CanadaOSAP loans after POE

Hi everyone,


After my k1 approval in Montreal I am beginning to tie up loose ends here in Ontario.


What happens to my OSAP loan when I move? I'm currently under a period of interest relief called the Repayment Assistance Place (do not have to pay my monthly loan repayment, as I do not make enough to do so). Can this continue or will I be forced to make payments once I enter the States?


Anyone have any experience with this?

froschundblumenFemaleCanada2014-06-11 15:51:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionA complicated situation re. I-751 and being out of the country. Please help.

Thanks again for all your help and comments! I really appreciate it so much.

I thought I'd update you guys with how things have been going.

To sum up: the extention letter came! We luckily had a friend coming to London a few days ago, so he brought it over for me. I have it in my possession, and I should be fine to get back into the USA.

Second piece of news: my biometrics appointment was successfully resheduled. For a date when I'll be back in the country. Hooray!

Now, some bits of useful information and notes.

1) It's hard to tell whether the extention letter we received is the first one that was sent, or a duplicate. If you remember, I did call USCIS to get a duplicate - we separately received a letter stating they would send a duplicate out within 30 days, So it's hard to tell. At any rate - for anyone who has this problem of the extension letter not having come yet, it's worth calling USCIS. Use the Visajourney guide - still can't post a link because I don't have enough posts, but Google "visajourney calling USCIS" and it's the first result.

2) My backup options were emailing the US Embassy in London to get a travel document.
The USCIS representative gave me the email address for USCIS in the embassy:
Someone answered quickly and was very helpful. He looked into my situation (using my A#/receipt number, I assume), ascertained that the letter had indeed been sent, and said that in this situation I was entitled to a transportation letter. He gave me a link for more information (google CBP in the london embassy, it's the third result), and an email address for more information:
We were annoyed to see that the transportation letter carried a £165 fee, but the person at the second email address told us that the fee is typically waived, I suppose as long as needing the letter isn't your fault?

Anyway. I have no idea if any of that is helpful. Looks kinda messy from where I'm standing.
Thank you so much to everyone who posted. It blows my mind that there are people on this forum who just want to help out. You're all great. Cheers!
toothmasterNot Telling02013-03-20 06:11:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionA complicated situation re. I-751 and being out of the country. Please help.

Thanks for all of your advice! A quick update:

I called USCIS, using the Visajourney guide (can't link it as I have fewer than 5 posts). The first person I spoke to was not especially helpful, but told me I should contact the US embassy in London. I felt like I was getting the brush-off, so I called again. The second person seemed to understand my situation a little better, and offered to transfer me to a second-level operator (I assume this is what Darnell was referring to above - an ISO).
I was on hold for 35 minutes before I got through to the ISO. He was very helpful.

He did two things:

1) He contacted the office processing my case (I was on hold for a few minutes while he did that) and informed them that I hadn't received the extension letter yet. He told me that they would contact me about this via post by March 22nd. When I asked him whether this meant they would send a new one, or whether they would just send a letter asking me how they could help, he said he didn't know. It's surely the former, right? Let's hope they send it sooner than March 22nd. My flight is on the 25th!

2) He gave me an email address for USCIS within the US Embassy in London, and said I might be able to get some sort of travel document from them.

I asked him whether it was normal that the Biometrics appointment letter came before the Extention letter, and he said no, but it did happen. I forgot to ask about returned mail, Darnell :-(

So, the possible ways in which I can get back to the USA are, as far as I can tell:

1) Hope that, like the poster above said, that the extension letter is just late for whatever reason and that it will show up soon. My wife will Fedex it to me, and all will be well

2) Hope that, thanks to my friend at USCIS, my office resend the extension letter, sooner than the 22nd!

3) Email the US Embassy and hope they can help. I'll be doing this tonight.

Any further advice or questions from someone in a similar situation are appreciated!

Edited by toothmaster, 07 March 2013 - 01:45 PM.

toothmasterNot Telling02013-03-07 13:44:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionA complicated situation re. I-751 and being out of the country. Please help.
Thanks for the replies guys! If anyone else wants to chime in, please feel free.

1. I think so,
2. You need to get a I-797 that is printed on fancy paper that says "your GC has been extended for 1 year" or some wording like that. It is separate from the biometrics notice. Maybe your local office had an opening and was closer to you so you got the bio letter first. A little unusual but not unheard of.
3. Expired GC and the I-797 extension letter. If you have not received it, you can call and ask that the letter be resent. If you can't get a hold of it you can get a travel document at the US embassy in London (or perhaps a I-551 stamp in your passport if they can).

Okay. So getting the letter resent might be a smart idea. What travel document are you referring to?

1. Looks like it is.
2. You should have received a GC extension letter. If you haven't received it (which I think may be the issue), then take an infopass and go with your bio-metrics letter, Valid Government photo ID (Driver License) and Green Card and get a I-551 stamp in your passport. (links removed as I'm not allowed them in my posts yet)
3. There are cases where the GC Extension letters were lost in transit.
4. You must either have the GC Extension letter or take an info-pass and get your passport with I-551 stamp to be able to go abroad else you will may be denied a re-entry.

There are many that mentioned that they went in for advance walk in bio-metrics successfully before their scheduled date. You can try that.

Unless I've misunderstood what you've written, I think you're giving advice based on the idea that I'm still in the USA. Unfortunately, I'm not. I left the country just using my passport. Should I have obtained this I-551 stamp before leaving? The poster above you made it sound like I could get it here in London.

Not to worry, mate!

The first letter you (should have) received after mailing in the I-751 package is the NOA1. That's the extension letter. Only the second letter, the NOA2, is the biometrics appointment. Somehow you didn't get it.

Now . . . the NoA1 letter's primary purpose is to allow you to board a flight back to the US with an expired Green Card. If you live in some third world sh*thole and the turban-covered airline drone refuses to let you board, you pull out the NOA1 and have a spirited discussion until you bribe him. You, as a Brit, don't have that problem. At the POA, your extended resident status in in the DHS computer based. The CBP officer will scan your Green Card, take your fingerprint, do the eye probe, and then the screen will give him all the information needed. Airline employees in Mongolia do not have access to this information, hence the extension letter.

Well this makes it sound very easy! Almost too easy... :-D Not that I don't believe you, but do you have any links that confirm this information? Doing nothing and then getting refused entry would be pretty much the worst thing ever. Also, you only refer to the British side of things - would I have any trouble at the American end?
toothmasterNot Telling02013-03-06 16:56:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionA complicated situation re. I-751 and being out of the country. Please help.
Hi everyone, and thanks in advance for reading! It might be a little long. I'll put my basic questions at the end. You should know that I am completely aware of how poorly we have planned for and dealt with this situation. You can tell me we're stupid, irresponsible, and that this is all our own fault, but you won't be telling us anything we don't already know :-)

My wife and I submitted my I-751 at the beginning of the month. It was submitted three days after the 90-day window had expired. We enclosed a nice, apologetic letter and a mound of evidence.

Further evidence of our poor planning - just after we submitted it, I was due to leave the USA for a holiday in England. I left, despite the worry that getting back in might be a challenge. My flight back to the USA is on March 25th.

So far:
- our check has been cashed
- we have received the form I-797C Notice of Action, which gives me a date for the Biometrics appointment, March 13th
- according to the USCIS website, my case is in "Initial Review"

Our problems are twofold -
Firstly, I won't be in the country for the date that the biometrics has been scheduled. My wife has today sent off a Request for Rescheduling to get the date changed. Fingers crossed.

Secondly, I might not be able to get back into the USA. As I understand from a cursory reading of some forum posts, the notice of approval + my expired green card will get me back in. I'm not entirely confident on that.

Which leads to my questions!

1 - Does receiving the biometrics appointment letter mean that the lateness of the I-751 submission has been forgiven?

2 - Is there an approval letter, separate to the biometrics appointment notice, coming in the post?
2i- If so, is it strange that the biometrics appointment came first, or is this normal?

3 - What will get me back into the country? Expired green card + biometrics notice? Expired green card + as-yet-unreceived approval letter? Something else?

Thanks a million for reading.
toothmasterNot Telling02013-03-06 13:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHi all... starting my journey

I didn't feel beat up on...I just got bored.

mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-13 11:04:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHi all... starting my journey
AKDiver, I don't know if your post was directed towards me or not, but I just wanted to respond to say that I agree with much of what you had to say; I was trying to make the same point that you much more eloquently made. I didn't post with the intention of judging anyone for choosing a RW, and I hope I didn't come across that way. Whatever happens between consenting adults is cool with me.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-08 21:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHi all... starting my journey

With my posts, I was trying to illustrate that "on the whole" R/W care less about where a man works (a.k.a. what his salary is) what kind of car he drives (also a reflection of how much money he makes) where he lives (in a mansion?) how he looks (is he fat and lazy?) than their A/W counterparts.

If you're saying "that's just not true." When's the last time you were deeply in love with the fat guy that worked the drive-thru window at White Castle? It just doesn't happen here in the U.S. Don't believe me? Just turn on Lifetime. There is a standard set that a man must be a certain way (and when A/W can't "get" that man, they settle for the next best thing they can) here in the U.S. that just does not exist overseas. Women overseas, once again, "on the whole", would be more willing to fall deeply in love with the fat guy that worked the drive-thru at White Castle.

And when was the last time you were in love with the fat woman who worked the drive-thru at White Castle? It really goes both ways, it isn't just men who must live up to a certain standard of being, nor is it just women who have high expectations in a mate. That said, every woman who isn't with Brad Pitt certainly doesn't see herself as settling for the next best thing. I'd take my "average Joe", poor college student AM over anyone, any day and to suggest that I am settling somehow is just insulting. You have an unfortunately pessimistic view of "A/W"; some of us aren't so bad. Hope the rest of your VJ goes smoothly for you and your beautiful fiancee, I see she arrives soon, I'm sure your both excited :)
mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-08 16:59:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)emailing NVC instead of calling
Their phone lines can be hard to get through, but I think it's worth calling since you do get an answer right away. Either be persistent, or try calling later at night. They take calls until 12am Eastern time; I've never had a problem getting through when I've called at 10 or 11pm. Otherwise, they will reply to your email, but as the others have said, it may take a few days.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-09-18 12:15:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)How can I correct this issue? Should I speak to a director? How?
I think your best bet is to actually contact the Chinese embassy(by phone if possible), since your case has now left the NVC; I don't think there is much they can do for you there once the package is sent. However, the embassy can change your address and forward your case to the correct embassy. I'm also not sure how much help a congressman/senator would be, as it sounds like a--frustrating!--mistake. I don't think the NVC goes by what embassy you mark down(as people often don't know which is the correct one), particularly if it conflicts with the address you used. I hope you get this resolved soon, good luck!
mercyFemaleCanada2006-09-26 00:39:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Called NVC
I doubt it will take that long, just keep calling to see if they've received it. I was approved at the CSC on August 30th, and began calling the NVC within a few days of that. I called every day until Friday, when my case was still not there. I called yesterday morning and my case was not only received but scheduled to go out that day. It'll get there, don't worry!
mercyFemaleCanada2006-09-19 10:26:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Out of the last 100 k1 petitions....

The strange thing is that if I call NVC automated service it says they have not received anything.

If you have a K1 peition, don't use the automated system, make sure to speak to an operator. To do this, press #1 if you want English, and then #2. This should get you in line to speak to an operator. Sometimes you have to call back a couple times as all the lines are busy, but if you call later in the evening you should be able to get through quite easily.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-09-25 19:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI134 and prepare for interview

I had notarized I134 for my fiancee.

She is waiting for her packet 3.

do I need to sign OF-167 as sponsor?

Yes in Vancouver you must sign the OF-167. I had them email me a copy, and I posted it in this thread.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-11 12:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhere to find OF-167?
It depends on what consulate you are going through. :time: If you're going through the Vancouver consulate, I've posted a copy of the Vancouver OF-167 a few days ago in a similar thread in this forum. Just search back a page or two and you should find it.

I can only speak for the Vancouver OF-167, but the USC does have to sign it and it is to be attached to the I-134. The reason you have to do the I-134 is because the OF-167 is just a sheet saying that the non-USC won't go on social assistance and I-134 is to prove that the USC has sufficient resources to support them. The OF-167 only needs to be signed, whereas the I-134 requires information and evidence to be provided.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-13 22:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionOF-167 for Interview?
Here is a copy of the OF-167 from Vancouver. I had them email me a copy, since my packet 3 came from Montreal not Vancouver but I transfered recently.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-09 17:50:00
CanadaLength of stay for Canadians
Thanks for all the replies, I hadn't even thought about the 6 months being in one year, not per visit, which obviously makes much more sense. :lol: So in the end, it doesn't matter much how long the b2 visa is good for anyway, I need to leave soon so that I still have some days left here this year in case there are any further delays with our case. Thanks again everyone!
mercyFemaleCanada2006-09-18 14:01:00
CanadaLength of stay for Canadians
Thanks for the quick replies. Kathryn, you've basically said what I've been thinking. It's not a huge deal to go back for awhile, my interview shouldn't be too far off anyway. It's been a long wait, we applied in March and just received our NOA2 a couple weeks ago, so we certainly don't want to mess things up. I just thought I'd throw the question out to VJ in case someone had some experience with this, in hopes of avoiding what will probably be a frustrating phone call(and if my experience with USCIS and the 129F process is any indication, it will be frustrating and yield few answers).

john_and_marlene, I have no I-94. When they were passing the I-94 forms out on the flight, I was told by the attendants that as a Canadian I didn't need one, and the immigration officer did not ask for one or give me anything beside the stamp in my passport.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-09-16 13:51:00
CanadaLength of stay for Canadians
Hi all,

I'm in a bit of a bind and I was hoping someone here would be able to help me find some answers. What is the maximum amount of time that a Canadian can stay in the US? I was under the impression that it was 90 days, but I've seen 6 months mentioned on here a few times, and am having a hard time finding a straight answer. Also, my fiance and I went to Germany over the summer and when we arrived in Detroit my passport was stamped with a B2 visa; the immigration officer did not fill in the expiration date on the B2, nor did he give me a date I have to leave by, and much like the length of stay for Canadians, I haven't been able to figure out what the maximum stay for a B2 visa is. I don't want to overstay or cause any problems with our K1, and it's soon going to be 90 days since I last entered the US. I've been planning on going back to Canada, but as the date gets closer, I really don't want to go unless I have to! I'd be really grateful for any help, or if someone could point me in the direction of what agency I could call(please say it isn't USCIS!).

mercyFemaleCanada2006-09-16 12:08:00
CanadaPacket 3 question

You are now required to post wedding pictures.


Well, in 2010 when our K1 visa is *finally* approved, I will post all the pictures :D
mercyFemaleCanada2006-09-27 08:10:00
CanadaPacket 3 question

Thanks for all the replies :) I've got all the forms ready and waiting to be transferred to the one's they send, have all my evidence gathered, I-134 ready to go, basically I just need the police report(London RCMP detachment says it takes about 20 minutes) and my medical. I'm just waiting on that packet! They've already sent it to the wrong address(changed my address at the NVC level, but they didn't get it apparently), and was told they mailed it to the correct one on Friday, so hopefully it'll be in sometime this week. Silly me, I'd hoped that maybe they sent it express or something.

Good for you!! You'll be ready to turn that packet around in a day!!

You 'might' want to consider writing updated letters of intent. It's not a requirement, but it never hurts... esp if your fiance won't be at the interview with you.

Best wishes!


Thanks! I'm hoping to send the packet out right away. We actually both just updated our letters of intent, though depending on the wait for the interview, we might do it again closer to the acutal date.

Well done... also wanted to mention that you get my vote for 'the cutest couple on VJ'. Very nice pic!!


Aww thanks! It's one of our engagement pictures, we were really happy with them :)
mercyFemaleCanada2006-09-26 23:15:00
CanadaPacket 3 question

Thanks for all the replies :) I've got all the forms ready and waiting to be transferred to the one's they send, have all my evidence gathered, I-134 ready to go, basically I just need the police report(London RCMP detachment says it takes about 20 minutes) and my medical. I'm just waiting on that packet! They've already sent it to the wrong address(changed my address at the NVC level, but they didn't get it apparently), and was told they mailed it to the correct one on Friday, so hopefully it'll be in sometime this week. Silly me, I'd hoped that maybe they sent it express or something.

Good for you!! You'll be ready to turn that packet around in a day!!

You 'might' want to consider writing updated letters of intent. It's not a requirement, but it never hurts... esp if your fiance won't be at the interview with you.

Best wishes!


Thanks! I'm hoping to send the packet out right away. We actually both just updated our letters of intent, though depending on the wait for the interview, we might do it again closer to the acutal date.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-09-26 20:05:00
CanadaPacket 3 question
Thanks for all the replies :) I've got all the forms ready and waiting to be transferred to the one's they send, have all my evidence gathered, I-134 ready to go, basically I just need the police report(London RCMP detachment says it takes about 20 minutes) and my medical. I'm just waiting on that packet! They've already sent it to the wrong address(changed my address at the NVC level, but they didn't get it apparently), and was told they mailed it to the correct one on Friday, so hopefully it'll be in sometime this week. Silly me, I'd hoped that maybe they sent it express or something.

Edited by mercy, 26 September 2006 - 07:29 PM.

mercyFemaleCanada2006-09-26 19:29:00
CanadaPacket 3 question
This is sort of a silly question, but I'm anxious about this entire process. How does Montreal send out packet 3? Do they use regular mail, do they express post it, something else? They sent me packet 3 on Friday and I really am hoping to get it soon. Thanks!
mercyFemaleCanada2006-09-26 15:16:00
CanadaOther options?
Canadians don't need a visa to visit, and we're allowed to stay 6 months(180 days to be exact) a year in the US, as far as my understanding goes. If she wants to stay for a few months, I recommend being as honest as possible, though I don't know if they have any way of knowing how long she has been gone. She will need to have proof of ties to Canada(a job, a lease, bills, going to school) if they think she might be trying to live there illegally. Here is some information from the US customs site: http://help.customs....amp;p_topview=1
mercyFemaleCanada2006-09-24 21:47:00
CanadaApproved in Montreal!
Congrats on the successful interview! :D
mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-04 18:00:00
CanadaMontreal Interviews
I was also on hold for a long time today, Monday's must be their busy day. I had another question, but like always I inquired about the interview wait time and was told 2 months from receipt of checklist, so November is probably right Leafgal, but here's hoping it's sooner!
mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-02 18:29:00
CanadaMontreal Interviews
Just wanted to let everyone know that I called Montreal today and was told that after the checklist is returned, there is a 6 to 8 week wait for an interview. Everyone seems to be getting different answers from them, so who really knows, they don't seem to!
mercyFemaleCanada2006-09-25 14:12:00
CanadaMontreal Appointment Date
lol I was the last time I checked!
mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-05 14:21:00
CanadaMontreal Appointment Date
I just got off the phone with Montreal, and the woman I spoke with told me that I could expect an interview in November or December, and they just received my packet 3 today. Hoping this is true!
mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-05 13:16:00
CanadaMontreal Appointment Date

Okay so I had to know what was up, so I emailed Montreal this morning, explained what I've been told and what I heard here and asked which was true and this was the response: "I haven't heard of anyone booking in January. That is still far from now. We are booking November."

Please please PLEASE let this be true! As long as there is a hope to be had, I will have it, lol. I think we should set up a rotation - let's take turns calling them once a day to see how many different answers we get.... and then we can believe the answers we want to believe, lol.


I'm clinging onto that hope too! I'm calling later today to see if they've received my package 3 yet, so I'll ask again then, so we'll see :)
mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-05 12:45:00
CanadaMontreal Appointment Date
Okay so I had to know what was up, so I emailed Montreal this morning, explained what I've been told and what I heard here and asked which was true and this was the response: "I haven't heard of anyone booking in January. That is still far from now. We are booking November."
mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-05 12:23:00
CanadaMontreal Appointment Date
Ugggh I sincerely hope that this is not true, if we don't get an interview until January the whole K1 process will have taken us over 10 months! I've been consistently told(yesterday even) the past few months that the wait for an interview is 6-8 weeks from when they receive the checklist. I'm just going to have to hold on to that hope, because the idea of January is just...too much. :(

Edited by mercy, 04 October 2006 - 05:53 PM.

mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-04 17:53:00
CanadaChange consulate
I would stay at the Vancouver consulate if at all possible, many of us would give anything for our cases to be there! If you want to switch though, you just need to contact Vancouver with your new address and they will transfer it to Montreal. However, it may it some time to get there, and then by the time Montreal sends packet 3 and you return it, you are probably looking at an interview in the new year.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-08 15:43:00
CanadaUsing "Priority Courier" vs. XpressPost from Canada Post
I used priority courier and it got there just fine. The woman at the post office told me that as long as you didn't check the "signature required" box that it would be delivered like normal mail. It still took my package two days to get there, even though it was guaranteed next day delivery, not sure why as it was just going from London. It wasn't a problem with delivery though, it just took them an extra day to get it up to Montreal.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-10 15:30:00
Canadait came!!!!!
Congrats!! What great news for you! What a relief! Also good news for all of us waiting!
mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-10 17:31:00
CanadaCongrats Jen & Darcy
Many congratulations and all the best wishes in the world! Here's to a life time of love, laughter, and tears of joy! (L)
mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-15 13:12:00
CanadaElectronic DS-156 for required for Montreal

Funny (well not so funny) thing as well is that when they sent me packet 3, they included OUTDATED DS-156 and 156K forms ... :wacko: So not only have they done a 180 - but it looks like they are just trying to get rid of old stock too, lol, with no mention in packet 3 about the electronic forms.


Yeah it's sort of funny actually, I got my packet 3 last week and it had the old forms and nothing about using the electronic forms. I waited almost two weeks to get packet 3, and the day before it came I'd called to see if they actually sent it and they told me they would send me another one in case the original got lost in the mail. So I just got another packet 3 yesterday(a week after the first one) and it had an updated checklist stating that they would no longer take handwritten DS-156's(but they included the forms anyway!).
mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-11 10:57:00
CanadaTemp Work Authorization at POE
I'm pretty sure that someone posted recently that their fiance crossed at Windsor(don't know if it was the tunnel or bridge) and got the EAD. I can't remember who it was though. From my understanding, all POE's could give the EAD, but it's totally at their discretion. You can also look at this site: but there doesn't look to be anything real recent on there.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-16 09:35:00
Canada=((((((((( Fiance just found out he has cancer
I wanted to echo what a few people have already said, make sure you are taking care of yourself. Get some sleep, do something that relaxes you or makes you feel good *everyday*! I know it might feel weird or selfish, but you need to take care of you so you can help your fiance. We're all here for you, if you have questions or just need some support.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-09 19:46:00
Canada=((((((((( Fiance just found out he has cancer

Okay, now the problem is that he needs to find new living arrangements. We can't live in the situation he's in right now. We'd need our own new small place to live. There is NO way he is going to have me living with him and a roommate in a one bedroom apt. It's already cramped as it is and so I think it's rather expensive to begin with.

The other issue is that I got divorced last year. I read that getting married in Ontario takes a letter from a lawyer on our behalf, stating we should be able to marry, which costs about $250 then he has to send it to the office that issues marriage certificates. I read that this process can take up to two and a half months before we can even be 'ok'd' to marry. Anyone familiar with this?

I wasn't familiar with this, but here's what I found. It doesn't look like it's $250, and if you do apply, contact his member of Parliament and see if they can expedite the application given your circumstance. Where in Ontario does your fiance live? Rent in places like Toronto and Ottawa can be really expensive, but it's possible to find something reasonable, you just have to look around. Do you think you could tough it out and live with them for a little while, just until you find something for the two of you? What about asking his roommate to move out?
mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-09 13:21:00