Middle East and North AfricaShannon's Samir had his interview this morning
That's wonderful everything went so well at the interview! Congratulations on your sucess!
libragodessFemaleMorocco2006-09-04 19:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat time do you talk to your SO?
My Love calls me every morning to wake me up. We meet online via msn/yahoo with cam/microphone anywhere from 1 hour to 3 hours before my shift starts. My work schedule changes weekly so we adjust to it's needs. When I arrive home sometimes it's 11:00pm for him sometimes it's 5:00 am for him. It never matters what time I arrive he and I will talk until it's time for us to go to bed. I changed my cell phone to Cingular just so I could recieve/send text to my darling husband during the day or night..I text him frequently. He calls me minimum once during work. I call him when I arrive home to let him know I'm home and usually again right before I fall asleep. If anything happens that I need to talk to him about I call him or text him and we can find a solution together for the issue. Then of coarse there are my free days where I don't have to work at all and we get to spend the entire day talking and hanging out online. These are my favorite days. LOL Really. life with Farid is such sweet pleasure!
libragodessFemaleMorocco2006-09-01 23:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhen will I get the packet 3 from Casa consulate?
Our case left NVC on 8/15/06 and packet 3 arrived at my honey's door on 9/1/06. That's 17 days. Hope it helps give you a guideline and your PACKET 3 arrives quickly.
libragodessFemaleMorocco2006-09-06 19:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhere's Jean (just waiting) thread
Difficult times really suck and when I'm in a valley I remember this and it helps me,
The Lord, Father God, never gives you more than you can handle. Everything that enters our life is "father" filtered. You are in His hands , Protected by His Love and His Grace. This means that every "bad" thing that happens to us God allows. So it's important to try and percieve the "bad" as a blessing, a learning experience, and allow it to mature you and bring you closer to HIM the Most High. God wants us to call on Him, Lean on Him, have a relationship with Him. Remember, we are His vessels and He uses us for HIS glory. God loves you and carries you through the difficult times.

May Gods Peace be with you and your Love , today, tomorrow, and always.

libragodessFemaleMorocco2006-09-06 00:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaApproved!
:dance: Congratulations on your approval! :dance:
libragodessFemaleMorocco2006-09-07 00:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaWe're parents!
congratulations on the birth of your babies! :star:
libragodessFemaleMorocco2006-09-06 19:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasa interview Q and A

I totally agree with Sarah...Jamal had the same CO he was drilled about me and my make sure that you got that covered...ther than that just tell him to relax and be truthful...I feel that these are the most important aspects to look for...Good luck...he will do good... :dance: :dance: we all will send out some major MOJO to Casa.... :dance: :dance:

Can you please give some insight into those drilling questions? Thanks for your help.

My husband sat in the waiting room (in late July) all day and listened to several interviews - it was very entertaining for him. He told me that a few of the guys were applying for fiance visas and were being asked things about their fiancee's families -- especially name and ages of the woman's children, her mother's name, her age and current occupation, where she went to university, etc. He said he found the big mistake the guys were making was being overeager to answer the right way instead of just being honest (he watched one guy repeatedly say "I love America!" after every time he missed an answer). He said the interviewers were speaking a mix of Darija and French depending on what was needed.

I'd like to thank the ladies who've posted for your there some working list of the questions they may ask at interview? I'd like to believe Farid and I know everything about eachother but really how do you KNOW unless you get asked something that you don't have an answer to. LOL In which case it's perfectly acceptable to say...hmm I don't have an answer for that question...I'm not sure. So just relax , be honest, and push your evidence on them. :thumbs:
libragodessFemaleMorocco2006-09-08 22:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasa interview Q and A

I totally agree with Sarah...Jamal had the same CO he was drilled about me and my make sure that you got that covered...ther than that just tell him to relax and be truthful...I feel that these are the most important aspects to look for...Good luck...he will do good... :dance: :dance: we all will send out some major MOJO to Casa.... :dance: :dance:

Can you please give some insight into those drilling questions? Thanks for your help.
libragodessFemaleMorocco2006-09-08 08:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaNon-Muslim SO's Practice Ramadan with their Muslim SO
Last year when I flew to Morocco to meet my love for the first time, it was Ramadan. I practiced it during my stay. No food, water, kissing, ect. ect. ect. The reason is simply because I love him and want to feel partnered in everything that we do. Ramadan is something he respects and loves to do, so I partnered him in this time.
If my darling husband is to arrive this year, during the time of Ramadan, it would be my pleasure to observe this again with him. And we've already discussed and agreed that Ramadan would be something we would do together every year for the rest of our lives.
I know that the time of Ramadan is a special time of year set aside for God. It's time to read God's word, do good works, to sacrafice and fast for HIM the most high. I can honestly say last year and this year I'm 80 percent doing Ramadan for my love. But I feel this idea of sacraficing for God is honorable, important, and expected by God, and with time I'm very sure my priorities will change.

I know we have quiet a few NON muslim SO's married to Muslim SO's and I was wondering if you do this as well?
libragodessFemaleMorocco2006-09-11 07:42:00
Middle East and North Africawhat did your family say?

I never told anyone until I actually was in Jordan. The response was you're crazy! and don't you know there is a war going on over there. then when i came home I told one of my patients where i was. I said i went to the holy land and he says oh you went to Italy :lol:

Super smart not to say anything until afterwards. I kept quiet until the last 2 weeks before I left. The response was very negative. From all sides..friends and family. People seriously think it's so dangerous.

I experienced a completely different response to the second and third trip. Like once they saw my first trip was a sucess (meaning I actually came back ) and heard first hand about the people, the food, the culture, it really relaxed everyone. And the second and third trip there wasn't the same tension, like I was putting my life in danger. I felt more support and a general interest in the trip.

Most people fear the unknown. It's such a shame we can live on the same planet but feel worlds apart.
libragodessFemaleMorocco2006-09-05 23:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaGoing Back to Lebanon

has anyone traveled with Royal Jordanian?? i am freakin out about my baggage bein over weight by 5-10lbs each.......ive packed and repacked several times and i cant seem to make em any lighter

Jess, have a safe trip and a wonderful reunion with you love. I had over weight bags went I went to Algeria. I knew I would have to pay extra if both were overweight. So I packed one heavy and one lighter than the limit so I would only have to pay extra for one.

Meriem (F)

What an excellent idea!

Hope you have a wonderful time and safe travels!
libragodessFemaleMorocco2006-09-12 21:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe state of the ME/NA forum

You know I stepped away from the ME/NA forum and you know why. No reason to restate it. I do come to VJ now for information instead of the social aspect I had enjoyed before. However, the sh*t slinging and gleeful insults are becoming hard to avoid as they seem to meander through several threads now.

Do you women understand the destruction you leave in your wake? Do you know new members as well as some veterans have left me private messages stating they won't even post because of those who insist on carrying on like this? They're afraid to. VisaJourney is a forum meant to help people and your personal agendas are slowly undermining this website.

Now I realize there are some who feel the whole "mean girl" thing is cute. It's become repulsive and embarassing. It has turned into the laughing stock of VJ and it appears you now even want a logo for it??? Insane. Why do I care? I care because months ago I took these women (YOU) sharing a common struggle with SOs in a common culture as family. At one time we shared a lot of support here. Yep, it was my own fault however. Not blaming anyone but myself.

I realize I have no authority and its not my business, but I also care about VJ and since everyone else can fan any opinion they have here without any level of personal responsibility, so shall I. Straighten up ladies. You're adults. This is a public forum meant for support and information. If you can't conduct yourselves in a decent manner I WISH TO GOD YOU WOULD TAKE THIS PRIVATE and stop muddying up this board.

Do you realize I tried to do a search last night for information. One of the keywords I used pulled up nothing but endless threads of your catty bickering. Do you realize how many people, not even VJ members are reading your twaddle???? Are you proud of this??? Its out there on the internet now! Its representative of VJ. I'm not proud of things I've said here in the past for just this very reason. It will always stand as a testament to my weaker moments and I'm personally ashamed of it. Aren't YOU? Please just try to remember you are not the only one's on this forum. If I wanted a shallow, childish and downright stupid display of lack deceny I would go sit in a Yahoo chatroom... NOT VJ.

And for you flamers who I know will jump all over me now... remember I stated that I have made these same mistakes in the past. At least I'm willing to take responsibility for my actions. I hope you will too.

Nicely stated Jean. Good and Valid point. I second that motion.
I do think of VJ as a support group/information site. I'm hoping that I can continue to.
libragodessFemaleMorocco2006-09-09 08:29:00
Middle East and North Africainterview success !!!!!!!
:dance: Congratulations ! :dance:
libragodessFemaleMorocco2006-09-04 18:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaInterview Today in Casa...Results
Really wonderful news the interview went so smooth. Farid and I hope the name check clears quickly and he has his visa in hand very soon. Our interview is in 2 days so we really appreciate your posts. Thanks jerseygal!
libragodessFemaleMorocco2006-09-20 22:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaWelcome to the WWF
Hello! Hoping you have a wonderful and blessed weekend!
libragodessFemaleMorocco2006-09-22 19:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaSecond Interview, Second Try
Our best wishes for a sucessful interview.
libragodessFemaleMorocco2006-09-22 07:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaInterview date
Having an interview date is sooo NICE! Congrats!
libragodessFemaleMorocco2006-09-22 07:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaSucessful Casa Interview

Thank you for posting such a good account of your husbands interview, I hope that he gets the call soon.

Have you had any news on you I-130 being completed? Maybe he will still be there and they can switch the visas?

Oh my goodness! The I-130 hasn't moved in 2 months! Well "something" happened...that was an RFE for the copy of his passport photo page. Now that's kinda frustrating cause I sent them a copy of his passport photo page with the DS-230 package they recieved July 31st. So here it is September 24th. still no "complete"..they recieved the returned RFE Sept 12. I've been calling NVC everyday to check but since yesterday the phone number just keeps coming up with a busy signal. I'm hoping they're just doing some major updating!! LOL But we still have another week to 2 weeks to wait for the K3 visa to be in his hand. The plan is if there is a date set for interview on the CR1 before he's ready to leave..we'll postpone his departure and he'll stay to interview..but if there is nothing set..MY BABY'S COMING HOME LOL Woooo HOOOOOOO
libragodessFemaleMorocco2006-09-24 10:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaSucessful Casa Interview
Okay Details, Details, Details!

He arrived at 7:40am for his 8:00am appointment. Approaching the Embassy he said there were many people waiting, at least 30-40 people outside. He went through a security check outside and then proceeded to an outside office that took his passport and the inviation to interview letter. This man was quiet friendly and they joked back and forth. This man then gave to my honey a small blue piece of paper that said he was there for the Lottery Visa, so Farid had to hand it back for a correction. After that he proceeded towards the inside of the Embassy where he then again had another security check. Passing through the machine and leaving behind his cell phone he then went to a counter to pay for the visa. The cost was 950DH, they took the small blue piece of paper, hole punched it, gave him a reciept for his payment and he went into the waiting room. He said there were even more people inside the waiting room. Total amount of people was 50-60. Most for Lottery Visa, about 20 for marriage visa. Okay after everyone finished paying for their visas and all were inside this waiting room an american woman came out and addressed everyone there saying Good Morning..and explaining the finger print machine. Then she left and soon after Farid was called by name to give them his papers..the police check, birth certificate, two DS-156, copy of certificate of marriage...everything with translation. After handing them in he took his seat and waited. The interviews started. At around 10:15am his name was called and he went to the window. He said the consulate was an american woman with green eyes and blonde hair. She spoke english to him and started by asking him to give his left index finger ..then his right index finger for the machine to take his finger print. She then explained to him what signing the DS-156 meant...that everything he stated on the paperwork is true..and he's swearing to it by his signature. Then she ask her first question:
1.) How old are you?
2.) How old is your wife?
3.) How did you meet your wife?
4.) What is her job?
5.) Has your wife been married before?
6.) Does she have any children?
7.) What are thier ages?
8.) What do you use for talking?
9.) Did she (me,his wife) visit you?
10.) When exactly?
11.) Did she bring any family with her?
12.) Did you get married her 1st visit?
13.) What's your job?
14.) How much do you make?

At this point Farid offered to show her a photo of his work..and she said, "no no I believe you." She closed the file and said OK Mr. ** I will call you in 2 weeks. He said "2 weeks?" She said, " everything is fine and I believe you. " He then said, "please my wife is waiting for me what should I tell her?" she answered "tell her everything is good we need to send this paper to Washinton city and it takes some time to get it back , sometimes up to 15 days. " He was preparing to leave and gathered his things but before he stepped away asked her.."please can i ask you, what will you call me for?" and she looked surprised and answered "for your visa"

Farid thinks that she made a decision before she even heard his voice. Before she spoke to him she had already decided that we were OK. Personally I just feel ever so grateful it went as well as it did. We pray for all those waiting that it's a smooth interview for you as well.
libragodessFemaleMorocco2006-09-23 18:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaSucessful Casa Interview
Thanks so much for the warm wishes! I'll be posting the details about his interview tomorrow. I want to have every little detail ready to extend you ladies/gentlemen who are awaiting your interviews.
I'd like to say that VJ has been a wonderful source of information and a community of support for us.
Thanks so much to each of you who continue to give great advice and encouraging words. :star:
libragodessFemaleMorocco2006-09-22 18:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaSucessful Casa Interview
:dance: Happy Dance Happy Dance :dance: ( I like to do a little thumb swinging with the hips action!)

My Honey called me at 4am that's 11am Moroccan time to let me know he was through with the interview. I don't have a detailed account just yet cause he's traveling back home. I do know that he was interview by a woman. When finished with the interview he asked her "what should I tell my wife?" and she said to tell her everything is good. They kept his passport and said they will call in 1 to 2 weeks. Also a side note: He didn't show 1 piece of evidence. NOT ONE! no photos or anything. Every time he wanted to pull something out she just kept saying "I believe you. I believe you." Well I'm gonna post later a nice long detailed account. I just can't go back to sleep I'm sick with emotion! Woo Hooo my Baby's coming home baby's coming home soon!
libragodessFemaleMorocco2006-09-22 07:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportscalling uscis

wow congrats guys :).. did you guys called to uscis and talk to tier two

No, I called on the 12th of Dec to inquire about CSC processing time and what is being processed. I checked on the website the 17th of Dec and it showed approval, and on the 18th of Dec saying a letter has being mailed out. I wasn't expecting NOA2 so soon, especially being the holidays, hang in there its coming. Best wishes.
Carlos1986MaleColombia2012-12-20 14:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportscalling uscis

Well this is what i did to get my service request. I called USCIS didn't press any buttons and then I am transferred to a customer service rep who speaks in Spanish I said English please she asked me a few questions receipt (case) #, dob, my name and if I was the petitioner. I then said I would like to speak to a tier 2 officer u wait a while so be prepared. When the tier two officer answered I said that my case was received on June 25th and I've spoken to ppl before, on and after my date that have been approved and I was wondering if he could tell me a bit more about my case. He put me on hold came back 5 minutes later and said I am still under initial processing but since ppl around me and especially after me have been processed I should be processed soon I asked if he could please give me a service request and he said yes and gave me a tracking number for the request. I was advised to do this by another friend. It took her abor 6 tries to get a service request but was approved a week later. It all depends on who answers the phone. I believe you should call and call until someone gives u the service request I got it and 2 weeks later I was approved.

Good luck

We just got our NOA2 approval today, hopefully the rest of the process goes quick. Anyone from CSC in July should be getting their approval very soon, I've noticed more and more July approvals for CSC.

Edited by Carlos1986, 18 December 2012 - 12:50 AM.

Carlos1986MaleColombia2012-12-18 00:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportscalling uscis

I am a July filer... CSC
I did file a service request. After my 3rd time calling! I was fed up with the baloney I was being told and wanted either a service request or a supervisor.

To the June filer- call them and get a service request done PRONTO!

I am also waiting to see my Babee!! I wanted to fly over for New Years and being her back with me in January. That's not going to happen now.

Best of luck to all!!

I'm a July 20, 2012 PD for CSC .

I called USCIS on the 15th of this month and it took me two calls to get someone to answer my two questions without using just one sentence to shut me up. You have to very persistent with them and extremely polite. I'll be calling them on the 21st, past our 5 month mark for a service request or to talk to a supervisor as well. I noticed a lot of the representatives there simply just want to shut you up.
Carlos1986MaleColombia2012-12-15 21:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA 2 Approval Email!!!!
Congratulations :). Being prepared for NVC will save you a lot of time. Good luck.
Carlos1986MaleColombia2013-03-07 00:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa in hand!!!!
After what seemed like forever (the past month, especially), my fiance has his visa in his hands!!

The ticket is booked!!

(L) (L) (L) (L) He will be here Saturday! (L) (L) (L) (L)
Amy&RaulFemaleEl Salvador2012-11-08 13:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWe are APPROVED! YAY!
MuuuuahFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-27 20:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved!
MuuuuahFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-08-03 08:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVSC - K1 Petition Approved
MuuuuahFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-08-06 09:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPassed the Interview.
MuuuuahFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-01-08 08:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION : MAY FILERS ... lets keep in touch!
I know no worse feeling than not being able to be there and comfort your loved one when they need it most.
Jamie76MaleThailand2007-11-19 19:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION : MAY FILERS ... lets keep in touch!
When it rains it pours. I finally got through to my fiancee. She was in a minor accident today on her way to work. She is at home now with a hurt arm. I don't know what happened as she was crying so much when she was telling me. She said something about a motor bike. I just hope she was not on one of those death traps....and if one hit her? mad.gif I'd love to get my hands on the driver. I hate the helpless feeling of not being able to do anything about her hurting. All I can do is send her flowers. sad.gif Doesn't really help, but maybe it will take her mind off the event.
Jamie76MaleThailand2007-11-18 21:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION : MAY FILERS ... lets keep in touch!
QUOTE (ThaiStyleUSA @ Nov 1 2007, 11:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congratulations for recent approvals...I feel bad for everyone who had gotten RFE's. I was a victim of RFE too. I had sent my evidence back to them on last Friday. I will wait for tomorrow to find out in the mail or email...if not, I will call them.

What was your RFE for again?
Jamie76MaleThailand2007-11-01 23:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION : MAY FILERS ... lets keep in touch!
QUOTE (Mirla @ Nov 1 2007, 03:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I got a RFE today....! Almost 6 months and a RFE!!!?? wacko.gif

Don't feel bad Mirla, we got one dated 10-31.
Jamie76MaleThailand2007-11-01 17:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION : MAY FILERS ... lets keep in touch!
QUOTE (ZeeNusah @ Oct 27 2007, 10:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Michele and Adam @ Oct 27 2007, 10:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey guys. I'm so sorry it's been soooo long since there's been any word from Adam or I. We're still both alive, and together.

Ugh, things happen, laptops blow up...

Anyway our case. We were approved on August 16th, right? File was supposed to have been sent to NVC that day? (or very close to it) Should have reached London Embassy about a month after our approval, right?

Nope. I called month later, my file was accidently marked "duplicate" and sent to storage. They said they'd get it right and ship it ASAP to NVC, sorry sorry sorry.

A call each week since then, and on October 16th, still nothing.

I wrote my congresspeople that day, and am waiting to hear from them now.

That's two months of my life, gone. Forever. Two months we're behind where we should be.

I'm so upset.

Michele sorry to hear that Michelle. Hopefully yor elected represetative can help you.

It never ceases to amaze me how incompetent these people can be wacko.gif

Yeah, and everyone here is saying "don't blame the people, it's the system." This just goes to show you the level of incompetence from the very top, to the very bottom. dry.gif
Jamie76MaleThailand2007-10-27 12:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION : MAY FILERS ... lets keep in touch!
Haven't you heard? The USCIS uses antiquated equipment. This also applies for how they send out information. Still sending it via messenger pigeon.
Jamie76MaleThailand2007-10-25 18:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION : MAY FILERS ... lets keep in touch!
Yeah..luck of the draw as to who you get...someone helpful or not
Jamie76MaleThailand2007-10-23 21:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION : MAY FILERS ... lets keep in touch!
QUOTE (Bob & Kim @ Oct 23 2007, 04:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ramzis51 @ Oct 23 2007, 03:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Bob & Kim @ Oct 23 2007, 02:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (bundy_138 @ Oct 23 2007, 02:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (u2rsobad @ Oct 23 2007, 02:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (dssb @ Oct 23 2007, 11:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
wondering if any may filers have had their interviews yet!?!? should be getting close to that time for some people right?!?! kicking.gif

VSC has been dissapointing me recently with their numbers- it is time to make up for slacking off!
Happy Tuesday

I don't think there have been too many due to CSC not sending cases to NVC yet. They seem to behind in that department too sad.gif

I was just about to say the same thing. I have not heard of a May filers packet making it to NVC as of todays date. Would be interested in finding out if anyones has and how long it took.


Just looked at VJ's K1 Visa Timelines and there are a lot of people who have had interviews or are having interviews between September and November. The slowdown for most of us with VSC started around mid-May, so most early May filers are way ahead of us and scheduled for interviews.

The patient one is going down fast----I called----I got a semi-OK person. She informed me that we are allowed to call only 1 time per month and that I better not call anymore. Actually, the more I think about it, she wasn't nice at all!!! I called last Thurs. and was told by someone VERY nice that my case had been assigned to an officer. Today she told me they are processing applications received on June 8. I know that is not entirely true because of the approvals we have been seeing. The patient one must just REALLY sit tight I guess!!! Alane & Ramzis sad.gif sad.gif

If they would provide a fair and reasonable service to US citizens missing their loved ones (versus big business & political interests) by doing their F'n jobs well we wouldn't have to call their damn @sses. They have some F'n gull...

I called yesterday and the individual had very poor manners. On top of that, I had to repeat myself 4 times on one occasion. I think their motto should be: "USCIS...We Could Do Better, But Why?" good.gif
Jamie76MaleThailand2007-10-23 17:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION : MAY FILERS ... lets keep in touch!
QUOTE (Tanjay @ Oct 19 2007, 08:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (charlene @ Oct 19 2007, 06:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
petition moved to VCS after 5months at CSC ..........I just got an email from CRIS saying that they have sent our petition to VSC after being at the CSC since May 15.......I called the USCIC number and put the case number in and got the recorded message that our petition had been sent to VSC and that the transfer date is now the NEW date that we have to wait 6 months for our petition!!!!!!!!!!!! Someone please tell me this is not so.....I need help from anyone out there that can help me.........has this happened to anyone else???????

That cannot be true.....that is not a funny joke at all. Late May filers are being sent to other service centers, or given RFE's, so USCIS can approve June filers now.....

Tanjay, don't even start saying things like that. mad.gif That's truly low.
Jamie76MaleThailand2007-10-19 20:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION : MAY FILERS ... lets keep in touch!
Congratulations!!! good.gif

I see mossycouple were also approved today kicking.gif
Jamie76MaleThailand2007-10-17 20:43:00