Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)SERBIA
ET hvala ti puno, znam vec da trebam da idem u Americku amabasadu da uzmem taj dokaz da nisam bila udavata pre i znam da kosta oko 30 dolara. Sto se tice izvoda iz MKR to ce mi rodjak da posalje iz Hrvatske ovih dana (ustvari poslace mom dragom) on takodje treba svoj da izvadi iz hrvatske ali totalno drugog djela i nacice nekog da mu to ucini. Jedino sto nisam znala jeste da treba da se zakaza unaprjed sa maticarom. Pa cu to reci dragom da uradi nedje u februaru tako da maticar zna. Sigurno se planiramo vjencati 28 ili 29 marta sto je petak ili subota i bice u malom mjestu kod Ivanjice (kod maticara).

Da vam svima objasnim nasa situacija je veoma iskomplikovana sto se tice mog buduceg muza. Jer on je rodjen u Hrvatskoj a u Srbiji zivi kao Izbjeglica. Sada je u processu da dobije Srpsko drzavljanstvo sto me brine jer sta ako ga pozovu u vojsku dok mi radimo sve papire. U isto vrjeme jos nije ni napravio hrvatsku putovnicu (pasos) jer nemozes u Srbiji da ga napravis u Hrvatskoj ambasadi bez Srpske licne karte sto on za sad nema. A ja nemogu tako lako da mu objasnim sta sve treba dok neodem tamo jer tvrdoglavim musakrcima tesko objasniti te stvari preko telefona. Ponekad dobijem osjecaj da on misli da je to stani pani i sve ce doci na svoje mjesto bez ikakvog rada :(...ugh poludecu do marta.
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2010-01-30 21:28:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)SERBIA
Dali se treba prijaviti unaprjed ko Maticara u Srbiji?
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2010-01-30 15:58:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)SERBIA
ja nevjerujem da u americkim tax formama trebas navesti rad iz Hrvatske

sto se tice cover letter to je Pismo u kojem navedes tvoje znanje firme u kojoj trazis poso, isto vremeno navodis sto si ti osoba za taj poso i sta je tvoj cilj. Sve u svemu hvalis sebe

evo ti moj cover letter za primjer

November 2, 2009

Ms. Monica Mckenzie
IDGA General Manager
International Quality & Productivity Center
535 Fifth Avenue, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10017

Dear Ms. Mckenzie

I am responding to the advertisement posted on on October 21st, 2009 for the health services internship position in your production department.

I am currently enrolled in Berkeley College and expect to graduate in June 2010 with an Associates in Applied Services in Health Services Management. My studies have provided me with knowledge of computers, the health field, and different programs offered to make the health industry a successful business. Through my coursework I have learned the importance of organization, and time management.

Aside from my formal education, I have five years of part and full time work experiences that have provided me with a number of skills. While working at a dental office I have learned how to interact with patients on a day to day basis, as well as keeping track of patient files and their insurance records. Overall, I am a hands on person who can learn quickly and handle working under pressure.

Besides my work experience and education I would also like to mention that I am fluent in several Easter European languages, and semi-fluent in Spanish. I believe that my education and experience would be invaluable to your department and I am hopeful for the opportunity to prove myself.

Thank you very much for your consideration and I look forward to meeting with you so we can further discuss how I may contribute to your team.



a evo ti i thank you note

adresa broj telefona i email odje

November 2, 2009

Ms. Monica Mckenzie
IDGA General Manager
International Quality & Productivity Center
535 Fifth Avenue, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10017

Dear Ms. Mckenzie

Thank you for the opportunity to interview for the position of a health services intern with International Quality & Productivity Center.

I am very impressed with your company, and would like to be a part of its success. I was particularly interested in international aspect of the business and the work you do with medical professionals and their continuing education.

As I had mentioned to you during the interview, I am a well organized, creative, and goal oriented person. My work experience in various industries, including the health industry, as well as my language skills would greatly benefit your department.

Thank you again, Ms. Mckenzie, for the interview. I look forward to hearing from you.



Bagdarella eto tu imas moj cover letter i thank you note sto sam morala da uradim za cas i koristila sam neku kompaniju sto sam nasla preko neta
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2010-01-29 23:01:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)SERBIA
Bagdarella pa vecinom ako te upoznala sa ostalim radinicima trebalo bi da bude... Ja u ponedeljak polazim da trazim internship, pa ako Bog da nacu ga uz pomoc skole jer za to i placam veliki tuition. Sto se tice thank you notes ko sto sam ti rekla poslje party (pirova valjda se tako kaze hehehe) odje ameri to salju dosta. I meni je vise nego ponekad cudno. Jedva cekam da moj dragi stigne da vidim kako ce on da se privikne. I zaboravi da te pitam odakle si iz Hrvatske? Ja sam rodjena u Hrvatskoj isto ko i moj dragi.
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2010-01-29 01:36:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)SERBIA
Millimelo hvala ti...videcu kako mi se sve to vrjeme sklopi ja polazem 26 februara, ako Bog da istog tog dana cu da uradim i zakletvu. Put za Srbiju planiram 18 ili 21 Marta. Ja se samo molim da nista nebude doslo izmedju mog planiranja jer onda cu stvarno da poludim.

Bagdarella cuti ja sam odje 11 godina i dalje me neke stvari cude. Sto se tice thank you nota najbolje je da u ova doba ih saljes putem e-mail jer rjetko ko da salje to tradicionalnom postom sem ako je poslje svadbe, rodjendanske zurke, itd.
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2010-01-28 21:01:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)SERBIA
bagdarella trebas joj poslati thank you note (email) ukucaj na google da vidis primjere posjeti je na tvoje kvalifkacije (sorry za serb-english)
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2010-01-28 04:02:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)SERBIA
ivancicas onda znas kako je ovaj long distance...ponekad imam osjecaj da cu da poludim...jos kad zovnem tamo a ona krava mi kaze korisnik nije dostupan...

milimelo ponekad zakletva je par nedelja poslje ali ja cu da vidim pa da pokusam isti dan sve da bude jer cula sam da se moze ako sacekas poslje testa...sto se tice pasosa dok zavrsim sa zakletvom trcim u postu i narucujem pasos.
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2010-01-27 15:45:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)SERBIA
Da se ja pridruzim i cestitam ti ET dobro dosla u USA kada stignes....

Ja sam izgleda na totalno drugacijo stranici za sada od sviju. Juce sam dobila pismo idem da polazem za Americko Drzavljanstvo 26 Februara pa ako Bog da Marta 21 krecem za Beograd dje cu se vjencati sa mojim dragim i poceti process da bi on konacno bio odje kraj mene. Dosta mi je putovanja tamo amo zadnje 4 ipo godine.
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2010-01-27 02:36:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)SERBIA
Cure imam pitanj, sto se tice izvoda iz knjige rodjenih (birth certificate) koji ce da mi treba u Srbiji da bi se udala dali je okej posto ce moj da bude Hrvatski, a ne americki? Pitam jer dolazim tamo i kad me pitaju gde sam drzavljanin recu im America ali neznam kako to gledaju kad bi mi pasos bio iz jedne zemlje a brith certificate iz druge
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2009-12-28 10:56:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)SERBIA
tihana kad se vracas u USA oni samo oce da vide zelenu kartu ali imaj i pasos pri ruci za svaki slucaj...Srecan Put
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2009-12-21 20:02:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)SERBIA
milimelo ako imas vozacku ili licnu kartu uopste zelenu kartu nemoras da nosas sasobom sem ako recimo ides u SS office ili tako nesto...Ja uopste nepreporucujem da je nosas radije izvadi vozacku ili licnu kartu.

GC drzi kod kuce na sigurnom mjestu dje ces uvjek znati dje ti je a ako bas oces da je imas uza se nosi kopiju od nje dje ces da imas njen broj. Vjeruj mi ovo znam jer sa GC zivim vec 11 i nesto godina a ako Bog da jos samo mjesec dva duze pa sam drzavljanin konacno
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2009-12-19 14:20:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)SERBIA
pa ja mislim da bi trebala da odes tamo u S.S. office i da im kazes "i want to update my Social Security card because my status changed to permanent resident." Izvini Srpski/Hrvatski mi nije jaci jezik i ako sam dolje rodjena.
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2009-12-19 02:19:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresProof of marriage
Go over what they told him and he told you guys and get as much proof as you can and send it to them.
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2012-02-01 16:58:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresProof of marriage
Are you a hundred percent sure he wasn't given any paper at all from them? Hope everything works out
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2012-02-01 15:28:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHow often do you guys communicate with your spouses abroad
ah you also have that kind of husband. I usually call mine every day or every other and make sure to send at least one text. He is a quiet person and finds his life boring but I knew that from the start and we understand each other that way since I like to talk a lot and he likes to listen
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2010-10-13 00:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionExpensive medical exams?
I guess it depends on the country in Serbia healthcare is free but for these medicals they are charging as they would here $120 for medical and about 30 dollars a shot
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2011-08-13 18:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNeed to fly out of country-Passport expired

read this its the closest i got to it
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2012-04-25 17:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNeed to fly out of country-Passport expired
Yes one of my auntis nieces flew to Serbia for my wedding using it and she flew from Wisconsin or Chicago im not sure since she lives in WI.
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2012-04-25 17:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNeed to fly out of country-Passport expired
There is an emergency passport you can get from USA even if not a citizen..I dont know how you go about it but i know that its possible cuz I know people that have done it.
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2012-04-25 17:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionare videos accpeted as proof?
The videos will not be looked at. My aunt had her interview and she brought in videos of the wedding ceremony and they did not want to accept it.
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2011-04-15 20:07:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionMy test is february 26th
Thanx Nick for the advice, I agree with you. I talked it over with friends who say that sometimes there is an Oath being held for others at the same time as the interview for some so I am going to hold my fingers crossed and hope that that is the case. I will either way check with them.
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2010-02-03 13:58:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionMy test is february 26th
I hope so too because I all ready have my ticket for Serbia on the 22nd of March and it is the only time I can go till the end of the year to see my fiance and family. I had family friends tell me that they waited around for hours after they took the test and they were allowed to take the Oath. I am hoping my case will be like one of theirs.
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2010-02-03 03:26:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionMy test is february 26th
My test for the citizenship is on February 26th at 7:55am in Garden City, New York. I herd that sometimes you can take the Oath the same day. Now I am wondering if this is true. Is there a chance I can take it the same day (I am pretty sure I will pass the test since I have lived here for 11 years).


1) Is there a chance I will be able to take the oath the same day as the test?
2) If not when will I approximatly have to do the oath?
3) I have a ticket to travel out of the country for March 22nd what is the chance of me traveling there with an American passport?
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2010-02-03 03:10:00
US Citizenship General Discussionn-400 application expires 12/31/09
Yes he is supposed to write down every time he left the country and when he came back
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2010-02-07 23:39:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionTriple Ties/Citizenships...
Ant I think you are allowed only duel citizenship so unless you didn't denounce your birth country you shouldn't have a problem. I my self was born in Croatia yet consider my self Serbian and am hoping the US Govt. or should I say the citizenship people will let me put nationality as Serbian or Yugoslavian.
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2010-02-25 02:05:00
US Citizenship General Discussionn-400 was/is tomorrow
Well the lady told me that if I dont take my test tomorrow since they canceled it I wont be able to take it till April something So I will still be a green card holder and can fly with that. But will they make a big deal about the fact that by the time I do take the test in April since this one is canceled I will be married to a person that lives in another country? Can they fail me because of that?
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2010-02-26 00:21:00
US Citizenship General Discussionn-400 was/is tomorrow
So I am supposed to take my citizenship test tomorrow but due to the weather conditions they have canceled all the exams. I did tell them that I am traveling at the end of march so a lady from the office called and said that if I want I can show up to the office and if there are employees there I might be able to take the test so that is what I am praying for right now.

The problem comes if I do not take the test tomorrow. I am going on that vacation because me and my fiance whom I have been with for four years are planing to get married and still plan on going through with it. My question is has anyone been in this situation where they got married while they were waiting for the interview exam date for the N-400 (citizenship)? What do I tell them? Do I tell them that I have gotten married and changed my last name? (the reason I ask is because they wont know unless I show them my marriage certificate)
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2010-02-25 16:22:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionMarriage in between
Ziia I understand, they don't because they aren't in my situation and they are listening to other people. Oh and they live here in the US.

But I am not planing on lying I was just wondering about the procedure and all.
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2010-03-06 14:58:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionMarriage in between
That was my initial plan even though my parents were saying otherwise but than they don't know better since they haven't ever been in the situation.
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2010-03-06 13:58:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionMarriage in between
Kathryin you are a God send. Thank you so much. My parents were scaring me telling me that I shouldn't tell them I am married because it will look bad since he is over there and I am here. I'm just nervous and excited to see my fiance in 2 weeks and a couple of days.
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2010-03-05 20:13:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionMarriage in between
here is the link of the organization i came through
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2010-03-05 19:54:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionMarriage in between
I came here through International Rescue Committee (IRC) and had my green card upon entrance on Dec 1st, 1998 have had it since and been lazy to apply for citizenship the past 6 years even though I was able to. Finally I applied in October and was scheduled to go take the test February 26th but due to the huge snow storm NYC got the day before and that day it was rescheduled for April 6th and I wont be able to attend it that day since I will be in Serbia so they are rescheduling it to a day after April 10th.

The vacation to Serbia has been planned ever since July of last year because it is the only time i can take off of school so me and my fiance decided to get married than (I met him 4 years ago when i was on vacation in Serbia and we have been dating long distance ever since). No I can't push the trip to after the test because I will be in my last quarter of school and financially wont be able to afford a plane ticket of 1200 in July comparing to the 600 I paid right now at least not till my graduation.
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2010-03-05 19:46:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionMarriage in between
So my N-400 test is being rescheduled to sometime after April 10th and by that time I will be married. I am getting married in Serbia and my husband is staying over there. My question is how do I go about with this. Should I just tell them on the day of my appointment that I am now married and will that create a problem? Should I go to S.S. office and DMV to change my last name prior to the test or just wait to do everything with the N-400 including the oath to change the rest of the stuff?

Thanks to everyone that answers in advance since I am going crazy here :wacko:
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2010-03-05 19:27:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 October 2009 Applicants - post your dates here!
i dont know when I sent my application but my NOA date is 10/13/09 (receved date) my fingerprints were 11/05/09 my interview letter was 01/21/10 and my interview is 02/26/10 at 7:55am in Garden City, NY
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2010-02-08 00:01:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 ... September 2009 Applicants
I just realized I was October my received date is October 13, 2009 but I love september :( by the way if it matters I had my finger prints on 11/05/09 my interview letter came in on 01/21/10 and my interview date is 02/26/10
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2010-02-07 23:58:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 ... September 2009 Applicants

There are certain days for the oath, and oaths are not hold at Garden City. I guess you might be able to get an appointment for March 1 in Islip if you live near by. I was at the Garden City office on 2/2 for my interview and the officer asked me to wait after the interview to get an appointment letter for an oath within 10 days. I told him that I would not be available until 2/28. He said in that case go home now and wait for the letter in mail. He will make sure to schedule me after 2/28. I am yet to receive the oath letter.

Omg thank you so much for helping me out it would be great if I can do the swear in on March 1st since Islip is only about one hour away from me and my family would give me a ride any time. Omg and March 1st is my brothers birthday that would be great if i become an american citizen on his birthday I will never forget it than.

Guys please pray that I do get it on March 1 I would love it. I need to go see my fiancee and with out the oath and passport by the 22nd of March I wont be able to go till July or maybe even later :crying:
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2010-02-07 23:47:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 ... September 2009 Applicants
Hey I guess I am part of this group since I have my interview (test) on February 26th in garden city, ny. Whats the chance of taking the oath the same day? I heard people have done it.
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2010-02-03 03:20:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionFormally and Legally giving up former birth country after US Citizenship....
You are not the only one who would want to do that. I am by birth a citizen of one country and by choice of another (not the US) and I will be removing the birth country as soon as I am provided with proof that I will be able to keep the land (property) my family owns in the birth country (for sentimental reasons.

Edited by Danijela+Miroslav, 24 June 2010 - 07:32 AM.

Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2010-06-24 07:29:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionState ID
Just to update everyone for future references. I took my Neutralization exam on Thursday the 24th and passed. They didn't even ask me for my ID or anything of that sort. All they wanted was the interview letter thing, my passport, green card, and the 2 pictures (i forgot to send with the application).
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2010-07-01 12:40:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionState ID
i have the D.L but i will go in tomorrow and file an app for a replacement of the ID and hopefully the office will understand it. I just thought I can use other Identification since after I take the citizenship test I will have to go to the ID office and change the name on the ID
Dana-Mi?aFemaleSerbia2010-06-17 16:57:00