PhilippinesReasons why Filipino can't be a US Pres..
QUOTE (yankee @ Aug 25 2008, 03:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
: Hi VJ family, since Election here in US is coming, I would like to share thing ''funny article tongue_ss.gif from my alumni e-group. you can share your other ideas to add on this article..

Top 10 Reasons Why There Couldn't Be a Filipino-American US President

10. The White House is not big enough for in-laws and extended relatives.

9. There are not enough parking spaces at the White House for 2 Honda Civics, 2 Toyota Land Cruisers, 3 Toyota Corollas, a Mercedes Benz, a BMW (Big Mean Wife), and an MPV (My Pinoy Van). headbonk.gif

8. Dignitaries generally are intimidated by eating with their fingers at State dinners.

7. There are too many dining rooms in the White House - where will they put the picture of the Last Supper?

6. The White House walls are not big enough to hold a pair of giant wooden spoon and fork.

5. Secret Service staff won't respond to "pssst...pssst" .

4. Secret Service staff will not be comfortable driving the presidential car with a Holy Rosary hanging on the rear view mirror or the statue of the Santo Nino on the dashboard.

3. No budget allocation to purchase a karaoke machine for every room in the White House.

2. State dinners do not allow "Take Home".


1. Air Force One does not allow overweight Balikbayan boxes! jest.gif helpsmilie.gif

funny!!! laughing.gif
sugarplumFemalePhilippines2008-08-26 00:04:00
PhilippinesMY DAY Pics :)
QUOTE (I luv my chappara @ Jul 27 2008, 09:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
To Ate Gaye, Ate Rizza, Ate Beth, Cheryl, Joyce at sa ibang pinpressure aq mgshare ng pics eheheh... here's your request smile.gif

To Rose & Billy, Ate Shally and Scott ---- Thanks for coming,,, We appreciate it, Hope you enjoyed the night,,,, star_smile.gif

For courtesy to our very nice photographer smile.gif

sorry I haven't upload the pictures in reception yet,, next time ... star_smile.gif

here are some of our pics smile.gif

wow nice pics...ur gown is nice...congratulations!!

sugarplumFemalePhilippines2008-08-02 11:53:00
PhilippinesTime to say goodbye
QUOTE (rosal548 @ Aug 31 2008, 07:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My finacee and I got into a agruement.

When I told her to lay it all on the table she was honest enough to tell it all but in a bizarre way.

She came up with a list:

1. I turn her off with my looks.
2. She said that I am overweight.
3. She has forced herself to love me the entire time.
4. She really wants to help her family thats why she looked for an American
5. She can no longer take the fact that she was lying to me
6. She said im too fat for her.

So I ended it just a few minutes ago.............................

OUCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sad to hear that wacko.gif
sugarplumFemalePhilippines2008-09-04 12:01:00
PhilippinesTransitioning from Filipina to Filipino-American
QUOTE (Pinay Wife @ Sep 2 2008, 08:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Transitioning from Filipina to Filipino-American

Culture shock will affect Filipina and her American husband, and every couple will encounter unique problems that require both partners to make lifestyle adjustments. But the Filipina is at a disadvantage in that she is utterly immersed in a new culture, inside and outside the home, whereas her American husband is on familiar ground as soon as he steps out the front door.

Below I've listed a few problem areas that many (not all!) newly arrived Filipinas face, but these are only intended to get the discourse started. If you are involved in a Fil-West (or Fil/Non-Fil) marriage, and you've encountered other areas of adjustment, please email me! And let me know what solutions you came up with.

I put this page together because adjustment to a new culture can be made less turbulent with a little planning on the part of both partners. Learn what you can about her culture, prepare for trouble spots, and exhibit patience and empathy when dealing with her. Doing these things will make your first few months together in America a lot more pleasant.

(Standard caveat, until I get my new 150 million page web site up, I'm forced to use generalizations in describing Filipinas and Fil-West marriage. Needless to say, not all these descriptions apply to all Filipinas or all marriages. Use your own judgment to whether or not the items apply to you and your wife; you don't need to email. I concede in advance that you know your fiancée or wife better than I do. Thanks!)

Adjustment issues for the Filipina:

1. Lack of an immediate local community - socially and geographically. In the Philippines it is not unusual for a Filipina to know her neighbors, to see them on a daily basis, and to interact with them when leaving or returning to her home. The dwellings are usually small and very near to one another, and the windows and doors to constantly open due to the heat, and clothes are often washed and hung out to dry outside. So everyday life in the Philippines is a very public affair. In the U.S., however, houses are placed further apart, the windows and doors are often closed, and meals, laundry and other household chores are carried out within the confines of the home. In apartment complexes neighbors are often only seen during chance encounters on the staircase or in the elevator, and the conversations are usually brief and uninvolved. Americans often do not even know the names of their neighbors. For a Filipina, this may seem like a very "isolated" existence, and during those times that she is alone the situation may become virtually unbearable.

2. Appliances like washing machines, microwaves, vacuum cleaners, food processors, etc., will probably require a little instruction. If there is a floor that needs to be swept, many Filipinas will prefer to use the traditional waist-high brooms of her homeland to the taller, narrower American versions sold in stores here. Don't forget to cover the essentials, such as: don't put metal in the microwave, don't put hand soap into the dishwasher, stuff like that.

3. Entertainment. Filipino television tends to be more "local" in flavor than American television, and it's not unusual to see the same star appearing on multiple shows. Actors sing, singers act, etc. It's like one big variety show. Think of American television in the early 70's. American television tends to be drier, sharper, and edgier (you know, with those shows where it seems like there was no money left in the budget for lighting and everyone is always frowning to show how tough they are). Also, American comedies contain political and cultural humor that might be as funny as a clump of dirt to a person from another country. For this reason, a Filipina may find American television a little less than entertaining. And while she'll probably recognize all the major American actors and actresses, she'll still miss her favorite Filipino stars. She'll also miss those Filipino soaps and love stories.

4. Food. The idea that certain foods are for breakfast, some for lunch, and some for dinner might be alien to some Filipinas, and you might need to explain what foods are generally acceptable for different meals (i.e., no hot dogs for breakfast, no bagels for suppers, etc...unless you're a college student). You might also point out that in social situations, it's proper to keep one's mouth closed when eating and that utensils, not fingers, must be used for certain foods. Needless to say, the diet of a Filipina and her American husband will differ considerably at first, though in time middle ground is almost always achieved.

5. Driving. 99.9% chance a Filipina arriving here in the States has never driven before. She has spent her life walking or using public transportation. If she's moving to New York, Chicago or some other large metropolitan area, she might not have much to adjust to, but if she's moving to an area that is rural or that has a poor mass transit system, she will be dependent on others to get her around town until she learns to drive. This new dependence on others will be quite a change from her earlier ability to go where she pleased whenever she pleased.

6. Currency. While most Filipinas are familiar with dollars, U.S. coins (pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters) might be alien to her. It doesn't help any that the names for our coins have little to do with their value, i.e., 1 cent = penny, 5 cents = nickel, etc.

7. Weather. Winter is alien to most Filipinas. I picked my wife up at the airport in winter, and as we made the two hour drive home, she looked at all the trees alongside the road and asked why we didn't cut them down, since they were obviously dead. I told her they were not dead, they were just leafless because if it was winter. I don't think she believed me until Spring came and, surprise, the trees came back to life! Cold weather will obviously be a new thing for most Filipinas, also, as will be snow, Fall colors, and pollen.

8. Family is EVERYTHING to most Filipinas. In contrast, to many Americans family is defined as "those guys you used to live with." American culture stresses independence, Filipino culture stresses interdependence. You must accept her need to communicate with her family and facilitate it as best you can. You should do your best to behave as a member of her family and to show concern for your in-laws. Do not be surprised if she has a marked interest in being accepted by your family, also. While you might consider your family's attitudes toward your personal life irrelevant, she will likely seek approval by them. Especially your mother.

9. Sense of competition. This might sound odd, but in some ways Filipinas are just as material as Americans. Filipinas often express a desire to own name-brand items, jewelry, and assorted luxury items. This comes as a shock to many American men who presume that a woman from a poverty-stricken country will have few if any material wants. Such is not the case, gentlemen. Filipinas adapt quickly to new surroundings and financial realities and will usually re-evaluate their situation rapidly. While they may be grateful not to be poor anymore, they will nevertheless strive to "keeping up with the Jones." This seems to be especially true if there are other Filipinas in your area. Even minor things, like furniture or clothing, are often tabulated to determine where one stands socially. Even though you may think that it's ridiculous that your wife is jealous of her Filipina friend's new couch, remember that in her mind she might have just fallen a notch in the social hierarchy.

10. Money matters. In the Philippines, it is traditional for the women to pay the bills. This is simply more expedient, since bills are normally paid in person and not by mail, and the men are usually working during business hours. This means that the wives will have to go the power or water company with her family's bill and a handful of pesos once a month. So don't be surprised if your wife expresses a desire to pay the bills in your home. If you allow this (and you probably should, you were never any good at it, were you?), you'll need to teach her how to write checks and pay bills by mail. Most Filipinas also control their family's budget, and they do a superior job of it, so you should expect to hand over the reins to your wife at some point. Not doing so may be seen as an offense to her, i.e., a lack of trust in her abilities.

11. Wealth. You are probably not rich, and you should make sure your wife understands this. Wealth is, of course, a relative thing. In the Philippines, there are poor people and rich people but not many in-between. So it is quite common for a Filipina to presume that because an American is not poor, he must be rich. The idea of a "middle class" should be explained to her. She will not be rich enough to afford everything she wants, but neither so poor that she will ever have to worry about food or shelter. While she may be much more comfortable financially in America, she will not be able to get everything she wants nor will she be able to send thousands of dollars back to her family in the Philippines. Her family should understand this too, as on rare occasions family members can become resentful when a Filipina doesn't provide them will all the financial support they expect.

12. Tipping. Let your wife know that some forms of "tipping" in the Philippines constitute what we call "bribery" in the United States, and that it is illegal. A "tip" in the U.S. is different from a tip in the Philippines in that here it is a bonus that you give to someone AFTER a service has been provided you IF you thought the service was exceptional. You tip waiters, housekeepers, taxi drivers, etc. You DO NOT "tip" policemen, the mailman, or local politicians (unless you need a big favor and have thousands of dollars to spare in your bank account, of course. No, wait, better not tell her that...).

13. Haggling. Driving prices down through haggling is a part of life in the Philippines, but of course a Filipina should not try that at an American grocery store. You can just imagine the look on the cashier's face if this occurred. Be sure that your wife understands that most grocery stores, department stores, etc., have set prices that cannot be reduced at her request. You also cannot normally haggle with taxi drivers, dry cleaners, etc. If she feels compelled to haggle, take her to a yard sale or farmer's market somewhere. She'll probably get you a good deal.

i love ur article... good.gif
sugarplumFemalePhilippines2008-09-04 11:56:00
QUOTE (Gradie and Jane @ Sep 3 2008, 02:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Please pass it to all Filipinos you know.
The message goes:
As you know, we have plenty of Koreans currently
studying in the Philippines to take advantage of
our cheaper tuition fees and learn English at the
same time.

This is an essay written by a Korean student I
want to share with you. (Never mind the grammar;
it's the CONTENT that counts). Maybe it is timely to
think about this in the midst of all the confusion
at present.

Jaeyoun Kim

Filipinos always complain about the corruption in
the Philippines . Do you really think the corruption
is the problem of the Philippines ? I do not
think so. I strongly believe that the problem is
the lack of love for the Philippines .

Let me first talk about my country, Korea .
It might help you understand my point.
After the Korean War, South Korea was one
of the poorest countries in the world. Koreans
had to start from scratch because entire country was
destroyed after the Korean War, and we had no
natural resources.

Koreans used to talk about the Philippines , for
Filipinos were very rich in Asia . We envy Filipinos.
Koreans really wanted to be well off like
Filipinos. Many Koreans died of famine.
My father & brother also died because of famine.
Korean government was very corrupt and is still very
corrupt beyond your imagination, but Korea was
able to develop dramatically because Koreans really
did their best for the common good with their heart
burning with patriotism.

Koreans did not work just for themselves but also
for their neighborhood and country. Education inspired
young men with the spirit of patriotism.

40 years ago, President Park took over the
government to reform Korea . He tried to borrow money
from other countries, but it was not possible to get a
loan and attract a foreign investment because the
economic situation of South Korea was so bad. Korea had
only three factories. So, President Park sent many mine
workers and nurses to Germany so that
they could send money to Korea to build a factory.
They had to go through horrible experience.

In 1964, President Park visited Germany to borrow
money. Hundred of Koreans in Germany came to the
airport to welcome him and cried there as they saw
the President Park . They asked to him, "President,
when can we be well off?" That was the only question
everyone asked to him. President Park cried with
them and promised them that Korea would be well
off if everyone works hard for Korea , and the President
of Germany got the strong impression on them
and lent money to Korea . So, President Park was
able to build many factories in Korea . He always
asked Koreans to love their country from their heart.

Many Korean scientists and engineers in the USA
came back to Korea to help developing country
because they wanted their country to be well off.
Though they received very small salary, they did their
best for Korea . They always hoped that their children
would live in well off country.

My parents always brought me to the places where
poor and physically handicapped people live. They
wanted me to understand their life and help them.
I also worked for Catholic Church when I was in the army.
The only thing I learned from Catholic Church was that we
have to love our neighborhood. And, I have loved my
neighborhood. Have you cried for the
Philippines? I have cried for my country several
times. I also cried for the Philippines because of so many
poor people. I have been to the New Bilibid
prison. What made me sad in the prison were the
prisoners who do not have any love for their country.
They go to mass and work for Church. They pray

However, they do not love the Philippines . I
talked to two prisoners at the maximum-security compound,
and both of them said that they would leave the
Philippines right after they are released from the
prison. They said that they would start a new life in other
countries and never come back to the Philippines .

Many Koreans have a great love for Korea so that
we were able to share our wealth with our neighborhood.
The owners of factory and company were distributed their
profit to their employees fairly so that employees could
buy what they needed and saved money for the
future and their children.

When I was in Korea , I had a very strong faith and
wanted to be a priest. However, when I came to the Philippines ,
I completely lost my faith.
I was very confused when I saw many unbelievable
situations in the Philippines . Street kids always make me sad,
and I see them everyday. The Philippines is the only Catholic
country in Asia , but there are too many poor people here.
People go to church every Sunday to pray, but nothing has
been changed.

My parents came to the Philippines last week and
saw this situation. They told me that Korea was much poorer
than the present Philippines when they
were young. They are so sorry that there are so
many beggars and street kids. When we went to Pasangjan,
I forced my parents to take a boat because
it would fun. However, they were not happy after
taking a boat. They said that they would not take the boat
again because they were sympathized the
boatmen, for the boatmen were very poor and had a
small frame. Most of people just took a boat and enjoyed it.
But, my parents did not enjoy it because of love
for them.

My mother who has been working for Catholic Church
since I was very young told me that if we just go to
mass without changing ourselves, we are not
Catholic indeed. Faith should come with action.
She added that I have to love Filipinos and do good things
for them because all of us are same and have received a great
love from God. I want Filipinos to love their
neighborhood and country as much as they love God
so that the Philippines will be well off.

I am sure that love is the keyword, which Filipinos
should remember. We cannot change the sinful structure at once.
It should start from person. Love must start in everybody,
in a s mall scale and have to grow. A lot of
things happen if we open up to love. Let's put away
our prejudices and look at our worries with our new eyes.

I discover that every person is worthy to be
loved. Trust in love, because it makes changes possible.
Love changes you and me. It changes people, contexts and
relationships. It changes the world. Please love your
neighborhood and country.

Jesus Christ said that whatever we do to others we
do to Him. In the Philippines , there is God for people who
are abused and abandoned. There is God who is crying for love.
If you have a child, teach them how to love the Philippines .
Teach them why they have to love their neighborhood and country.
You already know that God also will be very happy if you love others.

That's all I really want to ask you Filipinos.

i love the easy and its true... good.gif
sugarplumFemalePhilippines2008-09-03 17:12:00
PhilippinesSt lukes is a joke and ongoing medical crap
QUOTE (tzeksman @ Sep 6 2008, 11:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Im very upset with St lukes...My wife went for her medical at SLEC she had all neccessary documents and so forth, and the first day went much like everyone else has described. The only thing that my wife related to me that seemed out of place was that during her physical examination with the doctor. "physically" everything was ok. But upon her detailed search the doctor noticed a single scar on her forearm above her wrist. So she questioned her on it and my wife told her that she got it as an athlete in college and the doctor kept pushing her that she felt she had suicidal tendencies and so on and just would not accept her answer. So that was that she returned the second day and did much waiting and the day proceded and we had both assumed that by the end of the day she would have whatever immunizations she needed and all would be released and fine.....well apparently that wasnt to be. By the end of the day she recieved an appointment notice for 8am the next morning to speak with a psychiatrist!!!!! HAY NAKO!!!!!!! Now let me say here i have know my wife since 2005 we have been husband and wife since 2007 I have examined her body very closely and at no time do i remember seeing a scar on her arm apparently my wife says its very light and its a single scar, also of all the woman i have known my wife is the most sane person ive ever known, anyways i just had to say that so anyways she has to return and also pay an extra 1000.00 pesos plus transportation etc etc and still she has to return next week for finally finishing this ordeal I HOPE...frankly i think the doctor just did this to get another thousand out of us her interview at the Embassy is a week from next wednesday and its my worry all of this drawn out medical at SLEC will delay that....has anyone ever heard of such an experience like this? I mean there is nothing physically wrong with her this is a PHYSICAL exam is it not? why the Psychicological delays?

hello tzeksman,

your wife experience is the same thing with my friend experience. During her physical exam the doctor noticed a single scar on her right wrist and the doctor informed her to have an appointment with psychologist after her medical at st. luke and told her to call the st. luke office after 4 days. The doctor thinks also that she got the scar on her right wrist because of suicidal attempt and my friend got it when she's young and stumbled. She and her husband was really pissed about the situation. My friend was so worried before that's 5 days before her interview . But Thanks God, she was very happy 2 days before her interview she call the st. luke for the result of the psychologist exam and everything went well. So she's done her interview without delays and now she is here in the USA.

That's normal feeling but of course, we have nothing to do about it. There doing they think what is right that sometimes is very inconsiderate knowing that all these people are coming from other provinces and just went to manila to have medical exam . We are not talking about wasting of time here..but definitely the money matters. They don't have a good system . It needs to be improved.

Don't worry. Hang in there. If everything is ok with the psychologist ur wife will still done her interview without delays.

sugarplumFemalePhilippines2008-09-06 21:21:00
Philippinesgreencard holder visiting Canada for one month
QUOTE (imaskin @ Sep 6 2008, 09:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Can i stay in Canada for one month? Would that make a trouble if i stay for one month in Canada?
Thank you very very much.

You can't live outside the United States unless when the time you apply your AOS, you are also apply an Application for Travel Document which allow you to travel outside the United States.

check this website from uscis. gov:

Happy trip!:)
sugarplumFemalePhilippines2008-09-06 21:28:00
hello to all vj members,

I am lit bit curious about the status of my AOS. I'm done my biometric last Saturday Sept. 13 at 3pm. I tried to check the status of my AOS at uscis website but every time i click my receipt number i got this message" Case Status Retrieval Failed-
* This Receipt Number cannot be found at this time in this automated system. Please check your case receipt number to see if it is correct. If you have questions or concerns about your case status, please contact the National Customer Service Center.

How long i have to wait before i can check my status online? I hope its pretty soon...

I hope and pray to God....I can't wait to received my greencard so i can start looking for a job. I'm little bored at home.

Bless me Lord!!!
sugarplumFemalePhilippines2008-09-15 14:23:00
QUOTE (john & jean @ Sep 29 2008, 07:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
mad.gif john mad.gif

After my interview I received pink slip and white slip" stated wait till u hear from us" meaning they have to verify my document. the document verification.don't worry after they verify your documents the embassy will released ur visa..hold on.everything is ok!
sugarplumFemalePhilippines2008-09-29 18:50:00
QUOTE (jasman0717 @ Sep 24 2008, 11:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have a lot of friends married to Filipinas and so far about 75% of the Filipinas have cheated on their husbands. Is this a normal thing in the Philippines? One friend treated his wife like a queen and she still got a boyfriend on the side and was even renting an apartment for him using my friend's money. I just don't understand this cheating thing. I am going to have long discussions with my wife but wanted to get feedback here on this board too.

long distance relationship is really a's a hard work and big commitment to do.there a lots of things could be happened like cheating and make the relationship really sincere and honest , the two people really works on it..Trust their relationship even how many miles they are because love conquers all.

i have known some filipina cheated on their American bf while having a Filipino bf in the Philippines too. i wonder why these girls want to have a long distance relationship if they still want pinoy as their lover. There's only one answer of that and that is MONEY and there intention is not genuine. If you value the relationship with someone there's no reason to cheat and there's no place for cheater in the relationship.
sugarplumFemalePhilippines2008-09-24 11:27:00

It is no use walking anywhere to preach unless we preach as we walk.

Juan dela Cruz

Meron akong gustong ibahagi para sa ating lahat na mga PILIPINO. Simple pero parang mahirap gawin ng karamihan sa atin.Hindi ito makukuha sa puro daldalan lang or walang kabuluhang nagtatalo, kumilos tayo ngayon na.

Sa ibang bansa: Pag nagkasala ang Pinoy, pinarusahan siya ayon sa batas.
Sa PINAS: Pag nagkasala ang Pinoy,ayaw niyang maparusahan kasi sabi niya mali raw ang batas.

Sa ibang bansa: Pinag-aaralan muna ng Pinoy ang mga batas bago siya pumunta roon, kasi takot siyang magkamali.

Sa PINAS: Pag nagkamali ang Pinoy, sorry kasi hindi raw niya alam na labag sa batas iyon.

Sa ibang bansa: Kahit gaano kataas ang bilihin at tax sa USA okey lang, katuwiran natin doble kayod na lang.

Sa PINAS: mahilig ka sa last day para magbayad ng tax minsan dinadaya mo pa o kaya hindi ka nagbabayad. Rally ka kaagad kapag tumaas ang pasahe at bilihin imbes na magsipag mas gusto natin ang nagkukwentuhan lang sa munisipyo o kahit sa alinmang tanggapan.

Sa Singapore : Kapag nahuli kang nagkalat or nagtapon ng basura sa hindi tamang lugar, magbabayad ka na 500 Singapore dollars. Sabi ng Pinoy, okey lang kung kasi lumabag ako sa batas.

Sa Pinas: Kapag nagkamali ang Pinoy katulad nang ganito, Sabi ng Pinoy, ang lupit naman ni Bayani Fernando , mali aman ang pinaiiral niyang batas eh akala mo kung sino. Ayun nag-rally na ang Pinoy, gustong patalsikin si Bayani Fernando kahit na alam niyang mali siya.

Mga igan, ilan pa lang iyan baka may iba pa kayong alam.

Bakit ang PINOY, pwedeng maging 'law-abiding citizen sa ibang bansa ng walang angal' pero sa sarili nating baying Pilipinas PILIPINAS na sinasabi ninyong mahal natin, eh hindi natin magawa, BAKIIITTTTT? ????????

ETO PA, 'Ang Pilipino NOON at NGAYON':

NOON: Wow ang sarap ng kamote (kahit naka-ka-utot)
NGAYON: Ayaw ko ng kamote gusto ko French Fries (imported eh)

NOON: Wow ang sarap ng kapeng barako
NGAYON: Ayaw ko niyan gusto kong kape sa
STARBUCKS (imported coffee 100 pesos per cup)

NOON: Bili ka ng tela para magpatahi ng pantalon like maong.
NGAYON: Gusto ko LEVI'S, WRANGLER, LEE (Tapos rally tayo 'GMA tuta ng KANO ') Di ba tuta ka rin naman.

NOON: Sabon na Perla OK ng pampaligo
NGAYON: Gusto mo DOVE, HENO DE PRAVIA, IVORY, etc. may matching shampoo pa.

NOON: Pag naglaba ka batya at palopalo ok na, minsan banlaw lang sa batis pwede na
NGAYON: Naka-washing machine ka na plus ARIEL powder soap with matching DOWNY pa para mabango Alam ko mas marami pa ang alam ninyo tungkol dito, pero mangilan-ngilan lang iyan para bigyan ng pansin.

Mga Pilipino nga ba tayo? O baka sa salita lang at E-Mail pero wala naman sa gawa.

My Fellow Filipinos,

When I was small, the Philippine peso was P7 to the $dollar. The president was Ferdinand E. Marcos. Life was simple. Life was easy. My father was a farmer. My mother kept a small sari-sari store where our neighbors bought sang-perang asin, sang-perang bagoong, sang-perang suka, sang-perang toyo at pahinging isang butil na bawang. Our backyard had kamatis, kalabasa, talong, ampalaya, upo, batao, and okra. Our silong had chicken. We had a pig, dog & cat. And of course, we lived on the farm. During rainy season, my father caught frogs at night which my mother made into batute (stuffed frog), or just plain fried. During the day, he caught hito and dalag from his rice paddies, which he would usually inihaw. During dry season, we relied on the chickens, vegetables, bangus, tuyo, and tinapa. Every now and then, there was pork and beef from the town market. Life was so peaceful, so quiet, no electricity, no TV. Just the radio for Tia Dely, Roman Rapido, Zimatar, Dahlia, Tawag ng Tanghalan and Tang-tarang- tang. And who can forget Leila Benitez on Darigold Jamboree? On weekends, I played with my neighbours (who were all my cousins). Tumbang-lata/ preso, taguan, piko, luksong lubid, patintero, at iba pa. I don't know about you, but I miss those days.

These days, we face the TV, Internet, e-mail, newspaper, magazine, grocery catalog, or drive around. The peso is a staggering and incredible P45 to the $dollar (last year ay umabot pa nga ng P55 per $1). Most people can't have fun anymore. Life has become a battle. We live to work. Work to live. Life is not easy. I was in Saudi Arabia in 1983. It was lonely , difficult, & scary. It didn't matter if you were a man or a woman. You were a target for rape. The salary was cheap & the vacation far between. If the boss didn't want you to go on holiday, you didn't. They had your passport. Oh, and the agency charged you almost 4 months of your salary (which, if you had to borrow on a '20% per month arrangement' meant your first year's pay was all gone before you even earned it). The Philippines used to be one of the most important countries in Asia. Before & during my college days, many students from neighboring Asian countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan and China went to the Philippines to get their diplomas. Until 1972, like President Macapagal, President Marcos was one of the most admired presidents of the world. The Peso had kept its value of P8 to the $ dollar until I finished college. Today, the Philippines is famous as the 'housemaid' capital of the world. It ranks very high as the 'cheapest labor' capital of the world, too. We have maids in Hong Kong , laborers in Saudi Arabia, dancers in Japan ,migrants and TNTs in Australia and the US, and all sorts of other 'tricky' jobs in other parts of the globe. Quo Vadis, Pinoy? Is that a wonder or a worry? Are you proud to be a Filipino, or does it even matter anymore? When you see the Filipino flag and hear the Pambansang Awit, do you feel a sense of pride or a sense of defeat & uncertainty ? If only things could change for the better...... .& nbsp; Hang on for this is a job for Superman. Or whom do you call? Ghostbusters. Joke. Right?

This is one of our problems.

We say 'I love the Philippines .. I am proud to be a Filipino.' Dati pa nag, ang pamasahe nun sa jeepney ay 25 sentimos, ngayon ay tumataginting na P7.50 na at may mga nagbabalak pa na itaas ito. Ultimo text messages sa cellfone ay balak pa rin lagyan ng tax ng mga ungas na pulitiko eh sila itong dapat taasan ng tax. Mga pulitikong graduate ng 4 na sikat na kolehiyo/unibersidad sa Pilipinas (alam nyo na kung ano yung mga yun) na namumuno ng bansa, mga aktibista kuno ngunit may bahid ng pagnanasa na nakawin ang kaban ng bayan! Mga ungas at magnanakaw talaga na nagsipag-aral pa sa mga sikat na kolehiyo upang gawing perpekto ang pangungurakot!

When I send you a joke, you send it to everyone in your address book even if it kills the Internet. But when I send you a note on how to save our country & ask you to forward it, what do you do?

You chuck it in the bin.

I want to help the maids in Hong Kong .. I want to help the laborers in Saudi Arabia .. I want to help the dancers in Japan .. I want to help the TNTs in America and Australia ..

I want to save the people of the Philippines .. But I cannot do it alone. I need your help and everyone else's.

So please forward this e-mail to your friends. If you say you love the Philippines , prove it. And if you don't agree with me, say something anyway. Indifference is a crime on its own.

Juan Dela Cruz
sugarplumFemalePhilippines2008-10-03 17:37:00
QUOTE (gary&weng @ Jun 6 2008, 09:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I got the visa at 11:01 this morning...guys kayo na rin susunod...FYI...Close CFO on monday, because it's holiday...
Thanks to all of you guys...ang dami ko rin natutunan sa site na to...hope kita kita tyo sa USA sometime...

I'll be leaving on June 12 thurs via nwa, POE Detroit, area destination Atlanta...June 14 kasi is our wedding anniversary, pinagbigyan din ako ng consul...thanks for him!

More visa's to come! GOD is so good!

hi weng, happy trip!! san ka sa atlanta...d2 din me sa atlanta...
sugarplumFemalePhilippines2008-06-07 12:04:00
QUOTE (ammike @ Sep 4 2008, 12:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
<LI>"Wedding Pictures pls click..
PASSWORD: Michael"

congratulations! very nice wedding! Best wishes!
sugarplumFemalePhilippines2008-09-04 19:46:00
hello to all VJ 's people,

pls... put your name on this list..let 's make a thread here for a Georgia group of pinay.

I'm from canton,
sugarplumFemalePhilippines2008-11-06 15:14:00
Philippinesremeaning days in pinas is being deffecult!!!!!!
QUOTE (ladyinpink @ Nov 7 2008, 06:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i receive my visa it really wonderful!!!!
very happy but behind my happiness
other side of my family is very sad!!!!!
specially my mom!!!!!

i am really concerned the condensation of my be loving mom
she almost hurt attack and now she is under medication on high
blood and heart problem she is crying lady every time i see my
mom!!!!! it breaking my heart and my whole family is very sad every corner
in my house is sad and crying very hard to see my whole family is very sad

i am the youngest of my family sweetheart to every body
the only single of my family never expect that i was full in love other side of the planet

i feel very guilty!!!!! because of condensation of my mom now
my mom she is happy and understand but i think in her heart she cant accept that
her little girl now become a lady and ready to start my own life and my own family
my fiancee he promise my mom in one yrs she well be coming to usa to see me and my new family
but i really don't know if my mom she well make it she is 76 yrs now
my whole life i never be part of my family very hard!!!!

my feeling is mixed emotion happy to be my honey but other side of my heart is sad
what if i lost mom?????? because of me? loving some one that living in other side of the planet
but i fallow my heart i love my honey so much
he is my everything in my life that make me happy the rest of my life
my body in the Philippines but my heart and mind my honey bring my heart when is back home in usa

i feel guilty????
do you think guy i am selfish????
do you think i am self center???????
i just fallow my heart

any comments and ic welcome
so i have other side point of view
in this matter

hi ladypink cheer up and don't be sad....

Your mom's emotions and feelings that she is sad because your leaving in PHIL is a normal thing that mother have for her daughter or child.

When my fiancee came to Phils for 2weeks and spend time with me and family. He makes my mom cried the whole time.. Specially when he proposed to me. My mother, my aunt, my 2 brother, niece and a friend was there to witness the special day of my life. It's very emotional day when my fiancee proposed me, everyone cried specially my mother but NOT ME i am the only one laughing.. laugh to joy...I feel like crying but i stop it and never show to my family...Accepting someone proposal from around the globe it's make my mom realize that I'm leaving soon and stay in the US for good.

When I found out that the petition is approved and I called my mom she cried, when I bought my ticket to manila for my medical and interview she cried. When I received my packet documents she cried. She cried everything what I have said to her about the status of my application. When I received my visa , she cried, when I have my farewell and thanksgiving party she cried...When I had my thanksgiving I can't help myself to cry, cry for joy because I almost reach the dream that what I have when I was younger.....I'm living my dream soon, in short......I know the LIFE in the states is not fantasy but I am willing to embrace it emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually...

I left Davao City, one day before my departure to the US to attend the CFO seminar. The only person who accompanied me in the airport is my Aunt. I rather not to see me my mom that I am leaving because i know it's hurts her so bad emotionally and I don't want her to give sooo much emotions. I am the youngest in the family, the only daughter... Name all the worries that the mother have , it's always there. But I always tell her everything will be fine and just pray. In every decision we made, all we hope is a good result, we never want to have a bad result so all we have to do is get ready, have faith to God and pray...

An hour before the boarding in the plane, i called my mom and tell her that I am already in the airport waiting for boarding in the plane going to the US and she cried and sobbing in the phone...I felt to cry to but I stop it and I said to my mom.....Don't worry. Cheer up and relax. Your daughter will be ok and my fiancee told him not just one but many time that he will take care of me and I believe his promise and I believe my faith too!!

I always tell my mom cheer up and don't cry.....This is my dream and I thank God for making my dream come true and that's make my mom feel comfortable and accept the fact that I'm leaving miles away from home....

When I arrived the US and finally met my fiancee for 8 months apart the feeling was great and this is the end of my visa journey and other new beginning of my new life, new place, new home and new country that I wish for to go since i was young. The only person I called is my mom and said MOM IM HERE and the voice i hear from her is happiness because she know I'm living my dream now....

I've been to the US more than 6 mos, happily married and pleased with my life so far!! I thank God for everything and always ask to continue to bless me in my new life that he gave me and bless my marriage LIFE forever....

Have faith with God and always pray.

Goodluck in your travel and mom!! biggrin.gif
sugarplumFemalePhilippines2008-11-09 16:56:00
QUOTE (GreatWhiteNorth @ Jan 5 2009, 04:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Greetings everyone and Happy New Year!!

I am looking for a good quality US replacement for rice. My sweety sure likes her rice and I want to find something here in the US that is just as good at what can be found in the Phil's.

Anyone have a suggestion?



buy a JASMINE rice. it's very good rice.
sugarplumFemalePhilippines2009-01-05 16:22:00
PhilippinesWedding Favors (Giveaways)
QUOTE (RyaNRiza @ Jul 10 2008, 03:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
To all Filipinas who got married in the US, did you give giveaways to your guests? If you did, what did you give? How popular are wedding giveaways there? And to those who are still yet to get married in the US, do you plan to give wedding favors?

I had been planning to purchase native stuffs for this occasion but I don't think I still have enough time to do this. Gusto ko sana i-personalize ang giveaways kaya I wanted to make them myself. Ok lang ba kung madami-dami native stuffs dalhin ko? whistling.gif


hi riza,

kung church wedding ka its gud to have a wedding give away, ang sa akin candle...tapos may thank u appreciate nila un...just check how many guest meron ka para sapat ung give aways mo..

i attached the pic of my party favor para may idea ka...Enjoy and tc Attached File  my_party_favors.jpg   28.78KB   66 downloads
sugarplumFemalePhilippines2008-07-10 15:18:00
Philippineswhere did you met your wife/husband/fiancee
QUOTE (higantetingting @ Jun 9 2008, 10:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hi sa inyo i just post for fun while we waiting for what we waiting hehehehe... post post lang po para masaya just for fun lang
start sakin ah
i met my husband at filipina heart
who's my classmate here
relyn nanz marizz joy mga class mate post na
then gawa me list ng magkaka classmate dito hahhahaha
sugarplumFemalePhilippines2008-06-09 17:39:00
PhilippinesWhich city and state are you?
QUOTE (RyaNRiza @ May 30 2008, 02:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So far wala pang magkapareho ng state biggrin.gif

atlanta, georgia
sugarplumFemalePhilippines2008-05-30 11:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInitial K1 filing


You need to include proof of your US citizenship

Yea sorry that got cut out. I placed a copy of my birth certificate as proof.
ACGeigerMaleSweden2009-06-20 15:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInitial K1 filing
Hey all,

Just registered today. I wasn't nearly as nervous as asking my fiancée to marry me. On June 15, I was engaged to a very beautiful Swedish girl. We met in school about 2 years ago and have been together since. However, as of Friday, June 19, I had to returned back to the states and she stay in Sweden. sad.gif

I have two questions:

1. I have the K1 packet with documents including the fallows:
-Payment in the amount of $455 Filling Fee
-I-129F Supplement: Part B, Question 18, explanation of meeting in person
-Original Letter certifying the intent to marry by petitioner
-Original Letter certifying the intent to marry by beneficiary
-Proof of having met, as well as on going relationship including:
• Swedish Newspaper Article Discussing our Relationship
• English Translation of the said Newspaper Article
• Airline Tickets of trip from Copenhagen, Denmark to Amsterdam, Holland
• 15 Color photos of throughout our ongoing relationship dating from Jan 2008 – June 2009
-G-325A and passport style photo for petitioner
-G-325A and passport style photo for beneficiary

Should I include an I-134 affidavit of support with this? Also, I am having a co-sponsor to help, should an I-864 be included in the initial filling or do you wait on this? If you do not have to include initially, would it hurt to include it?

2. Because of the process time and the fact that we have been connected at the hip for the last 2 years, would it hurt if she came on a three month tourist visa while we wait for this process to go through?

ACGeigerMaleSweden2009-06-20 14:36:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresmy husband broke up with me...before start the process =(
QUOTE (yumishi @ Dec 10 2009, 07:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hi everyboby .well i was new in this website, i was excited becuase i found information about the k3. well my name is pamela and i´v been married to michael for almost 10 months, we decided to star the process, i came to my country and he stay in usa, we were excited at least that´s was i thought , i was making plan to getting married in ca church with my family here, i designed my weeding dress, for the religious weding, i was excited, we talked by phone and emails, but after 2 weeks he decide to broke up with me, he sent me a nice email on tuesday and i call him wednesday and he broke up, i called him today and he said no again. he lie to me, he admited, i dont understan how a person can do that. he said that he doesnt love me anymore, that he was never happy with me. and now we are done. i dont know what to do, i feel so lost, so depress, im sorry i dont wanna complain but its not fair, how can you married someone for 10 month and just like that said i dont love you and broke up...i dont understan. im only crying, what im gonna do without him. oh god..i dont know what to do or said.

So sorry to hear! This too will pass. Heartbreak is never easy and I can only imagine the pain you're in. Take time to focus on you and heal!
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2009-12-10 19:55:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Interview
Welcome to VJ! good.gif
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2009-12-07 21:35:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOMG call a DR I just had a heart attack!!! I juat recieved my NOA2 go boy! Congrats :dance: :dance:
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-02-10 10:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa Denied
So sorry to hear this. Don't give up. VJ is full of advice and experiences...I'm sure someone will come along and can tell you exactly what they went through in a similar situation. I'm sure its not the end for you. Best of luck to you and yours.
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-04-06 08:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussioninterview in kingston-any words of advice?
You seem prepared. I also took a folder with everything organized and labled! It kicked butt! :thumbs: I would recommend going over some of the Embassy reviews. See what questions they may ask.
Just make sure you have everything you may need and be confident. Make a check list of everything and just know that everything will be alright! :thumbs:
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-04-21 19:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPaying the visa fee

yes the visa fee is paid first you pay it at the ncb and dhl is after approval it was 10 us or 750 ja in november for ours

DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-04-21 19:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNon impediment form?
You definitey have to stay on them. Hang in there...we've been there! Best wishes! :thumbs:
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-04-21 19:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCancel Petition
Sorry to hear about the marriage.
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-07-01 13:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVISA APPROVED!!!
Congratulations! Him soon come! :dance: :dance: :dance:
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2011-03-01 19:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionINTERVIEW K1 VISA QUESTIONS ((JAMAICA))

If you go to consulate reviews in the JA portal, sometimes people put what questions were asked at the interview. There are some recent ones on there now. Hope this helps

I agree 100% the consulate reviews for JA, gives you the real deal on the types of questions they will ask.
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2011-04-27 10:09:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionAtlanta Interview Experience
Congratulations! That is wonderful news! good.gif
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2009-12-15 23:17:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWhat is going on in Atlanta?

I sent my application Feb 26th,NOA March 5th,FP April 1st.YL dated April 16.Since then no other news.How long does it take to IV?!!!! :help:

Hi! What are you filing for? :unsure: :time:

Edited by Dens Wifey, 04 June 2010 - 11:29 PM.

DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-06-04 23:28:00
Congrats! :dance:
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-02-17 10:09:00
CanadaJune 14th Interview Review
Congratulations on your approval! :thumbs: :dance: :dance: :dance:
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-06-18 09:19:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionApproved!
Congratulations! :dance:
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-02-09 08:31:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMissed interview for removal of conditional residency
Best wishes to you guys!
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2010-02-22 08:33:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionfinally
Congratulations!!!! :dance: Best Wishes! :thumbs:
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2011-01-04 11:57:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionReceived a Letter today from Center Director
Sweet! Congratulations! :thumbs:
DedicatedWifeFemaleJamaica2011-03-01 19:27:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion
Need help...

My fiancee lives in Calgary and I live in Georgia in the USA. She got an r1 visa a couple of years ago and it expires in 2010. We don't want to be married here because it might look like visa fraud, but can we get married in canada and file the k3 visa? Since im not on a visa that shouldn't be a problem should it. If we do it that route can my wife live with me in the states while the k3 visa process or do we have to wait?
carvin317MaleCanada2009-05-17 11:43:00