Middle East and North AfricaCASABLANCA
I'm just going to add my opinion.
I think phone records and photos are very important. When my husband had his interview, the CO looked through every single phone bill, page by page, asking him what his phone # was and if he had any other #'s. She also looked through his entire album of photos at every picture. At first she did not want to look, but he made her look.
Like everyone else, I would recommend your evidence of on-going relationship be as up to date as possible at the time of your interview.
Good luck to all with upcoming interviews! :luv:
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2007-04-16 07:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaCASABLANCA

What is the celibacy certificate? Are you sure it's not a "célibataire" certificate, meaning a document that verifies one's unmarried status and freedom to marry?

That is correct!
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2007-02-28 09:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaCASABLANCA
As long as you do not exit the airport you should not need a visa for a connecting flight.
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2007-02-01 18:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaAirport changes in Morocco and customs
It's no different than in the United States, you go thru customs at your POE. It's different for people who are just transferring to another International flight, but you are staying in Morocco whether in Casa, Marrakesh or where ever. Morocco is your destination country and no matter where you enter, that's where you go thru customs. If you were to fly directly into Marrakesh, then you would go thru customs there, but because you are entering the country in Casa, you will go thru customs in Casa. Like I said, you will have to go thru customs, get your bags (if they arrive) and depending on how much luggage you have, pay someone to roll them upstairs for you to check in for your next flight. Whether that's the way it was in the past or not, that is how it was when I went in March '09.
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2010-02-03 09:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaAirport changes in Morocco and customs
I went in march of last year. You will have to go thru customs, get your bags and then go upstairs to recheck them for your next flight. I went from Atl to Paris to Casa to Marrakesh by myself with a baby. Good luck!!
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2010-02-02 23:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA pregnancy/baby/parenting thread

Kelly and Nawal - i dunno why (maybe you deleted me!) but I lost you as FB friends. :(

I lost you guys too!?
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2010-03-08 15:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA pregnancy/baby/parenting thread
Ayman calls Simo daddy and Simo replies with "weldi". But then he also called him Simo today cause he hears me calling him that. Lol

Jenn, I have traveled back and forth from Atlanta to Birmingham about every 2-3 weeks since Ayman was born. Most of those trips alone and he did fine. When he was smaller he always slept, but as he got older I would time my trips for naptime or night time. If he woke I always made sure I had a bottle, plenty of pacis and a box of toys next to him to play with. Ayman is a very good traveler. Im sure you will do fine.

Edited by ~ Karima ~, 15 January 2010 - 09:08 PM.

~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2010-01-15 21:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA pregnancy/baby/parenting thread

LOL about the statue!

Arabic Disney DVD's?!?! Where! I must have some...

I would like to know too!
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2010-01-14 09:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA pregnancy/baby/parenting thread
The shaving of the head is not just for boys. I used to work with a guy, who was a muslim from India and his wife american. They shaved their daughters head when she was a couple months old.

On taking baths - Ayman LOVES it! I just have to ask him if he wants bubbles and he starts running to the bathtub. He also loves to take a shower with whoever he can get in with. My problem is trying to get him out before he is completely shriveled up like a prune.
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2010-01-13 12:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA pregnancy/baby/parenting thread
I don't know if maybe it's a regional cultural thing or not, but Simo shaved Ayman's head and I just about died! I had been protesting it since before he was born. He took Ayman to just give him a bath, but then I got back a BALD child. He knew I was against it, but did it anyways without telling me. I was livid!!!

We seem to have a LOT of differences about raising children, both cultural and religious. There are just too many myths, old wives tales, religious and cultural customs, whatever you want to call them that I have a hard time dealing with.
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2010-01-12 10:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaTraveling through Madrid, Barajas as a Moroccan
Your husband will need a transit visa to travel thru Spain and would have to apply for a tourist visa if he is leaving the airport altogether to spend the night. We tried this last year with my husband and when you add up the time and money it takes to get the visas it's not any cheaper.
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2011-02-28 22:23:00
Middle East and North Africaplease help
He would need a visa.
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2011-03-10 23:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaPreparing for the benficiary's arrival
Have you tried to apply for a Indv Tax ID # (ITIN)? I was able to add my husband as an authorized user to a couple credit cards, before he was here or my spouse.

Another thing, depending on where you live, gather information on your bus/train system like routes and times. That way even if he cannot drive, he still has public transportation access to get out of the house.
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2011-03-17 09:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaDELTA SAYS MOROCCO IS PART OF EUROPE?!!!
That only works for people who live in or close to JFK because for everyone else you still need a domestic flight to JFK which will still charge you for baggage.
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2011-03-23 12:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaDELTA SAYS MOROCCO IS PART OF EUROPE?!!!
My husband went home in Sept on Air France an had to pay for th second by both ways. They are all doing this now. You can argue til you're blue in the face, but it won't make a difference. Also the frequent flyer programs don't make a bit of difference, those programs are free.
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2011-03-23 08:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA class of 04-08 ladies
We are still kicking....

Filed K1 in '05 and hubby naturalized last year. Our son just turned 4 and MIL is currently here on a 3 month visit.
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2012-04-30 10:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaTransit Visa needed for layover in Paris enroute to Morocco?
My husband has gone thru Paris before with no problems. London and Germany I know for a fact are problem areas for Moroccans traveling before citizenship!
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2013-06-23 23:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g

Instead of spamming the board because no one was stalking your posts, reading your protests, have you sent a PM to Cap'n Ewok (the Administrator) and asked him to pin it? Seems you're making a Federal case about this.
I am confused. Did you ask, and were told your topic could not be pinned?

It would be a courtesy to the community if you would track down your many posts and ask for all but one of them to be removed; this topic does not need to be pinned to every forum.

No offense, but WHO ARE YOU??? You come in here critisizing and don't even introduce yourself. Are you not here for help like everyone else? Are you even going thru the immigration process cause you have nothing in your profile? Kiya is just trying to help out the rest of us who still have to face this challenge!
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2006-02-28 13:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaReturning Petitions to the United States via 221g
I agree too!!!
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2006-02-28 09:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaI can't believe it....

Congrats Carrie & Simo, glad you decided not to corrrect the error with CASA, would have been another lengthy MESS.
Wish you a happy reunification :dance: :dance: its about time.

Thanks kml



im super psyched for you. you have been so patient. it will all pay off once you see his face in person.


Thanks Sarah

OK, I have a dilemma now. The Consulate called him this morning apologizing about their mistake and asked him if he can come in tomorrow or whenever early in the morning with his passport to fix the expiration date. They told him they will correct it and give it back the same day. The problem is, Simo is so scared and confused to deal with them anymore and doesn't know what to do. If we decide to forget about it and leave the date as is, they won't cancel it will they? I guess if we decide to leave the date I should notify them? I really don't want anymore problems from these people....
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2006-10-04 08:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaI can't believe it....


Congrats again Carrie!!! :star: (F)

Thanks ready for the big day coming up?? Not much longer!

:lol: Ready? :lol: Um no :unsure: We have 15 days and he has not done his medical, paid his fees, no police certs yet, and no photos yet. :lol: Oh and I just barely FedEx's his package of forms yesterday...ready.... :lol: What a concept :lol:

I'm trying to light a fire under his butt as we speak....not working. He keeps saying oh that only takes a day. Sheeeeeeeeeesh! :star:

I definitely am not missing those :lol: I remeber having to light a few fires to get Simo ready for his too. I'm sure your man will get it together, and if he is anything like the last minute. ;)
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2006-10-03 15:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaI can't believe it....

Thanks Kiya, that was my understanding on this as well. I have emailed Casa numerous times and just received a response back this afternoon. This is what they said:

Ms. xxxx,

Thank you for your e-mail. We have forwarded your request and the specifics of your fiance's case to our non-immigrant visa section. Mr. xxxxx's case, now having been completely processed, is actually a non-immigrant visa. We will contact you and Mr. xxxxx shortly.


Now what exactly this means, who knows. At first Simo asked if we could have it corrected, but now he's had about enough of Casa. He is too scared to deal with them anymore. I can't blame him.

Oh, I don't blame him either. Honestly, I think we would just take it as is and run as far from Casa as possible. :D

As long as he enters the country before its' validity date expires it is good for 3 months after that. I still think you will be fine. I would worry more about Casa screwing something up again...really. I swear the left hand has no idea what the right hand does...nor do they care very much, at least that is what it seems to be from the outside looking in.

(F) ~Kiyah~ (F)

That is what it seems to me too. I don't think we are going to bother with trying to change it since he bought his ticket today for November 6th!!! :dance:

HAMDULILLAH!!! I am so happy he bought a ticket! I really am so happy for you both, this is been a long hard wait and you so deserve to be together.

Nov 6th...that is the day before I leave for Morocco! :D

(F) ~Kiyah~ (F)

I am happy and relieved too! Been a long journey and we are very anxious to start a somewhat "normal" life.

I am happy you are returning to get married. Such a joyous occasion! Simo and I sometimes wish we had married there, but oh well. I can't wait to hear all about it when you return. :luv: (F)

Congrats again Carrie!!! :star: (F)

Thanks ready for the big day coming up?? Not much longer!

Edited by carshel, 03 October 2006 - 02:40 PM.

~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2006-10-03 14:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaI can't believe it....

I was going through all of my papers and found this document from Casa regarding K1 visa's and how long they are valid once issued among other information they provided.

It really does sound like Casa screwed up on the timing...they are not even providing the standard validity once the visa is issued. They should update their wording on this, but don't hold your breath for that. It is however without a doubt good for 3 months (90 days) after the beneficiary has entered the United States.


Fiancé(e) visa petitions (form I-129F) must be filed in the United States. Fiancé(e) visa petitions can only be approved by the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (BCIS) office having jurisdiction over the American citizen petitioner's (you/your) current or intended residence in the United States. The fiancé(e) visa petition form contains detailed instructions on what kind of documents must be submitted.

The visa process will begin when the Consulate General receives the approved visa petition from BCIS in the United States. At that time, we will send your fiancé(e) instructions on how to proceed, as well as a detailed list of the supporting documents needed to apply for the visa.

If you wish to withdraw the petition before a visa (K-1) is actually issued, you should make a written request to the Consulate General.

Once the visa is issued, your fiancé(e) must enter the U.S. within six months. After entering the U.S., you and your fiancé(e) must marry within three months and report the marriage to the nearest BCIS office in order to obtain permanent/ conditional resident status for your new spouse.

If you decide not to marry, your fiancé(e) must depart the U.S. within that three-month period.

For more information about fiancé(e) visas, please visit the State Department's website at:

(F) ~Kiyah~ (F)

Thanks Kiya, that was my understanding on this as well. I have emailed Casa numerous times and just received a response back this afternoon. This is what they said:

Ms. xxxx,

Thank you for your e-mail. We have forwarded your request and the specifics of your fiance's case to our non-immigrant visa section. Mr. xxxxx's case, now having been completely processed, is actually a non-immigrant visa. We will contact you and Mr. xxxxx shortly.


Now what exactly this means, who knows. At first Simo asked if we could have it corrected, but now he's had about enough of Casa. He is too scared to deal with them anymore. I can't blame him.

Oh, I don't blame him either. Honestly, I think we would just take it as is and run as far from Casa as possible. :D

As long as he enters the country before its' validity date expires it is good for 3 months after that. I still think you will be fine. I would worry more about Casa screwing something up again...really. I swear the left hand has no idea what the right hand does...nor do they care very much, at least that is what it seems to be from the outside looking in.

(F) ~Kiyah~ (F)

That is what it seems to me too. I don't think we are going to bother with trying to change it since he bought his ticket today for November 6th!!! :dance:
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2006-10-03 14:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaI can't believe it....

I was going through all of my papers and found this document from Casa regarding K1 visa's and how long they are valid once issued among other information they provided.

It really does sound like Casa screwed up on the timing...they are not even providing the standard validity once the visa is issued. They should update their wording on this, but don't hold your breath for that. It is however without a doubt good for 3 months (90 days) after the beneficiary has entered the United States.


Fiancé(e) visa petitions (form I-129F) must be filed in the United States. Fiancé(e) visa petitions can only be approved by the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (BCIS) office having jurisdiction over the American citizen petitioner's (you/your) current or intended residence in the United States. The fiancé(e) visa petition form contains detailed instructions on what kind of documents must be submitted.

The visa process will begin when the Consulate General receives the approved visa petition from BCIS in the United States. At that time, we will send your fiancé(e) instructions on how to proceed, as well as a detailed list of the supporting documents needed to apply for the visa.

If you wish to withdraw the petition before a visa (K-1) is actually issued, you should make a written request to the Consulate General.

Once the visa is issued, your fiancé(e) must enter the U.S. within six months. After entering the U.S., you and your fiancé(e) must marry within three months and report the marriage to the nearest BCIS office in order to obtain permanent/ conditional resident status for your new spouse.

If you decide not to marry, your fiancé(e) must depart the U.S. within that three-month period.

For more information about fiancé(e) visas, please visit the State Department's website at:

(F) ~Kiyah~ (F)

Thanks Kiya, that was my understanding on this as well. I have emailed Casa numerous times and just received a response back this afternoon. This is what they said:

Ms. xxxx,

Thank you for your e-mail. We have forwarded your request and the specifics of your fiance's case to our non-immigrant visa section. Mr. xxxxx's case, now having been completely processed, is actually a non-immigrant visa. We will contact you and Mr. xxxxx shortly.


Now what exactly this means, who knows. At first Simo asked if we could have it corrected, but now he's had about enough of Casa. He is too scared to deal with them anymore. I can't blame him.

~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2006-10-03 13:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaI can't believe it....

But if Simo comes 1 dsy before his visa expires would he be out of status if they were to marry 1 day after his visa expiration? Carrie, I probably would not take any chances by going back to Casa to get anything change. Simo will just have to have an incomplete project in order for him to get here before the visa expires.

This may also affect him as far as getting a "Temp Work Permit" from the POE.

I wish you all the best.

But I thought we were supposed to get 6 months from the issue date to enter the US and then 90 days from the date of entry to marry and adjust status. If this is not the case, then we are screwed because there is NO WAY he can get here, us get married and file adjustment in the next 7 weeks. :huh:
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2006-09-28 15:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaI can't believe it....
Thanks you all. :wub:

About the visa issue date...his visa says:

Issue date 9/28/2006

Expiration date 11/18/2006

Also under Annotation: CLEARANCE RECEIVED 26-SEPT-2006

So, I don't see how the visa was issued back in May. Apparently there was some question about whether or not he was still in the country.

Long story short (if possible).

Monday I called DOS for a status check. I spoke to Jackie who said he was still "pending", but she was going to send a followup email (4th time now). She said she would call me when they received an update back.

On Tuesday I get an SMS from Simo that a nice lady from the Consulate called him and asked twice if he had left the country yet...NO of course was his answer. Of course that prompted me to get on the phone to call Casa. The man who answered said everyone was gone, call back tomorrow. :angry: In the meantime, I call DOS and was told no one advised them to call, still pending, strong case, no name hits, any day now blah blah blah...yea ok, heard that for 5 months, thanks. So I sent an email to Casa to ask if there was a problem and left for lunch. On my way back to work, Jackie from DOS calls me to tell me his clearance is finished. Of course I am going WHAT (almost running off the road), are you sure, I was just told it was still pending and told her about the Consulate calling. She says yes, I just looked before I called you. OMG!!! A couple hours later I called DOS again to verify (I think most of you know we had been thru this already a couple times) and spoke to a man who told me his visa has been issued to him already. I told him that was not possible he doesn't have anything. He said "I'm looking right here, the visa was issued on 9/26/2006. They received notification he had never left the country and were able to get everything cleared up, they should be contacting him soon". Of course Simo doesn't want to believe any of it since the Consulate had already called him in once for nothing.

Yesterday morning, about 5am, I got an SMS from Simo that the Consulate called him and asked if he could be there at 12. He told the man no, he is coming all the way from Marrakesh, but he could come tomorrow. So my poor Simo was on the train at 5am (his time) this morning to Casa. He got there, gave them his passport and they told him to come back at 1pm. At 9:21am this morning I got another SMS saying he thinks he is dreaming because he got his passport back with a VISA IN IT!!!!!

He is so excited, but at the same time worried about that expiration date. He still has some work to finish and is worried about being done and ready to leave by then. Should I even bother trying to get it fixed or will it cause more delays??

I said it to you already but I'll say it again cuz I'm so dang happy for you both!!! MABRUKULATIONS!!! Now I really have to get my ####### to ATL to see you and Simo... it's time for that Moroccan dinner we've been talking abt... a true celebration!
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Hey, we're only 4 hours south of Atlanta so let us know when you do. I'm dying to meet some of my VJ family too. I could always take Abdel up for a Braves game, or do they still play baseball this late in the year? I am so out of touch with American sports.

Liz, we will have to let you know - I'm dying to meet you too, my friend (and Abdel)! I think we're going to eat at Imperial Fez...that's the plan anyway!

YEAH...Imperial Fez here we come!!!

Edited by carshel, 28 September 2006 - 01:39 PM.

~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2006-09-28 13:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaI can't believe it....
Thanks everyone.

We have not booked a ticket. He will stay thru Ramadan and to finish some work.

I do have one question/concern....his visa says it expires Nov 18, 2006. What happened to the 6 months you are supposed to get???? Do I need to call Casa and have this fixed?
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2006-09-28 10:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaI can't believe it....
5 months and 1 day of AP later.... We finally got it!!

:dance: Simo picked up his visa this morning. :dance:
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2006-09-28 09:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaLet's go Noura and Said!!!
YEAH NOURA...I cannot WAIT for your interview tomorrow. I know Said will do great. Let's get that visa and bring him home!!!!! :dance: :luv: Simo and I will be anxiously waiting for the results... :dancing:
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2006-10-04 08:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaOH NO! Yallah!
:dance: :dance: YEAH...Congratulations Noura and Said!! :dance: :dance:

Said will be here before you know it. I knew he would sail right through the interview. :thumbs:
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2006-10-05 06:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaOne call, that's all...
:dance: :dance: :dance: OMG, YEAH NOURA AND SAID!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

Wish we could get him on the plane with Simo Nov . 6th, but am sure he will be not far behind! Yeah, now we can definitely plan to get together. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! :thumbs: :luv:
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2006-10-12 11:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaNajia's interview update

Simo had the blonde woman as well back in April. He received the 221g and told 1 month, which turned into 5, but I don't think yours will take that long at all. I am sure that the travel abroad has to do with it. They are just going to be doing the standard checks I'm sure. I wouldn't worry. Sounds like things went very well. :thumbs:
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2006-10-19 10:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaInterview update.....
I hope he gets the visa quickly! Congratulations on your interview success! :thumbs:
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2006-10-19 10:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaShould the ME/NA board be shut down?

The regs do a fine job on their own of stirring it up WITHOUT any "morans"....

I (L) Caroline

OMG...that pic about blinded me.. :lol:
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2006-10-31 16:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaLebaneseBaby : It's A ...
Congratulations, how exciting!!! :dance:
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2006-11-01 14:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaAre you bored...

OK, so for those of you who are now with your SOs, if you experienced this feeling during your "internet marriage", did it improve once you were reunited in person or do you find that you still don't really have anything to talk about?
What I'm trying to get at is... is it just because there's only so much to discuss online?

I'll let ya know next week ;) .

I remember when we used to make each other laugh and laugh but it seems that laughter is kinda lost. We used to really enjoy our "time" together. As if we were actually together. That was pre-visa process. When I visit we have a great time together. Hell I even sleep better in Egypt because for that short time I forget this process. This may sound terrible but sometimes I wish I could for one day forget all this ever happened.

I completely felt the same way, like can we go back to the way things "used" to be. This whole visa process just drags you down so far it's hard to see anything positive sometimes.
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2006-10-31 19:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaAre you bored...

Am I the only one who is getting REALLY bored of conducting her marriage over the phone/net? It's seems I don't even have anything interesting to talk about anymore. :( Anyone else have this problem? :blush: :unsure:

You're not alone. Many MANY times I would get bored and frustrated with the whole net/phone routine. Sometimes I would have to tell Simo that I just need a break for a couple days from the computer. I felt like I was in prison at times, always tied down to a computer.

I told him if it were not for him needing access to talk to his family, I would be throwing the stupid thing out once he got here. :whistle:

Edited by carshel, 31 October 2006 - 10:11 AM.

~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2006-10-31 10:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarrakech
I'm not sure about Thai food, but I do know they have an excellent Chinese resturaunt.
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2006-11-01 10:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarrakech

I do realize Marrakech is touristy and more expensive than other towns, but we both love it.

I love Marrakesh too. Hope you find a comfortable place.
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2006-10-31 20:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarrakech
My fiance Simo lives in Marrakesh, but only for a few more days. :dance: He might be able to point you in the direction of a few places if you want to contact him. His ID on here is Zamo95, you can PM him or myself and I will give you more details.
~ Karima ~FemaleMorocco2006-10-31 16:10:00