United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

My medical was last wednesday and I sent off my DS forms + readiness the day before and I've been given an interview date. Didn't expect to get one so shortly after the medical.

My medical was last Weds too and I also sent my forms off the day before. CEAC updated on monday and Weds, Fiancee called DOS and they said they have everything now, wait for letter.

How were you notified, e mail, letter, phone? When is you interview?

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-16 04:53:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

Ahhh interview tomorrow!

When did you get notification of your interview? Was it by letter or e mail or both?

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-15 08:28:00
United Kingdomhow long should i expect to wait for interview date?

Seems like there are few on similar timelines. had my medical on 7 Aug, sent all DS forms etc off the day before. CEAC site showed update on 13 Aug so I reckon that must be forms and medical result in.


Paid fee and set up home delivery yesterday 14 Aug, now back to waiting.......

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-15 03:39:00
United KingdomCan I attend the interview?

you can but you need to arrange it in advance, I think you have to use the contact form to ask the embassy, then you will be on the list at security. There is quite a lot of hanging about queuing and waiting though.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-23 13:31:00
United KingdomAnyone ever have an afternoon appointment for K-1 visa?

Can it not be done at the US consulate in Belfast?

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-18 02:15:00
United KingdomSimple question about the MRV receipt

I paid for my visa fee and booked the courier using the new system. Am I right in thinking that the MRV receipt they'll ask for is the email (of which there were a few) which has the applicant details and all the stuff about the interview (and which says you should print it).


Not long now so starting to obsess.....

I printed the email, that's all they wanted in that regard.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-24 15:42:00
United Kingdomhow long does it really take?

Its a new form you need to do if you received your instruction letter after 1 Sept.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-25 02:49:00
United Kingdomhow long does it really take?

This forum is great for finding out how the process works.

It is also great for driving you bonkers thinking about why have I not heard anything yet.

The process will run it's course and you will get there if you have no hidden problems.

Get your paperwork in order for the interview, make copies of the bits they tell you you will need.

Follow the instructions you receive, use some common sense and all will be fine.

The folks at the embassy are not there to catch you our or trip you up.

Stop worrying and just stock up on patience.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-24 17:56:00
United KingdomPacket 3?

yes, that would be packet 3, so called anyway.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-25 10:49:00
United KingdomTaking Old Passports to K1 Interviews ?

It only makes sense that they'd might want to see passports from when you've had a GC, since what they really want to know is have you left the US and if so, for how long (because you have to have been in the US enough to be able to naturalise).  Although, that really all ought to be in their own records.


There's no way I could produce all my old passports - particularly as one was stolen.  I'm not about to lose any sleep over it - there's no way I'm going to be the only person who naturalises (eventually) who does not have their old passports from before emigrating. 

you are right, if you have them take them, if you do not have them for whatever reason then you cannot, simple as that really. Not like you can apply for a certified copy is it.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-26 16:35:00
United KingdomTaking Old Passports to K1 Interviews ?

I was asked about US visas and I have had a few one of which was in my old passport and unexpired, runs out next year. I showed it to him. He noted it down, however if I had not told him I doubt it would have mattered but who knows what they have on the screen so I just told him. If you have them just take them, why not. If you have chucked them out then say that if they should ask.


My first passport was issued in 1976, they cannot expect me to still have that, the old black hard back type.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-25 16:52:00
United KingdomTaking Old Passports to K1 Interviews ?

I will take mine but only because it had a " cancelled without predjudice " B1/B2 visa in it.


Other than that why would anyone have their old passport? There is normally no need to keep them , they are of no use.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-12 10:23:00
United KingdomMedication Questions

why remain a burden on the NHS when you will not be contributing.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-27 13:22:00
United KingdomCopy of DS-156 for Interview

I took no copies, was not asked, when they schedule your interview it means they have all the forms they need, so why take copies. I didn't have any copies anyway but I would not have been there if they didn't have them was my take on it.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-28 10:33:00
United KingdomJust for my piece of mind.. Can a recent interviewee double check the list I have prepared for my Interview in 2 days

I was asked for



Birth cert plus copy

Police cert plus copy

Divorce decree plus copy

Military record plus copy

Affadavit of support 

Tax transcript from 2012

2 US passport size photos

MRV receipt and appt letter, (PKT4) you need that to get in



I volunteered other stuff


Bank statement showing a US dollar account of mine

Signal showing voluntary redundancy from RN


I had loads of other stuff but not needed




Edited by nobbie, 29 September 2013 - 12:57 PM.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-29 12:55:00
United KingdomEmbassy appointment waiting time and medical issues

My letter was dated 23 aug for 23 Sept.


Maryland also has an agreement with S Korea on driving licences, who knows why? not me

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-30 15:45:00
United KingdomPlease help! So Frustrated trying to find UK moving company!

I am using Pickfords, I have 300 cu ft or 8.5 cu m, cost about £1500.  They pack everything for you and give you an inventory. Just waiting for it to be shipped so cant tell you how it went yet.


nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-29 03:17:00
United Kingdomadvice about when to send the DS2001

Go ahead and send them, why not they are asking you to. Once they have them and the results of your medical they will schedule your appointment.


You are better off looking around the UK forum and in fact I would suggest you ought to have posted this there, maybe one of the moderators will move it for you. You will get plenty of responses but they will likely say what i have said.

and fill in your timeline, thats always helpful when you are asking questions as people can see where you are in the process.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-05 08:42:00
United KingdomAdding fiance to interview - too late?

Make sure he takes his passport  with him.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-06 11:08:00
United Kingdomwhat a horrible feeling knowing you will most likely be denied

Chris, how many PM did we exchange on the subject, I was in a similar situation, although I had a "no trace" as it was a long time ago. I had declared it on the DS156 or whichever form it was. I had been to the US several time on VWP and different visas, NOTHING WAS MENTIONED AT THE INTERVIEW.

Just go to the interview, have your SAR and only answer what you are asked about. if there was no intent to keep the cone then it is not a CIMT. 

Edited by nobbie, 08 October 2013 - 07:55 AM.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-08 07:51:00
United Kingdomwhat a horrible feeling knowing you will most likely be denied

Chris, I am in a similar position to you, although my minor offence was 33 years ago and it does not appear on my Police check but I am going to tell them anyway. IF they ask about VWP etc i will just tell them


a: in my case it was another lifetime away and I have not given it a thought for probably 30 years and


B: when you read the ESTA application it does not read like you need to mention it if you do not consider it a CIMT. There is a defintion on Wiki about it for US immigration purposes, have a look there and see where you fit in.


I am waiting for interview too, just had medical and I will let you know how it goes if I get there before you, could you do the same.


Good Luck.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-09 02:33:00
United Kingdomwhat a horrible feeling knowing you will most likely be denied

If they ask you about why you did not declare it under the VWP, I would say you did not consider it a CIMT, as it was so minor. I have also seen someone on here who said they were not asked about answers on previous visas etc.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-05 03:38:00
United Kingdomwhat a horrible feeling knowing you will most likely be denied

Might depend on how long ago it was, I saw one bloke who had a drink drive conviction from years ago, was not a problem. It was not on his police report but he told them anyway

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-04 01:25:00
United KingdomBig London Change Noticed

At the embassy, they were asking for DS160 outside, so take a copy, Did not apply to me as I was done before this mayhem and my appt letter was fine. might be worth it though to have a copy to get in.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-08 11:42:00
United KingdomMedical tomorrow, i think im screwed

You do know for the medical they will accept UK size passport photos don't you, there will be somewhere round there you can get some, either get there early or if that's not possible get some done directly afterwards and bring them back.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-08 08:03:00
United KingdomPhoto ID Needed for delivery of passport/visa package

My Dad took delivery for me, they asked for nothing other than signature.


Not that i am suggesting you proceed on that assumption but I reckon anything with your name and address on it.


Have your home delivery receipt handy, that ought to do the trick.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-05 07:14:00
United KingdomCan a cosponsor be a friend?

The foreigner can self sponsor, if they can demonstrate enough cash / assets. Someone did it on here, I believe they could show around £200K. My fiancee (USC) had enough but I also showed them a print of my US dollar account which they were happy to have.

If they have a good bit of cash or assets then take along evidence to show this.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-09 07:46:00
United KingdomIncome

I did notice at the interview while I was idling time while the CO typed stuff that they have a table stuck to the wall, it has both 100 and 125% columns vs family size. Who knows why they pick one or the other.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-06 11:05:00
United KingdomImmunisation records lost

I had no history of jabs, so they just gave me the 2, MMR and TD, 30 and 35 quid I think.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-15 03:59:00
United KingdomBags allowed at the US embassy?

As said above you can take pretty much what you want to the medical. As for the embassy my view was to take nothing but paperwork in a folder. Left my phone and all that sort of stuff at home. No electronics means just that, no key fobs, nothing.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-09 13:56:00
United KingdomPending I-130 | Preparing UK Husband for US visit

I came over to the US several times whilst waiting on a K1. Never had any issues at all, I did not really think about it. I was asked once "are you visiting your fiancee". I just said yes, that was it. So they knew i had a petition pending without my mentioning it.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-08 11:52:00
United KingdomHow do I track the courier?

when I got the e mail with the tracking info, it then said delivery the next day, so keep your eyes peeled for it

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-10 11:28:00
United KingdomGovt partial shutdown

I had to go to BWI airport this morning to finally get stamped in on my K-1 visa.


Anyhow i was chatting with the immigration fella and asked him how was the shutdown affecting them. he said they are not being allowed to take any leave so there is still the normal quota of immigration people there.

He wants some time off to go see his Dad but they will not let him.


So as far as any of you entering the US anytime soon you should be fine.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-10 13:53:00
United KingdomReceived letter from local embassy to say they got the approved petition. Now what?


Thank you for your help!


What do you mean by last years transcripts? Is that the tax returns from last year? How many pay slips? (do they need to be last years or this years?) Is a letter from the employer crucial? I read something about a bank statement too and a letter from the bank?

A tax transcript is something you can order from the IRS and is a breakdown of income and taxes. tax return is what you submit.


All I took was affadavit of support and the most recent tax transcript., I volunteered a print out of my US dollar account which basically showed I was self supporting anyway.


people  take all sorts of stuff, whether it is needed or not I do not know. Just read all the stuff on the website regarding it and anything else they send you.



i dont know which is best, transcript or return, I am a UK citizen not USC so it's a bit of mumbo jumbo to me.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-09 13:54:00
United KingdomReceived letter from local embassy to say they got the approved petition. Now what?

Here is a link to the US embassy site and the medical bit in particular, if you look around in there you will find out about the forms. All they do is send a single sheet with a load of links to forms, so download print and send off.

Medical is £235 plus and jabs if you have them done there, jabs are different depending on age but if you look at what i sent you will find a table showing this.

Fiancee needs to send affadavit of support plus other docs such as last years transcripts, pay slips and perhaps a letter from his employer. 

Get a letter from him saying he will marry you with 90 days of your arrival in the US with a valid K1 visa.

medicals were taking two weeks to book so if you are happy you will have your police cert and you have your case number there is nothing to stop you booking it now.


Interview fee or MRV as it is knows is £150, once you pay for it make sure you keep the e mail receipt as it will be asked for at interview.



Edited by nobbie, 08 October 2013 - 04:38 PM.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-08 16:38:00
United KingdomAm I ready for my interview?

The medical stuff you have is a copy, they already have the original.

2 photos is enough

You do not need I-864 at this stage.


Most people end up with loads more than they need, I did. I had it divided in two sections, stuff I know they will ask for and stuff they might (they did not).

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-08 11:48:00
United KingdomInterview on October 23rd!!! Possibly a silly question, but...

Its very informal, it's not a sit down interview, you stand at a window like buying a train ticket. They cannot see you below your waist. I wore jeans, open necked short sleeved shirt.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-10 18:27:00
United KingdomQuick question regarding the London interview.

The only other thing I took was my fiancees most recent tax transcript. All that relationship stuff was not asked for.


Seems they just establish a relationship by asking a few questions about your other half and their family.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-10 16:46:00
United KingdomPolice Certificate and vaccination questions

They asked for my fiancees.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-10 18:25:00
United KingdomLondon I-134 Self Co-Sponsor

My Fiancee had enough income however I took in a print out of my US dollar account and they were very happy to take that as well. I had more than enough in there on my own. So, yes, take some sort of evidence of assets of your own. Mine was a print out I got from the bank dated a few days prior to interview.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-10-16 09:08:00