CanadaUSC Birth Certificate
I was just reading over the Vancouver checklist, which is a little different from the Montreal one. It says I need a birth certificate for each person named in the application. Is that just me, or does that include my fiance(the USC)? I know we submitted a copy of his in the original petition, does that mean I should have the original with me at the interview? Will they ask for it, anyone who went through Vancouver have this happen? I've got my long form BC already, but I really don't want to get there without his and find that I need it.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-21 22:22:00
Congrats!! Great news!
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-22 09:48:00
CanadaHoliday Shopping for the Can/Am family
Those are great! I'm thinking about getting the imported wife one, very cute. I like the ones for babies too, we're just dorky enough that when we have kids we would dress them in stuff like that.

If you're looking for Canada themed stuff for Christmas, I noticed that The Bay has a ton of it on sale right now, I think it's all Team Canada Olympic stuff.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-26 11:23:00
Congrats! So happy for you!
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-27 23:37:00
CanadaGood Luck J&K
Good luck! Hope everything goes well!
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-22 12:33:00
Canadaanother Vancouver visa!
yay!! Congrats!! That is wonderful news, I can't wait to hear the details!
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-20 16:46:00
CanadaInterview letter

I am not joking. How about you guys?

preference category: K1 --- ______ is anything after K1 on the interview letter

Mine said the same thing. CAN probably just stands Canada. No worries!
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-29 22:30:00
CanadaTransfers, watch out!
This isn't just a transfer thing, it's an NVC thing. I changed my address at the NVC level(just within Ontario, not to transfer), and they didn't forward it to Montreal, who sent Packet 3 to the wrong place.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-29 22:38:00
CanadaDS230 Question
I listed back to high school. I just added little "See Attachment #" in the spaces for work and school.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-29 22:34:00
CanadaJersey meets Montreal.
Jersey I'm so happy for you! I'm sorry it's not until January, but at least you know now. I'll echo Leafgal and say that the time will fly by. Many congratulations!!
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-23 10:25:00
CanadaTransfer question
I used my address in Ontario on all of the forms I submitted to Vancouver and it was never mentioned at the interview. I figured if they asked about it, I would say it was my permanent address, but it wasn't an issue.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-12-01 12:08:00
CanadaApproved in Vancouver

I find my copy of "VACCINATION DOCUMENTATION MEDICAL WORKSHEET TWO". The whole page is copied including date, doctor signature. There are my passport number and K 1 CASE NUMBER on it. Did you submit this one to apply AOS(adjust status). Sorry to bother you. I just want to make sure I get everything before I leave Canada. Thanks again.

I haven't submitted the AOS yet, cause we're not married yet ;) But when I do, that's exactly what I'm going to submit. From what I understand(and someone please correct me if I'm wrong), that worksheet should be good enough.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-12-01 21:40:00
CanadaApproved in Vancouver

Hi Mercy
Thanks for your help. I have last question for you. I check the website you gave to me. How did you do your medical exam when you starting apply adjustment of status(AOS).
Did you jsut submit the copy of K1 medical examination. How about the case number. I asked for it but the doctor said I need to get new case number then they will mail to me the copy. How could we know new case number now if we jsut starting apply AOS/EDA (adjsut status)? see the following statement from that website:

"13. I-693, Medical Examination of Aliens Seeking Adjustment of Status. (If you already have this from your overseas Visa Interview submit a copy that medical check form; No fee is required in this case. If you are a K-1 fiancé(e) or K-2 dependent who had a medical examination within the past year as required for the nonimmigrant fiancé(e) visa, you only need to submit a vaccination supplement (I-693A), not the entire medical report. You may include the vaccination supplement with your adjustment of status application.) "

I asked the doctor who did my medical for a copy of the vaccination supplement, which I'll include with my AOS application. If your doctor didn't/wouldn't give you a copy, I think you can ask at the POE when you enter on your K1, otherwise call the doctor again and ask simply for a copy of the vaccination supplement, not the entire medical. I'm not sure what you mean about case number though.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-12-01 15:37:00
CanadaApproved in Vancouver

Have a good trip. Do you know if we have to submit any police report (with fingerprint) from Canada when we apply AOS/AP/EDA (adjust status). If we need it, I will do now and bring to US.

Not that I know of, I haven't heard that. Have you read the guide for AOS? I've found it pretty helpful. We've got everything gathered, filled out and ready to go, now we just need to (finally!) get married!

I did wear my engagement ring to the interview(I never take it off actually), and when it was brought up the interviewer asked to see it.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-12-01 15:02:00
CanadaApproved in Vancouver
I'm packing the car up and leaving for Wisconsin tomorrow! We're planning on going to the courthouse on Monday and hopefully having the AOS/AP/EAD application in the mail by Tuesday or Wednesday. It's been a whirlwind week, that's for sure! We've had a couple celebrations with our families already, so we're ready to just get on with our lives, not very romantic I guess :P
mercyFemaleCanada2006-12-01 12:02:00
CanadaApproved in Vancouver

what is court records (where applicable)?

Just means if you have court records, like if you were arrested/convicted for anything.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-30 10:55:00
CanadaApproved in Vancouver
Thanks everyone! :D EricM, I'm so glad I could help, I see you got a date, yay!! Charles, they didn't ask for the DS-230II, but I did fill out and bring a copy.

Okay so..what happened. This will probably be long winded, so I apologize! I got there sometime between 9:30 and 9:40 for my 10am appointment. There were several lines(9:30 appointments, 10am appointments, US citizens) and thanks to VJ I knew that I didn't have to wait in them, but I still wasn't sure what to do. There were no security guards outside, which I was expecting, so I stood in front of the doors and gestured to the guard with my passport and letter and he waved me in. Security was just like an airport, empty the pockets, take off you belt, coat, that sort of stuff. They went through my file folder/organizer thing pretty throughly and the one guard made a really big point of telling me not to open my medical report, even if someone tells me to. I heard him telling this to the K1 couple who came in after me. Not sure who they think would tell us to open the medical, but whatever.

After this you go up a flight of stairs and a guard will get the elevator for you. On the 20th floor you go through security again, same deal as before. The guards here seemed more friendly. They also give you a sheet that tells you what order to put your documents in, which I still have and is as follows:

-photographs(print name on back)
-OF 156/DS-156
-birth certificate (long form)
-marriage certificate
-termination of all previous marriages
-police certifcate(s)
-court records (where applicable)
-affidavit of support

After you clear security, one of the guards brings you to the little hall that K visas are processed in. It's just four chairs in front of some teller like windows. I put my forms in order and started the waiting. It's hard for me to say how much time passed, I kept looking at my watch but wasn't really registering what it was saying. I was really nervous! A lady came to the window, maybe 10 minutes after I sat down, and called me up first. She asked for the documents that I put in order and went through them while I stood there. I forgot to make a copy of my BC but she didn't seemed too concerned. She asked a couple questions about what was what in the affidavit, but that was about it. She then said she needed to look over the forms and that I should have a seat. I started worrying a little bit that something was wrong because I thought that she would send me to the cashier right away. She took another 10 or 15 minutes before she came back to the window and had me go pay the cashier. The cashier is just down the hall, which is filled with chairs and people waiting. I returned the receipt to her and waited and waited. She went through the same process with both of the other couples.

Eventually someone came and took my index fingers prints and told me that someone would interview me in a few minutes. It was probably a little longer than that before the interviewer came out. He called one of the other girls up first and her fiance turned to me and said "I wonder why they didn't call you, you're first!", but a second later he called my name and the girl came back, I guess she had told him that I was supposed to go first, or else he had picked up my file but called her name. Not sure what happened there. I went to window 5(everything else was done at window 2), signed the DS-156K, and then he started asking me questions. He asked more than I expected, given everyone elses experience. He asked how we met, and when I told him he wanted to know why my friend thought we'd be so good together, why she wanted to set us up, how we both know her. He was very interested in how our relationship started, how long of a drive it was to visit, how often we visited. He asked me a couple questions more than once, I don't know if he forgot or if he was testing my answers. He wanted to look at my pictures and I offered him some airline stuff from our trip to Germany(he seemed to like that we had taken a vacation together). He was curious(on a personal level it seemed) about how much engagement rings cost and looked at my receipt when I offered it to him.

I felt like he was questioning me forever, but it was probably only 5 minutes or so. I was starting to worry that he was going to deny me. Finally he said "Okay, everything is good." He told me I could come back at 1pm. I followed the exit signs and took the elevator back down. You end up in the lobby that has the Starbucks in it. I was back at the hotel(the Renaissance, which is literally just around the corner) by about 11:30. I had lunch at a nice cafe that is kiddie corner to the Starbucks, it was really good so if you have a little time, it's a great place. A couple minutes to 1pm, I went back in, through security. They don't give you anything to bring back, so just tell them that you are there to pick up your K visa. I was in and out of there within 5 or 10 minutes. I was the last of the three of us to get there(all approved, yay!!), and the lady came out right away, explained the visa and sent us on our way. It's real pretty and colourful.

Sorry for the length, hopefully it makes sense and is helpful to someone :) If I remember anything else, I'll post later.

mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-29 22:28:00
CanadaApproved in Vancouver
Hi all, just a quick note to say I got the visa! It was pretty easy, just a lot of waiting. I'll write a review later, if I can actually gather my thoughts, it's all sort of a blur :)
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-29 19:35:00
CanadaInterview date - Vancouver

Amy faxed in her packet 3 on Monday and got her interview letter in the mail today. January 18th. I'm happy to finally have that date and be able to make plans from there. But that seems like they're scheduling it pretty far out. She asked for the interview ASAP on the form.
Does the Consulate shutdown over the holidays?

Congrats on the date! I think they only shut down for a couple of days around Christmas. Here is a list of the holidays that they observe.

January 18th will be here before you know it, especially with the holidays. They are still scheduling WAY sooner than Montreal, so consider yourself blessed. I suppose you could always contact them and ask for something sooner. Best of luck with everything.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-12-01 21:50:00
CanadaI've decided to try to transfer to Vancouver...
They don't do CR1/IR1 interviews, which are spouse visas like K3's :)
mercyFemaleCanada2006-12-01 15:48:00
CanadaI've decided to try to transfer to Vancouver...
No, I believe Vancouver does do K3 visas. A couple was interviewing(and approved) for a K3 when I was there and there are people here who've gone through Vancouver for a K3.

I transferred after I had returned my packet 3 to Montreal and it took a week from transfer request to getting an interview date. It might be quicker to change at the NVC level though. All I did was call Montreal and say I wanted to transfer to Vancouver, and they transferred me while I was on the phone. Very easy :)

Best of luck with whatever you decide!
mercyFemaleCanada2006-12-01 15:41:00
CanadaMontreal Interview Waiting Room Thread

Got packet 4!!!!! Interview date set for January 17. I'm glad for that because it is a Wednesday, which means that I won't have to have a 2 day weekend wait to get the visa. Yay!


Yay!! That's great news mozplay! I was just thinking about you today, wondering if they'd send you packet 4 soon. Congrats!
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-14 18:14:00
CanadaMontreal Interview Waiting Room Thread

Wish I had something more positive to report, but I called Montreal and was told we are on a waiting list for an interview for January or February. I also received a reply to my email, which said an interview date has not yet been scheduled, but we'll receive a letter in 4 to 12 weeks. If it's February, this whole process will have taken 11 months, about twice as long as we originally imagined. :wacko:

They are so crazy there, you'll probably get an interview letter this week! I think that may just be their standard answer. I've got my fingers crossed for you.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-07 13:47:00
CanadaMontreal Interview Waiting Room Thread

They can't believe a foreign spouse can't come to the States "automatically."

That's when I launched into a bizarre imitation of a French embassy official, complete with Montreal Franglais acccent, saying through my nose" "Ah well, you know, we cannot help all dese poor people, because we are having our cafe au lait and croissants, and as you know, we only take calls between 2 and 4 in the afternoon, and there are so many of them, mon dieu, they are like cattle, besides, we are still on strike, you know..."

Thanks Jersey_Girl, I appreciate it. :) I really hope you get the good news you deserve today, you'll be in my thoughts between those big hours of 2 and 4.

When I'm in the US, I get that a lot.."you can't just get married and move here?" The average person really has no idea. When I'm there, my Montreal Franglais accent always goes unappreciated :P
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-03 11:46:00
CanadaMontreal Interview Waiting Room Thread

Since we JUST got our NOA2, we're thinking about transferring it to Vancouver. I wonder if they look down upon this? Would it be considered "lying" if you aren't living at the address you gave? Do you have to say you live there? Craig has an Uncle that lives in BC, and truthfully, the thought of having to wait until March or April to get an interview at Vancouver makes me sick.

:star: Cass (bebop the great)

If you want to transfer, you could do it at the NVC instead of waiting for the case to go to Montreal, probably be quicker. You'll have to keep calling the NVC in hopes of catching your case before it leaves for Montreal. Otherwise you just tell Montreal that you want to transfer and give them the address. I said I was visiting family out west and that it would be more convenient for me, they didn't care. I probably didn't even need an excuse, I think as long as you have an address to use in the right area, they'll do it. I don't think they look down on it at all, an interview date was assigned to me pretty quickly and the people I've spoken to at Vancouver seem really friendly. Best of luck with whatever you decide!
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-02 13:38:00
CanadaMontreal Interview Waiting Room Thread
Thanks everyone, I really appreciate the congratulations :) When they weren't answering my emails there, I was starting to worry it was going to be a bit like jumping lanes at the grocery store. If we go by James and Daniela's and my experience though, they assign a date about a week from transfer request.

Wow that's great! I'm trying to do the math here. Which I realize is almost impossible given I would be including Montreal in the calculation. :P Hmmm think you saved a month of wait or maybe closer to two months?
Great news!

I'm not really sure how much time I might have saved. Given the past couple appointments Montreal has sent out, maybe only a couple of weeks? I think only time will tell really. It sure saved a big chunk of my sanity though. I don't know why Montreal can't be more forthcoming with information, or why they can't book interviews as soon as packet 3 is received (even if the interview isn't for several months). I'm really hoping that everyone(especially Jersey! It's gotta be soon!) gets their appointments quickly.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-02 12:06:00
CanadaMontreal Interview Waiting Room Thread
I said I'd update about the transfer situation. I called Vancouver today and was told yesterday they mailed my appointment letter, it's for November 29. That will be 8 months from when we petitioned. There's an end in sight, I feel so relieved! With Leafgal's and jg_am's recent appointment dates, I'm sure everyone will have one much sooner than Montreal is saying. I'm hoping for quick appointments for all of you!
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-01 18:23:00
CanadaMontreal Interview Waiting Room Thread
Congrats!! Great news for you and everyone here!
mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-31 15:08:00
CanadaMontreal Interview Waiting Room Thread


I just got off the phone and I have my interview scheduled for November 16, I feel so happy yeah yeah yeah. I just called my fiance at work and he is also on cloud nine.

Well back off to work to work now. :lol:

Congrats!! That's wonderful news!
mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-27 14:00:00
CanadaMontreal Interview Waiting Room Thread

Mozplay, if I knew my contact better I would absolutely ask them to do the same favour for you! They are my brother-in-law's family, and I've never met them. If you want to considered it, ask around with your friends and family to see if anyone knows someone trustworthy.

Thanks, Mercy. I wasn't serious but it was nice of you all the same to say that you would ask if you could. I am just frustrated now is all. If you get your interview quickly I may do exactly as you suggest. Have not made up my mind yet. Happy for you if you can change your "Mtl Fate" though.


I know you were :) Just wanted to point out to you and anyone else that even if you don't think you "know" someone out there, you probably do. I'll keep you posted.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-25 16:14:00
CanadaMontreal Interview Waiting Room Thread
I feel awful for being the bearer of bad news! Like I said though, take it with a grain of salt. Maybe you could call today and see when they say you could expect an interview? I will keep you all updated on what happens with my transfer, so you know what you can expect if you choose to do the same.

Mozplay, if I knew my contact better I would absolutely ask them to do the same favour for you! They are my brother-in-law's family, and I've never met them. If you want to considered it, ask around with your friends and family to see if anyone knows someone trustworthy.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-25 12:54:00
CanadaMontreal Interview Waiting Room Thread

Mercy... Did you say FEBRUARY interview???? Holy moly!!!!! That's like 4 mths away for those like me who sent back the checklist in Oct. I think many of us in the waiting room thread are in that boat right now. That's incredible.... I guess with Thanksgiving and Xmas holidays, there will be some delays, but Feb sounds sooooo long from now. UGH :crying: My NOA2 will definitely be expired by then!!!


That's what I was told the past few times I'd spoken to Montreal, but take it with a grain of salt! I've been told so many different things from Montreal, it's hard to know what's the reality is anymore. It's very possible that you will have your interview much sooner than that. For me though, the idea of this process taking almost a year was too much, so Vancouver it is. I sincerely hope that everyone has their interviews much sooner than that.

If your NOA2 expires, it's my understanding that they simply extend it, so don't stress too much about that :)

mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-25 10:02:00
CanadaMontreal Interview Waiting Room Thread

Hey Mercy, I see you requested to have your file transferred to Vancouver. How did you do it?

Hi Leafgal,

I replied to your PM about this already, but thought I'd put it out there for anyone interested. The only thing you need to transfer is an address that is in the Vancouver jurisdiction. I emailed a request this morning, and when I had not heard from them by the afternoon, I called to follow up on it. The lady I spoke to transferred the case while I was on the phone. I used the address of a friend of the family; as long as you trust that the person will forward your mail quickly, it shouldn't be a problem.

Before she transferred the case, I confirmed that no interview had been scheduled, and the woman said that at Montreal, I wouldn't have an interview until February. Who knows if what they say is true or not, they give so many different answers, but I'm feeling pretty happy about getting out of there. :)

Edited by mercy, 24 October 2006 - 11:25 PM.

mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-24 23:24:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)HOW TO TRACK YOUR CASE FROM NVC TO EMBASSY

8 days after, NVC shipped our case to consulate, DHL tracking works!  :joy:

cindy0908FemaleTaiwan2014-07-01 21:54:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Scandinavians

Thanks! A lot of paperwork this is, but somehow doing something makes the wait more easier. And I'm doing other paperwork at the same time, because I'm trying to get a registered nurse-title also in the US. So double the fun. Bureaucracy feels most days more like bureauCRAZY. blink.png

grenigmaFemaleFinland2013-10-16 18:16:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Scandinavians

Hey all ^^
Newbie here, just gathering stuff for the K-1. But can't wait to get all of that done and move <3
How much time has it been with US-Scandinavian couples, any ideas on that? 

grenigmaFemaleFinland2013-10-15 17:12:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC processing times

Joining the impatience club! :D


The only thing I can think is that maybe with SO many quick approvals these past few months, NVC is having trouble keeping up.


Hope you get your # soon!

froschundblumenFemaleCanada2014-04-17 08:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionSelf harm scars and the medical

I had my medical in Toronto back in May. I never self-harmed, but I do have a history of depression and an eating disorder. I brought a letter from my doctor that said I had been treated for depression and an ED, that my condition was stable and that I was not considered a danger to myself or others.


At the medical, the doctor will ask you about your medical history, specifically mental illness. I said "I have a history of depression and I take Prozac," and gave him the letter. His exact words were "This is not a problem at all."


You will be absolutely fine. Just be honest when asked and provide a doctor's note. :D Good luck!

froschundblumenFemaleCanada2014-07-17 19:01:00