CanadaMontreal Process Recap
I live in Canada and had them done recently so that is an untruth about all of Canada. I cannot speak for Ontario.
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-04-18 21:23:00
CanadaMontreal Process Recap
If you can't get immunization records....When you are at your Dr for your physical ask to have the blood titer done to see if you are immune to the measles, mumps and rubella. It will take a few weeks for the results. As far as the chicken pox go, all the Dr did was ask me if I had them as a child. You can ask your Dr to give you the TDaP shot if you have not had one recently. Make sure that it is not just the tetanus, they require the full shot called TDaP. Hope this helps :-)
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-04-17 16:57:00
CanadaMontreal Process Recap
I suggest going to a clinic and getting the blood work done to see if you need the MMR shot. If you had the chick pox as a child then just kinda remember what grade you were in and figure out what year. If you did not have the chicken pox you might want to have the blood work to see if you need the vaccine. You should get the TDaP shot as well. Getting them before your medical will save time and money :-)
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-04-14 11:04:00
CanadaMontreal Process Recap
That is great news! Now on to Montreal. Have you got everything in order for your medical? I'm not sure if you read my post about the passport pictures somewhere but.....I went to Shoppers Drug Mart to get my passport pictures done...In total you need 5....3 for the medical and 2 to take to the interview with you (don't send them with packet 3) The nice lady took my picture and printed it. Then we took that and scanned it, then printed it on glossy photo paper. She had to play with the color a little, I forget now if she had to make lighter or darker. Anyway.....The first 2....the originals from the special camera were $9.99 a page....So one page of that....Then I got 2 pages of the photocopies at .19 a page. She cut them all for me according to the specs. I took the 3 copies to the medical and will take the 2 originals to my interview. Just an idea on how to save about $20.
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-04-14 10:51:00
CanadaMontreal Process Recap
Looks like you have everything in order :-) I hope that you get through the NVC process quickly and on to Montreal.

As to KASH response.....Montreal requires the DS-160 to be done online and a copy sent with packet 3. Montreal does not require the DS-157. There are different requirements for different consulates, please be careful when giving information on a consulate that you are unfamiliar with :-)
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-04-14 06:35:00
Thanks everyone for the sweet words. We had a beautiful day for the wedding. We were married at 11am on July 23rd. About 25 people in attendance. It was outside in a friends back yard. It was too hot to hold the reception outside so most ate indoors. We had a caterer do a southern bbq, (for those who don't know what that is, it's pulled pork in a vinegary sauce on a bun with coleslaw) salads, beans......I couldn't eat much but everyone said it was very good. We stayed at a local motel that night, then the next morning we drove to Maryland, then to West Virginia and back home late that night. Kenny says that was our minimoon. We are going to Florida in October for a week, my matron of honor has a condo there and offered it to us as a wedding present for a week.

Again thanks for the congrats :-)

Starting AOS sometime this week.....yikes!
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-07-27 09:03:00
CanadaWhere to donate stuff?
I had a yard sale...Gave things to friends that needed things, the rest I donated to the woman's shelter for women that are starting over after an abusive relationship and don't have anything. There are so many great ideas of where to donate. Do what is right for you :-)
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-08-12 07:39:00
CanadaMoving/Shipping Company Recommendations
I also used ABF/Upack It was the cheapest quote that I received when I called around. I did not get a pod, I wasn't shipping a whole household, just about 10 boxes of personal effects. It was on a pallet and wrapped when I picked it up. No damage to anything. I used boxes and plastic containers.
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-08-16 07:11:00
Canadak1-ers waiting for Montreal

Hey guys

I love this stream of comments . It has given me a whole new boost of hope that things can happen quicker than I was thinking! YAY!

Question for those who have filled out DS 160 .... intended length of stay ...hmmmm ..... forever? and intended travel date? since we have really no idea of when we can travel to the states before we have an interview date and are intent is to stay .... what did you guys put?

Website shut down on me as I was filling out the online form ...grrrr

Thanks guys!

Try doing the DS160 in Internet Explorer, the others seem to have issues. For the question on length of stay I put 60 years (that would make me 108) For intended date of travel I put a date about a month ahead. That of course is not the date I will be traveling as it has long since past.

Good Luck!
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-03-29 19:33:00
Canadak1-ers waiting for Montreal
I also didn't book my medical until I had packet 4 as the instructions are in it. I booked my interview first then called to book the medical to insure that it would be in plenty of time before hand. No rush in booking the medical, they will schedule you before the interview. All you need is 3 business days between.
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-02-20 11:12:00
Canadak1-ers waiting for Montreal
It took almost a month for us from NVC until they said packet 3 was sent. DOS does not get updated until the consulate updates their data banks. Hang in there it will come. As Inky said. Download the forms and get things started to that when they do release packet 3 you are ready. :-) This is the link to packet 3 .... http://montreal.usco...=immigrant_visa Download the forms but DON'T pick the DHL location and DON'T do the DS 160 until you know that packet 3 is on the way.

Edited by JeannieL, 19 February 2011 - 07:09 PM.

JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-02-19 19:07:00
CanadaUS Passport Photos and how many?
Hi ....You will need 3 for the medical and 2 for the interview (or packet 3). I got mine done at Shoppers Drug mart for 9.99 for a set of 2. The girl took the originals and photocopied them onto glossy photo paper for me at .19 a print. Then she cut them all to the proper size. That was the best deal that I found. If you don't have a Shoppers in your area (I was in NS) try another drug store. Also a heads up for the AOS package,....You need 6 passport photos 2 for each part if you are doing it all at once. I wish I had read ahead because I would have had them done at the same time. Good luck!
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-08-16 07:02:00

Is the DS-3025 given back to you after your interview, in your sealed package? Is the sealed package opened at the border and given to you after processing?

The DS-3025 comes attached to your medical and xray. You take that off and keep it for your records, don't take it to the interview with you but make sure you keep it safe.
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-08-21 08:14:00
CanadaWishing everyone is Safe on the EAST COAST
Power was restored about 10 minutes ago. I ran around getting everything back in order. Had to clean out the freezer before it all froze again. It's soooooooooooo nice to have the A/C back. Off to take a hot shower....Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers!
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-08-29 19:34:00
CanadaHurricane Irene
A bit rainy and windy here in VA. They are projecting the worst to be around 5pm today. I hope that everyone on the east coast stays safe.
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-08-27 07:24:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP in London?

Hi, has anyone been through AP? Administrative process!!! What type of checks do they need to do? Why did they say my case was approved and then start with AP?

How did you find out that you were in AP? Did DOS tell you this? ......If it was DOS telling you that you are in AP, it doesn't necessarily mean that it is true.
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-10-26 04:38:00
United KingdomReaching out to fellow Irishmen!

Hi JeannieL!

Yes I found that too and finished them all! Just that I need to know what to prepare before I go :)

Ok good... I hope that someone lets you know what is on the checklist. It is probably close to the one that was in the link I provided for Montreal. It's pretty basic, did you have a look at it?
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-05-06 14:47:00
United KingdomReaching out to fellow Irishmen!
Hi it's me again....I found this on the Dublin consulate site..... http://dublin.usemba...ees_visas2.html on the right hand side is links to the forms.... I have not found a checklist for Dublin yet.
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-05-06 14:36:00
United KingdomCell/Mobile phones when you get to the USA?
My fiance was with Verizon. We went to see about getting a family plan as he had a single line plan. We got all the information and pricing. Then went down the street and saw an Intelos sign. We popped in there and got a great deal...Way better than what Verizon was offering. They even gave credit to our bill for his ETF for cancelling with Verizon. So it pays to shop around. I don't have a SSN yet, they didn't even ask for it.
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-07-01 16:55:00
United KingdomPlease Help! Urgent!
You cover letter is great. So sorry that your first package went astray. Mine did too at Montreal. Funny they found it after my 2nd package arrived. :bonk:
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-08-05 13:45:00
United KingdomPlease Help! Urgent!
I would send another copy of everything ASAP. Make sure that you get delivery confirmation from the source you use to send it. Include a cover letter stating this is the 2nd package you are sending and the reason why.
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-08-05 13:16:00
United KingdomJFK Airport

Thank you :D I'm excited that I get to see her again soon :D Hopefully CSC will be back on track and we hear about our NOA2 in December :D

I know the wait is so long. It's great that you are able to go for a visit. While you are in the US, look over the forms for packet 3 and start collecting things that you will need from her. That way you can save some postage down the road if you take the things back with you. I made a surprise visit to Kenny almost a year ago now....We both needed it so bad, our spirits were down with the distance and all the waiting. While I was here our NOA2 came and our letter from NVC with our case number for the consulate :-) I hope CSC moves along quickly for you.
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-10-25 15:06:00
United KingdomJFK Airport

I'm flying into the US. I'm flying from Ireland and we get cleared by Customs before we even board the plane. It makes things a lot easier Stateside :D

Thanks :) All my other flights to see Jess have been without connections so this is a bit of a change for me. I'm sure the Delta reps will be sick of my questions :P

Then you will be a domestic flight when you arrive in the US. No need for any clearance once you arrive at JFK. Just gather your carry on luggage and proceed to your next gate. Your luggage will follow you to the destination. Have a wonderful trip!
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-10-25 14:44:00
United KingdomJFK Airport
Are you coming into the US or leaving the US? If you are coming into the US from the UK and have not gone through US customs in the UK you will have to gather your belongings and go through US customs. Then go to the next terminal.......If you are in the US and flying to the UK you will just go to the next terminal, no need to gather your belongings other than what you carried on. No further screening until you enter the UK and go through their welcoming committee (customs). JFK is one of the easiest airports to get around. Since you are traveling with Delta they will be able to give you the gate number on your first flight for the second and can give you directions to the shuttle.
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-10-25 14:15:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarus1 full day to go :)
Congratulations! Best wishes in your new life.
JeannieLFemaleCanada2010-08-08 11:36:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusengagement ring
Absolutely not! You don't need a ring to be engaged. Best of luck at the interview!
JeannieLFemaleCanada2010-09-23 12:24:00
Asia: East and Pacifick1 visa , calling cards
Try I think they have different plans for all over the world. We used to use it between Canada and the US and it worked very well.
JeannieLFemaleCanada2012-01-13 19:13:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanCalls to Ghana
We use The plan that we get is $10. and it gives us many hours of talk time. When you sign up you can put 3 numbers in which you will be calling from. It's very easy to use. Hope this helps.
JeannieLFemaleCanada2010-07-31 06:49:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS-230 query about question #24
Yes, your wife is correct ....sorry to bring the GOOD news :-)
Good luck with the rest of your process :-)
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-03-12 12:28:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS-230 query about question #24
Your mother's maiden name is her surname at her birth....not your birth.....Your wife is correct.
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-03-12 12:21:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Ready to send AOS/IV packets - need confirmation please
I'm nowhere near the AOS stage but I have been reading ahead. In reference to the Marriage licence.....You can send a certified copy instead of the original.
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-03-12 18:02:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresi129 Part A question 10....
You are very welcome :-) Wishing you the best on your journey.
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-04-19 17:40:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresi129 Part A question 10....
Scroll to the top of this the tab example forms....the I-129F and G-325A will be there for you to look at.

Edited by JeannieL, 19 April 2011 - 01:33 PM.

JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-04-19 13:32:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresi129 Part A question 10....
If you were born in the US you just put an X in that box.....leave the other two blank....(parents and yes or no)
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-04-19 13:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionk1
I found this very helpful. Step by step guide of what you need to send. Hope this answers some of your questions.
JeannieLFemaleCanada2010-08-07 19:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPacket #3 Document Clarification
I believe that you need certified copies of both the marriage and divorce certificates. Yes the police certificate is only good for 6 months from the date it was done.
JeannieLFemaleCanada2010-08-09 06:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionposting in new topics
Thanks...That was the first thing that I asked them. Maybe they didn't understand fully what I meant. Thought there may be another reason such as settings.:bonk:
JeannieLFemaleCanada2010-08-10 19:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionposting in new topics
no one has any ideas? it because they are new?
JeannieLFemaleCanada2010-08-10 15:13:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionposting in new topics
I was contacted by a new person (joined yesterday), because they cannot post in a new topic in a forum. When they click on View topic it opens...But the 3 things tabs at the top don't say "Watch topic" "Reply to topic" "Start new topic" It says you cannot reply to topic and you cannot start a new topic. Is there something in their settings they need to change to be able to a new topic? Thanks for any input!
JeannieLFemaleCanada2010-08-10 13:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCompletion Of DS-156
I believe that you leave it blank and she will sign it at the interview. Someone will correct me if I am wrong but I am sure that is what I read.
Good Luck!
JeannieLFemaleCanada2010-10-12 11:06:00