Middle East and North AfricaI LOVE KIDS
Ah ok...thanks. I was hesitant to say how many kids i had for fear someone would attack me on overpopulating the world or something stupid like that haha
ErikaAndHamitFemaleTurkey2012-09-15 17:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaI LOVE KIDS
I dunno but I got the notification saying you quoted me and it didn't let me read what you said like how happens when admin deletes a comment. So I assumed and once again I find myself apologizing to you. Omg....I feel so dumb, but it said only one post removed and going by my experience with the notification, I assumed. I'm curious who said what. I'm sure it was something about me and my 6 kids. Well, Z, I apologize, but don't expect you to accept it after what I said.
ErikaAndHamitFemaleTurkey2012-09-15 16:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaI LOVE KIDS
I have a feeling it was the Z who said something nasty to me because I got a notification saying he quoted me and responded, but I couldn't read it. So thanks for removing whatever nastiness was spewed. Well, I feel bad for him he's just upset because he can't have kids maybe and taking out on me. Not my fault he picked a woman not able to have kids. If its that important to him, he shouldn't have come this far in the visa process.

I have a feeling it was the Z who said something nasty to me because I got a notification saying he quoted me and responded, but I couldn't read it. So thanks for removing whatever nastiness was spewed. Well, I feel bad for him he's just upset because he can't have kids maybe and taking out on me. Not my fault he picked a woman not able to have kids. If its that important to him, he shouldn't have come this far in the visa process.
ErikaAndHamitFemaleTurkey2012-09-14 23:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaI LOVE KIDS
Do I have kids you ask? Yes....6 of them lol!! I just had triplet boys a year ago.
ErikaAndHamitFemaleTurkey2012-09-14 09:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaI LOVE KIDS
Are you going to have any? Just asking!
ErikaAndHamitFemaleTurkey2012-09-14 00:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaZagray
What the hell? Hahaha really? Copied from the internet? Geez.....your English wasn't that bad that you needed to copy from the internet, so I think the jokes on us still.

Edited by ErikaAndHamit, 07 October 2012 - 07:50 AM.

ErikaAndHamitFemaleTurkey2012-10-07 07:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaAutomatic 2 year wait
100% agreed kristen-moroc.....well said.
ErikaAndHamitFemaleTurkey2012-08-27 21:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaAutomatic 2 year wait
ErikaAndHamitFemaleTurkey2012-08-20 10:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaAutomatic 2 year wait
Lol..gosh I used to be an overly sensitive newbie once....ill have patience for her. Ive noticed on MENA all the denials outta Morocco with same such protests like yours only to disappear forever says a lot in my years here. It means most likely faked and not worth pursuing on.the guys part in.the end I'm sure. There are a handful of people who stuck through a denial and were approved should be PMing them. I would be.
ErikaAndHamitFemaleTurkey2012-08-20 06:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaAutomatic 2 year wait
I seen "naive, know-it-all" first few posts she wrote....let her hang herself. She does not need our help becasue she rebuffs every answer for help with an explanation. So OBVIOUSLY, stay off her "forum" haha Popcorn? I've got kettle corn peeps!

Hmmm and by the way, this warning (which only a select few have such warnings)directly from the consular website, means NOTHING then?

"Internet Romance and Marriage Fraud: Many U.S. citizens befriend Moroccans through Internet dating and social networking sites and these relationships often to lead marriage or engagement. While many of the marriages between U.S. citizens and Moroccans are successful, the U.S. Consulate General in Casablanca warns against marriage fraud. It is not uncommon for foreign nationals to enter into marriages with U.S. citizens solely for immigration purposes. Relationships developed via correspondence, particularly those begun on the Internet, are especially susceptible to manipulation. Often, the marriages end in divorce in the United States when the foreign national acquires legal permanent residence (“green card”) or U.S. citizenship. In some cases, the new U.S. citizen or permanent resident then remarries a wife he divorced before, around the same time as entering into a relationship with a sponsoring U.S. citizen.

Some of the signs that an Internet contact may be developing a relationship with a U.S. citizen in order to obtain an immigrant visa through marriage are:

Declarations of love within days or weeks of the initial contact;
Proposals or discussions of marriage soon after initial contact;
Requests to the U.S. citizen to visit the foreign national’s home country soon after the declaration of love or proposal;
Responses to messages from the U.S. citizen friend are along the lines “I love you/Sorry I missed your call,” or similarly one-sided conversations;
Once engaged, married, or an immigrant visa petition is filed, the Moroccan spouse/boy or girlfriend suddenly starts missing scheduled appointments to chat or call.
While chat rooms, dating and social networking sites are great ways to make friends across international borders, the U.S. government urges U.S. citizens who meet foreign nationals on the Internet to keep in mind the signs noted above. Entering into a marriage contract for the principal purpose of facilitating immigration to the United States for an alien is against U.S. law and can result in serious penalties, including fines and imprisonment for the U.S. citizen and the foreign national involved."

Direct link:
ErikaAndHamitFemaleTurkey2012-08-19 23:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow to deal with leaving
I used to push it out of my mind when i'd start to be sad or i'd be a mess. Kinda the same thing when I am at work and want to cry because I miss my babies (just started back to work this month). I push it out immediately or i'd be a total mess you know? I know on the plane it was super hard to push things away because I was alone (well, kinda lol) and esp when id go tot he bathroom on the plane that's where i'd let it all out...oh going back was the hardest yes. It sucked. Then i'd get back into my routine at home and try to prepare for his homecoming. Now, 4-5 years later and that is history, but Is till remember those good ol' days...aaaaaahhh Sad time, but also a very exciting and romantic time.
ErikaAndHamitFemaleTurkey2012-10-20 12:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaTop 10 TRICKY QUESTIONS???

I saw this coming (alot of other snide remarks in other threads against age difference in marriage and peoples religious choices) and never understood the hate that this member harbored when MENA had nothing to do with her journey. Ever.
Erika u feel like cool people :yes:
I really hope people have more patience with the differences of others.....

Have fun at CASABLANCA...I only liked the Mosque by the ocean there :star:

BTW the lady dr was a nice choice if you still have not made an appointment!

Awww thanks and yes, it came out of nowhere and for no reason it seems. Are we allowed to talk about it here? lol, im not sure about drama and rehashing things since I'm a newbie at getting involved in it, but hey, I get bored talking to 3 babies all day even though they wear me the hell out. But anyway, yea I just laughed at Zagray's comment about her uploading her pic since she was so beautiful and perfect (obviously) and she attacked me LOL. I'm only 7 years older than my hubby and not a grandma YET (LOL), but STILL, she really got to me. She said i was no spring chicken judging by my picture(at least Im not scared to have one), which neither is my husband so we make a great couple I guess. I think a lot of anger there for a reason we may never know and nothing to do with that person's journey, you're right. Oh well.... :ot2: LOL!

Anyhow, Zagray, you have a crapload of question examples now.
ErikaAndHamitFemaleTurkey2012-09-09 17:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaTop 10 TRICKY QUESTIONS???
I mean you can block individual people like her. I just never used that feature before, but it's time to start. No wonder people talk in code when drama erupts LOL
ErikaAndHamitFemaleTurkey2012-09-08 18:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaTop 10 TRICKY QUESTIONS???
Oh well, I tried Zagray. It attacked us and yet one of her sick posts got to stay...never had my posts removed anywhere. Guess i have a lot to learn lol Anyway, I am blocking from now on.

Edited by ErikaAndHamit, 08 September 2012 - 05:36 PM.

ErikaAndHamitFemaleTurkey2012-09-08 17:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaTop 10 TRICKY QUESTIONS???
Well, I wouldnt be nervous...just be confident and use all the English you can, remind the CO that you are more used to speaking to her in person or typing. Even at our AOS interview, my hubby couldnt understand her, but he could totally understand me even though i repeated what she said lol. It made us look "real"...what we did for the visa interview, i would ask him a thousand questions...I acted just like a CO to him and asked him hard questions. Also, tell them your life/future plans (i.e kids, going to school, traveling etc).....the CO lt my hubby switch to Turkish when he couldnt understand her, but they mostly spoke English whenever possible. I think she wanted to see his "skils" ha ha here's the questions she asked him/us;how did you meet, what do you love about your fiance, how do you communicate, what do you plan to do in the US, how does her family like you, how much income does she earn a year, where does she work, what does she do, what did you do when she visited, a lot of stupid questions. So weird when I went to the window for questions, she asked me "so you never been married" which is funny because I know that they know that I was divorced once before and also asked that I didnt have any children (I did and they knew) it was like they were seeing if I would lie if I thought they didnt know these things about me because maybe they think that I think that my husbands visa wont be approved if I was married before and had kids, it was weird. So NEVER ever lie! They have a lot if things up their sleeve, just be truthful and confident. After all, if you know you are real, then there's nothing to be afraid of (thats eventually what I told myself). Anyway, good luck and be prepared to answer questions about any future children (if any) and if you two decided to have or not have them as I know tat a big one for Muslim men.

Edited by ErikaAndHamit, 06 September 2012 - 03:24 PM.

ErikaAndHamitFemaleTurkey2012-09-06 15:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaTop 10 TRICKY QUESTIONS???
It sounds funny, but me and my husband didn't speak too often on the phone...maybe once a month for like 5 was too damned difficult to understand lol and he did a lot of typing too, so his typing English was better than his spoken English for sure. His English and our communication were questioned at the consulate (Turkey of course and not Morocco)the most. They even asked him (because he didn't speak to well) if someo0ne else typed for him hahahaha since his typing was so much better than his language skills. They did see us talk to each other and we had our own weird language only we understood (mixture of both languages)that helped us and my being there to be questioned by the CO helped.
ErikaAndHamitFemaleTurkey2012-09-06 13:58:00
Middle East and North Africafiance's family disapproves
I got a similar reaction and only time softened them up. His dad would never have agreed but he was senile lol and blind and near deaf or else we wouldn't be together hahaha. His mom was first to be happy for him no matter what....his 2 brothers and 7 isters were like oh hell no, not an AMerican and non-Muslim! But then with time they seen I was not evil lol now his family loves me. I if have issues with hubby get his mom and family to talk to him. They usually side with me ( he's usually wrong is wh.

Edited by ErikaAndHamit, 05 August 2012 - 03:47 AM.

ErikaAndHamitFemaleTurkey2012-08-05 03:42:00
Middle East and North Africahow the person cam get a job in this country?
I can't help you as my husband looked for over a year and never even got one call back and that was places like Walmart, McDonalds....all the places everyone suggested and no luck! We gave up after a year and a half, decided he would take college ESL classes and stay home with he babies. After ESL, he will choose a degree to work on and hopefully he finds a job once graduated. My husband got here right when the economy went downhill fast in 2009.......
ErikaAndHamitFemaleTurkey2012-10-29 01:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat's your opinion about Arabic??
I second that, annoying. Often, I'm.typing in a hurry with babies all over and da8n he77 don't want someone commenting about my typos either.
ErikaAndHamitFemaleTurkey2012-11-09 04:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat's your opinion about Arabic??
That's so pretty!
ErikaAndHamitFemaleTurkey2012-09-20 12:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat's your opinion about Arabic??
Oh I thought you said you two did things together in Casa when you went for bad! I know its not necessary.

Edited by ErikaAndHamit, 19 September 2012 - 08:45 AM.

ErikaAndHamitFemaleTurkey2012-09-19 08:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat's your opinion about Arabic??
Gargantuan haha!!!!! Stupid phone and autocorrect....Argan, not gargantuan lol
ErikaAndHamitFemaleTurkey2012-09-19 08:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat's your opinion about Arabic??
Lol inluvwaiting on with or without spices. I know it will be awesome with or without the spices but you can use that gargantuan oil for other than just cooking.....jk lolololol

Sandanista thanks for the tip.

Zzz so you're fiancée going to still be there for the interview? Oh those times I visited hubby so romantic....good memories. Now we are married 3 years I look back and remembered how stressed I used to be, but still such good memories.....ahhhhh lol enjoy your time there with her :)

Edited by ErikaAndHamit, 19 September 2012 - 08:39 AM.

ErikaAndHamitFemaleTurkey2012-09-19 08:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat's your opinion about Arabic??
ya, what a cute little girl! how do you post pics that arent microscopic? it only lets me upload super crappy dinky like to put my boys in my siggy but it always says its too big or leaves that code in the sig only.
ErikaAndHamitFemaleTurkey2012-09-17 18:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat's your opinion about Arabic??
I agree Mithra....totally.
ErikaAndHamitFemaleTurkey2012-09-15 00:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Baby Names
My trio's names are Hasan, Arman and Nesib. My MIL named Hasan, I picked Arman and hubby picked Nesib.
ErikaAndHamitFemaleTurkey2012-11-15 06:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaThank U VJ

oops I guess I missed that one lol blame it on my blonde roots :D :rofl: both red and have a star so kinda close? I guess not :bonk:

Close enough lol
ErikaAndHamitFemaleTurkey2012-11-16 23:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaThank U VJ

3 Hungarians? odd but cool.
Anyone speak it?

Erika I noted it that we cant pm...maybe they can fix it.

Happy Friday to everyone in Mena (cous cous day!!)

Oh cool, I hope they can fix it! I was going to say maybe become FB friends, but I couldn't even tell you my FB name n private haha Did I miss it, or when are you and hubby coming home to the states? How exciting!

hamigirl, yep close enough...the flag looks similar if youre scrolling quickly ;) Hey, they are all Muslim anyway.

Oh, you know who else is Magyar? Henia!! She's married to an ALgerian, but that makes 4 of us that I know, what a trend! LOL

Edited by ErikaAndHamit, 16 November 2012 - 05:26 PM.

ErikaAndHamitFemaleTurkey2012-11-16 17:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaThank U VJ

OMG another Hungarian here :D :D Chicken Paprikash and stuffed cabbage rolls you just took me back to my childhood days watch my Hungarian grandmother cook up a storm....yummy :D :D I wish she taught me jhow to cook lol my mom knows some of it...she made the best sweetbread or nutbread and cookies....sigh I miss her so much :(

Cool another one of us!

Inluv.....I tried to send you a message and it would not allow me either/......I dunno what's up,but I sent you a message on your comments. Ah, well....
ErikaAndHamitFemaleTurkey2012-11-16 01:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaThank U VJ
Yes and yes!!! My parents are immigrants from Budapest. I'm first generation American born Magyar. How about you? I mean like were you born there or? My hubby knows how to.make porkolt and stuffed cabbage himself now that I taught him. We went on a porkolt binge for a few months last year and havent made it since, but ive been wanting to.......just babies are mobile now. He will eat chicken paprikash, but nor enough to cook himself. How does your hubby like Magyar food?

Edited by ErikaAndHamit, 09 November 2012 - 05:39 AM.

ErikaAndHamitFemaleTurkey2012-11-09 05:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaThank U VJ
Are you Hungarian too inluv? I make porkolt of my to chicken paprikash and stuffed cabbage!

Edited by ErikaAndHamit, 08 November 2012 - 07:02 PM.

ErikaAndHamitFemaleTurkey2012-11-08 18:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaThank U VJ
Oh what awesome news!!!!!! Congratulations Gf!!!!!
ErikaAndHamitFemaleTurkey2012-11-07 20:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaI got an email from consulate.
Through all of this, I don't understand why your fiancee did things so sloppy and carelessly? Why is she taking her sweet time sending you the paper they needed anyway? It's all so weird. Is she serious or not about this visa? I know I was careful.
ErikaAndHamitFemaleTurkey2012-11-03 00:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaI just have to let out some excited energy
Awww I'm excited that you're excited! I recall those days.....such a memorable, romantic time. Can't wait to hear how it goes.
ErikaAndHamitFemaleTurkey2012-11-19 07:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew thread for April

I was wondering something, is it because my wife is twin and other brother are set of twins is why she may have chance of having three baby's.? Twins run in family, but not in three.

Omg three boys, you have your own little soccer team lol. I know it's really early to buy baby things but I saw some pink cowboy boots for tiny feet, I had to get six of them. Everyone here in Texas wears cowboy boots, they hurt my feet, but my wife says I look cute in them :wacko:

Yes, I am sure it is the reason for triplets. Twins run on my father's side too.... Ohhhh, pink cowboy boots, that is adorable! There is a triplet Facebook group if your wife is interested in joining. It helped me a lot with all the questions I had when pregnant and when the babies were small. Anyhow, congrats!
ErikaAndHamitFemaleTurkey2013-04-06 02:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew thread for April
o wowwww another person with triplets!!!! I have 19 mos old triplet boys!! If you have any questions or your wife, feel free to send me a message!!! Congrats!!!! You are in for a wild ride!!
ErikaAndHamitFemaleTurkey2013-04-05 05:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaDAILY THREAD
ErikaAndHamitFemaleTurkey2012-09-27 13:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaDAILY THREAD
lol (crickets)
ErikaAndHamitFemaleTurkey2012-09-06 15:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaDAILY THREAD
Oh ok cool..I was all bothered about it ...i thought maybe if it want an orphanage then its stolen children....ok thx!
ErikaAndHamitFemaleTurkey2012-07-27 02:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaDAILY THREAD
msheesha, I would but my babies never let me watch a thing...Im missing out on so much LOL ah well, I was wondering how she got into her predicament and was sad for the were those babies in that room stolen or was it an orphanage or what was it? I was just hoping they were taken care of by that Egyptian sad!
ErikaAndHamitFemaleTurkey2012-07-26 11:52:00