K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1/NOA2 spreadsheet tracking, K-3 filers
I would like to be added as well! Nice job good.gif
rgb404MaleNigeria2008-06-28 22:25:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionPossible trick question on N-400 ?

While re-reading my N-400 that I sent in a while back, one question got me thinking.

Part 10, section B, question 9 asks;

"Have you ever advocated (either directly or indirectly) the overthrow of any government by force or violence?"

This seems straight forward enough because most of us are peace and democracy loving people, going at our daily businesses and living our lives in and orderly and lawful manner.

However, what I found striking is that technically, this question could be used against pretty much anyone.

Does the question imply that you would have to vocally or financially support an illegal or corrupt organization that wants to do harm, or can you just be a supporter of an international conflict? They could technically ask you if you supported the Iraqi invasion back in 2003, or the overthrow of the Taleban. Would that be grounds for denial? Probably not because that would be unpatriotic would it not? What if you are a US service member, don't you indirectly advocate the overthrow of a government by signing up during times of war? What if they would find an old blog of yours with articles supporting quasi-violent freedom movements in Ukraine or Kyrgyzstan, would that cause problems?

Probably not, because they are most likely looking for ex Nazis and other crazy people. But it is an interesting thought. What do you think?

David SolowayMale02010-04-14 09:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Okay it's that time of the day when I need to get myself together for my commute home...have a good evening everyone! :thumbs: I've enjoyed being on today...felt a little like old times :rofl:
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-07 15:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

nope....twins are being baptized this coming sunday so had to run around and get our act together this weekend....

Awww how precious! You have a beautiful family.
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-07 14:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Hey DW,
I miss talking with you lady!! I am on here check and I see that things are progressing well for you and I am SOOO glad that all is well for your and Den. Gareth's mom will be leaving out of 9/11 to come to visit me for a while.. I hope that she doesn't get home sick and miss JA to much. I am send you me phone # and address now.

Okay lady, thank you! I miss talking to you too. We leave out on 9/11 for JA...I wish your MIL safe travels and I know we'll catch up soon! :yes: Rub that belly of yours for me. I can't wait to see pics when he finally arrives to the world.

Edited by DedicatedWife, 07 September 2010 - 02:44 PM.

DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-07 14:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Awww lil' man is too handsome...Finesse you make some pretty children!
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-07 14:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Finesse, them girls are too cute!!! They are growing! Did you and hubby have a house party/cookout this weekend? :unsure:
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-07 14:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Thanks Tee,
Its very hard to turn my back on him, but what the FCK he pulled this weekend on top of all that he dont do for us as a family, It was pretty easy to turn my back.

Now I pray that he gets the picture, because I love me some him, but not the disrespect.

To cute for that!!!!!!! :rofl: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Yes you are too cute for all I said earlier...I'm praying this is only temporary. I commend you for being strong and also being so honest. You're not sugar coating it or tip toeing around the issues, you are confronting things head on. I know you are a praying woman and I know God has not brought you all this far to leave at the end of the have to be happy in life!!! (F)
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-07 14:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Good Afternoon Ladies...

Afternoon Dan-Dan! How are you? When you get a chance, please PM me your address..
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-07 14:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

LMAO.. gurl please lol if looks could kill....I'd be dead as a door knob... they was a mess poe thangs... and I forgot to tell you. There was one that was about 500lbs who tripped on the way out the door and Steve caught her! LOL.. it wasn't funny then but lawd, steve did good she didn't fall.... :unsure:

Okay Tee, its a rap, I'm no more good for the day!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Tell Steve, he can't be throwing his back out for other folks... :no: that was sweet of him though. What a gentleman :yes:
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-07 14:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
So I see its been quiet lately on the board...where is everybody? Facebook I'm sure :lol: or really busy at work.
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-07 14:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Tee, I'm still not fooling with you. I'm still over here laughing at what you said about how them big gals were eyeing you and Steve up...poe big thangs!
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-07 13:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Cousin Im not tellin you to have fun cause im jealous im not going with yall:crying: LOL But I cant do that to you.. Have a blast.. give den den a shout out for me and tell him I said have a good time :)

Cuz, you know I will let him know. He so excited ...he has been packed since last week :lol: Poe thang, I hope he hasn't forgot anything. I have a checklist prepared and we will do a final check on Thursday since that's when I'm packing. This is our first time traveling together outside of the U.S. and I don't want no I want to be sure we have all the proper travel documents easily ready to show when needed :yes:

I'm serious though about the Orlando trip next month...let me know cause I think we will try to make it happen! :luv:
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-07 13:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Doing well, slowwwwwwwwwwwwwww at work so all I do is surf FB and photography boards all day!!

I wish I was going to JA like you guys loL!

LOL sounds like fun at work to is the first time in a long time I've been able to be on VJ during the work day...they been on me!

Yes, I'm so looking forward to Saturday but I got so much to get done between now and then. :huh:

Edited by DedicatedWife, 07 September 2010 - 01:46 PM.

DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-07 13:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

JQ, prayers going out to you that the end result is HAPPINESS, whatever that result may be.....Hugs to you!

Hi JaEnglish, how are you?
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-07 13:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Thanks DW. My job really cracked down on internet usage so I only go to Facebook whenever I get a chance. Life has been hectic the last 6 months but I am blessed. My daughter is doing great...having the time of her life. I cannot be happier for her :luv:

Same here at my job, I've been trying to stay on the grind and am FB more than on here since I can access FB easily from my phone.

I can imagine your daughter is having a be young and in college and just having that I can rule the world outlook! I hear you on the being throws us all kinds of bends, twists, and turns...we just have to be thankful we can bend with it all.

All is well with Den and I. We're enjoying marriage and just enjoying our time together. Den is making music contacts here in the "A" and we're preparing to return to JA this Saturday. Going to celebrate my birthday and his son's. Things are better with me as far as the son goes...I think I've brought that lil man everything in his size :luv: So I'm looking forward to spending time with lil' man as well.
Take care and talk soon for sure.
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-07 12:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Hi VJ fam...just stopping by to say HELLO. Hope all is well. We are doing great :thumbs:

Hi Shemmy (waiving) glad to see you! Glad to hear that all is well. That lil' man of yours is too precious! How's your baby girl doing at school? She's beautiful.
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-07 12:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

:angry: Rub it in why don't you and please have 5 or 6 drinks for me! THANK YOU!!!! Make sure you poor a little bit out on the ground for me on each one! MMMMMMKAAYYYYY!

I gots you Dills no problem!!! :rofl:
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-07 12:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

I'm doing okay DW. I would be doing better if I were you and leaving for JA on Saturday. I really should look into planning a trip. Have fun and how long are you going for again?

We'll be there for 9 wonderful days! I will definitely have fun for you...maybe even a drink or two :rofl:

Thanks DW (L)

No problem JQ Smiley!
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-07 12:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

That is so true,

well so much has went on with my life this past weekend yall I just confused, but I had decided my hubby and I need to separate.

He did the ultimate Sunday. Im so shocked

Maybe with out me he will realize, that I am needed or he will realize, that he can live life with out me.

I am very indepenedent, and with God's help, because my help cometh from HIM. I will be ok.

Please guys dont post anything on my FB, this is a private matter, but I wanted yall to know because you have help me so much, but now it is time for my hubby to change or loose his family.

Love you all (L)

Hi Mama! I know that this is a private matter and a difficult time for you but I want you to know that we're here!!! Hugs to you...I pray that this is only temporary and that you all can come to a resolution. Prayers going up!!! (F)

Stay strong that was a very hard decision to make and if you need to talk, cry or vent I am here for you! (L)

Hi Dills, how are you? I just said almost the same thing to JQ.
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-07 12:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
JQ Smiley Boom,

How are we doing today Mama? :unsure:
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-07 11:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

A little birdie told me that soooooooo maybe we can be there at the same time! :yes:

I was thinking the same thing :yes: let me know when you guys thinking about going down and we'll try to make it happen for sure. :yes:

Hey Dw,

Doing well Thanks! I am actually starting to feel so much better now it only took six months :) but I am happy the morning sickness is subsiding.

Glad to hear that Always Blessed! Awww six months already...time is flying!

OMG the name of the thread was changed??? Wow it has been a long time since I logged on I guess that went ova o.k.? Q why yuh naa tell me dat....

Anywho wah gwaan ladies hope all is well. I've missed you ladies but been a tad bit busy ta come an chat. I go back a yaad next month well hopefully if the air comes down any but right now its dang high.

Eric I see yuh expecting child congrats!!! I have to read back to see what else I missed.

Hi Dada (waiving) I know you excited about your trip to the Yard next month...we leave this Saturday, so ready!! I hope all is well with you and the kids.
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-07 11:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Tee, that sounds like an awesome Bday! We trying to get down to Orlando soon as well...hmmm!
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-07 09:57:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

How about I just checked the website and it says my I-129F was approved on 9/4/2010 what the hell? I wonder if that is supposed to be our I-485 because that is right under the I-129F Uggggh these folks.. let me call the mis-information line....:angry:

I'm mad at them! Real mad...keep us posted! :blink:
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-07 09:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Good morning everyone... We had a really nice weekend. First and foremost, NO one is in my house this morning LOL. Steve and I had a date night on Saturday, boy did we have fun. I had to laugh because we were at the bar and there were a lot of "big girls" in da house and they was hatin on some MrsTee LOL.... They would look at Steve then look at me and I had a big azz grin on my face like "Yeah, he is mine heffas" LOL It was too funny. Then this lady got in major trouble. They were ready to whoop her tail because she was charging folks $1.00 at the door. An undercover gave her $20.00 and she kept the change....I saw it all go down, but I didn't want no parts of it.... too funny. I made fajitas for dinner on Sunday and they were SO good. Gotta make sure I tell Brooke so Vaughn can try them...

I hope everyone has a great day...

Cousin, I am happy that you will be leaving for JA. Steve and I have actually been talking about going for a weekend this year since he is working he can't really take time off but we are both itching to go. Good luck with the GC and keep us posted.. daggone USCIS :angry:

Glad to hear you had a great weekend Cousin!!! :lol: I'm laughing my butt off at the Big gals hatin' girl don't these broads be looking? I had a waitress ask us the other night when we went out if it was going to be separate checks...what the hell? All of this fineness is mine trick so it is one check beych!!!! :rofl: :angry: :blush:

So it's almost bday time...any plans yet? :unsure:

USCIS= come on already!!! :no:

Edited by DedicatedWife, 07 September 2010 - 09:27 AM.

DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-07 09:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Good Morning All,

Hope today is a blessed day for everyone

Morning Always Blessed, same to you! How are things going?
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-07 09:21:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

:angry: I forgot to mention, we got a letter back from our Senator's office regarding our I-485 application and they said we would have to wait an additional 30 to 45 days before we should contact USCIS :angry: I can't stand USCIS right now :angry:

Good luck to all of you still waiting.. ugh!

We called them last week and they said that they were requesting that production of the GC be ordered again!!! :angry: We were also told it will probably be another 30 days before we receive it! :angry: :wacko: :bonk:

Hello everyone ... Hubby got him a car I am so proud of him next is a new car for me . So hubby's car is a standard and i haven't drove one in forever. so hubby is teaching me and is so patient however he realizes that him in the car makes me nervous so in the middle of me driving he get out and tell me to go on . He is a great teacher . he is also teaching his friend and his friend said i did better then Jessica the first time she drove it right my hubby said no sir she drover better then you . He looked crushed . i told him it no competition as long as the end result is we learn to drive the car.

Awww that's wonderful Jess...go Ricky! You'll get it girl...I'm not the best with a standard coordination is not that good :no:
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-07 08:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Wa Gwaan Ladies,

My mother in law got her visitors visa last week :dance: . She will be coming to vist me during the time that I have the baby. This is such a blessing to have someone for my husbands family here during the time our son is born.

Though Gareth is happy for his mother to be here he is upset that he will not be here to witness the birth himself. I have been trying to think of ways to include him in the birth (skype and video recording) I dont understand why the USCIS is moving sooooo slowly with CR1 applications. We mailed the applicdation April 15, 2010 and still no NOA2!!! That is almost 5 months, I guess we will have to wait until the 5 month mark to inquire. I hope that he will be here by Christmas.... Any suggestions are advice on how to survive the LONG wait is TRULY appreciated.

Hi Dan-Dan...miss you Lady!!! I know you're so thankful that your MIL will be here for the birth of your son...its bitter sweet cause I know Gareth would love to be here. Awww, sweetie this visa process is such a waiting game. I know once the baby is born you will have a lot to keep you occupied but one thing that helped me honestly was Visa Journey. Coming on here kept me sane and just hearing others' progress made me feel like my ship would soon be sailing in. I'm happy for you and please keep us posted on when lil' man gets here! Congratulations again!
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-07 08:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Morning Everyone! Hope everyone had a nice long weekend. I got 4 more days before we leave for Jamaica! I can hardly wait... :dance: :dance: :dance:

I need to make sure I get my desk together before I leave work on vacation...cause as we all know everything that can happen while you're out will :angry: :wacko: :rofl:
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-07 08:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Hi Everyone!!! I feel so out the loop!

I hope all is well!

Miss you guys. Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend.
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-04 16:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Hey yall,

thanks for all the wonderful advice

Since it is a 3day weekend, I left will all 3 1/2 kids :rofl:

He started to get better Thursday and Friday but I still want him to improve,
My aunt is one of the best cooks in the woorld, and due to it being my granny b-day weekend we are going to bbq for it like we always did before she passed.

2. Sanity good cuz theres other kids here
4. hubby has time to get it together

he called me 23 times last night and 9 already this mornign :bonk:

guess hes looking for dinner and breakfast oh well im over here being served like a queen

probably wont talk to yall till mon or tues but have a great weekend

Good for you Mama! No one's marriage or relationship is perfect...we all have bumps every now and then...hang in there and continue expressing your feelings to your hubby. You two are in it to win it! Hugs Mama!
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-04 16:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Nope - Carnival time!! Posted Image

LOL, I hear ya Sus! I think Atlanta is having its annual "Jerk Festival" on Sunday, so we might check that out.
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-02 09:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Got a 2nd RFE for a new Police Record...he got one, fedx it to me, I fedx it to NVC...they got it just waiting for them to Case Complete and schedule a damn interview...looks like will be in October.

Come on Embassy! :wacko: Come on interview date!!!!
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-02 09:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

So anybody having any cook outs this weekend?

we are invited to two. So that is going to amount to our Saturday

Hi MamaJew, wishing a speedy approval at the interview today for you guys for lil' mama!!!

No cooking out for us, we might go to one though. No big plans for us, we just going to be getting last minute things together for our return trip to JA next Saturday...we all the way turned up! :dance: :dance: :dance:
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-02 09:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Good evening! Thanks for all the birthday well wishes. I can't believe we are already in September. This year is rolling!

I hope everyone is having a great week! :yes:
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-09-01 21:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Hi everyone.. hope all is well and everyone is having a blessed day! *waiving hey DW miss ya!*

Hi Tee! (Waiving) :blush:
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-08-31 11:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Morning All! I miss my VJ family. I've been so busy working and trying to stay on the grind that I've hardly found time to get on then at night...well :devil:

I know I've missed out on so much but I hope that all is well with everyone!

Congrats to all the recent happenings. I hope all is going well with all the mothers-to be, upcoming weddings and interviews! :dance: :dance: :dance:

Have a great day! :thumbs:
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-08-31 09:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Hey yall

Hope everyone is feeling great

my friend and I just took this picture at work

she is 8 month preggo with twins DAMN................... :bonk:

Posted Image
Posted Image

Cute Mamas!
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-08-23 14:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

As long as she pays him, it may be okay LOL

Cousin, hubby and I are doing really well. They LOVE that man at his job. They said the building hasn't been that clean in YEARS! He enjoys it alot. Wish the pay was a little better, but we are very thankful that he is employed with good benefits! We are starting to disagree less and less which means we are settling in comfortable with each other. Thursday is our 8 month anniversary! Where does the time fly? We are almost at the 1 year mark, so that's a good sign :)

I don't know, I think if a man is going to cheat, he is going to cheat. I just have to make sure Im protected because Im going to be the one hurting after it happens. Therefore, I try not to allow my thoughts to get the best of me. We are open with one another, pretty much....

Trewlany said to tell you all hello for her

Hi Lawny!

Happy Anniversary Tee! You guys are almost at a time is rolling!

I agree, one thing for sure is that you can't stop or prevent someone from doing something...all you can do is keep the communication as open and honest as you can. There is always going to be temptation in some form or another for us all...its all in how you choose to handle it. I would like to say that once your married you won't have to worry about that but I think that's when you definitely have to worry more...some of those females out here love to try to break a committed a sick and twisted way they see someone that is unattainable as the ultimate prize...they better stay clear of mine. I make sure my hubby knows my concerns! Poe thang, he think I'm crazy!
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-08-23 13:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Hi he is doing great we are both ready to start the process for Chrissy.

Glad to hear Honey! Enjoy your time together and best wishes with the process for Chrissy.

hello peeps! been trying to say hi all day but got my troop with me at work my son doing my huge pile of filing right now!!

Hi Finesse!
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-08-23 13:22:00