not to issue an RFE if same sex couples don't declare their marriage state. I'm not really surprised since they are processing these same sex petitions for the first time ever. Hopefully they'll come to a consensus soon, and (even more hopefully) they'll decide not to issue these RFEs at all. Seems like any couples that make it this far into the process are not going to make the mistake of trying to get married in a state where it is (currently) illegal! I guess for now, it is better to be safe than sorry, and petitioners should include this info.


Flowershoes, hopefully you won't get an RFE at all like Susan53011 above. Good luck!


I'm sending off our response today (Oct 1) and I'll update this post once we hear back from USCIS.

Thanks all!


Edited by TAB2TAB, 01 October 2013 - 09:10 AM.

TAB2TABMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-01 09:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAvoid unnecessary RFEs! (same sex marriage I-129F petitions)

Thanks for your feedback Espared! It might be helpful for petitioners to post what information they put in their "Intent to Marry" letters (whether or not they reference marrying in a 'marriage equality state' or not) and the end result - RFE and the specifics, or no RFE. Hopefully, VJ can start to collect this info and come up with a definitive recommendation for same sex couples. To my knowledge, this is the only aspect of the same-sex fiance petition that differs from the "traditional" opposite-sex petition...  

TAB2TABMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-30 21:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAvoid unnecessary RFEs! (same sex marriage I-129F petitions)

kmiami, just saw your private message as well! Not sure if the "word" is out yet, and if same-sex couples that are filing now are declaring their intended state of marriage, but I just wanted to be sure people know that not including it can absolutely generate an unnecessary RFE... plus the fact that our RFE asked us to include "the relevant state's marriage laws"... !!


I wouldn't be surprised if there is some variance from petition to petition in how the USCIS adjudicates them - particularly since same sex marriage is such a new addition to the process. Hopefully, USCIS will get the process standardized soon. In the meantime, I'm hoping people will see this and avoid unnecessary delays in their petitions!

TAB2TABMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-30 20:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAvoid unnecessary RFEs! (same sex marriage I-129F petitions)

Hi fellow VJ'ers -


It may be worth updating the VJ website regarding two specific requirements for same sex marriage I-129F petitions to help prevent others from encountering the RFE that we just received today.


We filed our I-129F on June 28, 2013, just two days after DOMA's Supreme Court smackdown. Shortly after this, we read on websites like Immigration Equality that same sex couples should include verbiage in their "Intent to Marry" letters declaring the US state in which they plan to marry, specifically a state that allows legal same sex marriage.


Since we had already sent off our petition without it, we were hoping that including the intended marriage state was merely a "friendly suggestion" to help reduce the likelihood of generating an RFE.  Unfortunately, we've learned today that omitting this info *will* generate an RFE.


However, in addition to asking us to "identify the state in which we intend to marry", the RFE also asked us for something we had not read anywhere else: to provide a "copy of the relevant state's marriage laws permitting people of the same gender to legally marry." 


Since we are getting married in Maryland, we included a copy of Maryland's House Bill (438) that legalized same-sex marriage, as well as a USA Today /AP press article that identified that legal same sex marriage had begun. We contacted Immigration Equality who suggested providing both the legal documentation as well as a public article from an established news source. 


Hopefully, this will help any of you who are starting out your journey, and I hope that VJ will update the FAQ's to point out this important requirement distinction for same sex couples.


Best of luck to all!


Rob and Adrian 



TAB2TABMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-30 19:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIrish/UK passport..Which one to use??

Hello!! maybe someone could help me on this one... my husband came over on a K1 (through his uk citizenship) in October 2013 and we got married in January but decided due to a lot of circumstances that we are going to live in the UK. well he left the US on day 90 of the k1 visa.  he plans on coming back here for a few weeks in September before i move there but his UK passport expires at the end of this month. His irish passport is current and he wants to just come over here with the irish passport. I told him that it would appear shady but he disagrees......anybody got any thoughts??...any input would be much appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!! 



erikalovescrippyFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-08-05 21:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa approved; can't fiance process here in the US since he is here visiting?

Since I think I am the only active poster with Riga experience, I'll do my best to tell whatever I can. 


Like has already been said you will need to have your medical in Riga since that is where the interview will take place. Only one doctor in Latvia is able to do the medical. She's easy to get into and she was able to provide my fiance with his results in 4 days (His appointment was on Monday, he picked them up on Friday). This is partly because the x-ray is done at another location. The results do not have to be translated regardless, so that is not something you have to be worried about. 


Once your fiance gets his case number (starts with RGA), he can call to Dr. Caune and make an appointment. If you're hoping for your fiance to return to the US asap, he would ideally make the appointment for right after he returns to Latvia from his current trip to the US. He'll just need to take his vaccination passport and report from his primary care physician if he has it when he goes to see her. 



Other things you need to be doing. 

1. Obtain his birth certificate. Also obtain any name change certificates if applicable. The embassy accepts documents in English and Latvian, no translation required. However, we got my fiance's translated just to have in case when we go to the states since it is much easier to do here. 

2. Obtain his police certificate. This was also a very quick process. But there's no sense in not getting started. 


3. Court/Prison Records; Military Records; Marriage Termination Records. We didn't have or need these. But they're required if they apply to you. 


Since you're in the US, make sure your I-134 and all supporting documentation is in order so your fiance has everything he needs when he goes back for his interview. 


Basically just get everything, or as much as you can, ready now. Then he can go home, get the medical done and go for his interview. I would suggest scheduling the interview at least one week after the medical. And just so you know, my fiance received his visa in hand 3 days after the interview (interview Monday, visa on Thursday) and could have had it on... Wednesday but he didn't have time to meet the courier. So things are speedy here.


And yes, they send all the information in English. 


Good luck. Let me know if you have any questions. 

divikakiFemaleLatvia2014-04-03 05:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa approved; can't fiance process here in the US since he is here visiting?


The embassy will then send your fiance instructions regarding the steps that must be taken prior to scheduling an interview including but not limited to filling out DS-160 which is the actual visa application.


Will be sent to the foreign address you listed on the 129f or G325A form.




In our experience with the Riga Embassy, "Packet 3" was sent via e-mail and via regular mail. So this shouldn't impose any problems. And I would be happy to share this information with the OP if they want to know what Riga requires for Packet 3, although I believe it's also basically all layed out on the embassy website.

divikakiFemaleLatvia2014-03-31 08:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa approved; can't fiance process here in the US since he is here visiting?

Unfortunately, the entire premise of the K1 is that the beneficiary of the petition is abroad. That's just how it works. As has been stated in previous responses, the approval of your I-129F Petition was just that, the approval of a petition and not a visa approval.


At this point your approved petition is being forwarded to the NVC then it will be forwarded to (presumably) the Latvian embassy if that is what your application listed. The embassy will then send your fiance instructions regarding the steps that must be taken prior to scheduling an interview including but not limited to filling out DS-160 which is the actual visa application. Once all the steps are complete he schedules an interview in Riga (or whatever you detailed on your application).


I would advise not doing anything silly, like getting married while he is there in the US if you are thinking about it. The process in Latvia for K1 is really fast. Once the embassy has his approved petition, he can set up an interview probably within the week assuming he has all his necessary documentation (birth certificate, police certificate, medical examination, etc). If you had to refile for a marriage visa, that would be a shame.


He'll have to return home and finish the process by the rules like the rest of us.



Edited by divikaki, 31 March 2014 - 06:41 AM.

divikakiFemaleLatvia2014-03-31 06:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRelationships that started via Social Media

Viber is great we talk all the time on it.  He has unlimited data with the mifi through orange. We use tango at night once settled in to be able to see each other.  It it had a log it would be great.  



Asi mismo me pasa a mi, I will try Viber to call, because Tago doesnt register at all...


EJAIFemaleDominican Republic2014-05-01 15:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRelationships that started via Social Media

Thanks for your reply, now let me ask you, how did you do it when you had to send you Whatsapp logs? because it is a lot of pages...



I only sent a few pages with the petition.  I have the rest for the cita.  I will lug it all with me when the time comes.  Voy a nececitar una maleta para eso solo.  Worse part is from what I have read they dont even look at it.  I also changed the font size and made the margins smaller so its more to page.  

EJAIFemaleDominican Republic2014-05-01 15:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRelationships that started via Social Media

We call through viber.  It is free and it registers all the calls.  Just need to be connected to wifi or have internet.  You both have to have the app on your phone. 


As far as your question....We met in October. Not online per say because I met him through a friend that grew up with him, but it was through Whatsapp.  We communicated through Whatsapp, Viber, Tango, and Facebook.  I also use Boss Revolution and Vonage (but it horrible).  Official relationship as of 11/01 (6 months today), I bought my plane ticket to go see him 11/14.  I went from 12/27-01/08.  I sent the petition 02/10.  Up to that point in whatsapp I had 500 pages of conversation and 250 in Facebook.  Went to see him again with my 6 yr old 04/04-04/14.  


I decided to send it as soon as possible because the process is long. I am a single mom too and those trips are not cheap.  I can not afford to do 3 or 4 trips for a couple of years to then send a petition off and wait another almost year.  From when I sent it to now I have double to proof of a legitimate relationship.  I am planning another trip for July if we dont get our NOA2 before.  


Go for it.  No relationship is guaranteed.  They dont look at length of time you have been together,  just want to see its a legit relationship (not fraud.)  You have seen him within the 2 yrs required before sending it so you are good. 


Best of luck!  

EJAIFemaleDominican Republic2014-05-01 14:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat communcation evidences required for K1 Visa



Is it required to show 2yr of relationship for K1 visa process?, as me and my fiance, met a year ago in person, got engaged earlier this year. 


We talk a lot on phone, use facebook, send texts for frequent communication. Apart from boarding tickets of flight trip and communication documents of phone or facebook messages or text messages, pictures of us together, receipts (Shopping..) what other evidences are required to associate during filing of I-129F?


Please advise. 


Request responses from members who went through the K1 process.



sushma.vjNot TellingIndia2014-05-26 06:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPreparing the packet for K1 Visa petition - Clarification on one document

Thank you so very much for all the response.

sushma.vjNot TellingIndia2014-06-24 19:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPreparing the packet for K1 Visa petition - Clarification on one document

Hello All, 


I am preparing my packet to mail to USCIS and have a clarification related to the following.


Original statements (from both the US Citizen and foreign fiance) certifying an intent to marry within 90 days of entering the US on a valid K-1. 


1) Should the Original statement include Marriage location or Marriage Date?


2) Is it just each written statement on word document by both of us?


Appreciate anyone response. 


Thanks in advance.



sushma.vjNot TellingIndia2014-06-24 17:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy world is crumbling

So sorry to hear, sending prayers up for you and yours.

nitanobisNot TellingNigeria2014-03-19 18:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp! This is all so confusing!

i did my interview on the 28 of march and i collected my passport yesterday with my visa, but i am a little lost about permanent resident how long after the marriage will i get my permanent residency,and for those who still waiting just pray its a long process but in the end it will be worth it :dance:

trillian thompsonNot TellingJamaica2014-04-18 12:56:00