IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresThreshhold for Proof of Domicile

Thanks! I'm feeling a little less worried now.

So if we're moving in with my parents, we should try to have some formal lease agreement with them? Might a simple signed letter do the job?

Just to be on the safe side, I'd go for the lease agreement. You can find free ones online, I'll include a link below. If you can formalize the agreement, even if it is with your parents, it's just another link in the chain to establish your intent to relocate. Good Luck! :star:

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-02-22 16:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresThreshhold for Proof of Domicile

Hi all,

I haven't yet filed my I-130, so I'm not to the point of having to prove domicile yet, but in the interest of preparing early (not to mention peace of mind), I have a question.

In general, how much proof is required for establishing that the USC petitioner has or will re-establish domicile in the U.S.? Obviously this is a subjective, case-by-case type of thing, but does anyone have a rough idea? Here's my situation:

I am a USC who has been physically present in Taiwan for most of the last 3 1/2 years, returning for a few weeks each year to the U.S. Until now my visa status in Taiwan has been that of a tourist (completely legal), but I expect to be receiving residency in Taiwan in about a month from now. I understand that when filing my AOS package I will need to provide proof of domicile or intention to reestablish it. I have taken a look at the list of example documents in this FAQ, and here's what I will and will not be able to provide based on that list:

I CAN provide:
• Voter registration card showing permanent US address
• XXXX Credit Union statement showing permanent US address
• XXXX state ID card showing permanent US address (hopefully - I seem to have misplaced it)
• Possibly some other documents showing my US address, which I use for most purposes (ideas?)

I CANNOT provide:
• XXXX credit card statement showing US billing address
• Retirement fund statement showing permanent US address
• Mutual fund statement showing permanent US address
• XXXX license currently up to date
• Renewal of XXXX membership
• County tax bill showing I still own a vehicle

Is this too little to establish proof of domicile? And if so, what should I do?

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks so much!

Not bad, but I'd include some quotes from moving companies, establishing that you are making inquiries into moving back to the states. Also, maybe some contacts with estate agents or leasing agencies, looking for an apartment or rental house in the city you're moving to? Add your letter and that's a pretty good group of documents.

Good Luck! :thumbs:
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-02-21 10:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat's next after noa2..???

Read the first two posts here:  http://www.visajourn...ilers-may-2013/


MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-05-12 04:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSC petitioner living abroad

Do you know why its quicker? Because then you are not petitioning for children as well. It's also proof of relationship. Multiple children generally means a longer term ongoing relationship. ;)

Good point. Also, filing from abroad also deals with that tricky issue, face time. If you're already living with your spouse in a foreign country, it cuts down on the chance that you're only married for immigration purposes to the States. I included copies of both my immigration card and the visas in my passport as the spouse of an Irish citizen in my relationship evidence. The burden of proof in these situations is often easier to meet.

Edited by MeredythB, 02 April 2013 - 10:27 AM.

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-04-02 10:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSC petitioner living abroad

In Capri's defense it does state on the USCIS site that he quoted, that it will be sent to a local field office and that they wont tell you which one. And everyone seems to assume that they are mailing packets of paper all around the world. It's hard to imagine there are hundreds of thousands of paper applications in stacks at all of these offices and service centers around the country...but I guess we are talking about gov't procedure here. Since these abroad filed applications seem to be processed quicker whose to say the foreign embassies dont play a role in the process. I'm sure there must be a scanner at the office somewhere... :rofl:

Everyone is speculating and arguing about the procedure when the main point of this thread is for timelines of applications filed from abroad. As someone who is looking into this process for my own situation, the dates from NOA1 to NOA2 are more important than what state, country, or person actually approves my app.

Yes, I've already included my information in this thread as a filer from abroad. As you can see, it's also notated in my signature.

Believe me, you are going to want to know where your application is at all times. If something happens (like what happened to Nola123), you are going to want to know where your inquiries or Congressional inquires need to be directed. If by misunderstanding the process you continue to send queries to the wrong office, it is going to cost you time. Capri, who is not in the filer-abroad group, had been given the correct information in another thread. As far as who is to say that foreign embassies are not playing a role in the process for non-DCF I-130s.....we are, the ones who have been through or who are going through the process from abroad. It's also said on the foreign office sites, if you look. I (and a few others) tried to clear up an incorrect assumption, so that anyone new would understand what is going to happen to their application. Oh, and those applications? They ARE sitting, in big boxes, in local offices. Check out the Atlanta transfers thread, if you don't believe me.


Good luck.
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-25 07:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSC petitioner living abroad

The stubbornness here is incredible.

Did anyone actually read the memo?

USCIS wants to notify customers and stakeholders that some work that USCIS performs at the four USCIS service centers (Vermont, Nebraska, Texas and California) will be transferred to a Field Office or the National Benefits Center (NBC) in order to balance the overall workload with processing capacity. The chart below summarizes these changes.

Stand-Alone Immediate Relative (IR) I-130, Petition for Alien Relative

Effective Date -Aug. 15, 2012
Previous Location -all USCIS service centers
New Location- Field Office with jurisdiction over the petitioner's place of residence

Effect on Customers

Stand-Alone Immediate Relative I-130s will be transferred from the Service Center to the National Benefits Center (NBC), and then routed to the appropriate Field Office. Customers will receive a notice indicating the case was transferred to the NBC, but that notice will not indicate the final local Field Office location.


So please tell me exactly what part of this is BS or misinformation? They go to the field office based on your place of residence if you filed after Aug 2012. The notice does not notify you of the final field office location. But it does in fact go there.


As for my personal visa journey- like others it has been bumpy at times. I have started one or two topics in the past but got no responses as I guess my issue was out of the realm of users on here. And thats fine.

I never claimed to be a lawyer. I never claimed to know more then anyone else.

Its just unfathomable for an official USCIS memo to clearly state stand alone 130s will be transferred from the Service Center to the National Benefits Center (NBC), and then routed to the appropriate Field Office, and then have post after post stating- thats BS and misinformation - omg stop posting that- who are you anyway?!?

Well, I've told you exactly who I am just a few posts ago. I am a filer from abroad. In Europe. As you can see from my profile and signature, I filed from the Republic of Ireland. We do not have a USCIS office here. There is no DCF available. So, in November, I filed a standalone I-130 petition for my spouse. It was sent to the Chicago lockbox. From there, we were sent to the National Benefits Centre in Missouri. Our petition was processed THERE. THAT IS WHERE PETITIONS FILED FROM ABROAD GO. There are no "field offices" for foreign filers, at least not for those who do not have access to DCF. Field offices are based on the USC's US ADDRESS. If you don't HAVE a US address, you stay in Missouri. This has been stated more than once. From Missouri, we were sent to the NVC in Vermont. How do I know that? BECAUSE I TALKED TO THEM. EVERY DAY. We are currently in the queue for an interview date. Once we have received an interview date, then, AND ONLY THEN, our file will be shipped to the US Embassy in Dublin. That is how the filers from abroad without access to DCF are processed. Again, I know this because I AM ONE OF THOSE FILERS. So until you have direct experience with this particular avenue of visa filing, please stop arguing with the people who HAVE the experience and, therefore, know what they're talking about. Thank you.

Oh, and Posted Image

Edited by MeredythB, 22 March 2013 - 12:26 PM.

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-22 12:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSC petitioner living abroad

Especially when this person was warned about this bad information in a thread that I started about a problem relating to field offices. They were proven wrong then about several things and they are still wrong.

Right?! Why continue to argue? There's nothing wrong with being wrong, just don't keep on blindly insisting that you're correct.
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-22 11:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSC petitioner living abroad

I remember looking at capri's profile before we had the content loss. There was only one started post by this person which had to do with a visa, which no one actually answered.

Someone seems bored. Which is fine! Who cares really if someone wants to post on an immigration forum? The only time this becomes a problem is when they're spreading wrong and bad information.

That is my chief concern with them. If you want to come and lurk on these threads or even post, when you're not in the visa process yourself, hey, whatever floats your boat. But the spreading of misinformation not only doesn't do anybody any favours, it can actually hurt someone else's process. And nobody needs that.
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-22 11:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSC petitioner living abroad

Are you on this BS again? I have an email from the field office directorate that plainly states otherwise.

Foreign field offices do not touch I-130s that were filed at the Chicago Lockbox.

I really wish you would stop spreading disinformation on this topic.

Do you know what I find REALLY interesting about Capri? That they, having joined this site almost 6 months ago, racking up enough posts to achieve Gold Member status, and at this point, being completely incapable of not knowing that others on this site would like to see the timelines of other members, have yet to post one of their own. I'm starting to doubt whether or not they are on any kind of visa track at all. It has to be hard work, staying that obtuse with this much information available.
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-22 10:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSC petitioner living abroad

Im not giving out misinformation.

According to the memo found here -

Stand alone 130s (which is what you file when you file the CR1) after Aug 2012, use to be processed at the Service Centers. They are now processed at the Local Offices that have jurisdiction based on the USCs (or LPRs) address. They use the address you provide on the 130. (You must use the address you live at or you are providing false info)

You can find your local office if you are overseas by checking here-

Its a partial list however.
So for example if you live in the Ukraine- Moscow is your local office. They have jurisdiction over your 130.

If you live in Russia, you can file directly at the office Russia, otherwise, you need to file by mailing your form to the lockbox- it will go to the service center who will then forward it to the Moscow office for processing.


If youre in most of Europe- London is the local office.

Thailand is China, New Delhi, India, and the Philippines.

This is why it appears that people overseas are expedited. They are not. They are simply being shipped to local offices (the ones overseas) who are quicker to approve stand alone 130s then the local offices in the US. As of Aug 2012 Service centers no longer process stand alone 130s.

Uh, YES YOU ARE. Do you know how I know? Because I filed from abroad. In Europe. And my I-130 was processed in Missouri. Because that is where applications filed from abroad in countries that do not offer DCF go. So please, stop dispensing advice when you have no idea what you're talking about.
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-22 10:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSC petitioner living abroad

According to the Canadian gov't, I do not live here.
I hate using the phrase "legally live here" because I feel it implies that I "illegally" live here lol.
I just travel here with my passport and visit for extended periods of time.
But I have a lease on an apt that I pay for with my own money so my land lord sure considers me livin' here.
Someone that's going to pakistan and staying for a few weeks at her husband's apt?
No, that's not living so much.

This is where phasing out DCF is causing stress on these threads. If all of us overseas/abroad people had just been able to stick to our consulate filings, we wouldn't be coming in here and screwing up the timelines. Plus, it makes me feel really guilty when I see people who filed before me still waiting on their NOA2. All I can do is repeat myself: you don't want misinformation coming back to haunt you. I'm not sure if they do a lot of checking on the authenticity of your address. One assumes that THEY assume you're being truthful, since you want to get your correspondence, but if they DO check up, especially if you report that you live abroad, you don't want to be giving anybody any ammunition for a denial, ye ken?
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-21 08:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSC petitioner living abroad

I have a lease in my name at a residence in Canada, yet I hold no status here.
I see no reason why I couldn't have put this address as my address abroad, and I damn sure wish I had.
But I'm not going to get into the argument of semantics.

But you don't LIVE there, yes?

The poster I was responding to doesn't live in Pakistan. She visits. And hey, maybe there wouldn't be a problem at all with claiming a false residence. I don't know how much scrutiny that part of the application is given. But I sure as Hades wouldn't want to recommend to someone that falsifying information on an application as important as this one is a good idea, you know?

Edited by MeredythB, 21 March 2013 - 07:58 AM.

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-21 07:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSC petitioner living abroad

Oh my. I did not read through your whole thread- but I believe you are way off with your entire concept of exactly what is going on here. There is no expediting going on here. It just appears that way.

All 130s are processed the same way. You fill it out based on the address where the USC lives. So if you live in the US you fill out a US address on the 130. If you live overseas you fill out an overseas address on the 130. It generally gets sent to the lockbox. (unless you live somewhere where you can DCF)

Once they get it, it goes to a service center. They check it for completion, or do whatever it is they do on it, and then send it off to the 'local office' for processing. Thats where the processing times vary. Its a stand alone 130 when youre filing for the CR1. They dont notify you of the switch off to the local office. The only way you know of the transfer is if you call and specifically inquire where is my case. So people who reside in most of Europe have the 'local office' of London. Their posted processing times for the 130 are currently at 2 weeks. Because well, London doesnt get many. People in the US whose 130s get sent to local offices like NY or CT have processing times of 5-6 months. Hence it seems like you are being expedited but you are not.

You are just being routed to your correct local office with jurisdiction. Overseas offices are much quicker at processing stand alone 130s because they get less of them, have a better staff, and arent so overworked.

If you truly do reside overseas, the best thing you can do is fill out the paperwork properly. Fill out the forms with your overseas address. This will ensure the 'local office' that has jurisdiction is the over seas office with the quick processing times.

For some reason a lot of people choose to use a US address even though they are overseas because they feel the US address is more secure, and maybe it is, but by using a US address, youre causing your local address to cause your base to be local hence your jurisdiction to be different and the processing times will change. (possibly not in your favor)

Please do not confuse people with misinformation. Applications filed from abroad are sent to the National Benefits Centre in Missouri...and are processed FROM THAT OFFICE. NOT from a local office in the USC's country of residence. Applications originating in the US ARE sent to local offices. And yes, their processing times can differ widely.

For the poster who asked if they could list a foreign residence even if they don't live is NEVER in your best interests to give USCIS, the NVC, or the DOS incorrect information. Do not lie, not even a little bit. You do not live abroad. Don't tell the US government that you do. You don't want anything coming back to bite you in the butt. Unfortunately for this process, you simply have to wait your turn.

Edited by MeredythB, 21 March 2013 - 07:46 AM.

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-21 07:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSC petitioner living abroad

1. Country USC resides in: Qatar
2. Is there a USCIS field office in this country / Is DCF still possible? No
3. When did you file the I-130: Dec 19 2012
4. How long had you been living abroad: 7 years
5. Do you reside in the country legally? Yes, residence permit
6. What is the reason for your residence: To be with husband
7. Did you list your foreign address on all forms in I-130 package? Yes
8. Did you send I-130 package from abroad? Technically, no. I sent it first to my mom so she could add the check then she fwd'd it to Chicago lockbox visa USPS
9. Did you include evidence of your residence abroad in the I-130 package? No
10. Did you mention the fact you reside abroad in the cover letter or write a letter describing your current situation and the evolution of your relationship with your spouse (mentioning your residence abroad)? Yes, mentioned in cover letter
11. Has your case been "auto-expedited"? How long between NOA1 and NOA2? Yes, 37 days

I didn't include any official evidence to prove my residence abroad, as in there was no lease with both our names or utility bills or anything like that, but all of our bonafide relationship proof took place in Qatar. My son's CRBA is from the embassy in Qatar, our marriage certificate is in Qatar, all our pictures were taken in Qatar, all the trips we took were to and from Qatar our joint savings account is in a bank in Qatar. So it was obvious that I live abroad. Also I do recommend writing FILED FROM ABROAD in big block letters on the outside of the folder and anywhere else where you think it will be visible.

Your son's CRBA and the joint bank account in Qatar would have been official proof of residence abroad, would it not?
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-02-02 05:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSC petitioner living abroad

1. Country USC resides in: New Zealand
2. Is there a USCIS field office in this country / Is DCF still possible? No
3. When did you file the I-130: Jan 3, 2013
4. How long had you been living abroad: 4.5 months
5. Do you reside in the country legally? Yes
6. What is the reason for your residence: work permit/student/tourist/other - Extended tourist visa (not even an actual resident visa, although since filing we changed NZ visa status)
7. Did you list your foreign address on all forms in I-130 package? Yes.
8. Did you send I-130 package from abroad? Yes
9. Did you include evidence of your residence abroad in the I-130 package? Yes, joint lease, utilities etc.
10. Did you mention the fact you reside abroad in the cover letter or write a letter describing your current situation and the evolution of your relationship with your spouse (mentioning your residence abroad)? Yes, explained USC in NZ on extended visitors visa and would stay in NZ until we could both go back to USA together
11. Has your case been "auto-expedited"? How long between NOA1 and NOA2? Yes, 28 days, insane!

Congrats on your approval! One of my besties is married to a Kiwi. They did all of this several years ago and are in the States now.

Edited by MeredythB, 01 February 2013 - 05:20 PM.

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-02-01 17:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSC petitioner living abroad
1. Country USC resides in: Ireland
2. Is there a USCIS field office in this country / Is DCF still possible? No
3. When did you file the I-130: November 23, 2012
4. How long had you been living abroad: 16 months
5. Do you reside in the country legally? Yes
6. What is the reason for your residence: work permit/student/tourist/other - Spouse of Irish Citizen (Stamp 4)
7. Did you list your foreign address on all forms in I-130 package? Yes.
8. Did you send I-130 package from abroad? Yes
9. Did you include evidence of your residence abroad in the I-130 package? Yes.
10. Did you mention the fact you reside abroad in the cover letter or write a letter describing your current situation and the evolution of your relationship with your spouse (mentioning your residence abroad)? Yes.
11. Has your case been "auto-expedited"? How long between NOA1 and NOA2? 48 days!
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-01-16 17:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUSC petitioner living abroad
We got our NOA1 notification today via email. Also included in the email was the notice that we've been forwarded to NBC. I'm curious and anxious to see what impact the new processes are going to have on our timeline. As far as I've read here, transfer to NBC simply means that we'll be transferred again to another field office? Am I incorrect in believing that?
MeredythBFemaleIreland2012-11-30 13:12:00
USCIS Service CentersUnbelievably short Timelines

Does filing abroad actually change anything?

Filing from abroad CAN increase your chances of being processed quickly. Not in all cases. There is a thread on here that talks about the "auto-expedite" queue that many of us experienced. I filed for my husband's visa from abroad and we were approved in a little less than 7 weeks. I don't know anyone in Immigration, didn't bribe any officials, and have no special circumstances. I am grateful that we were approved so quickly, but there is CERTAINLY some residual guilt when I see people who have been waiting for ages to have their petitions approved.
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-02-13 10:51:00
USCIS Service CentersUSCIS Saturday hours eliminated
The CSRs are not employed by USCIS, they are supplied by another company. The people that actually touch the applications don't work on Saturdays. So this won't slow down the process at all.
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-24 06:46:00
USCIS Service CentersIs NOA1 sent to the petitioner or beneficiary?
The petitioner
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-27 16:46:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC closed today
Damn! I was really hoping to get my case number and IIN today. :bonk: Oh, well. Stay safe, everyone! Put on a fire, roast some marshmallows, and sip on something warm!
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-02-08 10:58:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Lost my IV Packet
Write your case number at the top of all your documents. We wrote in pencil on our originals, so that they wouldn't be damaged. That way, if some of your papers do get mislaid (which certainly happens), they can connect them to your file.
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-25 07:38:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)What should I "use" to bring documents for the interview?

Hey VJ members! I hope to find all of you doing well. My husband's interview is on April 17th in Mumbai. I would like to know if all the documents including pictures that needs to be brought to the interview should be put into a clear cover sheet? Or what type of things can you bring into the embassy that can carry the documents or perhaps albums? If anyone can help me with this, it will be appreciated. Thank you.

Some embassies will allow you to bring a bag or briefcase inside to carry all of your documents. I'd recommend calling or emailing your embassy to determine what they allow.
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-25 07:50:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Police Report -- HELP!
Some applicants are having success with sending copies of their original documents and explaining the reasons for doing so in the cover letter, along with including the notation that the originals will be made available at the interview. If you're nervous about your Police Cert, you can try that route.
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-25 07:54:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)when should you call nvc after your noa2 has been approved to receive your NVC CASE NUMBER?
We waited a week and then started calling every day. I suppose it all just depends on how patient you are. Posted Image
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-25 07:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - February 2013

Okay I won't be a pill and start my own topic on this.
Drum rolLllllllllLllllll :dance: :dance:

Case Complete 2-5-2013.

Yes you heard me. Go tell it on the mountain. She said "you were reviewed and case completed just today you are now waiting for interview congratulations I am so happy for you".
I told her she has the night off.
I haven't even got all the interview stuff in binders oh father help us all.
I am like going a mile a minute ready to pass out. I need to kiss or hug somebody. OMG :dance: :dance:

Okay back to ya'll. I am crying finally tears. Lord I thank you.

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! Just thrilled for you! :goofy: :dancing: :dancing: :energy: :dance: :dance:

Edited by MeredythB, 06 February 2013 - 05:25 AM.

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-02-06 05:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - February 2013
We arrived at NVC on January 25, so now just waiting for NVC and IIN #s and getting our ducks in a row for the next part of the process.

Sending good thoughts for a speedy resolution for all of y'all!
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-02-01 13:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 Interviews

Thanks guys, your encouraging comments actually make me feel better. Posted Image Looking at our consulate, people usually have their interview about four months after their NOA2, and two months after their case complete, which would be early May for us! *frantically refreshing email* Posted Image

Hey, I got my interview email immediately after complaining about the wait. Maybe it'll work for you? Gripe away! Posted Image
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-04-02 15:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 Interviews

Obsessively checking my email... Posted Image After a month of waiting, hubby has gotten a little pessimistic, and doesn't think we'll make the May interview cut... Seriously hoping he's wrong! Posted Image

I am hovering around this thread, waiting to see your name with a date after it. I have good feelings about May! Posted Image
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-04-02 14:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 Interviews


Most awesome quote sig, EVER!
Thank you! We are SUPER excited! Posted Image

Edited by MeredythB, 01 April 2013 - 05:20 PM.

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-04-01 17:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 Interviews

Meredyth, Mina, and babyjk - CONGRATS! I'm getting so excited seeing all this May interviews coming in so quickly! Posted Image

As a follow-up, did you guys find out through the P4 email or did you call?

We found out through the P4 email (which arrived LITERALLY 2 minutes after my grumpy post!), though I was fixing to call when The Hubs noticed the email was sitting in his inbox. Woot woot! Hoping that you hear good news this week, too! Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-04-01 16:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 Interviews
1. If you want your status to be added/updated, do not say "Please add me". Go ahead and edit it yourself. You do not need permission.
2. Please make sure you are using Rich Text Editor as your message setting (Settings->Posting Settings->Enable visual (RTE))
3. Click "Reply" on the most recent/updated posting version of this list.
4. Remove [quote] (top and bottom) around the list.
5. Always use [Courier New] Font. (It will stay lined up correctly if you use the correct font.)
6. Add in order by NVC case complete date.
7. Add the date you received your interview date so others can see from case complete to assignment time-frame.

December Cases Waiting on Interview:

NAME................COMPLETE....INTERVIEW...VISA TYPE..............EMBASSY
Gringa Chapina......12/11/12....xx/xx/13...IR-1/CR-1...............Guatemala

January Cases Waiting on Interview:

olumides_wife.......01/31/13....03/05/ it......IR-1/CR-1...Nigeria

February Cases Waiting on Interview:

sugarbritches.......02/14/13....03/06/13...04/22/13....CR-1........United Kingdom
chuhuchu............02/18/13....03/18/ it .....IR-1........SINGAPORE
Rezahoss............02/21/13....03/06/13...04/09/13....IR-1/CR-1...Abu Dhabi
God's mercy.........02/25/13....xx/xx/13...xx/xx/13....IR-1/CR-1...Nigeria

March Cases Waiting on Interview:

John & Jeni.........03/01/13....03/29/13...05/14/13....IR-1/CR-1...Greece
Mrs. AJ.............03/04/13....03/07/13...04/09/13....IR-1/CR-1...Cameroon
TeamMcGregor........03/15/13....03/29/13...05/15/13....IR-1/CR-1...Dominican Rep.
martha brown03......03/18/13....xx/xx/13...xx/xx/13....IR-1/CR-1...Kenya
Roosha .............03/22/13....03/29/13...05/19/13....IR-1/CR-1...Qatar
kwakuoj ............03/22/13....xx/xx/13...xx/xx/13....IR-1/CR-1...Ghana
babyjk .............03/26/13....xx/xx/13...xx/xx/13....IR-1/CR-1...Barbados

April Cases Waiting on Interview:


Ask and ye shall receive, looks like! YIPPPPEEEEEEEE!! Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-04-01 16:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2013 Interviews
I know I should be exercising patience, but I am anxiously awaiting this interview date. Probably exacerbating my frustration is the fact that Ireland issued fewer than 350 immigrant visas last year. If you're doing less than one a day, why is it taking 12 days for me to hear anything? (And yes, I know that the nonimmigrant visas were significantly higher. I'm just being grumpy.) Come on, DOS!
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-04-01 16:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDenied at Dublin Embassy: 221(g)

Package delivered to embassy Wednesday morning at 8:20.  Wonder how long it will take them to review?  We'd love to hear something next week!

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-05-16 09:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDenied at Dublin Embassy: 221(g)

Package is en route to Ireland as we speak, will be in my hands on Monday!  At the embassy Wednesday, then just waiting for the visa in the post!

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-05-10 10:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDenied at Dublin Embassy: 221(g)


That's a excellent question. Why do you feel shamed because another trusted forum member says they might have proceeded differently?


I do absolutely hope your questions make the officials think a little harder about the lives their decisions are affecting, and I wish you the best luck in the world.


Speedwell, I agree that Darnell is a helpful member of this site.  In fact, it was Darnell who suggested earlier in the thread that the path I am taking was, in fact, an option.  It could be said that I'm taking both options, by providing a joint sponsor AND making an appointment to speak with the Vice Consul.  My sponsor mailed their information to me this morning and I expect the embassy to have it in hand by Wednesday, a full week earlier than an available appointment.  


I'm simply wondering why Darnell is surprised about our decision.  It's the quickest way to resolve the issue.  I am curious about what triggered the response.  It doesn't in any way impact whether or not I feel Darnell is a trusted member....clearly he is.  


Thank you for your good wishes.  I hope that your own interview process goes smoothly and that life proceeds sweetly for you and yours.

Edited by MeredythB, 09 May 2013 - 10:35 AM.

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-05-09 10:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDenied at Dublin Embassy: 221(g)


Sounds like a "Rant" issue here. I hate it when someone can't specify what the objection is. At least if you have that, you can work on overcoming it.


that last sentence is funny smile.png


It does sound like a "Rant" issue.  I'm still peeved that the CO couldn't explain what the problem was.  If you can't explain the reason for a denial, should there be one?  That, of course, is why I'm going to speak to the VC after Hubs' visa comes through.  And I'll be discussing the attitude given as well.


Always good to try to inject a little levity where you can.  smile.png

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-05-09 06:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDenied at Dublin Embassy: 221(g)

i'm not a 'path of least resistance' kinda fella, alas. 


Ultimately, it's your own choice for what to do.  I feel semi-gobsmacked when I read your new path. 


Why gobsmacked?  Is it strange that I'd want to have the process finished as quickly as possible and yet still make certain that my concerns are heard so as to hopefully prevent a similar situation as mine from happening to anyone else?


Why do I feel as though I'm being shamed for this decision?

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-05-09 04:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDenied at Dublin Embassy: 221(g)

oh, so you not going in to the IV Unit now.  ok.  Oh Well, good luck with it all. 


We already have the joint sponsor and can have papers in hand as early as Friday.  I don't want to rock the boat and mess up Hubs' visa.  But I am making an appointment to speak with the Vice Consul as soon as he's got his passport back, because I still think that someone messed up.  And if they didn't mess up, I want a specific explanation as to what went awry.  This just seems to be the path of least resistance, so this is what we're going with.  Will keep everyone posted as to what they say when I go in for the appointment.  

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-05-09 03:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDenied at Dublin Embassy: 221(g)

I have the same situation and he asked me for another sponsor and i can't seem to be able to find one lol.


Are you working in Egypt or what did they reference as your issue?  I hope you can resolve it quickly!

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-05-08 13:41:00