Middle East and North AfricaWednesday
QUOTE (star_dragon @ Nov 26 2008, 08:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Happy Hump Day, and Thanksgiving Eve!

I was told I HAD to put this pic up today for hump day....... innocent.gif


Great pic!!!

I have to work until 2, then go home and pack, ugh. My two turkeys and I are off to B'ham as soon as baba turkey gets off work.

I hope you all have a happy hump day and a fantastic Thanksgiving.
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2008-11-26 09:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaWednesday!
QUOTE (TamaraLovesAdam @ Dec 3 2008, 08:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey Karima, -Adam & I are on the east side of Atlanta, in Stone Mtn. We need to have an ATL meetup sometime!
I just got home from work and Im exhausted! At 10pm I'll bring Adam to work, then get up at 5am for work! Tiring just thinkin about it!

Ewww that sucks. I remember those days before Simo had his own car, not fun at all.
You guys are not that far from us. We are just OTP in the Sandy Springs/Dunwoody area. I know there are a few people here in the metro Atlanta area with MENA spouses. It would be fantastic to get everyone together sometime!
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2008-12-04 08:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaWednesday!
Afternoon all....

Tasha - Malek is just precious! I love his new pictures.

Kelly - Poor Zaid. It sounds like it's his teeth. Ayman does the same sometimes. Have you tried any teething tablets or teething drops? I got the teething drops the other day and give those to Ayman before he goes to bed and it seems to help a lot.

Sweet Peach - I didn't know you were in Atlanta too! Are you on the southside or north of ATL?

Bridget - I have a sister who just turned 13 (who thinks she turned 30), I feel for ya. It seems like they grow up overnight.

Jackie - Congrats on Ibrahim's interview!

I'm sure I'm forgetting someone/things, but I'm trying to hurry and post without getting in trouble at work. I hope you all are having a good day! I can't wait to get out of here and go snuggle with my wee one tonight, hubby works late.
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2008-12-03 14:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt's Thursday! And it's a boy!
YEAH!!! kicking.gif Congrats Staashi!!! I have to agree boys are a lot of fun. Like you, my poor dad has nothing but women in his life, even the dog too, until now. I'm sure your dad will spoil him rotten just like my dad does to Ayman.

Star - wishing you much success!

Kelly - Sorry to hear your tired, but at least he slept thru the night!

Morning everyone!! I'm feeling great as Ayman slept thru the night without waking me up. Well....he may have woken up, but I didn't hear a thing. Had terrible cramps and took some drugs and went to bed with my heating pad. dead.gif

I hope you all have a great day!
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2008-12-04 08:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaWTH to get them for Christmas
That's right I forgot I (we) bought a new digital camera and a Mini-DVD Video Camera last year so he could take them to Morocco with him. I seriously don't know what to get him this year. I know he is dying to get a big flat panel TV. I'm hoping I can get him one, oh and a new blender since he broke the last 2.
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2008-12-04 09:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaWTH to get them for Christmas
Last year my parents gave Simo a GPS for his car so he wouldn't get lost. This year they got him a toaster/convection/rotisserie thingy. My gift to him last year was his ticket home to visit his family. I have no clue what to get him this year. As far as he is concerned, Ayman is our "gift" for
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2008-12-04 09:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaGood morning Sunday!
Yea I know, that is why i'm very hesitant. I hate the mall the begin with, much less during the holidays.
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2008-12-07 12:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaGood morning Sunday!
Morning all! It's freezing outside...

Little man is taking a nice long nap. Hubby switched his days off and is working today so he can have tomorrow off for Eid. I'm debating on whether to take the lil guy to the mall and see if we can get a pic with Santa.

Sorry you're sick Jackie, that sucks.
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2008-12-07 12:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaAlhamdolilah Visa approved
kicking.gif kicking.gif Congratulations Rajaa and Reda!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2008-12-10 08:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaLOST AND FOUND
Gabi I just LOVE those new pics of Mehdi. He is still as adorable as ever. Hope all is well with you and hubby.
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2008-12-15 11:07:00
Middle East and North Africamonday monday...i start the thread
Morning everyone. It's chilly, but not freezing here luckily. I got the majority of my Christmas shopping done yesterday. Only one more gift to go and I'm done! I think Ayman and I will try and brave the mall this evening after work...depending on his mood. We have our Christmas party for work on Thursday and I want to get a new outfit.

I hope all is well with everyone. Sorry to hear your MIL isn't feeling well Nawal, and you too Jeanne.

~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2008-12-15 11:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaWomen arrested for wearing Hijab in traffic court!
You left out this part

In a news release, police said Valentine repeatedly used the expletive, told the bailiff that the judge was "racist," pointed her finger toward the officer, and "became loud enough that she attracted the attention of another officer."

The news release said an officer did tell Valentine she could not leave, "and placed her hand on Mrs. Valentine's wrist."

"Mrs. Valentine resisted the officer's efforts by stiffening her arm, but did not physically fight with the officer,"
the release said.

When Judge Keith Rollins was told of the incident, the news release said, he ordered her jailed for 10 days.

The police department's senior staff then investigated the incident and "determined that no fight took place" and "that Mrs. Valentine's actions were primarily verbal and her resistance passive," according to the release. The police chief told the judge of the department's findings and the judge rescinded the contempt order, the release said.

"Mrs. Valentine was not arrested because of her head scarf or any action related to the scarf," it said.

~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2008-12-23 14:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaWomen arrested for wearing Hijab in traffic court!
QUOTE (rahma @ Dec 19 2008, 10:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hightened security is a BS argument when people's liberties are being quashed. Not to mention the fact that hijabis seem to have no problem getting into court rooms in Atlanta, where the shootings actually happened, according to my hijabi contacts in Atlanta.

And while it may not change it to discuss it here (much like almost every conversation on the internet), it is important to discuss the possibilities of what can happen, so that we're prepared and know our rights in case anything like this actually happens to us.

Discussion is healthy, but going off on a tangent is pointless and wasted energy. And, I'm not pointing any fingers.
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2008-12-19 11:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaWomen arrested for wearing Hijab in traffic court!
I never said it was, I'm just pointing out that the security in GA courtrooms is much higher than in other areas right now. I too agree they could have handle things better, but everyone arguing about the shoulda coulda woulda's on here is not going to change a thing.
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2008-12-19 10:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaWomen arrested for wearing Hijab in traffic court!
I think you are all forgetting there was a courthouse shooting here in GA not too long ago as well. Not saying that is an excuse for what happened, but I think security in GA courtrooms is more elevated than others nationally because of that incident.
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2008-12-19 10:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaWomen arrested for wearing Hijab in traffic court!
QUOTE (TamaraLovesAdam @ Dec 17 2008, 05:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hmm seems as though if shes more worried about outward modesty than what comes outta her mouth. Cursing is what got her arrested it seems. She could have explained her situation to the judge instead of cursing them out.
It doesnt matter how modest you dress on the outside, if you dont have good words coming out of your mouth then it doesnt mean a thing.

I totally agree Tamara!! good.gif
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2008-12-17 22:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaWomen arrested for wearing Hijab in traffic court!
Yea small towns are like walking back in time, it's crazy.

Ayman is my mini-me. laughing.gif His eyes are a blue grey just like mine. He's gonna be another blue eyed blondie, and probably a lefty too. devil.gif
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2008-12-17 16:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaWomen arrested for wearing Hijab in traffic court!
Oh and thanks about the pics. His cheeks do look like Zain's. Those twins are just too cute!
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2008-12-17 14:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaWomen arrested for wearing Hijab in traffic court!
No offense taken. While I agree with everyone that this is an outrageous event, I just wanted to point out that just because this unfortunate thing happened doesn't mean all of GA are redneck bigots.
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2008-12-17 14:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaWomen arrested for wearing Hijab in traffic court!
Sorry, but I have to say I do not think this is a Georgia (statewide) thing, it's a local issue. I live in Atlanta, where there are tons of Muslims and I have never heard of anyone having issues wearing hijab in court.
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2008-12-17 13:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Birthday Staashi!!!
Happy belated birthday Staashi!! Hope is was a good one!
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2009-01-05 10:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Birthday Carrie AKA Karima!!!
Aww thanks you guys! That was very sweet of you to think of me. Ayman and I spent my birthday at my parents. It was a nice quiet relaxing day. They cooked me dinner and made me a cake, but Ayman's cute little giggles and smiles were the best presents of all. Hope you all had a great Christmas and New Years!

Edited by ~ Karima ~, 05 January 2009 - 09:59 AM.

~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2009-01-05 09:59:00
Middle East and North Africacheck in time - who are you, hows it going and just saying hi thread
QUOTE (yassmine2878 @ Sep 19 2008, 11:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Im still here, although I dont get to post as often as I used to. Got my hands full w/bebe. Hubster's been here a year and a half and we finally got his SSN about 2 weeks ago. We may never get his stupid green card, but hey, at least he exists now smile.gif

OMG I can't stop laughing at that picture. Thanks Gabi!

Carrie here! Hubby Simo will be here 2 years Nov 6th. Still adjusting daily, slowly but surely. He's got a good job working full-time for the past 1 yr and 8 1/2 months, trying to work his way up. Hopefully will enter management the begining of next year. We have a beautiful son Ayman who is another full-time job himself. (he's running mommy ragged). In the process of making plans to take the wee one to Morocco to meet his other family.
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2008-09-22 09:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday
QUOTE (ME~n~HIM @ Jan 15 2009, 10:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (~ Karima ~ @ Jan 15 2009, 09:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Morning everyone. Hope you all are doing well today and staying warm. It's chilly down here in ATL, but not too bad yet. It's supposed to be in the teens tomorrow morning. Soooo not my ideal weather to drag a baby in and out of. dead.gif

BTW...TWILA!!!!! I'm impatiently waiting to see the bebes!!! Hope all is going well with you, Hicham and double trouble. Happy belated birthday to Hana and Zak!

got to see them on FB... so cute!!! really adorable and very healthy looking. Anxious to hear how mom & baba are doing, but she seems well.

You know I'm reallllly bad with MySpace and even worse with Facebook. How do I find her on there?
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2009-01-15 10:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday
Morning everyone. Hope you all are doing well today and staying warm. It's chilly down here in ATL, but not too bad yet. It's supposed to be in the teens tomorrow morning. Soooo not my ideal weather to drag a baby in and out of. dead.gif

BTW...TWILA!!!!! I'm impatiently waiting to see the bebes!!! Hope all is going well with you, Hicham and double trouble. Happy belated birthday to Hana and Zak!

~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2009-01-15 10:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaJackies guess what thread
Oh Judy I am SO happy to see the good news. This has been a long time coming....congratulations!!! kicking.gif good.gif
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2009-01-15 10:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaWho are you??
Hi all....

Carrie - accountant for a construction management firm.
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2008-12-29 11:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaArab Valentines Day Party
Oh this must be at/near the Mediterranean Deli & Grocery right at the corner of Franklin Rd and the S Loop. I know that place well! We would like to come, but the daycare if for children over 5 only and Ayman is only 9 months. It would be great for Simo to meet some more people. I bet my friend Dani from Lebanon will be there. I'm going to check into it some more.
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2009-02-04 08:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Birthday Noura!!!
Happy birthday girly!!! I hope you have a fantabulous day!!! rose.gif luv.gif
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2009-02-15 11:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaSWORN AFFIDAVIT
thanks everybody for the links.
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2009-03-08 20:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaSWORN AFFIDAVIT
Hi everybody,

I wonder if anybody have a sample of a sworn affidavit letter, i need it for my husband's friend who is US citizen Moroccan originaly his wife just got here and he wanted to get her the 10 years Green Card but was told to provide a sworn affidavit letter .

Thanks for the help.

Carrie/ Mohamed
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2009-03-07 17:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaEast Coast/Mid West MENA meet up
QUOTE (allousa @ Mar 10 2009, 12:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Throwing out another suggestion. There are alot of places in the Smokey Mountains where you can rent a house OR find hotels. I've been to Gatlinburg which is in Tennessee. That is kind of a lengthy drive for us though. AND, I would venture to say that's about as "non-MENA" as you can get!!!! laughing.gif

I love Gatlinburg and Pigen Forge, but more so during the holidays. There are tons of things to do and places to stay and not too pricey.
If anyone likes the outdoors, &/or camping type things, my family always goes to Deep Creek/Bryson City and Cherokee NC every year.
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2009-03-10 12:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaEast Coast/Mid West MENA meet up
Ooooo I'm in if it's drivable, and not in a spot that is scorching hot in the summer. I'd have to bring the baby so a place too hot won't work for us.

btw...we're in Atlanta!
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2009-03-10 09:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaQuestions about Dr. Zirari Khadija
Simo went to her as well. He said she was fine. He also got a copy of his vaccination record.
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2006-10-19 10:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaWashington state MENA meet up or others willing to travel
LMAO Maggie, you crack me up!

I really hope I can make the meetup. I would also love it if Simo could make it too, but I have to wait and see how the finances are closer to April since we are going to Marco in March.
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2009-01-06 08:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaWashington state MENA meet up or others willing to travel
As long as it's not around the 18th. We'll be having a first birthday bash then....
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2008-12-03 14:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaWashington state MENA meet up or others willing to travel
Ughh...we'll be in Morocco in March. crying.gif
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2008-12-03 13:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaVJ's MENAweed thread
Beautiful babies everyone!! wub.gif
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2009-09-08 08:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaPassport for an infant
When we got Ayman's, we did pics and passport at the post office, but he was 5 or 6 months at the time.

The whites sheet and carseat idea sounds good!
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2009-12-13 10:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaCASABLANCA
I'm just going to add my opinion.
I think phone records and photos are very important. When my husband had his interview, the CO looked through every single phone bill, page by page, asking him what his phone # was and if he had any other #'s. She also looked through his entire album of photos at every picture. At first she did not want to look, but he made her look.
Like everyone else, I would recommend your evidence of on-going relationship be as up to date as possible at the time of your interview.
Good luck to all with upcoming interviews! :luv:
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2007-04-16 07:54:00