IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPet Peeve... Time to vent!
:rofl: :jest: my happiness is just shallow so the vid. made me laugh. tnx.
and yeah fill out your timeline guys.. :time: .
GLJ1322FemalePhilippines2011-07-04 18:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWORRIED
Oh wow that was fast NOA2, ours took 97 days it was good enough for us anyway. And it took our papers a month just for NVC to receive our case, you'll probably move forward and finish NVC stage faster if you're already prepared with your docs to send, like ds-3032, ds-230, AOS packet and original docs. from your beneficiary. If NVC is still on the same pace then you'll probably complete the NVC stage before or after 2 months. Be patient everyone waited here, you're already so lucky to get a faster approval on what we know the longest waiting takes place (NOA2) good luck :thumbs:
GLJ1322FemalePhilippines2011-09-10 18:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresThis is it! Appointment interview of my Wife today at USEM!
She'll be alright. She'll get approval. Good luck :thumbs:
GLJ1322FemalePhilippines2011-09-18 17:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPolice Certificates from Multiple Countries

Hi Everyone,

We submitted the I-130 petition for my husband on September 9th, 2011, and received the NOA1 September 14. We are now in the process of preparing further documentation, including police certificates.

Our case is a bit complicated: my husband is a French citizen, born in France, currently living in the Netherlands. His father is a diplomat, so he grew up all over the world and has now been living all over the world as an adult. Since he was 16, he's lived in the following places for more than 12 months: Cameroon, Kuwait, UAE, and Afghanistan. In researching the police certificates for these particular countries on the State Department website, it looks like getting any police certificates will be difficult:

1. In Cameroon, someone needs to apply on your behalf for the certificate, you cannot request it yourself if you are out of the country. Is this really the only option? Does anyone have experience getting a police certificate from a Cameroonian embassy abroad?

2. Kuwait - According to State Department: "Available only to those residing in Kuwait; certificates are not available for applicants applying outside Kuwait."

3. UAE - Not possible to obtain a police certificate if the person is not physically present in UAE. Does anyone know if it would be possible to get the police certificate from a UAE embassy? The State Department website says: "Not available by mail. Post recommends that consular officers waive the general requirement to obtain police certificates unless the applicant lives in the UAE."

4. Afghanistan - According to the State Department, police certificates from Afghanistan "may be available but are not reliable."

So, I guess my main question is, if someone has been living outside of their home country for most of their adult life, yet is potentially unable to provide police certificates for most, if not all of those countries in which they've lived, do you see this as being a major problem for the NVC? We do already have his French police certificate, but that may be the only certificate we'll get.

Thank you in advance VJers, we couldn't do this without you!


I've been in Saudi for more than 2 years (work related). Like you I was also worried. Check this link: http://travel.state..../fees_3272.html you can start searching the country's information about their reciprocities on whether you need the police certificate or not. Mine was ok because they don't give clearances for people not living in Saudi anymore.
I also received my packet of instructions from NVC and police clearance from Saudi was marked X so I don't need to provide that from our US consulate. Good luck.
GLJ1322FemalePhilippines2011-09-25 06:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureshow long will take?

hello all,
if the K1 process from the beginning to end takes 7 to 8 months,
so how about the married ones how long will take?

It depends by cases, my husband petitioned me under CR1 visa and it took me 6 months to get my visa (March 03 NOA1 - Sept. 16 visa delivered). From our experience I-130/CR1 or IR1 is the cheapest and less hassle, when your spouse gets to US no more papers to file but only removal of conditions before 2 years expires from her GC and citizenship application in few years. I suggest, review the visa types which is available here on VJ http://www.visajourn...content/compare Good luck.
GLJ1322FemalePhilippines2012-05-03 14:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresThis is probably too late, but what red flags should I watch for?
Hello folks,

I've been watching this forum for a while - and oddly, I should have known better than file our I-130 prior to asking for advice, but I didn't...and I can't change that fact at this point :D Moving right along.....

I realize that my husband and I have (most likely) a good chunk of time ahead of us before we will have to defend ourselves, but I'm trying to be alert to red flags.

About him: Canadian guy, never married (previous to current). Lived in the same city all his life, stable jobs, no criminal records, etc etc.
About me: USC. Moved around a few times with family growing up, then continued to move as an adult. Switched careers a few times before settling into my current path - just finished my most recent schooling May '10, now back in school for more. I have a decent job (RN).
This is my 3 marriage - first was right out of high school (over a decade ago) and ended in just over a year. I have a daughter from that union who is currently 11. I have no idea where he is, we never had contact after I left due to spousal abuse. Second spouse - married during a particularly depressed time, moved across country, was away from friends and family, etc. This is where things get interesting.
I was married to my second spouse for a bit over a year when my current spouse and I met, playing World of Warcraft. We had a mutual friend who both of us knew in person, and the attraction was mutual. After several months of talking in game and online, we decided to meet in person (Fall '07). I flew up to Canada to spend time with him - and while we liked eachother, we just weren't ready to do what needed to be done to be "together". So we went back to our respective homes and went on with our lives as friends.
Fast-forward a couple years. I had finally gotten my fill of the sham marriage I was in - final straw was when spouse was accused of abusing my daughter, and there was an investigation. Though unfounded, I myself could not convince myself of his I finally left state. Moved back in with my folks. Through a stroke of odd luck, in late December, I returned to playing WoW (hey, I had to try out Cata!) - and there was my guy. We hadn't talked terribly much over the previous year, as my home situation had deteriorated. But we started talking and spending time online together, and this time it clicked. We were head over heels for eachother!
I flew up to Canada to spend time with him again in Feb '11 - when I came back, we knew we were the soulmates we had always looked for. My divorce from previous spouse was finalized in April, in May, my dear hubby and I married - (he came to the US for a week to visit, meet my friends, etc), after which he went back home to Canada. We had aprivate ceremony, his parents couldn't come due to health problems, my family was not invited due to previous issues regarding their views of my relationships. My daughter and I went back up during the summer to spend time with him and his family, and he's coming back down here to spend Christmas with us.

The potential pitfalls and how I addressed them (feel free to chip in with what I missed, or may have coming up >.<):

Problem: My previous marriages- They were both to USC by birth, no visas/immigration issues involved. That being said, current relationship began while I was legally married to another man. Yes, feel free to judge me, it is what it is. May have possible concerns regarding bona fide?
Solution: a) I wrote a personal statement as part of I-130 packet, detailing the evolution of current (and most important!) relationship
b) Was not able to get affidavits - my flakey teenage sister (19 years old) said she would write one, but never did. After nagging for months...gave up. Other friend who knew both of us was killed in a car wreck in July.
c) Included copies of previous divorce decrees, current joint bank statement
d) Included what few photos we did have of our actual marriage ceremony. It was small and meaningful, nothing flashy. We both decided on having something more "traditional" in late '12, near his hometown, so his extended family could attend.
e) Skype logs, phone logs, and a brief statement about how we spend time together online via WoW and more recently League of Legends and Lord of the Rings Online, etc....

On a side note, not sure how to handle the issue with back tax transcripts, either. Assuming we'll be into 2012 when I have to provide transcripts, I'll have one year of our marriage, but previous transcripts would be joint with previous spouse. He and I do not speak, he has the tax records. I have no issue making minimum income qualification this year, but previous years, I was in school and making minimal income...will that be an issue? What do I do about it? Joint sponsor may be...out of the question.

I'm sure this was more rambling than it needed to be, but I sure do appreciate your assistance!

StormHeraldEDMFemaleCanada2011-11-03 01:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHealth Insurance
I have had the same issue with my employer - of course, this frustrates me even more because I am a nurse!
As of this date, I have not found a work around. My employer has called the insurance (with me on the phone, 3-way call) and the supervisor stated there was no work around, it was policy. We even wrote to corporate and received one of those polite "Thank you for your inquiry" letters, that repeated the same answer.

Just keep lodging those complaints and keep your records - maybe some attorney will eventually take them to court over it and we'll have a chance to get our spouses on our insurance :D
StormHeraldEDMFemaleCanada2011-10-28 12:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJust curious...does anyone ever file to immigrate both directions at the same time?
We actually have decided which was we'd like to go - it would be better if he came to the US. HOWEVER, that being said....
I've moved around a lot. My income was unstable up till this year. I have a couple of other private issues that will adversely affect his application for US immigration.

On the other hand....I really don't care to move to Canada, but our petition to head north is more likely to be granted, based off my husband's stability (still living in same house he was born in)and the fact I already have my Alberta nursing license, and they're still actively recruiting RNs wherever they can find them.

If they both get approved, we'll cross that bridge at the time it happens. But for now...don't want to be like the HR director at my work, who has been married for 4 years and been trying to get her hubby here for the last 3 of them...and just now filing to head to the UK instead, rather than continuing to live apart.
StormHeraldEDMFemaleCanada2011-11-06 01:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJust curious...does anyone ever file to immigrate both directions at the same time?
I know this board centers around immigrants coming from abroad to the US, but I am curious - has anyone ever filed for both directions?

After a lot of deep conversation, my husband and I ended up filing two separate immigration petitions. We compiled and filed the complete packet (for my daughter and myself) to apply for permanent residency in Canada. And shortly after, compiled and filed the paperwork to apply for my husband to come to the US.

At this point, we want to be together. Neither of us had the resources or wherewithal to go one of the normal listed routes (student visa, temp work visa, etc), so this was what we decided upon. Which ever comes through first, that will be the direction will move in.

I've done quite a bit of trolling immigration forums, etc, online....and I have not seen many references to other couples doing the same thing. Is this an oddity? Or are most people simply dead-set on coming one direction or another?

StormHeraldEDMFemaleCanada2011-11-05 23:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE - Won't accept AZ marriage record

A lot about this process seems daft. A lot of worker bees in government agencies ARE daft or lazy. What makes sense is to adapt YOUR behavior to make it as simple as possible for them to efficiently do their job. Looking at the back of a sheet of paper bound in a two hole punched government file is far from "easy".

Did your attorney not realize that the actual certified copy of the marriage certificate was going to be needed at the NVC stage?

Originals are REQUIRED for the actual government forms but not at the USCIS stage for supporting documentation. Did you read the I-130 instructions yourself?

I did read the packet and compiled it myself. I took the entire petition to the attorney for a look-through before sending it off, which is when he made me pull out all of my carefully-collated photocopies and throw them away, and go obtain original certified copies for each document instead - 2 sets. One to go with the petition, and one for use later in the process - I still have the second set of originals, ready to go.

So the question is - should I send them ANOTHER original...AND a set of single-sided photocopies of said original, in addition to the letter explaining the situation?
StormHeraldEDMFemaleCanada2012-04-01 09:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE - Won't accept AZ marriage record

Yes, that's very clear now and that along with sending double sided ANYTHING was your first mistake. These folks build their own file, two hole punched and secured at the top. They probably didn't see the back of the document because they didn't want to stand on their head to do so. I would send a photocopy of both sides, with an explanation that Pima County has their own procedures. Perhaps you can find something online that officially explains this, if the county won't provide something on their own letterhead for you.

For the education of others, NEVER send two sided documents, copies or forms to USCIS.

I suppose that is what I get for listening to a vetted immigration attorney, who I had to pay $500 to consult with and wait 2 months to get an appointment. He stated, " NEVER send photocopies, always send the original instrument, or you will get an RFE". So I sent the originals...and still got one.

For what it's worth, I think the idea that USCIS would prefer to have a copy rather than the real thing, just so everything is on single sided daft. What kind of sense does that make?? Any one can doctor a photocopy - the presence of the raised seal PROVES that is is the genuine article. It would be easy to provide false proof by simply making multiple copies of the rear (with the raised seal only, since it does not reference the document specifically, just the date and name of the clerk), and attach that to a copy of any document of my choice. Voila! Instant proof. Having the physical raised seal should remove any doubt - not cause more.
StormHeraldEDMFemaleCanada2012-04-01 09:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE - Won't accept AZ marriage record

So, did you provide a copy of both sides of the certificate or not?

I supplied *original* CERTIFIED COPY - not a copy of the certified copy!

Not sure how to make that more clear. I provided the exact physical piece of paper that I paid for, which had the copy on the front of Marriage Record (as on file with Pima County)and the raised County seal and deputy clerk's signature on the back. I was advised by an attorney not to send photocopies of any legal document, only certified copies with the raised seals, which is what I did.

None of my documents included with my petition packet consisted of single-sided documents - all legal documents (Birth certificates, Marriage Record, Divorce Decree) were all double-sided Certified Copies, with the raised seals and signatures.

Edited by StormHeraldEDM, 01 April 2012 - 12:43 AM.

StormHeraldEDMFemaleCanada2012-04-01 00:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE - Won't accept AZ marriage record
Per the Pima County Recorder's office voice mail and website:

"Marriage and Divorce records may be obtained from Pima County Superior Court. The Office of the Recorder is unable to access or discuss these files." This is where the certified copy was obtained from. The immigration attorney I consulted with this afternoon indicated that Superior Court was the correct place to obtain the Marriage Record from, and that he has no idea why USCIS chose not to accept it - he postulates that whoever read my file was not familiar with how Pima County produces their documentation, as it is different that the rest of Arizona, which does not maintain state-wide marriage records, only on the county level. He also recommended getting the clerk to write a letter on county letterhead.

This is unbelievably frustrating.
StormHeraldEDMFemaleCanada2012-03-31 22:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE - Won't accept AZ marriage record
I sent the ACTUAL certified copy, which is why I am annoyed. $280 worth of certified copies went with our petition, no photocopies of legal documents. Which is why I'm confused.

AZ Department of Health does not deal with Marriage and Death records - those are maintained by individual counties: So Pima County is our only hope, Obi Wan.

I have been provided with the name and phone number of the director of Legal Records at the Pima County Courthouse, so I will speak with her on Monday. Hopefully she can help figure this out.

Thanks everyone for your help.

Edited by StormHeraldEDM, 31 March 2012 - 03:34 PM.

StormHeraldEDMFemaleCanada2012-03-31 15:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE - Won't accept AZ marriage record
Ok, so we got the email on March 27th, and today I got the actual RFE form in the mail. It says:

"Submit a legible copy of the marriage certificate. The certificate must indicate that after the marriage ceremoney, it was registered or recorded by the county, state or province. The marriage certificate submitted does not show evidence of being civilly registered with the county clerk. The document must show the page and book numbers in which the event was recorded".

So what I sent them originally was a CERTIFIED COPY (that cost me $20 at the Pima County Courthouse in Tucson, Arizona) of our Record of Marriage, which the clerk stated was the only binding marriage certificate that this county uses. Physically, it is a copy of the certificate that was signed by myself, spouse, witnesses, and officiant at the time of the ceremony. It has the raised, imprinted Pima County seal on the rear of the document, with the deputy clerk's signature. It has the date and the marriage licence number, which the clerk informed me was the only thing Pima County uses to identify marriage certificates - they do not use book/page/file numbers, as there is no books such files are recorded in!

I spent 2 hours and 21 minutes back in the Superior Court building this evening, with my paperwork from USCIS in hand....and was told by the clerk supervisor there is nothing they can do for me, and that she did not believe that USCIS would refuse to accept a CERTIFIED COPY of a legal document. I asked if she could write a letter explaining this, and she said, "If this is good enough for the IRS, it is good enough for Homeland Security. I have nothing else I can do for you".

I am sitting here IN TEARS! over this. What do I do?? I've got 30 days to respond to the RFE, I can't exactly send them back the exact same document that the refused in the first place!

Any advice is appreciated.

StormHeraldEDMFemaleCanada2012-03-30 22:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDo I need a co-sponsor?
Awesome. Thanks for the feedback.
StormHeraldEDMFemaleCanada2012-05-14 14:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDo I need a co-sponsor?
So we finally got our NOA-2 yesterday....woooooo.

In preparing for the next step, my husband and I came across a question that we're not sure on.

I see that I, as sponsor, am required to provide my income for the last 3 tax years, which appears as such:

2011: $62k
2010: $9k
2009: $32k

I returned to nursing school full-time at the end of 2009 and was in through most of 2010, which is why my income was lower (I lived off financial aid :( ) I'm just worried that 2010 will be a deal breaker, as I didn't make above federal poverty for a family size of 3, which is what I have. Once I graduated with my RN, my finances have substantially improved and continue to do so.

So the question is - will NVC only care about what I've made for 2011 and going forward, or do I need to find a co-sponsor because of that 2010 number? Advice is appreciated.

StormHeraldEDMFemaleCanada2012-05-12 15:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhats the best port of entry? the state that has no hassle

whats the best port of entry? the state that has no hassle

las vegas, nevada. philippine airline has it's own terminal and custom, no lines, no hassle just don't bring knock off designer bags or clothing.
sunshinearizonaFemalePhilippines2011-06-16 20:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresworried bout proof of relationship..
hi.. your hobby is same with my fiancee. maybe you can ask him to start sending email message for you. anyway they don't need any emails from the start.. just a proof of conversation after you file for the petition is enough. sometimes they don't ask for it but better to be prepare and of course pictures together and all of the info about your hobby from the day you meet up to present.. :)
sunshinearizonaFemalePhilippines2011-07-23 06:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNeed to double check and quick answer would be helpful
yes go to st lukes -must have a appt for interview
sunshinearizonaFemalePhilippines2011-09-29 12:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHELP
as we say in the usa you got had !
sunshinearizonaFemalePhilippines2011-09-25 19:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHELP
lol he did not do a thing !
sunshinearizonaFemalePhilippines2011-09-25 16:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHELP! Urgent! Visa for my Wife!

@Inky, Anh map and Ryan H **Thanks for your help... I just feel that I do not qualify since I have no proof of income to show for 3 years straight and so forth. So, Tourist Visa is out of the question?! Eventhough, that would be the most fastest option due to urgency, especially with Congressman intervening during the interview process. Chances are Tourist Visa might be approved?! I would surely appreciate any more insights please. Thanks again!

i don't think she will be granted a tourist visa since she is registered in the phils. that she's married to you (US citizen)it's a red flag that her purpose in travelling is not for business or pleasure....
sunshinearizonaFemalePhilippines2011-06-24 16:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUS Citizen getting Married in Philippines
do not do it in the philippines do a k-1 visa faster
sunshinearizonaFemalePhilippines2012-01-16 12:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAny UK Spouses Waiting for an Interview Date?
Our case was complete on August 4, and he got his interview date sent to us the same day. His interview is next Tuesday, September 13. Hoping it goes well, because he's already got his ticket home for the 24th :) Good luck!

Edited by Tumbleweed, 08 September 2011 - 12:34 PM.

TumbleweedFemaleEngland2011-09-08 12:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting the US while CR-1 in process

Is he on his way Friday? That's so great - I have to say that although I'd never want to go back to a LDR, one of the best, most exciting parts was anticipating visits. Now I get to live vicariously through those going through now on VJ. :) EEEEeee!

Yep! He leaves Newcastle early Friday morning. The biggest concern now really is the snow that is forecasted for Thursday night. He is afraid his flight will be canceled or delayed...and I am afraid that since he only has 2 hours in Chicago, he won't make his connection there (depending on how much time he spends with the nice customs and immigration people). Then he'd be stuck in Chicago overnight :( Oh what a fun day I have planned on Friday. Me and are going to spend LOTS of time together until my man gets here ;)

And YES...I am so excited I can't sit still! Today was my last day of work for 3 weeks because I cannot focus, and I have sooooooo much I want to do to get ready to make this the best Christmas EVER. Although next year will be even better, I have a feeling ;)

Edited by Tumbleweed, 14 December 2010 - 09:06 PM.

TumbleweedFemaleEngland2010-12-14 21:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting the US while CR-1 in process

My husband was returned back home to the U.K because border patrol at the gate said we had already started the paperwork for his permanent residency and therefore he would have to go back to England to wait (of course this was on New Year's Eve last year and I'm guessing they were just "cranky" about having to work and took it out on us). My husband HAD all the docs proving he was planning to go back to the U.K after a 1 month visit.

I am just now seeing this....I cannot even imagine how that must have felt :( Sorry that happened. I know its always a risk...but up until I read your situation, the only thing I have been worried about is him not being able to travel on Friday because of weather stuff :blush:

Edited by Tumbleweed, 13 December 2010 - 11:36 AM.

TumbleweedFemaleEngland2010-12-13 11:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting the US while CR-1 in process

Hey that's great news, enjoy the vacation :)


Thanks, Loto. I am really happy right about now...only 23 days until I get to see him, as opposed to the previous 112 until I go see him...:D
TumbleweedFemaleEngland2010-11-24 10:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting the US while CR-1 in process
Thanks for all the response, yall. I am VERY excited about Christmas this year now. For the first time in like, over 40 years :D
TumbleweedFemaleEngland2010-11-23 10:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting the US while CR-1 in process
Thank you :) Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas....... ;)
TumbleweedFemaleEngland2010-11-21 09:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting the US while CR-1 in process
My UKC husband has a plane ticket to come to the US for Christmas for two weeks. The ticket was purchased a few months ago, before he became my husband, and before we started the CR-1 process. He came to the US in May earlier this year, then again in October (when we married). So this Christmas trip would be his third time here this year.

We are doing the CR-1 through a lawyer, who has not completed the I-130 yet, as we have no NOA1. Our lawyer has advised that my husband can try to travel to the US, but there is always a risk he will get turned away when he attempts to enter, which would be in Chicago for this upcoming itinerary. I recall having read a few posts on here where people have traveled, but brought letters from their employers, etc., stating that they are obligated to return, etc., and have successfully entered. Which led me to believe that my lawyer was just covering himself, being conservative. He never said there was an actual "rule" about how many times one could enter the US in a certain time period, or if people were not allowed to enter at all during the immigration process. But I've read a few situations here on VJ that suggest it can be done...

However, my question is this: what are the chances of my husband being turned away upon entry into the US? As of this moment, there is nothing yet "in the system" showing that he is going through the I-130 process, although there should be by the time he is scheduled to travel, December 17. He would have a letter from him employer. He has a return ticket for January 2.

And most importantly, if he were to travel, would it in any way hurt the CR-1 process for us in the long run?

Edited by Tumbleweed, 21 November 2010 - 09:03 AM.

TumbleweedFemaleEngland2010-11-21 08:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 Question...
[quote name='Liz09' timestamp='1320939686' post='4999800']
Give CSC a call at the number JoeVisa provided and they'll send you a new NOA1 with the information entered. There was an error on my NOA1 and in a few days after calling CSC I received a revised one in the mail.

KandTFemaleNigeria2011-11-16 13:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 Question...

Call the Customer Service between 8am-8pm M-F at: 800-375-5283 then press 1, and 1, and 1 and enter your Receipt Number and go from there. If you want more information go to this link:
Just be patient and keep trying.

thank you much!! will try that today......
KandTFemaleNigeria2011-11-09 19:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 Question...
Oh, i did have his birth attestation, passport page, and NIgeria listed on the G325A ......
KandTFemaleNigeria2011-11-09 18:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 Question...

Id say its worth a call just for piece of mind!

Definitely didnt miss it off the G325a?

How do I call and talk to someone cuz the number they have on there i have tried a million times and cant find out how to get a rep..... ????
KandTFemaleNigeria2011-11-09 18:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 Question...
I recieved my Noa1 in the mail a few days ago but i noticed under the alien fiance it lists his name, bate of birth and country of birth but his country of birth says unknown..... is that a problem i should call USCIS about or is it normal? thank you in advance!!
KandTFemaleNigeria2011-11-09 16:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMay I Use a long Hypothetical 'Fairy-Tale" Example, here?
This story might be fictional but the obstacles are real. Having read many people's stories on here, I have come across so many parallels that many of us all share. Of course it is human nature to take more of an interest in reading those threads that connect with our own situation (tug hard at our heart-strings?) in some way, just like we prefer certain movies more than others.

My aim in posting this very long, hypothetical case example (using "dramatic license" does not make this insincere) is to realistically present THREE-COMMON REASONS FOR A VISA DENIAL (using composite characters) while asking for suggestions on how this fictional couple's journey (Lucky and Lucy?) can be overcome with limited resources.

[Obviously, we all wish that endless money and lawyers were plentiful, viable and accessible options to travel back and forth and live with our significant other whenever we want for as long as is needed were at our beckon disposal. NOT EVERYONE IS BLESSED WITH THESE IDEAL OPTIONS!]

This is why I am hopeful, some sincere ideas and/or feedback will be bantered instead of just the standard perfunctory, "hire a lawyer," or, "move in with her for a few months," reply. Also, when everything might appear hopeless on paper, sometimes speaking the absolute truth (no matter how far-fetched) seems the way to go. I have read many useful gems on here, but something that appears to be overlooked for many is: THE POWER OF THE NARRATIVE. In the initial K-3 and or CR-1 interview, maybe, it would not get read, but when rebutting the reasons for denial in a NOIR (Notice of Intent to Revoke) the narrative can serve as a great tool to make ones point.

Despite my recently being told that I sound "full of excuses" (perhaps the person was well-intentioned and playing "Devil's Advocate" to paint a 'worst case scenario' to prepare me well?) in my own journey, I know in my heart and soul that my options are not as plentiful as others who might be more financially blessed and fortunate (abundant with available resources) to pursue the more recommended and ideal options. The size of ones bank account really does not have have bearing on the depth of ones love.

What one person chalks off as just "another excuse," to another person, sadly, it might just be the 100% truthful, painful reality of their status-quo.

Okay... here is my HYPOTHETICAL example using factual demographic data, actual geographical locales, intertwined with valid reasons for visa denial. I have my reasons for fictionalizing (protecting others privacy, using dramatic license to emphasize the yin and the yang of various consular guideline criteria, etc...) this account and writing in third person. No, it is NOT MY STORY, but it does incorporate several different potential obstacles that myself and others have faced into one classic sample case study; Lucky & Lucy.

Once there was a man named Lucky who lived in El Centro California. El Centro has the nation's highest unemployment rate (25%) and 22.8% of the residents live below the poverty level. Lucky was 47 years old, single, never married. Lucky lived his life operating solely from intuition while priding himself on not caving into popular trends like fast-food, cell-phones, mayonnaise, ice-cream, Walmart, Starbucks, chocolate and Facebook. Even when he was in kindergarten (way before the advent of the Internet) he had a recurring dream that his best friend and playmate lived on the other side of the world and he communicated with her on a TV screen. No one ever knew this "kindergarten dream" could one day become a reality.

He made it a point to never commit to long-term relationships with any of the local girls, as he knew that none of the ladies in El Centro shared anything in common with him such as organic gardening (the townsfolk preferred Monsanto chemicals and thought that composting was a weirdo green thing to do) Kung Pao Tofu, Jack Kerouac, Alan Watts, Lin Yutang books, Feng Shui, pedicabs, water color painting, homemade wine and computer graphics. The local gals didn't even care about NCAA basketball (March Madness) or Jethro Tull music! They just liked what they liked; Bud-Light, McDonalds, KFC, Marlboro, Nascar, Garth Brooks and ABC Soap Operas which happened to be the anti-thesis of everything that Lucky was all about.

Thanks to the advent of the Internet, Lucky became a student of various international cultures and he did extensive sociological homework and had many romantic prospects and friends alike that he had met online. He compiled over 17,000 pages of Instant Message chat transcripts (for a magazine article he planned to write some day) including several from over half a dozen Asian countries and Australia too.

He knew the "perfect woman" was "out there," across the great Pacific and one day he would use his meager life savings and have his "trip of a lifetime." His job as a farmhand helping out the elderly neighbor, Luther Pike, who was ailing in health and was like a father figure to him paid a meager wage, but Lucky knew that he was lucky to have a job that paid the bills as his humble farmhouse was paid for. In El Centro, any job was a good job.

Lucky decided on China for his ONCE-in-a-lifetime dream vacation. He lived it up and took buses, trains and airplanes from Dongguan to Hangzhou and everywhere in between. He met his many pen pals and dined with his many lady friends all of whom were attractive, sweet, soulful and hospitable. His only regret that he made a snap decision after a few too many beers (at an Internet Cafe near Hooters in Hangzhou) and booked a spontaneous flight to visit Shenyang over Zhengzhou for the following morning. He had believed the free choice either creates, alters or coincides with destiny. He quickly became engulfed with the gnawing sense that by choosing Shenyang over Zhengzhou, he somehow altered his destiny.

Something in him (his growing intuition?) let him know he had made a mistake. After landing in Shenyang, he quickly booked a train to Beijing and began reading, napping and dreaming about the great unknown; the last leg of his trip. After a wild and exhilarating weekend in Beijing, he took the train to Zhengzhou and then took a taxi to see the great Yellow River he had read so much about; esp., the flood of 1938 during the early stage of second Sino-Japanese War. in the While walking on the shore of the muddy river, he met a girl; a girl that caught him off-guard as the intensity of the moment literally knocked him off-balance as her humble, organic beauty permeated his immediate companion-starved consciousness while igniting his romanticist-driven imagination..

SHE THE ONE! Her English was not so great but thanks to a hand-held translator, he found out that her name was Lucy and she was into water color paintings, video editing and Feng Shui and she was from Xingyang. Lucy had the great sense of humor that his soul pined for. Better yet, she had never even heard of Bud-Light and she loathed cigarettes too. She knew about KFC but had never eaten there. He learned she liked Steve Nash, Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts as he did too. Lucky looked up at the sky as if a powerful Universal force had somehow threaded him to that spot at that moment. He had sense that this all omnipotent force was smiling at him catching a glimpse of his obvious lucky destiny.

He had so many questions such as how such an original and soulful mid-30s woman was unmarried and living with her parents. Lucy's sister and nephew, who had went on a walk came and joined them a short time later. They invited Lucky back to their home in Xingyang, a small town that was a mere fifteen kilometers from Zhengzhou. Once at Lucy's home, her family welcomed him and made his favorite staple; Kung Pao Tofu and they even offered him a glass of homemade yang mei wine! He met her father in the back room where he was was recuperating from an appendectomy but he was well enough to smile, shake Lucky's hand and show him his many tattered books on the ancient art of Feng Shui. In his youth, Mr. Huang had learned Feng Shui first-hand from an elderly friend of the family..

Lucky had just three days left. He knew with every cell in his being, Lucy (Lu Xi) was THE ONE! His all-encompassing intuition reaffirmed that his certainty was unyielding; he had nary a doubt. After listening to his fluttering heart, he asked her to marry him the next day. The idea of such a quick marriage shocked her friends and family but they all believed in romance and destiny too. Lucky and Lucy got married on his penultimate day in China before her closest friends and family. As they helped him board the train at Zhengzhou to head back to Shanghai, both of them had tears flowing down their cheeks as they finally unlocked their final lover's embrace.

Once back in California, Luther Pike had fallen ill. He had a few falls and and two trips to ER. He found out that Luther's son, an alcoholic ogre and junk food addict was partially responsible for the rapid decline of Luther's health by bringing him high-sodium, high-fat junk food, as a result, Luther suffered a minor stroke complicated by high-blood pressure, obesity and Type 2 diabetes. Lucky promised to help his dear friend and neighbor make a full recovery by preparing meals including a tofu scramble with carrots, cabbage and nuts. As Luther regained his health, his dependency on Lucky's kindness and nutritional help also increased. Lucky later discovered that Luther's son, Jeb, a stone mason who worked in the city had also developed a dependence on pain-killers and while Lucky was in China, he mishandled Luther's medications and began pilfering Luther's medication.

Under Lucky's care, Luther lost weight and made miraculous strides. Luther thought of Lucky as more of his son that his own son, Jeb. There were several instances when Luther called Lucky late at night to help him get up from a fall. However, as Luther improved, his need for Lucky's assistance also lessened.

While Lucky had did his homework on cultures, women, food and more, he neglected to look into the arduous process of bringing a foreign spouse back home. He had no idea what the process and legalese entailed. In subsequent months, they chatted on MSN webcam for many hours everyday. He got to know her family and they learned everything about each other. They spoke on the phone several times a day too. They grew closer and closer despite being oceans apart. They learned things about each other that reaffirmed their undeniable soulmate connection.

His dream of having children had a deadline as his new 37 year old wife feared that childbirth after 41 was dangerous. He didn't know that on paper, he had a plethora of red flags that would be held against him. In Lucy's first K-3 Interview at Guangzhou, she was denied. The 221 g was given as the reason why. After a lengthy waiting period and thanks to the Freedom of Information Act, Lucky found out that their case, on paper, was full of "red flags," that of course he felt were unjustified. Also, Lucky and Lucy never thought of saving their MSN webcam chats, something he would do in the future. The three main reasons Lucy was denied her K-3 Visa were:


[He did not have a choice. He met the love of his life. He knew it. Love at first sight does happen. He knew his trip of a lifetime was over. Destiny stared at him in the face, he seized the moment. He knew that going abroad again was an absolute impossibility.]


[He wondered why not paying a rent or mortgage couldn't be factored in. Wasn't he better off than a man who made $100.00 more a month who had to pay a mortgage?]


[Going back to visit was never an option. If he leaves, Luther, his I-864 sponsor, would never survive as he became dependent on Lucky's voluntary assistance.. If Lucky quit his job, his ability to support a new immigrant would be questionable. Getting a job in the nation's number #1 unemployment city would be unlikely.]


UrbanOptimistMaleChina2011-04-01 18:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresReaffirmation of Approval for BOTH the I-129F and I-130...

if yer still at one visit, after all of this silliness from USCIS -

get someone to loan you the money, and
--hire a temp caretaker for your mom
--you go to china


Don't go the two weeks prior of the interview date.

Gulp. So now you are changing your earlier post, when you said "she will pass this time?"


So on this note, I must ask:


Who the consular officer will be?

How long my trip is?

Also, I was told that my being there WHEN SHE HAS HER INTERVIEW is of paramount importance? Now, you are saying coming ASAP is MORE important?

I am even more confused...


Because my "Notice of Intent to Revoke" got reaffirmed, doesn't the Consular Officer have to read WHY? I mean if my 587 pages had compelling EVIDENCE to make them REAFFIRM their initial decision, it would seem that the consular officer should at least be obligated to read my EVIDENCE?

And if they are too busy to read evidence that can make or break a family's life, don't they at least have to read my OPENING STATEMENT and CLOSING ARGUMENT of each of the five rebuttals? It would seem in fairness THEY SHOULD BE REQUIRED TO AT LEAST READ THAT MUCH.

UrbanOptimistMaleChina2011-04-01 23:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresReaffirmation of Approval for BOTH the I-129F and I-130...

Do you want the glass is half full response or the glass is half empty response?

I don't think Mr. P was being hash, he responded to what you had stated in your post as to being the reasons why you couldn't perform concert actions to enhance the outside viewer outlook of your relationship with your marriage. Yes you have a lots of reasons as to why you couldn't achieve what was necessary to help enhance the validity of your marriage, but no responses to illustrate what you did to correct the insufficient actions.

Good luck on the rest of your journey.

Thank you for the "good luck." All I have done to rectify this reason given for deeming our relationship "non bona-fide" is to take a two-week trip when I find out the 2nd interview date.

As I have tried to explain, IT IS THE BEST I CAN DO. The hardship factor on a scale of 1 to 10 is an 11.

But I just hope they understand that a second trip, even if for just two-weeks is just as hard (if not harder) as for a man with limited resources as a man with unlimited resources (time and money) who makes four trips in two years.

I hear endless stories of people with lawyers and money always, ALWAYS PASSING. As if the amount of money spent is an exact gauge of love.

If money spent were an accurate gauge of eternal soulful love, then Hollywood would not have such an inordinately high divorce rate.
UrbanOptimistMaleChina2011-04-01 23:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresReaffirmation of Approval for BOTH the I-129F and I-130...

Thank You for changing the font to normal!

The thing about visa journey, is allusion is all well and good, but if you want definitive answers you need to state definitive facts.

IF you would still like our help i how to deal with the interview, listing 1-5 of the reasons would be very helpful.

Most of us use VJ as a pseudo-interview. You cannot allude in the interview, so let us help you here (if you want it).

I do appreciate your candor and sincere help. But what I find most demoralizing is... like when I just explained the biggest reason (of the five) in the Visa denials the "HAS NOT BEEN BACK TO CHINA SINCE THE WEDDING," reason, even though I made a compelling case in my rebuttal, the line from pushbrk:

You seem to be full of what a Consular officer is likely to see as "excuses" for not visiting your wife. Just how much time have you spent together, during how many visits? When was the last one? When will the next visit be?

This really stung hard. Saving a family member is an excuse? Even this past few days, I have had serious family drama in helping my mom. Getting the medications in order, trips to the Doctor, I mean serious time and energy that has been emotionally draining. I just think it heartless (ice-water in the blood cold) to disregard ones parents AT THIS PERIOD WHEN MY HELP IS SO NEEDED. My efforts have made a huge difference.

Again, I do stand by stance in another post:

If you meet a multi-millionaire and you ask him how he acquired his riches and he says, "Well, I simply bought Bowflex stock in the mid-1990s when it was selling for 7 cents a share on the Toronto Exchange and I sold my stock when it peaked out at $45.00 a share (after several splits) on the New York Stock Exchange. Of course, this is a great story to hear but seriously, just how REALISTIC is it to just tell others to just DO THE SAME?

Of course, I could have been a heartless person (not in my nature) and bail on my mom and go off to China to strengthen our case by being with my wife.

I am going to be in Guangzhou this time around as I know it is important to be there for the Interview. My aunt in her 70s is willing to drive across Tucson and fill in for me (lately, I have been far more than AM caregiver) for maybe two-weeks at the most.

But will a TWO-WEEK VISIT (given the obvious hardship) be the clincher? WILL TWO-WEEKS MAKE A DIFFERENCE? TIME IS LIKE MONEY. Two-weeks, two visits and two-hundred dollars to a man at the nadir of cash flow and who has no extra time is every bit as important and valuable TO HIM as TWO-YEARS, FIVE VISITS AND 200k to man who has unlimited time and money.

My wife is from China where family is important and being elderly is not a bad and ugly thing. In fact, in China, being old actually holds some reverence. But I am going to China! I know I have to. OF COURSE I WANT TO SEE MY WIFE. We have waited so long!

But it does seem so wrong to use my NOT BEING BACK TO CHINA (during this time I have been here being the ideal son helping mom through a very arduous time) as a big reason as to dub our relationship as non-bona fide.

Anyway, I am making arrangements to be there. I do not know when the interview will be.

But for someone to simply label me as "full of excuses" is so off-the-mark and so wrong (callous) on so many levels. Through all of this, my wife has stood by me, never complaining. She knows what I am going through. She wants so much to help. In her culture, my Mom is her Mom just as her mom is my Mom. But if I mention any of this, it probably looks like I want my wife to help out. I have never asked this of her! Of course I do not want my wife to be burdened with helping my mom. Especially, her first months in America. But she really is the kindest, most noble soul. I have told many people; "She really is the kindest and best human being I have ever known."

Ultimately, the degree of her help will end up being making a healthy dinner that we can bring over as they live a mere four-minute drive. "To an outsider," this might look bad. But the reality is all of us having a healthy dinner is what family is all about. And to my mom, eating healthy Chinese food (vs American junk food, the PM caregiver's comfort-driven) is the difference between six-months and six-years. I kid you not. Why do you think I am cardio-vegan? I have seen excess bad food kill so many family members (way too soon) I have lost count.

Kind of like a guy who has had a dad die from lung cancer or emphysema chooses not to smoke.

Well, at least now you know why I use third-person examples. SPEAKING REAL-TRUTH seems to not matter to "outsiders."

I can only hope that if a consular officer reads my painful narrative, they will have at least more compassion and heart than pushbrk. No offense to him, I know he was being sincere and telling it like he sees it from the consulate's eyes.

UrbanOptimistMaleChina2011-04-01 20:42:00