CanadaCanada Day Celebrations

Whoo hoo, party only blocks away from our apartment!

I will be back in Saskatoon!!

Somehow there is always a reason with you, lol.

Well, there is always next year!

If i'm not in Canada during that timeframe each yr, I would be up in the inlaws in Newport RI. Great Fireworks show there. Of course we had a prime viewing at the Barton house, but was never there for it,lol

Yeah, we didn't make it to the roof last year either. But we actually can see the show from our balcony so not all was lost. This year I may be out of town on business for the 4th, but hopefully should be around for the 1st.
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-06-07 15:46:00
CanadaCanada Day Celebrations

Whoo hoo, party only blocks away from our apartment!

I will be back in Saskatoon!!

Somehow there is always a reason with you, lol.

Well, there is always next year!
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-06-07 15:38:00
CanadaCanada Day Celebrations
Whoo hoo, party only blocks away from our apartment!
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-06-07 14:46:00
CanadaBoot Tray
Oooh, I love the Christmas Tree Shop! Have never seen one down here in Virginia, but I haunt the one near my Mom's in Vermont when we go to visit!

And she has a boot tray at her house. ;)
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-06-13 15:48:00
Happy anniversary and Happy birthday!

Derek and I did the same thing twice. We had our first wedding right after Derek's birthday and our second one right before mine. Figured we would be less likely to forget that way!
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-06-19 14:18:00
CanadaHow well do you Know Canada
Dunno how, but I got a 15/21. I am the USC and guessed most of them. Derek must be whispering Canadian nothings in my ear at night. :lol:
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-06-22 10:48:00
CanadaBack in Canada (Saskatoon)
The weather has been brutal in DC for the past few days! Rained last night and is now supposed to be cooler through the 4th, but still seems humid to me. Might have to go to Canada soon ourselves!

Enjoy home and all the Tim's you can stomach! I know you say it's not the same, but D brought home some canned Tim's from the Embassy and is currently in heaven himself, lol.
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-06-29 10:07:00
CanadaI need to vent!!!

New England in general can be somewhat "stand-offish". It can seem especially so to someone from the Midwest or South. Give it a couple of generations and your family will finally be considered "locals". LOL

LOL PlatyPius!!!

I am originally a New Englander, but haven't lived in the area since I was 17. And NH is definitely more standoffish than CT where I am from. I'm laughing because my uncle moved from CT to NH in the 60's and it took him probably 20 or 30 years to be considered a local!!!

:lol: My Mom moved from NY to Vermont and was told that you have to have 6 generations in the church cemetery to be considered a Vermonter. Everyone else is called a Flatlander. Despite our Flatlander status, everyone has always been very friendly to us, and Derek and I hope to move up to the Burlington area in the next few years. It's a great state.
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-07-21 11:14:00
CanadaThe world is small
The world is so small that before he moved, Flames9 was my neighbor. :lol:

Never did meet IRL either.
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-07-23 10:25:00
CanadaCity of Montreal
Lord, I can't tell you the problems Derek has had with SAAQ. Well, I could tell you, but I might lose my mind all over again. :lol:

But hey, at least they make the Virginia DMV look good in comparison!
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-05-29 13:15:00
CanadaReceived GC in mail today....
:lol: I think Derek got at least 4 Welcome letters. With all the money they are wasting on extra postage, I now know why they are raising the fees :wacko:

derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-07-30 15:12:00
CanadaDoes illegal immigration upset you big time too?

This post on off topic wouldn't last more than a few pages!! Even on Sharons topic about purchasing a new jeep it got a carried away for a bit!! Nice to keep things simple and friendly in the canada section!!!

Yeah, a few people over there certainly get their knickers in a twist pretty darn fast, lol! Then again, I seen to remember a certain Calagary fan who started a thread about user photographs that got some OT peeps all lathered up. Bet that wouldn't have gone as far if the thread had just stayed here in the Canadian forum where it was originally posted. I am sure hockey, Tim's, and poutine would have saved the day!

This is the longest thread here in awhile too!

My fiancee and I have quite the little rivalry going about this. Seems like we have the Leafs number the last couple of seasons although they may be the only team. :( oh and one more thing

C - A - P - S , CAPS, CAPS, CAPS!!!!!

PS Wait till next year (10 years and counting)

I actually was at the 1998 Stanley Cup game 4 between the Caps and the Red Wings. Series sucked, but it was very cool to at least see the Cup at the Verizon (then MCI, I think) Center. Not sure when that is going to happen again. :whistle:
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-06-19 14:13:00
CanadaDoes illegal immigration upset you big time too?

All i know for a fact is that the world best hockey team is the Calgary Flames!!

You know I have to disagree with that right? But I will say they are better than the Capitals, lol.

Go Islanders!
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-06-17 17:58:00
Canadathe last 2 weeks
I don't know what to say that you haven't already heard, but know that I am so sorry for your loss and am thinking about you and your family. Thank you for sharing his story with us. (F)
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-08-01 13:18:00
CanadaNothern Virginia get together????
Sorry, was out of town on business for the last few days and didn't have access to a computer or VJ until today. :o

Anyway, ironically enough Derek and I will be in Montreal that week, but should be back by the 6th. I have to work on the 8th though so we vote for meeting up on the 7th. As for location, both Alexandria (Murphy's?) and Arlington (Clarendon Ballroom?) work for us.

I hear the drinks will be on Scott, lol!
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-08-16 10:00:00
CanadaHow to explain...what CEGEP is...
Actually I believe both a BA (Bachelor of Arts) and a BS (Bachelor of Science) are 4 year degrees. But there are also AA (Associate of Arts) and AS (Associates of Sciences) etc. that are 2 year degrees. So yes, I would guess a CGEP is sorta in-between those two.

In the US, technically a University is a school which offers Bachelors, Masters, and/or Doctorate degrees, while a college only offers a Bachelors degrees. And yes, many Americans use both words interchangeably which makes it pretty confusing.

Unfortunately I don't have any assistance for the rest of your questions. Derek ran into the same problems as you trying to explain what on earth a CGEP degree is at his first job, but is fortunately now at the Canadian Embassy so it is not currently as issue. But I would love to hear what others have done!

Edited by derekkj, 20 August 2007 - 03:10 PM.

derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-08-20 15:09:00
RR irritates the ####### out of me too. And my brother gave me one of her cookbooks for Christmas last year so I actually have something of hers in my house. Would get rid of it, but D hates throwing things out.

So Flames, how did that rectal thermometer work out for you?

Counting down the hours (12 1/2!) till we head off to Montreal, woot. Only bad part, no VJ access for a week! ohmy.gif
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-08-29 15:27:00
QUOTE (misa @ Aug 28 2007, 03:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (flames9 @ Aug 28 2007, 03:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well actually i'm off to RI tomorrow afternoon after class!! So I guess wil have to track down another canuck to hold down the VA fort!

What about me? I'm not in NOVA but I'm still in VA! tongue.gif

You'll work! Hold down the fort while Flames is in RI and we are in Montreal eating poutine. We'll expect a full report when we get back! laughing.gif
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-08-28 14:57:00
Welcome back Scott! The great commonwealth of Virginia missed you, lol. And now that you are back, Derek and I can head to Montreal in 2 days. Have to have at least one Canadian here at all times, don't you know.
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-08-28 12:48:00
CanadaHas a thread in the Canada forum ever been closed before!?
Wow, go to Canada for a week and all hell breaks loose on VJ. Guess nothing has changed while I was gone, but I have a lot of catching up to do. laughing.gif
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-09-07 15:02:00
CanadaSo now for something completely different.....
Well, Derek and I had a great time in Montreal. Lovely, cool weather, free flowing beer and wine, hockey on TV, Tim Horton's and poutine. What more can you ask for?

Misa, thanks for holding down the VA fort! Good to know absolutely nothing has changed here!
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-09-07 17:36:00
QUOTE (pj1959us @ Sep 12 2007, 01:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (derekkj @ Sep 12 2007, 12:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
One of D's jobs at the Canadian Embassy is to read some of the letters that come in. Last fall a guy from Michigan wrote the ambassador and said that because of the cold Canadian air entering the US his heating bills were much higher than normal and he wanted the Canadian gov't to reimburse him! laughing.gif

I wonder if a big wall on our northern borders will keep out that air. laughing.gif

At the very least it might keep some of the hot air from the US from entering Canada! whistling.gif
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-09-12 12:42:00
QUOTE (trailmix @ Sep 12 2007, 01:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (pj1959us @ Sep 12 2007, 10:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Keep your danged cold temperatures up there! headbonk.gif It's already colder here because of the likes of you. tongue.gif I want to have an Autumn please!

It's funny, when you watch the U.S. news they say ohh an 'Alberta Clipper' is coming down to cool us off or ohh the cold air from Canada is moving down here Tuesday.

Whereas here we blame it all on the Arctic. Wonder who they blame on their news smile.gif

Oh and where are you Eka?

One of D's jobs at the Canadian Embassy is to read some of the letters that come in. Last fall a guy from Michigan wrote the ambassador and said that because of the cold Canadian air entering the US his heating bills were much higher than normal and he wanted the Canadian gov't to reimburse him! laughing.gif
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-09-12 12:13:00
CanadaAnyone have any great study habits???
QUOTE (MelindaandTarek @ Sep 11 2007, 04:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
and I too am a procrastinator.

For some reason this made me laugh! I think we need to start a PA group!

Hi, my name is KJ and I am a procrastinator...
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-09-11 15:52:00
United KingdomCadbury's Dairy Milk

We have great sucess at World Market

Love World Market too! :thumbs:

One of the best perks of my husbands job at the Canadian Embassy is that he is able to get all sorts of Cadbury and Nestle that I haven't eaten since I last visited the UK.

This thread is making me very hungry though. #######, now I need to go find some Hob Nobs.
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-03-23 14:03:00
United KingdomHappy Birthday LisaD!!
Oh, you birthday tease!

Everyone should have a birthday season anyway.
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-04-19 15:33:00
United KingdomHappy Birthday LisaD!!
Happy Birthday Lisa!

Mmmm, Pimms.
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-04-19 15:30:00
United KingdomBoots cosmetics

That's great to know, I'll check out my local Target, I always liked Boots stuff as I'm often allergic to make up and they do a good hypo-allergic range. Thanks for telling everyone.

Yup, Boots has been in the DC area Target's for about a year now. Quite a shock when I first saw it. But a good one! I used to love Boots when I was in Wales.
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-03-30 08:38:00
United KingdomWhat's the Weather Like Where You Are?

Been thinking about you Lou Lou! Last spoke to my Mom yesterday afternoon and at the beginning of our converstation it was mostly raining with a little snow. By the time we hung up - maybe a half hour later - it had turned completely to snow and was starting to stick. I asked her to call me today and let me know if she was snowed in AGAIN but have not heard from her yet. I have thought that this is the last major snow you guys will get at least a half dozen times by now!

Rained a bunch this weekend in DC and very windy today but nothing too horrible if you are not trying to fly anywhere.

If you haven't heard from her it may be because there's a huge power failure north of me. Not sure where it starts from -- it's grim! This better be the last snow we get. Six months of winter is getting to me. :(

Whew. She says they only got a few inches of slush. And she never lost power. She figures she dodged a bullet and is not complaining!

Spring has got to be around the corner, right? Right?
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-04-16 19:54:00
United KingdomWhat's the Weather Like Where You Are?

It was an absolutely GLORIOUS day weather-wise, and tomorrow should be more of the same. It's going to get up to 23C!!!!!!!!!!!

I seriously worry about how hot the UK has been the last few years. It's just not right. :wacko:

But maybe I worry cos we had heavy snow all day yesterday and even more forecast for later today. :o That's just not right either. :no:

Been thinking about you Lou Lou! Last spoke to my Mom yesterday afternoon and at the beginning of our converstation it was mostly raining with a little snow. By the time we hung up - maybe a half hour later - it had turned completely to snow and was starting to stick. I asked her to call me today and let me know if she was snowed in AGAIN but have not heard from her yet. I have thought that this is the last major snow you guys will get at least a half dozen times by now!

Rained a bunch this weekend in DC and very windy today but nothing too horrible if you are not trying to fly anywhere.
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-04-16 14:15:00
United KingdomWhat's the Weather Like Where You Are?

It's shite here too. We still have a ton of snow. It has snowed every day for the past week or so. Some bad, some not so bad. Expecting another storm with 8 inches tomorrow, and snow pretty much forecast for most of next week. I could have mowed the lawn on Christmas day (a very rare event), but we sure are paying for that pleasure now.

Holy #######! Not *more* snow, Lou Lou! :blink:

I remember how warm it was at Christmas, but when my Mom got home from DC after Easter she had to shovel off her back steps so she could even get in the house. She's lived there for a little over 10 years now and have never seen so much snow.

My in-laws in Montreal joke that they are ready to start using the dog sled because they are sick of digging out their car.

It actually snowed (a dusting) here on Saturday morning but now is just chilly and threatening to rain. Crazy assed weather.
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-04-11 11:52:00
United Kingdommarmite in New York
I don't know if you have Harris Teeter that far north, but I saw Marmite there just last week.
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-06-06 12:43:00
United KingdomMeeting Clinton...

I guess if my bloke flirted all the time like that, I'd learn to switch off and do my duty too. :yes: :hehe:

VT has been beeyootiful so far. The best I've experienced in the past 7 summers I've spent here. Lots of rain which has made my garden bloom non stop; mild breezy afternoons; and warm evenings. Just bliss! Everywhere else seems to be suffering today but it's only 81 here with a wind good enuff to make you feel like you're at the beach. :thumbs:

I was just in Waterbury yesterday and always think of your mum when I go there! There's a great new coffee place opened up at the station for your next visit, and of course The Alchemist is still down the road from there for a few pints of their best. :D

Wow, I would kill for 81 right now! It's supposedly about 95 and muggy here, oh joy. :(

It's also supposed to really storm tonight and then hopefully get cooler. My plants will like the rain though. And Derek and I will like the cooler part when we try and go biking this weekend. :lol:

The Alchemist, sigh. Hopefully we will be back for a visit soon, but my Mom is interested in coming down here to do the whole 400th anniversary of Jamestown thing, so it might not be until fall.
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-06-08 15:54:00
United KingdomMeeting Clinton...

Hillary also ran true to stereotype and was a complete cold fish to me and my date.

Oh, that's top form celeb gossip. :thumbs: I've never thought of Hillary being a cold fish. :lol: She's one smart cookie, that's for sure.

Yeah, while I have always liked Bill, I have never been a Hillary fan. She's very smart to be sure, but just seems like an ice queen to me. The complete opposite of Bill, no visible emotions whatsoever. Even her handshake was limp. But, hey, she had just shoke 500 hands prior to mine too, so I will cut her a little slack on that one. :lol:

How's the weather in Vermont, LouLou?

Hottest damn day of the year so far here in DC. Whew.
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-06-08 12:16:00
United KingdomMeeting Clinton...

My straight, middle class, academic OH's report: "He's better looking in person". :lol:

I know other people who have met him, and they all basically said the same. They were all women mind you, and their general consensus was that "he made you feel like you were the only person in the room". Sounds like a good politician to me. :whistle:

I feel all star struck and I didn't even meet the bloke. :blush:

Yeah, I met Bill and Hillary at their last White House Christmas party however many years ago that is now. Must have been the 500th hand that Bill shook that day, but he totally made me feel that I was the only one in the room, wanted to make sure I was having a good time, etc., etc., etc. He is a complete charmer, although I dunno that I thought he was better looking in person. My date joked that it was only because I look a little like Monica Lewinsky :lol:. But honestly I just think he is one of those type of people that likes to flirt with everyone.

Hillary also ran true to stereotype and was a complete cold fish to me and my date.
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-06-07 07:56:00
United KingdomU.S. Citizen not allowed in U.K.
At first I was thinking, wow we haven't seen Yabasta in awhile. Then I hit the section with the Queen and it was deja vu allllll over again.

Even better thread the second time around. :lol:

Edited by derekkj, 13 April 2007 - 12:11 PM.

derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-04-13 12:11:00
United KingdomWhere do UKC's buy furniture in the US?

I agree wholeheartedly with you both, however I live in Old Town Alexandria in VA, where the small furniture shops here want anything from $3,000 to $5,000 just for a chest of drawers. The pieces are lovely and one or two would be great, but with needing so much, I need to spend less. I will ask if they are due for any sales though as that might work!

I live in Arlington and work in Old Town on weekends and know exactly how expensive those shops are! But I love to look anyway. If you see any sales, please let me know! :lol:

I am not a big Ikea fan, but believe it or not, we had really good luck at La-Z-Boy in Fairfax for our couch and sofa. And you can spend hours on their website playing with their interactive design center. Can't remember what kind of chests or tables they had, but you can look on their website -

I love finding bargains - it makes the victory sweeter. :devil: This couch is absolutely amazing, a heavy custom mohair upholstered couch, never used by some rich doctor who lived by the beach - perfect!

Bargains are the best! I found my favorite table and a sweet little chair at two different antique marts in Maryland. The table needed a bit of work, but I enjoy doing that sort of thing anyway. Total cost for both = less than $75. Whoo hoo!

Britty, I have also been to a place called Upscale Resale in Falls Church a few times, It's a consignment shop and the prices can sometimes be a bit high, but you also can hit it on the right day and find a good deal.

Whatever you do, good luck and happy shopping!
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-06-20 16:11:00
United KingdomThe World’s Best Candy Bars? English, of Course

Basically the same thing as a Mallomar, but with a bit more marshmallow:
Posted Image
Don't know if they are available in Canada, but I remember seeing something similar being made on "How its Made" that was Canadian and had a different brand name.

Oooooh, yum! I believe the Canadian version is called a Whippet. I'll have to look for them the next time we are in Canada and do a taste comparison. BTW, I just learned, somewhat to my dismay, that Mallomars themselves are now made in Toronto. Something just not quite right about that!

I wonder if they're kosher. Marshmallows usually aren't. It's not like I'm Jewish; I just don't dig on gelatin.

Good question. You would think given the Mallomar demographic that they should be, but you are right - marshmellows are not usually kosher. I asked a few of my Jewish Mallomar eating friends, but no seemed to know. Or care for that matter! :lol:

In addition to Mallomars being made in Toronto, I also learned that there is a Israeli version called the Krembo, so perhaps that's the kosher alternative.

I think I have spent waaaaay to much work time on the history and development of the Mallomar. :blush:
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-07-17 14:42:00
United KingdomThe World’s Best Candy Bars? English, of Course

And now I want a Tunnocks Tea Cake. Thank you - grrrrr. :angry: :angry:

That's my 'I want it 'cos I can't get it here' thing coming into play again - I never ate bloody Tunnocks Tea Cakes in the UK!! (Although those caramel wafers they make.... yum!)

I'll have to find out what these Mallomar things are, and where they can be bought!

From Wikipedia:

Mallomars are a kind of cookie in the marshmallow sandwich genre, produced seasonally at Nabisco. A circle of Graham cracker is covered with a puff of extruded marshmallow, then enrobed (not dipped) in a hard dark chocolate shell. Mallomars were introduced to the public in 1913, the same year as the Moon Pie (a confection which has similar ingredients). The first box of Mallomars was sold in West Hoboken, NJ (now Union City, NJ). Nabisco discusses it with a short story printed on Mallomar boxes[citation needed].

Because Mallomars melt easily in summer temperatures, they can become difficult to find during the summer: they are generally available from early October through April. Devoted eaters of the cookie have been known to stock up during winter months and keep them refrigerated over the summer. Seventy percent of all Mallomars sold are sold in metropolitan New York, and a majority of the rest are sold in outlets such as Miami and Los Angeles.[citation needed] more...

I can usually find them at regular grocery stores here in DC, but as noted by Wikipedia, it's the summertime and they are not being sold right now, grrrr. And I forgot to get extra and freeze them this year. :cry: Anywho, I can eat a whole box at once. I nibble off the cookie first, suck out the marshmellow and finally get to the chocolate. It's truly a sublime experience. :blush:

Now, what's this Tunnocks Tea Cake? Never ran across them in the UK. Do they sell them in Canada?
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-07-16 15:52:00
United KingdomThe World’s Best Candy Bars? English, of Course

I'm not with you on the Mallomars, but you reminded me of Mallow Cups, which I do think are the bees knees! Talk about yum! Might need to pop down to the tiny store in my building and satisfy my craving in a minute!

More Mallowmars for me - woot!

Of course now I need to find some Mallo Cups as well.

*Rummages through desk drawer to find any bit of chocolate that might tide me over*
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-07-16 12:35:00