IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROVED FASTER BECAUSE OF LIVING ABROAD?!

Are you F***ing kidding me?!? Who are you to say who should take longer to get processed? And how many times has it been mentioned that overseas filers make up a TINY percentage of immigration that it doesn't even affect the process for anyone else? Or are we just looking for a punching bag?

Also? Their, NOT "there"; theirs NOT "there's". Are you sure you live in the states?

You should really do some research and inform yourself. Ignorance of a situation doesn't improve either your outlook or the result.

Y'all, I have read some of this guy's other posts. Don't waste your breath. Troll.
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-02 05:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROVED FASTER BECAUSE OF LIVING ABROAD?!

Also according to USCIS, applications in which the petitioner and beneficiary reside abroad account for less than 5% of I-130s. Such a small number is not going to impact things one way or the other. :thumbs:

@OP I've been in your shoes with no end in sight and everyone's approval just made me upset that it wasn't me. Everyone wants to be approved and everyone feels the stress and pain of this process, trust me on that one. As the process seems to be nearing an end, that pain will fade into excitement. Then, a year from now you'll look back on this and just feel relief that it is all over.

That is some bull...

Its not fair our ladies have to wait a longer to see us when there half way around the world.

The people overseas are already with there loved one.. so it doesnt even matter if there's takes long..

I tell ya... The poor stay poorer the rich get richer...

The effect of filers from abroad on USCIS has been determined to be minimal. Please don't try to stir this pot back up. Thank you.

Edited by MeredythB, 01 March 2013 - 04:54 PM.

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-01 16:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROVED FASTER BECAUSE OF LIVING ABROAD?!

Lucky duckies.

We still aren't eligible for a spouse visa here until maybe August of 2014? :crying:

I couldn't quite believe it, either. And of course, now I'm a legal resident of Ireland, we can also live anywhere in the EU if we wanted. I was simply gobsmacked at how easy the process was. And our daughter, as a dual US/EU citizen, REALLY has the best of both worlds!

What are the restrictions on your spousal visa? Seems like a long time to have to wait. Is it residency or something?

Edited by MeredythB, 01 March 2013 - 08:13 AM.

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-01 08:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROVED FASTER BECAUSE OF LIVING ABROAD?!

In comparison, when we moved to my home country a few years ago, it took four weeks for my husband to get the equivalent of a green card (a european country)...

Amazing, isn't it? I came with my husband to Ireland 4 days after we married, on Aug. 1, 2011. By Aug. 4, I had my Immigration Card in hand (which gave me both residency and working rights). And it was FREE. The Hubs and I just had to show up with our passports, marriage cert, and have fingerprints taken and an interview. It took maybe an hour, including waiting time. When I renewed the following year, it took half that.
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-01 08:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROVED FASTER BECAUSE OF LIVING ABROAD?!

Very well said.

Thanks! Maybe that Master's Degree in Counseling WASN'T a complete waste! :lol:

Edited by MeredythB, 01 March 2013 - 06:49 AM.

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-01 06:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROVED FASTER BECAUSE OF LIVING ABROAD?!

Ok so first of all, thank you to all of you who responded positively. And to those who I offended I didn't mean to offend you as I said in my original post NO OFFENSE TO THE ABROAD FILERS, I was just simply wondering why. And I wish everybody's process to be done and over with as soon as possible not just mine. I did not post this topic to start wars or drama because that is just not me, I think we are ALL ADULTS and we can HANDLE talking about these topics without any NEGATIVITY. And to who ever said that I didn't know what I got myself into once I got married because he/she thinks I can't wait or have patience, WELL FOR YOUR INFORMATION, I have been with my spouse for over 4 years and due to some circumstances we didn't get married till 3 months ago, so I DO KNOW WHAT ITS LIKE TO WAIT BECAUSE I HAVE BEEN GOING BACK AND FORTH TO COLOMBIA FOR 4 YEARS AND I KNOW WHAT ITS LIKE WAITING MONTHS AND MONTHS TO SEE THE PERSON YOU LOVE. That is the reason why I am a little desperate about this process to be done and over with because I DO NOT WANT TO WAIT ANYMORE. And I know some of you know exactly how I feel what I have been through. So thank you very much!

Once again I wish everybody's process goes well and that your journey is filled with many emotions and that the wait is WORTH IT!

I don't think that any kind of "war" has been started, or really even that much drama, but as a new member of this site, you should understand that comments like the one you made aren't going to be universally popular. In retrospect, if you feel the need to include "no offense" in your wording, it's probably because you're saying something that at least some people are going to find offensive. Everyone here is playing a waiting game; you are not unique in your situation. I was with my husband for 3 years before we got married and saw him, on average, every 4 months. I missed him terribly in between visits. I moved to Ireland 4 days after we got married. So it's my family now that I don't get to see. The last time I was with my parents was in May, when I brought my daughter to meet her grandparents. That's the only time they've ever seen her in person. Everyone on this forum has a story they could tell. It's fine to be miserable without your spouse-in fact, it's EXPECTED that you're going to be anxiously awaiting every milestone in this process. You will find tons of lovely people on this site who are going to offer you words of support, a shoulder to lean on, and good wishes and thoughts. Not all of them are in the same situation as you. And, to clarify, you did not state in your original post that you wanted everybody's process to go quickly. In fact, you categorically stated that you thought it perfectly right and fair that anyone filing from abroad should have their process take longer than the same application originating in the States. Why would you wish a longer timeline on anyone? Their progress does not come at the expense of yours. Everyone here should be rooting for EVERYONE'S success...high tides raise all boats.
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-02-28 14:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROVED FASTER BECAUSE OF LIVING ABROAD?!
I'm sure you're not trying to be rude, but that's what your post comes across as. We all made choices once we got married. Some of us chose to stay in the US and some of us went to live overseas with our spouse. For me, the choice was to live abroad. It required me leaving the work that I loved, my house, my friends, my dog, and my family. It wasn't an easy transition, but I figured that it was the sacrifice that was required if I was going to be with my husband. Do you think I don't miss my family? My friends? My work? Do you think I wanted to be in a foreign country, away from almost everyone I loved, when I almost lost my baby at 17 weeks? When I got admitted at 34 weeks with preeclampsia and had to have an emergency caesarian? While I was praying that my 4 pound neonate would overcome her infections, would survive her surgery, don't you think I wanted my mom? My sister? We all have made sacrifices of some kind. My process has gone quickly. I am incredibly grateful that it has. There is, of course, guilt that others haven't had the same luck that I have. I want everyone to be with their loved ones as soon as they can be, so I don't begrudge the person who was approved the same day that I was, only to get their Case and Invoice numbers faster. I'm not angry at the person who managed to get through NVC in 8 days, without an expedite or electronic processing. What I do is this: I use the time that I am waiting to prepare everything that I can to get through each step as expeditiously as possible. Because the only journey that I can affect is MINE. My suggestion? Focus on your own case, getting yourself ready for the next step. And give support where you can. After all, we're all in the same boat.
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-02-28 05:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJust recieved emails with DS-3032 and AOS Invoice - Questions
Hi There!

Read the first two posts on this page. It should answer all of your questions. Good Luck! :thumbs:

If you are concerned about the date on your DS-3032, just fill out the email template Saylin listed and send it that way. No signature needed.


Edited by MeredythB, 28 February 2013 - 05:30 PM.

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-02-28 17:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFinancial documents for Interview

Hi All,

My husband will not be sponsoring me. One of our relative will be my sponsor.

So my question is :

Do I need my husband's federal income tax returns?

Or only the sponsors documents are needed?

Appreciate the help.

Yes, you still need your husband's tax information. He will also need to fill out the I-864 form and send it in. All petitioners send in the I-864 and tax information, even if they do not qualify to sponsor their family member.

Hope this helps! :thumbs:
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-02-26 05:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresis too difficult to filled out the documents?
As the previous two posters have stated, a straightforward I-130 application is not difficult. As long as your spouse has not had any previous immigration issues, doesn't have a criminal record, and you either have the financial resources to meet the requirements or have a sponsor that does, it shouldn't be an issue. I think there could be a snafu also if YOU have been convicted of certain types of crimes, but again, if you don't have a record either, it's pretty simple. Look at the guides for help. I've put the link for the first part of the process below. Good Luck!

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-04 07:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAm I eligible to sponsor my husband?

Thank you very much for your informative reply. I have been looking through the forum and have found information but it gets a bit confusing. Can I show my intent to return to the US after through a lease agreement and/or an acceptance letter into a doctoral program?

Sadly I do not have anyone that would help in being a co-sponsor so I will be trying to use assets.

Thanks again.

Both of those things would be good. In showing intent, it's better to have more than less. Actually, that is the case for pretty much EVERY step of the process! :lol: If you look at the first two posts of any of the NVC links, it shows what you would need for the second and third packages you'd be sending. I'll put the link for one of them below. People are very helpful here, so ask your questions. And you can be specific in the search bar. I've found some really useful threads. It's a time-consuming process, but as long as you have your stuff together, it's certainly doable.

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-04 07:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAm I eligible to sponsor my husband?

Well the Officer clearly told them that she had to go back in the US, get a domicile with the baby then they could apply for the Visa.
I remember the guy saying she just ruined my family because we have to separate as I cannot enter the United States right now until she gets her domicile there and we can reapply.
Bottom line she had to move back to the US with the baby and he has to stay here until she gets the domicile and can reapply. That's what happened. And it happened twice that day... Posted Image

Then what you witnessed was an abuse of power and totally against regulations. As long as the intent to re-establish domicile requirement has been met, there SHOULD not be any barriers to a foreign spouse receiving a visa. The CO doesn't have the authority to deny a visa based on those grounds. Another example of power corrupting, it seems. Sad. :(

Edited by MeredythB, 04 March 2013 - 07:32 AM.

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-04 07:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAm I eligible to sponsor my husband?
You do not have to be living in the States to apply for a IR1/CR1 visa for your husband. However, once you get through USCIS, you will have to show proof of intent to reestablish your domicile in the US. There are threads on the forum that give information about what you need. Since you are not working, you will have to have a sponsor. Your income would have to continue in the US for it to be counted. For a family of three, you'd need income in the range of $24,500 per year. If you were trying to qualify on assets, you'd need at least 3 times that amount. You can use a car as an asset, but only if it can be proven that you own another. If you have a family member or friend to serve as a co-sponsor, that would be easiest. If your child is a US citizen (with either a US birth cert or a CRBA), then only your spouse would be added to the sponsor's household size. There are threads on here as well to discuss that. Try looking for some of the questions you have via the search bar. There is a lot of good information out there. Good luck!

Edited by MeredythB, 04 March 2013 - 07:20 AM.

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-04 07:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-230 filing fee? Total cost of CR-1...

Thanks everyone. Is the Green Card fee paid in the Embassy?

No. It's paid on the USCIS site.
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-05 10:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-230 filing fee? Total cost of CR-1...

Can I get further clarification? I am trying to budget for this fee. How much will I need to submit with the DS-230? I am confused by the green card fee. I am applying for a 5 year old and an 11 year old. Will I pay for a green card or will I just pay the $230 per child? Thanks for your help.

DS-230 fees: $460
Green card fees: $330

Total: $790

The green card fees will be paid after the visa is received, but before entry into the US.

Edited by MeredythB, 05 March 2013 - 10:00 AM.

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-05 09:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR1 VISA INTERVIEW NEED HELP URGENT

When we submitted AOS to nvc my husband was working and now my visa interview is been scheduled. he is unemployed right now my questions are
1.) does visa officer has updated aos information?
2.) my husband also has a offer letter which he will start his job in next 2weeks
help need how to give response to the visa officer if he asks what your husband does?

DO NOT LIE. Tell the truth for every question you are asked. If your husband can send you a copy of his offer letter (or if he is attending your interview, he can bring it), that may help. Will your interview be in the two week interval before he starts his new job?
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-05 09:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 photos

Thanks for the quick response.

They're 45mm high by 35mm wide

We used passport-sized ones for our approved I-130 as well. For the IV package, we sent the proper 2x2 photos, since we didn't want to take any chances with them. You should be okay, unless someone's having a really bad day. :)
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-06 06:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresbeginning cr1 petition for my husband

do i send financial status' with the petition or does that come after?

That will be included in your I-864(AOS) package. You'll do that once you reach NVC, after your petition is approved. You've got a few months before you need to worry about it. Make sure you've filed your 2012 taxes, though. You'll need them for that part. Good Luck! :thumbs:
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-04 07:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhere to get a banker's draft/cashier's check made into foreign currency?

You could always show them this. :blink:
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-06 17:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhere to get a banker's draft/cashier's check made into foreign currency?

I'm having difficulties finding the answer to this. My husband lived in the UK for a year and therefore needs to obtain police certificates. The application requires that the payment be made in GBP in the form of a banker's draft or british check.

A banker's draft would be our only option but I'm having trouble finding a place that can create one for me. I have called several different banks in my city and all of them have said they cannot do this.

Does anyone know of a place or particular bank branch that may be able to issue a banker's draft in foreign currency?


I think Citizens Bank does them. Bank of America did one for me in SC.
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-06 17:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC (post-NOA2)

so do you just keep calling every so often asking for it?

After about a week (maybe 10 days if you're patient) start calling EVERY DAY until you get your number. Also, read the first two posts on any of the NVC filing threads. I'll include March's here. It's got the information you'll need for this next step. Good luck! :thumbs:

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-05 06:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLiving overseas while applying for CR-1 spouse visa
I am also a filer from abroad. In some ways, our cases are similar, since I too work for a family business, based in the US. My work is internet-based, so I can do it from anywhere, but since I am paid by a US firm and that income will continue once I am in the US, I can use my income to sponsor my husband. This is a huge step to overcome, so you are lucky in that regard.

Proving intent to reestablish your domicile is covered, as Nola said, on the first two posts of the NVC threads. Look for one and read it. Having a lease agreement or quotes from international movers and correspondence with letting agents in the town you intend to live in are good proofs and can get you started.

It is important to know: are you living in HK LEGALLY? If you are and intend to stay there with your wife during the process, make CERTAIN to put your foreign address as your mailing address on the I-130 form. Very often, a filer from abroad can be expedited during the USCIS stage, which can seriously shorten your timeline. USCIS will make noise about having to have a US address for the mail to go to, but THAT IS A LIE. They will send mail overseas. DO NOT CHANGE YOUR ADDRESS.

All in all, you will find some very good advice on this forum. Good Luck! :thumbs:
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-13 05:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-797C sent to wrong address

I would attempt to get that corrected ASAP.

I don't want to scare you, but take a peep at my "about me" or the link in my signature for what could happen with that. :whistle:

Is it bad that your situation was EXACTLY what I was thinking of when reading this thread.

OP: call and don't stop calling until you speak to a supervisor and get this straightened out. Hope it's rectified easily!

Posted Image
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-22 12:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat do I do for 6 months until we get the NOA2?
Yet another poster agreeing with the advice dwheels has given. Spend this time researching the steps for NVC and gathering the information and documents that you'll need. You want to be ready to go when you get your NOA2. Good luck!

Posted Image
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-23 05:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWho is excited for the new waiver

Wahh wahh all of you whining that illegals are getting to do their stuff too should just be happy other ppl not in your situation are finally able to have the opportunities you alll are
Getting with your spouses. Talk about a bunch of rude, ungrateful people... Ppl in our position have been waiting patiently for a process like this to change so don't think you are the only ones who have suffered waiting. Sheesh.

People in your position? You mean, the people who come into the US illegally and make the process more difficult for everyone who is attempting to go about it the right way? Entering a country illegally is a CRIME. Not just in the US, either. The only person being rude and ungrateful on this thread is YOU.
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-23 16:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC/Embassy Documents

Hi All,

I have a question form the VJ Experts. What documents are sent by Petitioner/Beneficiary to NVC and What documents are sent to Local Embassy by Petitioner/Beneficiary?

Thans in advance

Read the first two posts on this thread:


All of your answers are there. Suggestion? If you're looking for something, enter the terms in the search bar above. "NVC papers" or "NVC process". Many of the questions new posters have are already answered. There is a lot of good information on this site, if you look for it.
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-24 06:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion on G-325a form employment section

On the g-325a form where it asks for employer for the last five years, I have worked for the same company for 5 1/2 years but I have had 3 different positions within the company during that time. Do I have to list each position I've had or can I just say that I have been at this company since June 2007


We gave my husband's most recent title and the dates of his employment. We had no issues with it being accepted. Good luck! Posted Image
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-23 16:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Question

Hi All,

On 5th of March our I-130 Petion was approved and we were informed that the case will be sent on the same day. Its been 3 weeks now and we have not received our NVC Case number. My question is if I call NVC regarding the Case Number, what should I say/ask them over the phone, what information they would require in order to provide us with NVC Caee number over the phone.

Thanks in advance.

If you wait for NVC to contact you, you are going to be at this process for much longer than you need to be! Call them, with your USCIS case # in hand. They'll ask for it and both the petitioner and benficiary's names and DOBs. If your case number has been assigned, they'll give it to you, be sure to ask for you Invoice Identification Number as well. Give over both you and your spouse's email addresses. And read the link that dwheels76 gave you. It will have a lot of information that will guide you through the next steps.

Good luck!

Edited by MeredythB, 25 March 2013 - 07:26 AM.

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-25 07:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFiling 2012 Taxes
I can only answer the first part of your question. Your wife will file her 2012 taxes based on her status on Dec. 31, 2012. If you didn't marry until 2013, then she'll file as single, since that's what she was.

Good luck!
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-25 07:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFORM I-130
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-25 07:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresquestion on G325A - Semantics
They're asking for your legal residences, so I wouldn't include it in that part of your application. You weren't "living" in the US, even though you rented a flat. I would, however, include that holiday as proof of a bonafide relationship. Four months of face time is great evidence. Posted Image

Edited by MeredythB, 01 April 2013 - 03:56 PM.

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-04-01 15:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWill filing a petition for parents affect the ongoing spousal petition

Hi guys, quick question and her's the deal: My wife is a US Citizen and filed a petition for me which was approved and we are now going through the NVC stage of sendingnthe affidavit of support and I just got word that she wants to file a petition for her parents and file an i-130 before the week ends since she fears of the reforms thats going to take place.

Now my question is will her filing an i-130 affect my ongoing nvc process? Does she need to include them in the affidavit of support we need to fill for my application now? Her parents by the way are still in the philippines. The have multi entry tourist visas and they used to have a greencard through the petition of my wife's grandfather but my in-laws gave it up since they wanted to oversee their respective businesses back home. Anyone who can shed light regardingnthis scenario is very much welcome.

Thank you.

It should not impact your application. Your wife will not include her parents on her AOS packet for you....they are currently not part of her household.
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-04-02 14:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuicker I-130 Approval?

Im not spreading false information.. Im just telling it how it is. Thats my thought..

SO far me and Gomon and some other people sent a 129f witht here I130 and we got approved less then 3 months... (mine in a monthe and a half)

Yes, that is spreading false information. I get that you're trying to help, but your situation is not the norm. Many times, approval has to do with the luck of the draw. Your thread title is going to cause a lot of hopes to rise falsely, which only makes this process more stressful.
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-04-02 11:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuicker I-130 Approval?

why would anyone file both, either your married, or not. Right?

Yes, but filing the I-129 for the K-3 visa would allow the foreign spouse to reside in the US while waiting for the immigrant visa approval. They rarely make it to NVC these days, thereby making this track pretty much obsolete.
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-04-02 11:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPacket 4

Hi VJ friends,

I have just received the instructions for packet 3 and i am getting the paperwork together. Can someone tell me what the fees are for packet 4? I would like to prepare myself with these fees.

Thank you!

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-04-02 14:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLOST MAIL?
I'd have it scanned and ready to send, along with the bar-coded sheet. Call on Monday and speak to a supervisor. Have all the information from the delivery available to send as well. Do you have the name of the person who allegedly signed for it? DHL has it listed in the delivery notes here in Ireland, so if you have it, that could help. Good luck and keep on posted on what happens! Posted Image
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-24 06:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864 Question: Annual Income

They're asking for gross income, so if you have an annual salary, that's your current income. Current income is how you qualify, even though they ask about the past. Be sure to document your current income with a copy of a recent pay stub.

Thank you. That makes things a lot easier. Appreciate the help! :thumbs:
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-02-11 12:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864 Question: Annual Income
Hi All,

Maybe this is a dumb question, but I'd rather ask what seems to be a stupid question than tie up our application for weeks. I went back to work at the beginning of the year (it's something I can do remotely, which is a blessing). I made enough in 2009 and 2010 to cover the 125% requirement. I didn't in 2011, barely, but we have liquid assets enough to cover the 3x necessary to make that all right as well. My question is this: for current income, do I list my salary as the current income, or do I have to take the figure from my paycheck that is what I ACTUALLY take home and figure what my annual income will be from that? I've read the instructions, and they're not clear. I may just be making this more difficult than it actually is, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. Thanks! :blush:
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-02-11 09:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864 confusion petitioner lives abroad with spouse

hellow to all VJ members,

We have been following all the posts on here and it has been a wonderful help for our journey so far...We got our I-130 approved on 23rd August as per USCIS website (still waiting for hardcopy as it takes around 3-4weeks to reach us) so we are preparing ourselves for NVC stage...We have some questions for i-864 forms
1) the current income section - since the income will not continue from the same source what do i put in there? do i put $0 or do i type something else?

2) 2009 and 2010 i was travelling and did not work so i didnt file my mid 2011 i started working in Fiji with a valid work permit but compared to US dollars my income was very low in Fiji so i did not file my taxes in US... Can somebody please tell me what shall i enter in last 3 years section? I know i have to write an explaination letter but i want to know do i need to leave the section blank and attach a letter or do i need to enter $0 or do i type 'income below threshold'.....can somebody help me here...

and yes we do have a joint sponsor but i still am the primary sponsor so the above questions are for me...I just want to fill the form right and avoid and RFE....

thank you all in advance!

here is our visa journey so far :

2011-01-28: Married in Fiji
2012-07-12: I-130 Sent via fedex
2012-07-24: NOA1 via email
2012-08-15: NOA1 hardcopy rec'd
2012-08-23: NOA2 I-130 (via USCIS status update)

1) You'll put $0 in that space, since your income will not continue in the US.

2) If you were not required to file taxes, you need to show proof or provide an explanation why you were not required to file. Enter $0 or "NONE" in spaces where there were no earnings. Put your total earnings, even if they don't meet requirements, for 2011. And you'll need to show earnings for 2012 now, since it's after April 15. If you should have filed last year's taxes, but didn't, I'd get right on it. You only have to include the previous year's taxes on your form...they just recommend sending three to show consistency in earnings.

Good Luck! Posted Image

Edited by MeredythB, 22 April 2013 - 06:57 AM.

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-04-22 06:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresThreshhold for Proof of Domicile

Thanks! I'm feeling a little less worried now.

So if we're moving in with my parents, we should try to have some formal lease agreement with them? Might a simple signed letter do the job?

Just to be on the safe side, I'd go for the lease agreement. You can find free ones online, I'll include a link below. If you can formalize the agreement, even if it is with your parents, it's just another link in the chain to establish your intent to relocate. Good Luck! :star:

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-02-22 16:57:00