Canada=((((((((( Fiance just found out he has cancer

Okay, now the problem is that he needs to find new living arrangements. We can't live in the situation he's in right now. We'd need our own new small place to live. There is NO way he is going to have me living with him and a roommate in a one bedroom apt. It's already cramped as it is and so I think it's rather expensive to begin with.

The other issue is that I got divorced last year. I read that getting married in Ontario takes a letter from a lawyer on our behalf, stating we should be able to marry, which costs about $250 then he has to send it to the office that issues marriage certificates. I read that this process can take up to two and a half months before we can even be 'ok'd' to marry. Anyone familiar with this?

I wasn't familiar with this, but here's what I found. It doesn't look like it's $250, and if you do apply, contact his member of Parliament and see if they can expedite the application given your circumstance. Where in Ontario does your fiance live? Rent in places like Toronto and Ottawa can be really expensive, but it's possible to find something reasonable, you just have to look around. Do you think you could tough it out and live with them for a little while, just until you find something for the two of you? What about asking his roommate to move out?
mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-09 13:21:00
Canada=((((((((( Fiance just found out he has cancer
I just thought of this...try getting in contact with the Canadian Cancer Society. They'll probably be able to tell you what kind of programs you fiance can apply for and offer you some guidance as far as that goes.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-09 12:05:00
Canada=((((((((( Fiance just found out he has cancer

Can you give me links or phone numbers or anything on this kind of assistance in Canada? I need all the help I can get. I know it makes more sense, financially for him to stay there and get medical paid for. At the same time, I feel that maybe he could get BETTER treatment here, even though we most likely can't get financial help. sigh. It's all so frustrating and confusing. We just don't know what to do. I'm trying to do all this myself b/c he is not feeling well and is so upset, it's hard to even be able to talk with him right now to figure out what route to go. :(

I'm not sure why you think he'll get better care in the US. Canada has some of the best health care in the world! Yes the system has it's problems, but there is no question of the excellent treatment he will receive.

Here is the link to the employment insurance and here's the Canadian immigration site. I'd also contact his member of Parliament to see what they can do to help. Like I said, I have found them to be extremely willing to help. Also, here is the Canada benefits site, you might be able to find some programs that he can use. You could also try contacting churches or maybe even the local YMCA in his area to see if there is anything out there to help you both.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-09 11:56:00
Canada=((((((((( Fiance just found out he has cancer
Lyric I am so sorry to hear about this. It's just terrible, we'll be thinking about both of you. If it's not possible for him to get insurance in the US, in the long run would it not be cheaper to find a way for you to both stay in Canada where his care is covered? I know from personal experience that members of Parliament are very willing and able to help get cases expedited. He'd probably qualify to get some sort of social assistance, like employment insurance to hold you both over for a little while. Otherwise I hope your congressman is able to help. You're in my thoughts.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-09 10:21:00
CanadaTitre for Medical
I had the titre test done earlier this month and didn't have to pay for it. It takes awhile though, the results are still not in. The tetanus record should be fine. All I have is the record of my booster a few years ago, not the original series; I called the physician I'm going to for my appointment and they said that was all that was needed.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-17 18:12:00
CanadaInterview's in 5 days!
Obviously I can't offer you any advice since I haven't had my interview yet, but I wanted to echo what Married_my_love said, and say that they probably expect you to be nervous. I remember reading a customer service statement that said exactly that:

We will remember that, to you, a visa interview may be a new or intimidating experience and that you may be nervous.

You'll do just fine, excited or nervous! I'm sure some of the others here can share their experiences with you..

Edited by mercy, 19 October 2006 - 05:08 PM.

mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-19 17:07:00
CanadaHow to contact Vancouver Embassy

Thanks for the direction. That explains why they did not know what to do with the LIN # . Tried to contact NVC again and cant get throught systems hangs up on you saying they are busy. Will try again later..thanks again! :)

I hate when that happens! Keep trying though, you'll get through. If all else fails, call later at night and you should be able to get through with no problem. :)
mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-16 18:43:00
CanadaHow to contact Vancouver Embassy
You'll have to call the NVC to get the case number before you can contact Vancouver. They take calls until 12:30am Eastern, so you could still call today if you want. Their phone number is (603) 334-0700, and then press #1(for English), and then #2 and you should be put on hold for an operator if one is available.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-16 17:42:00
CanadaTransfer case from Montreal to Vancouver
I seriously considered this myself and got in contact with both Montreal and Vancouver. Montreal is more than willing to transfer your case but you need to have an address there. I couldn't figure out a way to do it, but if you know someone in the right area who'd be willing to help you out, you could always do that.

Edited to add: "There" being in the area that goes to the Vancouver embassy.

Edited by mercy, 06 October 2006 - 06:18 PM.

mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-06 18:17:00
CanadaMedical Interview

ok, I am clearly losing my mind with this process.

Just picked up my medical stuff and xray. Of course, I whipped out the xray in the office and had people looking at it. We were trying to figure out why I have an extra, seemingly detached piece of lung at the bottom. It looks wrong!!

I just spent 15 minutes looking up chest xray examples on the net, and emailed my doctor brother-in-law with my self-diagnosis. I want to tear open the envelope and see if I am healthy or not! It kinda irks me that they won't tell me anything.

now I have chest pain. :lol:

:lol: As a notorious hypochondriac, I must make a note to myself to NOT look at the xray.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-25 18:45:00
CanadaOur trip to the Constulate in Montreal
Congrats on getting the visa!
mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-26 13:16:00
Canadaour RCMP police certificate is just a small orange paper
That's what mine looks like, no worries! When she handed it to me, I sort of stood there, expecting her to give me a more offical looking certificate, and I asked her if that was all and she said it's what I needed. I didn't pay either :)
mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-27 15:07:00
CanadaMontreal Embassy General Tips and Hints
I would bring both, even if they had sent the old forms. I absolutely do not trust anything they say on the phone. I'd rather go there with both and end up not needing it than the other way around. :yes:

Also I received packet 3 twice, and the second time had the hard copies of the form but the instructions said to use the electronic ones. From what I can remember, those who have received packet 4 lately have also received instructions to use the e-form, even if packet 3 had the old forms.

Edited by mercy, 30 October 2006 - 02:17 PM.

mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-30 14:14:00
CanadaMontreal Embassy General Tips and Hints
Great idea! Every consulate is different and it'd be nice to have something just for Montreal.

1. When emailing always use your case # as the subject line and email in the mornings. When I do this, I receive a very prompt response(usually within 30 minutes).

2. You can use Canada Post priority courier to return your checklist as it gets received like regular mail.

Edited by mercy, 13 October 2006 - 11:00 AM.

mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-13 11:00:00
Canadacanadian police certificate

I was told to bring two forms of ID(passport and something else with a picture) and something from the consulate stating that I needed a record search. When I offered the stuff from Montreal to the woman, she glanced at it and said "I've seen lots of those before!", and didn't take it from me.

I got mine(2 copies) for free from the London RCMP detachment, and it took about 10 minutes. I'm pretty sure your fiance can go to his local police department as long as they do a Canada wide search and that it says so on the "certificate"(I use this loosely as it's basically just a piece of paper).

damn. we are so frustrated.Help!!! We are really having a tough time. I started a new topic yesterday asking people about police certificates in Ontario and I got several really nice answers. My husband has no police record so we were told and have read now in two different places that he doesn't need fingerprints. RIGHT? per guidance from you all (and we are really grateful for all the help) my husband went to the RCMP in New Market today near his place. They told him that they don't do that there and that he had to go to Ottawa. The guy seemed to think that he had to have fingerprints. Has anyone out there gone to RCMP locations in Ontario and just gotten the certificate without prints? If so which detachment did you go to? One person already told me London. Also what should my husband be calling it---a records search as opposed to a police certificate? It is so frustrating when you all tell me that you got yours so easily and the RCMP is saying they can't do it there. What are we doing wrong?

My fiance lives in Quebec but works in Ottawa and when he went for his, he had to do fingerprints and they did it all at the rcmp....We told them it was for a visa. This took almost 3 months to get back but we knew he was going to need it because we have a friend who just went through this whole process...So am not sure but my fiance first went to the police and they sent him to the rcmp...So I don't know what is right for you really.....

You only need fingerprints if you have a criminal record.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-01 10:52:00
Canadacanadian police certificate
I was told to bring two forms of ID(passport and something else with a picture) and something from the consulate stating that I needed a record search. When I offered the stuff from Montreal to the woman, she glanced at it and said "I've seen lots of those before!", and didn't take it from me.

I got mine(2 copies) for free from the London RCMP detachment, and it took about 10 minutes. I'm pretty sure your fiance can go to his local police department as long as they do a Canada wide search and that it says so on the "certificate"(I use this loosely as it's basically just a piece of paper).
mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-29 16:40:00
CanadaStarting process for Montreal to Vancouver transfer!
Just be warned that you might not hear back from Vancouver. They have yet to respond to my emails(the ones I sent before the transfer and the ones after). I know lots of people have good luck with getting fast responses from them, but in case you don't, don't worry about it. They move quickly as far as everything else!
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-02 15:12:00
CanadaCanadian Conviction History?

my question wasn't a hijack attempt, it was a case of what kind of things do you have to report. I have no idea if my case will show on records at the rcmp, but i was fingerprinted. Or is it just issues with drugs that they have? yes in manitoba it is automatic charge for both spouses. sorry if i ruined the topic.

You didn't ruin it. So you were fingerprinted, but not charged? Or you were charged because both spouses are automatically? If you were arrested or convicted, then you have to report it. If not, I'm not sure. Since you haven't been approved yet, you've got time to get the ball rolling, so to speak. I'd start the fingerprinting process right away, since it can take awhile, and then if it turns out you don't need it, great. Hopefully someone else will be able to answer your question better.

David and Karen, did you hear back from Montreal on Friday?
mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-29 11:26:00
CanadaCanadian Conviction History?

i worried about this question also. manitoba has a zero tolerence rule on domestic violence.

both spouses are charged no matter what. so i have been finger printed by the rcmp no charges were laid against me as i was the abused. so i assume i answer yes to this. I do remember officer said the prints are sealed and sent to ottawa. Though the 2nd time it happened only he was charged i never had to appear so who knows how this all works.

Sorry to get off topic here, but in Manitoba if you call the police and say your spouse is abusing you, they arrest you both? Correct me if I have it wrong. But if not, that seems like that might deter a lot of abused women from reporting the abuse.

This should posted as another topic....You hijacked Karen's topic.... :innocent:

It was just a question, with an apology for going off topic, certainly not "hijacking" a thread. Also, understanding what TRKCKL11 meant would better help answer her question. However, now that I've had to explain that, we've gotten even further off topic :innocent:

Edited by mercy, 27 October 2006 - 12:38 PM.

mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-27 12:34:00
CanadaCanadian Conviction History?

i worried about this question also. manitoba has a zero tolerence rule on domestic violence.

both spouses are charged no matter what. so i have been finger printed by the rcmp no charges were laid against me as i was the abused. so i assume i answer yes to this. I do remember officer said the prints are sealed and sent to ottawa. Though the 2nd time it happened only he was charged i never had to appear so who knows how this all works.

Sorry to get off topic here, but in Manitoba if you call the police and say your spouse is abusing you, they arrest you both? Correct me if I have it wrong. But if not, that seems like that might deter a lot of abused women from reporting the abuse.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-27 11:18:00
CanadaMy Vancouver interview is scheduled!
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-03 11:47:00
CanadaChanging date of interview

Well, just to update the quick but seemingly never ending saga. My fiancee is detremined to go on the 15. VIA isn't any cheaper than flying, however, AC flights have come down a little more, which helps. I know prices fluctuate, so we'll see what happens when she gets her ticket. In the meantime, I've looked on and found a few that are about 12-15 blocks from the consulat ranging from $80-$110 a night. If she flies, that reduces her nights in a hotel by quite a bit, since arrival/departure time isn't as much of a factor. It also reduces a night if she goes with them mailng the visa to her. It'd be nice to find a cheaper one with a shuttle, but at least has directions so you don't need to worry about being taken advantage of by a cab driver.

Thanks again for everyone's advice!

Just a thought, I always find booking directly through hotels to be cheaper than any of those travel sites. I just looked up the place I am thinking of staying at on, and it's $30 more than through the hotel site. I find this to be true of airfare too. It's worth at least checking to see what the hotels themself charge. Hope you guys can find a way to make the interview date work!
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-06 00:50:00
CanadaInterview, packet 4, and reflections on this journey

This has been the strangest of years for many people. Is it something in the stars? Or the numerology of it all? You probably put your finger on the reason why it all came to us: if we can survive this, we can survive anything.

Indeed. We've been on quite the roller coaster since the summer of 05 when Joe's mom was diagnosed with kidney cancer, went in for surgery and almost didn't make it, and about two weeks later Joe was found inadmissible to Canada, then I took on a management position at a place where staff kept quitting right around my scheduled time off causing me to have to cancel many trips, and then of course this whole visa process. It's been a rough year, but now I have no doubts that we'll make it.

Married_my_love, I'm so sorry about your niece's illness and everything you and your husband has been going through. Soon it will be over, she will be better and this process will be finished. People say to me all the time: "one day you'll look back on this and laugh", and while I doubt we'll ever laugh over it, it does wonders to think about a time when this year is long, long past.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-05 14:36:00
CanadaMontreal interview
Many congratulations!
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-08 19:29:00
CanadaGood luck Montreal interviewees!
Best of luck!
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-12 19:36:00
CanadaIt's done, we got it!
Yay! Congrats!!!
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-14 12:26:00
CanadaHappy Birthday amarceau
Happy birthday!
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-15 11:24:00
CanadaOn my Way...
Good luck! I'm sure it's going to go great! Can't wait to hear the details!
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-16 11:34:00
CanadaHow long after approval did you move?
I'm flying back out east from Vancouver on Nov. 30th, and as long as I get the visa(knock on wood!) I'll drive to Wisconsin on December 2nd. We've tentatively planned on heading to the courthouse with some friends on the 4th. I've been bringing stuff(mostly clothes) to Joe's since the spring, and we don't have enough room for any of my big stuff anyway, it's all in a storage unit, so there isn't really much to move. I moved out of my apartment in the spring, as the lease was running out and I stupidly thought we'd be getting the visa soon after. Hopefully in the spring or summer of 07 we'll get a bigger place. I'm just going to fill up my car with the rest of my clothes and some other things I/we might need and I'm good to go. We've been waiting too long to put it off any longer, we're ready! :)

Edited by mercy, 05 November 2006 - 02:17 PM.

mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-05 14:17:00
CanadaGot my Visa!
Wonderful news!! Congrats! Thank you for the wonderful review :)
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-17 21:24:00
CanadaQuit touching me if you don't mean it!

Jersey, I've checked when you said you were being touched and I was never touched. Is your case definately in Montreal and not at NVC?

My case was touched once while it was in Montreal. Don't know what it means, but it does happen.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-20 11:45:00
CanadaQuit touching me if you don't mean it!
Jersey, I'm praying that you hear good news this week; you so deserve it!
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-19 19:02:00
CanadaWatching Canadian TV in USA

so far i only miss corner gas and will get this season on dvd as soon as i can. i get HNIC on the NHL package which reminds me of other things i miss including timmy's and the Mercer report.

This is why the CBC website is our friend! You can watch a lot of their programs on the website, including the Mercer Report. It's not the whole show, but it's better than nothing :)
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-08 19:32:00
CanadaDavid and Karen and Leafgal's interviews
Oh Karen, I'm so sorry to hear this. At the risk of sounding cheesy, let me say that this too shall pass. I'm sure this will all be resolved very quickly, the visa will come. Stay strong and positive, do something kind for yourself, and know that all of us here support you. (((Karen)))
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-20 18:46:00
CanadaDavid and Karen and Leafgal's interviews
Congrats leafgal!!! I'm so happy for you!
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-18 11:03:00
CanadaI'm so confused now!

NVC told me it has been forwarded as of the 14th.
How frustrating!

It's only been 6 days, give it some time. It has to get to Vancouver and then they have to process it. It's probably sitting on someone's desk right now. I know it's hard, but try to relax. You're going through Vancouver, so once they get the case everything will move along very quickly.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-20 21:21:00
CanadaAnyone Else waiting on Packet 4 from Vancouver?
It comes in just a plain old envelope, sent regular mail, with just the interview letter. Mine is very non-offical looking, it's on plain white paper even. As Waiting in Vancouver said, you need it to get in the building for your appointment.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-18 12:25:00
CanadaI cant believe this...
Sometimes that happens, I've been told the same thing. If it happens again, ask her to transfer you to the person who does deal with fiance visas.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-20 18:49:00
CanadaUSC Birth Certificate
Thanks hockeygal and whatchatalkinboutwillis, that's exactly what I wanted to know. I'm familiar with the guides here, but I wanted some consular specific info :)
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-22 12:31:00
CanadaUSC Birth Certificate
I was just reading over the Vancouver checklist, which is a little different from the Montreal one. It says I need a birth certificate for each person named in the application. Is that just me, or does that include my fiance(the USC)? I know we submitted a copy of his in the original petition, does that mean I should have the original with me at the interview? Will they ask for it, anyone who went through Vancouver have this happen? I've got my long form BC already, but I really don't want to get there without his and find that I need it.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-21 22:22:00