CanadaShots Canadians need

I recently took care of all of mine. I'd had Tdap taken care of as child but needed an MMR booster (that thing feels like someone punched you in the arm. ugh). I also had to do varicella (after getting a blood test). Varicella is 2 shots a month apart.


On another note: most of my immunization records are from my elementary/middle school in Toronto and I can't get anything from my doctor as I had the majority of shots done as a kid in Iran. Do you guys think that'll be acceptable? It's all signed and stamped and official from the TDSB..

Tala202FemaleCanada2014-05-02 14:52:00
CanadaMontreal Hotel

If any of you have your interviews during the summer months, you can check out McGill New Residence Hall (~$90/night). It serves as a dorm for McGill students during the academic year but as a hotel in the summer. I lived there my first year, so I can vouch for it's cleanliness and they take care of it even more when it's a hotel. It's also a 15 minute walk to the consulate. 

Tala202FemaleCanada2014-05-02 14:57:00
CanadaHow'd You Move Everything?

Nope because Canada sucks!


The greyhound is retarded over here.  I would always make sure I would book my ticket in advance to assure seating.  One time I got screwed.  They had three seats open to cross over the border, I was fourth in line and you know what the driver told me? "Should've got here earlier, there is nothing I can do"  I almost told him to go #### yourself.

I ended up taking a taxi over because I don't drive and that cost more then my round trip.  Grey hound in the US actually reserves the seat unlike canada.  And it's way cheaper to in the states to take greyhound.  If I bought my tickets in canada, it would be 80+ dollars so, what I would do, just buy my ticket from canada to US, I knew my transfer times, booked for that bus, saving myself 40 dollars!  I don't understand how we get raped in cost over here. Just to cross from canada to US it was 14 dollars I think, from US to canada, 5bucks.  It's non sense!

O Greyhound, will you ever stop sucking? I feel your pain :)

Tala202FemaleCanada2014-05-08 16:01:00
CanadaHow'd You Move Everything?

I just did a quick quote. 2 boxs a total of 100lbs (which is the min.) is 60 dollars, station to station.  I'd say that's a lot cheaper then uhal

They don't seem to have Canada to US shipping.. right?

Tala202FemaleCanada2014-05-08 15:47:00
CanadaHow'd You Move Everything?


Not exactly, but with the cost of gas prices changing constantly it is hard to judge.  Whenever we go back to my hometown to visit we drive, and the entire time we dated we drove back and forth.  I would estimate that we spent about $80-$100 (one way), based on what I recall from our various trips. 

That sounds reasonable :) Thanks!

Tala202FemaleCanada2014-04-02 09:59:00
CanadaHow'd You Move Everything?

if you are moving to Arlington VA and going to rent an Apartment--check out Barton house apartments!  Awesome apartments, underground parking, close to the metro and the people that work there are awesome!  Usually a waiting list to get in as it is so great and much cheaper than other apartments in the area.    Doesn't have in-suite laundry--but only 25 cents to wash and dry (according to a friend that still lives there)   If I were you--I would get on to the waiting list--and check back fairly often!  Thats how we got in--just kept checking back!!  like a 5 min walk to Metro and close to many shops/restaurants

That actually looks great! Definitely what we're looking for. I'll have my husband put us on the waiting list as soon as we have a better idea of when I can move over for good :)

We've had a lot of issues with parking and dealing with rental companies in that area, so it's nice to get a first-hand review of a good experience. Thanks for the recommendation.


When I moved down, my husband flew to Detroit, rented a van at the airport, and drove to my place in Chatham.  We loaded up the van (I had a lot of things so also used a moving company that came later) with my cats, my plants that I was taking (phytosanitary certificates in hand), and what I needed until the moving van arrived.  We then drove down to Georgia and returned the van locally.  It was extremely economical, if cost is one of your primary concerns. 


Your husband could also rent the van locally, drive up, load up the van with you and your belongings and then return to Virginia.  You may want to price that option. You would pay a daily rate to rent the vehicle (and you can get good deals on-line at places like, etc ). and your gas.  It would be a long day's drive but you could do it.

I'll look into for sure. And that's a great idea to fly/bus closer to Canada and rent there.. it'll save you a bunch of mileage/gas and the bus ticket would only cost ~$70. If we find that we definitely have to rent something, we'll see if it's possible to do it that way.

O we wouldn't mind the trip. We love road trips, especially when they lead to FINALLY being together for good :P


Is there someone you know in the US with a larger vehicle you could borrow?  I was like you, no furniture to bring, just boxes of stuff.  We borrowed my mother in laws station wagon.  My (now) husband drove it up to Canada, we loaded it up with as much as we could (leaving a few boxes behind at my parents house), and drove back down to Maryland with it.  We had a 12 hour drive, and also didn't want to pay to rent a uhaul. 


Actually, his aunt just got a nice big car. We could ask to borrow that worst case, as long as we can make sure the interior doesn't get damaged haha.

Do you remember how much gas you used up during that trip?

Tala202FemaleCanada2014-03-31 17:04:00
CanadaHow'd You Move Everything?

Cross your fingers by the time you move the dollar is about even.

Well at that point I'm gonna hope for the opposite, since it'll make it easier to earn USD and pay student loans off in CAD :P

Tala202FemaleCanada2014-03-27 12:46:00
CanadaHow'd You Move Everything?

A fun side note - if you think UHaul rental is expensive get ready for living in the Northern Virginia area, I see you list Arlington as your destination. We're  a tad further out in Centreville/Chantilly but life overall is a expensive business in these here parts.

Ahh tell me about it! I've slowly been adjusting to the idea of paying $1800 for a one bedroom -_- 

It's just difficult now since I'm not working.. and when did CAD drop so much in value?! :(

Tala202FemaleCanada2014-03-26 13:15:00
CanadaHow'd You Move Everything?

I didn't bother, left a lot behind, in the end it was simpler.

Definitely a good idea :)


Uhaul. Cost about 1600 total with gas for a 18hr trip. If you have a place to store some of it take it in trips. You have 10 years to move your things. You'll soon find out whats most important. ;)

Ahh I wish that were the case :( But my living situation makes it so that I'd have to do it all in one go. I agree with finding out what's most important though :D 


Just make sure you're allowed to drive over the border and dropoff is fine in the US.


I agree with NLR though - bringing your stuff gradually is good - just remember to bring everything really important on the first trip since you won't be back home for a while.

That's a good point. I'd definitely have to check about that. And I'll have to go through my life and see what's important :P


Just hire a moving company and let them take care of it. 


I moved a lot of stuff from Toronto to NYC for $1300 (including sofa, bed, mattress and about 8 big uhaul boxes) Yes it was a cheap deal but they took longer (about 14 days because they have to consolidate your stuff with others. 


Go online and call some cross border moving companies. 


The other thing you can do is that you can fly over and usually its much cheaper to pay the extra cost of additional suitcase (on international flights its only $75 but I think with US flights its $50 per suit case with 50lbs allowed limit) $50 per suitcase is way cheaper than hiring a company to move your stuff. If you have heavy boxes then this option will probably not work. 


You can even try shipping companies (not moving companies) that can move your boxes for a $100-$125 ( I shipped  boxes to my sister from Toronto to Calgary with blender and kitchen stuff through Fedex for about $200 per box - the boxes WERE HEAVY!) So you can fly with suitcases and ship the remaining boxes through shipping companies. Moving companies can be tricky so this might be a better option since you have no furniture.

Is it $100-$125 per box? And do you know if there's a limit to how many additional suitcases you can bring onto flights?


you can get a decent Volvo stationwagon (940 or 740) for 1400 usd, drive it back and forth, then sell it.  it'll hold yer stuff, I'm a thinkin...

Ahh that stuff's too complicated for me. :blush:


Why doesn;t he rent a Uhaul van in VA - drive up, collect you and your stuff and drive back?

The rent and mileage are slightly problematic :( so we wanna see if there's a more economical way.




Thanks for the replies guys. I'm still torn between throwing a whole bunch of stuff out and just re-buying , or using a combination of shipping and everything. Alternatively, anyone have any idea how many boxes could fit into a Toyota Camry? :P  

Tala202FemaleCanada2014-03-26 10:23:00
CanadaHow'd You Move Everything?




Well you got an option here, you can most definitely rent a minivan or a commercial van, most of the time the mileage are unlimited with those. The only thing is that you would have to bring the car back to Montreal. One way rentals to the US with Canadian cars are possible but very expensive, and not all companies do it. If all your stuff could fit in a minivan then i've seen minivans online at Trudeau airport (YUL) at NU Car rentals for 29.00/day, maybe even cheaper if you reserve the car a week or 2 in advance. Here check on this website , once it tells you what company offers the cheapest price, check the companies website also, sometimes in cheaper going thru the rental company directly.


Make sure you make a list of everything you are bringing thru the champlain/lacolle border crossing for the CBP officers, that could save you hours at the border.


Hope this help.


Bonne Chance

Thanks for all the advice!


We'd definitely like to rent something we could drop off in DC or something, so those minivans from the airport look great. Only thing is the prices for the mileage unlimited ones shoot up to ~$400 a day :( I'll look at the individual company websites tomorrow and see if they'd be cheaper that way.


OMG yes! Thank you so much for letting us know about that. I'll definitely make a detailed list of everything I'll be bringing in.

Tala202FemaleCanada2014-03-18 00:42:00
CanadaHow'd You Move Everything?

So my husband and I have been discussing how to move my things down to Virginia for a while now and we're not quite sure how to go about it. I'm in Montreal, which is a ~11 hour drive from his apartment, so it's certainly doable by car, but his car is too small to fit my things and renting a U-Haul truck would be too expensive (gas & mileage; keep in mind he's only just started working full-time and I'm still in school, so money is a little bit of an issue). I don't have too much to move.. no furniture or anything, but a few boxes and probably two big suitcases mostly which would be filled with books, clothes, and other everyday stuff, with maybe a bit of kitchenware.


Anyway, I was wondering how you guys made/are planning to make the move from Canada to the US. I'd love to hear any suggestions! We've heard that Enterprise might be an option, but we've also received a lot of conflicting information, so we're not set on that.

Tala202FemaleCanada2014-03-17 23:39:00
CanadaSimultaneous resident applications US/Canada

Anyone know why the processing times are so insane for bringing a U.S. citizen to Canada? Even 15 months is pretty long for something like this

Tala202FemaleCanada2014-05-26 17:00:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionRenewing 10 year green card
You will not lose your Swedish citizenship if you apply and receive US citizenship, since Sweden has allowed dual citizenship since 2001.

When you take your oath in the US, it does say "entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen" but that just means that the US will no longer recognise any other passport you own other than you US one.

I have plenty of family and friends that have dual citizenship, US - Greek and they have no issues with either contry.

I neither have a problem as i hold dual citizenship. Australian - Greek. You just use the respective passport as the respective country.
B & GFemaleGreece2012-12-19 07:17:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHow to travel with dual Citizenship ?

yes, it is easier that way, as I noted in my post. Because the OP has a US passport and is allowed into the Schengen area for up to 90 days (presuming no other travel there in the last 180) the airline employees can start asking questions about how you plan to leave if you are on a one way ticket or one that stays longer than 90. Some are more ####### than others about it. Some will pull Timatic and go by "the book" others with more experiance know better.
You can show them both if you like, again is fairly common.

Airlines are as you phrased it "#######" because if a passenger arrives in a country without meeting ALL the criteria, they are sent back on the next available flight as an Inadmissable and the airline gets fined a whooping 5000 euros.
B & GFemaleGreece2013-03-07 02:33:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHow to travel with dual Citizenship ?

yes, it is easier that way, as I noted in my post. Because the OP has a US passport and is allowed into the Schengen area for up to 90 days (presuming no other travel there in the last 180) the airline employees can start asking questions about how you plan to leave if you are on a one way ticket or one that stays longer than 90. Some are more ####### than others about it. Some will pull Timatic and go by "the book" others with more experiance know better.
You can show them both if you like, again is fairly common.

At the check in counter, it is best to show that passport you are planning to use when you enter. Airlines are obliged by law to collect passport details of every passenger that is flying and forward said data to the respective immigration that said flight in bound for.
In other words, German passport should be shown at the check in counter if you ae planning to enter with the German passport, and US passport to be shown when leaving for the US.
B & GFemaleGreece2013-03-07 02:24:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionNew Zealand Citizenship

US does not allow dual citizenship. 

After becoming a US citizen, if you acquire any other citizenship you loose your US one FYI


You are wrong. The US doesn't recognise dual citizenship, not that it doesn't allow it. Meaning, for example, you might be a US citizen and a Greek citizen, but the US will never recognise you as a Greek citizen, always as a US citizen.

The only way to lose your US citizenship is if the country you are naturalising to requires you to denounce your US citizenship in order to receive theirs.


"A U.S. national may acquire foreign nationality by marriage, or a person naturalized as a U.S. national may not lose the nationality of the country of birth. U.S. law does not mention dual nationality or require a person to choose one nationality or another. Also, a person who is automatically granted another nationality does not risk losing U.S. nationality. However, a person who acquires a foreign nationality by applying for it may lose U.S. nationality. In order to lose U.S. nationality, the law requires that the person must apply for the foreign nationality voluntarily, by free choice, and with the intention to give up U.S. nationality."


Above quote found in:


B & GFemaleGreece2014-03-26 03:54:00
US Citizenship General Discussionpeople who are waiting for oath ------- fairfax virginia

Thanks for sharing the info. Me too, my status changed and I'm placed in the oath scheduling queue, how did u know it about the date? but I don't think so they will call me for the july ceremony coz they give at least 3 to 4 weeks to let u know about ur schedule!! so we will see.

It's every third Thursday (see below). I think this is why it takes so long; I presume the courtroom they use is relatively small, so they can only fit so many people in it. (Just a guess on my part.) But if the wait is so long, why don't they have ceremonies more than once per month?


Alexandria Division Naturalization
Naturalization ceremonies are held the third Thursday of every month.

All preliminary paperwork is handled by Immigration and Naturalization located at 2675 Prosperity Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22031.

Please call 703-285-6000 if you have any questions regarding your application, testing, or to schedule your court appearance.

If you have any questions about the location of the courthouse, please click here, or, contact the Clerk's Office at 703-299-3304 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.

ArlingtonMaleEcuador2012-07-03 21:55:00
US Citizenship General Discussionpeople who are waiting for oath ------- fairfax virginia
We just got an email stating that we were placed in the oath scheduling queue. Just in time for the Fourth of July. :thumbs: Now waiting to see if we can get into the July 19th ceremony (in Alexandria). If not, the next one is Aug. 16th.
ArlingtonMaleEcuador2012-07-03 15:56:00
US Citizenship General Discussionpeople who are waiting for oath ------- fairfax virginia

hello everyone,

I'm join the group, just passed my interview on tueday June 26, got approved, yay but the IO said me for the oath I have to wait two months and half!! So keep the this topic up and if anyone had his interview at Fairfax VA office, please share with us ur processing time. Thank you!!

Good luck. FYI, the Virginia deadline for voter registration for the November general election is October 15th.
ArlingtonMaleEcuador2012-06-28 21:48:00
US Citizenship General Discussionpeople who are waiting for oath ------- fairfax virginia

hello every one.........

my online status changed today they schedule me for oath ceremony and sent letter in the mail.

gud luck to all of you also. hopefully you all will b next.

Congratulations! That's great! Did you get the letter yet?

We heard back from our Senator; the USCIS told them that the case is approved and it has been "sent up for reverification"--whatever that means. (No change to online status noted.) How badly we want to hear this coming week! If not, it looks like it won't be until the August ceremony (remember we're doing the name change, which in N. Va. is only once per month). We are already 140+ days past interview. What they told the Senator's office is that for a name change, they have to run two name checks: one on the maiden name (before the interview), and one on the married name. That's why it takes so long; they send the married name to the FBI, but only after you pass the interview. Why they don't run both names at the same time is beyond me.
ArlingtonMaleEcuador2012-06-23 21:40:00
US Citizenship General Discussionpeople who are waiting for oath ------- fairfax virginia
Wife passed interview on Jan 30th. Officer seemed to think we had a chance to get into the February oath ceremony. Not. We are now past 120 days. Now we are also outside normal processing times: our priority date is two weeks before posted processing date for Washington Field Office (WFO). Called once in March and got an email response from WFO saying they are still doing the background investigation. After our case went outside normal processing times (about a month ago), sent an e-request from USCIS website; got another email from WFO saying that they were still doing background investigation. Contacted Senator's office; they sent us a letter saying to give them 30 days to find out what's up. Wife is doing a name change, but still, . . . 5 months? It's now been more than 11 months since we applied. I have some hope we may be hearing soon about the July oath date.

Edited by Arlington, 15 June 2012 - 09:16 PM.

ArlingtonMaleEcuador2012-06-15 21:15:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionTip for new citizens updating their Social Security card
Today we just did our Social Security errand. Wife did a name change, so need a new card. First we did her passport (got that back quick!); then to the banks; then to VA-DMV (they seemed most interested in court order on name change; Virginia doesn't care about citizenship); then finally today to Social Security. Clerk took both cert of naturalization and passport (didn't watch carefully what she was doing as I was worrying about the parking ticket I needed validated, but couldn't find). We still have a long list of credit card companies, insurance, etc that we need to change.
ArlingtonMaleEcuador2012-10-25 21:11:00
US Citizenship General Discussionabout the tax..

dear all good friends... about the tax papers.. do we need to send our just federal tax or account transkript or federal and state (both of them) ?

We only did federal. I think I looked into getting state transcripts, but it was much more difficult and expensive.
ArlingtonMaleEcuador2012-11-01 21:39:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionTax Returns
We used only tax return transcripts. Unless the IRS made significant revisions to your filing, I wouldn't think that the tax account transcripts are necessary. The idea is that the USCIS doesn't want photocopies of the tax forms that you filed out; those are too easy to write up and sign (but not send into the IRS)--the USCIS wants to know what you actually sent to the IRS. That is the purpose of the transcripts. It tells the USCIS what you told the IRS and when.
ArlingtonMaleEcuador2012-11-02 22:09:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
Wow! Congratulations!! :thumbs:
ArlingtonMaleEcuador2012-11-27 23:53:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS

So I did a second service request back on Oct 2 , 2012 and today i got the the status of the service request:

Your N-400 case is currently under review. You should receive a decision or notice of other action within 90 days from the date of this letter.

The saga continue there is still hope a year later!...Posted Image

Best of luck. Definitely a good time to revisit the congressman/senator.
ArlingtonMaleEcuador2012-10-19 06:57:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS
ArlingtonMaleEcuador2012-06-29 23:13:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionCitizenship request denied!!


Registering to vote depends on your state. In MN you can register on election day at your polling place, so you should check your local laws.

Here's a helpful table of voter deadlines. My wife completed hers yesterday at her oath ceremony!
ArlingtonMaleEcuador2012-09-28 20:42:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionPassport Filers 2
All done!

Passport Arrived: 10-06-12
Passport Card Arrived: 10-09-12
Cert. of Naturalization Arrived: 10-10-12
ArlingtonMaleEcuador2012-10-10 18:05:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionPassport Filers 2
We got the passport today in the same delivery with her voter registration card! Full citizen now! :dance: Still waiting for passport card.

Filer:............ Date applied:.......City,State:......Expedited?:......Date received:

Anna C..............01/27/2012.........Cheyenne, WY..........No.......... 02/10/2012
mary&Ryan...........02/09/2012.........Chicago, IL...........No.......... 02/24/2012
anaqueen83..........02/21/2012.........San Francisco, CA.....No.......... 03/10/2012
NotBonJovi..........02/27/2012.........New York, NY..........No.......... 03/26/2012
karin_brenig........03/05/2012.........Fort Wayne, IN........No.......... 03/26/2012
Heliosphan..........03/06/2012.........New York, NY..........No.......... 03/22/2012
huniebee............03/09/2012.........Washington, DC........Yes......... 03/17/2012
MountainClimber.....03/09/2012.........Rancho Cucamonga,CA...No...........03/28/2012
bourne25............03/14/2012.........New York, NY..........No............./../2012
Jupiter07...........03/23/2012.........Columbus, OH..........No...........04/12/2012
uk2usa..............03/26/2012.........Fairfax, VA...........No...........04/11/2011
Luv2travel..........04/13/2012.........Southeast, WA.........Yes..........04/23/2012
HuffyTheSlayer......04/17/2012.........Los Angeles, CA.......No...........05/03/2012
prashp1.............04/18/2012.........Danbury, CT...........No...........05/03/2012
pandawars...........04/20/2012.........Boston, MA............No...........05/07/2012
DAndy127............04/25/2012.........Chicago, IL...........No...........05/12/2012
CB82................04/26/2012.........Orlando, FL...........Yes..........05/05/2012
Pepper..............05/03/2012.........Denver, CO............No...........05/19/2012
JB_VJ...............05/04/2012.........Baltimore, MD.........Yes..........05/12/2012
JeroenAndMichelle...05/10/2012.........Honolulu, HI..........Yes..........05/16/2012
liberal.............05/15/2012.........Pikeville, KY.........No...........06/04/2012
Gypsyangel .........05/22/2012.........Philadelphia, PA......Yes..........06/08/2012
LLbeans.............05/31/2012.........Morrisville, PA.......No...........06/20/2012
ManuFred............07/10/2012.........Tucson, AZ............No...........08/18/2012
NWMushroom .........07/11/2012.........Portland, OR..........No...........08/06/2012
musiclover621.......07/16/2012.........Lincoln, NE...........Yes..........07/26/2012
Jay dee.............07/16/2012.........New York, NY..........No...........08/08/2012
Caroline and Phil...07/20/2012.........Detroit, MI...........Yes..........07/24/2012
Ranbir..............07/28/2012.........New York, NY..........No...........08/16/2012
Steve D.............08/23/2012.........Los Angeles, CA.......No...........09/01/2012
renlovesjesus.......08/29/2012.........Houston, TX...........No...........09/14/2012
SQtoUS..............08/06/2012.........Tucson, AZ............YES..........08/08/2012
toa.................09/17/2012.........Webster, NY...........No...........10/02/2012
Shari...............09/24/2012.........Daphne, AL............No...........10/05/2012
DrVS................09/28/2012.........Fremont, CA...........No...........xx/xx/2012
Tamara..............10/01/2012.........Walnut Creek, CA......Yes..........xx/xx/2012

ArlingtonMaleEcuador2012-10-06 19:15:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionPassport Filers 2
Adding my wife, the new citizen, with her new name!

Filer:............ Date applied:.......City,State:......Expedited?:......Date received:

Anna C..............01/27/2012.........Cheyenne, WY..........No.......... 02/10/2012
mary&Ryan...........02/09/2012.........Chicago, IL...........No.......... 02/24/2012
anaqueen83..........02/21/2012.........San Francisco, CA.....No.......... 03/10/2012
NotBonJovi..........02/27/2012.........New York, NY..........No.......... 03/26/2012
karin_brenig........03/05/2012.........Fort Wayne, IN........No.......... 03/26/2012
Heliosphan..........03/06/2012.........New York, NY..........No.......... 03/22/2012
huniebee............03/09/2012.........Washington, DC........Yes......... 03/17/2012
MountainClimber.....03/09/2012.........Rancho Cucamonga,CA...No...........03/28/2012
bourne25............03/14/2012.........New York, NY..........No............./../2012
Jupiter07...........03/23/2012.........Columbus, OH..........No...........04/12/2012
uk2usa..............03/26/2012.........Fairfax, VA...........No...........04/11/2011
Luv2travel..........04/13/2012.........Southeast, WA.........Yes..........04/23/2012
HuffyTheSlayer......04/17/2012.........Los Angeles, CA.......No...........05/03/2012
prashp1.............04/18/2012.........Danbury, CT...........No...........05/03/2012
pandawars...........04/20/2012.........Boston, MA............No...........05/07/2012
DAndy127............04/25/2012.........Chicago, IL...........No...........05/12/2012
CB82................04/26/2012.........Orlando, FL...........Yes..........05/05/2012
Pepper..............05/03/2012.........Denver, CO............No...........05/19/2012
JB_VJ...............05/04/2012.........Baltimore, MD.........Yes..........05/12/2012
JeroenAndMichelle...05/10/2012.........Honolulu, HI..........Yes..........05/16/2012
liberal.............05/15/2012.........Pikeville, KY.........No...........06/04/2012
Gypsyangel .........05/22/2012.........Philadelphia, PA......Yes..........06/08/2012
LLbeans.............05/31/2012.........Morrisville, PA.......No...........06/20/2012
ManuFred............07/10/2012.........Tucson, AZ............No...........08/18/2012
NWMushroom .........07/11/2012.........Portland, OR..........No...........08/06/2012
musiclover621.......07/16/2012.........Lincoln, NE...........Yes..........07/26/2012
Jay dee.............07/16/2012.........New York, NY..........No...........08/08/2012
Caroline and Phil...07/20/2012.........Detroit, MI...........Yes..........07/24/2012
Ranbir..............07/28/2012.........New York, NY..........No...........08/16/2012
Steve D.............08/23/2012.........Los Angeles, CA.......No...........09/01/2012
renlovesjesus.......08/29/2012.........Houston, TX...........No...........09/14/2012
SQtoUS..............08/06/2012.........Tucson, AZ............YES..........08/08/2012
toa.................09/17/2012.........Webster, NY...........No...........xx/xx/2012
Shari...............09/24/2012.........Daphne, AL............No...........xx/xx/2012

ArlingtonMaleEcuador2012-09-28 15:14:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionTwo Useful Texts: Naturalization Guide & USCIS Policy Manual
Thank you jimmyhou
koolNot TellingMorocco2014-01-09 19:20:00
US Citizenship General Discussionget married while filling for naturalization
If you remember his name plz let me know and good luck to everyone.
koolNot TellingMorocco2014-01-11 21:25:00
US Citizenship General Discussionget married while filling for naturalization
Thanks so much.
koolNot TellingMorocco2014-01-11 20:35:00
US Citizenship General Discussionget married while filling for naturalization
Yes i agree with u guys last thing if i already file my n400 application as divorced which i did and submuted do u guys think if i get married now and tell the officer that my status had changed..What possibly gonna happen?
koolNot TellingMorocco2014-01-11 16:38:00
US Citizenship General Discussionget married while filling for naturalization
Do u think they will think as it is a fraud!
koolNot TellingMorocco2014-01-11 02:07:00
US Citizenship General Discussionget married while filling for naturalization
Thank you guys for your advices.and good luck to everybody.
koolNot TellingMorocco2014-01-11 00:21:00
US Citizenship General Discussionget married while filling for naturalization
I just was concerned about if they will think that i m trying to let her stay here leglly speacily cause she came with student visa so i was worry about my case i dont wanna take the risk..and we cant wait till i get my naturalization done cause she will overstay her visa which it will make things worst.
koolNot TellingMorocco2014-01-10 16:29:00
US Citizenship General Discussionget married while filling for naturalization
I got your point thank you guys.and good luck for everyone.
koolNot TellingMorocco2014-01-10 16:23:00
US Citizenship General Discussionget married while filling for naturalization
The thing is i already filed as divorced and o submit my divorced degree Do i have to tell the officer in my interview ghat i just get married again during thos tome or just dont say anything about it.
koolNot TellingMorocco2014-01-10 15:30:00