Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 July 2014 Filers

Hi All,


I'm sending mine off today 7/7/14. VSC.


Good Luck to all and let the waiting begin.

Edited by LadySarabi, 07 July 2014 - 10:49 AM.

LadySarabiFemaleTrinidad and Tobago2014-07-07 10:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD

If he is flying from Pakistan directly to the States with no flight change in Europe (only a refuel somewhere) then his immigration should be done at the port of entry in the USA.

However if he has a stop over somewhere in Europe (Especially, London, Paris, Amsterdam, Dublin) then tell him to be prepared, his immigration might be done before his flight departs for the US. Most of these Airports now have US immigration enclaves within and you get done and dusted beforehand with all your i-94 landing card completion and submission and brown sealed 'SECRET' envelope declarations including finger printing etc.

In all scenarios, tell him to keep his calm, be prepared to tell the whole (how we met, when we met, and jab we met ... including the) wedding story if the visa officer asks, which i'm 90% certain he will be asked. X-rays are seldom taken. I was told to give it to my doctor in the US if i like as it was not needed for my immigration. This process will more than likely take up to 10 minutes max.

Out of all the POEs so far, JFK (NY) has the most probability of issuance of a work authorization stamp upon arrival.

I cannot emphasize enough how important work authorization is to a new immigrant in the US. I do not think most of us understand what us new immigrants will have to go through here. Unless your fiance / wife / Husband (whoever is the US citizen) earns a fortune, there is no other way to survive but to beg in-laws for financial help to get you the couple through this not just for a month or two, but possibly up to a year. And not to mention having to live in basements or with in-laws for at least a year after the wedding just because you can't afford your own place.

Here's what my wife is having to bear just because she is helping me settle down with her in the land of dreams. This is the extra amount she would be paying out of her hard earned basic salary each month.

Last week we got the following done;
Medical insurance; an extra 484 Dollars per month on top of her own payments of 150 dollars. (Blue Cross Blue Shield) - 7608 Dollar total for the year to have us both medically insured.
Car Insurance: 631 extra for this year as i am a new driver in the US despite my 10 year old driving record from Ireland and Pakistan.
I-485 Adjustment of Status application cost: 1014 Dollars.
Rent: 600 dollars for a 1 bed kitchen and bath basement each month. (Previously she was living with parents). Thats 7200 Dollars extra each year.
No chance of a house mortgage yet as one of us (me) holds no prior credit history. Been told to wait a minimum 2 years before coming back to apply for a mortgage.
Add this all up to see for yourself.

SO please understand that a work authorization is utmost important from day one. The new immigrant spouse must work and start supporting as soon as possible.
TRY AND GET A FLIGHT TO JFK (with no stop overs or flight changes in between) AND REQUEST THE VISA OFFICER TO ISSUE A WORK AUTHORIZATION ON HIS I-94 card. Period.

Thanks for the suggestions. His port of entry is JFK :). His sister and her husband lives in New Jersey and are mashallah well settled. He is going to them and when he starts working and find an apartment we will have our ruksati. I live in atlanta and live with my uncles. So there is just no point of having any financial support from my uncles since one of them is really bad. and he wants to only help financially so he can degrade other who he has helped. So I have already rejected this help. His brother in law will be helping him finding a job and getting settled inshallah. I know its not very easy... But yeh hopefully we ll figure out somthing inshllah. :).....

His flight is from lahore to abu dabi and then to new york JFK. So im hoping everything goes fine at poe as he is already in flight and Im praying tht he gets here sound and safe. Ameen and Inshallah
hshah08FemalePakistan2010-03-31 10:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
waiting4rana; I am praying for wellmux too. Please update us on his current condition. we would very much like to know if he is doing alright. Inshallah.

Usmomo... I tried calling you but i thought i was dialing the wrong number. I cudnt find the right number for you.. I know its somewhere in my VJ inbox but since when they made changes to this website I am almost unable to use it the way i used it before. Its not been hshah08 friendly yet lol.... I wanted to talk to u and congratulate you on phone. what are the updates... and when r u guys planning to come over here?

Also I have a question if anyone could answer it. Please do so.... my husband's flight is in 2 days.... inshallah... I was worried about POE and the required documents. The white paper tht we got from embassy has some info... i want to double check....
all he need is that secret envelope, xrays, original documents and some forms tht he fills in the plane? right? I ll appreciate if anyone could answer this.
hshah08FemalePakistan2010-03-28 20:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
Mumtaz.... I am sorry i was unable to come to VJ since a while. I thought u were taking care of the spreadsheet.... I have had viral infections and really bad ear infection. My ear is still closed after I recovered from pain like 2 weeks ago. I still have really really bad cough and im getting worried if its anythign serious. Lemme know if u made any updates on the spreadsheet. Also I was thinking didnt u include USmomo inthe spreadsheet. I cudnt find her.
hshah08FemalePakistan2010-03-28 20:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
Tara... Please dunt stress too much... You need to stay physically and mentally healthy to take care of your baby. Be strong and think it of this way... for now you are father and mother both for baby stevie. What you are already doin is a lot. You have come through all the hard way... Now you are just so close. Inshallah it will be over soon. What's meant to happen will happen. And inshallah he will be here very soon. I always keep praying for you. You know when that time will come you wont be able to blv that he is going to be with you soon inshallah. My husband is coming to US on wednesday, the 31st. He is staying with his sister in NJ when he comes and he will inshallah be visiting atlanta on april 5th. Im counting days. and still unable to blv tht this is actually happenening to me in my real life. he will be with me only for two days and will go back to NJ. And then I dunt know when do I meet him before the shadi. He is going to be in usa and i still wont be with him (not to sound unthankful to Allah). Those two days with him are like dream. Im waiting for the moment when he gets an apartment and our families fix the dates for final rukhsati. anyways Inshallah baby stevie's dad is going to be with you soon. :) Be happy.
hshah08FemalePakistan2010-03-28 20:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
Wow... I see some good news here... Congrats Usmomo. Cant tell how happy im am for you. Everyone else who got out of AP many many Congrats to you guys. I have not been coming to VJ since last week. I have been sick... But I am sure happy just like eveyrone else. I ll give u a call soon Momo. :)

Edited by hshah08, 15 March 2010 - 05:36 AM.

hshah08FemalePakistan2010-03-15 05:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD

My husband got call from AMEX... He Alhamdulillah picked up his passport today.

The interview was on Feb 17th and we got Visa in Hand on Feb 25th. Eight days to be exact.
hshah08FemalePakistan2010-02-25 19:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
I was not saying tht they schedule interviews for the dates tht are during the first 2 weeks.

I meant to say they make schedules 'during' the first 2 weeks of the month.... for the interviews that are next month. Point is tht they make schedules for 'upcoming month' during the start of the 'previous month' and then send out letters...

Like our case was transfered to Isl embassy on Dec 31st. They scheduled our interview during the start of the January and sent us the appointment letter on Jan 11th. The interview was scheduled for February 17th; the upcoming month.

So they work on making schedules during the first 2 weeks of the month and send out letters. These appointment letters are usually for the interviews that are during next whole month. Hope u get my point.
This is what I have known and then the same thing happened to us.

Lashbanda: I am 'assuming', they might schedule ur interview during the start of March and u might be getting an appointment letter sometime during the start or the middle of March. Expect your inteview date sometime in April.
hshah08FemalePakistan2010-02-25 19:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
What I know is tht they schedule interviews during first two weeks of the month.... Not specifically the second week.
hshah08FemalePakistan2010-02-25 16:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
Just an update: Its been a week, havent got the passport back yet. My husband called embassy, they said he might be getting a call from Amex in next 2 to 3 days. Lets see how it goes.

Also, I have been reading on here how hard it usually is to contact embassy. But Shahid's call went through first time he dialed. Just wondering.
hshah08FemalePakistan2010-02-25 00:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
USmomo... Im nt going to Pakistan... :(.. the plan was if the interview result was Ap then I wont wait and have ruksati in pakistan.... My uncle (I have a god uncle and a bad one lol) was gona go to pakisttan with me for my ruksati....I had made my mind 100% for AP. I was able to make alternate changes in case of AP... like going to Pakistan and live with hubs and staying away from my uncle and his politics... Everything would have been smooth. Not to sound unthankful to Allah but the alternate plans made me kinda want to go to AP.

You know what when my husband told me no AP for the first 5 minutes I mourned... I was like Hell NOOoo... lol... But then after five minutes I was jumping where I was.... I was so happy with the thought tht he is finally coming.

having ruksati in USA might not be very smooth for me i guess... the time around my ruksati.. everyones gona be very nice to me especially in front of my in laws they ll pretend like they have kept me like a princesses.....The problem I have with them I do not want them to be nice anymore. They have given me real hard times.... Now I dunt want to fake a good time with them..... There r going to be probs when they ll try to contribute financially but I willhave to tell them NO... They have already started planning booking a hall in marriott....... I am kinda worried on how to tell them no and have a simple ruksati..... So yeh anyways....

anyupdates from ur side?
hshah08FemalePakistan2010-02-20 20:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEveryone going through Administrative Processing in ISLAMABAD
ZaheerShezadi. I am really sorry to hear all tht. Specially how you had to leave ur daughter at the airport. Ahhhh... Allah is testing you. Keep praying hard. You must pass this test since u r already in the situation and you cant fail. He cant keep you away from your daughter. She is just a little girl. And you are her mother. I am a pre law student, and I didnt think this is a possibility to keep a child away frm mother at this age. But once your husband comes here you guys will be able to show them tht u can keep her well fed and well sheltered Inshallah. This is going to be a time When ur X fails and you can celebrate your sucess time. Keep yourself strong and Say No to Fear. This is where we fail. we have lots of fears tht keeps us weak inside. Say No to fear. Initiate a step even if its hard and keep all your trust in Allah. Trust me.. it gauranteed... when we initiate a step in unfavorable circumstances only having a strong honest faith in Allah... then Allah makes us go through the end and grant us with success. If a person is having a trust in Allah... Allah wont do anything to fulfil the trust? Impossible....

Keep you faith Strong. These times are making you stronger. You are not going to be a person that have fears anymore. These situations only makes us stronger. I have experienced tht. I know I still have lots of fears .... but I have tried tht.... Taking a step with a trust in Allah... When nothing works out Allah makes u go through tht. Also do not forget to Thank Allah for what He has blessed you with. You have parents, a family, you have a loving husband mashallah and your second child is on ur way. Hope u r well fed and well sheltered. And the moments you r waiting for are right at the corner. Inshallah. I have lived without parents.... There have been times when I have missed them more than anything. In my own mind I have argued with Allah for why He took them away... But then I understood Allah has my best interest... if not in this world then the next final world. But I know Allah will not be unfair to me. If all these hardships makes me come closer to Allah then why not. I do not want to be one of those who have everything but they are not close to Allah. They have everything even then they do not Thank Allah. I will still Thank Allah for making me stay well fed and giving me shelter even if something important is missing.

These situations keeps us closer to Allah. The ones who have hardships in lives are the chosen ones. It gives them a reason to stay near to Allah. And if they only look at Allah, He comes closer and listen to them....

Keep ur self strong sweets... It will be over soon. The time is just around the corner when u ll be with ur two kids and ur husband.. Inshallah... :) Keep smiling and enjoy the time thinking about the baby who is coming soon Inshallah.

You are in my prayers.
hshah08FemalePakistan2010-02-20 20:06:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 January 2012 Filers
I hardly ever post, but I always read what you guys write. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that my NOA was dated 1/23/2012, my biometrics were done on 2/24/2012 and yesterday, finally, my case was updated. It says, "On October 22, 2012, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you."

So, I guess this is it for now. Finally VSC is moving in the right direction. Good luck to all.
CELIMARFemale02012-10-23 08:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2011 (USCIS) Filers

Give this a shot...

Thanks Dave...

Same results, however I do appreciate your help!!!
Jay and MaureenMaleKenya2011-09-13 12:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril 2011 (USCIS) Filers
Greetings April Filers,

Does anyone have any ideas on getting the best deals on flight arrangements?

Most online booking agencies claim to save you the most
money, but they all end up giving the same prices...
Jay and MaureenMaleKenya2011-09-12 13:24:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Evidence List!
Hi everyone I would like to announce that our application was approved on Sep 5 (with no interview!) and I received my new green card today, Sep 7 :)

Thank you again for all your help! I'm so grateful for the fact that helpful people and this website exist!!

foux_pasFemale02013-09-07 16:29:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Evidence List!

I would read this thread if I were you to get some ideas

thanks! reviewing it now :)

That evidence looks awesome, just try to include: as many bank statements as you could, electricity cable phone bills in both your names and send your taxes also they will ask you for that. did you file for 2012, if so send all the three years so you wouldn't worry about an RFE later. I didn't include as many bank statements and bills in my package and I'm kind of worried no. I don't want you to be in my same situation later.

Just added those bills to my stack of papers to send and will be working on getting tax documents next week. Thanks and good luck to both of us!

this seems like enough evidence. Send whatever you have. AT the worst they will send you a RFE (request for more evidence) .

thank you so much!
foux_pasFemale02013-04-13 09:41:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Evidence List!
Hello everyone! This is my first post on VisaJourney even though I have been a member for quite some time. I am SUPER grateful that this site exists and there are so many people willing to help others - and want to thank yall in advance for even reading this!

As a short intro, my husband and I met in high school (our sophomore year) through my neighbor and friend (his best friend at the time). I had been living in the US with an expired US Visa ever since my parents brought me here at 8 years old. I told him about my situation after 3 years of being in a relationship but it didn't seem like a big deal to him and we continued our relationship by moving to college in the same city and eventually I moved in with him after I graduated. He proposed and we got married in 2010 and 2 years later, we are now filing jointly to remove the conditions on my green card. Needless to say, even though we have been together for over 7 years in total (8 years in a couple of months!), we are still a very young couple so I am worried our evidence may not suffice...

Anyways, here is a list of what we are planning to send on the 28th this month:

• Completed I-751 JOINT Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence
• Check for $590 to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security
• Photocopy of both sides of (wife's) Permanent Resident Card
• Copy of our Marriage Certificate
• Copy of both (husband's) current state ID card and (wife's) current state driver’s license presenting the same home address (my husband doesn't have a drivers license)
• Report of Marriage Contracted Abroad to the Philippine Embassy
• Affidavit from (wife's sister), testifying that (wife) and (husband) have been in a relationship since we met in high school and that our marriage was entered into in good faith and is not for the purpose of circumventing immigration laws.
• Affidavit from (friend), our long-time friend and (husband's) former roommate, stating his knowledge of our loving relationship ever since high school and the fact that we moved to a new city together to further our careers.
• Affidavit from (friend), our former duplex neighbor, testifying that (wife) and (husband) were frequently seen together and were often publicly affectionate.
• Copy of a Verification Letter from an official associate of PNC Bank verifying our three joint accounts (since 2012 - we didnt have a joint account prior to 2012)
• Copies of Account Statements of our Joint Checking and Savings accounts at PNC Bank showing that we both have been putting money in and taking money out
• Copy of (wife’s) car insurance policy, with (husband's) name listed as a resident souse – (husband) is listed as an excluded driver since he currently do not have a driver’s license (notice that a scan of wife’s driver’s license and husband's state ID card is provided earlier)
• Copies of Leases with both names listed spanning between 2010 – Current (3 different locations)
• Copies of Pay Stubs / Employment Verification Letter for both (husband) and (wife) issued around the same time frame with matching addresses
• Copies of Health Insurance Cards in both (husband) and (wife's) names: (2011 – 2012) Aetna, (2012 – Current) Highmark
• Copies of Medical Bills for both (husband) and (wife) presenting the same address of residence.
• Copies of select Bills to our current address (Equitable Gas, Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority, Comcast, and his University)
• Copies of travel documents spanning from 2011 – 2013 (16 unique plane tickets showing that we sat next to each other on the same flights)
• A screenshot of (wife's) airbnb account page displaying a host's review clearly stating that (wife) and (husband) were guests at a location.
• Copies of photos of our relationship since 2004 (including our Senior prom photo!!!:lol:, wedding photos, and photos of us and our families together after marriage)

I would like to include our tax transcripts for 2010 in which I filed married filing separately however we just noticed that my husband filed as single (!!!!) - we quickly amended this but this has not yet been approved. And we just filed our 2011 taxes (filing jointly) so we have not received any sort of official documentation for that yet either. I will definitely try my best to have these ready ASAP in case we get an RFE.

We have christmas cards and wedding invitations from friends and family but these are all generalized and do not have our names written explicitly (we don't have any of the envelopes since we forgot we could use these as evidence that we live together :( )

More info: we do not have any kids yet, neither of us have credit cards, we currently rent our home, and when I purchased my car I had to leave his name out because his credit is... terrible.

Thanks again everyone! :thumbs:
foux_pasFemale02013-04-11 22:04:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 September 2011 Filers
The card came today!

California Service Center (35 applicants, 35 approved 100%)

VJName.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved.....GC Received
CHANTEL..............08/31/11........09/02/11.......XX/XX/XX........02/04/12......02/09/12 (K2)
BULGARICAN...........09/01/11........09/09/11.......10/03/11........01/20/12......--/--/12 (RFE received 11/29)
FOOLSKILL............09/02/11........09/06/11.......10/10/11........02/14/12......--/--/12 (Early Bio 9/21)

CHUCKH...............09/06/11........09/08/11.......10/03/11........03/22/12......--/--/12 (RFE received 12/16, responded 01/26)
ADIIANN..............09/09/11........09/1?/11.......10/19/11........01/13/12......01/19/12 (Early Bio 10/13 & RFE received 11/25)
GUNDAS...............09/09/11........09/12/11.......10/03/11........02/07/12......02/11/12 (Early Bio 9/19)
MRMRS DRUMMER........09/09/11........09/12/11.......11/02/11........02/15/12......02/21/12
LEXY.................09/10/11........09/12/11.......11/02/11........11/30/11......12/05/11 (Early Bio 10/14)
CHICAGOGUY 2.........09/12/11........09/19/11.......10/12/11........11/21/11......11/25/11

MATT & BING..........09/16/11........09/19/11.......10/24/11........03/21/12......03/26/12
(formerly HOPEFULLY)
MIKE143..............09/22/11........09/23/11.......10/24/11........11/29/11......12/06/11 (Early Bio 10/12)
JULY09BRIDE..........09/24/11........09/26/11.......10/31/11........05/03/12......--/--/12 (RFE received 03/19, responded 04/23)
NAT&SUL..............09/27/11........09/30/11.......10/23/11........01/19/12......--/--/12 (Early Bio 10/07)

Vermont Service Center (41 applicants, 33 approved 80%)

VJName.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved.....GC Received
GA-GUY...............08/29/11........09/06/11.......10/14/11........08/30/12......--/--/-- (RFE received 07/03, responded 07/29)


R & R BABE'S.........09/05/11........09/19/11.......10/24/11........07/02/12......07/16/12
FABILOUS.............09/09/11........09/12/11.......10/14/11........06/07/12......06/16/12 (Early Bio 10/5)
JOHN & MARY..........09/12/11........09/16/11.......10/26/11........10/17/12......10/22/12 (Early Bio 10/12)(RFE received 09/10/12)

JOSHUA EBBI..........09/12/11........09/15/11.......10/12/11........08/03/12......--/--/12 (Early Bio 10/3)
KAT & A..............09/13/11........09/19/11.......11/23/11........09/05/12......09/20/12

ACINLOVE.............09/17/11........09/20/11.......10/14/11........06/26/12......06/30/12 (Early Bio 10/12)

DYLAN&DOUGLAS........09/20/11........09/23/11.......10/21/11........06/29/12......--/--/12 (Early bio 10/11)

BARCA................09/24/11........09/27/11.......10/26/11........06/11/12......06/15/12 (Early Bio 10/7)
MARTIN AND RAVEN.....09/24/11........09/30/11.......11/02/11........07/27/12......08/02/12


* Make sure that your VJ Text Editor setting is set to Rich Text Editor.
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Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

* Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list.
* When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly
* If you cannot add your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.

The card came today!

California Service Center (35 applicants, 35 approved 100%)

VJName.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved.....GC Received
CHANTEL..............08/31/11........09/02/11.......XX/XX/XX........02/04/12......02/09/12 (K2)
BULGARICAN...........09/01/11........09/09/11.......10/03/11........01/20/12......--/--/12 (RFE received 11/29)
FOOLSKILL............09/02/11........09/06/11.......10/10/11........02/14/12......--/--/12 (Early Bio 9/21)

CHUCKH...............09/06/11........09/08/11.......10/03/11........03/22/12......--/--/12 (RFE received 12/16, responded 01/26)
ADIIANN..............09/09/11........09/1?/11.......10/19/11........01/13/12......01/19/12 (Early Bio 10/13 & RFE received 11/25)
GUNDAS...............09/09/11........09/12/11.......10/03/11........02/07/12......02/11/12 (Early Bio 9/19)
MRMRS DRUMMER........09/09/11........09/12/11.......11/02/11........02/15/12......02/21/12
LEXY.................09/10/11........09/12/11.......11/02/11........11/30/11......12/05/11 (Early Bio 10/14)
CHICAGOGUY 2.........09/12/11........09/19/11.......10/12/11........11/21/11......11/25/11

MATT & BING..........09/16/11........09/19/11.......10/24/11........03/21/12......03/26/12
(formerly HOPEFULLY)
MIKE143..............09/22/11........09/23/11.......10/24/11........11/29/11......12/06/11 (Early Bio 10/12)
JULY09BRIDE..........09/24/11........09/26/11.......10/31/11........05/03/12......--/--/12 (RFE received 03/19, responded 04/23)
NAT&SUL..............09/27/11........09/30/11.......10/23/11........01/19/12......--/--/12 (Early Bio 10/07)

Vermont Service Center (41 applicants, 33 approved 80%)

VJName.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved.....GC Received
GA-GUY...............08/29/11........09/06/11.......10/14/11........08/30/12......--/--/-- (RFE received 07/03, responded 07/29)


R & R BABE'S.........09/05/11........09/19/11.......10/24/11........07/02/12......07/16/12
FABILOUS.............09/09/11........09/12/11.......10/14/11........06/07/12......06/16/12 (Early Bio 10/5)
JOHN & MARY..........09/12/11........09/16/11.......10/26/11........10/17/12......10/22/12 (Early Bio 10/12)(RFE received 09/10/12)

JOSHUA EBBI..........09/12/11........09/15/11.......10/12/11........08/03/12......--/--/12 (Early Bio 10/3)
KAT & A..............09/13/11........09/19/11.......11/23/11........09/05/12......09/20/12

ACINLOVE.............09/17/11........09/20/11.......10/14/11........06/26/12......06/30/12 (Early Bio 10/12)

DYLAN&DOUGLAS........09/20/11........09/23/11.......10/21/11........06/29/12......--/--/12 (Early bio 10/11)

BARCA................09/24/11........09/27/11.......10/26/11........06/11/12......06/15/12 (Early Bio 10/7)
MARTIN AND RAVEN.....09/24/11........09/30/11.......11/02/11........07/27/12......08/02/12


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* Please check that you have not deleted anyones NAME & DATA.

Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

* Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list.
* When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly
* If you cannot add your information yourself, please ask another VJ member to help you do so.
John & MaryFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-22 16:35:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 September 2011 Filers
Thanks, Flicker! I hope it's over soon for you too.
John & MaryFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-18 18:18:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 September 2011 Filers
YAYYYY Flicker! Congratulations! I know how relieved you are. So glad for you that it's over!
John & MaryFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-11-28 18:47:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 September 2011 Filers
Yayyy! This means they're actually getting around to processing your case-- I know that "background checks" letter you got was a ruse. Good luck! We got our green card exactly 1 month after we replied to the RFE.

recieved a rfe today,,,,requesting more evidence of what we already sent in the first time,,at least we finally heard something and can now focus on getting thru this,,,please pray for us,,thanks everyone hear for all youre help!!!!

John & MaryFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-29 19:17:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMoving overseas while on conditional green card
Hi LA,

How are you getting on?

Can I ask you what you put on your I-131 form for the purpose of travel section? Did you put that your husband was working overseas?

I think I'm going to go ahead and file the 131 after all, just to be safe.


QUOTE (LA123 @ Sep 26 2009, 08:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good luck kiwi. I'll send in my info next week so I'll update you all on how things go.
Kiwi - keep a bank account in the US as well with your US address.

QUOTE (kiwibecka @ Sep 25 2009, 04:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks LA, that's a big help. I spoke to a lawyer but he wasn't anywhere near as helpful as this. I think I will also do option 3, although as we are renting our house here, we're going to have to use a family member's address & will only have that and tax returns to show. I hope that will be enough evidence that we want to return.

I feel the same way as Himher, I don't want to put this on hold...I think what I will do is this:
We leave US in Feb 2010 on return flights, come back June.
Submit I-751 in Dec 2010 (my 90 days) & return when biometrics appt is scheduled (I'm assuming that will be sometime between Dec-Mar when GC expires).
Return again once new GC is in hand (hopefully no more than 6months later) & apply for I-131, which should then cover me for the remaining 2 years we are away.

I know that at any point when I return I run the risk of being denied entry, but I guess I'll just have to take the risk. It seems crazy that USCIS don't make better allowances for people like us.

Meanwhile, I'm still trying to find where I read about being out of the country for more than 180 days. I think it said that if you're out beyond this time it puts a red flag on you or something. Anyway, if I find it again, I'll post it.

Good luck to everyone.

QUOTE (himher @ Sep 25 2009, 10:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
See original post - we do not file until next spring. It gives name, service date, job title, local (overseas) address, family members who also reside at that address, and an 800 number to call for further information. It also has some kind of a nice blue stamp on it. Correction to second post it is her VISA that states dependent status / not allowed to work.

The address that I will put on the forms is our US address - the same one our vehicles are registered at, phone bills go to, bank / CC statements go to, and tax return are referenced to. I do not wish that a hold be placed on our petition so we have scheduled 30-day leave starting (2) weeks after we file. If the biometrics do not fall within that 6-week frame or we cannot do biometrics early then she will have to stay, go to biometrics, and return after that is complete. If we are dinged for interview we will return and attend the interview together. Worst case is that we do not meet the requirements which means that when we do intend to return we will have to start over. It will save us much in state income taxes (taxes that otherwise would not have to be paid if my wife were a USC) which have to be filed even though I work overseas to maintain residency in our state.

kiwibeckaFemaleNew Zealand2009-10-11 08:37:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMoving overseas while on conditional green card
Yes, I think it's that military one you may be thinking of there spirit.

Thanks LA, will def keep as much as possible open/current!
kiwibeckaFemaleNew Zealand2009-09-26 19:26:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMoving overseas while on conditional green card
Thanks LA, that's a big help. I spoke to a lawyer but he wasn't anywhere near as helpful as this. I think I will also do option 3, although as we are renting our house here, we're going to have to use a family member's address & will only have that and tax returns to show. I hope that will be enough evidence that we want to return.

I feel the same way as Himher, I don't want to put this on hold...I think what I will do is this:
We leave US in Feb 2010 on return flights, come back June.
Submit I-751 in Dec 2010 (my 90 days) & return when biometrics appt is scheduled (I'm assuming that will be sometime between Dec-Mar when GC expires).
Return again once new GC is in hand (hopefully no more than 6months later) & apply for I-131, which should then cover me for the remaining 2 years we are away.

I know that at any point when I return I run the risk of being denied entry, but I guess I'll just have to take the risk. It seems crazy that USCIS don't make better allowances for people like us.

Meanwhile, I'm still trying to find where I read about being out of the country for more than 180 days. I think it said that if you're out beyond this time it puts a red flag on you or something. Anyway, if I find it again, I'll post it.

Good luck to everyone.

QUOTE (himher @ Sep 25 2009, 10:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
See original post - we do not file until next spring. It gives name, service date, job title, local (overseas) address, family members who also reside at that address, and an 800 number to call for further information. It also has some kind of a nice blue stamp on it. Correction to second post it is her VISA that states dependent status / not allowed to work.

The address that I will put on the forms is our US address - the same one our vehicles are registered at, phone bills go to, bank / CC statements go to, and tax return are referenced to. I do not wish that a hold be placed on our petition so we have scheduled 30-day leave starting (2) weeks after we file. If the biometrics do not fall within that 6-week frame or we cannot do biometrics early then she will have to stay, go to biometrics, and return after that is complete. If we are dinged for interview we will return and attend the interview together. Worst case is that we do not meet the requirements which means that when we do intend to return we will have to start over. It will save us much in state income taxes (taxes that otherwise would not have to be paid if my wife were a USC) which have to be filed even though I work overseas to maintain residency in our state.

kiwibeckaFemaleNew Zealand2009-09-25 15:38:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMoving overseas while on conditional green card
Thanks Mozplay and LA, I appreciate your response.

LA, can you tell me a little more about your situation? What did you do when you moved, did you get the re-entry permit or did you make trips back to keep the GC active (I refer to the 180 day limit of being outside the US)? How much longer will you be overseas for? If you got the re-entry permit, what will you do once you have the conditions removed to keep the card active, as the same rules still apply?

I'm eager to hear what your lawyer has to say. I'm looking in to getting one myslef, will keep you posted.

QUOTE (LA123 @ Sep 16 2009, 04:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kiwibecka @ Sep 14 2009, 04:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

My husband (USA citizen) has just accepted a job overseas and by the time we leave I will be one year into my two year conditional green card. The job is for 3 years and then we want to come back here but I don't know how to keep my card when this is the case:

"A re-entry permit is generally valid for LPRs for a period of 2 years, EXCEPT if the LPR is a conditional LPR, then the re-entry permit is only valid up until the time a conditional PR has to remove conditions."

What happens then? Is that it for me being able to be overseas? I read somewhere that the re-entry permit cannot be renewed, is this correct? Is there something else I can get instead? What is a returning resident visa?

Am I better to to make a couple of trips back to the US until I can get the conditions removed, and then apply for the re-entry permit (by that point we'd be in the two year frame)?

I should also mention that my husband is not in the military or gov work.

I've tried to do as much research on this as possible but find my case might be a little unusual. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I was in your position a year ago when we moved overseas. Like you, my husband is not in the govt or military. He works for a US company in one of their overseas' offices.

Since you have conditional residence, your travel document/re-entry permit will only be valid until the end of your conditional residence. So, if you waited to apply for it, would still expire on the date your conditional status expires - it won't be valid past that date.

I will be speaking with a lawyer from my husband's company next week about my options to remove Cr while overseas and I'll update you then. From everything I've gathered so far, it seems I'll just have to go back to do biometrics.

Let us know if you learn anything else.

kiwibeckaFemaleNew Zealand2009-09-17 16:55:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMoving overseas while on conditional green card

QUOTE (kiwibecka @ Sep 14 2009, 05:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

My husband (USA citizen) has just accepted a job overseas and by the time we leave I will be one year into my two year conditional green card. The job is for 3 years and then we want to come back here but I don't know how to keep my card when this is the case:

"A re-entry permit is generally valid for LPRs for a period of 2 years, EXCEPT if the LPR is a conditional LPR, then the re-entry permit is only valid up until the time a conditional PR has to remove conditions."

What happens then? Is that it for me being able to be overseas? I read somewhere that the re-entry permit cannot be renewed, is this correct? Is there something else I can get instead? What is a returning resident visa?

Am I better to to make a couple of trips back to the US until I can get the conditions removed, and then apply for the re-entry permit (by that point we'd be in the two year frame)?

I should also mention that my husband is not in the military or gov work.

I've tried to do as much research on this as possible but find my case might be a little unusual. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

kiwibeckaFemaleNew Zealand2009-09-16 10:46:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionMoving overseas while on conditional green card

My husband (USA citizen) has just accepted a job overseas and by the time we leave I will be one year into my two year conditional green card. The job is for 3 years and then we want to come back here but I don't know how to keep my card when this is the case:

"A re-entry permit is generally valid for LPRs for a period of 2 years, EXCEPT if the LPR is a conditional LPR, then the re-entry permit is only valid up until the time a conditional PR has to remove conditions."

What happens then? Is that it for me being able to be overseas? I read somewhere that the re-entry permit cannot be renewed, is this correct? Is there something else I can get instead? What is a returning resident visa?

Am I better to to make a couple of trips back to the US until I can get the conditions removed, and then apply for the re-entry permit (by that point we'd be in the two year frame)?

I should also mention that my husband is not in the military or gov work.

I've tried to do as much research on this as possible but find my case might be a little unusual. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

kiwibeckaFemaleNew Zealand2009-09-14 16:47:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionAugust 2009 I-751 filers
Hi...I got my hubby card today. It was printed Dec 30. So looks like it takes about a week to received your card once you get that email saying card is being sent to production. Praying that the rest of the Aug filers get your card soon so we can all move on with our life minus the UCIS. I love my husband dearly but he knows he will must take lead on his citizenship journey.

USA-JamaicaFemaleMalawi2010-01-09 15:31:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionAugust 2009 I-751 filers
Hi..I just got text MSG with a status change to my case "stating the GC is being printed". So looks like they are making some updates to the website. We received the approval letter about 10 days ago.

Hopefully the rest of the August filers will get some type of status before the end of the year.

USA-JamaicaFemaleMalawi2009-12-30 11:08:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionAugust 2009 I-751 filers
Finally status on the USIC website still reflect "Initial Review". The last change was made in Sep when we did the biometric. It really appears this site is never updated timely rolleyes.gif
USA-JamaicaFemaleMalawi2009-12-22 19:54:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionAugust 2009 I-751 filers
Hi All, I got David approval letter today. It was approved on Dec 17. This was a wonderful Xmas gift. My husband does not want to travel outside of the country with that letter extending his GC. So I am praying that we get the card very soon.

FYI although I was listed under the CSC our paperwork was actually with the VSC. So my fellow VSC filer..keep the faith you will soon get your approval too. Another tidbit I mistakely had a typo on my hubby SSN on the application. After I realized; I decide to not rock the boat and hope the info from the biometric would some how provide the correct SSN. I never told the hubby becuz he would have been so pissed headbonk.gif .

Lets hope he never visit VJ. Anyway after it was taking so long..I start to think just maybe I should reach out and try to correct the error of my ways. Thank God it just works it self out. So even with my screwing up on the paperwork we still got approved kicking.gif

Happy holidays to all!

USA-JamaicaFemaleMalawi2009-12-22 19:48:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionAugust 2009 I-751 filers
All we received bio appoint letter today...appt 9/17/09. Will some one please update our status. Thxs!

USA-JamaicaFemaleMalawi2009-08-27 19:51:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionAugust 2009 I-751 filers
We received our NOA today. kicking.gif The receipt date is Aug 10, 2009. This process is so much faster. Thank God!!

USA-JamaicaFemaleMalawi2009-08-15 19:40:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionAugust 2009 I-751 filers
Hi..our 1751 package was sign for on Aug 8 and the check for the fees is showing up as a pending transaction at my bank today. So it should be cleared tonight.

I do have a question. I fail to put a copy of our marriage certificate in the package. I had it listed as one the documents that was included in the package on the cover sheet but some how flat forgot cry.gif to put a copy in the package. In my opinion that should not make a difference since clearly the marriage exist for my I30 application to get approved.

Do you think I will still get the NOA without any delay?? My husband current GC expires Oct 26 so we have time but it would certain be wonderful if we can just get this part behind us cool.gif

USA-JamaicaFemaleMalawi2009-08-13 22:28:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionAugust 2009 I-751 filers
QUOTE (Mr and Mrs Bird @ Aug 5 2009, 04:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just tell me if anyone wants me to add you good.gif

VJName.....................I-751.....................NOA1 Date............Biometrics...................Approved...............Center


IMPORTANT!*Make sure that your VJ Text Editor setting is set to Rich Text Editor.
*Go to the MOST RECENTLY POSTED VERSION of this list (go to the last post and
scroll UP) and "Reply" to it, deleting the "quote" tags in your reply.
* Please DO NOT change the font, font size, add colors, stuff like that.
* Please PREVIEW before posting to make sure it is properly formatted.

Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

*Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list*
**When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly**

Please add me to the list(USA-JAMAICA). I am sending my form in tomorrow.

Jenice & David

USA-JamaicaFemaleMalawi2009-08-06 16:46:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionUpdating your Driver’s License after receiving the NOA
In GA you can renew online if you are a USC but residents must go into the office for all changes.
USA-JamaicaFemaleMalawi2009-08-20 20:09:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionUpdating your Driver’s License after receiving the NOA
Good Evening

We received the I-797 extension letter (NOA1). My spouse DL expires Oct 26, 2009; can we go now DMV to get the DL extended. My hubby travels out the state about 80% of the time with job so I would like this get done sooner than later. Also does the I-797 extension letter (NOA1) extend a year from the date on the NOA letter or a year from the expiration date on the GC. FYI I live in Atlanta, GA so it would be wonderful if there is a VJ from GA that could share his/her experience with GA DMV.

Thanks so much for you help!!


USA-JamaicaFemaleMalawi2009-08-20 18:56:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionFiling bankruptcy when only still a conditional resident
Best advise I've seen is for HIM to file bankruptcy, individually. Your credit will needs to be established on your own. Speaking from EXPERIENCE, bankruptcy will NOT follow you "FOREVER". BK will disappear from your credit report after 10 years as if it never happened and your credit score can improve inside of 2 years. It will be difficult to get credit at lower rates, but you WILL be able to get credit and slowly but surely, your husband will be able to rebuild his credit. In fact, he will be OFFERED credit as soon as the discharge is complete from all kinds of car dealerships, because they KNOW he can't file BK again for the next 7 years. The Visa process does not look at your credit rating. From EXPERIENCE - I filed BK so that I would not have the debt as part of my new wife's life. Also, file Chap 7 instead of trying to be a "good citizen" and filing Chap 13. They're BOTH BK and will show up on your credit. It's not the Dark Ages, so you won't be condemned "Forever" as stated. Businesses file BK all the time to stay in business, so can individuals! :thumbs:
VadnVinceMaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-05 20:51:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionDenied Application for Driver's License and State ID While I-751 is Pending

Have you guys tried making an Infopass appointment and getting a stamp in your passport instead? I had to do a lot of travelling and so I got the stamp due to the letter being a bit vague and just not wanting to deal with any hassle.

The officer at my InfoPass reluctantly gave me a stamp... again it was reluctant, but he gave it to me.

That's the plan. I contacted USCIS and they suggested we make an InfoPass appointment for the passport stamp. I also contacted my state representative and received the same response. He also said that he's heard of this several times and that I'd have to go through the governor's office to complain. He's familiar enough with the issue that he knew the exact stamp that we'd need: I-551. We'll update after the appointment and visit to DDS.

Shaun ColeMaleUzbekistan2012-01-21 08:11:00