K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Hello Everyone. Is good to know that that things are going smoothly for all May filers. For all of you with your loved ones already I can feel the excitement and the fulfillment and I am so happy for you all. For the rest of us not there yet just hang on to positive thoughts and we shall make it. Nurselling its nice to see you are moving fast on the next stage and you had adapted well. Blackcajun Congrats,your fiancé made it and wishing you the best in your wedding arrangement. Ozgirl, I was very happy when I read your post that you made it with the kids. After all the money spent for you and 3kids it was worth it at the end. For the rest of you that I did not mention their God bless you all. I got my interview in March 27th. At first I was so frustrated at the date,so I use the opportunity to enroll in pastoral care training and God has been faithful and I intend to get into a sound Christian bible college in the states when I get there. I am glad Jan is out of the way already. Yesterday was my birthday and it was hard to celebrate without my fiancée I was really hoping to spend Christmas and have my birthday with her. In everything I have learned to thank the Lord. Wishing you all a happy new month February.

Godsrule ever so happy to hear from you I asked about you in a pearler post I made. Thank The Lord your interview is soon. March is not too long the main thing is god is doing his work and he will be there with you to support and guide you through the interview. Success is in the palm of your hand I feel it in my bones. I will be praying for you and please let us know how things go.
Happy belated birthday sorry you weren't able to be with your loved one but next year you will be together to see another birthday by the grace of the almighty.
My prayers are with you.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-31 11:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Argentina is not exactly a high fraud country. I don't think they will. I planned on sending along an updated I-134 for myself as well as my mother who's willing to co-sponsor.
I'm a web developer, I can always work for myself. I typically can bring in between 300-500 a week once I have some steady clients. Jobs are fairly easy to come by, once you have experience. I have about 4 years, so I'm still a "Junior" developer, but I'm not an "entry level" developer.

That's good that your mother is going to help co-sponsor. At least that takes a weight of your mind.
You have your experience so like you said freelance is a good idea till something more permanent comes along.
Keep us updated on your progress with the visa.:)

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-30 22:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Nope, I wish I did! It's been over a year since I've seen him in person and it's killing me.
I hope they do... I had that job for 3 1/2 years. Yes, I had a letter from my employer, which I sent to him which was signed in September. I planned on getting a job asap. I don't particularly want to be unemployed.

I can imagine am sorry to hear you have not seen each other for so long. I feel the letter of employment should suffice pending they don't go checking.
What field of work are you in? Are jobs in that field easy to come by?
I do pray you find something soon. I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you guys.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-30 19:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Still alive & waiting here.
My fiance's been fighting with getting paperwork together. A lot of offices shut down because of heat and power crisis issues in December & January.
I am a bit nervous, because he just sent off packet 3 yesterday and I got laid off today.
I don't know how that will effect things.

Wow I thought you had already got visa sorted and were done with the k1. Glad to see you back here. I am sorry to hear about your job. But surely they will go by the fact that you had a job before the application. Do you have a letter from your last employer already written cos if you do that should be ok. You may have to get into another job pronto for AOS though.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-30 19:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Fingers crossed for you, Blakcajun. This process sure puts us through trials, but in the end everything works out! Your wedding plans sound just lovely!
My fiance and I decided to 'rate' our lawyer on (a website to give feedback about lawyers). Needless to say we did not submit a positive review, but we did it anonymously. Our lawyer obviously gets notification via email when reviews are made, and she sent us a rather pointed email response admonishing us for our review. She pointed out to us what she thought were holes in statements made, but continued to completely ignore the biggest issue I brought up, which was the missing affidavit of support. Once we got our approval, we emailed her to inform her we would be continuing to do the Adjustment without her services, and posted the review after we relieved her of representation.
Needless to say she was very upset, but we felt like we had to make our feelings known because of our dissatisfaction with how things happened. 
Anyways, enough about that. I am going to celebrate all the approvals for May 2013 filers!!

I did my AOS myself you do not need a lawyer you can do it just follow the instructions and provide the evidence. No point in wasting more money and time with someone who didn't do a good job the first time. She surely didn't expect you would use her services again when she did a bad job the first time.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-28 20:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

My fiance and Simons did their DNA this morning and was told it'll take 2 weeks for the embassy to receive the results. Hopefully, we'll get approved in February with visa in hand shortly there after. Our outdoor wedding is planned and all I need is him and his kids. We will do it outdoor at my lake house under the oak trees.
My fiance and sons did their DNA this morning and was told it'll take 2 weeks for the embassy to receive the results. Hopefully, we'll get approved in February with visa in hand shortly there after. Our outdoor wedding is planned and all I need is him and his kids. We will do it outdoor at my lake house under the oak trees.

So glad to hear you will be hearing something soon with the DNA. :)

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-28 20:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Woo hoo we are approved. So happy and relieved.

Congratulations Ozgirl so happy for you. It's a celebration day today. Bring out the champaign.

Well, an update from me at least.
Moved over okay on the 17th, been here just over a week now. Got my SSN sorted today, that'll be with me soon hopefully. Wedding is scheduled for April 5th at the local courthouse. So it's all coming along nicely.

Wonderful news Ryan and Amy. Good luck with the wedding as well.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-28 13:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Hi Nurseling,
Sadly no I am not "on my way" to the U.S. Reason is, we planned a Canadian 'wedding' thinking I would have been move down already. But then the issue with Adjustment of Status came up, and seeing as this visa is a one-time-entry only, we are delaying my entry until after our Canadian wedding. It isn't easy, but it's the best thing for us... plus, by doing that we were able to drop our lawyer as we'd been having too many problems with her!

Ok I see what you mean. Yes the travel is restricted once you POE. Cos you can't leave. So it makes since to wait then.
Right now am stuck till AOS is completed or at least till I get AP letter to travel back home. Kind of frustrating cos there really isn't much to do hanging around the house day in day out with no job. Hope they send me the EAD soon.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-27 17:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Woo hoo things are moving along nicely for you Nurselling. Congrats on the wedding. Thats great news about your nursing ticket. I hear you about the AOS fees.. It's almost a taste of bankruptcy LOL. 
I'm just waiting in the wings for the days to tick over.. Interview in 7 days. I'm getting excited. 
It's great to hear from you. Stay well. 

Thanks Ozgirl

Let us know how your interview goes. Am sure you will do fine and you will be with your visa soon too.

I just filed AOS finally on the 1/25/2014 it just arrived at the Chicago lock box today so am keeping fingers crossed it will be accepted and I will hopefully get noa1 next week sometime.
Took a while to get the evidence together for it, things like tax returns had to be ordered from IRS and I Had to make loads of photocopies of everything incase USCIS decide to loose anything. Fingers crossed now. Been staling the usps online mail tracker lol.

Will keep everyone updated with my progress.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-27 15:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

I guess it pays to live quite near the consulate -- my passport was overnighted, and I just picked it up this afternoon! I had to stare at the visa and feel it to believe that this is all true. Yes, it's true! 
Looking forward to hearing updates from fellow May 2013 filers :)

Congrats suspect your on your way now. Glad you got it all sorted finally.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-27 15:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers
Hi guys
How's everyone getting along. Hope we are all close to getting visa and even close t flying to america. Some of us that are already here hope things are going smoothly.

We got married wedding out of the way am just filling out AOS and will be posting it out on Wednesday with the extortionate cheque and a grim face lol.
Anyway thank god it's almost done. On the upside georgia board of nursing renewed my ice ce to practice as a registered nurse for another 2 yrs till 2016 so am happy about that. Slowly but surely getting there. ALS found day care for my 2 yr old son. All expensive as well. And we found a new home so we will be moving to a 3 bed apartment in marrietta more space with the nice wood floors.
Still reading for driving computer test will go do it next week.
This week have to go to social security office to go change my name to my married name.
Almost there now. Just hope this AOS doesn't take too long so I can get working as a nurse.
Ozgirl whats happening?
Blacjun glad your DNA stuff is in processe.
Sjs seems your almost there too
Godsrule hope your almost done too

Everyone else that is part if may group hope you guys are doing well and your all with your visa too.


NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-20 15:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers
Hi everyone

Glad to here you got a interview date Ozgirl almost there now.

Godsrule good to see your case is moving along

Bamellis am sure you will be fine on the 15th don't worry you fiancée will arrive with you with no problems from immigration I went through Atlanta and it was all fine they didn't even ask anything.

Sjs87 sorry they lost your affidavits that's unfortunate. Thank god your lawyers getting another one ready. Don't worry you will be fine.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-03 18:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers
Merry Christmas every one. Hope all may filers are finally over the process or close to travelling.
Not been here for a while lots happening weddings in January meanwhile just getting myself sorted with reading for the driving. Managed to get a social security card and a ID card. After the wedding I will file for the AOS.
Seem to be on track so far so good.
Adjusting to a new lifestyle now. Have to repeat myself a lot people seem to not understand the queens English here lol. Nice bunch other wise friendly lot.

Anyway hope everyone's doing well.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-27 09:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

My fiancee's going to be going through customs in Atlanta. Can anyone who's already came to be with their fiancee give us any idea on what happens when he gets off the plane? I'm told he has to give them the packet that came with the visa but do they ask questions? What should he expect? Is it like another interview?

Hi glad to hear everything is sorted with your fiancé visa.
I went through customs in Atlanta. Tell your fiancée to be prepared to wait after he hands over the big envelope. They take you to another section of the airport where you have to wait for the custom officers to take there good time to process you. I was there with my little son for about 40 mins they really were very slow with it.
Anyway when they finally got to me he gave me a peace of paper with instructions about getting married in 90 days then emphasised verbally that I must get married within 90 days or I will have to leave the country. No kidding !! Lol. Anyway was glad it's over and done with. Am sure he will be fine just tell him to be prepared for a wait that's all. They don't ask you anything . I never got no questions asked.
Let us know how he goes with it.
Good luck :)

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-27 09:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

CONFUSED!!!! Our case went from Administrative Processing. His interview was two weeks ago to READY again? WHY????????? Is this good or bad?

Means they are doing something with your papers. The next notice you get will be visa issued.
Stay positive.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-11 16:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Woo Hooo Congrats. Now just breathe deeply !!!!!!!! So happy for you :)
Oh wow.. Sorry to hear about your son. I guess excitement can do funny things to us all. 
Glad to hear everything else is running smoothly for you. Enjoy being with your love :)

Update from me...
As of 24hrs ago I finally received the information from my fiance (after 1 month and 1 day postal service) It was driving me insane. Just as we were organising a second package to be sent to me the first one arrived. The package got held up in customs for no reason. But glad it arrived. 
I open it up, grabbed what i needed and sent it to Sydney straight away. According to the tracking, the package will be arriving at the Sydney embassy today, so in about 6-10 days, i should be getting packet 4 with interview date. 
Thankfully no plans have been made for exact wedding or travel dates yet, but getting there before Christmas is out :( But it will happen now. Anyway, flying to USA with the 4 of us is going to be ALOT cheaper mid January. 
Hope everyone has a great Christmas and a even happier New Year with the ones they love !!!!! rose.gif

Thanks Ozgirl . Ever so glad to see you managed to get the package and send the papers off. Your right January would be a cheaper travel time. I am still gritting used to the lack of public transport here that's why I really have to get myself a drivers licence pronto.

Let us know when you get your interview date.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-11 06:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers
Hi all

Finally here and hat a week it has been. Got here on the 2nd December since then I have had one trip to hospital for my son who is overly excited about the change of environment and wants to jump off everything he can climb on lol. Anyway he is fine just a bump on the head.

Friday just gone I filed for social security number it was very straight forward and didn't even wait in a que or anything. All they needed from me was just I-94 and my passport with the k1 visa in it. They told me my card will be with me in two weeks. When we get married just come in and do the name change with the marriage certificate. Straight forward.
This weekend I will be going to get my drivers leathers permit currently reading for the computer test again I was told they only need the I-94 passport with visa and 797 letter of approval. Things seem to be moving along well.
Just planning wedding stuff now.

Hope everyone else is getting along well.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-10 16:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Well, all that worry and fussing was for nothing. APPROVED!

Congrats Ryan

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-10 16:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

 Congrats on your arrival...what is the I-94 and why is it needed? Does everyone immigrating to the US need it?

The I-194 is needed for your fiancés adjustment of status. My understanding is that it is now on the computer system and they no longer. Give paper copies. So what you will have to do is print it of there after he has arrived with the kids and send it in with all your AOS application forms.

 Congrats on your arrival...what is the I-94 and why is it needed? Does everyone immigrating to the US need it?

The I-194 is needed for your fiancés adjustment of status. My understanding is that it is now on the computer system and they no longer. Give paper copies. So what you will have to do is print it of there after he has arrived with the kids and send it in with all your AOS application forms.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-30 04:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Hmmmm.... What did I do to my signature?

Thank you!! That's what we are thinking (praying) too!! They should get the papers anytime! FedEx says on vehicle for delivery but it's 2:00 there so in not sure if they will get to ya today! I really hope so! We want to book that flight!!

Don't worry he will be approved once they get the papers.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-30 04:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers's a delay not a denial. I will sit my kids down and explain that we will have to scale back for Christmas this year. I refuse to give up. We have come too far. By the grace of God we will finish this process. I pray for your status to change this coming week

Hey not been around the site for a while just been too busy . Then I had my surgery etc so still recovering from that.
Sorry it's costing more than you had planned for but like you said don't be giving up. And yes Christmas is going to have to be on a budget for me too. I told the adults not to expect any Christmas present only the little ones will be getting something. Where there is a will there is a way. Your kids will understand there's always next year when your finances are stronger together with your husband.

I am still floating around London. Today my family are coming over and we plan a dinner. It will be the last day they see me till they come in may. I will be flying out Monday afternoon so it's a few days left for last minute. All my suite cases are bulging and I have no more luggage allowance.

Hope you manage to get all the stuff sorted out.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-30 04:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

I'm getting rather unhappy atm trying to keep my head high. My fiance sent I-134 and supporting docs to me on the 8th Nov and today being the 21st, still haven't arrived yet. I'm ready on my end to open the package, grab out the needed forms and send packet 3  express to embassy the same day. The embassy here only do interviews on Tuesday, so I'm hoping on 10th Dec also, so I can get my visa in time to be with my faince before christmas, but haven't book flights yet due to waiting for final approval and prices are rising for Christmas.. By the time I get to USA (approval based) this journey will be near $9,000 AUD, and yet the most precious thing to me, seems still so far away.
I just wanna be with my Honey Bear.. cray5ol.gif   Sorry about my whining.. 

Your almost there Ozgirl keep your hopes up. You will soon be with your love.

yes it will be!just do the things that you can do for now..take it one step at a time. it will always comes when we are with them soon..a month or two of waiting is not that bad at!
keep your spirit up Ozgirl! almost there!
i still have to go to this nonsense cfo!i just hate waking up early..

So happy to hear you arrived safely and things are going well for you. Keep us updated on things.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-22 13:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Just got my interview date - 10th December.

Congrats Ryan let us know how it went.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-22 13:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Thank you very much Nurselling for the response. I was really worried. I am glad that piece of paper is the hard copy. Is NVC that's taking for ever to notify us that they had sent our file to the consular. Please if we call DOS and get the case number do we still have to wait to receive any more packet from NVC or we just proceed in calling our consulate here in Nigeria to book an appointment for an interview and medicals. I am so far behind the forum is really quite these days. I was in vermont then transferred to Texas I thought it doesn't take this long to NVC if you are from Texas unlike california? How are you getting prepared to leave UK? I guess you will miss it though. Take care on your trip.

Hi godsrule I will be leaving 2nd December so about 2 weeks or so left here. Just been cleaning and packing.

Regarding your file you don't need to do anything till your file gets to Nigeria. The embassy should contact you about Ackerman 3 in Nigeria and give you instructions as t what your ext step is. The thing is the forms keep changing so best to hear from the nigerian consulate so you will know what you need to do next. You will need a medical and police certificate for every country you have lived in for more than 6 months. Make sure you have your birth certificate ready and ask your fiancé to send you the i134 affidavits of support plus her tax returns etc just so your ready when you hear from the consulate.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-14 16:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Hey May filers! Just giving the update that our visa was approved at the interview today! I was so happy, and tense I had to go for a run when I got home, lol. It's still really surreal. We are very very thankful that our case only took just over 3 months from the time we filed, although it felt like so much longer. Thanks again to you guys for all your help and support. I wish everyone still waiting all the best. You'll be there before you know it.

Congratulations your on your way.
NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-14 16:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Hello Everybody, tomorrow will make it a month since we got NOA2 but we had not receive the hard copy nor a case number. Can someone kindly describe how a hard copy NOA2 look like? My fiancée did receive a paper in the mail saying we have been approved could that be the hard copy? It's just a single sheet of paper so I doubt if that is the hard copy. She tried calling DoS all the time and they will keep her waiting on the line for more than 20 mins till she will hang up. Please guys what do you suggest we do? Is really frustrating just waiting and not knowing what's happening to our file?

Hi gods rule. The paper you received is only one sheet and that's is the noa2 hard copy that your fiancé needs to send to you along with the affidavits of support form the i134 and the relevant supporting documents e.g tax return, letter from employer showing how much your fiancé earns. Personally here in London when I did my interview I was asked to provide either or so I gave the letter from employer instead of tax return.
Your fiancé will relieve another letter once NVC has sent your file to your consulate saying they sent your file to Nigeria.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-14 10:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Congrats OF & LG. Wishing you all the best. 
Woo hoo.. I'm cleaning out my house too.. keeping the major things just in case I get a denial, so just the usual spring cleaning, but deeper LOL. 
2nd Dec is not far away.. So happy for you. 

Update from me. I finally have medical results as of yesterday, my fiances/co-sponsors paperwork is currently in route which should be arriving any day now. I have certified copies of courts orders (child custody) and I have assembled my part of packet 3 to send back to Sydney as soon as the I-134 arrive. And if the Australian timelines are going as they were 2 weeks ago, I should have interview end of this month or first week of Dec. I have found some flights which will save me $1500 and if everything goes to plan, I'll be flying out 19th Dec (no tickets booked yet).

Thanks Ozgirl

Yep the cleaning is not fun. I realised I am a hoarder and need help lol. I can't seem to let go of stuff. That have not even seen day light in donkey's years. I have so many bags going to charity. My sister is bringing some of her friends round for shopping at my flat at the weekend .

Dec is round the corner too. Christmas with your loved ones. That's great yours is moving along too. As for tickets good you found something cheaper. Every little helps.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-13 17:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers
Update not been here for a while been busy clearing out my flat and getting ready for my flight on 2nd dec. hope all may filers have been approved or at least have there visa or interview dates scheduled.
Fingers crossed for all that are still waiting. A new chapter in life is about to begin for all of us. :) :)

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-13 16:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Thank you so much! Your prayers helps a lot. I have met some K1 applicants during my interview yesterday and I was sad  because most of them cant contact their family and friends. Most are worried and wanted to go but no flights available. The good news is those applicant came from Tacloban Leyte were processed first.
I would like also to thank everyone here for all the helps and encouragements. I passed the interview and now waiting for my Visa. Guys have faith your time will come too.
Thank you and God bless to all!

Congratulations Of and LG. Happy for you.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-13 16:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers
[quote name="mb69" post="6638548" timestamp="1384075450"]

[quote name="mb69" post="6638535" timestamp="1384073439"]

Thank you Ozgirl & Nurseling........ I was hoping to be doing my last bit of packing this weekend but I have been laid up with norovirus since Friday evening (think I may have picked it up in London), slept most of the day yesterday, still not great today....?? I'm hoping to fly out no later than the 25th October.......
Thank you to everyone for the advice and help along the way, I wouldn't be at this stage if it wasn't for vj members
Good luck to everyone, I hope those still waiting for dates get them very soon..... ??[/quote


Yes I thought you ment november. Look after yourself make sure your well before you board the plane.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-10 12:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers
[quote name="cathyvrph" post="6632869" timestamp="1383818846"]

leaving in 2 days, i'm so happy to see everyone's progress and i'm wishing everyone goodluck. i'm couldn't thank you all enough for making this whole journey a better one being a part of this great support group. God bless you all.[/quote

We are very happy for you and safe journey to america. I will be right behind you. I bought my ticket to fly with delta on the 2nd December. Just been busy clearing out my apartment. A new environment will be a welcome change for all of us. Keep us updated to how life is when you get there.

Just returned from interview....... We were approved...... It took just over to hours from the time I arrived to queue (only about 5 people in front of me) to the time I walked out of the door looking like the Cheshire Cat!
Thank you all so much for your help, advice and support I couldn't have done it without you's ( well I could but it would have taken much longer)
Good luck to all those still waiting, I hope you get approved soon and congratulations to all those also approved...
????????. ?? cheers

Congratulations to you.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-09 14:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

I'm a nervous wreck...Ade and the kids are in Kingston doing their medical exams..praying everything goes well.

Hey am sure they will do fine.

Wohoooo! I just had my interview on Tuesday (5/11) and received my visa in hand today (7/11)!!!! I am in so much shock about how fast this is happening and my visa came in perfect timing as my last day of work is tomorrow. I'll be leaving to the US 26th December! :D God bless everyone in here and keep holding on. Your time is nearly here :)

Congrats. You will be in america soon.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-09 14:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

my fiance and his kids got their shots today and the medical is scheduled for this Friday. The interview is set for the 25th!!!

Sounds like your moving along. Not long now.

Short update: I just got home after the interview and my visa is approved... I am soooooooooo happpppyyyyyy :)

Congrats to you

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-11-07 00:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Rio sends no packet 3. It comes in as packet 4. It said ready at NVC last week. Got email today!

Congrats your on your way now.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-31 12:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

done my medical in one day!all is well!!off to my interview by Nov. 13, 2013.. wish me luck!!dancin5hr.gif

Congrats on the medical. Good luck with the interview you will do great.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-30 23:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Ahhhhh i just got my packet 4 via email and my interview date is Nov 5!!! I was not expecting this at all. They only got my package 3 days ago! Ozgirl! You were right!!

Hooray Aysidrak nov is just right round the corner we are wishing you the best. You will get your visa too

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-30 06:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Wonderful news.. so happy for you!!!!!!

Thank you Ozgirl. Lol can't believe it's finally happened. That white envelope they sent seems like they packed our whole life story in it very heavy that will be going in carry on bag it weighs a bit.

Done with the interview today! :) Approved! :)

Congratulation to you when are you going?

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-30 06:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

congrats Nurseling, got my flight booked already, will be flying to SD on November 9, 10 more days left here. it should go by fast with all the things that i have to accomplish.

Wow you be there very soon then. I have decided to go in november now instead of december tickets seem much cheaper nov end around 27 is the date I am now on the search for a ticket for. Waz going to spend christmas with my family here but it will cost too much waiting till december.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-29 11:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

WOOHOO!!!!!!! Congrats!!!! I can't wait til everyone can say that!!!!

Thanks it just look so diffrent I. My passport. I now have two pages I my paszport with my picture in lol. Been zearching for ticket trying to find the cheapest deal now. Hope you get yours soon too.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-29 11:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers
Hooray my visa just got delivered. Finally!!
NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-29 08:16:00