K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

I'm starting to get antsy with anticipation!

Lol I have been obsessively checking my phone today checking for mail from them. I think we are all antsy now.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-19 12:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers
Things are truelly moving along for us may lot. Lets keep praying it continues daily.

WHOOHOO....let's get it VSC!!! I am getting excited, My NOA1 is May 20th. Hopefully, I will receive good news soon


Yes exciting news recently. We we all get our approvals very soon.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-19 11:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

On July 19, 2013, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E).
Your case: Post Decision activity
got a text about it :)
it's a good day!!! vsc filer.

Congratulation. Another may approval. Did you expedite?

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-19 11:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

All right fellow May filers, my petition has been approved!! Waiting for the hard copy now. FYI, I did submit for expedited processing. Good luck everyone.

Wow congratulations so happy for you guys. We have the same date as you. We sent ours on the 2nd of may and received alien reg change on 13th may this gives me hope mine will be very soon ore at least a rfe anything would do at this point lol. Go may we sure are getting there.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-19 07:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

So the VCS is now working on May Fiers after the famous transfer of March and April!  Wow please Lord help the adjudicators to have more energy to approve us.. all of us!!!
Im so happy... I am more excited!

Lol. Yes indeed we need to pray for them to have more energy and work quicker.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-18 23:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers
I agree with you. It will be soon for us all.
NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-18 19:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Is Algeria known to be a country that gets rushed processed?

I don't think so. But they definitely touching may files now cos I just done some digging around numbers and noted that a few people who had alien registration number changed on the 13th may have either got a RFE or a approval. The numbers I just saw we're ending july 16th 5785 rfe , 5757 approved on the 15th July. July 16 th 5746 RFE and may 21st 5747 rfe. Theses people definatley had the same alien registration change of number on the 13 th of may cos that's when my alien number we are all close at least we know they Are looking at may files. Plus they are all Vsc. We shall see what will happen over the next week or so.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-18 18:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

I sent all the normal things, following the checklist I got from this site! I had both letters of intent, the proof of meeting in the last two years, with pictures. I had around 20 pages of conversations from online and I had pictures from before he left to go home (when we first met). I don't think I had anything exceptional, and I didn't include phone records-- just internet communication. I hope you receive your NOA2 soon! I didn't get any RFEs or anything, just straight from NOA1 to NOA2.

My petition went through VSC. So hopefully you'll get news soon! :)

Thank god vsc is finally getting things done quickly. I am soo happy for you guys now on to the next phase NVC. I bet your going to be checking mail religiously now. Let us know when you get your hard copy. Have you started getting other bits ready yet? If not start ASAP so there's no delays.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-18 17:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers
See all the excitement is causing my terrible typos. This is exciting news lol.
See all the excitement is causing my terrible typos. This is exciting news lol.
See all the excitement is causing my terrible typos. This is exciting news lol.
NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-18 16:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Your noa1 is the 10th may ours is the 8th may I hope our file is withe same person that approved yours lol. I just noticed your timeline says october too. You must be the first of our may lot to be approved congrats again. Hope we all start sharing good news soon.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-18 16:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

The difference between Vermont and California is insane....your estimated date is middle of August, mine is middle of October and my NOA1 was May 10th...  lol  This process is the cause of cases of temporary insanity I am sure! kicking.gif

Hey few days diffrence with our noa1 I wonder who will be next lol. We know know there so particular order right so it's anyone next. Any one think they may do another batch of transfers this week? considering the transfers on the 10th have started getting approvals,
It is comeing up to our 3 months wait i guess in a few weeks. So I would expect the next month or 2 we shall start seeing approval numbers for may increaseing. Roll on end of the month.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-18 16:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers
Your noa1 is the 10th may ours is the 8th may I hope our file is withe same person that approved yours lol. I just noticed your timeline says clobber too. You must be the first of our may lot to be approved congrats again. Hope we all start sharing good news soon.
NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-18 16:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers
Wow congrats is it vsc or Csc? We are may 8th noa1. If its vsc we may have hope yet lol. Although my time line is still saying October.
NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-18 16:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers
Yes. Lets face it there's no order so it could be anyone's file getting approved at this point.
The rfe I saw i
On someone's file is still sitting there even though the person has sent a reply back.

After changing the last digits on the USCIS case status tool to get a feeling of where we are at, I noticed that a May filer who is in the same batch as those who received their A# on May 15th was approved yesterday, July 14th.
I'm a May 16th A# so.....we'll see...

That person was probably from Haiti. Seems they approve quicker from certain country's.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-15 16:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

We are getting married in New Orleans so we will either stay there for a couple days or go to one of the US Virgin Islands. I wasn't going to do a honeymoon due to the cost of immigration and the wedding but since i no longer have to pay for the wedding we are going on a honeymoon

Lucky you that's nice. Sounds like a good plan.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-12 12:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

i am just going to sit back and see what happens. I hope my wait is not an entire year!!! that is ridicules. I just search some news websites and couldn't find anything regarding Obama and fiance visas. Everything will happen on God's timing I am just waiting patiently

btw...the weddingplanning is going good. it went from 20-30 guest to nearly!!! my dad's family decided to finance it

Wow that's a lot of people. That's nice of them to help you guys out. We are still keeping things small. We shall look towards a nice honeymoon we still trying to work out where to go though. We're you guys going?

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-12 11:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

I want my approval rom VSC that way it'll be in my hand in 5-7 days after approval. it take a couple weeks for the transferred files to make it to TSC, and once approved, you have to wait for NOA2 a couple more weeks. I hope VSC keeps my file, approve it and forward my NOA2 ASAP


I stumbled across one post where someone waiting 1 year with VSC. Wow way too long. Someone else has just wrote a post today saying that the Obama administration is now saying USCIS should concentrate on other types of visas and not so much on the 129f. It's worrying. Do you not think all this transferring cases may have something to do with that. God forbid they go dump some files with ones they aren't transferring. I think I really would rather take my chances with Texas centre. It's very worrying reading other people's story's. I do think though that the next transfer will definitely have some may filers files in the batch. We shall see how things plan out in the next few weeks. How's wedding plans going? Am still feeling soar from the immunizations. Just waiting on police cert in the post now.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-12 07:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers
I feel the best thing that could happen to us may filers is to get transferred to Tsc in the next batch of transfer cos honestly I don't want to be waiting on my noa2 for another 6 months to 1 year in some cases. If we had been able to choose our centres I would have rather taken my chances at California center.
NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-12 04:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers
Yes I know what you mean. In June while typing in receipt numbers from mine to numbers after mine noticed someone who filed in may under vsc had a rfe. this person it seems filed after me. Well yesterday I checked again and low and behold the system said they received the reply on the 11th July and that they will contact the, when a decision is made. Bet this person will most likely get their noa2 very soon. Really can't work out how this system worked. From my recite number this person was like no 7 and they filed after me and many others who's file still hasn't been touched. Well I suppose it gives us hope that vsc is looking at may files now too.
NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-12 04:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

thanks.. I feel good now knowing we met the required income. But I will try to search for that and post it so we can help others who need it.
Yeah I will definitely work.. I am a May Filer and so happy that VCS is now transfering March and April, they can concentrate on some pending applications and focus on us. Yahoooooo!!!

Lol I totally agree.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-11 07:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Hopefully, with the recent April transfers we will start seeing some May activity such as RFE & NOA2 status changes. I am praying I added enoughproof to avoid any RFE's. I am praying I get approved mid-end of August.

Yes I do hope it's going to move along quick. But I think realistically we should be looking at September approval just because the transfers seem to take a few weeks then a few more weeks before the start touching files. Some of us maybe lucky enough to see anything end August but I wouldn't think before that. Although a bonus if it is beginning of August.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-11 07:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers
More than enough. There is a income bracket somewhere not sure where. It takes into account how many of you guys he is responsible for. I believe I saw it somewhere that 28,000 for a house hold of 3. Don't quote me on that figure though. But if its just you it's fine. When you get there you plan to work too right.
NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-11 06:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers
It seems they transferred possibly all of April. Could they have transferred some of mays too? If anyone gets a text pls keep us updated so we know whats happening.
NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-10 16:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Personally I was thinking that perhaps they're transferring the bulk of i129fs to Texas from VSC just because of the back log of the other visas they must file.  As long as my wait doesn't go past 5 months (3 months preferably) they can transfer my case wherever they want!

I totally agree with you there. Heck I will help them adjucate if they like just to get things moveing quicker lol.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-10 16:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers
Lets face it vsc has a high work load. It's not just i129 petitions they are dealing with there's other applications so yes it makes sense to transfer the i129f to other offices so they can be processed in the 5 months time frame they have given. I read a post the other day where someone said they finally got approved after 1whole year of wait. Now really that's too long I have to take my hat off for that person and the patience to wait 1 year. Seems rather unfair that that maybe the case for some people. So I think this whole transfer in batches thing is the best way to deal with the back logs.
NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-10 15:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

No RFE and no updates since my A# of May far so good I guess?
How do you know there are April cases being transferred to TSC?  From the VJ forum?
Edit:  I just saw the VSC transferred April Filer thread and there are 5+ people so far who say they were transferred.  Hopefully things are speeding up! :)


Saw one of the threads for April filers someone with a noa1 of April 24th got transfer and a few early April and late march filers got transferred yesterday and today. Good news for us I think.

no RFE so far for me either...hopefully this is a good sign. yes i did notice some April filers transfered to Texas. Keeping my fingers crossed for a speedy approval

We maybe the next in line for this famous transfer. Lol.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-10 15:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers
Hi may filers

How's everyone holding up? It seems there's some good news. Vsc is now transferring early to middle April filers possibly end of April files. Meaning we are next right ? hooray. Any one know why they are transferring files in batches like this? Almost like they are really bogged down that files are getting sent to local offices. Any news from may files yet?

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-10 13:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers
Ok so just had meningococcal and pneumococcal and pertusis injection and my arms feel like they are about to drop off. At least that completes my records and so I save some money by not haveing to pay for them. Now I have all my immunizations record completed and stamped by my doctor. Just waiting for the noa2 and what a wait this is turning out to be.
NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-05 07:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers
Hi may filers.

Prepped as much as I cn for now just waiting waiting waiting lol. Sent police certificate off this week, tody I picked up immunizations records from my doctors office tomorrow a appt with the nurse to give me the missing injections can't do any more at this point. Oh we'll roll on July. Coming up to 2 months since noa1well 2 months exactly on the 8th July. 3 more months hopefully we won't go that whole length of time.
Anyone have good news to share? May filers i mean.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-04 08:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

I did 6043 as the last 4 digits. i went form my number to about 40 before and 40 after to check for other I-129F. In my group of numbers it's about 10 fiance petitions and we all are in the same stage.

Thanks. So many different application those people really do have their work cu out for them.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-03 16:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

I did the same thing and found  and found a few May RFE'S sent out on the 23rd of June. At least they are working on May petitions. I am praying that I am able to get married before the year is out and that my baby is here for the holidays.

Hi blakcajun

What numbers are you looking at cos I tried typing numbers after mine and no activities. I was ytpeing from 5740 numbers before that aren't i-129f and so from 5740 all the way to 5747 nothing and numbers after aren 129f application so I quit. I didn't see no rfes. Sure glad you guys are seeing some files been touched.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-03 14:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers
God this waiting around is painful. Well it's comeing up to month 2 for us may filers some of us maybe lucky and start getting some touches by next month. Hope so anyway.
NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-01 13:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

its been 8 days since we got our Noa2,,, but we didnt call yet.. hehehe... My fiancee will call tomorrow.  i will just inform all... if NVC already received our case,,, Godbless all :).

It seems its takeing at least 2 weeks for NVC.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-14 01:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

what is "DOS"?

department of state.
NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-13 22:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Hi All,
I called DOS this morning and they had no info yet.  I called NVC tonight at about 9 PM EST, and they had everything ready for me.  I have been calling twice a day for 2 weeks, lol, you never know!

Hi rick and Lyn. Maybe I need to do the same. I called dos Monday. Tomorrow I will try NVC. Maybe by some miracle they might have our file. Thanks for the info appreciate it.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-13 22:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

Have any of the May filers had any luck with NVC yet? We got our NOA2 almost 2 weeks ago, the hard copy within a week of that, and my fiance called NVC last night with no luck. The person was very nice and didn't give the whole "30 day waiting period" speech, but said they had not received it yet. He's going to call back Friday or Monday.
Filed for my police certificate today, which should take 4-6 weeks according to the officer. (Just the normal one, not the fingerprints). I'm not really rushing the other stuff until it at least gets to NVC, though. I almost feel like it would be worse to have it ready and be just sitting here waiting to send. Lol.

You might want to call them tomorrow and see if your file got sent out with rick and Lyn. They are from the same Csc as you so it would make sense that your case number is already waiting for you. No harm in checking.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-13 22:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

NVC Received file today and issued MNL case number!  NOA2 was July 30th!  Moving forward!  So happy!

I will assume that since they are coming from two different centres that its a Vermont thing again lol. I bet it's cos yours was coming from California that's why NVC has received your file quickly. No such luck with vsc. Keep us updated on your case and interview etc.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-13 22:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

NVC Received file today and issued MNL case number!  NOA2 was July 30th!  Moving forward!  So happy!

Did you just called today? I got approved 29th so I wonder if mine has reached NVC too.

Nothing yet from NVC here either and it's been about 3 weeks since NOA2 came in.

Yes we are all in the same boat waiting on NVC. You were approved long before us they should have received yours by now.

Have any of the May filers had any luck with NVC yet? We got our NOA2 almost 2 weeks ago, the hard copy within a week of that, and my fiance called NVC last night with no luck. The person was very nice and didn't give the whole "30 day waiting period" speech, but said they had not received it yet. He's going to call back Friday or Monday.
Filed for my police certificate today, which should take 4-6 weeks according to the officer. (Just the normal one, not the fingerprints). I'm not really rushing the other stuff until it at least gets to NVC, though. I almost feel like it would be worse to have it ready and be just sitting here waiting to send. Lol.

Yes the NVC things seems like more of a challenge than the noa2 lol.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-13 22:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

NoA2 approval LETTER*
I got electronic notification. 
I hope they send us soon, I think this is getting a little ridiculous. :C
I'd post in the April filers thread but no one talks in there. Hah.

I can't understand whats taking your hard copy so long to come. It was like our noa1 took a good 3 weeks before we got it yet the noa2 only took a week I could only put it down to they had not posted it on the date they said the had. I wonder if that's the case with your Noa2.

USCIS is hardly ever fair. But when that happens that's the time to get your local Congressman and/or Senator involved.

Yes your right. Do what ever it takes to get things moveing.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-13 16:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 filers

I call weekly, I got approved July 26th, and I still haven't seen anything about my case getting sent onto NVC. I also still didn't receive my NoA2 approval. I'm an April filer though.

Yep am still waiting for NVC too.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-13 15:11:00