IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVeterans Day
QUOTE (Scott and Mhay @ Nov 9 2009, 10:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
that's good...too bad I cant take advantage of that...I'm deployed now until january sometime.

Be safe! I'm not sure where you are, but whenever I was deployed they fed us well on holidays.
nowheremanMalePhilippines2009-11-09 11:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVeterans Day
For all of you follow veterans here is some info that you might be interested in:


nowheremanMalePhilippines2009-11-09 10:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterrogated at POE!
I have been to Thailand a total of 10-12 times. Once I went 5 times in one year and have never been subjected to the kind of treatment the original poster described. Yes, there have been questions about how long were you there and I just answered my fiance lives there and I was going to see her. Never more than a minute or two while he stamped my passport and welcomed me back to the USA. When my wife arrived and handed her packet with k-1 visa in to enter the country I felt like the immigration officer was a little short with her and with the questions but again only 5-10 minutes for that and we were out and on our way to our connecting flight. After our marriage and 2-year green card the officer pointed out that my wife's Green Card would expire in about 6 months and for us to apply for the 10 year card. I was very surprised he was so concerned about making sure we remembered. We've even flown over with a NOA and expired Green Card and not had any problems. In 2009 my wife went for 6 weeks and I flew over for 2 weeks then back and then over for another 2 weeks to pick up my family. I figured that would look suspicious but again no questions asked. I'm sorry you had issues but I think it is all just random and probably the other petitions you filed resulted in getting flagged in the system.

LastSurvivorMaleThailand2010-12-28 09:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan a Embassy Denie K1 Visa?
We need more details. What IS the age difference. I am 40 and my wife is 20 and we had no problems whatsoever. I asked my attorney at the beginning if this was a problem and he said no. Also, that they had worked a case where an 84 year-old was able to get a K-1 for a 17 year-old. I can only see age being a factor if one of you is underage. I suspect you are leaving out some details.

LastSurvivorMaleThailand2006-02-26 14:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfiance completely clueless???

:lol: :lol: :lol: Sounds like something someone would say from Cana "duh". My ex-wife is from Canada and got to the U.S.A through NAFTA and not with any help from me. She had very few good things to say when it ccame to the great country of Cana "duh". I especially love that her mother was hit by a car and had to wait MONTHS for needed surgery. Thats GREAT health care. :thumbs: I agree that the posters comments about you being grateful about the Visa were out of line but your comments about Canadian Health Care and Canada not needing the U.S. had me laughing out loud. :thumbs:


I said 'I don't need the USA. NOT 'CANADA does't need the USA.' I never said i get GREAT health care all i said is that its free. LEARN TO FREAKIN' READ.

:whistle: Thanks for that reply Cana'duh'. Your boyfriend should be helping out more with the Visa process. You are pretty darn cute and he should work very hard to get you here ASAP. Peace and gl2u with the visa process. :yes:


Edited by LastSurvivor, 01 April 2006 - 10:35 PM.

LastSurvivorMaleThailand2006-04-01 22:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfiance completely clueless???

I live in Canada there buddy that happens to not be that much different from the USA. I get free health care. :lol: :lol: :lol: And back in the day people from USA escaped to come to Canada because it was a better country with better rules. :lol: :lol: :lol: I don't need the USA. :lol: :lol: :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: Sounds like something someone would say from Cana "duh". My ex-wife is from Canada and got to the U.S.A through NAFTA and not with any help from me. She had very few good things to say when it ccame to the great country of Cana "duh". I especially love that her mother was hit by a car and had to wait MONTHS for needed surgery. Thats GREAT health care. :thumbs: I agree that the posters comments about you being grateful about the Visa were out of line but your comments about Canadian Health Care and Canada not needing the U.S. had me laughing out loud. :thumbs:


Edited by LastSurvivor, 01 April 2006 - 04:21 PM.

LastSurvivorMaleThailand2006-04-01 16:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow can I get copies of my tax returns?

Thread topic says it all. I need the last three years. How can I get copies? Is that even possible?

Well you should at least have your '05 return which was filed this year. Thats a start. Surely she did not get that information as well.

LastSurvivorMaleThailand2006-04-02 14:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGF is worried about coming here alone

Hi,my wife flew from the philipines in to japan to detroit also,her first time she had been away from her mom for even 1 nite she made it fine with out any troule. it was long trip for her but she made it here in my arms safe lol Good Luck

I'm lazy and did not read the rest of this thread but perhaps your wife could call the OP's wife and tell her what to expect in her own language. This is a BIG step and I would be intimidated as heck if I did not speak English and had to switch planes in a foreign country. Consider bringing her over when YOU can get the time off and can go over so she travels with you. Her coming over immediately is more about what you want than what's best for her I imagine.

This issue gets to me sometimes. When my fiancee and I went for her visa appointment she met a friend who had never flown, never been out of the country and was terrified. My fiancee and I were leaving on Jan 11th which was two weeks after our Visa appt. We were entering through Seattle which is where her new friend was travelling to as well to meet her fiancee in Washington State. She begged him to let her travel with us so she would not be alone. He demanded that she be on a flight two days after the interview. This was not because he had already purchased a ticket but because he wanted her there immediately. It would have been great because we could have helped her through immigration and customs and helped with her fear of travelling. I hope she made it okay but it still chaps me how some people are so inconsiderate of others.

If you can't make time from work maybe you should wait until you can. Think about her and not yourself.

Sorry for the rant,

LastSurvivorMaleThailand2006-04-09 11:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A, Biographic Information

I am filling out the G-325A, Biographic Information form using Adobe Acrobat 6.0 professional on my computer. Since this form contains four set of the same form to be fill in, I was able to completed filling in the first set with Acrobat. However for the next three set of the same form, I am unable to fill in the information with Acrobat. Look like I have to hand write in the information which will not be as neat as typing them in using Acrobat. Does anyone have this problem with filling out the G-325A? Is there a way which I will be able to type in all the information for the four set form within the form?


When I filled out my G-325A forms it automatically filled in the other forms. They are the same after all. Suggest if you are still having problems just print out the first form 4 times or make copies. Not exactly brain surgery.

LastSurvivorMaleThailand2006-04-12 17:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI royally screwed up our K1 app!!!

Thanks for all your help. I am sending them an email now. God, what a nightmare. Completely my fault. :(


You are such a DORK! :lol: You are just excited and in a hurry to get the K-1 Visa. By the way, did you mean to put 6002 instead of 2006? Just giving you a good natured hard time. Best of luck to you! I'm sure everything will work out for the best.

LastSurvivorMaleThailand2006-04-05 18:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview and Age Difference
As mentioned by almost everyone I don't think age is as important as evidence of a relationship. I am 40 and my wife is 20. We sailed through the interview with only two questions: How many times did I visit her last year (5) and When do you leave for America? No questions about age at all. I also heard from my lawyer that they had processed a K-1 for a couple with a 61 year age difference. She was 17 and he was 78. That's the biggest and I can't imagine it being any more. I fugure he lived about a year after the marriage. haha


Edited by LastSurvivor, 04 June 2006 - 07:12 AM.

LastSurvivorMaleThailand2006-06-04 07:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAccused of rape

ok, here's my thoughts....taking into account:
1 - accusation of rape, never convicted.
2 - previous post about him dragging his feet on the 129f
3 - something about no job, so can't meet the minimum wage requirements

given the above, i just don't see this happening. Posted Image

Don't forget "talking" to women on the internet but he's only talking so what's wrong with that. The OP is really walking down a yellow brick road.

LastSurvivorMaleThailand2006-06-17 16:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAccused of rape

I have NOT asked anyone to judge the man I love!
I KNOW he NEVER raped anyone.And he told me about this story right after we met so I knew it all the time.
I HAVE BEEN raped twice and by God I know Jim is NOT the type of guy who would ever rape someone.
He is the most gentle and loving man I know.He takes my son who's got ADHD and is really difficult to deal with the way he is and doesn't treat anyone badly.
This "woman" was simply pissed off at Jim for NOT doing anything anymore after he told her he didn't want to see her anymore.And then she turned around claiming he raped her and on top of that that she was pregnant.
Now how come there's no child????? How come she never sued for child support?????? How come she never showed up in court???? How come there was no medical evidence that she WAS raped???
Sorry people but I KNOW my man and I kow for reason that I surley wont discuss here that he would never rape anyone and never did.
I know exactly what I'm getting myself into with that man and I know he's the best thing that ever happened to me and my son!!!!!!
I love him with all my heart and so does my 5 year old.
As for losing his job,
his BOSS told me it had nothing to do with his work performance,they simply didn't have enough work anymore and since he was the last one hired he was the first one to go.
Cable and DSL,oh well....he's a man and after all it's HIS money.
And as for him chatting with other women,hey as long as he's just TALKING who cares????
It's MY life and I love him and I know he loves me so why is it that people think they have the right to judge someone they don't even know???????????
I asked a simple question regarding the new I 129 F form that's all.
I don't want nor do I need someone to lecture me !
Thanks to the few that didn't and just gave me advice!

All I asked is that you not judge HER. Unless you were in the room you have no idea what happened. You know one half of the story and I doubt very seriously whether he would confess to you if indeed he had raped her. You are living in a fantasy world and if you don't want others to judge you or your SO then you certainly do not need to pass judgement on the girl who claimed she was raped. You not only asked advice but made statements against the other party. It sounds like this guy is Mr. Perfect and you might just be a bit desperate. Yeah, right.


Edited by LastSurvivor, 17 June 2006 - 06:27 AM.

LastSurvivorMaleThailand2006-06-17 06:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAccused of rape

O Gosh I just read the new I 129F form.......
OK here's the story,
my boyfriend has been accused of raping some girl years ago,from what I know she pressed charges against him but she never showed up in court and the case was dismissed.He was not convicted or anything.The woman was nothing but a liar and did this to him oput of God knows what reasons.
Now my question is what would he have to put in? Does all this effect him since there has never been a conviction?????????

Sorry, but just because she did not show up in court does not mean she was not raped. I know you have a desire in your heart to believe everything your boyfriend tells you that does not necessarily mean he's telling the truth. There are always two sides to a story and you have only heard one side. Jeeeesh

LastSurvivorMaleThailand2006-06-16 22:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUsing myspace for evidence

awww.. is Mr Grumpyface upset becuase some people aren't completely and utterly serious every second of the day?

LastSurvivorMaleThailand2006-07-31 20:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUsing myspace for evidence

"Im not sure where to post this so i expect it will be moved..

When i read that back, to me it reads as a jovial message, clearly it must read the wrong way, like this is my evidence and i will present it..

As for the page, you may not be able to read it, on my monitor it read just fine last night, the background is now changed to a darker one so thanks for the input... maybe LS was rude ? theres no maybe about it, if they couldnt read it theres a ton of nicer ways to put it

Im abandoning this post as people clearly take things way to seriously.. im off to think up of another light hearted forum topic, post it.. then open myself up for poking, prodding and general disappreciation

Cheers :dance:

I prefer to think of it as being honest. I also think there are a few things I could have said that would have been a bit more harsh. How I had hoped you would wander in with that for your interview as your evidence of a relationship. Now that would have been a jovial post. Some of us take the Visa process seriously and nowhere in your OP did I get the impression you were just joshing. I'm glad to know you were being lighthearted. PS: The site is HARD to read.



Edited by LastSurvivor, 31 July 2006 - 05:11 PM.

LastSurvivorMaleThailand2006-07-31 17:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUsing myspace for evidence
[quote name='Lizzy' date='Jul 30 2006, 10:21 AM' post='342510']
If they can actually look at that garbled up hard to read mess then I'm sure they will buy it as evidence of a relationship. If that's all you have then I'm sure the U.S.C.I.S. will love your myspace mess.


AND YOUR RUDE!!! They asked a question, chill the hell would you feel if YOU asked a question and was given a rubbish responce like you gave :angry:

Then I suggest you encourage them to go for it. :whistle:

LastSurvivorMaleThailand2006-07-30 15:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUsing myspace for evidence

Im not sure where to post this so i expect it will be moved..

Just an idea we had, when you are asked to produce evidence of an ongoing relationship, surely can come in handy !

This really is a gratuitous plug isnt it... : )

Have a look at it and let us know what you think..

All the best,


If they can actually look at that garbled up hard to read mess then I'm sure they will buy it as evidence of a relationship. If that's all you have then I'm sure the U.S.C.I.S. will love your myspace mess.

LastSurvivorMaleThailand2006-07-30 07:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresusps or courier?
Just my two cents. Send it 2-3 day usps priority mail for $4.05. Why waste your money? Most likely will arrive in 2 days but maybe 3. Getting that extra day or two really is NOT going to speed up the process. Save yourself the cash as this process is already expensive enough.

LastSurvivorMaleThailand2006-08-07 05:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBirth Certificate translation

I don't understand, though, why your Brazilian fiance would need a translation of her birth certificate. It's not needed for the interview. Unless you're talking about AOS.

Well, I can only tell you that my attorney included it in my K-1 application. When the U.S.C.I.S.official was going through our papperwork today during our interview I noted it in there twice. Once in the A.O.S. paperwork and once in the K-1 paperwork. I also had a third copy with me. The original to be exact.


Edited by LastSurvivor, 09 August 2006 - 06:36 PM.

LastSurvivorMaleThailand2006-08-09 18:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs it possible to get approved in one week?

Is it possible that my fiancee can have her visa by the end of next month?

As others have posted 6 months is about the average. I feel like I was lucky in that my K-1 only took 4 months and 22 days. For K-1 and AOS the whole process took 359 days. Your October wedding will not happen. Not in the U.S. anyway.

LastSurvivorMaleThailand2006-08-12 12:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGoing BATTY! Case Not Even Looked At!! Past 6months...
I'm definitely going batty trying to figure out what is going on in my case.

I filed the I-130 on Dec. 11, 2007 to the Chicago Lockbox.

It was received and entered in their actual system on Jan.31, 2008 in the Vermont Service Center though my receive date is Dec.11, 07.

Since then, a SUBSTANTIAL amount of DUST has collected on my case files, I'm sure.

I call everyday and have requested two expedites so far. Nothing.

And GET THIS...I had applied to USCIS last year for a position on a whim since I did volunteer work for a refugee organization (helped with immigration applications, etc).

I was offered a tentative position with USCIS. I am in the process of doing my background checks now. They are faster in their Human Resources to hire than anywhere else, this I know for a fact.

Anyway, after 6+ months of waiting for the I130 petition.... Nothing, Nada, Zilch.

It took 2 months to even get the NOA1.

At this point, I am SERIOUSLY thinking of canceling the F'ing petition and taking my butt to my husband.

I told them that I wouldn't be able to even do the job of working at USCIS if USCIS is the SAME organization that is keeping me from my family. Go figure.


Sorry, my vent is over now.

Back to your regularly scheduled programming.

Edited by Leedah, 17 June 2008 - 08:49 PM.

LeedahFemaleGambia2008-06-17 20:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRelocating to Hubby...Need Tips. Help Please.
Hi all.

I haven't posted in awhile due to....well....heck I've just been plain busy(lazy?? lol).

Anyway, after waiting god knows how long for this process to come to a conclusion, my hubby and I have finally gotten fed up with the wait and I will be relocating to his country (Gambia) until we get farther in the process.

IE-Get a RFE, Get a Touch,...GET A WHISPER IN OUR EARS for goodness sake. lol

See my time line and you will know why i'm getting outta dodge.

Anyway, does anyone have any tips to provide on the following:

1. Good mail forwarding companies (to keep an eye out for info from USCIS).
I did find one company that receives the mail and enters details about it online at their site so that the owner can choose whether he/she wants to forward it to their own address abroad. Anyone know anything about
I took their online tour and it looks pretty good.

2. What papers to bring that I might need for a potential RFE? If you have received an RFE, I'd looooooove to know what it was so that I may make a list and take everything with me just in case its needed later.

3. Domicile. Do I have to keep an address here in the U.S or can I just use a mail forwarding company that offers a street address instead of a P.O. Box as their address? I'm deciding whether to keep paying rent on a place that I'm not even going to be at for the next 2 months (atleast).

4. Employment. I will have some money saved so I won't really need to work, however since I am the only one who can sponsor my hubby, what is the amount that is needed in a bank account to sponsor? It's just 2 people (me and him). How to do the bank route instead of going the paystub route for the affidavit of support.

5. If I stay in the country atleast 6 months and become a resident, can I refile a DCF at that time if the main I130 STILL isn't adjudicated by then. (I know that I'd have to withdraw the main one and file again with the $355).

I think those are all of my questions for now. lol.

Hopefully a few folks will have some idea on atleast one of these questions.

I would also appreciate any other tips and suggestions on my journey.


LeedahFemaleGambia2008-06-22 15:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHubby comes home tonight ...finally!!!
Wishing lots of happy days...and nights. hehehe WINK WINK
LeedahFemaleGambia2008-06-22 18:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresExpedite Approved
Hi produke.

Can't help on the living alone part,...but I can help with the calling everyday.

I have a phone plan that allows me to talk to my husband for 2hours 12mins daily. I don't know what your rate would be since I don't know where your calling, but I'm sure it would be less than mine which would be more talk time.

PM me and I will give you a referral number to call.

Also, you can also click the link below that's in my signature to get 10 minutes of free time to talk with your wife (no charge).

Hope that helps.


QUOTE (produke @ Jun 24 2008, 01:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have wondered what other legit reasons can be used to expdite....sick of living alone...waking up everyday without her, living alone in quitness...talking to walls...eating my own overcooked or half cooked food....not being able to talk to her everyday since it costs 10cents aminute to call....biting my nails...picking my hair....all this killing me slowly.....

LeedahFemaleGambia2008-06-24 07:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresExpedite Approved
Thanks for the congrats.

It's funny because i sent a text message to my husband informing him of the good news.

He says "uh huh". So i'm approved?"

I have to explain to him that we were approved to be reviewed.

He says " be ...reviewed?? Huh? Baby I don't get it."

Now that I have made him utterly clueless to American concepts.... hahaha

After I hung up the phone with him...I had to think about that one myself. be ....reviewed.

Hmmm....he may be on to something. lol
LeedahFemaleGambia2008-06-23 21:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresExpedite Approved
Hi all. I spoke with USCIS today and was told that the expedites I filed on June 4, 2008 were approved.

Now I just want to know what is the process from now on? Does this mean they will look at my case now as opposed to 6 more months from now? Hmmm....

Considering that we've already been waiting over 6 months anyway, the expedite approval is sort of bittersweet. lol.

Well, I haven;t actually received the expedite approval notice in my hand, but I'll definitely let you all know when it arrives and tell what it says. Hopefully that will help anyone else who is filing an expedite.

By the way, as for my expedite reason:

I used Financial Hardship.

My kids were kidnapped by my previous ex and I have to travel a great deal to take care of that situation.
Also before my previous ex was deported, I went down to immigration and informed them of what he was up to and also that we were not together. This was to protect me should he'd have used a look-alike to impersonate me at any interviews, etc. The FBI and State Dept opened up a case for me concerning the kids and also they have a dossier on my ex.

Since immigration deported him, I think they already had all his info and the kidnapping info, therefore I believe it was easier for them to connect the dots and approve the expedite.
Also whenever I would go to the embassy in the country where my kids are kidnapped to, I would bring my husband also. (he is from the same country also that my ex is from but not the same tribe).

All that info probably gave USCIS a reason to approve, but who knows how they really work.

Hope all this helps someone.

LeedahFemaleGambia2008-06-23 17:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresProof of a bonafide marriage?
you can start whatever services you want in his name.

I have House phone (AT&T) in his name, my cell with my first name and hubby last name, my w2 info, etc.

It can be done. Just be adamant when they request ssn for him. Just say he has not been issued a ssn yet as he JUST arrived here. Even though my husband is no where close to being in the U.S. right now, this worked for me.

Hope this helps.

LeedahFemaleGambia2008-06-24 12:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresA question for those who ask to expedite I-130
I would call and bug them. I called the RFE line and had a heart to heart with the officer who answered in vermont.

He listened and told me that he's do his best to get it to an adjudicator.
LeedahFemaleGambia2008-06-23 21:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresA question for those who ask to expedite I-130
My first expedite was denied due to USCIS error.

I filed another request and it appears that it was approved (per a call to USCIS).
LeedahFemaleGambia2008-06-23 19:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresA question for those who ask to expedite I-130
I requested an expedite because I have two kid kidnapped by my ex to Togo and I need my husband here to work and also help with the case. I have an FBI agent and the State Dept working on it AND my kids are even entered in NCIC (police system).

Guess what?

I was still denied without even a touch.

Aint life grand.
LeedahFemaleGambia2008-06-13 06:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMurphy's Law In Effect. OH LAAWWWD! Look At This...
Hmmm...everyone seems to be going with #2. smile.gif)
LeedahFemaleGambia2008-06-26 09:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMurphy's Law In Effect. OH LAAWWWD! Look At This...
By the way, I didn't mention the following...

I have a companion pass that a friend of mine gave me (Delta Airlines), therefore I can fly unlimited times for the cost of the taxes (usually $400 to my husband roundtrip -he's in Africa- and very cheap domestic).

I am debating on going and staying for 10 days, coming back & getting the paperwork sent out and going right back again.

But then I'd be paying $800.

I REALLY miss my husband and am going batty and so is he. We are starting to get emotional with each other and taking offense about every little thing. This is definitely due to the time away & distance and the fact that since he is from a poorer country, he can't really do much in the way of calling like he wants to and I get upset that he doesn't call (even though I KNOW he really can't afford it. (I've lived there and know his situation). (yes, this waiting CAN make you go haywire! hahaha)

He get's upset because he is starting to think I just don't want to see him these past months and that i'm not in love anymore... blink.gif (he knows I can fly cheap, however he doesn't get that immigration is MAKING me wait). He's never been married, only just started using the computer because of me and never traveled outside his country, so he just doesn't fathom exactly what I am doing over here in regards to this whole immigration process.

It makes sense to stay and get everything over with...

However, my hubby is TRIPPING from not seeing me!!! wacko.gif

Hmmm....what to do, what to do.

I'm in a rock and a hard place.

Anymore suggestions?

Edited by Leedah, 26 June 2008 - 09:18 AM.

LeedahFemaleGambia2008-06-26 09:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMurphy's Law In Effect. OH LAAWWWD! Look At This...
Guess what guys...

I called USCIS to check on what ever happened to my expedite approval letter. For those that don't know, I had requested an expedite on may 27th (denied due to USCIS error) and again on June 4th (approved).
(they previously told me they sent out a letter on the 18th of this month (june.08).

Well, I call again yesterday and was told that yes, it's approved (clerk read copy of the letter on the phone) and it shouldn't be long before they approve the main file. Also, I was told that they sent out "something else" that same day. I am guessing it's a RFE for the G-325A forms which I didn't send in. Could also be that they want ALL the pages of my passport instead of the first page. Who knows.

Anyway, here is the Murphy Law kicking in...

I am going out of the country to my husband for 2 months on the 27th of this month. Yep, in 1 DAY!

Now, why couldn't I have gotten this mysterious letter within the 6 1/2 MONTHS I've already been waiting?

I'm not looking a gifthorse in the mouth,...but come on...

My husband has been waiting patiently (well,...not really patiently lol) to see me for the past 8 to 9 months,...and now it may be pushed back yet again to wait on this letter to arrive and send back.

Arrrrrrrg! Give me strength!

Those that think I should just go and try to come back before the RFE deadline, say 1.
Those that think I should cancel my flight and wait on USCIS to send the letter, say 2.

LeedahFemaleGambia2008-06-26 08:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE Issued
Hi all. Leedah here.

Well, I just got back from The Gambia (by way of Senegal) to visit my hubby.

After I arrived, I saw that I had an RFE from the approved expedite request I last spoke about.

It was as I RFE for the forms G325A. I knew I'd get that since I didn't send it in the beginning.

Anyway, they will be going out in the mail today and my case should resume.

One question...

my husband signs his signature on all forms with just his first name. (it's how he signs everything).

Does that really matter? I mean, that's how he actually signs off on anything.

Also, the box with the bold line around it at the bottom of the page...does that have to be signed also or can I just sign it?
LeedahFemaleGambia2008-07-11 09:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR-1Interview BUT temporary visa refusal under 221(g)
Lets all cut the bickering.

By the way, just for information,

A K1 is not necessarily an immigrant visa until the person adjusts their status (AFTER marriage).

That's why is easier usually to get a K1. The person is not legally able to work until they adjusts status AND IF they don't marry within 90 days of entering the U.S., they get booted out of the country (unless they go into hiding somehow).

Get my point?
LeedahFemaleGambia2009-03-11 16:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDecember 2007 I-130 filers
Forgot to update, folks.

husband NOA2 approval: july 28, 2008
NVC sent info: aug.5th, 2008
Sent I-864:Oct.8, 2008
Sent DS-230: oct. 13, 2008
LeedahFemaleGambia2008-10-13 22:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDecember 2007 I-130 filers
Nope, no news. Just sitting by twiddling our thumbs and looking crazy.
LeedahFemaleGambia2008-03-25 19:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDecember 2007 I-130 filers
My check was cashed feb.2 and my NOA1 was received feb.5.

Please update me on your timeline please.

LeedahFemaleGambia2008-02-09 07:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDecember 2007 I-130 filers
Add me too:

My I-130 was received in the Chicago Lock Box Dec.11, 2007.

Username: Leedah

Khalidah & Saikou
LeedahFemaleGambia2008-01-31 22:44:00