Middle East and North AfricaA little ticked
I am so very glad that I am not the only one that feels this way!! Everything on tv starts with

"Islamic terroists........"
"Muslim terroists........"

It is just sickening. The whole reason for it is that they need something to attach to 9/11 and pull the viewers in. Oh yea and everyone is so damn patriotic uh huh. Do you remember when 9/11 happened and you could barely find a car that didn't have some kind of american flag on it? Look now...where did all the flags go? 9/11 has been forgoten and the only thing that has stayed with Americans are the words, Islam and Muslim. If you were to go out on the street and ask someone what country these men came from, they wouldn't know. All they would know is they were from an Islamic country. I am truly tired of stupid people.

I brought the holy book in to work so that I can read it on breaks and lunches and a supervisor told me that it gives her "goose bumps". I told her that I was sorry for her ignorance and maybe she should do more than watch CNN. Personally i just wanted to slap the sh$$ out of her, but hey, i need the job. :lol:

Ok, well I am done venting ~ for now. Thanks for your support!!
joyeannNot TellingIran2006-06-15 09:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaA little ticked
I made the mistake of reading the post from back in March about Islam.

I think we should make it a standard question in police investigations all over the world. Since the religion of the person is so dayum important lets start with this:

"Mr. Doe, what is your Religion"

Lets start a tally. Since all we see is what the "Islam" people are doing, lets see the facts about all the other religions that we are not seeing in the news.

You know all these murders where I am in Phoenix that I hear about on TV everynight. It should go:

"A christian has killed another christian on 59th ave and Main"
" A Babtist has murder a family of 5 Mormons."

Lets at least make it fair!!

Sorry had to vent.
joyeannNot TellingIran2006-06-13 23:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaNot Without My (Your Answer)
Ohhh I like this one!!

Not without my Ali, our dreams, our happiness, our heath... eh who needs deodorant LOL eww
joyeannNot TellingIran2006-07-02 15:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaADMIN PROCESSING!!! (((( good news )))
Oh My Goodness!! Congrats!! :dance: :dance: :dance: I am so happy for you!!!
joyeannNot TellingIran2006-07-08 13:27:00
Middle East and North Africagot SSC but.....
[size=7][font=Century Gothic] HAPPY MONDAY SMILE CHEEZE! :lol: :P :P :P :P
joyeannNot TellingIran2006-07-17 09:06:00
Middle East and North Africagot SSC but.....
:) Thanks sarah!! I agree, I love reading these boards, but get tired of some peoples stupidity.

You know had it been posted by Meauxna, MDYoung, Aussiewench or Yodrak they would have said something that was at least civil. Not this "pram" #######. This reminds me of when you were is school and there was always that one kid who wanted to be the "hall monitor" :lol:
joyeannNot TellingIran2006-07-16 22:52:00
Middle East and North Africagot SSC but.....
:hehe: You know what, this is really piddly and it stinks!

Who really freaking cares if a topic was posted 2 times?? HELLO!! There are times when I have wanted to post 20 times because something was up. YES, why not go to the middle east forum?? I see this in ALL the other threads, leave it alone! We get to know each other in here because we are all dealing with the same issues. EXCUSE the people on here for creating a friendship, heaven forbid.

Jeez some people on here need to grow up!! I can't believe somewhere can come in here, and thats the freaking issue?? Fine, so it's posted 2 times, go your own way. We are not childeren nor do we need to be repremanded as one!!


missed the last part and i couldn't edit

Devil's_Advocate ~ Go harras someone else
joyeannNot TellingIran2006-07-16 22:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaMONDAY MONDAY
Monday. Monday. Monday!! :dance: I agree I don't really care for Mondays either. But I guess we gotta have one in order to get to Friday :) Although it would be SOOO much better if DOS would lose the word, PENDING.
joyeannNot TellingIran2006-07-17 09:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaMONDAY MONDAY

**Did we stop these posts or am I just the first here**

C'mon wakey wakey get up be happy!!!
joyeannNot TellingIran2006-07-17 09:07:00
Middle East and North Africa14 days more to go
I can't wait to here the good news M+S, VISA IN HAND!! Whooo hooo oh jeez I'm getting excited!! From what i have heard, woman from the ME, don't have it as rough as the men. They usually sail right though. Chin up!! Best wishes!!
joyeannNot TellingIran2006-07-16 23:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaHows about
Oh I am getting so many more ideas now!! I have a room at a resort in Sedona AZ for a week with a hot tub!! That will be the first thing :lol: Then maybe shopping. I am living with my 76yr dad right now.. so definately have to have some alone time. Lots to talk about :P
joyeannNot TellingIran2006-07-18 16:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaHows about
You know, I keep thinking about all these places to take Ali..... until I remember that I hate to shop!! He can outshop me anyday!! Somehow I don't think he would let me pop in and say TA DA ... lets go! Maybe I should be thinking about places and not shops... ahh like car and bike shows!!! Now that might just work!!
joyeannNot TellingIran2006-07-18 09:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaHows about
Ha ha ha sticker shock!! I know my husband is used to changing us $100 bills for $5600p when we were in the philippines, but i wonder how he will adjust to them giving him hardly anything back when he shops!! :lol: This is going to be fun!!!
joyeannNot TellingIran2006-07-17 23:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaHows about
Ha ha ha i forgot that one!!! Uh oh, maybe I should stick to the grocery store, between the 2 of us we might end up with a 97in tv and no house ha ha ha

Isn't funny all the little things that you just can't wait to show them!
joyeannNot TellingIran2006-07-17 23:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaHows about
Ok, Mondays suck! Lets just admit it. We are all (not so :lol: ) patiently waiting for this journey to be over. So HOWS ABOUT WE LIGHTEN IT UP IN HERE??!?! Please??

So, when your SO (that is signifigant other right) finally gets here, what are you planning? What do you fall asleep at night dreaming about showing him/her??

Ok, me, I dream of taking my hubby to the grocery store and best buy, then we are going to pack everything we have, and go for a road trip. Whenever we find a place that we like, pfft that's where we will settle for a little while.

Your turn!!!
joyeannNot TellingIran2006-07-17 22:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnother nice little email from the embassy in Algiers
Meriem (L) Congrats!!! Woohooo I am so excited for you !!!!! Oh My Goodness!! I have the willies!! woohooo!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: <someone take away my coffee>

:) Hi jpaula Welcome to VJ!!
joyeannNot TellingIran2006-07-18 16:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Saga Continues.....
Hey!! Go easy on the Cherokees!! I am one!! over 75%! Hmm what will that make my kids?

I had a huge argument with a guy on another forum a long time ago, and he told me that I didn't have as many rights as he did since his family was one of the first over here LOL I almost had to send him my tribe card!!

:) That was how I found this board :) A couple other boards were telling me that "Ellis Island" was closed.
joyeannNot TellingIran2006-07-16 22:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaSUNDAY ...Hmm Wish you one with good news:)
Oh my goodness!!! I thought I had to go to work tomorrow :lol: You guys are already into sunday and I am still working on Saturday night! Jeez, i can't seem to keep the days straight!! :oops:

Happy Sunday Morning!!!
joyeannNot TellingIran2006-07-23 00:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaAP- Security checks in Washington
Would somone please explain to me why there are checks at the Service Center, then NVC then DOS but they all refer to DOS. Why the HEL* don't they just have them done at one time... since they always refer you to DOS any freaking way.

And what is this that they "can't" tell you? I mean really!! If they were going to find something that shouldn't be there ( I want statistics on how many people they have caught using these stinking checks) then either we the SO know, or SHOULD know! So why all the damn secrecy?

Sorry everyone, but this entire process must have been created by "challenged" people.

Ok done venting promise!!
joyeannNot TellingIran2006-07-20 20:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaAP- Security checks in Washington
Ugh I wish these stinking checks were over. I called DOS again this usual. It was kind of funny because the woman I talked to said "oh yeah, I talked to you yesterday, I remember this picture" So, that was kind of interesting. I guess when they pull the file it pulls my hubbys pic? She said that they can't follow up on this until 3 months have passed.. and then she said that they had requested the checks in May.. So a little more information to add to my growing list.

:crying: I am so damn sick of this. I have our fingers crossed for all of us!!
joyeannNot TellingIran2006-07-20 09:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaAP- Security checks in Washington
:unsure: Yeash what a wait you 2 have been through!! All I can think is that I need to keep my fingers crossed since this is the end of the journey...

Shon, I never get a 15 min wait time! Especially on Wednesdays.. they get back into the office at 12p from whatever they are doing. So I start calling at 857a my time, then I am first in line :) Usually I only have a hold time of 5-10mins so I put my cell phone on speaker and go about my work lol

I hope to see some good news soon from you guys!! :thumbs:
joyeannNot TellingIran2006-07-13 23:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaAP- Security checks in Washington
Hi Shon! Yes I agree call back ~ I do even if I do understand, maybe the next person will give another bit of information :) he he :lol:
joyeannNot TellingIran2006-07-12 23:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaAP- Security checks in Washington
Thanks Sarah!! I just called back and spoke with Barbara, and i must say she has to be one of the nicest people there!! :) I knew it was pending but wanted to see if they could tell anything about how many checks. She just said that they don't have any of that information. She was also helpful by telling me to check Ankara website (even tho I knew) but hey, that was nice to tell me if I didn't know.

Yeah for Barbara and being polite and friendly. ( You never know maybe DOS reads this) lol

joyeannNot TellingIran2006-07-12 11:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaAP- Security checks in Washington
Well I called DOS this morning. There was only a 3 min wait :) I didn't catch the ladys name that I spoke with but she had a very strong accent.

She asked for the case number, then didn't verify anything. She came back on the line and said that the check is still pending in Washington DC. I asked how many checks there were and she said "Ma'm there are various checks and various agencies. What does that mean?

I am going to call back again and maybe I will get the nice lady Rose. I think if I get this woman again, I will hang up. She was very short ~ Bordering on Rude!!

joyeannNot TellingIran2006-07-12 09:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaAP- Security checks in Washington
Well after reading everyones posts, i decided to call DOS. I spoke with a really nice lady by the name of Rose. She said the clearance is still PENDING. I asked her how many were requested, and she said only one. But the way things are going it could be 5 for all i really. They did say 4 to 6 weeks, and we are in the middle of four weeks, so maybe i am being just a wee bit impatient :blush:

Thank you for starting this thread!!

joyeannNot TellingIran2006-07-07 09:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaAP- Security checks in Washington
Ugh reading about all of us that are waiting for these security checks is making me soo sad. :crying: I just want my dang husband. Yep, there is my vent. I seriously wonder if I will recognize him!! I hope i dont take the wong guy home from the airport!!

My prayers are with you all!! I hope the DOH gets off their a** and over their hangovers quickly and we all get the final approval of our journey from hell.

<yeash i'm cranky, sorry!!>

joyeannNot TellingIran2006-07-05 19:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonday
Monday...always makes me want to sing this song, so here is to Monday!!

Lord, I hope this day is good
I'm feelin empty and misunderstood
I should be thankful, Lord, I know I should
But Lord I hope this day is good

Lord, have you forgotten me?
I been prayin to you faithfully
I should be thankful Lord you know I am
But Lord I hope you understand

I don't need fortune and I don't need fame
Send down the thunder, Lord, send down the rain
But when you're plannin just how it will be
Plan a good day for me

Lord, I hope this day is good
I'm feelin empty and misunderstood
I should be thankful, Lord, I know I should
But Lord I hope this day is good

You've been the king since the dawn of time
All that I'm askin is a little less crime
It might be hard for the devil to do
But it would be easy for you

Lord, I hope this day is good
I'm feelin empty and misunderstood
I should be thankful, Lord, I know I should
But Lord I hope this day is good
joyeannNot TellingIran2006-07-31 12:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaSEND CONGTATS TO MERIAM:) HACHEMI IS COMING ON 8/12!!!!!
:dance: :dance: :dance: HAPPY DANCE :dance: :dance: :dance: Congrats!!!!
joyeannNot TellingIran2006-07-31 12:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaDone?!?!
:thumbs: Update: I called the DOS this morning to see if there were any more checks requested and they said no, but when he goes and applys for his visa, they may request them then. :) Hopefully not. Ali is planning on going on Monday or Tuesday to get his visa.. then he will be here in 3-4 weeks... fingers crossed that all goes well.

I can't believe that we may be together again after a year and half!! Thank you everyone for all of your support!!!

(F) Joye
joyeannNot TellingIran2006-08-02 12:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaDone?!?!
Thanks Everyone for your support!! I called again this morning. I spoke with Sue. She said that it was approved but "don't get your hopes up" then she went on to say something that I didn't understand... so I called back and got Barbara (YEAH), she explained that when they cable Ankara, they may turn around and request another clearance. Oh bummer. I will call them back in a couple days and keep ya posted. :unsure:

Hopefully, they don't need anything else and this will be over with.

joyeannNot TellingIran2006-07-31 09:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaDone?!?!
Well, I sat here and thought about it, and wondered.. uh oh maybe they didn't have the right number or something. I tried to call back but they were closed :( Now I am super paranoid lol.

Hopefully his number will be on the the list on the ankara website on Monday.... oh boy
joyeannNot TellingIran2006-07-28 17:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaDone?!?!
I called DOS a few mins ago to check status of the security clearance... I was talking to the guy and i said "one day you guys are going to tell me that they are done". He said "yep, they are done!" I said which one, he said all of them.

OMG OMG OMG :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Now he just has to go back to Turkey and give them the 221g paperwork. OMG I can't believe it!

Pinch me!!
joyeannNot TellingIran2006-07-28 15:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaChange of Plans. Not happy about it.
Hi Meriem, sorry that he won't be here when you planned!! :) Little bump in the road... but he is coming he is coming woohooo :dance: :dance: :dance: Congrats and best wishes!!!
joyeannNot TellingIran2006-08-02 12:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaDH ARRIVES THURSDAY
Aww Chi, Congrats!! I just looked at your timeline and WOW you deserve it!! Woohoo I am so happy for you!!!! How exciting!!!
joyeannNot TellingIran2006-08-09 09:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaCross your fingers for us?
Woohoo Way to go YASI!!!! Woot Woot!! That means you should have an answer of some kind this week!! :thumbs: I wish they would hurry up with your case! It just doesn't make any sense why they are taking so long!! Hopefully something will come through sooooon!!!
joyeannNot TellingIran2006-08-09 17:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaCross your fingers for us?
Thanks everyone!!! I am so nervous!! I just found out that I got a promotion :) and will be working in another building starting the 21st.. And 10 days later he will be here.. weeeeeeee things are finally looking up!!!
joyeannNot TellingIran2006-08-09 14:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaCross your fingers for us?
Well, Ali went to Ankara and down to the embassy yesterday. They took the paperwork and his passport. They told him that if everything is in order after they review his documents he *should* get the visa in 2-3 days.... I have my fingers and my toes crossed :)

I guess we should know in the next 2 days if he gets the visa...He has already reserved his ticket for Sept 1st, so if all goes well he will be here OMG in 22 days!! I just realized that is only 22 days OMG 22 days, and thats it? OMG

I have asked him to send me a pic so I make sure I take the right guy home... yeash wouldn't that be something! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thanks again everyone for your wonderful support!!
(F) Joye
joyeannNot TellingIran2006-08-09 09:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaWednesday
Happy Happy Happy Wednesday :) Well, I hope anyway!! :hehe: I hope everyone has an outstanding day!!!
joyeannNot TellingIran2006-08-09 09:24:00
Middle East and North Africapetition is in Algiers woohoo :)
:dance: :dance: :dance: Congrats!! Your interview may be just around the corner!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
joyeannNot TellingIran2006-08-09 14:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaMORE MOJO NEEDED FOR AMY!!!!
[size=7]MEGA MOJO!!! WOOHOOO!!!
joyeannNot TellingIran2006-08-09 09:21:00