US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionBlue slip after approval??? Anyone else?

i have also problem same you guys, after my interview here in Ciudad Juarez i receive  blue slip, the CO told me he need to send my birth certificate and marriage certificate to the philippines  my interview  is was the last August 19, 2014 i ask the CO how long my visa he answer its take 3 to 10 days but until now i did not hear from them i went the consulate they told my under process i tell the lady the consulate the CO handle my case he told me 3 to 10 days, my husband call the congressman, the congressman they call the consulate they said my case until now under process, 

hope i have good news tomorrow my case,,I pray all our case soon got approve 

LaverneNot Telling02014-09-07 21:42:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWaiting for N-400 interview in Santa Ana

you need to call NVC 

LaverneNot Telling02014-08-27 18:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussion129F package expiry Date?

Hey everyone!


Just a quick one.


My interview date has been set for the 20th December but my 129F package expires on the 28th December.


Is this any cause for concern?


Thanks for all your help!!


Tom and Kate

tomnkateNot Telling02013-11-20 10:10:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

nobbie, was ur interview 4 weeks after u got the appointment letter? or 4 weeks after the medical? Thanks!

It was 4 weeks from the date on the appt letter, this was last year though so may not be as relevant now.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-07-31 05:59:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

You may well wait a couple of weeks or more after your medical before you hear about the interview, I think I waited 3 weeks for the letter then the interview was 4 weeks later.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-07-30 08:20:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

Hi, Beefheart!


Thanks a lot for your informative post! I am having my medical this Thursday, 31 July and it really helps to know what to expect.


I have already filled the Applicant Readiness form on the embassy's website, mentioning the scheduled date for my medical and confirming the fact that I have gathered all necessary documents.


I was just wondering if they will already schedule me for an interview (should I be expecting the appointment letter?) or would they just wait to get the results from the medical before they schedule me. So do you have your interview date already? 


Also. I have filled in the DS-160 form that I would like to enter the US to get married on 21 August. Do they consider that when setting appointment for the interview?


Any info would help. Thank you so much!

I dont think they do take it in to account when scheduling interview, 21/8 is pushing it I suspect

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-07-29 14:05:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

yes just guess, they will weigh you anyway so it's a pointless question. The whole questionnaire is a waste of time as the first thing you do there is fill another one in. Slightly different but not by much

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-06-18 04:08:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

You only need a copy of the police cert (for medical) but if you take the original they will make a copy and return the original. I took original and a copy but only showed the copy which they kept. I had no immunisation record but I am sure they will not keep it.

You will need the original police check for the interview, take a copy also, they need sight of original but only retain a copy.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-10 09:13:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors


People worry because its unusual, its impersonal, and being naked is the subject of our own shame.  Its not that surprising really and quite normal.  Few would look forward to it.


Knowing the medical folk do it all day is some small comfort, I guess.

Maybe it's me then, I don't give a monkeys about it, although I don't look forward to it.  Weird that you use the word shame though.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-04 05:05:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

You have to lie on the bed naked? Don't you even get a sheet to cover most of yourself up with? o.o I mean, I know they're going to be examining your entire body, but a little dignity wouldn't go amiss...

No, you strip to your underwear and get on the bed, then they have a quick look. I don't know why people seem to worry about this. I have a medical for work every 2 years and get this every time, you are an object to them, they probably get fed up with looking at peoples parts more than people get fed up with a 5 second peek.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-04 02:26:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

There's a bog there, it's a doctors, people have to give samples sometimes and they don't make them stand in the hallway

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-29 05:54:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

You will find it no problem, medical is a doddle also, easy peasy.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-28 05:01:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

Its pretty safe to assume all is well with your medical unless you have some issues. I knew when i walked out that it was fine. 

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-23 14:54:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

Medical booked for May 1st! The questionnaire they refer to is just the one page one on the embassy website right?

Yes, and then when you get there they give you another similar one to do anyway

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-17 08:42:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

I have my medical coming up next week so I'm going through this questionnaire. I have smoked tobacco before (like 10 cigarettes max in my life) but I'm not a smoker. Do I put no to this as I'm not a habitual user?

Many thanks

The question says have you ever smoked tobacco, just say yes and then tell them if they ask you. The medical really is no big deal, they will ask you a few questions about your lifestyle, do you drink, if so how much etc etc. They dont expect everyone to be squeaky clean.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-02 05:46:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

Go here



Loads of stuff on US embassy website. Click on the link on this page towards the top RHS


nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-31 08:09:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

My embassy is London, that's why i asked on here. My timeline is showing.

your timeline is not showing, might be to you but not anyone else. In London you need only case number and police cert, that said I have no idea what the visa is you are applying for, so it may be different.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-24 12:26:00
United KingdomUK police check

If you have no convictions, arrests or cautions whatsoever, what is the wording when your UK police check comes back?

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-08 08:57:00
United KingdomPolice Certificate UK Extension Pages? Fast Reply Pls!!!

I sent in just my photo page of my passport along with proofs of address. I definately did not send in a copy of every page. Plus cheque of course.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-09 02:48:00
United KingdomCEAC/ NVC notification
Our Status ( for K1) on the CEAC site now says in Transit to consular section which I take to mean in London. However it also says "your interview date was provided by the NVC" I assume this is nonsense as it seems the Embassy do that once they receive paperwork and medical. Probably a generic message the CEAC website self generates, am I right?
nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-23 01:09:00
United KingdomLondon medical

Don't know what your all moaning about, I am on a ship near the UK. I have to boat transfer off on the Tuesday, hotel overnight, travel to london Weds, have medical, travel back to port, hotel overnight and boat transfer back to Ship on Thursday. I'd love to have a couple of hours car journey.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-24 07:13:00
United Kingdomi have my case number can i now book my medical a little confused

Does not apply to me as I am at sea now so will get off for one day to go for the medical so no time for GP visits. MMR as a child!!! did not exist then, we just got mumps and measles and had a couple of days off school. had chickenpox too, only thing I didnt get was German Measles, whooping cough and nits!!!!     My kids had MMR though.

I think I will need 2 jabs, MMR and the combined tetanus stuff. I will just pay it on the day and be done with it.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-24 07:20:00
United Kingdomi have my case number can i now book my medical a little confused

I am  K1 and scheduled my appt today, I asked for and got 7 Aug, only 1 slot left though..

I was told to bring passport, passport photo, (US or UK does not matter). Police cert, I asked original or copy, do not mind as long as it is readable and in date.

I may well take the original to be on the safe side but they said a copy would do.


if you have any in date jabs a record of them also, Mine are all out of date so they said we can them here on the day if you wish, so I will.


just call them and ask. 020 7486 7822.


My file is in transit from NVC to London so I think I will be fine timewise.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-24 05:24:00
United Kingdomi have my case number can i now book my medical a little confused

Aoun, not sure that applies in London but you may be correct. As far as I know in London all you need is case number and police report, nothing else. You do not get an appt in London until they receive your medical not the other way round.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-23 13:26:00
United Kingdomi have my case number can i now book my medical a little confused

I know this does not answer your question but I am in the same position. My file is in transit from NVC to London. I called the medical place and they reckon there is a 2 week wait for a medical. So I will call them tomorrow and book one for 2 weeks time if there is a slot available. My only concern is if it takes a while for them in London to get the file and do whatever it is they do with it and they get my medical too early and it gets shoved away somewhere.


I dont want to do it too early in case they are not ready for it.


Anyone who knows different or better please fell free to comment.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-23 13:24:00
United Kingdomanyone confessed

Stu4Lee, many thanks, you have answered most of the question, mine is minor from 1980 so i will just tell them. I doubt very much they will care. But just so people know, your record is held by the cops until you are deemed to be 100 years old. So whilst it does not appear to be there, the cops can see it. If the US ever applied for your full record, and I assume thay can on a case by case basis, it may well appear to them as well. Thats why i think it's wise to cough up and get it over with. Plus when appying for AOS the same stuff will crop up.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-26 00:32:00
United Kingdomanyone confessed

according to the definitions in the  link posted by Lost at Sea, it is NOT a CIMT. 


It occurs in the right hand column of the table.


Thanks Lost, makes me feel more comfortable. Just going to tell them as if this goes ok, and that has been my only concern, when I file for AOS I dont want them turning round and saying well you swore etc etc in your London interview.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-22 04:29:00
United Kingdomanyone confessed

What is a CIMT when it's at home.


Anyway i intend to tell them and have ordered a subject access anyway, even though the people at ACRO told me there would be nothing on it.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-22 03:38:00
United Kingdomanyone confessed

DBS is for people who might work with children for instance.


I think you mean spent convictions.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-21 10:37:00
United Kingdomanyone confessed

yes, not sure when he had his CRB though, a few years ago.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-21 10:02:00
United Kingdomanyone confessed

I believe that even though a search of the Police National Computer reveals nothing, that it may still be visible to the police. My mate applied for a liquor licence and it showed up on his CRB check. I think all things are held until you are deemed to have reached 100 yrs of age.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-21 09:25:00
United Kingdomanyone confessed

But I did get a fine, so it did. What I am after is not speculation, but info from someone who has done it. I know people have "no live trace" so they have to say something, so I am not worried about the conviction as it was minor and 33 years ago.

I have seen one guy here who had no trace but told them he had a conviction for driving with no insurance, they didnt care. But I assume he had been to the US on ESTA or visa but I do not know that.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-21 04:39:00
United Kingdomanyone confessed

I have a "no trace" but when I applied for police cert I told them about something minor which happened 33 years ago.  I called them and asked what it all meant and why no trace. nothing is there they said, you will get nothing on subject access either. very unlikely anything exists in the court records either.

It's stuff I had forgotten about until I filled out police form for cert.


I doubt they care about it as it was so long ago and minor.


However will they be bothered that I have had visas before and not mentioned it. never been asked though.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-21 04:12:00
United Kingdomanyone confessed


nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-21 03:54:00
United Kingdomanyone confessed

Has anyone had a "No trace" police report and still confessed to something from the dim and distant past, if so, how did it go down?

Do they ask why did you not say when you had an ESTA or visa previously?

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-21 02:46:00
United Kingdomwhich forms do i send

Cheers, not sure how I missed that bit of the web site, been on it enough times!!!!

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-26 02:48:00
United Kingdomwhich forms do i send

Hi, I am offshore at the moment and will get a day off for my medical, whilst ashore I want to post off my forms to the embassy.


Can anyone tell me which forms I need to send, how many copies of each and the correct postal address for them. My case is on its way from NVC to embassy now but I may not get to see the instructions before I get off for my medical.

I am guessing cover letter, DS2001, DS230 parts 1 and 2? DS156, DS156K, DS157 but I am guessing. This is for K-1 visa.


Anyone have the link so I can check I have the correct version of the forms, I downloaded them a couple of months ago, maybe a bit longer.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-26 00:39:00
United KingdomMedical interview in London K1

I waited until my case said "In Transit" from NVC to London, that was on a Monday, by Friday it said "Ready" which I take to mean it's in London, I then booked my medical for 2 weeks ahead, that plus 4 days to get it to the embassy should ( I hope) mean they are ready.

So my medical is 7 Aug and I would hope to have their instructions by then as well. Once I get out of the medical I am going to post my DS2001 and all the other DS forms to the embassy so they have them before the medical results get there, or at a similar time anyway.

I will try and report back here and let you know if that timescale worked for me. Bloody hope so!!!

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-29 01:41:00
United KingdomPacket 3 specific instructions

That is what i think I will do, the is a PO round the corner from the medical place, so assuming that's ok I shall pop in there and get them sent.

nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-30 11:06:00
United KingdomPacket 3 specific instructions

I am likely going to send off my DS forms and cover letter etc before I actually see the instructions, so my question is are there any specific instructions regarding send them off.


I know which forms and address etc what I mean is:-


Can you staple stuff together or do they request you not to, use paper clips or something or do they want them loose for copying. Like 2 pages of DS 230 or any additional sheets you may have for some of the forms.


Do they care if you send it special delivery so it has to be signed for or would they rather you did not.


Or any other specific instructions they may have.



nobbieMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-30 01:37:00