Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g
Kiya, I was with him at his last inteview and the consular officer gave me a form with a bunch of statutes and circled the same one she referenced to the congressioanl aid. I looked it up yesterday and its pertaining to a Labor Certificate. I think this merits a call to a lawyer. I'll definityly get in touch with EI by tomorrow and get his take on it. By the way, I forgot to thank you for his contact info. I'll keep you posted.

paisita411FemaleColombia2007-03-14 16:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g
I have SOME news. My congressman's office forwarded the response from the Embassy today.

"The petition is being returned to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) under Section 212(a)(5)(A) of the Immigration and Nationality Act. The decision of the consular officer is not final, however. A decision to revoke a petition, or to return it to us for continued processing, rests with DHS. If the petitioner wishes to pursue his application for a fiancé visa, he should contact his local USCIS office for further consideration."

I looked up Section 212(a)5(A) and it reads as follows:

Section 212(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act reads:


(a) Classes of Aliens Ineligible for Visas or Admission.-Except as otherwise provided in this Act, aliens who are inadmissible under the following paragraphs are ineligible to receive visas and ineligible to be admitted to the United States:

5) Labor certification and qualifications for certain immigrants.-

(A) Labor certification.-

(i) In general.-Any alien who seeks to enter the United States for the purpose of performing skilled or unskilled labor is inadmissible, unless the Secretary of Labor has determined and certified to the Secretary of State and the Attorney General that-

(I) there are not sufficient workers who are able, willing, qualified (or equally qualified in the case of an alien described in clause (ii)) and available at the time of application for a visa and admission to the United States and at the place where the alien is to perform such skilled or unskilled labor, and

(II) the employment of such alien will not adversely affect the wages and working conditions of workers in the United States similarly employed.

(ii) Certain aliens subject to special rule.-For purposes of clause (i)(I), an alien described in this clause is an alien who-

(I) is a member of the teaching profession, or

(II) has exceptional ability in the sciences or the arts.

I'm sending a reply to the Senator to alert him to this EXPLANATION from the embassy and the fact that my husband is applying for an Immigrant Visa, not a LABOR CERTIFICATION. Don't know how much good it will do, but there is definitely an error here.

Wish me Luck. At least the ball is rolling. Makes me feel a little better.

paisita411FemaleColombia2007-03-13 18:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g

Thank you for your reply and for all of your advice. I'm glad you mentioned the 2006 tax return issue. I knew that its possible to get his ITIN but I wasn't sure if it was legal for me to file jointly with him. Since you mentioned it, I will look into doing this since I haven't filed yet.

Originally, I was waiting for my husband to get here and to have our church wedding in July to change name, but since returning from the Embassy, I've changed EVERYTHING, the only thing pending is my passport and I sent that in on 3/ I should have it back in 6-10 weeks. I've also started adding him to my utilities and such. Washington Mutual, my bank, suggested I open a joint account with him Online to circumvent the Patriot Act regualtions. I can start using the account as soon as its opened. I plan to use this account for any bank transfers back and forth. I also plan on visiting him in late April or early May and we're planning to meeting in Madrid, Spain for a vacation in Europe this October (maybe a little late for the IRLetter), but we're following your advice in each category. I've sent my FOIA letters and ccd my Senator's office (they've been involved since week 1). I'm getting letters from everyone that knows us and as soon as I have them together I'll send them to the CSC and NVC.

Sister, thank you again for your support, not only towards me, but what you do for everyone in this community. If you ever think its not worth it, think of me. I don't know where I would have been without you. NOT ONE of the 5 lawyers I spoke to (and paid $350 in fees to) gave me 1/8 of the info that you've provided. You're worth you're weight in GOLD.



Edited by OskaryAndrea, 12 March 2007 - 07:04 PM.

paisita411FemaleColombia2007-03-12 19:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g
I'm posting tonight because I just need a little moral support. Its been four weeks since the denial. I've processed the whole thing and I think I'm finally allowing myself some time to grieve. I'm grieving all of the plans that are now delayed. The moments that we won't share together and the difficult year ahead of us without any certainty to the outcome. It was a beautiful spring day in Georgia and I sat in my room and cried all day because I expected to share this spring with my husband and it won't happen. I'm so angry. At myself, at the system, I don't even know at what anymore. Its springtime and of course wedding season is in full swing. I was planning our wedding for July. My daughter picked the date: July 7, 2007 (07/07/07), she said it would be a lucky number. Now we have to cancel plans and reservations. I'm sorry. I'm venting. I feel so lonely. I feel guilty for not being happy for others, especially those on the VJ Colombia Club where I've been such an active member. I can't even bear to go in there and read anymore. I feel so bad for feeling that way. I feel terrible at myself. I hope that here, some of you can understand how I feel. I'm doing and doing and doing, but today I'm really FEELING like ######. I know this will pass, but for right now I'm feeling raw. :crying:

thanks for listening.

paisita411FemaleColombia2007-03-11 22:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g
Chi.... I just spent the last two hours reading EVERY entry on this thread and it was SOOO cool to find your post at the end.

To answer your question about the denial..the consular officer said that she found inconsistencies in our answers (of 50 or so questions, there were maybe 3 inconsistencies). To me she stressed the online dating issue and the time between meeting on line and marrying (7 months). To my husband she made a big deal of our age difference (10years) and why I didn't meet his parents (he was raised by his grandparents and has little contact with Mom and Dad). I guess we through up several 'red flags'.

Most of the posters on this thread complain about Morracco, but getting a visa in Colombia has been as difficult if not more difficult FOREVER. If you think its hard to travel in this world with a middle eastern passport (any Arab nation), than you now know what its like to travel on a COLOMBIAN passport for the past 30 years. And I've now seen several denials from Bogota for SPOUSES, reaffirming some of the concerns on this thread regarding the treatment of "families" by our own government.

Chi, I'm totally freaked out about your timeline. I can't imagine another 17 months away from my husband! Thank you for your courage in seeing things through and congratulations on your final outcome. That goes for KIVA too and everyone else that is posting in this thread. I've got my FOIA letters ready to mail out.

As far as the I-130, its still in CSC, the I-824 was sent in efforts to get it transferred to NVC, but NOW I almost wish I'd not sent the I-824. For what I've learned from you guys, I've just thrown $200 out the window...(and that under advise from a very good immigration lawyer, what a load of #######)! As I relied on VJ for everything else thus far, I should have done the same on this issue, but the truth is this thread was HARD to come by. It took a lot of searching and reading to find the RIGHT KEY WORDS to find it. Where is it PINNED to? I' just saved the topic on my Favorites.

I have more comments and questions, but I'm kind of sleepy. Good night VJ, thanks Chi for your reply. I'll keep posting my updates as they come along.

paisita411FemaleColombia2007-03-04 02:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g
I'm so thankful for finding this thread. I'm on VJ almost 8 hours a day and it took me two weeks to find it. A little late to try to stop things at the embassy level but in time to start making some moves to prepare myself for the "Intent to Revoke" letter. I've read only a few posts, but already I've learned a HUGE amount!!! Thank you all for sharing your stories and experiences.

I've told my story on several threads, so if you're very intersted, visit colombia club in the K3 forum. The details are there. (I'm sorry i'm being lazy)

At this point I've
1. contacted my senator and he has responded with a letter and after a call to his office they have assigned a case manager who was very sweet and told me she has requested the file from USCIS and told me I could call her anytime for updates.

2. interviewd several attorneys who have each assured me that I have an excellent chance at a reaffirmation. Several have said there is no doubt that I have more than enough evidence to prove the validity of my marriage and that the consular officer's questions were 'borderline inappropriate'.

3. i'm STUDYING everyting I can about the process.

4. i've sent in my I-824 (at the suggestion of one attorney) to request that my APPROVED I-130 application be forwarded to the NVC. At best, I'm hoping it will be at the embassy at the same time as my 'reaffirmed' I-129F and that my husband can be issued the Immigrant visa in order to 'make up some lost time' by avoiding the AOS process altogether. I really don't want to end up with an interview prior to the "intent to revoke" evaluation b/c we're almost certain it will be sent back to the NVC as well., but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

5. i'm requesting all the suggestions and feedback I can get from those of you ahead of me in the process.

paisita411FemaleColombia2007-03-01 23:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaUS Embassies to Close Sunday Amid Terrorist Threat - ABC News

I've just heard that. Then what the applicant have to do for an interview or immigrant process?

How bad....

Edited by Soojung, 03 August 2013 - 01:06 AM.

SoojungFemaleSouth Korea2013-08-03 01:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaJust a little whining and feeling sorry for myself

i dont think it is ever easy. i only see my husband for about a week twice a year, and it goes by so fast. i totally understand how you feel, but i am so thankful to have someone like my husband and i know in the end it will all be worth it. we have been doing this for almost two years now, our journey is kind of complicated but again it is all worth it.

rylforeverFemaleMexico2013-05-23 09:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew home

congratulations!! That is great!

rylforeverFemaleMexico2014-04-08 15:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNow Believe that marriage was for immigraion
I am confused, how people with any type of criminal past even gets approved through the first stages of the application process, when in the Initial Stage background checks are supposed to be done.
Miss MissyFemaleKazakhstan2011-07-14 14:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI will take good care of you NOA2
Very Nice. :thumbs:
Miss MissyFemaleKazakhstan2011-08-11 14:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWelcome to America :)
Glad to hear you made it ok.
Miss MissyFemaleKazakhstan2011-08-18 23:41:00
Middle East and North Africafinally interview is over guys

thank you Simo, would love to get together sometime.
Btw, I had a drink at that cafe too "BIVERLY" but after the interviw, & talked to my sweetheart:d

yes it's a nice café, i loved their (croissants) the girl in the café was like :blink: when i told her 1 café and 3 bread (croissants) hahahahaha:).

well i'm gonna give you e-mail, yahoo and phone number.

salam alikom from marrakesh
Zamo95MaleMorocco2006-04-29 18:30:00
Middle East and North Africafinally interview is over guys

I am happy you had success, but I think it is darn low of you to come in here and blame fellow VJ'ers for their their cases being returned. You don't really know anything about their cases and it is unfair and unsupportive to blame them.

If your love IS real like you claim, why ALL the training??? Are you worried you wouldn't of passed without it? :whistle:


am sorry if you take it that way, but am sure some guys here wouldn't admit to their fiancées how they exactly screwed up their interview. am not blaming them for that because am sure they did what they were able to do, so am just trying to figur things out, i don't think there were many moroccan guys who posted every details of interview here, but me i shared my little experiences with ppl having their interview soon and it's also for ppl who had their cases returned to states and waiting inshallah for an other interview to avoid any mistakes. when i said training that doesn't have ANY thing with feelings, it's just for interview to know how to answer to their questions, my point is to train answers in english , phone numbers, adresses, because it' always the same thing for everyone having interview and even consulars are drilling questions so easily because they are used to that, so i want guys here to be like them train questions and answers so as their ears to not be surprised by questions because their girls were asking the same thing, so once they are with consular they would feel like they are with their girls :). hope you dig it now :) right noura .?

thank you very much for discussing your point .it's all for us for you for everyone here to get things clarified and am sure many ppl here they don't mind to be blamed if it's to help them .

good luck :thumbs:

Simo, Congratulations and thanks for the long detailed explanation. It's terrible that we have to work so hard to justify our relationships, but unfortunately that's the difference between getting a visa and not getting one many times, and since we all want to be together, that's what we just have to do.

I'm sure your message here will help anyone else getting ready to go through the same thing.

You have certainly practiced your English here with us enough, and you will be so much more prepared for life here in the states than those who haven't. Just be prepared to not understand street talk. Poor Abdel still looks at the people he meets on the bus and says "I have no idea what you just said." He has no trouble most of the time understanding educated people though, and academic talk. You're coming to Georgia too, right? Atlanta? You'll only be about 4 hours from us so we'll have to get together some time after you and Carrie have a very long honeymoon.

thank you very much liz and abdel ,yes would be great to meet inshallah and have some nice tajine for dinner :)

and yes everything getting better alhmdullah and will be much better thanks to my loving brillant princess (L) .

salam to you and abdel :)
Zamo95MaleMorocco2006-04-29 18:07:00
Middle East and North Africafinally interview is over guys

Way to go Simo :thumbs: I'm impressed with that whole long answer part :P you really nailed it.
congrats & hope u get a call soon.
Btw, welcome to the "waiting for that :angry: god da** call from casa"

thank you very much mon ami :) hopefully we will be called for visa same day inshallah ,will let ya know then we could meet there and talk .

bonne chance .
Zamo95MaleMorocco2006-04-29 17:43:00
Middle East and North Africafinally interview is over guys

Congrats ! Mabrook !

Can I ask a dumb question ?

Why is it that EVERYONE that goes through Casa gets on AR ? Is it like that with other embassies or just casa ?

well we're now used with that AR option, everyone wants at least to get that rather than get case returned to the states, but it's a security process for them ,maybe they have informations that some terrorits are trying to get to the states thru morocco ,and i couple girls on K-1 didn't get AR, they had their visa issued right away and told to be there next day at 3 to pick up visa .so for some reason they approve girls right away and give guys AR .

thank you very much for your post .
Zamo95MaleMorocco2006-04-29 17:40:00
Middle East and North Africafinally interview is over guys

...If you talked this much as you did in one answer in the interview, I would've stamped your visa right there and said get out of my office you're making me crazy! lol just kidding glad everything went well ... Hope you can get home soon !!! (F)

wait a minute... where did that little heart come from on my thingie ????

you have to tell me what zamo means too because my friend named her cat zamo, she's living with an Iraqi and he named her that but I never asked what it meant ! lol

well i don't think my zamo is like your friend's , mine is the last 2 letters of my last name and 1st 2 letters of first name : hamZA MOhamed .

dug it now ? :)

thank you very much for your post .
Zamo95MaleMorocco2006-04-29 17:34:00
Middle East and North Africafinally interview is over guys
:D morning ladies and gentlmen :)

first of all i wonna thank everyone here for your support, help, sharing your experiences and everything .
so i had interview on thurs 27th finally, so am back after medical exams to share my interview experience like most of you did.
of course i went to casa on wedn in the train, spent the night in a hotel very close to train station(CASA VOYAGEURS), relaxed , watched some soccer game at the café in the evening ,got dinner and went to bed.
i woke up at 6 morning ,took taxi from hotel to consulate, was so early but good to be there to see ppl and get some stress releived before they open :), so there is a nice quiet café close to consulate named BIVERLY where i took my princess's favorite bread with chocolat(croissants) with coffee :) helped alot to relax and get nice air .
then took my 2 big bags with tons of papers to the consulate, to start serious things. bunchs of ppl were there but most of them are lottery visa's, so first thing i did, i asked security guy he showed me my place, so it was the shortest line :dance: ,went thru secutity stuff outside then again inside, phone off leave it with security sevices,then go to wait in the room with ppl. it's a room like in class, many chairs and consular officer's windows in front of you,before you take a place ask security guy what to do and tell him your on fiancé visa,he would tell you what to do, you give passport and consulate letter from pack3 you write your phone number on it, they give some receipt to go to the other window to pay around 950 dh, back to your place with receipts waiting . plz choose a place where you can see all the consulars or at least 2 of them, that's what i did and it helped, try to concentrate on their faces and how they ask questions, how they speak ,everything .keep concentrate deeply on consulars while reading some qoran .
remember now am waiting for moroccan man to call me not consular, so be ready to give your forms ,BC, police record, so i was called by that moroccan man ,i gave the forms, BC, police record, passport photos (5cm/5cm).
then go to your place waiting ,KEEP concentrate on consulars please.
that's what i kept doing till the BLONDE lady said my name (MOHAMED HAMZA) :wacko: .
the lady you guys were talking about with dark hair is really nicer than the blonde and i wonna stop here to inform you guys that they are really VERY normal persons nothing special. so don't be scared alot .
so i walked up to the window, said good morning madam to consular with a big smile :D ,she said hi how are you, i said fine thank you madam :D.she doesn't smile but dont let her scare you or embarasse you.
but i hope for everyone of you guys to get the young NICE man speaking arabic :)he is nice and funny :)
so i want to say girls/guys in states NOT to worry alot about consulars and stuff nothing really wrong with them at all, the thing you should worry about is your fiancé/es ,work alot on their english, speaking some english is VERY VERY VERY VERY important or at least keep working on interview's samples on phone or chats, my princess and i were training on phone and yahoo for interview :D she helped me alot with that (thank you my soul) but if she was a consular none of you guys would be approved hahahahah:) :P
anyway that's what the blonde lady aked me ,she is speaking like a machine soo fast :help:
first she told me to swear that all informations in the forms are correct i said yes medam i swear :)
then started drilling questions while checking the petition documents :
how did you meet her ?
when did you meet her ?
how many times she visited you ?
how long she stayed with you ?
how many times you were together ?
do you have pics together ?
what was her trips for ? (while checking at our album)
how old is she ?
what does she doing for living ?
where she lives?
is she married before ?
children ?
are you married or married before ?
how much money she makes ?
how do you keep in touch together?
how many tmes you talking on phone?
how long you talking on phone? (while checking phone bills)
whats your phone number?
do you have other phone numbers ?
then started stamping everywhere on documents, signed some receipt gave it to me
she said ok that's fine, i'm gonna give this paper it's VERY normal don't worry , your case needs some AR in washington we will call as soon as security process is complet not longer than a month ,so she gave me(221G) i was like yes i know madam, thank you very much , then i asked her well madam sorry but my fiancé is worrying now without sleep ALLLL night poor baby, so everything is fine madam ? she said yes we will call you when AR is complete, then said thank you good luck :).so it took about 25 minutes maximum.
well that was it, there was some guy with the dark haired lady he was sooo confused he was on K-1 poor guy am sure he was denied ,he doesn't speak english very well and no enough idea about interview ,so plz don't be like that, be strong and get MUCH trainings at least if you really don't speak english well ,because that guy asked him how he was communicating his fiancée if no english ,he was trying to tell her that they speak spanish but she made him confused and lost control of everything, she saw e-mails in english asked him why e-mails in eglish if she speaks spanish ,he didn't understand so he told her that he is using translation websites which NOT good for their case at all.
one other thing while training for interview try to make answers longer. when you keep talking you don't give her time to look for more questions to confuse you, i saw that blonde lady how long she is takiing to interview ppl, so i decided to take this strategie to make answers LONG .so as to stop her keep asking and me answering, because if i stop she would look for other questions. so she asked me twice if i can give her a second to check papers and informations :) so i think she decided to get rid of me :)
well am really sorry for this LONG post, but i wonna help you guys as you helped me and my princess and thank million million times for everything .
and hard luck for alll of you getting ready for interview ,my point to you is speaking english is very important, as long as relationship is serious nothing to worry about, and do MANY trainings together on phone or chat if you really don't speak english well but practice interview's questions and answers in english, when somthing goes wrong it's not consulars it is you or petition or not enough proofs, so plz try to work out all this points before interview and then don't worry about any of those ppl in the consulate.

good luck guy and thank you very much .
Zamo95MaleMorocco2006-04-29 11:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaJennie's interview in Morocco

I am not sure if you meant a K-3 being approved so fast, or a K-1, but Jennie and Belaid filed for a K-3 as they are already married. I believe they sent everything in last year in Feb or March so it's been over a year! They hadn't seen eachother in almost 2 years! Anyways have a good day!

Thank you Simo, that is very sweet of you. We're hanging in there, time seems to be going pretty fast and hopefully this month we will have our NOA2. I ask Hicham questions everyday pretending that I am interviewing him but I am still worried about a question coming out of no where like "which arm did she break when she was 11?"... and even though that's pretty crazy of me to think that someone would ask a question like that I guess I just want him to be really prepared, and maybe just maybe he will get approved the same day of his interview. Probably not, but maybe!

Well I hope Jennie and Belaid are celebrating with eachother in Casa today! They deserve it!

And Simo I hope you have your visa soon! I'm sure it's going to be any day now.


thank you sarah, don't worry i had that with my princess also ,on phone ,puter..hahahaha:) i was teasing her by saying that thank GOD she is not a CO hahahah :) my poor sweet kitten (L)
anyway it's nice to practice alll questions to be ready for anything, i swear that when the CO started drilling questions it was like carrie asking me ,it was SO normal for me drilling answers as well :) nothing was surprising me , i mean my ears were used with those questions and it's like (click) to answer right away :) so make sure you keep interviewing hisham it's good for your interview specially if he has that blonde woman (questions machine) hahahahah:) .as i said in my post dont forget to tell hisham to get a place in FRONT of windows and focus in CO's face and how they ask questions .

good luck and thank you .
Zamo95MaleMorocco2006-05-04 11:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaJennie's interview in Morocco

Thank you Simo. I am so very happy for them both and hopefully we will all get the man for our interviews!

yes inshallah sarah just keep strong you and hisham ,and keep training hahahahah:) :thumbs:
everything will be fine inshallah doesn't matter if the guy or women CO it stills in all cases an INTERVIEW.its all about answering to questions .

best of luck for you hisham .
Zamo95MaleMorocco2006-05-04 11:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaJennie's interview in Morocco

That's awesome! We had a same day approval to so it is definetely possible in Morocco. I really think it helped that she was there (even though not in the room). I know they asked Youssef when he saw me last and he said I was just outside. There was another American woman there when her husband got his visa and they got theirs the next day too. I'm not saying it's a sure thing but I really think it helps. Yay Jennie and Belaid!

Who interviewed your fiance, if you dont' mind me asking? I wasn't sure if I was going to go over there for my fiance's interview but I think I will, it can't hurt.

Take care,

well first congratulations to belaid and jennie from all my heart :dance: that's such great news and they are very lucky to have that very nice GUY for interview, i was there and he was the most who is issuing visa's right away and short interview, it's very rarely when i hear the women telling somone to come tomorrow at 3 to pick up visa. so it's definitely him who is issuing visa's right away and i like it when he says to ppl to take a tiny little paper and come back tomorrow at 3 pm to pick up visa ,could send friend or brother or anyone you know if you couldn't come arabic :).
really belaid and jennie deserve this luck and their visa to be issued right away.
congratulations again and same inshallah for all of you guys waiting for interview noura, sarah......
Zamo95MaleMorocco2006-05-04 10:45:00
Middle East and North Africajennie
and bw, belaid had medical exam same day as mine 04/14/2006, i didn't know he was belaid till i saw pics now ,he a nice berber guy and i was there with him in the morning FIRST persons waiting for doc to open. belaid i was the tall guy you were runing after him thru all over places, when you see pics you will find out you or jennie.
anyway i realy hope a great good luck for both of you and all of you guys waiting for interview.
Zamo95MaleMorocco2006-05-03 17:36:00
Middle East and North Africajennie
glad to hear that they are finally together and i hope happiness will be complete when they have a great interview and visa issued right away, am sure they really deserve it since they are apart for ages which is REALLY hard, am away from my princess just few months it's PAINFUL :( , would be horrible for them being away for yrs .
so congratulations jennie and belaid for being together finally and BIG congratulations in advance for great interview :).

good luck everyone :thumbs:
Zamo95MaleMorocco2006-05-03 16:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaAdvance Parole

OMG! I just checked the USCIS update page for about the 4th time today and they touched our EAD and AOS today!

Then I checked the e-mail we use for that, and they sent us the e-mail 5 times telling us Abdel's work permit has been approved and will be mailed shortly! Wow, that was the boost I needed. I was feeling totally drained about the tires and now I'm not tired at all.

Jenn, you should be hearing something shortly. I must say Charleston is really on top of things. I hope they do all our files!

BIG congratulations liz and abdel am glad for you :dance: :dance: :dance: , all that is waiting for us also soon :)
Zamo95MaleMorocco2006-05-09 20:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaAdministrative Processing Complete

carrie... and simo...
Inshallah, the moroccan consulate will call simo to come pick up his visa! I am praying for you guys!
I think that is GOOD that they finished the AP... don't let it get ya down...

and as noura suggested... :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

ALF MABRUK for us my beautiful princess :dance: :dance: :dance: and inshallah the same for all of you guys very good luck :thumbs:
thank you very much honey for good news this afternoon, love you my soul. (L) (L) (F)

that is so sweet!!!

simo... i think you and carrie are well suited for each other! you both are just the best!
i will be here cheering you on when you get your visa... and doing a happy dance when you are here in Georgia with your habibi!

thank you very much lynne, my heart will be with you and your man specially in interview day and inshallah everything will be good with you, casa is getting better i think ,just keep training :) :thumbs:
Zamo95MaleMorocco2006-05-10 13:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaAdministrative Processing Complete
ALF MABRUK for us my beautiful princess :dance: :dance: :dance: and inshallah the same for all of you guys very good luck :thumbs:
thank you very much honey for good news this afternoon, love you my soul. (L) (L) (F)
Zamo95MaleMorocco2006-05-10 13:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaPrayers need

(L) Assalaamu alaikum everyone!!! (F)

Thank you so very much from all my heart for your thoughts and prayers.
Alhamdulillah I am feeling MUCH better :dance:

May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala bless each and every one of you for your
dedication to me and my Kabir and always praying for us & for me to recover.
Alhamdulillah we have wonderful loving brothers and sisters here that we
can depend on!! (L)

Insha'Allah my Kabir will be here on May 26 WOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO
I just cant wait for my kind loving husband to arrive HOME!!!!! :dancing:

All of you will be in my thoughts and prayers always. Insha'Allah you all
will be reunited with the loves of your lives soon!!

ASsalaamu alaikum
Allah Hafiz

Sister Eva - Nadia

very glad to hear from you eva, allah is great and hopefully will give more health and comfort till you are perfect and live too long by your husbands side.
carrie and simo
Zamo95MaleMorocco2006-05-11 18:49:00
Middle East and North Africacase approved today!

Hi guys,
Our case was approved today in California!! I'm so happy and so is Hicham. You can probably expect a lot of questions that are going to spew out of me in the next few days so sorry in advance. Thanks for all of your help! You guys have been so great and extremely helpful. Have a great day!

big congratulations sarah and hicham, am glad for you good luck for you and dixie now in the interview.
Zamo95MaleMorocco2006-05-09 17:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaMorocco Fiance Vica Passport photo

Does anyone know if they are really strict with the passport style photo??? My fiance send his over for our original submission of a K-1, and it look too close up......... there are no shoulders in the pic..... he had it done in morocco and was told that it is a standard passport photo..... it just doesn't seem to exactly match the passport photo requirements. It is just a little off( a little larger from chin to top of hair) Should I have hime get another and wait to send in the app, or just send it in with that one? Any help anyone can give would be great!!!!
thanks, :D

well i dont think it's complicated he just have to take other good pics ,they give some CD with photos then he could just e-mail the picture to you and then you can print them out there .
goodluck :thumbs:

simo and carrie
Zamo95MaleMorocco2006-05-19 16:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaPosting Pics in an album
hi kathy as i promised, am sending you an OLD picture about 23 yrs old :D
i'm gonna let you guess who is saoudi ,am the one in the midle range 2nd one from your left .i guess saoudi could remember all this guys including me :)

best regards.

Attached Files

  • Attached File  7.jpg   129.02KB   18 downloads

Zamo95MaleMorocco2006-05-25 18:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaPosting Pics in an album

Can somone please tell me how to upload my pics into out photo album?

I figued it out. Thanks NO need to replay.

hi frndly i dont think i can help in that pics thing,but i took a look on your pics and wonna ask if your husband is from marrakesh, he looks like a friend of mine when we were kids studying at school (Errachidia) dont know if it's him or not.
anyway congratulations and good luck .

simo and carrie
Zamo95MaleMorocco2006-05-19 15:57:00
Middle East and North Africai need some pointers lol

hi everyone well i am about to send in my first set of papers can anyone tell me what kind of proof is the best to send in and about how many pictures should i send emails cards the whole nine yards i want this first step of so many to go as smoothly as possibe. any advice i can get on the whole visa process i would greatly appreciate thanks :thumbs: :help:

wish i can tell you all details about that, because my princess did it all, all i did is sign the forms and letter of intent to marry :whistle: but she could help alot in that she is very sweet and smart :D like everybody here .
hard luck and welcome
Zamo95MaleMorocco2006-05-24 17:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaHave Case Number through NVC

:D Okay guys... so I just got through to the NVC... spoke with a very nice lady... gave her my CSC reciept number... and she said that NVC had received our petition TODAY... and she gave me the NVC case number...

Okay... i am so excited now... will you guys please help me with the next step?

Of course, I will receive all correspondence through my attorney... but, I am hoping that I have everything in order...

1) Have original NOA1 & NOA2 (will get that from attorney)
2) Tax transcripts for 3 years
3) NEW letter of intent
4) Got co-sponsor (just in case... don't think I will need it tho...)
5) Will get letter from my bank

What else? My mind is a little overwhelmed at the moment... any and all advice will be very much appreciated!

Thanks everyone!


congratulations lynne, nothing to add more than what guys said but i dont know if you saw that post my princess sent to sarah i think a list of all what she sent me. so hurry up things gonna go fast now ,you are gonna have interview in a month after NOA2 like 05/18 :) . :dance: :dance:
hard luck . :thumbs:
Zamo95MaleMorocco2006-05-09 17:35:00
Middle East and North Africaemail from CASA

Hello everyone, just got this email from casa embassy in reponse to an email I sent on may 14 :P

Dear ,
Thank you for your e-mail. Would you please drop your passport at the consulate reception on Monday at 10.00 am.
IV Casablabca

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

mabrouk khoya kamal, hope they will issue visa right away and pick it up at 3 pm inshallah, keep us in touche.

simo and carrie
Zamo95MaleMorocco2006-06-02 18:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaNOA2 Extension??? How??

Hi all!

Well, Aziz had his interview at Casa last Wednesday. All seemed to go well, in spite of some very embarrassing questions...She said the paperwork looked good. Then she looked at his passport (which had just been renewed and is supposed to be good for either 5 or 10 more years), and said that he would have to get a new one because the Moroccan passport issuer had apparently taped it together in a way that is not acceptable. They gave him a 221g that only had that box checked with the remark typed in, "Please get a new passport." She said THEY would call HIM. I don't understand unless they are also doing some processing, but the letter didn't say that.

He went all the way back to his corner of the country and was told IF he really does need a new passport (and they suggested he verify that with some local agent) it will take about 6 weeks to get. His NOA2 states that it is good til July 14th.

My question is: What if he doesn't get his passport by July 14th. Do we have to do anything to get his NOA2 date extended?

Thanks for all of you who so selflessly share your experience and knowledge. I am grateful!

hi susan,

it's nice that he got the famous 221g which they gave me on april 27th till now, but better than other issues anyway. for passport i had it reneiwed they told me that that it doesnt take that long anymore and to come pick it up in 24 hours ,so i got it in 24 hours :thumbs:
good luck

Zamo95MaleMorocco2006-06-06 17:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaSaturday is Heeeere!
i hope this link gonna help some am using it to practice some of my little languages :thumbs:

good luck

carrie and simo
Zamo95MaleMorocco2006-06-10 09:25:00
Middle East and North Africahere i am simo back ,you remember ?
hi friends, i think i have to introduce myself again :lol: am simo from morocco my fiancé is carrie ,remember now ? :whistle: well it's been along time i didnt post here was reading you guys at times but no time to reply, was busy at work and been very depressed because of my LOOOOOONNNNNGGGG 5 MONTHS of AP after interview ON APRIL 27 th .anyway as you know i got the visa finally and bought ticket for nov 6th and i just wonna thank everybody for your support and help and everything , you are so great ,and ramadan is so blessing it's raining in casablanca of visa's hahahahah hope it's gonna keep raining for others waiting or working on process yet .

thank alot friends. and good luck to everybody

simo and carrie forever .
Zamo95MaleMorocco2006-10-06 19:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasa here we come!
good luck and mabruk for visa in advance inshallah he will get it. the time he is having interview iwill be on the plane to my princess. :dance:
Zamo95MaleMorocco2006-10-09 11:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaCarrie's Simo is on his way!

You have me crying too Simo. I'll have to tell Abdel you are here now. He is so terribly homesick right now maybe he will actually use his computer and talk to you. He hates talking on the computer at all, but if you get bored waiting to work maybe he will give in and use it. I know talking to you would be so good for him.

Welcome to Georgia!

yes that would nice, he is wlcome anytime to talk ,inchallah everthing will be fine .

thank you .
Zamo95MaleMorocco2006-11-09 08:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaCarrie's Simo is on his way!
:thumbs: oh that s very sweet of you guys, thanks alot for everything noura and said, thanks alot everybody ,and i pray allah for everyone to be together and have a nice life .

well the trip was not smooth at all specially in JFK was a nightmare :wacko: was running left and right, up and down all the way at the airport ,asking this asking that at times NO one to ask, i just find myself somwhere alll alone ,well was all because of stupid immigration process and then work stamp.
as soon as plane landed in JFK which was late about 30 mns i tried to get my hand lagages to leave the plane as soon as possible but was shocked when i found tooooooooooo many ppl waiting ,because other planes landed right before ours from turkey,libanon i think ,italy ... so there were to many immigrants, wanted to call my princess but i couldnt because not allowed to use phone in that area, then stuck in the other place where to get work stamp, the only thing is that i didnt lost my bags and they never looked at them, so on my way to exit, i asked a police officer ,sir should just leave without to look in my bags, he said no you are fine or you want me to look ,i said its up to you sir ,he smiled and said no sir that s fine you can go, good luck.i said thanks sir. once am outside i went to delta place but none was there, so i started to figured it myslef ,took different elevetors, allees,....with my too big heaviy bags and to hand lagage :blink:
took me forever to find myself at delta terminal, but not finished yet i asked they told me its international terminal and that i should go to domestic one oh damn :angry: i wanted to scream .so took me forever again to get that domestic place ,luckily i found that old lady was so nice ,helped me to get a new ticket was 7 pm ,which was aboarding time, plane leave at 730, she asked me to take jacket off and RUN to gate 25 , i was like well just show me which direction she was like this way ,just RUN ,if not you gonna stay here till morning, i said thanks alot ,she helped me thru security stuff,she took my belt off hahahaha, put my hand lagage in that machine with my shoes, told the officers to hurry up ,they did it very fast ,once am clear i put on my shoes belt in hand ,jacket in other hand runing with my bags ,ppl was looking at me but i didnt care :) was too long before i find gate 25 ,it s the same minute when i heard my name at the whole airport, i found many ppl on teh gate but i went straight to the officer and told him that am gonna miss my flight and that i just heard my name ,so they checked my ticket and told me its fine and go ,i run to the plane , was sweating . once am with planes and trucks i asked guys there about plane one was not sure, other didnt hear me, was loud out there ,till some youngman showed me the plane i was like are you sure ?because was a baby plane too small :) i hqd to ask a nice lady in the plane, she said yes welcome aboard sir ,i said thank you madam, she took me to my place ,and closed the door ,then called my carrie to let her knoz am ok and am coming to her .allah sent me that nice girl in atlanta aiport thanks leila ,as soon as i got off she asked me are you simo i said yes ,then took me a picture ,and said your wife is waiting for you am gonna take you to her, was so happy she helped me alot i was so exhausted .
was my best moment to see my princess with nours on phone, held eachother, talked to noura for a while got my bags , leila left then we went home ,SWEET HOME :thumbs: (L)

that was all but new experience though ,am sure i have more waiting for me .
good luck to everyone and thank yuou foreverything .

simo and carrie forever inchallah .
Zamo95MaleMorocco2006-11-08 12:52:00