K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFeeling nervous
She texted and was approved ! I'm glad its over !
crazykuya73MalePhilippines2011-10-13 20:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFeeling nervous
Thanks for your replies.. My fiancee is less nervous than I am.. We have been waiting three years for this day, so it's a long time coming for this day and I provided three years worth of evidence to prove our intentions are to marry. I will be up late waiting on her text. Take care !
crazykuya73MalePhilippines2011-10-13 19:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFeeling nervous
To all of us who are going through this process.. How did yall feel when your spouses/future spouses is at the embassy getting their interview ? I don't know about yall.. I do feel more nervous than I ever have in my life. Part of it is being anxious and other part is being worried too.. :unsure: I guess it's all normal ? She is in Manila and I wish I could be there with her.
crazykuya73MalePhilippines2011-10-13 18:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPOSTAL SERVICE UNRELIABLE
I have sent letters to my fiancee by US Postal mail and it doesn't take long getting there and it's cheaper, but the Philippine postal service isn't like ours and not too reliable. Some of the buildings there in Cebu don't have numbers on them and I can't figure out how they deliver mail there at all ? :unsure:

It took about three weeks to a month by the time she recieved them and it's always best to mail several letters at a time, just in case one or two gets lost somehow. Fed Ex is good, but expensive ! I only used them to send some important documents to her and sent a Christmas package to her once before.. Not only was it expensive, they charged her a customs tax on the package too. She will get her mail, just keep sending her letters..
crazykuya73MalePhilippines2011-10-12 18:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTHANK YOU.....THANK YOU...THANK YOU
Congratulations ! :D
crazykuya73MalePhilippines2011-10-17 20:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFinally!!! Interview scheduled :)
:) Congratulations !
crazykuya73MalePhilippines2011-10-23 21:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOur story
Thank you everybody for the nice replies..

Jim N Augie... I know how you feel too. The Philippine courts are a class of it's own ! :wacko: Waiting all that time to fix a birth certificate is a pain that I wouldn't wish on anyone too. It was something that I had to do and I knew that we would've never been approved unless we fixed it first. I wish you and your fiancee the best and your life will be normal again soon.

JimVaPhuong.. I hired the agency to get us thru the visa process.. We can do the rest, ty. I'm already got her daughters favorite colors for her room I will be painting real soon. There is a small filipino community here and they been anxious to meet my new wife. One gentleman that used to work with my dad is married to filipina lady from Bohol and he told me to bring my wife there anytime. As for foods, well we will have to make do with what we got here in Arkansas. There is no asian food markets here unless you go to the bigger cities. I will just let her order some stuff online if she wants to make something special. So, I got it covered and ty for the advice.

Sassytay.. Thank you for the compliment. My parents taught me to follow my heart and sometimes it led me to the wrong direction, but this time its on the right path.
crazykuya73MalePhilippines2011-10-23 19:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOur story
Before I tell our story.. Just a quick update, she recieved her visa yesterday from the courier service. She texted me all excited and I called her soon after. We are both thrilled that our three year journey is about over.

This a long story and hope anyone who reads this have some time on their hands..

Way before I met my fiancee.. One of my uncles told me I need to go the Philippines to find a good wife. I thought he was nuts and even though he and my dad's other brother are married to filipino women. I thought of them being too bossy and one of my filipina aunts is the BOSS of her house. It's her way or no way.. The other one is not that way at all, just a sweet and loving person. I was afraid to take a risk and decided to marry someone close to home. It turned out to be five and a half years of pain.. As my divorced was getting finalized and I dated a few women along the way and got hurt time and time again. The same uncle of mine told me to go the "Filipino" route again. This time, I figured I give it a try.

I looked over the internet and found some dating/penpal sites. I decided on Cherry Blossoms and put in a ad. I was amazed how many hits I got.. There was many I chatted with who kept asking me about my job and of course, "How much money you make"... I finally decided on one lady and after a few months I grew tired of her getting mad at me for not giving her money like she wanted. I did help her get a plane ticket to Dubai and she got a good job now. We remain friends to this day.

I went back to Cherry Blossoms and eventually found my soulmate, Rizel. Her ad was pretty straightforward and said, she "wanted to be loved and have a family." Her picture of her sitting on a couch and looking so beautiful really caught my eye. Little did I know then, she was even more beautiful on the inside too. We emailed back and forth.. We finally started chatting and even though she saw me on webcam, I never saw her face until 2 - 3 months later. She was worried that I wouldn't like what I see, but she was even more beautiful than in her pictures. I discussed my trip to the Philippines with my aunts and they gave me alot of advice and some emergency contacts with their family there, in case Rizel and I didn't hit it off.
I haven't flown at that time since a few months before 9-11-2001 and it changed in a big way since. All the extra security checks and my longest flight at that time was from Little Rock to San Diego roundtrip. I can tell you, flying twenty-something hours was truly painful ! The whole time I was questioning myself, but so anxious to meet her. I finally arrived at Cebu and while I was in line to go through customs. I saw a beautiful lady staring at me. I thought she looked familiar and when she smiled, I knew it was her and I waved at her, she waved back. When we finally met, I didn't feel nervous and felt so comfortable with her. Only thing I was worried about was meeting her family and being in a strange country far from home.

Soon as we were outside, the humidity hit me like a ton of bricks ! It was very hot there and when I left home it was in the 50's. It felt like I was in the middle of August again ! I rode with her family to our hotel and it was nice to finally get some rest from that long flight. After our second day I finally proposed to her in private, just between us. Maybe kind of quick, but I knew she is one of a kind. After a few days in the city, we went to the province and stay for several days. I met her mom & dad and her other siblings. They are wonderful people and of course, I got many stares from people in the province. At first I didn't care for it, but I gotten used to it. I guess they don't see many foreigners come their way. I see how many people live in primitive conditions there. I seen houses no bigger than my living room and no electricity. Even though they lack some of the things we have here, I always see them smiling. Makes you appreciate what you have.

After the second day at the province, I asked her dad for her hand in marriage. I studied the words that Rizel told me to say and he gave me his blessing. Even appreciated I tried to learn their language and I continue to learn much as I can. I bonded with her daughter and so glad she liked me. We went to the Simala later on and it was amazing. I never been inside a catholic church before and all the decor, the artifacts and the painting of the Lord's Supper on the ceiling blew me away. We went back to the city for a few more days before going home. It was hard leaving her behind, but I knew it wasn't forever and we will be together soon. So I thought anyway.

I hired an agency to do our paperwork and by the the time I paid the fee and two months later it was completed. I was about sign it and send it in, when they called me about my fiancee's birth certificate was incorrect. It's not like here, you go to your local govt office and have it changed in a few weeks or much less. It took us nearly two years ! Our first lawyer was a crook and never did file one piece of paper. My fiancee would go see him and he would ignore her. She would call and he just yell at her for bothering him. I even called him and he assured me that he was working on it. By the time I went back to see her a second time, I called him and he would say, "The other lawyer you want is in Makati" and I knew it was him. I called him back the next day and he never would answer. I was angry and part of me wanted to give up, but I knew if I did, I would never find anyone like her again. So, I waited and she hired a different attorney. It took another year before they finally corrected her birth certificate. After that, we finally got the ball rolling again. I did see her again for a third time and spent two weeks with her like the last two times. Every time I left, it hurt more than the last time. I finally broke down into tears. I finally sent off the paperwork and waited & waited.. We prayed and hoped the Vermont Service Center would approve our petition pretty quick. It was faster than some others and I can't complain about waiting as much as other people who waited alot longer. After the NVC letter, it went along pretty fast and finally hearing that she was approved for her visa was the best news I had in three years !

As I look back.. All the money spent on flights, hotels, money sent on Xoom, and all the other fees that I had to pay to get to this point. Some of my friends and some family telling me I wasted my time & money on her.. Would I do it again ? Do I really want to go through that headache one more time ? I would.. only for her. I truly love my gwapa Rizel with all my heart & soul. She will be here in December and it will be truly, a Christmas gift I would always cherish for the rest of my life.

If you truly love someone.. good things will come to those who wait. I never believed in those words before... I did when I met my Rizel. Take care and God bless everyone here on visajourney.
crazykuya73MalePhilippines2011-10-22 21:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDenied ?
omg! im sorry to hear what you have gone through! did you hire a lawyer to prepare your petition, send it, and assist you all with the interview and after process?
crystalanddaltonFemaleJamaica2011-08-16 16:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGoing thru us customs after visiting Jamaica
i always so im staying at a resort. also, i always say im staying a week even tho i stay for weeks to a month. now i have beeen questioned as to y i have so much luggage for a short trip but i just tell them im a woman! lol! i do tell them honestly that i bring stuff for my boyfriend. the last trip i had to jamaica this summer, coming home i was harrassed by customs. i think its because i have been so frequent in this little time. so i told them that i been to visit my fiance and i tell them that i stay with him and the truth of course of my length of stay. but thats to the customs people once i reached stateside.
crystalanddaltonFemaleJamaica2011-08-22 12:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 "additional processing" at NVC after NOA2
Times have come down a lot for K1's at NVC :yes:
cdnehFemaleNew Zealand2010-08-29 20:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 "additional processing" at NVC after NOA2
Hello ..if you haven't already seen the "Stuck at NVC" thread have a look at that.


We were stuck there back when they first starting subjecting K1's to AP, late in 2008, and nobody could tell us much about what was going on, or why. The lady that I was interviewed by did tell me it was random.

I was in email conversation with the consulate in Auckland,and so based on having the NVC number they sent packet three out to me. I had the medical, and everything else all done by the time the consulate had the e file, and had an appointment for the interview set up right away. I went ahead and got everything all done well before, just as though we hadn't struck trouble at NVC. When we finally got out, we were more than ready to roll.

Good luck, I was reading earlier tonight that times have come way way down :thumbs:
cdnehFemaleNew Zealand2010-08-29 20:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow many is too many?

We both have a box filled with letters and cards but how many is too many?

All you have to do is file exactly what the guide for the K-1 says to file. I did that and added in about 4-5 photos. We 0 problems getting our NOA2. If you have a typical relationship with nothing "odd" about it, just follow the guide and you'll be fine!
Rob and JillFemaleScotland2010-05-07 13:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan you be denied at the border ?

If they think you are a terrorist.. name is on a list somewhere..

Do you really think they visa would be approved in the first place if they were a known terrorist and on a list somewhere?
Rob and JillFemaleScotland2010-05-13 15:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCuriosity

Just as a side note....if you do happen to get here before baby is born...ensure that you can get added onto your husbands group insurance policy ASAP.

It would be a rare thing indeed to find even a group plan that would not deny coverage based on a "pre-existing condition" clause.
Rob and JillFemaleScotland2010-05-17 12:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPictures

Thanks everyone! You have been most helpful in clearing up what I need to do. Looks like the best route is to see about getting the Fee paid and then get another job that pays well enough to make this process successful.

You also need to file it before the Jul 20th (I think it what you said) date that was the last time you've seen her in two years, or you get to get on a plane again.
Rob and JillFemaleScotland2010-05-19 17:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFrontloading I-129F w/ Evidence of Ongoing Relationship

You're not wrong!! It's safe to say that I'm in panic mode!

It will be ok. You can print out the forms again if you need to print them.
Rob and JillFemaleScotland2010-05-18 10:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFrontloading I-129F w/ Evidence of Ongoing Relationship
Hun...from the tones of your posts, you're wigging out! I could be wrong, but you sound like you are in panic mode!

Take a deep breath. Calm down.

Read On:

I used a culmination of two things to file the K-1:

The Guide here on Visa Journey
The Official printed out instructions from the USCIS website.

Just read them and put your packet together in order from the instructions on their site. I made a table of contents for it, and used tips and tricks here for "packaging" like zip lock bags for photos etc, stapled them to the page and sent them on their merry way.

I didn't get an RFE as of yet, and everything is fine.

Also, just to clarify the Passport questions, you DO need BOTH passport style photos and YOU AND YOUR fiance as well as photos to show you have met in person. :)
Rob and JillFemaleScotland2010-05-17 16:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 and honeymoon

You really are that dense, here I thought it was just an act.

I am concerned about your opinions Rob and's the unicorn meat that makes me question your sensibilities. ;)

And it's gross. XD It looks like ALPO with sprinkles. *gag*
Rob and JillFemaleScotland2010-06-11 13:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 and honeymoon

Julian comes across so differently on here than in real life. I guess the thing is that he doesn't suffer fools (as he says) and he really believes that what he is doing is right for him and us, so he has to speak up.

Melissa, a lot of us understand. We're going through the same things, and we have the opportunity to learn from each other. This is a stressful time for those of us who are going through these things, and it doesn't help being thousands of miles apart while it's happening either. I know what it's like. I've learned a lot from some of the people here who have been there before me. I've also learned very little from the jerks on these forums, and I tend to ignore them.

However, with that being said your fiance is not making any of this easier on YOU. My fiance doesn't "suffer fools" either, yet he would never in a million years come on THIS SITE, and because he didn't like the blunt answer he was given accuse someone of having/being a mail-order bride. Your fiance's way of "doing what is right" for the two of you is to insult every single person here on a regular basis. How can that be good for the two of you and your reputation here? It's biting the hand that quite literally is feeding you information. It's irritating to the people who should be a support network for the both of you, and more to you because you're the one putting in 85% of the effort at the moment.

Some people on this site are rude, some are just blunt. Unfortunately, the internet leaves far too much room for interpretation when it comes to conversational intent. However, certain mail order bride comments, don't really leave much room for interpretation and those are the kinds of comments that are causing the both of you strife on these forums. Example of the way to "defend" a little better:

Melissa makes a comment
Someone responds in a snarky manner
Julian jumps in and throws whatever insult he feels will best cut them down
Flame war begins

Instead of the above:

Melissa makes a comment
Someone responds in a snarky manner
Melissa and Julian both ignore said snarky comment and thank the people who have actually said or done something useful to help.

Everyone on VJ is happier.
Rob and JillFemaleScotland2010-06-11 12:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 and honeymoon

but you and Julian should probably just delete your accounts and start again, anonymously, so nobody realizes who you are

Only one of them has a bad reputation.

I think mostly people just feel pity and even fear for Melissa. I think the threads would be a lot shorter if only she was posting, as she actually tends to be gracious about advice.

Julian, I've said it before. Is this REALLY healthy for your relationship? She's trying to buy a house (because you won't live in her apartment), she's trying to plan a wedding and honeymoon(you're not here to help), she's trying to work through this visa process for you (while you're across an ocean), and on top of all of that she has a job. Do you not think out of consideration for her and the levels of stress she is reaching, that you could walk away from these forums long enough to let her have one bit of peace in her life? Is that really asking too much? I'm asking you, for her, please just walk away.

Everyone has made the mistake of asking a question that is "easily answered". I researched for over 2 months on this site before I ever made a comment and the first thing someone said was "Read the guides". REALLY? NO KIDDING. I did, but because something was a "common" answer to someone who had been here forever, the older forum members tend to forget not everyone knows that stuff and not everything is spelled out crystal clear in the guides.
Rob and JillFemaleScotland2010-06-11 10:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp for a Friend

Thank you guys. I told her the same thing u told me but she said her lawyer suggested she come here and marry her boyfriend.

Her "boyfriend" or her "fiance"? Has he even proposed? She could get married, but if she wants to MAKE SURE she can stay she shoudl LEAVE after the marriage and file the proper visa from there.
Rob and JillFemaleScotland2010-06-15 18:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGeneral K1 questions
If you look at my signature you will see a rough idea of how the process is moving along for us. We're running a little slow at the moment due to some paperwork issues, but that is our fault and not the Embassy.

Also, money wise, everyone tells you what you have to have for the visa etc etc., but a lot of people forget to say when you file your Adjustment of Status you have to pay around another $1,100. That amount should be mailed in pretty soon after your marriage.
Rob and JillFemaleScotland2010-06-23 16:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMultiple touches but no NOA2
I swear woman if you make one more post about touches Imma bonk your head! ;)

If you want to make sure you know ASAP sign up for texts. I got a text on a Saturday, so they're pretty quick with them!
Rob and JillFemaleScotland2010-06-27 23:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhere to file?

Which service center should I mail the Form I-129F package to?

Where YOU have a PERMANENT address is what I would say. Otherwise you will not receive the paperwork. Also, I am not sure how much longer you have to finish school, but you know the K-1 is only good for 90 days from the date of entry correct?
Rob and JillFemaleScotland2010-06-29 17:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresURGENT CHEST XRAY ISSUE

Did you not have a topic about people being unnecesarily rude/mean?

Did you read through that and make sure you understood why I posted it before you ASSUMED I was being rude or mean? :blink: <---- That face is a blink. As in a raised eyebrow, as in WHY would you need it...I haven't seen it. Do we need it? Panic because I am about in that stage myself and trying to figure out why THIS is suddenly coming up.

So before you make any assumptions, perhaps you should ASK or QUESTION if someone is really being rude before you ASSUME you know what their intentions are...I do believe that post also went in to how people misinterpret written word all the time on the internet...

You can trust me on this. When I am being rude, you'll KNOW without a doubt I am being rude. If I was being intentionally rude it would have said "Why in the F*&^ do you think you need a chest x-ray to enter the country?"


Edited by Rob and Jill, 01 July 2010 - 11:22 AM.

Rob and JillFemaleScotland2010-07-01 11:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresURGENT CHEST XRAY ISSUE
Why would you need a chest x-ray to enter the country? :blink:
Rob and JillFemaleScotland2010-06-30 16:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCould it be bad for the application, if you send too much information?
I am glad you found this site and WELCOME!

The NOA 1 & 2 are both variable. You can go to the USCIS website and see that the average National timeline for the California Service Center is running about 5 months total.

Good luck on your journey!
Rob and JillFemaleScotland2010-05-04 16:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresshould we worry?
I wouldn't consider it over reacting. They told you a time frame, and they didn't meet it, so I would certainly call them and get it cleared up.
Rob and JillFemaleScotland2010-07-08 16:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGetting started advice- should I use a lawyer?
This is what I did to file it myself.

I studied up here for weeks and week before I did anything else. I also went directly to the USCIS website and printed out their requirements in order to compare the two. Then I very neatly bound everything in to "chapters" with a table of contents, made 3-4 copies of it all and sent it in.

My NOA1 and 2 were pretty quick and we received no RFE's. As long as you are both willing to work on it together and pull the things you need together, then the process is easy. You have to do it regardless, so I see no reason why you should spend the money on simply filing a few forms. :)

If you're going to Harvard Med school, I am 100% postive you can figure this one out ;)
Rob and JillFemaleScotland2010-07-08 16:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresImmigration Attorney Rant
I would quite simply ask for my moneuy back and fire her. She has done nothing for you, but cost you money and cause you stress and headaches. Why would you pay someone to treat you this way?

I know hindsight is 20/20, but in this situation, but at the least she owes you a refund.
Rob and JillFemaleScotland2010-06-30 16:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUSA is now Arizona
Being white...the only racism "tolerated". If anyone else had inserted any other ethnicity into the words written in this thread it would have been a TOS violation, but this was allowed.

To: y2catalyst

I am sorry you are feeling emotionally distraught over your situation. There are lots of people on VJ who feel worse emotions for less, and less emotion over a lot more trying circumstances.

With that being said, I don't remember any form I had to fill out for the immigration process of my fiance asking for my skin color or ethnic background. I am going to be blunt when I say this:

In my opinion, every time a miniority screams "You did this to me because I am XXXXXXX race" their creditability goes down in my eyes.

This is not to say that racism doesn't exist, we all know it does. However, crying wolf when it isn't the cause of a tribulation in your life makes the whole situation seem...absurd. Save your rants about how the white man screwed you for when you really need them...this issue is not about your race.

I also take offense to your comments that the US is still in the South. As a born, bred, and raised Southerner I can assure you that racism is NOT as prevelant where I am from as the TV likes to make it look.

Also with that being said, it seems as if you have calmed down and are actually focusing on what you need to do to fix the situation, so hopefully that outburst was a one time thing.

Edited by Rob and Jill, 30 July 2010 - 11:34 AM.

Rob and JillFemaleScotland2010-07-30 11:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould I name names?

So how does this sound?

I, Joe Shmoe, do hereby state that I originally met Jane Doe in the U.S. on April 17, 2010, while Jane was in the U.S. completing a course in English. We met numerous times during her stay for dates, until Jane returned to Paraguay at the end of May 2010. I then visited Jane in Paraguay from July 2 – July 16, 2010, and we became engaged on July 5, 2010.

I can provide copies of her passport stamps.
I can provide e-mails qualifying our first meeting.
I can provide photos of us together with recognizable California monuments during her visit.
I can provide my boarding passes, itinerary, passport stamps, and photos of my trip to Paraguay.

Am I good?

Should I not state we became engaged if I really can't support this with any tangible evidence?

You're filling out a K-1 Visa application correct? You better be engaged, as that is the whole purpose of the visa. What tangible evidence do you need to prove one of the two of you said "Will you marry me?" and the other said "Yes."?

You'll need copies of BOTH of your passport stamps.
Emails don't really prove anything at this point. (quite frankly, I don't see why they take them at all. People could make fake emails and email themselves. Silly excuse for evidence.)
The photos are fantastic and a great thing to include.

Under the guides section at the top of the forums, there is a section that tells you step by step how to fill out the paperwork for the I-29 and everything you need. I also personally compared that list to the official directions off of the USCIS website, and thusfar have had 0 problems!

Seems like you're doing fine given the information you've posted. Just remember to SAY you're engaged if you are ENGAGED, and get into the habit of saying fiance A LOT!

And to answer the original question:

Say whatever you want in how you met. I said and I quote:


That was it.

Edited by Rob and Jill, 04 August 2010 - 04:55 PM.

Rob and JillFemaleScotland2010-08-04 16:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSaying hi
Hiya Tasha!

There is lots of reading and researching to be done, but it's worth it! Come over to the UK forum and say hi as well! There is lots of good specific information there!
Rob and JillFemaleScotland2010-08-09 16:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 Stolen
Sorry that happened and I sincerely hope you get a replacement copy in time!

Although Gary might sound harsh, he is correct in that physical copies are necessary! I have 5 copies of everything that has been sent. Well, 4 now because one went to Rob! ;)
Rob and JillFemaleScotland2010-08-12 10:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Paperwork; Kind of Overwhelmed

With all respect to Rob and Jill handling the paperwork this way, it seems simpler for the USC to fill out his stuff rather than you try to transpose and then fulfill all the beneficiary/sponsor requirements from opposite-land.

I'm the USC! ;) I filled it out and had him sign what he had to sign.
Rob and JillFemaleScotland2010-08-14 11:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Paperwork; Kind of Overwhelmed
He doesn't have to fill out the forms in the US. I filled everything out for Rob and just mailed him a copy to sign and mail back to me.

He did end up having a surprise visist, so while he was here I had him do it again with the newer date, but mailing it was fine. You should be able to get a pretty quick turn around mailing to Canada.
Rob and JillFemaleScotland2010-08-13 16:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresthe date passed us by

Thanks a lot for your information and support!!! I won't worry about it now. We are together right now anyhow and that is a lot more than can be said for other couples in the same situation. See, now I feel thankful!!

Mine bounced all over the place for months. Unfortunately, while that timeline gives us a LITTLE bit of a guideline or idea, I don't find it the best way to judge.
Rob and JillFemaleScotland2010-08-17 17:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDid you include snail mail letters with your petition?

Now, if I showed evidence of our relationship, but they notice that there are no letters or phone calls or not much monetary support for the first year out of two or three years, would this be any kind of problem?

According to your signature you've been together about 1 1/2 years. Why are you asking about 1 year out of two or three? Are you not planning to file for another 1 1/2 years or so? If would be really hard to answer your question because we don't know what laws might change between now and then!

Our packet had in it EXACTLY what is listed in the guides on this forums as "Mandatory". I know there are consulates that are easier than others, but one of you at the least has the passport stamps to prove you met. You have to have pictures together etc. The stamps in the passport is probably the most important information for this process!
Rob and JillFemaleScotland2010-08-13 16:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of ongoing relationship email trail
Is Panama a particularly difficult consulate? If not, I wouldn't even bother with emails. Technically, you could have made two email accounts and emailed yourself for a few years! I think the phone bills and other evidence you have are enough that unless this is some really strict consulate you would be ok with them.

Is there someone who has been through Panama that knows?
Rob and JillFemaleScotland2010-08-25 17:07:00