Middle East and North AfricaUpdate on 3rd Interview
WOW...this is news for me. Makes me think. I wonder how much information they pull up on us? LOL

I don't mind them snooping on my account or my husbands. In fact, I'm glad they do. If my husband had some other life or has tried to marry online to get out of his country...I'd be happy that the US Govt. deny them.

Muslim men have different standards to live by...such as not dating, and basically refraining from most women contact. My husband never had a gf or online gf. I was his first and his last. I'm glad for this.

Thanks for sharing your story. I'm glad you fought and got what you wanted!
Wife of MohammedFemaleEgypt2010-04-08 14:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonday!!

And_Sam...congrats, were all excited and happy for you!

Vanessa1...I'm working on my AOS packet and finalizing my husbands IV application too. Both my payments should post tomorrow as well, I paid them last Friday.

Not sure exactly when my husband will be done with his papers and the the dreaded waiting for mail from Egypt. I'm also thinking of mailing in both packets together...or is it better to send off the AOS first?? I was thinking I should also mail in my work contract for School Year 2010-2011, which I will have beginning of May. Any suggestions?

So glad things are going well so far, looking forward to everyday that comes, which means the day has passed. Take care everyone :)

Wife of MohammedFemaleEgypt2010-04-12 21:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaLet's give a round of applause for Casablanca!

Thank you, EVERYONE! I feel as though I am floating on a cloud! Wooooo!

:dance: :dance: :dance:

Congrats!! Float on that cloud...everyone loves that feeling!! :dance: Awesome news! Oh, btw, I LOVE Moroccan tea!! Ur pic makes me want to go back to Paris just for the tea and herera!! :luv:
Wife of MohammedFemaleEgypt2010-04-13 09:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaFriday, Apri 16th
Just checking in...hello everyone! :D

:star: Update :star:
I mailed in my AOS on Tuesday...they got it today (Friday @ 11am). Yesterday, I got a "Instruction Packet Agent" letter via email, which also has to be sent in with my husbands DS230 packet. I called NVC and asked them about the 31 or 32 Rochester address, they said the 31 is there new address and I should send mail to them there. The 32 is okay, they just fwd it next door. She said it was okay for my husband to mail in the DS230 pkt from Egypt, and we don't need to mail in any family pictures. I asked about attending the interview with him in Egypt, she said it is sometimes "suggested" that the petitioner attend, so I'm thinking its good that I will be with my husband this summer. I also received my husbands ITIN from the IRS, it took approximately 4 weeks. Hopefully our return will soon follow. :luv:

Have a Fabulous Friday! (F)

Wife of MohammedFemaleEgypt2010-04-16 13:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaSweet Saturday!

Good morning and happy Saturday!

I admit I am "slightly" addicted to Farmville. It's a game I love to hate! You can also throw
in Cafe and my ever so wonderful fish in Happy Aquarium. Unfortunately, I keep running
back to see how the "strawberries" are!

Hope your weekend is being good to you and your "strawberries" are in full bloom!!

Have a great Saturday everyone.

Im addicted to Farmville too! I'm afraid to try any of the other games, FV already takes up most of my time. The poser is hilarious, but they should've used the word "harvest" instead of "water". Neways, hope you all have a nice weekend! :star:
Wife of MohammedFemaleEgypt2010-04-25 00:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaSunday

No, you don't have to get an associates before the bachelors. You can do community college coursework, however as others have said, you want to make sure they transfer to the university. There are lots of positives for the community college. There are smaller class sizes and it's a lot less expensive. Just be sure to go in and see an academic counselor at the CC and also the university you want to go to and be sure it transfers so you don't waste time and money.

Hubby and I talked for a nice, long time today. I love Sundays for that! Unfortunately I'm still so, so sick. I can't miss any more work and am already so far behind but I'm not sleeping much because of the congestion and coughing. Any ideas on how to clear this up so I can get back to normal?

I hope everyone enjoys their day. I'm off to try to get some sleep...hope it works!

True, Community Colleges are less expensive and smaller teacher:student ratio. Also, just be aware all of the credits may not transfer. Most CC's aren't exactly sure which will transfer because the University counselor will determine which will/will not transfer. Some CC's have agreements with Universities, it would be great if your at such a school now...then you'd know exactly what would/wouldn't transfer. Hope it all works out...and go for that PhD! I'm thinking about doing the same thing, I've had my masters for 3 years now...I need a challenge.

I love sundays for the same reason. Unfortuntely my husband was in Cairo today to visit his niece who just had surgery. We hope she will fully recover soon. As far as work is concerned, tomorrow is a holiday for us, so my hubby and I will be chatting for a couple of hours via Skype...oh how I love skype! Most flus you have to just let pass through your system. People always tell me to drink hot water with lemon, put a towel over my head and breath in steam mixed with vicks and to eat homemade chicken noodle soup. Get well soon!!

Wife of MohammedFemaleEgypt2010-04-25 15:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaSunday

Thanks for the kind words Posted Image I have to get the associates before I can do a bachelors.......??? right??? At least that's the way I thot it went. My plan was to get a phd in the subject eventually but I thot I had to follow the degrees up.. assoc, bachelors, masters, phd. If I'm wrong..PLEASE let me know NOW Posted Image

My Farm
and I'm sure there are more that I can't remember at the moment! I can LITERALLY spend the whole day on the computer and not think twice about it. It's bad!

I hope everybody has a great day! Add me as a neighbor in any games you play Posted Image LOL
Posted Image amal Posted Image

You don't have to get an associates before a bachelors, but you can. All of the AA credits may not transfer onto your Bachelors course of if your goal is to finish asap, then just go for the BA. Also be aware of the type of accreditation your college has, if they are not properly accredited, your credits will not count at all.

I know, I would play games all day if I could too. My mom and I like to farm. Since my husband isn't here with me, I like how it just makes the time fly by. I hate it when our interent slows up and when FV has tech issues. I'd love to add you, just message me ur email ;)

Wife of MohammedFemaleEgypt2010-04-25 13:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday
:) Good Morning everyone! Glad to see that everyone is doing great. I'm also waiting for my husbands mail to get to New Hampshire, he mailed it last Thursday. I'm tracking it on and can't stop checking it.

I have a 3 day work week, took Friday off for a doctors its going to be another 3 day weekend :D

Have a Terrific Tuesday everyone! (F)

Wife of MohammedFemaleEgypt2010-04-27 10:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaWednesday
PalmTreeGirl: Congrats on trying to get preggie! My husband and I are thinking about that as well. I want to have him here in the US first. His mother is always asking us for a Having your own family is such an exciting thought. I'm sure it can be difficult at times, but the love and bonding is a blessing. Good Luck with that, keep us all posted on your outcome. :luv:

As for us, were still waiting NVC to process my husbands ds230 papers. He called the Post Office and they told him they were delivered to the USA on Monday (4/26). Just wondering if its in customs or if its at NVC. The website only has data from 4/22 & 4/23. I thought I was going to be relaxing, but I'm still worrying about the mail and after that, I'll probably be worrying about the interview date, the interview, etc. I'm also looking forward to April ending, thank God!

Have a Wonderful Wednesday! (F)

Wife of MohammedFemaleEgypt2010-04-28 10:11:00
Middle East and North Africais this the right way to do it? - Egypt
I also agree, the process isn't that difficult...especially if your going to start reading up on it now.:star: Good Luck :star:
Wife of MohammedFemaleEgypt2010-04-22 22:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaInterview in Cairo June 9th
Hi Sandra, I'm sure your enjoying your time with Ahmed. Sounds like a disappointment not to hear them say congrats and welcome, but I'm sure you just have to wait 2weeks to 2 months more. I'm also sure this wait time for you will go by so quickly. Keep the positive attitude, it sounds like they will give it to you, probably because he was in the military they want to do a name check again. Everything has been done on your part and now you just got to wait for them to do their job. Relax and enjoy your vacation with Ahmed.

I called NVC just a while ago and they said they had just scheduled our interview date on July 15! Also we were thinking of taking a boat to Hurgada to check it out, maybe we could meet up? I will PM you our cell number. Take care Sweetie (F)

Wife of MohammedFemaleEgypt2010-06-15 13:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaNeed some advice about Divorce in Egypt
Our (L) heart goes out to you (F) Sandra. Your in our thoughts and prayers. This is HIS loss and you only have more to gain in your life. With your attitude, intelligence and strength the sky is YOUR limit. I know your going to take your energy and use it only to better yourself and your :luv: boys. God Bless you and your family, your perfect already.

With Love,
Leia & Mohammed

Wife of MohammedFemaleEgypt2010-07-22 06:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB
Tomorrow is our interview in Cairo and I will be by my husbands side. I really hope things go well and a special thanks (F) to Sarah, Sandra, Wendy and Jalan for helping me out with any questions I had throughout this process.

We are hoping for the best. My anxiety hasn't kicked in yet, but my husband is very anxious. Mind over matter, we just gotta be cool, calm and collective Also, just to relax and be ourself. We may be from different cultures, but we were passionately drawn together. I want to start a family and begin our lives together in my home country. We can only hope and pray for the support and blessings of the US Government.


Leia (L) Mohammed

Wife of MohammedFemaleEgypt2010-07-14 15:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB
I'm here in Egypt with my husband. Just called the NVC AVR and it said our case was COMPLETE :dance: on May 28th!! We are so happy about the good news :) We are just now awaiting our email and our interview date. Good Luck everyone. :star:
Wife of MohammedFemaleEgypt2010-05-29 19:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB
I am off to Egypt to be with my husband after 5 months of being apart. I will be in Egypt for 10 weeks, and hopefully he will be able to come back with me in August. :innocent: I will keep you all updated with my sif/cc/interview whenever I know. Take care

(F) Leia

Wife of MohammedFemaleEgypt2010-05-25 01:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

Wooooooooooooooo Hoooooooooooo, My husband(Wellmux)recieved his visa today. Thank you God :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

:wow: CONGRATULATIONS! It's about time! So happy for you both, that was a lot of time in AP! I commend you both for waiting so long, congrats again. :dance:

I just wanted to make sure that they want me to redo the medical exam cause its already expired .And i guess yeah i did good .Cause sooner or later they will find out that i need to redo it before i move to USA .So they were going to delay me again !

The point is what about if i did not ask them for that ? I mean c'mon they should ask me for that .

:yes: Looks like things are finally coming along for will have your visa like Wellmux before you know it. Being proactive is very smart on your part. Congrats in advance!! :thumbs:
Wife of MohammedFemaleEgypt2010-05-03 22:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB

Hot Guy brother many many congratulations to u and i hope this email is true and hope u will receive ur visa this month since it has been more than one year ur in AP i think they will want ur fresh medical and today is Monday call them again and ask them if the email is truthfully.
Only a person who have been in same situation can understand the problems and sorrows others are feeling in same situation and i have been in AP more than 7 months now and i understand how u feel about that ur a brave person that u had to go on with this long AP with fears in ur heart thinking what they gonna do why they not issueng visa why other people receiving visas before u even through their interview was after u , this is all i think and i am sure u also been thinking the same brother. due to all these tensions i had a heart attack last month and today i was gone to my doctor he said the tablets i am taking these days i have to take these tablets all my life and i am only 28 years.

I so much hope that u receive ur visa this month and i hope they dont ask u to send them fresh medical and once u will have visa u will forget about this AP

OMG wellmux, I'm so sorry to hear about your heart attack and having to take tablets for the rest of your life. Please take care of yourself, you also have your wife and your future family to live for. Eat right, exercise regularly and learn some relaxation techniques. I know prayers are very helful for relieving stress and letting Allah take care of your problems. Your right about no one understanding exactly how you feel, unless they've been through it themself...but you have to take care of yourself.
Wife of MohammedFemaleEgypt2010-04-12 21:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB
Hot Guy:
Wow...let me first say Congratulations! :dance: It sounds like things are finally going your way. I really can't imagine the hardship you and your wife (F) had to go through. From you timeline your case started back in August 2008 and you've been in AP for a good year! From you email, I think you should wait for your DHL...and relax a bit. I can't imagine how or why they would postpone you for so long...but the worst is over with. You both showed them how much you love each other! Take care...and keep us updated on your good news to come, were all rooting for you!!

Wife of MohammedFemaleEgypt2010-04-12 21:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAIRO'S FINAL REVIEW CLUB
Hello everyone...just wanted to let you all know that I got my NVC number today. Super exciting that I made it to level 2 of this process... :dance: . I got my AOS packet ready to fly. My husband should be done with his packet in a week and a half. The last mail he sent from Egypt was through EMS Eygpt Post>USPS Global Express it took 11 days total. Was wondering if anyone knew any service thats faster??

Cleo...congrats! It must be an awesome feeling...enjoy!!
Wife of MohammedFemaleEgypt2010-04-06 23:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNeed ITIN for wife even though "Married, filing separately"?

I need to know if I may file single even though I am married.

Here are the factors:

(1) My husband is a non-resident alien; we are awaiting approval of his IV (immigrant visa), while he is living abroad. He has not earned a wage in this country and holds a valid tourist visa to date.
(2) I am a USC
(3) I have no other dependents which I might claim for HOH
(4) In order to file joint we must have a ITIN, which will take a min. of 8-10 weeks to obtain, after the 1-2 weeks we must wait for appropriate documentation to arrive in the mail, plus the time we must wait for IRS to process our federal with the ITIN. This is problematic because: (a) I must submit tax information for funding purposes to my university; and (b) because we must submit additional immigration information ASAP that requires our tax info.

Related question:

What is the average processing, wait time, for IRS transcripts? I will request for completed year 2007, and be requesting for year 2008 which I will be submitting to amend this week. How long after I submit amendment for 2008 should I wait before requesting 2008 IRS transcript? Should I request both 2007 and 2008 at the same time?

Please advise


I requested my tax transcripts for 2006, 2007 and 2008 on feb. 27 midnight (suprised because they were working sat night so late!) and I got it last week on mar. 4. It don't take that long. You should request the last 3 years, its free.

I married in dec 2009, and I'm going to file joint marriage because of the tax refund benefit. My husband is mailing me his passport. I am not in any rush to complete my paperwork. I think for the AOS, I can just give them the tax transcripts. They will have my check stubs for the last 6 months of work (dec 2009-may 2010) to prove my 2009 income.

If I were in your position and needed the tax documents immediately, I would file online as single. But in your case, maybe its safe to file separate and send in any 'current' tax transcripts.

Good luck...hope this helps :star:
Wife of MohammedFemaleEgypt2010-03-11 11:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 now what?
Question: after the papers get sent to NVC...could they be taken care of electronically?

I ask because I will be in Cairo this summer with my husband and will not be in the US.
Wife of MohammedFemaleEgypt2010-02-24 21:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIn Egypt, when my case goes to NVC
Thanks for your helps :thumbs:
Wife of MohammedFemaleEgypt2010-03-09 14:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIn Egypt, when my case goes to NVC
I will be departing for Egypt on May 25. I was wondering from anyone one's experience, how I will be able to manage the paperwork from Egypt? I will have my Affidavit of Support packet ready to go, should I just take everything with me and mail it from Egypt? Should I have my husband not designate me on the DS3032 as the Agent of Choice? (or would they send both of us copies? would I need to be choice of agent to be able to pay his fees?)

My mother would be here in the states and she would be able to open any mail I have coming home. Is there any papers that I would have to use specifically from the NVC? I've printed forms off the internet and filled them out, is that suffice?

Thanks for you help :)
Wife of MohammedFemaleEgypt2010-03-02 11:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurestouched
I also got a touch from the USCIS...hope we get approved soon :)
Wife of MohammedFemaleEgypt2010-03-31 20:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTax Filing as Single or Married
I married in November 2009, and filed joint married. I sent(email) my husband (Egyptian) the W-7 form, he mailed it back to me (with signature)with his passport and I submitted my taxes to an authorized IRS Office and they forwarded it to the IRS. I got back more of my taxes...but the mailing takes time. I also did all the paperwork myself. Don't look like you have a lot of time. Good luck!
Wife of MohammedFemaleEgypt2010-03-31 22:08:00
PhilippinesUSE Jan 9, 2009 interview experience
QUOTE (cezychic @ Jan 9 2009, 10:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Here I am now on the big day of my life. My USE-Manila Interview..

Got up as early as 4 AM since today was also the day where the Black Nazarene of Quiapo is being paraded in some streets in Metro Manila in celebration of its feast day. Left the hotel by 5 AM with a fellow VJ member that I met here. I offered my room for her which has an extra bed for free cause I'm scared to be alone at a room. Haha! We arrived at the Embassy gate at 5:30 AM. Met some K1 applicants that I met during my medical at SLEC last Jan 5. Started falling in line based on time of appointment at Gate 2.
WARNING: NO CELLPHONES, CHARGERS, HEADSETS and any ELECTRONIC DEVICES. Be sure to double check your bags before leaving (para di kayo matulad sa nagsusulat ng blog na ito na dinala pati yung charger at headset sa bag nya...haha!)

Got inside the Embassy's gate at 6:30 AM. Presented a valid ID with picture (NBI clearance maybe used in case you don't have any ID's with you upon the interview), NOA2 (Original Copy) and Appointment Letter. You will be presenting your ID, NOA2 and Appointment Letter twice. So better hold it and keep it with you. Bags are checked. If you are bringing a bottle of perfume/cologne, they will ask you to spray it on your body. (Imagine that? Ganyan sila kastrikto..hehe)

Was seated at the blue chairs by 6:50 AM. Prepare your DS Forms. Was called at the ticketing booth to fall in line at 7:10 AM.
1) NOTE:
DS-156 form should be printed twice (so apat na pages lahat..dito ngkamali ang lola niyo..haha!) headbonk.gif The third page of your DS 156 form with a barcode on it is not really necessary. They would return it to you. Only the first 2 pages of the DS-156 are needed.
2) 2 pages of DS-157 (1 you printed and 1 being validated by the bank..bring the BDO receipt with you.. some CO's would ask for it) - On #10, answer PHILIPPINES instead of None..
3) 1 page of DS 156K (fill out the last portion of the form saying that you intend to marry your FIANCE and affix your signature

I was given an extra form by one of the staff there because I only printed one pair of DS-156 form. Told to fill out the form and glue another 2X2 picture with white background on it. Fall in line again at the ticketing booth and was asked what SLEC had told me prior to the interview. Give my ticket stub # 7021.

Was already being scared and nervous that I might missed my name being called for finger scanning at Window 33. All of my fellow K1 applicants had been called out and done at the finger scanning. Better listen carefully on the one calling out the names for finger scanning. She calls your names so slang. Hehe..Was called around 8:45 AM. Bring your ticket number. They would ask for it. Wheew! whistling.gif Go back to your chair and wait for your number to be flashed at the queue board for your Pre-screener interview.

Number was called at 9 AM at Window 21. My Filipino pre-screener was super nice and kind. Greeted her with a smile and said Good Morning. She liked our pictures flying with broom sticks at Bohol. Haha! She asked for my BC, NBI (green one) and my fiance's AOS, W2, ITR. Lastly, pictures. I suggest you submit pictures pasted on bond papers or individually. Be sure that the pictures are albums/scrapbooks can be folded or may bend. Present any evidences that would provide genuine relationship (they didn't asked for my e-mails, chat logs, bank statements, card and letters..Actually, its a case-to-case basis depending on the pre-screener.

1)Name of the Petitioner?
2)My age?
3)When we met online?
4)When he first visited me and where?
5)How many times did he come to visit?
6)Places we visited during the times he was here?

The pre-screener checks every picture that I had in a scrapbook. I also explain what were doing in each picture. (She forgot to ask my CENOMAR though..). She told me to sit back again and wait for my name to be called for the CO interview. She wished me luck! Yaay! She was indeed nice.

9:40 AM. Number was called at Window 27. I noticed that the CO inside is kinda meticulous since she takes time with every applicant. So, while waiting outside, my heart was pumping soo fast and I feel that my face was all red. Yay! This is it..

10:15 AM. Got inside the Consul's room. I was really shocked to see a very young and beautiful CO in that room (biglang natomboy ang lola nyo..haha!Ganda talaga niya..Grabe!). She was probably in her late 20's. Too bad, she's engaged! Haha!
Greeted her with a smile and said Good Morning. She greeted me back. She told me to raise my right hand and swear to tell nothing but the truth. I said Yes.

1)Name of petitioner?
2)My age?
3)Fiance's work?
4)Degrees he finished?
5)When we met online and started talking?
6)How long had we been together before his first visit?
7)Where we went during his visits? (Be sure with the dates. They wanna know how good are you in remembering dates. Haha!)
8)When he proposed, where and how? And if I ever got a ring? (I showed off my engagement ring.Hehe!)
9)My profession?
10)Why my BC was late registered?
11)Does my fiance had brothers and sisters?

Wow! She surely made feel how it is being on the hot seat. I feel like my butt is burning. Haha! Either way, she told me to wait for my name to be called again outside.

11:03 AM. Name called at Window 37. it was PINK!! A pink slip indeed! Weeh! Soo happy! Told to pay Delbros visa delivery fee. Next step - waiting for Visa.. Haay! I'm a day closer to see my fiance again!

Congratz!!! God Bless.... star_smile.gif
blondprincessFemalePhilippines2009-01-09 18:48:00
PhilippinesYay!!!! Interview done!
QUOTE (reymidge @ Jan 29 2009, 08:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (blondprincess @ Jan 29 2009, 02:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello Vj's Family:

I'm so happy today.... I'm passed in the interview.. I got pink slip... Thank you for all the friends I had here.. kicking.gif

There's no other journey than LOVE.... star_smile.gif

God Bless us... !

CONGTRALUTIONS!!!! good.gif Is it ok to share the questionaires asked from you?

Thanks it will help me..Ill have mine on feb 13 at 7am..

The consul is very nice at window 28. the questions they asked to me are:

Where did u meet?
How old your fiance?
What is his job?
If ever been married or have kids?
when is the plan for the wedding?

its very easy... then they got some emails, cards, copy of remittances, pictures..

Good luck to your interview...
blondprincessFemalePhilippines2009-01-29 08:11:00
PhilippinesYay!!!! Interview done!
QUOTE (ccndyeth @ Jan 29 2009, 02:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congratulations !!! When is your trip??

my flight will be on feb 16, 2009, Manila-POE hawaii
blondprincessFemalePhilippines2009-01-29 08:07:00
PhilippinesYay!!!! Interview done!
Hello Vj's Family:

I'm so happy today.... I'm passed in the interview.. I got pink slip... Thank you for all the friends I had here.. kicking.gif

There's no other journey than LOVE.... star_smile.gif

God Bless us... !
blondprincessFemalePhilippines2009-01-29 01:08:00
PhilippinesCFO Seminar requirements
thanks for the reply.. i appreicate... God bless.
blondprincessFemalePhilippines2009-01-30 08:40:00
PhilippinesCFO Seminar requirements
is it the PDOS or the guidance counseling, is it the same?
blondprincessFemalePhilippines2009-01-30 00:24:00
PhilippinesCFO Seminar requirements
Hello VJ's family:

can you please tell to me, what are the things to bring or requirements for the CFO seminar, i want to prepare while waiting my visa.....

Thanks.. thanks.. thanks..
blondprincessFemalePhilippines2009-01-29 23:31:00
Hi Maribob... I got my visa today!! you may track your packet at Air 21 website... I hope soon you can get yours...

Good Luck and God bless...
blondprincessFemalePhilippines2009-02-02 20:40:00
PhilippinesCFO seminar
I want to know where I can go for seminar... Is it all the different seminar locations is okay for the Fiance Visa?

Please.. I want to know, so that I will know where I will go...

blondprincessFemalePhilippines2009-02-02 23:59:00
PhilippinesI already recieved my VISA !!!!
QUOTE (greatblackbeauty @ Feb 3 2009, 04:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
good.gif good.gif good.gif

congratssss!!! wow its amazing! so fast!

me not yet received.huhuhuhuhuhuhu crying.gif

maybe soon u will received your visa.. u can track on the air 21 website..

Good luck.. Thanks !
blondprincessFemalePhilippines2009-02-03 04:06:00
PhilippinesI already recieved my VISA !!!!
I'm very happy today (Feb 3, 2009) 9:20am... the Air 21 got here in our house... and guess what>>>>>> MY VISA IS HERE!!!!!

I"m so happy to call my fiance to tell the news, I had my VISA!!! kicking.gif

Thank you Lord! and thank you to all my friends here!!!
blondprincessFemalePhilippines2009-02-02 20:37:00
Philippineshooray!!! i passed the interview
congratz!!!! kicking.gif
blondprincessFemalePhilippines2009-02-06 08:51:00
Philippineshiphip hoorayy!!!
congratz...!!!!!! HOORAYYYY!!!! kicking.gif
blondprincessFemalePhilippines2009-02-07 08:45:00
Philippinesyeheyyyy i receive my visa
Congratz!!!!! kicking.gif
blondprincessFemalePhilippines2009-02-10 09:11:00
PhilippinesHas Anyone Used Honolulu as Your POE??
I'm leaving on Feb.16, my POE is Honolulu, Hawaii... I hope the people are nice... Once I'm done, I will tell what's in the
blondprincessFemalePhilippines2009-02-10 23:57:00