Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHere we go!
Here is what I asked my step daughter to prepare for the interview in Kiev. We also hope she'll visit us this winter.

Invitation for 14 days , from mm/dd/yyyy to mm/dd/yyyy.
Letter from a college that states duration of the winter break, mm/dd/yyyy to mm/dd/yyyy, in synch with the invitation.
Evidence that she will promote higher education opportunities by visiting and pitching the college to 9 local high schools. Letters from schools that events are scheduled on March-April, 2012.
Evidence that she will represent the college at various promotional events as 1 of 3 students on a student panel for the counselor luncheon, attending by 55 high school counselors.
Her college sports & activities. Some competitions and tournaments scheduled on March, 2012.
Enrollment for master’s program.
Part-time job.
Tutoring high school students on ZNO prep. Letters from parents.
Ownership of property.
Notice to the on-campus dorms she'll be leaving for 14 days.

Ellie-n-VladimirFemaleUkraine2011-10-30 12:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarushelp needed

Ahh... Thank you, Vladimir.. I guess it is what it is.. I am just now scared leeting my wife go visiting their. What if they detain her too?

Let's assume she signed a 'dopusk' (data access). Did she re-do it before she asked for permission to visit M. as described under '?)' at ? Usually, FTEs (full time employees) dont do it, except the conditions described there.
If she missed it, or she wasn't instructed to do so, I'm afraid, she lost the job because M. lives here..
M. will be fine, she can visit parents w/o any problem.

Edited by Ellie-n-Vladimir, 15 October 2011 - 06:33 PM.

Ellie-n-VladimirFemaleUkraine2011-10-15 18:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarushelp needed
It's all sad...
5yr restriction is a result of the 'form # 1' access type, i.e. ???.????? # 1. 3yr is the form # 2.
Once she receives 'uvedomlenie', she can appeal. Unfortunately, it's 1% of success.
Uvedomlenie indicates the followings: reason and duration of limitation, date, registration number of the solution, complete designation and juridical address of the organization, which is responsible for the limitation [can be diff from RosRsrv]
There are 2 types of contracts she could sign before they hired her - 'trudovoy dogovor' and data access. Trudovoy dogovor might not mention about limitations, but the data access contract must.
It is possible that neither of those contracts say something about limitations - even in this case, there is 1% of success.
Here is a military case of my relative, where limitations were present:
Another example (very old case) , where limitations were not even mentioned in the contract:

Edited by Ellie-n-Vladimir, 14 October 2011 - 01:51 PM.

Ellie-n-VladimirFemaleUkraine2011-10-14 13:46:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDenied CR-1

Found it Thank you. I sent an email to Marc Ellis but reading his site he seems to to more in the China.

Any recomeditons on a good lawyer?

None here, who specializes on returned petitions.
Follow Amy's. Marc Ellis is the one, seems to me.
Stay strong
Ellie-n-VladimirFemaleUkraine2013-03-21 15:46:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDenied CR-1

Great post full of useful information but for some reason the link didn't work here or the PM you sent me.

Then do a manual search. By the whole sentence(s), such as 'Returning Petitions/Applications Under Section 221(g) of the INA', or by some small paragraph(s), or by some parts of the text.
You'll get it.
Member is Kiyah, site is Family Based Immigration.
You need to go through X hours of learning.
Ellie-n-VladimirFemaleUkraine2013-03-20 18:16:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDenied CR-1
..haven't been here for ages..

Sorry, Phil.

I found this on the other site http://***removed***/forum/showthread.php?t=386 [check all links there, if needed]:
Returning Petitions/Applications Under Section 221(g) of the INA

The following guide is specific to returned petitions/applications under Section 221(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act issued by the Department of State at the conclusion of a beneficiary interview. In no way is this guide legal advice, and should never be used in place of a good immigration attorney. The information has been compiled from personal experience and months of research.

First a Little Basic 101 on the 221(g):

The document issued by the Department of State under Section 221(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) is for the most part used for requesting additional information from the beneficiary such as missing documents, additional evidence, or advising them of not being able to issue their visa due to pending name/security checks i.e. Administrative Processing or Administrative Review. However, Section 221(g) is also used by the Department of State when returning petitions/applications to the USCIS for further review ultimately recommending revocation.

Why are Petitions/Applications Returned to the USCIS by an Embassy/Consulate Under Section 221(g)?

Petitions/applications are returned for a variety of case specific reasons. Returning a petition/application to the USCIS means that the embassy/consulate refuses to issue a visa to the beneficiary, but they do not have specific evidence to actually deny a visa application. So the next best thing to do is return the petition/application to the USCIS office where the petition was originally filed requesting further review and ultimately recommending revocation.

What Happens When a Petition/Application is Returned to the USCIS by an Embassy/Consulate?

? 221(g) is issued to beneficiary at conclusion of the interview stating the application and/or petition is being returned to the United States.
? Petition is returned to the United States by the interviewing consulate for "further review" in what is called a diplomatic pouch.
? Returned petition is received by the NVC. It is reviewed and entered into the fraud database by fraud management.
? Returned petition is sent to the local USCIS service center where the petition was originally filed and approved.
? Local service center receives returned petition.
? Local service center who processed the original petition sends a notice of receipt to the petitioner.
? Local service center reviews the returned petition and consular officer notes on the case.
? Local service center then sends either a NOID (Notice of Intent to Deny) or NOIR (Notice of Intent to Revoke) to the petitioner also asking for more proof of the relationship, many cases have specific consular objections to rebut.
? Petitioner is given 30-60 days from date of NOIR/NOID (depending on the service center) to respond with additional evidence of the relationship or other specific evidence. The timeframe to respond will be provided in the letter.
? Local service center receives evidence...if in the timeframe given (30-60 days) the case is reviewed and either original approval is reaffirmed or the petition is officially denied.
? If the petition is denied the local service center sends the petitioner an 'official' denial letter. This can be officially appealed if the denial letter states such.
? If the petition is reaffirmed the local service center sends the petitioner an official notice of reaffirmation.
? Local service center sends the reaffirmed petition AND its evidence provided in the rebuttal directly to the consulate along with a recommendation to issue a visa.
? Consulate notifies the beneficiary of a new interview date.
? Beneficiary has interview for the reaffirmed petition and the visa is either issued, or the case in placed in Administrative Processing which after cleared a visa is issued, or worst case scenario it is denied via Section 221(g) and returned again to the USCIS with a recommendation for revocation.

What can you do immediately when faced with this issue:

? First and foremost, contact a good immigration attorney.
? Immediately have the beneficiary send a scanned copy of the 221(g) issued.
? Contact the consulate directly (immediately) and attempt to have the petition reviewed by the senior consular before it is returned.
? If you are unable to get through to the consulate on the phone, contact them via email, and if you're mail has a "read verification" use it.
? Contact your congressman/senator, get them involved immediately. You will need to sign a release form giving them permission to make an inquiry on your behalf.
? Provide your congressman/senator with as much information as possible about your case, the interview, and the result.
? If your congressman/senator is top notch, they will not just send an email or letter to the consulate, they will call on the phone and try to get the petition reviewed again before it is sent back.
? If they are not successful, they can request the diplomatic pouch number the petition is being returned in. This number will allow you to track the petition until it is received by the local service center.
To track a returned petition/application with a pouch number, you can contact the Diplomatic Pouch Service in Washington:
? Diplomatic Pouch Service: 202-663-1588
If you do not know who your congressman/senator is, use the following links to find out who represents your area:
? US Congressional Representatives (By State)
? US Senators (By State)
If the petition is returned, you are in for a wait. The diplomatic pouch the petition is returned in is sent from embassy to embassy picking up other returned petitions along the way. It could take up to 2 or 3 months for it to be received by fraud management at the NVC...then the NVC has the petition for about 1 month before sending it to the local service center where it was originally filed. One thing to also know is that returned petitions do not take priority...they are reviewed in the order they are received, that is after new petitions have been processed.

What You Can Do in the Meantime While You Wait:

? Continue contacting the consulate to get an actual reason for the return...not the blanket "validity of relationship" response.
? Stay in contact with your congressman/senator, they can assist you in getting the actual reason for denial.
? Immediately file a Freedom Of Information Act request for the Department of State asking specifically for the consular notes on your returned petition: DOS FOIA
? Immediately file for a Freedom of Information Act request for the USCIS asking for the same specific consular notes on your returned petition: USCIS FOIA
? Continue to document your relationship, emails, letters, phone bills, visits to their country, etc.
? Be ready for the opportunity to rebut the consular findings.
? Contact a good immigration attorney as suggested above...preferably one who has experience in returned and denied petitions.
After a period of 6 months or longer has passed and you do not hear anything from the local service center regarding the receipt of your return, or the results of the review, you can contact the CIS Ombudsman. While the Ombudsman cannot make the USCIS reaffirm your returned petition, they can assist when processing times are outside of guidelines

Now, there are some differences between returned fiancé petitions and marriage petitions. The K1 is especially at risk due to the expiration of the original approval, many returned K1s are not given the opportunity to rebut, they receive a notice telling them their K1 has expired and may file again at any time...this is why the FOIA is so important. You need to know the exact reason the petition was returned, just filing again is a huge risk if you do not know why the petition was returned in the first place.

While the K3 does have an expiration date also, they are treated more seriously. I have not known anyone who has had a returned K3 not being given the opportunity to rebut. Obviously the CR1 does not expire. Still, it is very important to file the FOIA, not every service center will tell you exactly what the consular office findings or objections to issuing the visa are. Some people are only asked to provide more evidence of their relationship.

I've gone through this: http://travel.state....grams_1388.html , one of those links I mentioned, and I got really surprised (section # 10) that when they go for any investigation, they might contact 'unnamed neighbors.' Really? In the section # 12, it actually tells you that it is possible that you'd never know the reason of a visa refusal.
Good luck

I cannot inject a link here. I'll try to send you an IM

Edited by Ellie-n-Vladimir, 20 March 2013 - 04:01 PM.

Ellie-n-VladimirFemaleUkraine2013-03-20 15:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionGovt shutdown and visa issuance
That's right. House Speaker John Boehner says Democratic and Republican negotiators reached a budget deal that will avoid a government shutdown. Boehner said the House will pass a short-term measure that will keep the government funded through the middle of next week, when a longer-term package is expected to be enacted. --CNN
Ellie-n-VladimirFemaleUkraine2011-04-09 00:05:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionName change with naturalization

This is not correct but not an issue for us.

Education is an affirmative defense. At any rate he will be here and there is no such thing as "no stamps in his passport" Seriously, please study what you say before you say it.

Aside from educational absence, the requirement is to have been in the USA more than 30 months of the prvious five years without any absences exceeding 6 months.

You certainly CAN visit foreign countries.

As it turns out in our case, it will not be an issue, as I have stated.

Gary, that's right. I was thinking that it does not apply to your case. In my case, I had this requirement - no stamps. I needed to show that i did not leave the country for 3 yrs. My apologies..
Ellie-n-VladimirFemaleUkraine2011-10-15 22:33:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionName change with naturalization
Brother Hesekie is right about continuous presence requirements.
Sergey 'lives' here, studies there won't work. He needs to be in the states for 5yrs, he needs to be present within one state for 3yrs. No any stamps in his international passport for 3yrs. The N-600 will ask for it. I mean you will list all his outs and ins in the form.

Edited by Ellie-n-Vladimir, 15 October 2011 - 08:24 PM.

Ellie-n-VladimirFemaleUkraine2011-10-15 20:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsRandom processing...

Nothing is illegal. You can just change last digits of the number and add them to your folio. Those cases don't give you any information at all, except if they were approved or denied on a certain date. Entire world can see that without me publishing it. It's not hacking or anything. Everyone has access to this information cause it's public

Why only last 5 digits? Why not play w/ the whole thing? Imagine, how many petitions will you have in your golden 'folio'? It would be tons of screenshots. The First Folio of William Shakespeare is resting in peace. Clear to me, why. The factoradics, permutation pairs, combinadics are not your brothers and sisters.

No need to tell me how you do it. I will walk you through. Step by step, even tell you which leg you were sitting on, when doing this sh*. The name of what you do is hacking, no matter how primitive it is. You hack case #s and track them. The truth is that none of those cases you care about. Zero. None. Null. You care about your case and compare it the others. I strongly encourage you live your life, girl87. I wish you 87 of something (your choice) ahead. Track your case, whether you're approved or denied, and God will be w/ you. Word? It is.

Ellie-n-VladimirFemaleUkraine2011-06-07 15:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsRandom processing...

My post is with good intentions of encouragement. Thanks to those who got it and good luck to you, we're all in the same place.

Stop BS'ting people w/ your 'good intentions of encouragement'. If I saw my case# on your screenshots you published here, I would immediately report you to the USCIS. Period.

Ellie-n-VladimirFemaleUkraine2011-06-07 01:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsRandom processing...

There is a way to check cases on You can put your case number and then change the last digits and find other I-129F cases. For example a lot of cases had been processed right before me and right after me, but many were skipped around very randomly. I kept a record for 2 months now. it does appear random

How did you get a list of those petitions under your portfolio?
In other words, how did you get this list using one set of credentials (username/password)?
Did you register as a customer representative, and have an access to multiple cases? Publishing this info is illegal.
If you're an applicant customer, you must have an access to your case, or cases you submitted to USCIS and obtained # under your name.

What you've been doing is illegal. You track other petitions under your account. Stop. Now.

Caution to all EAC/ESC# owners

Ellie-n-VladimirFemaleUkraine2011-06-04 21:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOMG FML =)
Congratulations! Good luck with the interview!!Posted Image
Ellie-n-VladimirFemaleUkraine2011-07-20 09:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC as bad as USCIS
We're @ Embassy! Felya, call to NVC!
Ellie-n-VladimirFemaleUkraine2011-06-30 14:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC as bad as USCIS

It's the same number, 603-334-0700, press 1, then 5 and you will get transferred to an agent.


Super! Thank you, Richard. All the best to you & your family!

Ellie-n-VladimirFemaleUkraine2011-06-28 23:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC as bad as USCIS

Just call them its faster don't use automated feature talk to some one

Daniel, can you, please, provide us w/ the phone#, or point where it can be found? Thank you!

Ellie-n-VladimirFemaleUkraine2011-06-28 23:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC as bad as USCIS

My friend just got an email yesterday saying the case has been processed and forwarded to the embassy. NOA2 date was June 6th. She received the email in response to the email she sent requesting information on her case. Up until yesterday they were saying "no record of the case" and then the email. Seems like it is taking around 3-4 weeks lately.

Got a hard copy of NOA2 on Jun 6, still nothing from NVC. Was thinking about emailing them today.
Ellie-n-VladimirFemaleUkraine2011-06-28 14:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsV I S A A P R O V E D

Ellie-n-VladimirFemaleUkraine2011-08-16 17:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPermission from a parent for a minor child
Why now, before the interview, you think you might? Were you absolutely sure you get it?

Buy his permission.

My friend was facing the same issue in Ukraine. It took her a year to go through the court system, because her kid's father attended all courts.

If you understand the language, check the options here, or let your wife read it: http://www.perevodim..._na_PMZh.html#1

If you're not ready for the interview, call the Embassy and re-schedule it (the embassy website has the "how" info), but be within a valid time gap, or file an extension. Hope, you'll overcome this.
Ellie-n-VladimirFemaleUkraine2011-06-12 22:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresall of a sudden, having wrong SSN, marital status, etc. on pay stub

If the information is corrected with IRS, approach them for a letter confirming the events. A letter from payroll is probably not worth much at an Embassy, whereas an IRS confirmation would likely carry enough weight. :)

Good luck, that's a shitty thing to have happen at such a crucial time!

Hi Edward & Amanda. Thank you for the reply! I'm not sure that the IRS has any 2011 records of me.., the SSA does, absolutely. They do have all previous records, and the Consulate can validate it against those. The letter from HR might not be needed, if the interview is scheduled in a couple of months, depends on the Consulate availability.

My best wishes!

Ellie-n-VladimirFemaleUkraine2011-06-25 12:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresall of a sudden, having wrong SSN, marital status, etc. on pay stub

I've got some good news for you and some bad news for you.

The good news is that if you are 125% over the poverty level and the most recent two pay stubs can show that than you are good to go.

The bad news is that ADP screwed up my 1997 withholdings as reported to the IRS and I got audited in 2002 and had to prove that I did not make a bit more than twice my actual salary but the tax payments form my company were half of what was indicated. What a royal PITA. So I would stay on this and make certain ADP and you company get this resolved NOW. I would also suggest that you make certain to keep this years tax return for 7 years rather than 3 or 5 as most recommend. The USCIS may work slow, the IRS more so.

Good luck with you interview.


Thank you, Dave, for your response! Sorry to hear about your situation w/ the IRS in 2002. Crazy, huh?.. There is a chain of instances where the info can be possibly screwed up: Employer -> HR service provider [in our case, ADP] -> SSA -> IRS. What I absolutely need to do first is to correct the SSN w/ the SSA. The IRS will come later. Basically, what recently happened is that my wages were credited to the wrong account (W2). Due to discrepancies between the SSN & name, it sits somewhere in the SSA error queue, perhaps, will be sitting till the end of the year, until the proper derivation of data happens, i.e. correctly gets linked, mapped, and re-calculated .

Regarding my pay stubs, 2-3 new ones will be available before the interview w/ the Consulate.
Best wishes to you & your family! Posted Image

Ellie-n-VladimirFemaleUkraine2011-06-25 12:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresall of a sudden, having wrong SSN, marital status, etc. on pay stub

Good Grief!!

Talk about a murphy moment!

But it sounds like you have a bit of time and good advise and support. Know that Jenny's and my prayers go with you also!

Good luck!!

We are going to have to wait until about October to file as we want to time the interview etc to be close to when Jenny's teaching contract with the University is over and for Cristina to be out of school for the summer. So you wil be an old married couple :dance: by the time we can walk down the asile ! :)

Misha -n- Zhenya

Misha & Zhenya, thank you for your support! I think I have ~2 months to fix it before the interview. Ha-ha, by that time, we'll be married veterans. Posted Image
Time is flying. Be well prepared , make your petition like a framed art. Let me know if you need some help.

Ellie-n-VladimirFemaleUkraine2011-06-25 11:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresall of a sudden, having wrong SSN, marital status, etc. on pay stub

yeah, olya talked to her girl friends from her site and they rarely ask for pay stubs... you really dont need more than a few.... its always good to have extra but it wont be a problem, i assure you.......

honestly, i see people dont update their timelines but people from early june are still sitting waiting for nvc.... i hate this lag.... i actually havent even recieved the hard copy of noa2 =(

Thanks! Are you @ Laguna Niguel? Give them a call (phone# is in your NOA1)
You do need a hard copy of NOA2: 1) to send it to Olya for an interview, 2) for the further AOS.
No wonder there are some who 'dont update their timelines' don't put dirty dishes in the dishwasher. I'm sure those live this way every day. It's all about living in integrity. As simple as it sounds

Ellie-n-VladimirFemaleUkraine2011-06-24 14:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresall of a sudden, having wrong SSN, marital status, etc. on pay stub

My opinion is that Everything will be fine. I am paid weekly and I sent only 6 stubs, like every other I downloaded from Paycheks. Lena told me that the CSR never even reviewed them.

Igor, spasibo! Surprising.. Did they review the tax returns?
Ellie-n-VladimirFemaleUkraine2011-06-24 13:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresall of a sudden, having wrong SSN, marital status, etc. on pay stub

I am sure you have some time... if you get two a month then it should be enough..... i think the letter of employer would work too... but they rarely ask for actual stubs.... ur gonna be good to go very soon!

Felya, thanks for your support! I printed out all 2011 stubs, except this 'shocking surprise'. Have the letter from the employer. I was ready to DHL it to Vladimir, just waited for this ugly one.. Now, it's.. No words. And who screwed it up? HR! Hope, you & Olya are doing well. Perhaps, the Consulates control traffic, it’s a summer time, that's why we're sitting in the NVC waiting room (in reply to your last topic).

Ellie-n-VladimirFemaleUkraine2011-06-24 02:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresall of a sudden, having wrong SSN, marital status, etc. on pay stub

If you've been cleared at the nvc and your support from sponsors are all good then it shouldn't be a problem but, the consulate might hold up the case for further review because of it. And, there has been an issue lately with consulates refusing because they claim that new evidence is being introduced and that they will need more time to review it, a vague verbal conversation and a vague amount of time it will take is exchanged without any paperwork. Are you using an attorney? Hope not.
Go to the interview and leave out this stuff but have it with you to give to them only if they ask for it. They ask for things they don't see in front of them that are important to them. If they don't ask for anything then don't worry about it. During our interview 90 percent of the things that I brought were never either looked at or asked for. It's all about proving sponsorship. Make sure it's very clear and solid. That said, if you do give them this pay stub, the consulate will have to make a decision to accept it or not. If not, they will ask for more info or more time to review it. If you present it to them make sure you get that letter notarized and write your own letter describing what happened and sign off on it that you swear that it's all true. Try to think like the consulate, would you accept it or not?

hope this helps

Happynewlyweds, thank you for the help! We're K-1 people. I don't think we've been going through this type of clearance at NVC. The sponsorship is validated & verified at the Consulate. I do have an attorney - VJ Guides. Posted Image
I'm glad for you, guys. You're together since Feb!
Ellie-n-VladimirFemaleUkraine2011-06-24 02:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresall of a sudden, having wrong SSN, marital status, etc. on pay stub

What a nightmare!If possible, I would not submit this paystub. If you earn the same salary all the time, you really only need 2-4 stubs, ie a couple of months worth. If you earned the same in your last tax return, even less.

Thank you, Silja and Will, for the quick response! I'm salaried exempt, earn the same number all the time. My 2007-2010 tax returns are pretty much the same, 'Single, 0 dependents '. All previous pay stubs are 'Single, 0', too.

Ellie-n-VladimirFemaleUkraine2011-06-24 02:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresall of a sudden, having wrong SSN, marital status, etc. on pay stub
Today, I received a regular pay statement notification email from ADP that's been integrated with our HR. I logged into the portal and got shocked. The more I read the statement, the more I got freaked out.. completely, totally, entirely! The number is unexpectedly higher than usual, the marital status is changed from Single to Married(!!), my SSN is wrong, the DOB is wrong, the 'exemption/allowances' is changed from 0 to 5, only my name & address appear correct. What?? Seemed my original W4's been replaced with someone else's. Ran to HR! They admitted it's an error, 'most likely it's a system error' , but an 'administrative error'! Maybe.. They fixed it in the system in front of me and said that it'll be reflected in the next stub. They also contacted ADP, ADP will fix it with IRS - that's the last thing I care for now. Eventually, everything will be ok, except one thing.. - they're not able to re-generate the existing stub with correct information as it's already under payroll. They agreed to give me an official letter, stating the issue, but I don't know how this letter would work for the Consulate in Kiev. We're currently at the NVC->Consulate stage. How can he put this '#$# -Married' statement on the CO's table.. Should I ignore this stub & the letter, but wait for the next 'new' ones? How many recent pay stubs are required to be present? How do you see this problem? What would you suggest/recommend? Appreciate your feedback, even a single word.
Ellie-n-VladimirFemaleUkraine2011-06-23 20:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNext steps

Okay, I have received my new case number from the NVC had to wait the full 15 days and call multiple times to receive. I was searching and found the NVC wiki that has a pdf document saying there now 2 flows, one for the petitioner and one for beneficiary. But I don't recall this before and I am a little confused and like all of us want this to go as smooth and as quickly as possible. Can someone tell me what I should be doing? Below is what I have done so far....

1. Letter from employer,
2. 4 pay statements,
3. 4 years of tax transcripts,
4. I-134 completed
5. New letter of intent
6. New/more evidence of on-going relationship
7. Copy of original packet

And I have mailed these all to my fiancee.

She has done the following....

1. A variety of documents translated (more than we need for AOS even)
2. Just went to get police record/report
3. Filled out DS-156/DS-156k forms

Is there anything else we have missed? Will I need to wait a week or two to contact NVC to see if they sent the information on yet? How soon can my fiancee call and try to schedule the interview/medical? I think she can do the medical now but not sure how long this will be good for her and the kids. How long is the medical screening good for? Note, my fiancee is a Ukrainian citizen and the embassy is in Kyiv so information from those that have went through this in Ukraine would be great.

Thanks in advance for any help, this site has helped a lot during this process.

Hi, John. We both received our approvals at the same date.

In your list, I would add/review the followings:
1) your G-325a + 2 photos (see the reqs: http://ukraine.usemb.../iv-photos.html)
2) if you mentioned any other numbers diff from your annual income, add the supporting docs - life insurance, bank statement, identifying deposits/average balance, stocks/bonds, grant deed.

In Her list:
1) the vaccination record
Ellie-n-VladimirFemaleUkraine2011-06-25 19:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhen will you marry?
The 2/3 of your examples is irrelevant to the question. The 'within 90 days/August' is a perfect answer. I keep telling Vladimir - to give a specific answer(s), wait for a specific question(s). Simple. Who is going to have an interview, Tanya or Greg? I'm confused by reading Beneficiary: Tanya Posted Image

Edited by Ellie-n-Vladimir, 09 June 2011 - 01:46 AM.

Ellie-n-VladimirFemaleUkraine2011-06-09 01:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTS Clearance & K-1

i've held a sbi for 30+ years, btw, so i do have some experience on this subject...

having a foreign spouse used to be a no-go. it was an automatic disqualification to hold that level of clearance. however, things have changed.
the op asked about holding the job and clearance prior to marriage - just like i went through. as long as one keeps the security people informed, there's a good chance he'll retain that clearance as he's not trying to hide anything. example: i went through a bring up investigation while married to a foreign national several years ago with no problems.
i've never heard about the sbi having country specific restrictions. it does investigate the individual's loyalty to the us, taking into account foreign contacts/connections to another country. it also takes into account the spouse, whether he or she has questionable contacts/connections, questionable history, background, etc, along with his or her immediate family.
lastly, to toss out that it prohibits people of a specific religion is untrue and offensive.

Thank you, Charles, for all your comments. Greatly appreciate it!

Ellie-n-VladimirFemaleUkraine2011-07-17 21:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTS Clearance & K-1

It was never an issue for us.. :) My hubby just made sure his higher-ups were informed. I think you'll be fine :)

Messybrownhair, thanks! You're so cutePosted Image And smart! I've been reading your posts
If I applied for a military position, this would not be an issue at all..

Ellie-n-VladimirFemaleUkraine2011-07-16 22:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTS Clearance & K-1

You can link to the adjudicative guidelines here:


Thank you, RepairedFamily! Posted ImageAppreciate it!

Ellie-n-VladimirFemaleUkraine2011-07-16 22:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTS Clearance & K-1

If you don't already hold the job they will probably bypass you for someone easier to clear. TS with SBI doesn't usually go well with a foreign family member

Doesn't go well... I think you're right. They need 3 co-workers + a supervisor from each work, including a current one - I'm fine w/ this, 10 people from my social network for a separate 'together-interview' in Starbucks, preferably they somehow know each other. Discussions w/ neighbours is a default req-t. Testing immediate family members is a must. Too many tests.. Posted Image Thank you, NigeriaorBust

Ellie-n-VladimirFemaleUkraine2011-07-16 22:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTS Clearance & K-1

Don't know about a Top Secret clearance but I had to get a public trust clearance for my job and I had to list the countries I went to and I forget exactly but I think I had to mention my fiance but it didn't cause a problem at all.

But for sure holding a clearance doesn't seem to speed up the K1 process at all. Good luck,

The 'Public Trust' is not the same as a security clearance. For sure, I will mention about my K-1 before I step in. Having a GC spouse is ok to obtain the sec. clearance, but have no idea about a foreign fiance. I may not be granted the TS.
Thank you, LookyWhatIFound!

Ellie-n-VladimirFemaleUkraine2011-07-16 21:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTS Clearance & K-1

You'll have additional paperwork to complete for the foreign significant other - may even interview her overseas.

Thanks, milimelo! They asked for all my international contacts.

Ellie-n-VladimirFemaleUkraine2011-07-16 21:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTS Clearance & K-1
Anyone on this site who's been holding a classified position and going through the K-1? Do those things get along together, considering foreign influence..? About a year ago, prior to being introduced to my fiancé, I applied for some job. I hadn't heard from them until yesterday. Almost forgot to think about it. They called me and asked about my availability for a whole-day interview (a pre-step) They also emailed me a GB of instructions & procedures (aren't quite that simple: ts/q clearance, ssbi as part of it, and may include a ci poly)

Edited by Ellie-n-Vladimir, 16 July 2011 - 08:36 PM.

Ellie-n-VladimirFemaleUkraine2011-07-16 20:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMedical exam in Kiev, Ukraine
Have some extra US dollars for additional tests ($20 each) in a case if they send you to re-do something. Some people run around the clinic and exchange hryvnyas for $. Vladimir did an additional X-ray as the panel physician did not like the first picture. She sounded like 'hmm.., it seems ok, but I'd like you to do it one more time from a different angle.'
Ellie-n-VladimirFemaleUkraine2011-08-20 18:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChurch Wedding

I just was trying to understand if the church wedding could impact K-1. And I already spoke to my fiancee, and we decided that she will come here and then we will get an AP and will go there and do church ceremony for her family.

On the side note. I am holding a TS already for 3 years.
And this is a reason, I don't want to commit any fraud. Could be I misspoke it in one messages which got you confused.

Good for you. You still have 2yr left . And for me - you're here - I can ask you some questions. Posted Image
Dont you think that you need to report your current foreign connections? Could create a presumption of foreign influence.. I did. Provided a list of all contacts there
And I told them I'm going through the K-1. They said ok., ..for now. Will see. Good luck w/ your journey, wish your a speedy one!

Edited by Ellie-n-Vladimir, 31 August 2011 - 06:14 PM.

Ellie-n-VladimirFemaleUkraine2011-08-31 18:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChurch Wedding

Actually I don't want to commit fraud. I just wanted to explore all the angles. I really appreciate the input and advice. Also this fraud could impact me, as I am working for Federal Government and holding Security Clearance, which I don't want to loose because of that.

Will go with your advice, or we will just do a church ceremony here.

But reading your previous posts you sound like you dont hold a sec.clearance. I know what I'm talking about -I'm in the process of obtaining a TS.
Now, getting to the point. In Ukraine, all churches ask you first for a civil marriage cert before they proceed w/ the ceremony. Oksana can clear this thing out by visiting the nearest church in her area in Ukraine. If the marriage cert exists, you're ineligible for the K-1. --it's clear as a day outside, 3:18pm PST.

Edited by Ellie-n-Vladimir, 31 August 2011 - 05:20 PM.

Ellie-n-VladimirFemaleUkraine2011-08-31 17:18:00