K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat address to use?
QUOTE (Bgold @ Jul 26 2008, 01:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (YuAndDan @ Jun 2 2008, 04:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
A word of caution, USCIS marks most mail "Return service requested" this prevents the post office from forwarding things like NOA2 letter which you will need later when adjusting status.

You may want to use an address that has someone living there to receive it for you like a parent or sibling. On the G-325A you will put your actual residence, but on form I-129F you will use a mailing address that does not have a forwarding order in place.

I am about to apply now and will only be having my mail forwarded for two more months and then I will be living back in the US. Is there any reason not to use the US address for my mailing address on the I-129F as the NOA 2 would not come until after I turn off the forwarding? Do they mail the NOA 1 to you and would that cause any issues with mail forwarding on? I would prefer to only use my main address in the US if at all possible, so the only concern I guess would be mail coming within 2 months of me mailing my packet out.

I would strongly advise using your parents address or some other US address that will be stable throughout the whole process. They do mail the NOA1 to you and it is possible that the fact you are having that mail forwarded could cause a problem. DEFINITELY do not use an overseas address. I had headache after headache trying to get my address changed from an overseas to a domestic one after the NOA1.

One thing you will have to be sure of if you use your parents address though is that the local post office has your name as one of the residents at your folks address, otherwise the letter may not be delivered since the post office is particular about government documents. Your parents can go to the post office and request that you be added and the change will be made right away.
JBeanFemaleIndia2008-07-26 06:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStatement of Support Concern
QUOTE (payxibka @ Sep 19 2008, 10:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JBean @ Sep 19 2008, 11:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am a PhD student who is fully financially supported under a 5 year fellowship which includes a good living expenses stipend that is enough to put me well above the minimum income requirement for the I-134 (this year the stipend is $21,000 for the academic year, and they are committed to support me for two years after this). I have been operating under the assumption that this would be enough for the statement of support, but now that my fiance's interview is drawing near I am beginning to think that I've been foolish not to try and get a co-sponsor because of the fear that because my income is from a fellowship and not a traditional job it might cause some problems for him.

Has anyone had any experience with using a fellowship/stipend as income in the statement of support? My fiance's interview is in 2 1/2 weeks so it may be a bit late to get the documents together for a cosponsor but I am beginning to think that I should try just in case...

how can you demonstrate this stipend? via tax returns?

I reported the taxable portion of the stipend ($19,000) on my tax return last year, which my fiance has a copy of, and I provided him with a signed letter from my department that has my fellowship information.
JBeanFemaleIndia2008-09-19 12:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStatement of Support Concern
I am a PhD student who is fully financially supported under a 5 year fellowship which includes a good living expenses stipend that is enough to put me well above the minimum income requirement for the I-134 (this year the stipend is $21,000 for the academic year, and they are committed to support me for two years after this). I have been operating under the assumption that this would be enough for the statement of support, but now that my fiance's interview is drawing near I am beginning to think that I've been foolish not to try and get a co-sponsor because of the fear that because my income is from a fellowship and not a traditional job it might cause some problems for him.

Has anyone had any experience with using a fellowship/stipend as income in the statement of support? My fiance's interview is in 2 1/2 weeks so it may be a bit late to get the documents together for a cosponsor but I am beginning to think that I should try just in case...
JBeanFemaleIndia2008-09-19 11:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMust be english?
Everything needs to be in English. With the initial application though you can translate the correspondence yourself and just sign a sheet verifying that your tranlations are accurate, but once you get to the consulate stage they will need to be official translations (although it may save time and money if you just have a translator quickly review and then put his/her stamp on your translations).

I would definitely include at least some of the correspondence, even in the initial application, although you will not need all of it for that. Once you get to the interview stage though you will want of it as much of it as you can possibly throw at them, so it probably makes sense to get some of the translating started early...
JBeanFemaleIndia2008-10-11 09:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLanguage and Translations---Non-employed on Affadavit of Support
QUOTE (mamaronga @ Oct 17 2008, 12:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi VJers! I'm new to this forum and SO happy to have found it, I have learned so much already!
I've been looking around a LOT, and still haven't found the answers to some specific questions, so if you don't mind helping me out I'd greatly appreciate it.

1. Translations: My fiance is Ecuadorian and still doesn't know English (he's learning!). All of our "evidence" (letters, emails) are in Spanish. Do we need to translate all of those for our 129F Petition?
Can I translate them, or does it need to be a third-party translator? Also the forms, and the letter of "intent to marry" from him--do they need to all be in English also? And if so, can I translate them?
When it gets to be the interview and forms in his OWN country--are these also in English? Is the interview in English? Or will that all be in his native language, Spanish.

2. Affadavit of Support. No way do I meet the requirements. In fact, I was living in Ecuador mostly and traveling last year so I won't even file income tax. At the time of doing the I-134 Affadavit of Support I will be in Ecuador volunteering and recieving a stipend...aka, "unemployed". Should I get a letter from the NGO I will be recieving the stipend from? Or just say "unemployed" and nothing else? Do I need proof that I didn't need to file taxes, or since I have the co-sponsor is that all a mute point?

3. I heard a rumor that everyone who files the I-134 also needs a G 325A biographical information form filed as well. is that true?

4. If living abroad while waiting for the processing, should I give a permanent address in the US (my parent's address), or is it okay to give an address in Ecuador where I'll actually be? (or do they only accept US addresses to send NOA's, etc)

THANK YOU so much for your time. I hope I am not being redundent... but I know this info always changes so it's good to have up to date 2008 info out there anyway.
Take care, and good luck everyone.
Claire (US) and Cristhian (ECUADOR)

Hi Claire,

I think I can answer all of this based on similar experiences.

1. Everything needs to be in English. At the time of the initial application it is fine if you do the translations yourself but you need to sign a doc certifying that your translations are accurate. At the time of the interview however you will need official translations (although you may just be able to pay an official translator to certify that your translations are accurate). I would not bother having him write the intent form in Spanish and then having it translated. You can just write it in English and have him sign it (after explaining to him what he is signing of course).

At least in India, there are interviewers that can conduct the interviews in the local language. You should double check though that the same is true in Ecuador. Also, I really regret trusting that the govt. interviewer would speak adequate Hindi (he could not) and feel we should have hired out own translator and done the interview in English. THis may not be a concern for you though, as there are a lot more government employees that can speak decent Spanish than decent Hindi...

2. If you don't meet the income requirement you need someone to co-sponsor that does. They say this is not so important for a fiance visa, but you don't want to give them this excuse to reject you. In addition to the co-sponsor, do get a letter from the NGO on official stationary with your stipend on it. That counts as an income too. And supply your bank statements, etc. as well.

3. Yes, you need to file the G325A, both you and your fiance.

4. I would give your parents or some other close relative/friend's US address. Getting mail overseas is a headache, as is switiching the address back to a US one later, and you don't want to risk not getting the notification when your case is approved...they do accept foreign addresses though, and I somehow got my NOA1 overseas even though they botched the address in two places...

JBeanFemaleIndia2008-10-16 16:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 vs K3
From the research I did and the brief lawyer consult before I filed I was told that the K1 is quicker on average by a few months. But with the K3 your spouse is on the path to being a resident right away after they get the visa, whereas with the K1 you have to begin another, long expensive process after the marriage in the US to keep them there with you.
JBeanFemaleIndia2008-10-24 13:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUpdated from the Uscis
The e-mail updates never worked for me either. Just had to wait until things came snail-mail, unfortunately...
JBeanFemaleIndia2008-10-26 18:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 supporting documents: How to print Skype call log?
QUOTE (bapacker @ Oct 31 2008, 10:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My fiance and I are finalizing our application package, and want to include the Skype call log (free downloading; we use daily taking via the webcam) as something that proves the on-going relationship. I can see all our previous conversations when I click on the "History" section from the Skype window, but find no way to print out the record. Does anyone know how to??? Thanks.

You can download a program which quickly produces a complete log of your Skype calls from here. You can then filter it to include only the calls to your fiance and format it, etc. in excel:;#entry400968

The screen shots are probably helpful too as they are big on pictures. But I think the log is pretty important, especially once you get to the interview stage.
JBeanFemaleIndia2008-10-31 12:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCustoms fees for the K1 immigrant
QUOTE (A.J. @ Nov 29 2008, 01:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No, K1s are treated like intending immigrants, not visitors, for customs purposes

Thanks! Does that mean that he doesn't need to fill out the declarations form they hand out on the plane or just that they won't charge him for it?
JBeanFemaleIndia2008-11-29 13:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCustoms fees for the K1 immigrant
Hello all,

My understanding is that when a tourist comes to the US, they have to declare all of their possessions which they intend to leave in the US and then pay a tax on anything over $100. Does this mean that people coming on a K1 who have the intention of staying indefinitely after the marriage have to declare and pay a tax on every possession they have with them, including things like personal laptop computers, clothes for the wedding, etc.? If so, could someone tell me what the rate of the customs tax is? Also, does anyone know whether my fiance will be required to have the money on him at the airport, or if we will be able to send in a check later?

Thanks for your help!

JBeanFemaleIndia2008-11-29 13:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresImportant question regarding our wedding date before visa approval
Good news everyone! Ian had his interview today and was approved for his visa. He should be getting it in the mail this coming week and will be here next Saturday (one week before our wedding)! It was close but we made it :) .

For the person who is concerned about having everything in time for your August wedding, my thoughts to you is to have everything done early, order his police certificate now (that was the one thing that held us up). If timing is starting to look bad, call your congressman's office, this is how we were able to expedite Ian's interview by a month. Sometimes when you're desperate, you have to do whatever it takes. But it can be done and I wish you the best of luck for your August wedding!
Jess & IanFemaleEngland2007-04-27 13:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresImportant question regarding our wedding date before visa approval
Thank you so much to everyone for all of your advice. I'm so nervous right now, his interview is in 5 hours. I will feel much better once we know he is approved.
Jess & IanFemaleEngland2007-04-26 23:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresImportant question regarding our wedding date before visa approval

Just to update everyone on our status.............Ian recieved an interview date of May 23, our wedding is on May 12th. I contacted my congressman's office and wrote them a letter. They contacted the embassy for us and got his interview date moved up to April 27th, tomorrow!!! I am so excited. I just wanted to let everyone know in case anyone else needs advice of what to do in these situations. Contacting your congressman really does help and they were able to expedite our case. They are calling back on Tuesday to make sure his visa is processed ASAP. We're so happy :).

Congrats. But know you were very very lucky. I hope he receives his visa quickly as well, it can take a few weeks to get back....

Yes, you were indeed fortunate. It's good the tide seems to be going your way, but readers should note this isn't the recommended course of action. Even the London consulate (who is most accomodating to its customers) clearly state in P3 that no travel plans should be made until after the visa is granted. In this case, a congressional 'strong arm' tactic has worked. It might not with a different elected official or a different consulate.

Jess, I do hope Ian is seeing to his medical exam a few days prior to the interview. Knightsbridge needs a few days to process the information before delivering it to the consulate. No visa will be issued without a complete and passed medical.

Yes, thank you. He actually did his medical over a month ago so that should be good to go. He even had many vaccinations recently just to make sure nothing could go wrong at the last minute.
Jess & IanFemaleEngland2007-04-26 12:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresImportant question regarding our wedding date before visa approval
Just to update everyone on our status.............Ian recieved an interview date of May 23, our wedding is on May 12th. I contacted my congressman's office and wrote them a letter. They contacted the embassy for us and got his interview date moved up to April 27th, tomorrow!!! I am so excited. I just wanted to let everyone know in case anyone else needs advice of what to do in these situations. Contacting your congressman really does help and they were able to expedite our case. They are calling back on Tuesday to make sure his visa is processed ASAP. We're so happy :).
Jess & IanFemaleEngland2007-04-26 11:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresImportant question regarding our wedding date before visa approval

We are facing the exact same situation. We planned our wedding long before finding this website (or knowing any better). The wedding is planned for August 11 with invitations printed and money already going into the ceremony and reception. I know it's still 4 months away, but we've only gotten the NOA1 so far. It would be so disappointing not to be able to have "the real thing" on our wedding day. I know it shouldn't really matter, but after all that we've been through - I can't stand the thought of him having to go back to the UK again after the wedding. I'm not in panic mode yet, but...May...YIKES! Best of luck to you guys!

You guys should be fine with an August wedding date. Our NOA2 came really fast. The whole process on my side was amazing quick. my thoughts to you is to make sure your fiance starts the whole process of getting his police certificate now. We had no idea we even needed that until Ian saw it in the packet. It has been the only thing delaying us.

I am a little sad about possibly not being able to "legally" be marrying him on May 12th but I'm also really positive about everything and I realize that eventually we will finally be together. It is such a process to get there though. After 3 long years I am ready!

Goodluck to you guys, you will be fine as long as you don't delay in any of the steps.
Jess & IanFemaleEngland2007-04-05 23:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresImportant question regarding our wedding date before visa approval

I believe they say 40 days for the police cert in the UK. Assuming that he doesnt get the visa before the wedding date make sure he brings lots of evidence of ties back to the UK. You dont want him denied at entry because they think he's going to stay... But lets think positive and home the cert comes tomorrow and you get the interview in a few weeks! Sending positive vibes your way... :blink: that's my + vibe face :)

The bottom line is, if you get legally married before the interview, the K1 will be denied. If you happen to get married and don't tell them, then you will have some explaining to do with it comes to your AOS. They will require a marriage certificate and will see you were married before the Visa was issued. Do you really want to fight that battle? They may see it as you obtained a K1 visa Fraudulantly.

Wait for it.... or get married and file for a K3.

If we don't get the visa, we are not "legally" getting married. We will not sign the marriage license until we are okay to do so. We will just have a ceremony to recognize our marriage.
Jess & IanFemaleEngland2007-04-04 20:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresImportant question regarding our wedding date before visa approval


We're going through the UK and seem to be at about the same steps.

I am a bit confused as to what you are waiting on though!! We sent our Packet 3 back to London yesterday. Along with the Packet 3 we sent back a checklist stating that we were ready for the interview date and had all of the documents (like the police checks) in our possession. This however, is not the truth. We did get Dave's UK police check in 22 days, BUT WE ARE STILL WAITING ON THE AUSTRALIAN ONE.

You said that the EMBASSY is waiting on the police check before they schedule an interview...but really are they waiting for him to send in the checklist saying HE'S ready for the interview? I know it might be risky to send it in before you actually have it...but I figure it should take at least a month to get the interview and I know our Australian police check should be here any day now. It's a risk I'm willing to take and if it comes down to the interview getting here before the police check, then we'll figure something out then! Anyway, I guess I'm just a bit confused because you are talking like it's the embassy that is waiting on the police check when in the UK the police check is sent to the fiance and then they bring it to the interview.

In the Packet 3 it states that they will not give you an interview date until you send them the checklist signed, saying you are ready. So, if he hasn't done this, they will not schedule an interview.

We are kinda in the same boat as you when it comes to wedding plans though -although ours is planned for July 7th -so hopefully we'll make it. But we are prepared to have a ceremony and not a real marriage if it comes to it. His family is all coming from Australia so it was something we had to plan in advance. We couldn't tell them weeks before because they all need to pay their plane tickets NOW, not in a couple months! You just need to be prepared for your big wedding to not be legal -which you seem okay with. However, we can't stress enough, NOT TO MAKE IT A HUGE DEAL AT THE INTERVIEW (If the interview happens after the wedding). It could cause some major issues if they suspect you are already married. And if he has to enter before getting the visa he doesn't need to mention he's coming in for a wedding...he can just say he's coming to visit. Or, we plan on saying if we have to, that our families are having a big get together to meet before we get married. Which would really be true anyway!

Anyway, I think you get the point. But seriously check into what I questioned about before? Has he sent in the checklist? And if so, you aren't waiting on the police check really, you are waiting on the embassy to give you a date. If they give you a date before you get the police check, THEN you are waiting on the police check.

Good Luck!! Hope that makes sense!

PS. Please fill in your time line!

Thanks! :thumbs:

Yes, that's exactly our situation. We are waiting for him to get the police certificate so he can send in the packet. Does it really take a month to get an interview? If so, he needs to send that packet in tomorrow!! Our wedding is 5 weeks from Saturday. What will happen if they schedule the interview before he gets the police certificate? Will we need to start the whole thing over? I'm also a little nervous that if he doesn't get the interview before he leaves that they will end up scheduling it right around our wedding or honeymoon which would be a disaster!

I agree with you that he should send the checklist in, I'm going to tell him to do that. I just know he's a little hesistant but we have to! Scotland Yard recieved his police forms a few weeks ago so we should be close to getting it.

Thank you so much for your advice, I'm sure you'll make your wedding date. Would you recommend waiting until the very last minute to book our honeymoon just in case? I hate having to go through this, international relationships are so hard!

I will try to fill in my timeline this week, I need to dig all the dates up.
Jess & IanFemaleEngland2007-04-04 20:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresImportant question regarding our wedding date before visa approval

People keep telling me that I shouldn't have set a date until I had my visa and blah blah.

It's too bad that everyone that took the time out to help you and you referred to their assistance as just a bunch of "blah blah"? :huh:
You may have found someone who has gone through the experience related to your situation. But what happens in one situation, doesn't mean it's going to go the same way for you as well.

Oh no, I didn't mean it like that at all. I'm very appreciative of everyone who gave me advice. I'm sorry if it came across as negative, I'm just under a lot of stress at the moment. I guess her message about everything getting done last minute and it all working out gave me a bit of hope. In that message I was frustrated by the amount of people telling me I should have started the process much sooner and waited to set a wedding date, I definitely would have if I had only known. When we first started research the fiance visa we didn't find helpful sites like this, it was only later in our process that we stumbled upon all of this information. Everyone has been very informative and I do appreciate it very much.
Jess & IanFemaleEngland2007-04-04 13:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresImportant question regarding our wedding date before visa approval

When I started out on my K-1 journey I was VERY naive about it and we set a date for the wedding in December last year and we filed at the end of July/beginning of August through Vermont.

I made it just about by the skin of my teeth, it was a VERY nerve wracking time. Once I learned how dumb that had been all plans and money had been put in to it.

I told the embassy I had a date and that I wouldvery much like to make it and they worked with me, said they understood that people had put time and money in to it. Even when I got the blue slip at the Embassy for more fiancial evidence, he guy still worked with me cause I panicked saying I had 3 weeks untill my wedding and he said aslong as I sent my stuff back to him by the end of the week I would be there.

I got here about a week and a half before my big wedding.

All I can tell you to do is tell the embassy, and I thought I would just share my story.

That is so nice to hear. You are the first person to post back that has gone through this situation. People keep telling me that I shouldn't have set a date until I had my visa and blah blah. But like you, we were very naive and didn't realize. Yes, if I could do things over, everything would be different. But this is what we're stuck with. My wedding is 5 weeks from Saturday and we have put sooooo much money into it. How did you speak to the embassy? I went to their website today and they do not really have any helpful contact information on their site. I am going to have my fiance try and contact them tomorrow because we are desperate. I would even be willing to pay them a fee to expedite it. Thanks for your advice. Do you know a contact # for the embassy?
Jess & IanFemaleEngland2007-04-03 20:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresImportant question regarding our wedding date before visa approval
The county that I am getting in only requires one person to be present for the license. I know, this is odd, I thought so too. We also do not need to have blood tests or anything. It's not determined by the state, it varies from county to county.
Jess & IanFemaleEngland2007-04-03 19:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresImportant question regarding our wedding date before visa approval
I fully agree with you. I'm not all hyped up about my "wedding." I am just happy to be marrying the man I love, regardless or not if it is "legally" binding yet, I will still consider this my wedding day. However, for legal purposes, I should not sign anything yet? I was going to get my marriage license next wednesday but perhaps I should hold off for a bit. I just want to make sure with everyone that it is indeed okay for him to come here for our wedding without his fiance visa? We will wait to sign anything until he officially has his visa. The pastor that is marrying us is a close friend of the family so I am sure he will be fine with signing this later. So in the future, for all legal documents we should put our legal marriage date down? I really wish this wasn't the case.

How long does it normally take for the police certificate to go through? He has no record, and he sent it in several weeks ago.
Jess & IanFemaleEngland2007-04-03 19:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresImportant question regarding our wedding date before visa approval
Hi, I am freaking out a little right now because our wedding date is set for May 12, 2007. My fiance is English and everything has been completed except for the interview at the consulate in London. They are still waiting on the police certificate to be sent to them before they issue an interview date. With our wedding being only 5 weeks away, I'm not sure if he'll have his interview before then, he is coming over in 3 weeks. We have put $15,000 in to this wedding and it is definitely happening. My question is, is it okay for us to have our "wedding" and then him return to the UK and wait for his interview date? I don't know what we can do. I'm just really hoping that a miracle will happen and he'll get the visa before he leaves. Please advise.

Jess & IanFemaleEngland2007-04-03 15:23:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionVSC I-1751 Status List
Best email I have gotten in awhile...


Current Status: Card production ordered.

Yay! kicking.gif
derekkjNot TellingCanada2008-09-10 12:12:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussioncalled USCIS today
I got a reply, sort of. I got a letter saying that it's waiting to be tranferred to my local District Office...and that I need to submit the change of address via mail. I guess onine is not sufficient.

birdlover2008Female02009-06-09 08:37:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussioncalled USCIS today
Hopefully the requests will make them look at our files soon.

birdlover2008Female02009-06-04 12:39:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussioncalled USCIS today
So I called USCIS today to see what's up with my file. It's been 10 months now and I havenot recieved anything after the email stating that my application was tranfered to CSC in March 2.

I spoke to a national USCIS person who told me that my file was sitting in aisle A117 or something (I forgot the exact number). Since 10 months is outside of the processing window, she is going to submit an inquiry request and gave me a service #. She says they should get back to me with an answer within the next 45 days.

Has anyone gotten anything like this before? Is it worth waiting to hear from? I mean the reply for the inquiry...

birdlover2008Female02009-06-03 22:45:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWOOOOHOOOOO!!!! Approved!!!!
Conguratulations!!! good.gif
birdlover2008Female02009-06-11 14:02:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionApproved in 48 days
congrats!!! You're lucky! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
birdlover2008Female02009-06-11 20:49:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI751 pending and moving--how to inform uscis for change of address
QUOTE (maverick17 @ Jun 15 2009, 01:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I am moving to some other state and my i-751 is pending. Please advise how can I inform USCIS for change of address. Which form do I need to fill and to make sure that they have the right address in the file.



They say that you can just complete the AR-11 online but that is not a guaranteed way to do it. Print form AR-11 that you can obtain from (then go to forms), complete it and mail it to them. That is the best way.

birdlover2008Female02009-06-15 09:26:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Waiver Update
I got another letter today, only one page, reconizing that I made an inquiry about my case status and says my case is waiting for interview scheduling at my local office. This letter comes directly from my local office.

Also, the update I got earlier this week probably had nothing to do with my calling. It came directly from CSC telling me that my case has been sent to a local District Office and I should contact the District Office for any further assistance.

Just updating you guys since some of you had questions about the outcome requesting an update.

birdlover2008Female02009-06-10 22:26:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Waiver Update
hi blistex27, thank you so much for your help.

If they call me for an interview, I will be going in by myself. I had consulted a lawyer when I filed and the lawyer told me representation is not neccessary since I speak english well and can talk about the situation myself.

I think they are interveiwing me because the marriage was really short, so I dont really blame them. But the relationship was solid, we dated for about a year before we go married, and things changed right after. I did send them a notorized letter of explanation regarding why the marriage didnt workout- a tip from the lawyer. I think I sent about 8-10 evidence. I hope they realize that we are both in our 20s and thus do not have mortgage, wills or things like that.

Please let me know if you can think of anything else.

Thanks again!

birdlover2008Female02009-06-09 13:08:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Waiver Update
QUOTE (sara9 @ Jun 9 2009, 12:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hello wish u best of luck. how u got this update? did u contacted them through phone or senator?

Thank you!

I actually called them on Wednesday last week and then the mail arrived yesterday. I am not 100% sure that my call had to do with it since they had mailed me the update on May 18, but I never received it because of old it was returned back and they mailed it again to my new address.

Let's wait and see what's next.

birdlover2008Female02009-06-09 08:40:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Waiver Update
So I finally got a real update on my case.

First of all, they had mailed me a letter saying that it was waiting to be forwarded to my local District Office, letter dated may 18th, BUT THEY SENT IT TO MY OLD ADDRESS. Although I had updated my address online, where I was told not to send a form, and got a confirmation letter, they still did not get the right addres. So I am sooo glad that I called them last week and asked for an update.

In the letter that I received are the letter of update with my case, the original envelope they used (stapled to it, with the yellow labels saying to return to sender), and a letter explaining to me that I should have sent them a AR-11, with a copy at the back.

The letter of update says:

Your petition is being forwarded to your local District Office to await an interview schedule date. When an interview date becomes available, the Distric Office will notify you in a separate notice of the date and time you will need to appear for the interview.

When you appear for the interview, in addition to this notice, you must bring evidence to prove that the marriage through which you gained your conditional residence status was entered into in good faith. This evidence may include, but is not limited to, joint bank accounts, joint leases, joint martgage, insurance policies, cancelled checks, joint bills, children's birth ceritificates, income tax returns, wills, affidavits from acqaintances, photos, etc. If you are applying under one of the exemption provisions, bring evidence to support your claim.


Can anyone please share their interview experiences specificallt at the Washington Field Office, Fairfax, VA? I have no idea what kinda question they ask.

I have already sent them joint bank account card copies, joint lease, income tax, health insurance evidence, photos, and other stuff I can think of. But I didnt send affidavits, how important are these?

I think I can add the cancelled checks form the account, may be a copy of my short term and long term disability copies showing him as a beneficiary, a a letter from his office stating that I am his emergency contact and such (which we used during AOS).

I am not surprised that my case is passed on for an interview since it's a waiver case and the marraige didnt even last a year, sad but true. But is there also a chance that they might not interview me? Either ways is find with me, the office is not that far from where I live now.

Thank you in advance for your help.

birdlover2008Female02009-06-08 22:12:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 filed today
QUOTE (Birdysboy @ Jun 15 2009, 01:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello all and kumusta ka from the great State of North Carolina.
We filed for lifting of restrictions today as visa was set to expire August 2009.
Cya alien.gif

Good Luck! good.gif
birdlover2008Female02009-06-15 14:50:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionApproval Letter Received But Case Status Still Pending
You are not the only one. From what I've seen in this forum, most people who got approved have pending as thier online status but they still go on to recieve their green card. It seems like they have not updated the online status for a while now but you are approved and you should receive your gc soon.
birdlover2008Female02009-06-16 08:01:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionJust wanted to say....
Congrats! good.gif
birdlover2008Female02009-06-17 14:59:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionBest way to submit photos to USCIS
QUOTE (ukguy34 @ Jun 18 2009, 11:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi there,

I am about to submit my I 751 as a divorcee and have lots of great evidence based on people's experiences on this forum and others. Here is what I have:

• Joint Bank Account Statements from various points in our marriage showing 2 different debit cards issued on the account, both cards being used and 2 pay checks being paid into the same account
• Joint Savings Account in both our names + statements + 2 different accounts paying into the account
• Joint Health Insurance Cards and Confirmation of Coverage Letter
• Joint Car Insurance notifications and cards
• Copy of Joint Title and Registration to our 2001 Chevy Cavalier
• Joint Dental Insurance through Aflac
• Cell Phone, Dental, Blockbuster Total Access, Joint YMCA membership and a Vet bill from various points in our marriage
• Joint tenancy agreement from our previous residence
• Letter confirming our residence at the Incarnation Center from January 1st 2008 until our seperation
• Hotel receipts for our trips to Foxwoods Casino, York in the UK and Philadelphia + confirmation of purchase of 2 theater tickets.
• Flight confirmation from our trip to the UK December 07
• Copies of invoices for gifts I purchased for Angela.
• W2’s and Tax Transcripts for 2007 and 2008
• Copies of our Social Security cards showing Angela’s married name
• Copy of back page of Angela’s passport showing Angela’s married name
• Copy of our photo IDs showing Angela’s married name
• Copy of the contract for our 2nd wedding in October 07
• 2 Notarized Affidavits from friends attesting to our public relationship.
• A selection of photos from various points in our marriage
• Copy of front and back of my Temporary Permanent Residence Card
• Copy of our marriage certificate
• Copy of our final divorce decree

I have prepped the above as detailed on the USCIS website but I was wondering about how I could go about submitting the photos. I was thinking about plastic photo filing pages from an album with captions? Any ideas appreciated.


I'm not sure if how you submit them is a big deal but make sure you label them, it wouldnt be a bad ideas to write down your alien number and name at the back of the photos...just incase they slip and get mixed up with other stuff.

Good luck with your waiver petition, and let us know how it goes!


birdlover2008Female02009-06-18 11:56:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionOMG!!! an APPROVAL LETTER
birdlover2008Female02009-06-15 15:35:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionInfopass Appointments
QUOTE (Ladylethal @ Jun 22 2009, 02:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And I won't be needing the infopass after all. Just received my card in the mail! kicking.gif

yay! congrats! good.gif
birdlover2008Female02009-06-22 14:11:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionwrong mailing address ( removing condition)
QUOTE (bellachica21 @ Jun 23 2009, 03:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hi guys we mailed the I-751 removing condition ,I am worried because i put the incorrect house number and zipcode as our mailing address,my husband suggested to use his parent's address as our mailing address since we are always moving atleats once a year.What do i do? pls help how do i get the letters from them if they got the incorrect mailing address?.I was really mad at my husband today ,because he was the one gave me the incorrect address,it was too late when i figured it out. :-( it stressed me out i can't even sleep. My GC will expires on july 16 2009, we could have mailed it sooner but we had to wait till we get some $ for that $545.

File an address change form AR-11 correcting the address ASAP. And give them a call ASAP to inform them about this so they can send your NOA1 (letter of residency extension) to your correct address.

I'm not an immigration lawyer, but that is what I would do in this case.

Good luck!
birdlover2008Female02009-06-23 08:07:00