K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp! This is all so confusing!

i did my interview on the 28 of march and i collected my passport yesterday with my visa, but i am a little lost about permanent resident how long after the marriage will i get my permanent residency,and for those who still waiting just pray its a long process but in the end it will be worth it :dance:

trillian thompsonNot TellingJamaica2014-04-18 12:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about form DS-260
I put my mothers maiden name.
NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-14 03:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about form DS-260
That's correct you have to put spouse.
NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-14 02:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi am 40 years older than my finance

I, myself, was married to a Nigerian man.  I am 7 years older than he.  He is very handsome and was very successful with his business.  I always asked him why he, such a handsome and successful  man, was girl friend/wife.  He said "I just focus on my business and making money".  Ok, I bought it.  I asked him over and over and he gave me same response.  After we were married for 8 months, I found out, by finding a picture (wedding pic) that he had another wife in his country.  Really...We were married in the court and they did not catch approved and US embassy didn't catch
I put my story out here to let people know that men (and women) will deceive you in a heart beat.  I am only 7 years older than he is.  He is very handsome and I am very attractive.  We were not an odd couple, we looked very nice together.  We were both into fashion and like to look flashy.  I spent time with his family, his mom and his sister.  His sister and I would speak on the phone every day.  When I found out, I said "so your sister and your mom have been lying to me as well?"  He said "no, I told them that you knew that I had wife."  Really, I look stupid. 
I pray for you OP, and all the men and women on here that your relationships with your fiance'/spouse is real.  I pray that you dont experience the pain that some have endured because it really hurts.  To this day, I dont hate my ex husband and I have forgiven him.  I can not and will not ever be with him again, but I forgive him.  I even pray for him.  If I dont forgive him and hate him that is not healthy for me.  I will carry a heavy weight with me and I don't want that.  I know that God does not like ugly and he and only he can judge.  My ex husband will pay his price come judgement day and until then I wish him happiness.

Sorry this happened to you. Thank you also for sharing your story with us. Gives us all food for thought.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-04 23:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi am 40 years older than my finance
By the way we are not here to talk about religion we are here to offer the person advice regarding the k1 and other options available to them. From what I have read the thread has turned into a battle ground for other to bash each other. People please we are all In the same boat together we are suppose to give good advice to each other and help support each other through these difficult time. No more negative comments. We all give constructive advice and let the person in need make up their mind which direction they wish to choose. There far too any worry a associated with this process for all this negativity. We need to be worry about when our visa going to be approved not bashing each other.
So people lets be nice yes!!!

  I never mentioned any religion in any of my posting   Get off your Muslim high horse and READ what is posted. 

Thank you for reminding people about this.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-04 05:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi am 40 years older than my finance

Even Ashton dumped Demi biggrin.png)....nothing wrong with being a cougar
but U play with the kid & keep stepping...most men desires kids,even one
just like women....especially men of certain cultures.
The sex can be exciting at first but after pains & stiff joints
takes over may the lord help these females to satisfy a young uns
appetite biggrin.png)

Lol that's funny!!

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-03 14:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi am 40 years older than my finance

Yes I'm 29 and he's 64 and I was a bit nervous that they would hold it against us but in T&T it seems to not be an issue from connecting with others on their journey in my country. Will fill you guys in on how my interview goes :)

We wish you the best at your interview let us know how it went.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-03 13:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi am 40 years older than my finance

Ya the hand writing is written all over the wall and I just hope that she can see it soon enough and not waste her time and money. My uncle's friend who is about 57 years old  went home and married  a young lady who is 28 years  old, he was albe to bring  her here last year, the marriage did not even  last  up to 8 months after she got here,  green card came in the mail and she changed completely and 7 months after her green card he came back home and she took all her stuff, changed her number so he could'nt  get in touch with her, the last thing he heard was that she is living in another state and got served with a divorce papers. Up till now the poor man is still trying to get over the whole thing and we all feel bad  for him, he  invested a lot of money on her, buying  stuff and  sending money to her  family back home, paid for her school fees only  to be heart broken. When his friends was telling  him to make sure  that girl is for real he said she is and that she is madly inlove with  him. Now is is deeply regreting  everything. The best thing to do now is to seek God's opinion and  make sure this man is real. My own father and mother  will probably disown my elder brother if  he ever come back home with a woman who is that much older that him and can't have  kids. They probaly claim  that he was given love poison and start firing prayers  lol

If the truth be said this sort of thing happens alot. We can only pray it all works out for them.

I've been carefully to not say as such since the last time I said it I was almost beaten to a pulp on here eventhough it's true.
I think part of what was said was that eventhough I am Nigerian male that grew up in Nigeria that I should not thump my chest and hold myself as an expert on Nigerian culture. VJ has gotten more relaxed or maybe it was my delivery.
Anyways, OP has my best wishes on the journey ahead.

yes your right. Our best wishes are with them.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-03 11:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi am 40 years older than my finance

very well said Nurseling, I myself is a Nigerian female, and I can't imagin a Nigerian man wanting and  willing  to marry a woman who can never carry  his baby, with the kind of culture Nigeria have I seriously  doubt that  this man is in for this  for better, for worst and until death. He will leave her once  that green card  has been issued.  So its best like you and others say to put this guy on a trial and tell him she rather move to Nigeria  and live with him, and see how his reaction will be and see if he will accept that, maybe  live with him in Nigeria for maybe a year or even 6 months and see if he can proudly intoduce you to his friends as his  wife. Do that before even applying  for him. I know you love him and  he  have  probaly got you into thinking that he loves you but make sure that this man truely  loves you and is genuine so you  don't end up being   hurt in the future.

I totally agree with you godlove it's difficult with the kind of culture we have to be in this situation. I can only pray she finds a result ion to this problem before wasting money filing papers. My mother herself who is nigerian scrutinises any girlfriends my brothers bring home. And in the past has been known to chase a few of them away lol. Just like in the past she has tried to find me a good nigerian husband etc no matter how many times you tell her you want to make your own choices. Just saying that parents have a huge influence on their kids in Nigeria more so the male than the females I feel. If I was her I would be aware of the potential problems that will arise in the future. My prayers stay with all of us in this stressful process.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-03 10:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi am 40 years older than my finance
Wow. This is a difficult dilemma you face. And each and every input you have received from people here is to be taken in to consideration. While I feel you are at a cross road right now and really don't know what to do I feel you do need to consider the possibility of a denial. If by chance you are approved you also need to consider the possibility that this guy will only stay as long as his green card has not been issued because once that happens it is possible he will leave you and find someone his own age. He is young has no children he probably will want some one day in the future. Not to be disrespectful to his parents but their acceptance of you maybe based on the fact that you can get him a green card. I doubt they would want their child to never produce children in the future. Nigerian culture is different. There have been some instances when a man Marry's a woman his own age and for many years try's to produce and has not been successful . Instantly in the eyes of the family she is barren even before they work out if the problem may be from the mans side as to why they aren't producing. Some parents have been known to go to the house pack the girls cloths and dash her out. Then find him another wife that can produce or find him a second wife. If your man is Muslim this may likely be their intentions in the future. Hate to be the bearer of bad news but you do have to think carefully before you go ahead with this. Take this advice from a female nigerian who knows what nigerian culture is like. I suggest you take the advice someone gave you earlier and tell him you will move to Nigeria instead and see if he try's to convince you not to do that or her runs away a short while after you insist your moving. This will give you the answer you seek. I truely hope it works out for you and I hope he is genuine.
NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-03 09:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPetitioning for my Jordanian Fiance'
Hello again Jenafid is right. They don't usually inform you from the onset it sometimes takes months before it gets a proper look at the information you provided. I will keep you in my prayers and hopefully you find a solution to the problem and get your approval. I will also say to you now they have asked for that letter of intent now is the time to get hold off as many doctors letters reports impeding surgery dates consultants etc to build your case for why you need his help. Working as a nurse has surely taught me that providing medical evidence gives a person a better chance of getting things done quicker. Yes you do have a high mountain to climb but nothing is impossible if your determined. And if they say no write to your congressman about your disability etc. you will need as many people as possible in your corner. God bless.
NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-24 14:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPetitioning for my Jordanian Fiance'
Hello there

Sorry to hear about your situation. I hope all your surgeries go well. I am a nurse so I know it can be difficult for people in your situation to go in and out of hospital. And understand that you need support from someone. While you definatley need support and help from someone you do have to take into account that a situation such as yours requires someone who is dedicated and totally committed. You and your fiance have not met in person and whiles things are great while chatting on the phone and skypeing the reality of living together can pose a challenge and to be honest it's not the kind of challenge for someone who has not even had the experiance of seeing what your day to day routine will require and how he would be able to help you, let alone if it is something he can do without feeling overwhelmed. Someone asked how old your fiancee is and i do believe thats a good question to ask. you say your 53. i would hope he is around the same age group. if not and he is significantly younger then you , i would be very catious about the whole situation. Pls consider all of this. I urge you to find a way to meet face to face before pursuing a k1 visa. As Harper Timsah said you do face a Red flag Regardless of your situation. If you cannot travel he will have to do the travelling to see you. I have yet to hear of a approval where both parties have not actually met face to face. If there are cases such as then they would be tough to gain an approval. you would have to prove that he is unable to come and see you due to certain circumstances and provide documents to back this up. They already know about why you cannot go see him but the question is why can't he come see you. I hope this works in your favour but if you do wish to continue on this k1 journey you and your fiance will need to meet. Good luck on your journey. For what it's worth I do sympathise with you and hope they make a exception in your case. I also hope your fiance is up to the job of being there for you and is able to take care of you. Good luck and god bless.

NurselingFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-24 13:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPost USCIS denial,,,,

If you meet all the requirements then go ahead a file a new petition! Include any new evidence you have gathered along the way! Good luck to you :)

KASH2011MaleUganda2014-01-15 12:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWe got approved...full time student worried about meeting financial requirements

Congrats on the approval! Please look up the Co-sponsor ( Form I-134) instructions and or guidelines! Good luck to you :)

KASH2011MaleUganda2014-02-09 10:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproved petition forwarded to Consulate?

Congrats to you :)

KASH2011MaleUganda2014-02-27 18:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCalled my Senator's office - Didn't end well.


Who is "them", exactly?


Them is the senator or congressman that is unhelpful to you.

Dustin and JanenMalePhilippines2013-06-12 16:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCalled my Senator's office - Didn't end well.

Remember this next election. Vote against them.

Dustin and JanenMalePhilippines2013-06-12 11:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresImmigration Lawyer
I agree with what most people are saying. If you have a fairly straightforward case, I would not use a lawyer. Years ago, I helped people with their paperwork and they were all approved. The forms all have instructions. I only hired an attorney for our case, because I anticipated an issue, which came to fruition. Good luck on your journey no matter what you decide.
f&cMaleHaiti2014-01-01 15:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTemporary Job!Will this be an issue?

This is what I'm thinking too. I'll talk to him later after his work. I don't know if this is possible since he's only been there for almost a month and it's a big company. Thanks for the idea:)


Well, on my other part time job, I'm a server, but it is under a corp too. I explained to the owner that my boyfriend was refused of the visa and we need more documentation that I make enough, then she wrote this letter saying that I make such and such annually not including the tips. Ask him to approach them nicely, it doesn't hurt to try, right? 'cause if he still not permanent/full time on his job by January and your case expires, then what, right? So ask him to try. I'm sure you guys will get thru this. Good thing he's not a gov't employee and on furlough.

krinamejFemalePhilippines2013-10-14 10:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTemporary Job!Will this be an issue?

I am having sleepless nights because of this. Right now, I have decided to wait until he gets hired full time before I schedule my interview.

Thanks guys for replying.

God knows what He's doing. I surrender everything to Him.



Maybe he could ask his boss for a favor? I mean, if it's a big corp that he's working for, it'll be hard to ask for that, but just to have it on paper that he works full time, then you'll be set since he makes enough money.

Edited by krinamej, 14 October 2013 - 10:14 AM.

krinamejFemalePhilippines2013-10-14 10:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTemporary Job!Will this be an issue?

We filed our I129F packet in August, 2 weeks after that my fiance' moved to a new company. His job description as of the moment is "temporary". Is this going to be an issue during the interview? On our I129f we mentioned his old company since he's still working there and we also used it on our affidavit of support which was included in our packet. We received the approval of our petition on September 27. We are awaiting for our case number to schedule my interview.

We're going to update/ bring a new affidavit of support for the interview which is his new company. I am just worried that we'll have a problem with this since he's not employed "full time". His annual salary is above the poverty guideline, 125%. But the job description on the employment certificate will be "temporary".

I need your help guys. Being away from someone you truly love is difficult. I want to be with him soon.

Your advice will be highly appreciated:)

God bless everyone!


I have two jobs, both part time. Don't make enough, apparently.. so my boyfriend was refused of the visa. The CO didn't take the co-sponsorship either.. but it apparently depends on the leniency of the CO if they will review your co-sponsor or whatnot. Good luck!!!

krinamejFemalePhilippines2013-10-14 09:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa REFUSED... Again. Didn't even go thru AP/AR.


No one can answer that question except the CO, who you'll never talk to. Its entirely under his discretion, and he need not justify why he didn't accept it to anyone. That's the problem with going through Manila with a K-1 and trying to use a co-sponsor. I think some CO's refuse to accept any there, and some are likely to accept them even in marginal cases. Its about the only thing that explains the randomness of rejecting K-1 cosponsors in Manila. You got unlucky and drew the short straw and got the jerk who won't accept any cosponsors. Go through it again only this time with him as your husband. There is no discretion for the CO with a CR-1 visa, they must accept the cosponsor if they meet the income requirements and the proper documents are brought.


Yeah, the CO who interviewed him, didn't even looked at the co-sponsor's papers. Gave it back to my boyfriend right away. No words.


But that's what I'm saying, if they have established that they're not accepting co-sponsors for K1, then they need to refuse/deny every single K1 filers who are using co-sponsors. Because if they really are known for not accepting co-sponsors, these K1 filers wouldn't have gotten thru. Especially the ones that have no income and are only using co-sponsors.


Thank you. We'll try again next year for CR1.



krinamejFemalePhilippines2013-10-17 15:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa REFUSED... Again. Didn't even go thru AP/AR.


This is the problem. You said she just listed 4. She forgot the uncle and cousin they will be counted in the household for immigration purposes for the next 10 years. So thats 7 people she needed to total up to. Your steofather doesn't meet the guideline and she is barely over the guideline. They need to combine their incomes to meet the guideline.



Okay I count 7.Am I wrong.? And you are the primary sponsor anyway.


You said Mom, Stepdad, 2 siblings, than there's cousin and uncle and fiance' thats 7. The guideline is $44512. So I think this is the issue. Mom is barely over the limit and stepdad doesn't have enough. Or did they combine their incomes?


Did you use both their incomes or just mom?


We were told not to put them because they do not live with us. That's what we were told. Because when I called USCIS before I filed, they told me not to worry about it, because it's a K1 and we're not supposed to use I-864 with it, but I asked anyway. And since she was just a secondary sponsor, the guy who I spoke with said it's okay to not put them on the I-864. But my uncle and cousin were put on the I-134.


I used both incomes.

krinamejFemalePhilippines2013-10-17 15:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresreally need this visa now FIANCE TO HAVE SURGERY

my husband had unlawful presence in the us so he triggered a 10 year ban. i remember your previous posts regarding your "crime" lol, and i have seen much worse, hopefully your embassy will realize this too that this should not even be a crime. it was a once in a lifetime.... experience, not a crime, no harm done.  

rylforeverFemaleMexico2013-10-10 15:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresreally need this visa now FIANCE TO HAVE SURGERY

thank you very much it really does hurt 

with the chances i might get denied too 


trust me i understand i have been away from my husband since may of 2011 and was just able to file his waiver due to his denial. our youngest child, 5 is partially disabled with not that long of a life expectancy as others, it kills him everyday to be away but it is what it is, we were not granted any expedite, but we tried at least. my point is you are not denied yet, so try do everything you can, bug the doctor to get a letter, it's worth it if could help. if you get denied well then cross that bridge when you come to it, bite the bullet and file a waiver if you can. but be strong and good luck.

rylforeverFemaleMexico2013-10-10 14:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresreally need this visa now FIANCE TO HAVE SURGERY


Its funny i have just done that with dates ect and what the surgery is for after having it things will change alot for her and myself its just horrible and heart breaking being away from her at this time just need to be there to make sure she is okay and keep telling her all will be okay 

i dont know what to do with myself but trying my best to stay strong for her 


You could try to get a letter from her doctor also. sometimes, it can move things along faster. i am sorry you two are in this situation and i hope everything goes ok.

rylforeverFemaleMexico2013-10-10 13:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWasn't honest about how we met :(
On my then-girlfriend's arrival in the us on her second trip to visit me, the CBP agent asked her what she was here for, and when she replied she was visiting her boyfriend, the agent said something like "That's so nice--maybe next time I'll see you here with a K1 visa!" On her arrival in the US on her fourth or fifth trip, the CBP agent was not so nice and for some inexplicable reason apparently became concerned that she was not going to return home, so he gave her a mere 2 weeks on her I94 and told her that she had been spending too much time in the US. At that point, I asked her to marry me. She went home, and we applied for a K1. But the CBP agent did not make any notation of her saying she was here to visit her boyfriend or anything else--I know that for a fact.
LorenzoidMaleBelgium2012-07-25 15:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresImportant

Your fiancee will need one to bring to the interview, just incase. I made 4 copies. I have one for my interview, sent one, and my fiance has 2.

mstewartMaleCanada2013-09-16 21:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSame-sex couple in Ukraine

Hi everyone, 


I'm new here to the site but I've used it a lot to navigate thus far with the I-129f petition so thank you already. 


I am looking for some advise on an unusual situation.


My fiancee and I are in same-sex relationship. We live together in Ukraine. Today we sent our I-129f petition and are beginning the long journey toward a k-1 visa. 


Same-sex couples are new to this site as we have not had the same opportunity as others until recently in the ways of immigration for marriage purposes. The situation is this. We are two women who live together in Ukraine. We have the same chances as anyone for receiving the k-1 I suppose but I want to know if there is any way we could expedite the process or use our situation to our advantage. If you don't know, Ukraine is an extremely hostile place for same-sex couples and we are a minority here and are legally unable to marry or have any kind of civil union. We will be living in Massachusetts if she receives the visa where same-sex marriage is legal. 


I'm not sure what exactly we can do to make the wheels move faster but it seems to me this is an original situation in which it would be possible to expedite the visa process. 


Thank you for your advice or any other tips you can give




Welcome to the forums.


We same sex couples are a minority anywhere, and in many other places it is also not legal to marry or have a civil union. Your situation will not qualify you for an expedited process.


If it was really that bad you can file for asylum, not an expedited fiance visa petition.

Hi everyone, 


I'm new here to the site but I've used it a lot to navigate thus far with the I-129f petition so thank you already. 


I am looking for some advise on an unusual situation.


My fiancee and I are in same-sex relationship. We live together in Ukraine. Today we sent our I-129f petition and are beginning the long journey toward a k-1 visa. 


Same-sex couples are new to this site as we have not had the same opportunity as others until recently in the ways of immigration for marriage purposes. The situation is this. We are two women who live together in Ukraine. We have the same chances as anyone for receiving the k-1 I suppose but I want to know if there is any way we could expedite the process or use our situation to our advantage. If you don't know, Ukraine is an extremely hostile place for same-sex couples and we are a minority here and are legally unable to marry or have any kind of civil union. We will be living in Massachusetts if she receives the visa where same-sex marriage is legal. 


I'm not sure what exactly we can do to make the wheels move faster but it seems to me this is an original situation in which it would be possible to expedite the visa process. 


Thank you for your advice or any other tips you can give




Welcome to the forums.


We same sex couples are a minority anywhere, and in many other places it is also not legal to marry or have a civil union. Your situation will not qualify you for an expedited process.


If it was really that bad you can file for asylum, not an expedited fiance visa petition.

mstewartMaleCanada2013-10-28 13:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew i-129f form uscis instruction leave it blank or put N/A or None

We did "NONE" on our forms.


For our photos, I did the bio form, then stapled a zip-lock bag with my photo in it with the bag labelled with my name to a sheet of paper, and paper clipped my biographic form to it.

mstewartMaleCanada2013-08-09 23:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGot the K-1. Now what are our options for getting married?

We're planning the same thing...signing the papers then having a nice, big, glorious ceremony a year later :)

mstewartMaleCanada2013-10-27 20:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresForm 325A - Biographical Information (K-1 Visa)

This might be a dumb question but I hope maybe someone can relate and shed some light. 


So, I worked illegally (as a nanny) on and off for 4years. This 325A form is asking for employment details. Should I be honest? I also worked online for my parent's business the entire time so I will list that of course but I'm just wondering how honest to be. I know they say honesty is always best but I really don't want to blow my chances on something they may never find out. I really am in desperate desire to get this K-1 visa and be with my baby forever.


The same question goes for honesty in residence? I guess I already admitted, and signed paperwork when I was denied admission to the US two months ago stating I lived with my gf every six months for two years so I have to fess up to that on the form. I guess I'm just concerned about the employment thing. 


Anybody had this experience? Did you list it? Did they bring it up in your interview? I know we're a longgg way from the interview stage (we're only just sending out our packet tomorrow) but it's on my mind, really concerned about flubbing my chances with this working thing. Everything else I'm ready for. 

jens_prodigyFemaleBahamas2013-09-06 23:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresincome requirement ... enough or need a co sponsor pls help
How much IS the income requirement anyone?
jens_prodigyFemaleBahamas2013-10-01 17:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhen do I disclose that my Fiance overstayed?

Did they mention anything about a ban to your fiance at the border when she was stopped? I ask because, This topic is super scary to me because my situation is different but kinda similar too. I was stopped by CBP because they saw that I've been traveling to and from the US every six months for the past two years. Now I NEVER overstayed not even by a DAY but the CBP still said I had "immigrant intent" so they denied me with the same case number as your fiance. They never said I was banned or anything..they just made me sign a bunch of stuff, stamped my passport and interrogated me. They told me I needed a new visa and a waiver but everyone here said I shouldnt need a waiver since I was not banned. Any new thoughts? Dont want this to affect my K-1 standing. ;(

jens_prodigyFemaleBahamas2013-09-25 22:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan K1 visa be rejected if B1/B2 was denied couple of times?

  I don't appreciate your accusations!   Of course we answered everything TRUTHFULLY!   If we had lied why would we ask the CO about it at the interview? 
The question I believe you are referring to is ON the DS 156 (now the 160)  It asks if you have even been been denied a us visa and if so what type and when - and we answered yes, B2 gave the dates and the reason 214(b)
I can't speculate as to why he didn't see it.  I can tell you this, when we were called up to the window for our interview, the CO had our file, and the original documents we brought with us in front of him.  Apparently he had already gone through our case and knew the questions he needed to ask us to make his decision.  Its not like he sat and looked through the file in front of us.  He was very straightforward and to the point.  I got the impression that they go through your file a head of time - determine what information is relevant to that particular case, and then use the interview to make their decision - That was my impression of  it - NOT saying that is what they do. 
 If you prove you have a legitimate relationship, then it won't matter.
I have been a member of this forum for 3 years and I choose to participate so I can help people.  I  share what I have experienced personally and try not to give misinformation.  We certainly didn't lie on our application.

I wasnt trying to be accusatory at all. The reason I asked is actually because I was denied a B1/B2 visa in June, it was my first time being denied and it scared the ####### out of me. My fiancé and I started this k1 process in sept and ever since then I've been freaking out and wondering if the fact that we still have not gotten our approval yet is because of that denial. I was also wondering if It was 100% necessary to reveal that denial on the forms or do some people leave it out. Your above comment implied to me that it was left out that's all. So I just wanted to ask you to clarify. sorry that you took it as accusing you.

jens_prodigyFemaleBahamas2014-03-01 10:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan K1 visa be rejected if B1/B2 was denied couple of times?

My husband was denied a B2 visa twice in a couple month period of time before we applied for the K1 visa and it had no impact on our approval.  I was there with my husband for his interview and after it was over and we were approved we were casually chatting with the CO and we asked him about the denied tourist visas (particularly what we could have done differently  because we thought he had strong ties) and the CO didn't even know about the 2 denials.  He then looked them up in the computer and said there was nothing we did wrong - that as along as he had a girlfriend in the US, it really didn't matter what ties he showed, he wasn't going to get the B2 visa and we did the right thing applying for the K1.       The main point here is do everything you can to prove you have a legitimate relationship and it shouldn't be a problem,

Just curious, you said the CO didn't even know about his previous denials? But how is that possible? I thought there was a section on the visa form that asks whether you've ever been denied entry into the US. Shouldn't the CO have seen that or did your husband not answer that question truthfully on his form? Just curious.

jens_prodigyFemaleBahamas2014-02-28 23:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 visa
Is there a format for emailin the US embassy in Lagos. our case says READY on nvc website but we dint get any package from NVC or the lagos consulate. whut should i do
Is there a format for emailin the US embassy in Lagos. our case says READY on nvc website but we dint get any package from NVC or the lagos consulate. whut should i do
WprecisionNot TellingNigeria2013-10-29 17:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPetition expires before next interview available - what do I do?
Thankz guyz
WprecisionNot TellingNigeria2013-11-02 10:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPetition expires before next interview available - what do I do?
Is the appointment letter the confirmation page one prints out after schedullin for a k1 interview OR am i to xpect another???? Not been able to call the embassy compounds issue for everyone.
WprecisionNot TellingNigeria2013-11-02 07:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPetition expires before next interview available - what do I do?
Thanks TJ... What other form is to be filled besides the DS-160?
WprecisionNot TellingNigeria2013-11-02 02:35:00