K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSupplement for G-325A Employment Question

The G-325A instructions do not cover the answer to this question. I did read a posting from another member where he swearas with 100% certainty it is not necessary, but he is also wrong a large amount of the time.

The safe thing is to sign and date it but since it is the G-325A, go without the signature.

Technically the instructions for the G-325A are inherited from the foorm that requires it which is the I-129F. The I-129F does require each additional sheet to be signed and dated.

Tell you what, send it without additional signatures and I will accept the responsibility, OK. Posted Image

What if I sign mine and not his? I would have him sign it except for Venezuela doesn't have the most reliable mailing system. Who knows how long it would take for me to get it back.

BTW, did I read your signature correctly?? You got your NOA2 in less than 2 months??
GJenMaleVenezuela2010-05-16 21:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSupplement for G-325A Employment Question

My fiance put the following at the top of the supplement:
Response to G-325a Item #X
Employment History
Signed and dated it

But then again, he's an engineer! Posted Image

=/ What do you think the chances are for getting an RFE if that page is not signed by the beneficiary? You think it would make it any better if I sign it? I read in one thread where someone used the space below(that says occupation- to enter another job) to fill in the address rather than creating a supplement to the G-325A.

I don't want an RFE... but I also don't want to have to wait to submit the I-129F because I have to send that page to G to have him sign it.
GJenMaleVenezuela2010-05-16 21:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSupplement for G-325A Employment Question

If I've included the employment information for the G-325A on another sheet of paper, does that sheet of paper have to be signed and dated in addition to the G-325A form itself?
I ask this because I had my fiance has sign all the other forms before I left Spain but didn't realize at the time that I would have to use another sheet for that question.

Will it be ok if just the 4 copies of the G-325A are signed by him OR does the supplement have to be signed by him as well?

Thanks so much!


I'm trying to be good and not start another topic to a question that's already been asked... but this one doesn't have an answer. Posted Image
GJenMaleVenezuela2010-05-16 14:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp requested from Knowledgable VJ Members!

Congrats on that organized package. Must have been something pretty nice if the IO complimented you. I'm quite sure they have a lot of cases come through, yours must have stood out or they wouldn't have mentioned it.

Can you please explain what you mean by "doing the k-1 visa route was longer"?

Longer than what?? LOL.... I guess I just didn't think about there being any other route to go besides I-129F to K1 to wedding in USA.

Curious as to what else you were considering doing?

I'm curious, too!
GJenMaleVenezuela2010-05-16 20:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp requested from Knowledgable VJ Members!

I would make color copies of the photos on plain paper, as many per sheet as will fit. Use a paper clip or binder clip to keep the papers in order. They won't get shuffled inside the Priority Mail envelope provided in the correct size by USPS free.

List the items in a cover letter and build the stack in the order mentioned in the list.

Thank you!!!! Posted Image
GJenMaleVenezuela2010-05-11 20:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp requested from Knowledgable VJ Members!

This process is easy for no one. There is no speedy lane. There were couples from my month who were married and together long before Mathew and I knew his interview date. There were only two Montreal couples in September for VSC and we were the last two to interview. Of course we were a lucky group, no denials but there were a few from hard consulates as well in there. I don't think anyone has an easy time. We all have to wait. Sure, there's more scrutiny for other countries but we all wait the same, and we all miss our SOs.

I took the liberty of searching. Try using the word "assembling" and quite a few things come up. See the last post here. http://www.visajourn...1

I'm sorry. I hope I didn't offend you. Posted Image I guess G's past experience with being rejected a tourist visa has left me a little jaded! But I am supposed to be rejoicing when others rejoice! Posted Image So..I'm very happy(and just a tiny bit enviousPosted Image ) that you guys are almost there! I hope you're getting excited about the wedding planning and that everything falls exactly into place! Posted Image

Edited by GJen, 11 May 2010 - 04:43 PM.

GJenMaleVenezuela2010-05-11 16:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp requested from Knowledgable VJ Members!

I wrote the captions on the back of mine and put then in a plastic sandwich bag. I then paper-clipped the bag to the section of my petition labeled "Proof of having met & of ongoing relationship".

As for assembly, I paper-clipped each section together and then bound them with an ACCO clip. I put a cover page on the front as well as a table of contents and then I made an additional cover page for my evidence. After the clipping and binding was done I just put it in a USPS flat rate envelope and sent it on it's way. Took 3 days to get there and a little over a month for my NOA2. Those were fast times for VSC, very fast times. Posted Image

There have been a few threads about this since I started my journey, so maybe if you searched you could find what others have said about it.

Good luck! Posted Image

I dunno about fast times for VSC, I'm envisioning it like a supermarket with registers- a sign saying "This Register(speedy NOA2) is for people with 20 items or less(petitioner's whose beneficiaries are anywhere other than Latin America)! lol
GJenMaleVenezuela2010-05-11 16:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp requested from Knowledgable VJ Members!

(Hullo Push - watcha doink? you gonna blow a diatribe on how to use the search engine on VJ? )

Hey, nowwww! lol

In my defense, I tried!! I searched pictures and saw a couple things saying either way as far as the pictures! Most of the topics were talking about passport pictures. Anyway, I think he's a fairly logical guy and I'm obviously very analytical.. so I thought he might put me back into proportion and just make my mind up for me!

As for the packaging, I had already posted a thread on it and no one really answered. I thought, "Hey, pushbrk would probably know"! Not only that, I think people gravitate towards his witty/not-so-nice posts and that might help drum up some traffic and get my question answered! :)

There's a method to my madness!!Posted Image
GJenMaleVenezuela2010-05-11 16:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp requested from Knowledgable VJ Members!
I've done my homework and read through manuals. I've just got to fill in some forms(that were already filled out, but then G had a change of date and we've got to make sure we're submitting factual information!), and print off a few things, but I've basically got it all loosely together. Well, really loose. I was wondering if you had a suggestion on how to assemble the pictures. I have them on an SD card, but I went and had them printed off. There's about 18 that span over my 3 trips to Venezuela. Should I glue them two to a sheet on write on the sheet? Should I print them off on photo paper and type up a caption?

Also, what about mailing off the package. Once I've got the I-129F itself assembled, how should I package it (I'm planning USPS w/ tracking, etc, but I'm referring to the actual packaging of the I-129F "package".)

Thank you. Posted Image

Edited by Captain Ewok, 11 May 2010 - 07:23 PM.
edited to remove tos violations

GJenMaleVenezuela2010-05-11 16:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSignature for G-325A and Letter of Intent

Ever see you doctors sifgnature? and they will give you controlled substances for that.

Posted Image
GJenMaleVenezuela2010-05-22 21:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPersonal Check

If you're a visual person, like me, this sample check might help!

Posted Image

http://immigrationro...ckage.php<br />^^ I got it off of that website
GJenMaleVenezuela2010-05-23 19:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFrontloading I-129F w/ Evidence of Ongoing Relationship

Jen, R U in the ATL?

Yep. I live right next to Luda.

lol... not really. I'm about 1hr 45min south in "Middle Georgia".
GJenMaleVenezuela2010-05-24 16:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFrontloading I-129F w/ Evidence of Ongoing Relationship

Make sure you have 2 exact copies of what you submit to Vermont for your records. Posted Image

:) Thanks!! Us Jawja folk have to watch out for one another. :P
GJenMaleVenezuela2010-05-24 15:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFrontloading I-129F w/ Evidence of Ongoing Relationship

Sounds good..

I'm sure your petition will get approved. :-)

Just make sure all your I's are dotted and T's are crossed on your documents and you should be good to go. Just be prepared to wait about 3 months for your NOA2. It can be nerve wrecking so prepare yourself.

Wow! Just 3 months?? That seems so close!! Posted ImagePosted Image I'm gonna post all everything before I send it off so you can check what I've already quadruple checked! jaja
GJenMaleVenezuela2010-05-22 21:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFrontloading I-129F w/ Evidence of Ongoing Relationship
Did I separate these correctly?

Proof of Having Met in Person in the Past Two Years
-Passport Stamps
-Itinerary & Boarding Passes
-Bank Statement, Highlighted Purchases Made Abroad
-Receipts of Items Purchased Abroad
-Picture of Petitioner & Beneficiary together

Evidence of Ongoing Bona Fide Relationship
-Love Notes
-Ticket Stubs & Receipts from Some of Our First Dates
-Pictures of us together alone, with friends, and with family

Any further advice or suggestions?

'preciate it! :)

GJenMaleVenezuela2010-05-22 19:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFrontloading I-129F w/ Evidence of Ongoing Relationship
and if it doesn't have both of our names on it?
GJenMaleVenezuela2010-05-22 09:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFrontloading I-129F w/ Evidence of Ongoing Relationship
Would receipts fall under meeting in past 2 years or evidence of an ongoing relationship?
GJenMaleVenezuela2010-05-22 09:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFrontloading I-129F w/ Evidence of Ongoing Relationship

It will be ok. You can print out the forms again if you need to print them.

I only have so many blank forms signed by the beneficiary. It would take a long time to send them and get them back if I ever got them back.
GJenMaleVenezuela2010-05-18 14:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFrontloading I-129F w/ Evidence of Ongoing Relationship

No, man; got a Stokes interview from the ####### consulate. If you put "bona fide" on the evidence of relationship that goes to USCIS, it may weaken any claim by your embassy that the evidence ISN'T bona fide -- consulates are not supposed to ignore material that USCIS has seen.

GJenMaleVenezuela2010-05-17 17:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFrontloading I-129F w/ Evidence of Ongoing Relationship

Hun...from the tones of your posts, you're wigging out! I could be wrong, but you sound like you are in panic mode!

Take a deep breath. Calm down.

Read On:

I used a culmination of two things to file the K-1:

The Guide here on Visa Journey
The Official printed out instructions from the USCIS website.

Just read them and put your packet together in order from the instructions on their site. I made a table of contents for it, and used tips and tricks here for "packaging" like zip lock bags for photos etc, stapled them to the page and sent them on their merry way.

I didn't get an RFE as of yet, and everything is fine.

Also, just to clarify the Passport questions, you DO need BOTH passport style photos and YOU AND YOUR fiance as well as photos to show you have met in person. Posted Image

You're not wrong!! It's safe to say that I'm in panic mode! I've also used the K1 Guide & USCIS Instructions... I'm kind of paranoid about messing up the G-325A because I have to handwrite them. The only other thing I'm unsure of is the G-325A supplement for the beneficiary. I want to hear that it's acceptable to write the address of employer in the blank below the name of the employer b/c that wouldn't require a supplement or for me to send it to Venezuela to get it signed by the beneficiary.
GJenMaleVenezuela2010-05-17 16:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFrontloading I-129F w/ Evidence of Ongoing Relationship

You prolly mean 'copies of passport stamps/visas, with entry/exit stamps'
not 'passport pictures', right?

Oops! That's exactly what I meant. Oh well, too late to edit it now! Thanks for checking though! That could have been the difference in getting an RFE! :)
GJenMaleVenezuela2010-05-17 14:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFrontloading I-129F w/ Evidence of Ongoing Relationship

For good measure, call this "evidence of ongoing bona fide relationship." Sure wish that I had done that with Ecuador, si man!

Did you get an RFE for not putting "bona fide"?
GJenMaleVenezuela2010-05-17 14:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFrontloading I-129F w/ Evidence of Ongoing Relationship
Okay.. so how should I separate it?

-Passport pictures (met w/in 2 yrs?)
-Boarding passes (met w/in 2 yrs?)
-Receipts (met w/in 2 yrs?)--- on a side note, it is fine to just copy receipts, or should i get a bank stmt and highlight purchases made in venezuela?
-Pictures (ongoing relationship?)
-E-mails (ongoing relationship)
-Notes (ongoing relationship)
GJenMaleVenezuela2010-05-17 03:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFrontloading I-129F w/ Evidence of Ongoing Relationship
Well! I know that it's not specifically required to submit evidence of an ongoing relationship with the I-129F, but I understand that there have been times when the consulate doesn't accept additional evidence and so-just in case- I'm planning on adding it!

My question is...

Should I separate the "proof that we've met within the past 2 years" from "evidence of our ongoing relationship"? A lot of the proof that we've met within the past two years is also evidence of an ongoing relationship. I've got passport stamps, boarding passes, receipts, pictures, emails, notes, etc.

If you think I should, how would you suggest I separate it?

Or should I just put "Evidence of having met within the past two years & of our ongoing relationship" in the cover letter and put it all together?

Edited by GJen, 16 May 2010 - 08:30 PM.

GJenMaleVenezuela2010-05-16 20:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnybody want to post pics of their assembled I-129F package??

Paper clips and an envelope.&nbsp;&nbsp;I put the photos (ONE photo of us together and the passport type photos) in a ziplock bag.&nbsp;&nbsp;I put omne of those black binder clamps on the whole thing and slid it into an envelope.

Nice!! You submitted just one photo and didn't have any problem? Or you mean you submitted more when it came to the interview and having to prove an ongoing bona fide relationship?

1. Impress anyone at USCIS2. Result in faster processing

I'm not trying to impress them with a fancy package, I just want to make sure I have everything. The 1, 2, 3, 14g.. etc, etc. is just for me. I'm very visual and I had to see it in order, plus, doing it that way helped me make sure it matched my coverletter.

Thanks for a very informative post.

We need to start reading the guides to see what we should be working on once we send the package off!!
GJenMaleVenezuela2010-05-27 03:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnybody want to post pics of their assembled I-129F package??

Paper clips and an envelope. I put the photos (ONE photo of us together and the passport type photos) in a ziplock bag. I put omne of those black binder clamps on the whole thing and slid it into an envelope.

Nice!! You submitted just one photo and didn't have any problem? Or you mean you submitted more when it came to the interview and having to prove an ongoing bona fide relationship?

1. Impress anyone at USCIS
2. Result in faster processing

I'm not trying to impress them with a fancy package, I just want to make sure I have everything. The 1, 2, 3, 14g.. etc, etc. is just for me. I'm very visual and I had to see it in order, plus, doing it that way helped me make sure it matched my coverletter.

Thanks for a very informative post.

We need to start reading the guides to see what we should be working on once we send the package off!!
GJenMaleVenezuela2010-05-27 03:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnybody want to post pics of their assembled I-129F package??

This is just IMHO. Given the political situation in Venezuela, you are probably better off front loading your application. Take a moment and read through ALL of the documentation you are sending as back up. Look at it from the point of view of a skeptical CO. Consider reading through the interview questions now to anticipate any problems at the interview. When your file eventually makes to Caracas the CO will have reviewed the file and will only know you guys via the information you provide. In addition to phone logs and emails, we provided photos of me with my fiance and his family which the CO hinted helped us (theory being someone really in love would want their sweetie to meet their family). Any reference to 'wife or husband' other than used in the future tense could create a lot of unnecessary skepticism on the part of the CO.
Good luck to you.

(14g) is photos of us together with his friends and family. I thought about putting "Together with Friends and Family" in the title, but then
I wondered if that seems like I'm trying too hard to show that we're legit. lol What do you think??
GJenMaleVenezuela2010-05-27 03:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnybody want to post pics of their assembled I-129F package??
These are the contents of our I-129F! I still have a few more things to do, double check that all three copies I've made are accurate, make sure everything's signed, punch holes, apply labels, and then mail it off. Also, there are some that I have yet to scan into the computer (I'm making 2 hard copies and then saving it to a jumpdrive as well).

PET=Petitioner, BEN=Beneficiary
Posted Image

How does it look so far?

(P.S. I know brochures don't really "prove" anything, but I don't have receipts for our stays. It may not do us any good, but it certainly couldn't hurt.)

What do you think??
GJenMaleVenezuela2010-05-26 19:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnybody want to post pics of their assembled I-129F package??

I didn't take pics of my packet, but I sent over 400 pages!!!! (my cell phone records were very long Posted Image ) But what I did was put the coversheet first, followered by the I-129F, the letters, G-325A's with photos. Then I put a full copy of my passport, birth certificate, proof we met and proof of our relationship. EVerything that had more than 1 page I stapled together individually (i.e. chat logs were one, each phone bills was seperate, text messages, emails, etc..) then I used different colored post it notes to break up the packet, such as blue was for proof of meeting, red was proof of relationship, etc.. I know this sounds a bit ####### lol, but I wanted it to be as easy as possible to go thru since I was sending so much stuff.

Good luck Posted Image

OVER 400?! Whoa.. they needed all the sticky notes they could get! haha
GJenMaleVenezuela2010-05-17 21:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnybody want to post pics of their assembled I-129F package??

wow, your package contains lot of papers...

I can't remember what thread it was, but someone mentioned their I-129F supplement they sent in on how they've met within the past two years was 30 pages long!! lol
GJenMaleVenezuela2010-05-17 03:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnybody want to post pics of their assembled I-129F package??
I'm going to post pics of mine soon.. so stay tuned! :D
GJenMaleVenezuela2010-05-16 20:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnybody want to post pics of their assembled I-129F package??
Thanks, guys! I went to Office Depot on my lunch break...and if my heart-shaped paperclips don't prove that our relationship is legit, I dunno what will!Posted Image
GJenMaleVenezuela2010-05-11 14:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnybody want to post pics of their assembled I-129F package??
I'm looking for ideas! I've read the tips on the USCIS site, but I'd like to see pics of ones that have actually been assembled and submitted(and approved, ideally!)!
GJenMaleVenezuela2010-05-10 20:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 Help...
I'm G the Beneficiary! we sent our package on June 3rd and it was delivered on June 6th. I totally understand how you feel, our check hasnt been cashed and we havent heard anything from them :( .. just hang in there! but I totally feel ya! we check every day her bank account its such an awful feeling not to know whats going on.. just give it some time, Im pretty sure nothings wrong and you will get your NOA1 soon! and believe me you are not the only want waiting for the check to be cashed! I have other friends who sent their package close to when we mailed ours and they are still waiting so Cheer up! :) I read somewhere that it can take up to a month sometimes, not trying to bring your hopes down... just trying to let you know that the fact that it takes a while doesnt mean something is wrong with it! Im sure things will be good for you

Good luck in your journey :)

Edited by GJen, 15 June 2010 - 11:11 PM.

GJenMaleVenezuela2010-06-15 23:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLength of Validity of K1 Visa

:ot: ---> you guys are an adorable couple ^_^

GJenMaleVenezuela2010-07-03 17:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLength of Validity of K1 Visa
I've read that once issued a K1 Visa, it is valid for 6 months. Does the 6 months include the 90 day period we have to get married upon G's entry to the U.S.? Or is the 6 months it in addition to it that 90 day period?

Thanks! :)
GJenMaleVenezuela2010-06-29 17:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFREAKING OUT

Man, I really with I lived in a state that allowed me to send my application to Vermont. California has taken over a week just to cash my check so far.

Don't get discouraged! We sent off the packet June 3rd and didn't receive the hard copy of the NOA1 till June 22nd!
GJenMaleVenezuela2010-07-08 18:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFREAKING OUT

It took 9 buisness days before NVC recieved and processed my case, So I would wait atleast 3 buisness days before I started calling NVC to get your NVC case number :thumbs:

also you should study up on this :


What part of that, if any, is applicable to us considering we filed for the K1 Visa using I-129F Form?
GJenMaleVenezuela2010-07-08 18:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFREAKING OUT


We have been telling you how to do this, step by step, for like, what, 237 years???? Did you think we were wrong? :lol:


Technically, you were! :P

22 days is somewhat faster than 6 months!! lol

GJenMaleVenezuela2010-07-08 18:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFREAKING OUT
So since we got our NOA2 when should we call NVC?
GJenMaleVenezuela2010-07-08 11:15:00