US Citizenship General DiscussionState ID
i have the D.L but i will go in tomorrow and file an app for a replacement of the ID and hopefully the office will understand it. I just thought I can use other Identification since after I take the citizenship test I will have to go to the ID office and change the name on the ID
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2010-06-17 16:57:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionState ID
I am taking my citizenship June 24th (after how many months of waiting :( ) and now i just figured out I had lost my NY state ID. I have one that is expired but the one that was up to date is nowhere to be found and I have searched up and down my house. Now I don't think if I applied today for a new one that I would even get one on time. What should I do? I really want to take the exam on the 24th
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2010-06-17 10:43:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionI passed my interview today at Garden City, NY
Congratulations I remember my process and you are lucky you only waited about 20 minutes
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2011-08-12 12:26:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionUS citizen struggling to get passport?!
go on the passport site and find an emergency passport site they can get it done in less than 2 days> I got mine like that here in nyc

ups i didn't read the whole post. I really don't know what else you can do but good luck
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2011-10-26 22:40:00
US Citizenship General Discussionurgent and serious
I think right now you should focus on your marriage and weather you want to fix it or end it. As for citizenship you can take it at the 5 year mark or even later no big deal. I lived in this country as a permanent resident for almost 11 years before I got mine.
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2011-09-03 11:13:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWhich is better: 3-year process or wait for the 5-year?
I didn't get my citizenship through marriage but I think its easier to get after the 5 year mark. I got mine after having permanent resident status for 12 years and it was tue easiest thing I ever did.

Edited by Dana-Mi?a, 07 April 2012 - 11:19 AM.

Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2012-04-07 11:18:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionPossible name change after citizenship all done

The application for a replacement naturalization certificate is N-565 and costs $345. You would only do this after changing your name, however. You would have to submit proof that your name was already legally changed by a court.

I am not sure it's strictly necessary to get a new certificate though. I think it would be sufficient to show your old naturalization certificate and the court order that changed your name as proof of your identity and citizenship.

Thanks for correcting me on the amount. She might need it to be in new name due to passports (only thing that comes to my mind).
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2012-04-26 16:04:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionPossible name change after citizenship all done
You would have to get the nutraluzation certificate in the new name which would cost you another 600 something I think.
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2012-04-26 15:49:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionGC expiring soon, filing for citizenship

their greencards are expiring? what duration was on each one?

FWIW, they can apply when approaching the 5 year residency mark or anytime after that.

Found the answer and totally forgot I posted here. Their 10 year GC. They reapplied for new ones.
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2013-04-04 15:57:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionGC expiring soon, filing for citizenship
My mothers and sisters permanent green cards are expiring now in at the end of April is there any way that they can file for citizenship right now or do they need to file for an extension of the green card first?
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2013-03-28 11:46:00
CanadaCanadians feeling guilty about taking jobs away from Americans?
Im a P.R. and soon to be an American Citizen (february 26th) and I believe that who ever works in this country has a right to work in it. Even illegals because most jobs they do for the pay they do it for most Americans wont do it. For example restaurant workers work 12hr shifts everyday 6-7 fays a week for about 5-7 dollars an hour and I still haven't seen one American come and apply for a job like that
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2010-02-15 12:54:00
CanadaWrong gender stamped in K2 visa :(
It happened to my aunt and she just went back into the embassy the next day and had them correct it.
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2011-12-22 20:53:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussion2 year Green Card expire July 2010
I agree with NYC guy. Plus if you and your soon to be ex are in friendly terms maybe he will be okay with you staying here and you can file for the 10year green card.
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2010-03-05 20:15:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionLost 10 yr Green Card in mail
same thing had happened to my dad years ago but they just re-mailed him a new one. As for me when I lost mine and re-applied for it about 2 years ago they sent me one about a month after the fingerprints.
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2010-09-18 00:42:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionVermont, slow as maple syrup
This sucks big time for anyone at VSC. I got my NOA1 for the I-130 within days and a touch on january 6th but nothing since than and the way all of you are talking im afraid this will go on for more than i expected
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2011-03-29 11:15:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussion2 year or 10 year
I would definatly wait to get the 10 year green card. My husbands visa would of expired a day after aniversary which would of meant he would of had to wait exactly 6 months and thats why we opted out but if it was a month like yours i would of had him wait
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2012-02-19 21:25:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 DENIED !! :(
I would call them see if they can give you an extension or try to fix it like that. If not than just re-file again. Regardless I wish you luck with both the removal of conditions and your future baby boy.
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2012-01-27 12:22:00
PhilippinesLet's offer prayer to our fellow VJer, Maria.
i just read the artical that is so sad may she RIP and may God be with her family
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2010-02-09 16:04:00
PhilippinesUnexpected Call.
he took the TB shot and it came positive? If that is the case it can happen to a lot of the immigrants who have the birthmark looking scar on their right or left upper arm. My sister has the same problem every time she takes the test it comes out positive but she doesn't have TB.
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2010-10-28 12:33:00
Philippinesdental work

Check carefully about the dentist and dental work your loved one gets overseas. My wife is Russian and had some poor work done before I met her. Fortunately I am a dentist so I was busy after she arrived fixing the problems that could be fixed. I have seen too many people from the former Soviet Union with very poorly done root canals. Because of the material used, some of them cannot be fixed. I have also seen people go to Central America to have implants done cheaply. In some cases things did not go well and required several return visits to try and correct the original problems.

I agree the first dentist my husband went to didn't even take x-rays she just determined what she had to do by looking at them. The first tooth she pulled out she took about 3 hours (because he should of went to a dental surgeon instead). The second one she couldn't do so she sent him to her co-worker who did it but ended up damaging some kind of sinus or something basically he had to go to a specialist right after and had 11 stitches put in his mouth. Now he chose to continue going to that specialist and drive about an hour and a half to a different city each time than go through the ####### he went through.

Oh and dentists in America can be bad to. When i first came here I had to get 4 root canals. Each one the dentist did ended up going bad in less than 2 years and I had to have 3 of them removed while the 4th one was repaired and intact thanks to a cover over it. I recommend a cover for everyone that has a root canal done.
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2011-08-13 00:47:00
Philippinesdental work
My husbands interview in Serbia is on September 27th but till then he has appointments with a dentist almost every week because the costs over there are much cheaper than they are here. I also plan on the next long vacation that I am there for to fix few major things because even with insurance its high over here for me at least
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2011-08-12 19:54:00
PhilippinesHow much do you send to your wife's family monthly ?

Depends on your financial status I guess. I pursued my fiancee, she did not pursue me. I met her through a friend who son is married to her friends sister. She happened to be one of my facebook friends. Every situation is different, so is every culture. How would they live without me being in their life, they would life as they always have and my fiancee would be there working to help the family unit survive. I have no regrets in helping her family. THey are not greedy and have never asked for any money. I give an allowance to help because I can afford to do it and my soon to be wife will have peace of mind that I took care of the responsiibility that she is obligated to do in her country, when I remove her from doing it to concentrate on our marriage, life together and starting our family. To each their own, but for one thing, no one can compare their situation to others, they are all different, different cultures, etc...

Yes Serbia is different from the Philipines but the parents have the same expectations in fact in Serbia the son usually stays with the family to take care of them or has them move in with him once they are older. My husbands family is poor (till two years ago they had lived in an immigration camp together with my husband) but I still believe that they can survive even without our help. If we sent them money it would help a little but as of now us sending that money would put as at a disadvantage since we are expecting and need to move out on our own and my husband is the only one working. If we hadd extra money than yes I think he would gladly agree to send them money but in my opinion that money should only go towards his parents care and not anyone elses. I guess that is just my opinion just like yours is your opinion. Our cultures might be way different but there are expectations with in every family and those expectations are met one or another way or adjusted over time. My husband and my future child will always top the needs of anyone be that in my family or his.
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2012-04-19 13:17:00
PhilippinesHow much do you send to your wife's family monthly ?
When I first came here my parents used to send money like a hundred here and there to my fathers parents but that stopped once they came here. Now that my husband is here and his whole family is over there I've thought about it and sometimes even said to my husband send a hundred to your dad. But my husband is smarter than I am he says the only time he will send money is when we aren't struggling to live here and that's not anytime soon. I don't think people that come here should be a meal ticket for the ones back there. What would they do if we never came here? Who would help them out? It isn't fair to us especially when we are taking money that we can really use and sending it over there.
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2012-04-19 10:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsnoa2
Congrats to you all. I hope it stays that fast because by the end of this month me and my husband are starting our process :)
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2010-07-04 07:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWOW!!! At Last VSC is on it's way to Chill Up!!!
Yes it seems one week the work on the K1s and one on the CR/IR1s so lets hope it keeps going
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2011-04-16 11:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI feel like I'm losing my mind :(
I haven't been in the process as long as you but I am going crazy. My emotions are crazy, I get angry easily, cry for every little thing, its very overwhelming
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2011-05-02 23:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInappropriate Interview
I understand that they are offensive questions but if that lies between you and your fiance/husband being together I would answer them without even blinking.
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2012-02-25 16:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsRFE review. NOA2 when? :(
I am not sure how long it takes in the USCIS stage but I got one at the NVC stage and the delay was about a month.
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2012-03-16 13:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPPRVEDDDD VISAA APPROVEDD!!! :D
Congrats all th best in life for te both of you. Srecan put mladozenji
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2012-04-05 19:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCan I trash some papersI took to the interview?
I am not sure. In my case I have kept everything except the pictures which I left with husbands family since I can always make copies of them. I think I will get rid of them once the husband gets his 10 year green card or citizenship till then one sectional binder wont hurt staying in the back of my closet.
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2012-04-19 13:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAAAAAPPRRRROOOOOVVVVEEEEDDDDD
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2012-04-26 14:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRenewal of Vows
thanx guys. We originally planned to do both ceremonies together but with the economy my parents/family/friends couldn't make it so that is why we are doing it now.
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2011-03-31 23:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRenewal of Vows
thanks Inky i just didn't want them to give him problems about it when the time comes for the interview. But the way I hear and see VSC working it seems like it will take forever
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2011-03-31 20:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRenewal of Vows
Me and my husband had a small civli wedding on march 27th, 2010 and are just in the beginning stages of our visa process. How ever we are having a big church wedding and party on July 2nd back home in Serbia with all the families and friends present. My question is can my husband show the pictures from the big wedding as evidence of our ongoing relationship? Will it be some sort of red flag since we didn't do it a year ago when we did the civil wedding?

I want to thank everyone in advance for replying to the post.
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2011-03-31 20:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about NVC
good luck mellie, from Serbia it takes about 2 weeks to get something with regular mail so I am not sure how long it would take from bosnia but I assume it would take just as long.
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2011-04-19 22:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp I-864
What if my parents are joint filers on taxes? Also household size on mine what do i put. I live with both parents and 2 siblings
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2011-06-01 00:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp I-864
Okay so I am having a big problem filling it out. The big problem comes from the fact that I have not worked a day in my life since I was 18 because I was a student in college (on and off) till Dec. 2010 and since than have put of looking for a job till the husband gets here. I do not know how to fill out the I-864 because what am I supposed to write "0" (zero) on everyone one question. My parents will be co-sponsoring me and I guess I am to fill another form out for them.

So i guess the question is how do i fill them out what do I write? I feel like just paying a lawyer to do this but I feel bad asking the parents for the money? I know its possible for me to do it alone but how do I do it? SO SO SO LOST :((
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2011-05-31 23:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support
Okay so I am a bit confused. I am the main sponsor (make zero income) and I live with my family they are my household members. Do they file a separate I-864 (they file taxes jointly) or do I just file two I-864A's for both father and mother? Thanx for answering
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2011-06-03 19:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresA few...or several...questions about evidence
When i sent the I-130 for my husband all i sent was the requierd items like our marriage certificate proof of citizenship for me. I also added 6 photos and a copy of the pages of my passport where it was stamped. I sent no emails, chats, call logs or anything of that sort. For the interview i am sending the past year worth of text message listings as well as calls, a couple of the calling cards i had used (i know its not much credit but its all i have) also letters I had sent him and he has sent me since 2005 and a whole lot of pictures and my flight itineraries from 2005 till now
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2011-07-26 16:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMedicaid
Are you the USC? If so you can get it but he can't.
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2011-08-04 15:19:00