IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDenied at Dublin Embassy: 221(g)

I have the same situation and he asked me for another sponsor and i can't seem to be able to find one lol.


Are you working in Egypt or what did they reference as your issue?  I hope you can resolve it quickly!

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-05-08 13:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDenied at Dublin Embassy: 221(g)

I was reading your story guys. I wish you good luck.  Dont give up. Keep the faith!



Thank you very much for your kind thoughts.  I will keep this thread updated as we deal with this issue.


absolutely agree 100 per cent. Most important thing now is getting the visa. Makes me worry now, my hubby is applying for work in US at the moment. How long are we supposed to wait before submitting our paperwork to NVC after he gets work?? What if they deny my visa because hes not working long enough?? He has to then come back and look for a job here after leaving a good job to go over there?? Whole system is flawed.. keep going Meredyth you are nearly there.. just have to change tack but hopefully soon you'll be on the other side of this


Don't panic, palomino!  Remember, part of the issue that we're dealing with is that I am working while living in Ireland.  Plus, I have every intention of making an appointment to speak to the Vice Consul in charge of the IV unit after this is rectified.  Although I doubt seriously that it will fix the problem permanently (I worked for a government agency, too), I am hopeful that it will at least be rectified temporarily.  Thanks for the cheering section!

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-05-08 10:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDenied at Dublin Embassy: 221(g)

Makes me angry for you as well. I think my advice differs a little because I'm inclined to say, give them their joint sponsor, get the visa in the passport and then tell them what moronic idiots they really are. I think the power some people have like this, over our lives, tends to go to their heads so they don't think about the entire picture. I doubt this person really thought about the fact that you had a high risk pregnancy which could have meant death to you and your baby, and after that was over you had a preemie who requires extra care! People so often forget the human aspect in what they do. I understand what his job is and he should do it, but only if he looks at all the evidence which this fool apparently did not.


Niki, you must have read my mind, because that is exactly what we have decided to do!  I talked to my mother this morning.  My aunt and uncle have offered to sponsor Hubs.  They are filling out the paperwork this evening and are sending it via DHL for delivery Friday, Monday at the latest.  Our postman comes at 9:30.  An Post in Carlow has its last collection at 4pm, so the embassy will have our packet on Tuesday.  And as soon as Hubs has that visa in his hand, I am making the appointment to speak to the Vice Consul and am going to request that our CO also be in attendance.  Time for him to realize that the representation he's making of America and her citizens is not doing us any favors.   

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-05-08 09:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDenied at Dublin Embassy: 221(g)

Oh No! Im so sorry to hear that Meredyth! What is the point of setting criteria if when you meet them they can then refuse your visa on a whim?? Its so scary (and infuriating) to think that they won't even engage with you to tell you why they think you do not qualify so that you can correct them!! Can't understand it at all. 


The inability to explain what the problem was is my biggest issue.  If we're not meeting expectations, fine, we'll deal with that.  But please be able to explain where the problem lies.  All I was looking for was some clarification.  You should be able to give specific information as to why an issue has risen.  


Oh, and you should also not smirk and say "Have a nice day!" to me as I'm leaving.  Clearly, I'm not having a good day, you tool.  

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-05-08 08:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDenied at Dublin Embassy: 221(g)

Your domicile is fine, I think the CO had an issue with the combination of your job being recent, and not documented by a tax filing, no job for a lengthy time before that, and it being a family business- he may have thought the letter of employment/ job is only a "front" allowed to you by your family to bring your husband over, and not a real long term job.  I agree making an appointment is a good idea and following Darnell's other advice.


You know, that might even make me angrier.  So I'm to be punished for almost losing the baby, getting put on restricted activity, and then taking a year off to care for a preemie with several of the accompanying health issues?  That seems reasonable.  And naturally, my job is fraudulent.  Since everyone knows that the housing market is booming so big that any small construction company could afford to blow 36k a year on pointless personnel.


As I said before, we've already had an offer for a co-sponsor.  I just want this all to be over.  But you can bet your sweet bippy that I'll be making an appointment to speak to someone.  

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-05-08 05:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDenied at Dublin Embassy: 221(g)

I am definitely going to make an appointment to speak with the Vice Consul but am undecided as to a timeline.  A family member has already offered to co-sponsor us.  He has no children, has never lived anywhere but the US, and makes more than enough to cover Hubs.  You almost don't want to make too much of a fuss, since the consulate holds all the cards, you know?  I don't want to mess us up because I'm being a stubborn cow.

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-05-08 04:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDenied at Dublin Embassy: 221(g)

if you have current cash assets at 4X of 2012 diff, then the CO possibly was confused. 


I do suggest YOU (solely) going in and talking with the head of the IV Unit (it's a Vice Consul slot/person) .  You should (IMO) talk with that human before jumping on the joint sponser / co-sponser stuff. 


I suppose he could have gotten confused, but since I asked him multiple times why American-based current income that would continue once we were back in the States didn't qualify (approaching from several angles), I'm not really inclined to give him much slack.  


We may have a sponsor already, but it's just the hassle of having to get everything here and then mailed to the embassy and waiting for them to review and then make the decision and then mail the visa when I know we should have been approved today.  Why should I have to wait another month because someone there  is incompetent and doesn't want to admit that he either a) didn't thoroughly read what was in the file or b) made a mistake?  


I'm angry and tired and disheartened.  I'm going to go crawl in bed and not sleep.  And then stew some more about this tomorrow.

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-05-07 16:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDenied at Dublin Embassy: 221(g)


re: the formula - is quite possible (and most likely) 


the Vice-Consul looked at prior years (plural) income and current annual income, 

and 'the formula' failed on that.   


re: the bit about currently living in Ireland in terms of annual income based in the USA - that's just bizarre. 


I think you have 2 paths here: 

1.  you go back to the Embassy and talk with The Vice Consul in charge of the Immigrant Visa Unit, having him/her go over this stuff again. or 

2.  bite the bullet, get a co-sponser, have another I-864 prepared from that human.  


I was short in 2011, but covered that amount in cash assets by more than 4x.  I made well above required amounts in the other tax years.  And I now make nearly twice the amount necessary to support my household of 3.  I just can't make it work in my head how we could be denied.  


Oh, and the tax return for the joint sponsor that the Dublin Embassy is asking for?  2011.  WTH?

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-05-07 16:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDenied at Dublin Embassy: 221(g)

what else did the Vice-Consul say, 

and in the 221g, what 'stuff' is asked for ? 


We're being asked to provide a joint sponsor, since my income doesn't qualify.  I asked why it didn't and the CO could only tell me that there is a "timeline" and a "formula" (no further explanation for these was offered, even though I asked for one) and that "in this instance" my US-based income that would continue after I moved back to the States wasn't considered sufficient because I live in Ireland.  Hence my confusion.  And fury.

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-05-07 15:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDenied at Dublin Embassy: 221(g)

it smells like the Vice-Consul not read anything you submitted about this, 


the thing you submitted with the I-864 did not fully explain stuff in the fashion you did above. 


For you, you had two choices with the I-864: 

1.  prove USA domicile or 

2.  prove re-establishment of USA domicile. 


They are two different things, but - if the proof is not adequate or is lacking, the Vice Consul has no choice but to deny.  


I don't know anything more than what you've written, but I suggest you write it all again, take another stab at it.  


Good Luck ! 


I'll present both my employment letter and letter of intent to reestablish domicile for your perusal.  Was I obtuse in thinking that presenting these documents, their evidences, and my most recent paystub would be sufficient?



National Visa Center


32 Rochester Avenue, Ste. 100

Portsmouth, NH 03801-2914






Case Type: I-864 Affidavit of Support/Intent to Reestablish Domicile

Petitioner: M H B

Case Number: DBL***********


Dear Sir or Madam;


This letter is enclosed with the intention to declare that the petitioner, M H B, intends to reestablish domicile in the United States no later than the date that my husband, the beneficiary, B B, enters the US.  I have been living temporarily with my husband in Ireland since our marriage.  In order to maintain the United States as my primary domicile, I have retained my property located at 123 T W, maintained my US checking and savings accounts with Bank of America, maintained a current South Carolina driver?s license, and am registered to vote in my home county.  I have included the following items in this package to substantiate this statement:


1.    This letter

2.    Bank of America account overview page, showing petitioner?s checking and savings account balances

3.    Copy of petitioner?s current South Carolina Driver?s License

4.    Copy of petitioner?s voter registration (under previous married name)

5.    Copy of  County, South Carolina tax bill for petitioner?s property located at 123 T W, S, SC (under previous married name)


Thank you for your prompt attention to this application.  If you have any questions or concerns regarding this application, please feel free to contact me at the addresses below.









Date: January 30, 2013

Re: Employment verification for M H B

Dear Sir or Madam:

This letter is to confirm that M H B has been 

employed with us since January 14, 2013. M H B is currently working with us as a Web Advertising Manager. Her annual salary is $36,000.00 as of fiscal year 2013.

Please feel free to contact us if your office should require further information.


Mr. Big Stuff


Big Stuff Builders

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-05-07 15:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDenied at Dublin Embassy: 221(g)

The Hubs and I went for his interview today at the Dublin Embassy.  Things were going along fine until the CO asked my husband if I was living in Ireland.  He answered that, yes, I was.  CO proceeds to deny Hubs' visa based on a "formula" and "time frame" that is used to determine whether or not my income qualified to sponsor him.  I've used the words in quotations because the CO wouldn't (or couldn't) actually give me an explanation of either.


So here is my situation and the following question.


I live in Ireland and have done since May 2011.  I took 19 months off of work while residing in Ireland to deal with a very high-risk pregnancy and the subsequent first year of life of my daughter.  In January of this year, I took a position with a family company (based in SC), that is entirely remote.  I maintain the company's Internet-based advertising (Web site, blog, Twitter, Facebook, etc.) and also liaise with the three country governments in which we do business, providing them with the material specs of our product in order to ascertain whether or not they are up to building code.  All of this can be done from anywhere, so I've chosen to do it from Ireland untii such time as we move back to the States.  My work (and income) will continue there as well.  I provided both an employment letter and my most recent paystub, confirming that I make 36000 dollars a year.  Our household size is 3.  I also provided proof of ownership of a residential property in the US, which we intend to use as our home.  I have also maintained a US bank account, have kept my voter's registration and my driver's license current, and continue to pay taxes, both state and federal.  Is there any reason that my income would not be counted, simply based on time of residence in a country other than the US, if that income is current and will continue once we move?  Because that's the reason that we were given for denial.  And frankly, I'm stumped.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-05-07 14:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports2012 tax return

So Mako and Leakey. What should I file married filing separately or single


Married filing separately.  Your wife can be listed as an NRA (Non Resident Alien) on your return.  That's what my husband and I did for 2011 and 2012.

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-05-09 04:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember I-130 Filers
Congratulations, KDH! Posted Image
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-04-02 14:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember I-130 Filers

Thanks guys, I think we'll just have to be satisfied with whatever and be glad that we aren't taking as long as VSC.

Been thinking about you and hoping that you'd had some good news. Any word at all?

*edited to add that I know that everything was closed today, I was referring to Friday. Damn you, President's Day! :angry:

Edited by MeredythB, 18 February 2013 - 03:41 PM.

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-02-18 15:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember I-130 Filers

Wheeee, the supervisor in Hartford is looking into my case. Good thing?

Really happy to hear this! Hope that you get some good news soon! :thumbs:
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-02-13 10:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember I-130 Filers

there is a canadian on the k3 path runnin around here.
emilys i think.

I think the embassy just canceled her K3 track.
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-02-02 11:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember I-130 Filers

I'm going to wait it out, but I think that they haven't responded to the expedite is a pretty good indication that they won't.

If it ends up being transferred to Hartford we could be in for a wait until the end of the summer or something. Look at the situation with Atlanta.... I think though having two I-130s in the system might do something hinky.

The problem is that I don't want to wait another day in Denmark. I hate it so much and our family is really suffering. Maintaining the two separate households is going to be a huge burden for us and I don't think we can afford to do it. I just don't know what to do at this point. We wouldn't have filed the I-130 to go back if it wasn't already a pressing situation....

I defo understand that you have a serious issue and that maintaining two households really isn't an option. I'd be nervous as well about having two I-130s in the system. It'd be one thing to have a K-1 visa in the system and then applying for a CR-1, but not two spouse visas.

You've been at NBC for nearly 3 months now, though. If they were going to transfer you to a local office, wouldn't they have by now? I'm not sure of that kind of timeline, since we never left the NBC.

I know that you are dealing with some terribly stressful scenarios. You'd planned on going back to the States as it was in May, yes? It might be completely out of the question, but could you and your daughter afford to spend some time with your other family in Europe just for some respite from your situation in Denmark? I'm just trying to think of something that could give you enough of a lift to get through this next little bit.

Sending you a hug from Eire
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-02-01 16:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember I-130 Filers

OMG just got the text.... Approved....heart is racing a million miles a minute

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-02-01 12:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember I-130 Filers

That is slow and I've been thinking of how long AOS might have taken. ;) I don't think we'd do it because he can't work waiting for EAD and would just be sitting around the house doing nothing.

I'm also seriously considering the UK and doing DCF.

Wouldn't you have to be living there for 6 months to qualify for DCF? That would be worse than thinking of reapplying from DK again. It would be more like waiting around doing NOTHING for a month and then reapplying using your American address.

Are you going to wait to see what happens with your expedite request before making a final decision on what you want to do next?

Edited by MeredythB, 01 February 2013 - 12:50 PM.

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-02-01 12:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember I-130 Filers
I'm from South Carolina, and believe me, central air is a necessity there. On the hottest days, you can't even breathe. We had cleaning ladies when I was growing up, but once I was on my own, they were definitely a luxury. I'd certainly love to have one now! :)
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-02-01 09:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember I-130 Filers

The economy is great and there is no poverty or working fact someone working a part time cashier job gets enough money to live off of and then some. Single mothers don't suffer financially and the state can only charge 25% of cost of daycare.

It is the weather and the people that don't sit too well with me. Sometimes it feels a bit like what I'd imagine Soviet Russia to be like (no offense to Russians). There is also the really high taxes on everything, even healthy food and a massive tax on cars. For that reason, most of our neighbors use bicycles even in the dead of winter. I can literally look out my window in a snowstorm at 3 am and see people bicycling, perhaps not a whole lot but you do see them. The culture is not friendly to traditional relationships, stay at home wives, etc. It is a weird place to live.
TBH, I've never seen an American wife last it permanently here.

He knows how I feel about this and is against us being separated after getting married. We've never spent more than 4 months apart and we met in person about 2 months after we met online, so the extended separation would be weird for us.

Honestly, he could care less where we live as long as I am happy. We've got family and friends in the UK and Netherlands who'd take us in in a pinch. If we get NOA2 before the summer, I am probably going back to America in May regardless as it is in between by Abstract Algebra I and Abstract Algebra II classes and the wee one probably should go to summer camp.

He knows I call him the Dane because he reads my blog! Actually, I think it makes it easier to identify that I'm the USC when I refer to him as the Dane. I did call him BJ for a long time because I couldn't pronounce Bjarne too well, but he isn't fond of that. :rofl:

I feel some of your pain. Things here in Ireland are so expensive; cars, healthy food, even clothing. At least the Irish are much more accepting of traditional relationships, as there are a lot of women who stay home with their children. The other issue that I am dealing with here is that the people outside of the larger towns are very insular. I have been to a knitting group, a mother/infant group, events in town, and talked to people at the park. They are perfectly friendly to speak to for a minute, but no one is particularly interested in hanging out. I have NO friends and it's depressing. I keep in touch with all of my girlfriends back home, where I was part of a group from high school that got together monthly, belonged to the Junior League in town, had friends through work, which added up to a really fulfilling social life. Hubs says that it's not unusual, that to meet friends we'd have to spend time in the pubs. I have a one-year-old, so I'm not really interested in going out drinking when I know she's going to be up at 7:30. We don't even have child care at the gym in town, so I can't even go work out.

Hubs works in Dublin, an hour away, so even his work pals aren't local. Life has become a lot less fulfilling for me in some ways (greatly fulfilled in our relationship and I LOVE being a mom) and really, how interested can my husband be when the most exciting thing I have to talk about when he gets home is laundry and my fear that the baby might be constipated?

Not to say that it's all bad. Ireland is absolutely gorgeous, without question the most beautiful place I've ever lived. We've gotten wonderful medical care here and I am extremely grateful, as my daughter could have died in utero if not for the excellent doctors and nurses working with me. My in-laws, who live about 20 minutes away, have been wonderful grandparents to our daughter and we will miss them immensely. It's also provided my husband and I the opportunity to visit a lot of other European countries, something that we both like doing. But all in all, I think that our lives will be much more fulfilling once we're back in the States. Now just to wait for news from NVC.

I'm crossing fingers and toes that you get good news soon! That goes for everyone else here waiting as well!
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-01-31 16:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember I-130 Filers

Is it bad that I am slightly considering refiling with the hopes that they don't mess up the file abroad thing this time around?

Considering mailing time and processing times, even for the "filed abroad" pseudo-expedite queue, do you think it will make much difference? You'd be closing in on 5 months for your first filing at that point as it is?
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-01-31 05:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember I-130 Filers

The ISO was super sweet - I'll hear back in a week about the expedite (I have a strange feeling denied) and my I-130 has not been sent to Hartford or any other field office.

I'm glad that the ISO was least that part was as pleasant as it could be. Crossing fingers that you get good news with your expedite!
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-01-30 12:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember I-130 Filers

Please refer to post # 1 Here-

And this is what I think you want as well-

Thanks, KDH! :thumbs:

Those are the links I was looking for, in particular the NVC shortcut. My daughter Sophie had her MMR inoculation and our house has been one of the levels of Hell since. Poor baby girl is miserable and is sharing the joy with her daddy and me. It took me about 5 minutes this morning to realize that I was trying to lock the house up with my car keys. :blush:
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-01-21 16:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember I-130 Filers
Hey Y'all,

I got the notification today that our approved petition has been shipped to the Dept. of State for processing. I know that it takes a little while for it to get there and then they have to put it in the system, but is it about a week of lag time I'm supposed to give it before I start calling NVC? Since I'm overseas and trunk calls cost a fortune, I don't want to be ringing them and wasting the money. I know there's a shortcut posted on here somewhere, but I am blanking on the user name of who posted it and am looking for someone else in the group who can remember what I'm looking for. My one-year-old has been having a bad sleep cycle, so my brain is mush. Thanks!
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-01-21 15:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember I-130 Filers
Please don't start getting down! I know it can get frustrating, especially once you've decided to leave the country that you're currently in (I'm in the same boat, just biding time now, though I love Ireland). I'm thinking that maybe it's because we have a baby? I had a CRBA and birth cert for her in my packet, along with my visa stamps and immigration card for Ireland, so it was pretty straightforward. That and a big ol' dose of blind luck. I do think it ends up being a bit faster for those of us applying from abroad. I know I put it in big letters all over our packet: FILED FROM ABROAD! I don't think the auto-expedite queue is going quite as fast as it used to, but it seems to still be minimally in effect. I'll keep fingers crossed for all of y'all for quick resolutions. And I'll keep my timeline updated, also. Thanks for all the congratulations. We are excited! Now let's see what NVC has in store for us!

Edited by MeredythB, 17 January 2013 - 05:42 AM.

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-01-17 05:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember I-130 Filers
Just made a random check of my email before I went to bed and got a lovely surprise!


The last processing action taken on your case

Receipt Number: MSC*********


Your Case Status: Post Decision Activity

On January 16, 2013, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I130 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN. Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

For approved applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include USCIS sending notification of the approved application/petition to the National Visa Center or the Department of State. For denied applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include the processing of an appeal and/or motions to reopen or reconsider and revocations.

I can't believe it, but I am sending good vibes out to the rest of my November-filing buddies, jockeying for quick resolutions to you all! Wooooooot!!!! :)
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-01-16 16:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember I-130 Filers
Congrats! Let's hope that your good luck transfers to the rest of us November filers! :thumbs:
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-01-09 16:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember I-130 Filers

Happy New year everyone PD is Nov. 13 and I also click on that website to check everyday (sometimes even twice) & I get that Initial Review showing up too. But I want to ask what does it mean when you said "we got TOUCHED"? And how would I know if I got TOUCHED too? LOL

Anyways, I am still waiting patiently to get that NOA2! And I hope January will be our month for because our app is at NBC too.

Hi There! And sure, no problem. A "touch" is exactly that. The last time that your case was physically touched by someone, somewhere in the system. It could be that your case has been transferred, that they're sending a RFE, or that you're being prepared for approval or denial. You can check by logging into your account on the USCIS site. Once you've entered your receipt number and moved onto the second screen, there should be an option to sign in to your account on the menu. If you set up an account, you can see the last time your case was updated, sign up for email or text alerts, and follow along on your progress. Hope this helps, and good luck on your journey!
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-01-02 05:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember I-130 Filers
Just logged on and saw that we got touched on 12/19. Let's hope it's good news and not a RFE.
MeredythBFemaleIreland2012-12-22 15:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember I-130 Filers
Hi Everyone,

Sorry for the late add, but my husband and I are also November filers. We sent our packet on Nov. 23 and have a priority date of Nov. 30. We are at NBC, since we filed from abroad. I can see our status online, but we are still in initial review. Here's hoping that the process goes quickly for us and for all of you as well!
MeredythBFemaleIreland2012-12-21 16:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2013

Case Complete! w00t w00t! I've already updated the interview thread :D and I'm SERIOUSLY hoping for an April interview date...hahah yea right!

I think it's pretty cool that I got my case number on Feb 22 and case complete on Mar 22!

Saylin, please update me in your spreadsheet :)

Congrats! Posted Image

Maybe we'll both get lucky and sneak into an April interview. And right after that, we will win the lotto. Posted Image
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-22 18:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2013

thank you! yes I will call again.

thanks! Congrats on your quick progress. :thumbs:

You will be :thumbs: :thumbs:

Go ahead and send your DS-3032. It usually takes about a week to review it, so you should be good to go sending it now. Just follow the template that Saylin shows on the first page. Might as well start on that process as well. It doesn't seem to matter whose email it's sent from, judging from what I've seen on these boards, but you can send it from your spouse's email address if you're worried about that part. You don't need to wait for it to be sent to you, now that you have your case number. Go be proactive! Posted Image
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-22 17:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2013

I called NVC again, was able to get the IIN but still not able to give over the email address. So close to starting the process, this is torture. I was told to call next week.

They're open until midnight Eastern time. Try again later this evening and see if they'll take your email addresses then. It can't hurt and you may save a weekend.

Congrats on your case number! Posted ImagePosted Image
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-22 15:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2013

When did you pay your IV bill?

I start getting worried as I paid mine last friday 03/15 and the money has been withdrawn from my account but still shows IN PROCESS on NVC website... (??)

I paid mine on March 20 - so two days ago. I've read that for some people it can take longer though...

I know it's been posted on here before, but as long as you have that magic barcoded sheet, it doesn't matter if your account still shows "in process" as they're reviewing your file. It won't hold you up for case closure. I panicked when ours didn't roll over in the expected 3 business days and the supervisor I spoke to told me that they could approve my package as long as the sheet was included. So just're almost there!

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MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-22 12:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2013

Thank you Saylin! Oh and can you update me on your NVC spreadsheet? :D


Posted ImagePosted Image

Oh, and Saylin, can you update me too, when you get the chance? Thank you!
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-21 16:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2013

F-M-L. Got an email from my senator's liaison and apparently the NVC lost my file. Going through the email trail my senator sent me, first NVC stated they haven't received it from the USCIS. Then the USCIS provided them with the tracking number and shows a gentleman named Desmond signing for it. Now, they state they can't find the case in the building. I must have truly pissed someone off. This is absolutely mother flipping incredible......this is complete BS.

Geez, you and Nola are really competing for the "screwed over the most by USCIS/NVC" prize, aren't you? I am so sorry to hear that your troubles have not been resolved. Has there been any suggestion as to what can be done to rectify the situation? And you should defo demand an expedite at NVC, since it's their snafu that is holding you up now. Sending you good thoughts for a fast resolution!
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-21 16:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2013
Just got off the phone with NVC and CASE COMPLETE!!!! Now to head over to the April Interview thread...can't wait!

:dance: :star: :dance: :star: :dance: :star: :dance:
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-20 16:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2013

That sucks!

I always thought the NVC was more competent than that. :unsure:

I am so angry right now! What kind of moron doesn't clue in to the fact that a certificate (generated in Ireland, with an Irish address, stamped FOR THE PURPOSE OF IMMIGRATION TO THE UNITED STATES) might be a police cert? I can just see some idiot picking up that sheet of paper, with the words NO RECORDS FOUND under the Arrests and Convictions section, thinking, "Well, clearly THIS isn't a police certificate! It doesn't say POLICE on it!". F*cking tw*t. If it takes 15 business days to review that, I am seriously going to go apesh*t on somebody.

Edited by MeredythB, 11 March 2013 - 03:56 PM.

MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-11 15:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2013
Here's a quick question:

I just got off the phone with Bailey from NVC. She informed me that they had finished reviewing our IV package and that as soon as we responded to the checklist, we'd have a case closure. I asked what the checklist was for. She responded that they were waiting for our Irish police certificate, which we included in the packet. I said so, and even gave her the name of the Superintendent that signed off on it. She named the certificate (the police in Ireland are called the Garda, so it's a Garda certificate) and I told her that yes, that was it. She put a note on it for the supervisor to look at, showing that a Garda certificate IS a police certificate. Bailey then freaked me out completely by saying that it's going to take another 15 business days for the supervisor to review that packet again. Is that right?! They have everything there! So pissed off right now! :ranting:
MeredythBFemaleIreland2013-03-11 15:46:00