CanadaOff Topic Forum...
QUOTE (charlesandnessa @ Dec 5 2007, 11:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
laughing.gif Right now I am trying to keep 2 geraniums and 1 wandering jew alive despite a cat who loves to munch on them, almost no light, and water only when I remember. Which isn't often. whistling.gif



derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-12-05 13:31:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
Snowing here today in DC! Looks beautiful but I can't tell you how many idiots I passed on the way into the office that had run off the road. When will they learn that SUV or 4 wheel drive does not make the vehicle handle any better on ICE?! Grrrr.

QUOTE (trailmix @ Dec 5 2007, 10:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
WPSG - Winter Plant Support Group

laughing.gif Right now I am trying to keep 2 geraniums and 1 wandering jew alive despite a cat who loves to munch on them, almost no light, and water only when I remember. Which isn't often. whistling.gif
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-12-05 11:25:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
QUOTE (Emancipation @ Dec 4 2007, 03:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

wooo wee look at the snow my momma got last night!! GEEPERS!!

Whoa! That's gorgeous! We are due to get 1-2 inches tomorrow afternoon which is sure to make the evening commute a nightmare. Why is it that Washington, DC gets snow EVERY FRIGGIN' YEAR and no one has ever learned to drive in it?! ranting33va.gif Only good part is that the weather forecasters here are usually more wrong than right so it might be 70 degrees and sunny.

*makes mental note to call inlaws in Montreal and mom in Vermont to make sure they are not buried underneath the snow*

And congrats Mephys on the new job! Yay!
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-12-04 16:18:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
QUOTE (charlesandnessa @ Nov 16 2007, 08:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (trailmix @ Nov 15 2007, 04:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
He is scared of the Canadians.

i dunno why, ya'll a pretty friendly bunch good.gif

obligatory eh! biggrin.gif

I wasn't afraid of Canadians until I met my mother-in-law. laughing.gif

j/k. She can be feisty but she's also a lot of fun.
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-11-16 09:52:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
QUOTE (charlesandnessa @ Nov 15 2007, 01:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Mephys @ Nov 15 2007, 11:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Not me no0pb.gif

Gotcha tongue.gif

By the way, I have never since so many people with deer shirts and deer stickers on their car since I moved in the if that is not hillbilly....

where is that? are you in texas? unsure.gif

Probably Kansas. wink.gif
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-11-15 13:23:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
Thinking about you Liz! Hope the move is going well!
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-11-13 13:27:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
QUOTE (Emancipation @ Nov 7 2007, 03:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And if you bring beer and a hockey game.. I know some whistling.gif who will love you forever around the Canada Forum smile.gif

Ooh, ooh, I will! *raises hand* Though I am the USC so maybe it doesn't count. laughing.gif
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-11-07 16:06:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
QUOTE (Emancipation @ Nov 1 2007, 02:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yep.. I think honestly, you get out of sight out of mind for people... their lives continue unfortunately.. I'm starting to just resign myself to that, and not try to stress or be hurt by it.. *sigh ... but it's easier said than done.

Yeah, I try not to think about it too much. Certainly I have been guilty of doing the same thing myself. But lord help Derek if he doesn't contact EACH AND EVERY one of his friends and family when he is back in Montreal or there is hell to pay. laughing.gif

QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Nov 1 2007, 02:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am insanely craving an AERO bar!

They dont have them down here sad.gif

Dunno if there is a World Market near you, but they have a really great imported foods section. My source for Hob Nobs! If you get really desperate PM me - Derek brings them home from the Embassy all the time. Personally, Aeros are OK, but I think Wonderbars are as close to heaven as you can get. Well, after Mallomars.

And I almost hate to say it, but we, uh, have at least 4 Trader Joe's within 15 minutes of us. I think my hair is addicted to their shampoo and conditioner!
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-11-01 15:41:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
QUOTE (Emancipation @ Nov 1 2007, 01:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
UGH.. it's true, i'm doing that to my mum as well.. you know when you leave Canada everyone's like -- oooh a new place to visit.. we'll be down.. nah.. it doesn't happen that way.. we've been doing all the travelling so far tongue.gif

Yeah, what is that all about?! We keep asking Derek's friends and family to come down for a visit and they act all excited and then....... nothing. And then it's another lovely 10 hour drive for us. dry.gif

On the flip side, it really irks me that my Dad in Florida refuses to come north for a visit and always makes us come there. He's retired and has plenty of time and $$$ but expects us to find some vacation time and extra cash (which we never seem to have laughing.gif) and fly down. At least the weather there in March/April is better there than in DC.

Oh, I have been pestering my Mom to get her passport too. Her rationale - other people need theirs more badly than she needs her, so she'll just wait. blink.gif
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-11-01 13:34:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
Saw that and was more than a little dismayed. Guess I will be sticking closer to the Canadian forum for a bit.
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-11-01 10:24:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
QUOTE (flames9 @ Oct 31 2007, 10:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ya, its amazing how a certain innocent topics get side railed!! Some people just want everyone to be miserable like themselves I guess.

What a day!! Turns out i went to class with my t shirt inside out!!! Went and got a haircut and the barber chick says "ur shirt is inside out" lol Oh well!!

I think you need to get some tagless shirts and not worry about it anymore! laughing.gif
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-10-31 15:16:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
QUOTE (Krikit @ Oct 30 2007, 04:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Awww. Thanks guys. I'm normally able to shake it off, but I guess I'm being a bit sensitive at the moment. I probably just need a hug. blush.gif


*runs to find chocolate*
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-10-30 15:44:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
Yay, Liz! First the condo, now the dress! Things are falling into place.

Of course, we now need to see photos of said dress...
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-10-05 13:50:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
Yeah, I am waiting for that to get ugly.
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-09-20 15:55:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
Scott, I see you lurking down there - go study!
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-09-14 13:11:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...

Little bit prickly over there isn't it?:lol:

You Canadians always put things so politely! :whistle:

I'm in falls Church VA, but good look meeting me,lol Derekkj lived a few floors below me (Arlington VA)prior to moving, and we never met,lol Maybe some yr,lol

Promises, promises!

Dunno about the dancing part, but we are in Arlington and are always willing to drink!
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-08-07 19:27:00
CanadaThe Vent
Actual work! Changed light bulbs, rebooted computers, dealt with researcher questions, processed loan agreements, accessioned new objects, supervised 1 part-timer and 1 volunteer, etc.

Probably helped that my boss called in sick today, because I was so busy doing all my work plus his that I didn't have time to get on VJ even if I could have.

But wait til he comes in on Monday and finds out that he can't get on his favorite forum! laughing.gif

Edited by derekkj, 01 February 2008 - 10:21 PM.

derekkjNot TellingCanada2008-02-01 22:20:00
CanadaThe Vent
Yeah, that scream from Fairfax, VA that was heard at about 8:45am this morning was me.

I think it went something like, nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

No VJ.
No Yahoo
No Facebook, MySpace, etc.
No games

No fun, I tell ya!
derekkjNot TellingCanada2008-02-01 21:47:00
CanadaThe Vent
My office just installed a new internet gateway that bans VJ! crying.gif

Guess I will actually have to work at work from now on. helpsmilie.gif
derekkjNot TellingCanada2008-02-01 21:40:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (flames9 @ Jan 9 2008, 02:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I think Derekkj was out ur way not that long ago, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Hey now! I plead the fifth.

laughing.gif laughing.gif laughing.gif laughing.gif That post made up for all the Leaf bashing. laughing.gif laughing.gif

Here's one for you then...

News Report from Toronto

Toronto (AP) - A seven-year old boy was at the center of a courtroom
drama yesterday when he challenged a court ruling over who should
have custody of him. The boy has a history of being beaten by his
parents and the judge initially awarded custody to his aunt, in
keeping with child custody law and regulation requiring that family
unity be maintained to the highest degree possible. The boy
surprised the court when he proclaimed that his aunt beat him more
than his parents and he adamantly refused to live with her. When the
judge then suggested that he live with his grandparents, the boy
cried and said that they also beat him. After considering the
remainder of the immediate family and learning that domestic
violence was apparently a way of life among them, the judge took the
unprecedented step of allowing the boy to propose who should have
custody of him. After two recesses to check legal references and
confer with the child welfare officials, the judge granted temporary
custody to the Toronto Maple Leafs, whom the boy firmly believes are
not capable of beating anyone.
derekkjNot TellingCanada2008-01-09 14:48:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (SonoranSongbird @ Dec 20 2007, 11:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Krikit posted 727 and Trailmix posted 728 at the same time based on the time stamps, that's why she did not see it.

About the kitty, KJ, did the vet tell you how long it would take for a problem to develop if he were going to have one? Saturday was 5 days ago. I would think that by now either he did not swallow it or he's already pooped it out. I would not get the x-ray unless absolutely necessary, either. It is not good for him to have the radiation and would likely scare the poop out of him.

I had a similar scare with my dog last week. I left her bowl of dog food for her breakfast on the counter when I went to get my coffee instead of setting it down for her. Well she NEVER grabs things off the counter, but she was hungry and she knew it was her breakfast, so when I got home, there was a broken dog dish on the floor and all of the dog food had been eaten. They said that dogs are usually pretty good at eating around the things they shouldn't have and just to watch her. She was fine, but I sure felt like a terrible dog mommy.

No the vet tech just basically said what you did. That Saturday was awhile ago and that if he was going to get sick - lethargic, vomiting, diarreah, etc. - that it should have started by now. I definitely got the impression that the x-ray would be more for my peace of mind than Calvin's well-being. But I did get a little paranoid this morning when he didn't poop the way he normally does. Knowing Calvin though, he probably did it on purpose just to freak me out. cool.gif

I completely understand the bad mommy feeling. I mean I was right there when he did or did not eat the coin and I should have done a better job to keep him away.
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-12-20 11:36:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Krikit @ Dec 20 2007, 11:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (derekkj @ Dec 20 2007, 10:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
But I kid you not, my boss actually loaned me his metal detector to wand Calvin with tonight. I think I might let Derek hold him while I do the wanding from a safe distance. whistling.gif

That's fantastic! Hit the parks and beaches afterwards and see if you can't find enough stuff to pay for the x-ray! In all probability, though, Calvin probably turned up his nose at the dime and you have nothing to worry about. You know how finicky cats can be. wink.gif

Yeah, I am not convinced that he actually even ate it. I was going through some change and he came over to investigate. I saw him pawing around with a few coins, I scolded him and looked away for like a nano-second and when I looked back he was making a face and sort of hacked a bit. He hacked a few more time over the next couple of minutes, but when I looked in his mouth there was nothing there. So he could have swallowed it or he could have just tried to eat it, hated the taste and spat it out. Hopefully the metal detector will find out which!

Just as an aside for you Canadian pet owners out there. Apparently Canadian pennies do not have zinc in them, just the cheap good ole USA so no worries of zinc posioning for you guys!

And, I too have had VJ "burp" a few times. laughing.gif
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-12-20 11:21:00
CanadaThe Vent
My vent for the day is that our friggin' cat may or may not have swallowed a coin (I think a dime) on Saturday. Since he has had absolutely no problems since then he may or may not have already passed said coin. Normally I would just watch him and first sign of any distress it would be off to the vet. But, no, of course Calvin has to go and do this right before we are set to leave for Montreal on Saturday. Which is another vent that actually might get it's own thread.

Anyway, yesterday I called the vet and spoke with a technician who said that since so many days have passed since he may or may not have swallowed it without any issues that's it's probably not a penny (which if a US penny minted after the early 80's could give him zinc poisoning) and it's probably not obstructing anything. She went on to add that for peace of mind I could bring him in for an x-ray but that's going to cost $225. crying.gif I don't think I want to know how much it will cost if he did swallow something and it does start to obstruct his poor bowels and needs surgery. crying.gif crying.gif

So I have been watching over him like a hawk for the past few days (never have I been so obsessed over any cat's poop before! laughing.gif) and all seems well till this morning when he didn't have his morning, ah, shall we say constitutional. He did eat a bit and was running around like normal, so it's probably nothing. And in all likelihood he most likely pooped the second I left the apartment, but here I sit at working fretting about how if he hasn't pooped by the time I get home tonight, I am going to have to run him over to the vet, which is just what I have the time and $$$ to do right before we head off for Christmas. *Takes deep breath* Sigh.

But I kid you not, my boss actually loaned me his metal detector to wand Calvin with tonight. I think I might let Derek hold him while I do the wanding from a safe distance. whistling.gif
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-12-20 10:51:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (bradcanuck @ Nov 15 2007, 09:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (~Laura and Nick~ @ Nov 15 2007, 09:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I burned the top of my mouth eating soup sad.gif It was way hotter than I thought it was..I hate that.

Yuack! My mouth is sensitive too. You ever drink coffee or hot chocolate KNOWING it is going to be hot but you take it in, and SOMEHOW it is hotter than the blazes of hell and you scold your mouth/tongue so bad you can't taste for a week?

Welcome to every hot beverage I drink.

I hate burning my mouth too. And I also hate when you bite the inside of your mouth and lip, how you end up biting it over and over again. mad.gif

QUOTE (wilson and shai @ Nov 16 2007, 01:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-11-16 09:49:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (liz_legend @ Nov 15 2007, 04:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey everyone.. so some of you may remember my MOH fiasco... well her friend, the other bridesmaid, just wrote me an email.

Hey Liz

I just thought that I would let you know that Jenny is really, really hurt and upset by the way you left without speaking with her.

Jenny takes friendship very, very seriously and gets hurt quite often from a lot of her friends.

She really wished you reached a little further out to her (perhaps a phone call) before you left.

She said if you had called and expressed that you really wanted to see her before you left she would have come to your going away party, but she felt like it really didn’t matter to you either way. We spoke about this last night.

This is probably based off of the fact that apparently when you asked her to step down as the maid of honour, you started off by saying “I don’t know if our friendship will withstand this,” or something along those lines, which gave her the impression that you had no faith in the strength of it at all.

I tried to explain that you thought you did reach out with the text and e-vite, but Jenny thought that was very impersonal and since you sent them to everyone else as well it was obviously not specific to her.

She’s really hurting thinking that her friendship meant so little to you.

If that is not the case, I think you should try to get that across to her.

A written letter or a phone call would probably be best. (Not email).

Just a suggestion.

Lord, this girl is all about herself, isn't she! wacko.gif
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-11-15 16:25:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Doug n Amanda @ Nov 15 2007, 01:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
New Vent...what the He@l is wrong with the universe when it comes time for a wedding? Seems like everyone I know has some sort of drama just before their's a recap of MINE:

5:00 PM - Walked dog in the park; lost my keys.....yep, ALL of them
5:10 PM - Broke into my house (where the heck did I put that spare key??)
5:30 PM - Doug laughing at me for being so pissed at myself
4:45 AM - Awoke to the sound of my dog gagging (is there a worse sound?), followed by a loud YACK...she sleeps with us under the covers....
4:47 AM - In the shower (thanks Maddie)
5:00 AM - Crawled into guest bed
7:30 AM - Ford dealer informs me I have to bring the car in to program new keys to the car
8:30 AM - Tow truck's here! $75 for 3 miles?!?
11:00 AM - Two new keys & labor: $100
11:30 AM - $30 vet bill to find out the dog "must've ate something that didn't agree with her"...thanks....

4 hours of work at no pay, and $205 spent on BADD(Bride Attention Deficit Disorder)....but no Bridezilla here....nope, not ME! no0pb.gif

Sorry, I don't mean to laugh at your misfortune, but laughing.gif!
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-11-15 13:24:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (KarenCee @ Nov 14 2007, 07:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I can definately sympathise with you about work. I'm to the point of hanging up this teaching thing. *sigh* I'll be so glad for the three day break we're getting next week (five if you include the weekend) cos we're all about to bang our heads against the wall. Kids...increasing workloads...more standards...people griping about their taxes going up so we can better educate their kids. I went to pay the ad valorem taxes on my car the other day. They didn't decrease by much and I commented on it, not complaining, just commenting. She smirked at me and said "Well, you have the increase in the millage rate and higher taxes to thank for that...just so we can pay YOU more money". She fails to realise that those tax dollars go to give her children a good education and to pay those that implement that good education. I wanted to tell her that if she thinks she can do a better job for less money, then by god go and do it!


Cos teachers are so well paid to begin with. wacko.gif
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-11-15 10:05:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (Krikit @ Nov 7 2007, 04:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
laughing.gif That's funny. Sounds like my life.... without the cat. Just be thankful you're not these people. That made me laugh too. Hope your foot's feeling better soon.

"I'm just glad to be alive. It's raining cows out here, man!"

I didn't see that earlier, but that's halarious!
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-11-07 16:52:00
CanadaThe Vent
So this morning I was getting ready for work when I noticed a dead leaf on one of our houseplants. Went over to grab it and of course the cat had to investigate what I was doing. I told him no, but when do cats listen?!, and long story short, the cat ends up wearing the pot on its head. Dirt and leaves everywhere and of course I am already running late as usual. So I tell Calvin what a very bad cat he is, and run to get the vacuum. Well that bloody cat won't let me clean up in peace so I am getting even more frustrated and I grab him and throw him into the bathroom. Derek calls it the "penalty box" and it makes a great place for Calvin to calm down when he gets neurotic. Anyway, I am in such a rush to close the bathroom door so I can finish cleaning up, that I forget to remove my foot from the door jamb and literally slam the door on my foot! crying.gif So now, I have dirt and leaves on my beige carpet, a crying cat in the bathroom, a bleeding and throbbing foot and obscenities are pouring out of my mouth. What a start to my day. And my foot still hurts 8 hours later. Only good news is that I have a decent excuse not to work out tonight. laughing.gif
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-11-07 16:18:00
CanadaThe Vent
QUOTE (flames9 @ Oct 30 2007, 02:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just got our Virginia State tax refund in the mail yesterday!! lol But they did give us $9 in interest!!

laughing.gif We actually owed a little VA tax so that wasn't an issue for us.

And yes, the Canadian government better be forking over the interest too!
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-10-30 14:00:00
CanadaThe Vent
OK, my vent for the day - Canada Revenue! What the bloody !@$#% is taking them so so long to get D's 2006 refund to him?! We filed before May 31st and when we still hadn't heard from them after receiving D's provincial refund sometime in early summer, he called to find out what was going on. They said something about a strike (?), being backlogged and to call back in 8-10 weeks! So September rolls around and D calls back and gets told, "Nope, still working on it, call back in a month." Grrrrr. So last week D calls AGAIN, and get told, "Oh, we had a question about your residential status (since D lives in the US but works for the Canadian government he was declared a non-resident for tax purposes). But it's all figured out now and you should be hearing something any day now." Well, duh, he was declared a non-resident A YEAR AGO! This should NOT be an issue! ranting33va.gif

I wouldn't mind it too much except it's a pretty substantial refund and would come in really handy right about now since we have to pay for his I-751 soon. crying.gif

But in a strange twist of coincidence, we still haven't been billed by our accountant, so I guess it all evens out. laughing.gif
derekkjNot TellingCanada2007-10-30 13:49:00
CanadaCanada Day Across the US
QUOTE (J&K @ Jun 22 2009, 03:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Jun 22 2009, 02:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (J&K @ Jun 22 2009, 02:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Does anyone know if the link to RSVP at the DC Embassy has come out yet?

Last year I got an email, and this year, nothing.

And I don't know if I'll be able to go biometrics are July 1 at 1pm.

I emailed them and they said they would announce it a few days before hand.

I have been checking every day... I am getting impatient. sad.gif

I'm still trying to convince my boss to come down with me so I can make a business thing tongue.gif

We'll see...can't miss my biometrics appointment biggrin.gif Maybe I'll go down there one day to see if they'll take me early.

There was an email sent out by Connect2Canada on 06/22 that allows you to RSVP. If you did not get one, then you need to sign up for their emails. Just FYI, they are allowing one guest per person, but no transfers of the invitation email and you *have* to RSVP through the Connect2Canada email.

20 Years on Pennsylvania Avenue!

The Embassy of Canada
invites you and your guest to join us for a celebration of
Canada’s National Day and 20 Years as the only Embassy
between the White House and the Capitol!

A special broadcast of the annual Canada Day festivities on Parliament Hill in Ottawa,
Canada’s Capital City, will be live via Jumbotron in the Embassy courtyard.

July 1, 2009
from 11:30AM – 2:30PM

RSVPs are being accepted through this link only.
Please do not reply to this email.
This invitation is non-transferable


Derek works there so I will definitely be there for at least as long as the poutine and beer last. jest.gif

Edited by derekkj, 25 June 2009 - 11:38 AM.

derekkjNot TellingCanada2009-06-25 11:36:00
CanadaCanada Day in DC?
QUOTE (Moosker @ Jun 30 2009, 10:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hmm...maybe I should! Do you REALLY think they'd have a "list" of people who RSVP'ed? This isn't a wedding smile.gif

Thanks flames9!!! Maybe next year!

Yeah, they have a list and are probably going to be more strict than last year. But if anyone in the DC area wants to go, PM me - my husband does security for the Embassy and said he will make sure the VJ peeps get in. whistling.gif

I have also heard that there probably won't be any poutine this year. crying.gif

derekkjNot TellingCanada2009-06-30 13:18:00
CanadaIts official--I'm a RN!!!!
Congrats Scott! We'd take you out for a beer if you'd ever agreed to meet up with us. Guess it will have to be a virtual beer, lol.
derekkjNot TellingCanada2009-07-28 14:47:00
CanadaDid you feel safer in Canada or in the U.S.?
I live near DC too and don't feel unsafe at all but I am originally from NY so perhaps I have a higher tolerance. Or as Derek says, I am just oblivious. whistling.gif And funny that you should mention the shootings in DC. I swear every time he calls his family/friends back in Montreal his conversations always start with the overnight death count - and he wonders why they rarely visit us! BTW, the wife in that couple is a coworker of mine. The whole story was so sad and no one is sure if she will ever come back to work.

I don't feel unsafe in Montreal either, but I think in general (whether in Canada or the US) I feel safer in rural/suburban areas than in cities but unfortunately sh!t can happen anywhere so I just make sure to be aware of my surroundings no matter where I am. Strangely my Mom in Vermont is the one who doesn't lock the doors of her house or her car and Derek is always telling her to think of her safety, especially since she lives alone. During one visit to VT he locked the doors when we all went out for the day. When we got home my Mom desperately needed to pee and when she discovered the doors were locked she went off on him because she doesn't normally even carry her house keys with her amd was thinking she was going to have to pee in the backyard. Fortunately she had her keys that day - but Derek doesn't touch her locks now. laughing.gif

QUOTE (Udella&Wiz @ Sep 8 2009, 03:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Southern ON - hands down. Sure stuff happened where I lived, but not the same stuff as here, near DC. I lived in a smaller town obviously (Kitchener)

The number one thing on the news is who and how many people have been shot in DC overnight. 1 or 2 is light night. Many times 5-8 shooting deaths in an evening is standard.

I have to say that not once in 37 years in Kitchener did I picture pulling up to a light and having someone pull a gun out in the car next to me because they're PO'd........but this is a weird new fear I have. someone with bad road rage with be carrying a gun that day and I'll have somehow pi$$ed them off. And the gun will be legal to boot! - Don't even get me started.

There was a couple recently who were beaten (the husband killed) when they were out for their early morning walk with their was gang-initiation related. It's freaked me out that although my neighbourhood is friendly, what if they'd taken a trip down my street instead?

A little irrational perhaps, but I do not feel as safe here even though I live in the average, all-american, people-who-don't-even- know-me-wave neighbourhood....I just don't feel safe.

derekkjNot TellingCanada2009-09-08 15:14:00
CanadaWhat This Thread Needs is More Kittens
Whoa! Harm looks like my Calvin!

Our little Canadian kitten watching hockey jest.gif

QUOTE (Dan and Ali @ Dec 7 2009, 12:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
These are my two kitties:

Harm when he was a kitten -- he's 3 years old now!

Garth -- he's the friendliest kitty ever!

Not the best pics but the only ones I have available right now as I'm at work ><;

derekkjNot TellingCanada2009-12-07 15:49:00
CanadaOh Canada

Hehe. I love it too...and I always sing both anthems!

When I was at a Vancouver Canucks at Washington Capitals game in D.C. back in October of '08, I sang the Canadian anthem. I think I might have been the only person in the stadium to do so... :P

You never know - at any Caps/Canadian team game that I go to I sing both anthems.

I actually knew all the words to the Oh Canada before the Star-Spangled Banner. :jest:
derekkjNot TellingCanada2010-02-05 08:33:00
CanadaNOT Wyatt's Torch...

I can't wait for the most pointless sport ever: TWO MAN LUGE!!


There is no way I would want to be in that much contact with another human. Besides my husband of course, lol. I think during the last Olympics Matt Lauer and Al Roker from the Today Show tried to do the 2 man luge and I couldn't decide whether to laugh or vomit!

I will say I have always thought the only Olympic sport I could compete in was the skeleton. I am crazy like that. :jest:
derekkjNot TellingCanada2010-02-08 15:45:00
CanadaNOT Wyatt's Torch...
Very cool, thanks for sharing!

The torch looks like the lelo vibrator.


derekkjNot TellingCanada2010-02-08 14:02:00
CanadaGood luck to all the Canadians with interviews this week!
Congrats Mal! And good luck to everyone else!
derekkjNot TellingCanada2010-03-01 13:30:00