CanadaInterview Information and Help

Hey JeannieL - paperclips and binder clips are acceptable. Non-electronic keys are also fine. And the big x-ray is not needed :)

Thanks so much! Now I don't have to go through and take everything apart! Soooooooooooooooooo how did the interview go? I have been waiting all day!
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-04-13 18:47:00
CanadaInterview Information and Help

Oh dear... I didn't think of that... I am also using lots of paperclips and small binder clips... though I guess if they scan them, they'll see they're really just paperclips? Can they be used as weapons?

You are probably right. When they scan them they will see it is just paper clip. But I just wanted to find out for sure if they are permitted. I would hate to be standing there taking them all off before they would let me through. Lets hope someone else responds that knows for sure :-)
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-04-12 05:16:00
CanadaInterview Information and Help
I have all my originals and copies separated with plastic coated paperclips. Are paperclips allowed??? Just wondering because of the metal detector and security.
A friend of mine had her interview a few weeks ago. She took 1 expanding file folder and a binder, and a photo album and she was allowed in with all of it. They did keep her car key for her to pick up on the way out.
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-04-11 21:00:00
CanadaFlying from Toronto to Montreal?
I just explained to my Dr what they were going to check for and that I would like to be tested before. So I had the blood tests done to see if I was immune to MMR and chickenpox. It came back that I was not immune to the mumps so she gave me the MMR shot. She also gave me the TDaP shot. She didn't give me a hard time about the chest xray either. I had that done back in December. All your wife can do is try. If she is healthy she has nothing to worry about.
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-04-15 20:54:00
CanadaFlying from Toronto to Montreal?

Everything I read said it was a bad idea to get the medical done the week of the interview in case there was something they wanted to follow up on. So that worried us.

I am honestly considering this and maybe spending some days in Montreal. I'll just have to convince the wife, come up with the moolah for extra hotels, and be good to go.

I wish Priceline had a Canadian version. I can book my trip to Montreal from Texas cheap, but I cant book a trip from Winnipeg to Montreal.

Yes I have read that too. But if you are pretty sure that everything is in good order for their medicals then it might be an option. I had all the tests done with my doctor before I went to the medical.

Someone posted I am keeping an eye on a few flights for myself. I often use and
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-04-15 08:57:00
CanadaFlying from Toronto to Montreal?

The bus sits just outside Arrivals---well it did back in 2004,lol Cheaper to buy a return ticket at same time!! The ticket agent that sells the ticket is right in the same area (was back in 2004,lol) You get on bus--it takes u to train stn, you get off and get on a smaller shuttle to hotel!! That shuttle is free, but of course they take tips!! Exact opposite for ur return trip! I had my hotel cal land make my return reservations! Very easy and cheaper than a taxi

Thanks so much! This has been a great day for information!
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-04-14 18:49:00
CanadaFlying from Toronto to Montreal?

I do belive at the downtown MTL train stn--there is a Shuttle that will take u to downtown hotels for free. Its the same shuttle if you were to take the L'aerobus from the Airport to the train stn!

Thanks for the info on the L'aerobus....on their site it also has the listings for the free shuttle...I will call them tomorrow to book my seat.
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-04-14 18:35:00
CanadaFlying from Toronto to Montreal?
It might be cheaper for your wife and kids to stay in Montreal for the few days between the medical and the interview? It takes 3 business after the medical to pick it up. Something to check into.
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-04-14 16:59:00
CanadaFlying from Toronto to Montreal?
Good thinking! I will do that off and on. I don't want to book until after my interview though.....Well I do, but everyone says not to.
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-04-14 15:57:00
CanadaFlying from Toronto to Montreal?
Thanks for that site!....I looked up one way flights to VA for May and they have the cheapest prices so far :-)
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-04-14 15:51:00
CanadaFlying from Toronto to Montreal?
I am flying in from NS. I used airmiles so it was cheaper than VIA for me. If you do decide to fly. You can take a taxi from the airport to the consulate and it will cost approx $40. I am taking the shuttle I think it is called the 747. It makes just a few stops in the downtown area. There is a bus every 15 minutes. You would get off at the 2nd stop which is about 2 blocks from the consulate from what I can tell on the map. It's $8. a person. Now I did hear through the grapevine that if you return within 24 hours that your return trip is free, but don't quote me on that :-)
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-04-14 06:51:00
CanadaDid I sent Package 3 to the wrong address?

they must have changed the mailing address, as i sent my stuff to 1155 which was also the address for the interview. either way it will get there. just give it a few more days.oh and i think montreal was backlogged so it took literally a month for dos to see it was logged into the system.

Montreal did change their mail room address back in January or February. On the website it said that mail would be forwarded up until a certain date.
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-04-18 08:01:00
CanadaDid I sent Package 3 to the wrong address?
I used Canada post Xpresspost. It took 3 business days to get there. It is an extra $1.50 for a signature and well worth it. You can track it online and the signature will show. I wouldn't wait any longer. I would send another package. Worst thing that can happen is they will two packages. Make sure that you put your MTL case number on the envelope and at the top of the checklist.
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-04-18 07:58:00
CanadaDid I sent Package 3 to the wrong address?
Fingers crossed that you get the word that your packet it logged. I am not sure why DHL would give you the old address. The only thing I can think of is, because they are a courier company, they would be used to going to the physical address instead of the "mailroom address" You should contact them and let them know that they gave you the wrong address. When I sent mine back it was the old address, they were just transitioning to the new address. If packet 3 was logged, ask them if packet 4 has been sent or if you are eligible to book your interview. You can do that before physically receiving packet 4.
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-04-17 17:59:00
CanadaDid I sent Package 3 to the wrong address?
Have you called DOS at all to see if packet 3 was logged? It can take some time but usually not more than a couple weeks. Let me know what you find out.
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-04-17 09:32:00
CanadaDid I sent Package 3 to the wrong address?
I'm not sure of their process of returning things. I suggest you call DOS on Monday and see if Montreal has logged your packet 3 yet. If not I would tell them that you sent to the wrong address and ask what they advise. It has been almost a month since you sent it, it should have been logged by now. They might suggest sending another packet to the right address, do you have copies that you can send? Let me know how you make out.
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-04-17 06:57:00
CanadaDid I sent Package 3 to the wrong address?
All mail goes to the 315 Place d'Youville Suite 500. address now. It was being forwarded from the old address to the new but I read somewhere that it was going to be returned after a certain date. I would call DOS on Monday and see if your packet 3 was logged. Ask them if you should resubmit.
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-04-16 20:08:00
CanadaTime between medical and interview

I had my medical done at Medisys in Montreal. They do tell you it will be ready in 3 business days but it sometimes isn't (mine wasn't). If it's not ready for your interview they will give you a sealed envelop to give the consulate. You can still go on with your appointment and you will be told by the consulate that you need to mail the whole medical packet from your local DHL location with your passport when it is ready.

I had mine done at the same place. I had it done on Friday April 1st....(I decided to make 2 trips for several reasons) I paid to have it sent to me ($50 plus taxes) I called them on Tuesday to ask what courier they used and they told me Purolator. They told me at that time they were just waiting for some photocopies and that it would be sent soon.....Wednesday I went into town, when I came back around 3:30 pm, I had just missed Purolator being here with my medical...That was fast considering I had just talked to them the afternoon before. So if you count Friday, the day I had my was ready on the 3rd business day which was Tuesday. Nice thing about Medisys, they don't use the big xray, it is on a cd :-)
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-04-19 13:10:00
CanadaTime between medical and interview
I had my medical done in Montreal. They told me that it would be ready for pick up after 3 business days. They also told me that I could pick it up before the interview because they open at 6:30, and it is only a few minutes walk to the consulate. You can call and ask questions before you book.
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-04-18 21:04:00
CanadaMedical review.......Toronto

Oh and I was just putting everything back in the bag and I noticed another paper about the chest x tray. its called "CML healthcare. and has his info again

REPORT: There is no significant abnormality involving the mediastinal structures, lungs, pleural spaces or bony thorax.
-signed by another dr.

Did you recieve this also ?

No I did not receive that unless it is in the envelope with the chest xray cd. That envelope is sealed so I don't think I better look in it. Your husband had his medical in Toronto? The medical I got back from Montreal there is a white envelope that says do not open...stapled to that is the small brown envelope with the chest xray cd in it which also says do not open. They told me on the phone when I called to see which courier they used that everything was ok....So I am not stressing about that anymore. Just stressing about the interview next week....:wacko:
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-04-20 09:55:00
CanadaMedical review.......Toronto

Thankyou for letting me know! feel better now =)

You are most welcome! It is great that they give that, it will save some time and money at AOS time :-)
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-04-20 09:42:00
CanadaMedical review.......Toronto

Soo yesterday my hubby and I picked up his medical results downtown...everything was well, the lady was nice and he passed. She gave us the sealed envelope and the x-tray, She also gave us a cope of a immunization paper. Did anyone else get one of those? It's called the 'Vaccination Documentation Medical Worksheet Two' has his name info, case # date of exam. has all the vaccine names and the date he had them taken. And below is the results area and it has checkmarked. Anyone have any info on this paper? dosen't seem like anyone else got this. maybe it has to do with him faxing in the MMR?

-Application may be eligible for blanket waiver(s) as indicated above (also checkmarked)
-Applicant may be eligible for blanket waiver(s) because vaccination(s) not medically approprite (as indicated above)

-Applicant will request an individual waiver based on religious or moral convictions
-Vaccine hisotry complete for each vaccine, all requirements met (documented above)
-Applicant does not meet vaccination immunization requirements for one or more vaccines and no wavier is requested.

BTW I'm glad we picked them up yesterday since it's raining today! But I do enjoy the sound of the rain :star:

Yes that gets attached to everyone's medicals. That is what you need for your AOS, so keep that in your files. It has nothing to do with faxing the MMR :-)
Mine is also check marked in the same places as your husbands. I was going to call them on this but after talking to other people they have the same things checked on theirs. Possibly because we didn't have immunization records from birth? Or possibly because of the second part about the age appropriate.....
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-04-20 09:32:00
CanadaMedical review.......Toronto
Thanks for the review of the Toronto medical. It was interesting to read the differences between Toronto and Montreal. I had mine done at Mediseys (not sure if I have the spelling right) I had my medical results couriered to me because I don't live close to Montreal and I wanted them in hand before I went back to Montreal for the interview. I was pleasantly surprised that the xray is on a cd instead of the huge negative. Anyway thanks for the review. I hope that everything works out great for you in the next stages :-)
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-04-14 06:45:00
CanadaHelp...Registaring for DHL ....won't work =/
You can pay at the time of the interview. There were people doing that when I was there on Wednesday for my interview. That site is all messed up. The interviewer asked me if I had registered with DHL and I said I had. He said if I had any questions about DHL I could ask the receptionist on the way out.
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-04-29 19:35:00
CanadaMontreal Interview, anyone win the lottery today?
Everyone is in the same boat trying to schedule in Montreal. There are all sorts of threads that you can read. Best thing is to keep checking a few dates did open up last week. Good luck!
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-05-02 08:24:00
CanadaK1 Approved - Visa/Passport processing time
Go to the csc site where you registered for DHL. If there is no waybill showing use the reference number on the DHL site. Also by your name there is an option to edit....Click edit and check to see if your email address and phone number is showing there. That is how DHL lets you know it is there. If your email address is there, check your junk mail to see if maybe you did receive a notice it was picked up. That is where I found my email from them. I had my interview on the 27th and it was available to pick up yesterday.

When I say CSC this is the site I mean..... http://usvisa-info.c...country_welcome
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-05-06 14:44:00
CanadaWhere are K1 interviews held?
You will be required to have the TDaP immunization....I had blood tests to check for immunity to Mumps Measles and Rubella. I was not immune to the Mumps so I had the MMR immunization. There is a list of immunizations that are required, depending on age. If no one posts it here in the next few minutes I will go have a look for it and post it.

You will be required to have the TDaP immunization....I had blood tests to check for immunity to Mumps Measles and Rubella. I was not immune to the Mumps so I had the MMR immunization. There is a list of immunizations that are required, depending on age. If no one posts it here in the next few minutes I will go have a look for it and post it.

Thanks Coconuts! I knew you would come to my rescue :-)
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-04-29 19:51:00
CanadaWhere are K1 interviews held?
You will also need to have a medical done before the interview. That can be done in Toronto or Montreal. There is a list of physicians that can do the medical.

Welcome to the wait for Montreal! I just had my interview on Wednesday.
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-04-29 19:29:00
CanadaMarried & Applying for AOS - question about marriage certificate
I will be thinking of you in the wee hours of the morning :-) Don't forget to email me and let me know that you made it safe and sound.
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-05-12 07:42:00
CanadaMarried & Applying for AOS - question about marriage certificate
Sorry you had such a rude person at your POE. I'm going through Halifax on the 20th.
Wanted to say congrats on the marriage!
I hope that your AOS goes smoothly :-)
Hugs from Nova Scotia
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-05-10 20:44:00
CanadaInterview tomorrow!
You are most welcome. We all want you to be prepared :-)
Can't wait to hear your success story tomorrow.
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-05-15 21:08:00
CanadaInterview tomorrow!
Make copies of any originals while you are making the birth certificate copy. They won't make copies for you. Make 2 copies of your bio page of your passport. One for them and one for you to keep so you have the info for signing into the CSC site to check on your visa status.
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-05-15 20:57:00
CanadaInterview tomorrow!
You can show up at 7am but some people in the past few weeks have been getting a bad reception for showing up early for their appointments. I think that maybe around 11 would be a good time for you to show up. As Chris says...Have your birth certificate and copy together..and all the other things that you have originals of....they will take the originals and put them in one pile and the copies in another.

You do NOT need the Xpresspost envelope.....You have registered for DHL. That is how they send things now.

Good luck at the interview!
Relax and be yourself. It is the easiest part of the whole process.
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-05-15 18:21:00
CanadaAny Suggestions on Hotels?
I stayed at La Tour Centerville. A small suite was $95. taxes included. It wasn't fancy but was very clean. I couldn't have asked for better service. Also it is directly across the street from the consulate. I looked out my window onto Rene Leveque (spelling) Blvd and right across the street was the consulate building. It took me less than 2 minutes to walk there. Only thing I suggest is DO NOT go to the Chinese food restaurant downstairs. Very over priced and not very good.

I do have some pictures if you would like to contact me via message on my profile......We can exchange emails and I will send them to you.
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-05-14 17:23:00
CanadaP4 was logged but not allowed to book interview?
Congrats on the interview...Keep checking for earlier dates to open up. Yes your expiration date will automatically be extended :-)
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-05-19 15:42:00
Canadawaiting for notification
Get him to go to his bank or check his bank account online to see if it has been cashed. Don't panic...I'm sure you made copies if something did go astray :-)
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-05-19 08:33:00
Canadawaiting for notification
Did you send a check or a money order? If you sent a check, see if you can find out if it was cashed. I wouldn't panic just yet. Give it another week.
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-05-18 18:06:00
CanadaP4 Required?

You could just email them and ask them to email you packet 4. You should have it later today or tomorrow :)

Montreal works differently than Vancouver. They rarely answer emails. They do not email packet 3 or 4 out it is sent in the post. It's too bad that Montreal wouldn't take lessons from Vancouver :-)
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-05-10 14:05:00
CanadaP4 Required?
Funny how DOS agents give conflicting advice. This is not the first time that someone told me they were told they had to wait for physical packet 4. When I was told packet 4 was sent, the woman said that I could schedule. I questioned it and she said that she had been there 10 years, she knew what she was talking about.

I hope that you get an appointment soon that works for you. Monday is way to soon for anyone not living in or around Montreal.
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-05-10 14:02:00
CanadaHow big is big?
Good idea to leave the cellphone in the car. Although they will hold it at the security for you. There is a Tim Hortons on the next block from the consulate. If you stand on the corner you can see it at the next :-) Wishing you the best!
JeannieLFemaleCanada2011-04-28 06:10:00