United KingdomWhat's your back-up plan?

Back to the original topic, back up plan would be she moves to the UK. Still might be if I can't settle in the US. Or maybe France or Spain.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-08 04:59:00
United KingdomWhat's your back-up plan?

London will not ask him anything they would not expect anyone in a relationship  to know. Its not an interrogation, he will be at  a window as if you were buying a train ticket having a natter.


Here is a suggestion for you, start reading up on the AOS stuff for when he is there so you are not bricking it for that stage too.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-08 04:57:00
United KingdomShipping large amounts of stuff to US from UK

I used Pickfords, was £1500 for 300 cu ft. They have to pack it as they need to know exactly what they are shipping. I could not send it until I had the visa as it was needed for US customs forms I have to fill out prior to shipping. In surance was extra but cannot remember how much it was. Good service though. Just takes a while, 6 weeks ish I think.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-18 09:12:00
United KingdomDo I need to schedulle an interview myself? K1 fiance visa

The embassy does it once they have all the paperwork from NVC and you and have your medical results.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-29 09:01:00
United KingdomAwaiting the Visa by home delivery - ID requirements...

I got mine sent to my parents place, left my driving licence with them as I was not around. Delivery bloke did not ask for anything.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-06-06 07:32:00
United KingdomRenewing U.K passport in the U.K

I asked the question once at Heathrow of the guy managing the line approaching the airline counter....the ones who look at passports and tickets before you get up to the counter/baggage check. He was shouting....make sure you have your ESTA...your names must match on your documents....etc. So I asked him, what if a lady got married and she booked a ticket in one name and the passport was in another? He said then a marriage certificate would be needed to show why the names are different. And he said "we see that all day long here". So I believe the advice to book the ticket in the name on the passport is to get through the airport with the least discussion. But you can do what you are wanting to do. You will have your old passport and marriage license to sort it all out.

If renewing by mail, the old passport should come back in a separate mailing. Somebody around the forum works in the passport office. Is it Nobbie? Hopefully more info will be posted.

Nope not me, never been near the passport office.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-06-07 07:47:00
United KingdomOverpayment for police sertificate in UK? What does it mean?

Yes you are right, make a couple of copies yourself. At interview they need sight of the original but will only keep a copy so make sure you take one. At medical they only need a copy.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-06-01 09:34:00
United KingdomOverpayment for police sertificate in UK? What does it mean?

Don't overpay then you will not have to worry about it.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-30 09:04:00
United KingdomBooking Visa Interview

You dont book an interview, London will schedule it and let you know by letter. Might be a couple of weeks before you hear of an appt and that will probably be about 4 weeks ahead. Hopefully someone more current than me will give you n idea how long people are waiting at the moment.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-06-11 04:47:00
United KingdomProof of relationship for k-1 interview

I didn't take any of that stuff nor was it asked for. Maybe the letter of intent but that's about it


Interesting divorce decree you have which states you are having a baby. Never heard of that one before.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-06-15 03:49:00
United KingdomHow much supporting documentation should I take for the affidavit of support (k-1 visa)?

Regarding the affadavit of support stuff, I took the form it's self and 2 tax transcripts, thats it.

All the flights info and what have you, I took none and none was asked for. 

If you are going to take all that stuff then fine if it makes you feel better but keep all the additional stuff apart from that which is neccessary or you will end up with paper everywhere. You are stood at a window like buying a train ticket not sat down at a table and chairs.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-06-16 05:27:00
United KingdomApplicants are not required to meet the vaccination requirements?

Yes they should tell them, why not, it will not be a GP most likely but a nurse. Worst that can happen is they will charge for them. Personally i think they should charge, why should the NHS fund someones immigration.

Still be cheaper than getting them done at the medical or in the US.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-06-18 04:03:00
United KingdomApplicants are not required to meet the vaccination requirements?

TB test is the x ray in London is it not, which is included in the price.

If you are a K1 visa and we do not know this, you do not have to have them done but you will for AoS so either 


a: get them done on the NHS or

b: get them done when you have your medical which will be about £35 a go.


Or wait til you get to the US and get shafted

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-06-17 01:56:00
United KingdomThree hours!! Interview Time

Don't be sad you cant be there, you'd be bored out of your head with hanging about.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-06-13 05:02:00
United KingdomDriver's license

I showed them mine and they did not take it, dont see why they would, it does not belong to them.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-06-18 04:04:00
United KingdomConyacting US Embassy in London

I agree, use the contact form, calling is a waste of time and effort and only makes you swear a lot (I speak from experience)

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-06-22 06:10:00
United KingdomThe Footie Thread

That game last night was a pile of carp. We need to get on the same plane as the Spanish and cry together. Why do we watch England?? Some sort of masochism, must be.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-06-20 04:15:00
United KingdomThe Footie Thread

hard to see past the Krauts, the Argies or Brazil.

Well done to the US, trouble is they now have the Krauts and pork and cheese to play, hard group to get out of.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-06-17 02:00:00
United KingdomQuick question RE passport photo for interview

I would get new ones just in case they happen to notice they are the same as ones you sent in 7 months ago. you will likely be ok with your old ones but why take a chance for a few quid?

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-06-23 04:00:00
United KingdomMedical Complete What Now

Wait is the answer and get used to it for when you start AoS. Just looked at your timeline and everything has been pretty quick so far. Last year we were waiting 6 months just for petition approval!

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-06-24 06:29:00
United KingdomApplicant Readiness/Medical

My interview was about 6 weeks after my medical. This was last year but I think the wait is about the same. I had medical and submitted all my forms on the same day, waited about 2 weeks and got appt letter for 4 weeks time for interview.

Someone more current may answer but I reckon it would be unusual for anyone to get an interview within 3 weeks.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-06-18 09:57:00
United KingdomDo I have everything I need for Interview?

You dont need loads of relationship stuff, photos chat logs etc, you will just be carrying loads of paper you do not need.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-06-20 04:12:00
United KingdomDo I need I-129F confirmation letter at interview?

The fact that you are having an interview is proof itself you have an approved I 129F, they will have a copy of it anyway.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-07-01 02:25:00
United KingdomThings you'll miss from the UK, and how you'll compensate?

I know what you mean Kiwi, I am English and whether I stay in the US or not and whether I take US citizenship or not, I will always be English.


At the  moment I go back to the UK quite a bit for work so I get my fix of Englishness and things English, I did not go back for the first 5 months and boy did I miss it.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-06-25 02:10:00
United KingdomThings you'll miss from the UK, and how you'll compensate?

Tbf, she lives in Sheffield, a nice part of it too (as I said, bordering the Peak District). To be absolutely fair, I am actually really looking forward to spending an English Summer with her doing English stuff. For real. It will be great - until I start pining for America. But you know what? Sometimes we just have to make sacrifices for the ones we love. And, when push comes to shove, I know damn good and well that it'll be far, far easier for me to re-adapt to the UK than it'll ever be for her to Americanise. And we both know it. Hey - she's worth it. :)








Good luck to you both, I'd move back in a heartbeat, but I said I'd give it a couple of years and see how we go. I'm quite jealous of you moving back.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-06-11 04:58:00
United KingdomThings you'll miss from the UK, and how you'll compensate?

The price of bread is horrendous, here anyway, a decent loaf will set me back $4 to $5. How I long for my Hovis granery for 89 pence.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-30 09:08:00
United KingdomThings you'll miss from the UK, and how you'll compensate?


It does vary by state.  It's been banned in any public building here for quite a long time now, 15-20 years or so I think.


I wouldn't call it "behind."  It was a move forward.



Funny, I read this post, then the other day as I was going through the supermarket, I saw them on an end cap.  Normally I wouldn't have noticed them, but it was in my mind and it made me stop and pick up a pack.  I'd say they're an acceptable replacement for Jaffa Cakes that can easily by acquired here.  I think they have a bit more orangey tangy flavor to them than the Jaffa, but plenty good in my opinion.

I didn't mean it was a backward move, I meant stuff we have been doing in Europe for years (wearing seatbelts for example) seem to take w long time to get done over here.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-18 09:24:00
United KingdomThings you'll miss from the UK, and how you'll compensate?

It seems a little trivial but I also miss the strict no smoking policy in the UK. Smokers please don't hate me LOL (my husband smokes), but I hate people smoking in bars and restaurants.

There is nowhere I have been that allows smoking in bars or restaurants. Does this vary by state?

The US is quite a way behind UK and Europe in many things like that.

In Maryland it has only become law recently to have to wear a seat belt and also just become  illegal to use a cell phone when driving.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-12 11:25:00
United KingdomThings you'll miss from the UK, and how you'll compensate?

I think I must be the only person on here who isn't bothered about chocolate or jaffa cakes. i dont like Jaffa cakes, never have and chocolate i can easily do without, curry and beer, that's what I miss. Well and public transport and a decent newspaper amongst many other things.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-12 06:41:00
United KingdomThings you'll miss from the UK, and how you'll compensate?


Yes, Sammy Adams has some good stuff.


If anyone's a cider fan, Angry Orchard has a really nice one.  Only tried the Cinful Apple one so far, but it was quite nice.

But they are all fizzy (Sam Adams) , a nice pint of Old Speckled Hen or London Pride is just the ticket but I have seen no real ales anywhere apart from bottles or cans.

Domestic beer is OK if you are a girly lager drinker (I imagine anyway).

I shall be partaking of several pints of the above mentioned real ales Tuesday and Weds prior to returning to the land of carbonated beer and bloody pizza.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-11 02:10:00
United KingdomThings you'll miss from the UK, and how you'll compensate?

Avery Cates your so funny LOL :rofl:


Tesco was always my preferred supermarket, but for a special treat when I had the money to do it I would always love to treat myself to something nice to eat in M&S. Something about their food always seemed so luxurious. But you had to be a millionaire to do your grocery shop there!!!!!

Man at Waitrose myself, hard to beat them,

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-10 12:30:00
United KingdomThings you'll miss from the UK, and how you'll compensate?

You have to miss them a lot to pay the prices they want though. I shall be stocking up in Sainsburys on Weds prior to flying back Thursday.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-10 09:07:00
United KingdomThings you'll miss from the UK, and how you'll compensate?

Blimey, don't get me started, too late, Decent beer, sausages, bacon, bread (at a reasonable price too) TV (I do use Hola though keeps me sane), family, a decent curry, proper pubs, public transport, trains in particular.

Chocolate doesn't bother me and neither do soaps, but current affairs programmes and comedy.


I am lucky enough to go back and forth to the UK so I shall be stocking up on brown sauce, mustard, tea bags, shame I can bring back  a few pounds of sausages with me.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-10 02:54:00
United KingdomSacking An Immigration Attorney

You can self sponsor, there are people on here who have done it. As for co sponsors, why not?  just do it yourself though, why pay a lawyer. As far as I can tell very few people going through London use one.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-07-03 04:11:00
United KingdomVisa issued?

mine took about 4 hours

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-07-10 08:58:00
United KingdomDecluttering Before Moving to the US

Sold my house, car and motorbike (sob), had a garage sale and made £550 selling loads of ####### like 1/2 tin of WD40, people will buy any junk so well worth doing.

Brought my bed, rowing machine, clothes DVDs etc.

One thing to bear in mind if you have DVD's is that most laptops have a disc drive and you can still play them on that and use an HDMI lead to play through the telly so think before you ditch them or give them away.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-06-05 09:30:00
United Kingdommarrying a US citizen.

Most people on here did or are going to, I did, what do you want to know


Fill in your timeline so when you ask stuff folk will know where you are in this somewhat lengthy process.

Edited by nobbie, 16 June 2014 - 05:33 AM.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-06-16 05:30:00
United Kingdommedical insurance

There are no good options with american life insurance period, mines going to cost $500 / month and then there are still deductibles, co pays and co insurance, it's a racket. Hers is already $500 /month so that's $1000 / month between us!!

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-07-07 04:25:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

Yeah, has anyone else heard of collecting your passport back from the Embassy?

The woman I dealt with on the phone was great and really helped with my situation of flying Wednesday, explained I'll be on the list at the embassy, I just need ID and my interview letter to get in to the embassy, and not to queue up to get a ticket from the entrance, but to go directly to her window '14' inside the embassy.

I called to the switchboard, and due to glitches of receiving 4 interview letters, they transferred me to actually do something

I just tried to call them on the switchboard and they simply will not put me through to anyone. They just say " you must e mail them"

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-07 08:27:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

Man, I'm so so grateful. Got in touch with the Embassy today, as after Tuesdays approval my case status still stated ready, and just explained to the woman on the phone that the officer who gave me my approval said he would go out of his way to make sure my visa is issued in time for my wedding next saturday, with my departing flight on Wednesday (I know, very hopeful?!).


I was asked to call back after 30 mins while the woman located my case and found out its status, when i called she said she was going to make sure it got processed today and to call back in an hour and half again and ask for her yet again and she would update me.


Called back, and in between that call my case became in administrative processing, and on the phone she checked with a member of staff next to her that it had just been issued, but as the courier was not guaranteed to deliver in time for Tuesday, I could go back to the US Embassy and collect my passport on Tuesday!

A little inconvenient having to go back to London, but damn, I do not mind for a second, I'll happily take that!!

Looks like I'll be getting married next week after all! Aaaaaaaand relax!

What number did you use to speak with them? I could really do with speaking with someone there but cannot get anyone with any sense whatsoever.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-04 17:14:00