CanadaAlright, I'm getting sick of waiting.

Grr. I had no idea that waiting for the interview would be the worst part of this whole process. At least while I was waiting for my NOA2 I could logon ever day (minute) and check if I'd been touched. Now I feel like I'm dead in the water. All the forms and evidence is lined up in a nice stack on my desk. All of our travel plans to Vancouver are booked and confirmed.

Now it's just waiting...and waiting some more. Grumble. It just give me more time to sit here and analyze all of the far-fetched reasons why we could get denied.

Alright. < / complaining >

:star: Cass (bebop the great)

The next couple weeks will fly by, I promise! I remember when I got my interview date, it was like a month before the interview and I thought the day would never get there, and then it seemed like all of a sudden I was in Vancouver. When are you leaving for Vancouver?
mercyFemaleCanada2007-01-08 14:12:00
Good luck!! I can't wait to hear that you have visa in hand!
mercyFemaleCanada2007-01-15 18:30:00
CanadaVisa arrived via Canada Post today!
Congrats!!! I'm so happy that your interview went well and that the visa got there so quickly! Wonderful news!
mercyFemaleCanada2007-01-21 11:59:00
CanadaInterview Tomorrow
Good luck! The interview is the easy part, try not to stress too much (impossible I know) :)
mercyFemaleCanada2007-01-22 14:37:00
CanadaVisa in hand! - Vancouver Review
Yay!! Glad to hear you got the visa and things went so well!
mercyFemaleCanada2007-01-23 20:21:00
CanadaTransfer requests

Thanks mercy, good to know about trying to change at the NVC level. I'll just wait until it gets to Montreal and then call them for a transfer. I wonder if they're happy doing transfers, without question, because they're so overloaded?

If you could post OF-167, that would be great! Thanks!

I really don't think they care much about doing transfers, they are probably happy to have one less case :)

Here's the OF-167..
mercyFemaleCanada2007-01-12 13:46:00
CanadaTransfer requests
I have a copy of that additional form (OF-167) that Vancouver uses. I had them email it to me when I transferred. If you ever want a copy, let me know and I can post it for you.

I'd be wary of trying to change at the NVC level. I called to change my address when my case was there, and they never forwarded my new address to Montreal, which held me up as far as getting packet 3. Best of luck with whatever you decide!
mercyFemaleCanada2007-01-12 10:53:00
CanadaGuess who got the visa?
Congrats!! Have a great time in Vancouver!
mercyFemaleCanada2007-01-26 10:17:00
Canadafavorite things you'll miss from canada
I've been missing Sunlight laundry detergent. It's the only scented detergent I can tolerate without getting migraines, and it made my socks so white! Guess that's getting added to the "Please bring if you visit" list :)

I definitely miss Loblaws, the grocery stores here just don't compare.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-12-14 16:56:00
Canadafavorite things you'll miss from canada
This has long been a favourite site about Canadianisms, one I have shared often with American friends.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-07 20:17:00
Canadafavorite things you'll miss from canada

Dramamine is different, doesn't work the same.

The active ingredient in both Gravol and Dramamine is Dimenhydrinate, they are both sold for use against nausea, dizziness, and vomiting. Gravol and Dramamine are just different brand names of the same drug (Dimenhydrinate). I often buy the Walgreens formula because it also has the same active ingredient and is cheaper.

But the fillers in them are different therefore it works differently.

Fillers are pharmaceutically inert, or else they'd be called active ingredients. Dimenhydrinate is what helps with the nausea, dizziness, and vomiting, not whatever is used to hold it in pill form. If you don't like Dramamine, then by all means, stock up on Gravol. I find them to be the same, and I just wanted to put that out there for anyone who cares to try it, or who finds themself in need when in the US. Just trying to be helpful! :yes:
mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-18 13:52:00
Canadafavorite things you'll miss from canada

Dramamine is different, doesn't work the same.

The active ingredient in both Gravol and Dramamine is Dimenhydrinate, they are both sold for use against nausea, dizziness, and vomiting. Gravol and Dramamine are just different brand names of the same drug (Dimenhydrinate). I often buy the Walgreens formula because it also has the same active ingredient and is cheaper.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-12 11:59:00
Canadafavorite things you'll miss from canada

I do the same thing. Some of the parking lots around here are set up really stupid.

I hope I can get home next month for a visit. I'm almost out of Gravol.

What?!!!! They don't sell Gravol in the States? Yikes. I'd better stock up then. Thanks for the heads up.

They don't have the brand Gravol, but they have the medicine, it's called Dramamine there :)
mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-12 10:17:00
Canadafavorite things you'll miss from canada

In no particular order, with family and friends as a given :)
- not as much crazy angled parking

yeah, what is with that? :huh:

They really seem into the angled parking in the US, and it never fails to throw me off :blush:
mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-11 14:04:00
Canadafavorite things you'll miss from canada
In no particular order, with family and friends as a given :)
- ketchup chips
- shoes off in the house
- poutine
- having a Lush store nearby (so expensive to ship!)
- Rick Mercer
- CBC news
- Stella beer(not Canadian, but much easier to get here)
- Cadbury chocolate
- health care
- not as much crazy angled parking
mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-11 11:16:00
Canadafavorite things you'll miss from canada

'Oh don't bother taking off your shoes!!" But I take them off cause I don't want to mess their floors up....Go Figure.............................{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}

My mother in law told me not to take my shoes off because my socks will get all dirty. I said my socks wouldn't get all dirty if everybody just removed their shoes at the door :P

I gave up trying to get people to remove their shoes now, but I swear if it ever did snow here, they'd change their habits!

I wonder if people would start talking about Joe's crazy Canadian wife if I put up a sign? :D
mercyFemaleCanada2006-10-05 12:52:00
Canada(Vacinations) Here a titers there a titers everywhere a titers titers

Hi Mercy,
Thanks for replying. I am under 65, just barely for the moment. I have a printout of that list you attached but it seems to be short or just the basic and enough to get through the system, I'm hoping to get everything needed so nothing is required once get to the States. Why should we pay for the doctor's filet mignon down there we can have everything done here and eat filet mignon ourselves.
I have the time, I'm waiting for the RCMP and German certificates, I hope to get the packet 3 early next week since this is thier third try at getting it to me.


No, I think those are the only ones needed. I had proof of some of the other vaccinations, and the doctor checked "Not age appropriate" for them. I've scanned my copy of the vaccination supplement I got at the medical (make sure to ask for a copy of yours for AOS), so you can see what I mean..

Posted Image
mercyFemaleCanada2007-01-13 14:14:00
Canada(Vacinations) Here a titers there a titers everywhere a titers titers

I am going for the Medical on tuesday. I have to bring my tetnus record, I do have that. I will have to get the titres done. I went yesterday to get my Tetnus record from the Health Unit, while I was waiting a guy walked in to get his Immunization records- he was born in 86 and they had his- he was in and out in 2 minutes with it. It made me mad they have no records on me or anyone in my age group.

I was able to get a letter from my childhood Doctor that I had Chicken Pox. It was in my file so I hope I can use that.

But I think all the Doctors who do the Medicals know exactly what they have to test for with the titres. I don't think you need to worry about anything. Good Luck!

I'm pretty sure you want to get your titre done before the medical, at least that was my understanding. I didn't know they would do titre test, I thought that if you went to the medical without any vac records, I think you have to pay to get them done?

They will take a verbal declaration from you that you have had chicken pox, so the letter will be more than enough.
mercyFemaleCanada2007-01-13 13:27:00
Canada(Vacinations) Here a titers there a titers everywhere a titers titers
Hi Ron,

If you are under 65, these are the vaccinations that are required: http://www.panelphys.../Pages/Age6.htm

If you are over 65, then you need these: http://www.panelphys.../Pages/Age7.htm

If you had a tetanus shot in 93, you will need a booster, as they are only good for 10 years.

My doctor only had record of my tetanus shot too, so I had to get the titre test for MMR and chicken pox. It took about two weeks to get results back, so make sure to ask how long it will take them.

Edited by mercy, 13 January 2007 - 12:41 PM.

mercyFemaleCanada2007-01-13 12:39:00
CanadaK-3 approved!
Congrats!!! I'm soooooooo happy to hear this!
mercyFemaleCanada2007-01-21 11:57:00
CanadaTo to get the sealed visa envelope and X rays through security
If he wants, he could put his x-ray in his suitcase. If they didn't look at it at the interview, no one will probably ever look at it. Mine is only opened because I wanted to see it, no one has asked to see it. Definitely carry on the envelope though. I carried mine on on a flight from Vancouver to Toronto and it wasn't a problem with security at all, nothing was said. When they scan your bags, they can see what's in there, which is just papers.
mercyFemaleCanada2007-02-01 23:01:00
CanadaPacket 3 from Vancouver
Here's the OF-167 as sent to me, via email, by Vancouver.
mercyFemaleCanada2007-02-06 21:20:00
CanadaConfirming what Immunization Records I need.
You won't need another medical when you come to the US. At most, you take the vac supplement that you'll get at your medical (make sure to ask for a copy) and have it transferred to the "correct" form when adjusting status. If you read the AOS form, it states that those who had a medical before hand (K-visas) don't need another, just need to submit proof of vaccinations. I had proof of other vaccinations aside from what as in that link I provided (which is in the consulate info on this site) and the doctor checked "not age appropriate" anyway, so there really is no need to go out and get every vaccination possible.
mercyFemaleCanada2007-02-05 11:35:00
CanadaReview of Dr. Laity's Medical Exam (London, ON)
Oh I'm so glad you posted this! I went to Dr. Laity as well and had meant to write a nice review about him since awhile back someone had said he made them uncomfortable. The nurse/receptionist is wonderful and he is a really kind, funny man. He does do a quick external exam, which both he and the receptionist warn you about. I got the feeling that he is just a "by the books" kind of guy, and if the sheet says he's supposed to do one, he does one. It wasn't inappropriate or uncomfortable and he definitely makes a point to be quick about it. The other nice thing was that it was very easy to get an appointment, I picked the time and day that suited me, and I was the only person there for the immigration medical.

No one will probably ever ask to see your x-ray, but I'd keep it sealed until after the interview just in case. I opened mine up later out of curiosity and have used it to make a couple cyanotypes, but it's mostly been a big, useless pain.
mercyFemaleCanada2007-02-05 11:51:00
CanadaExpiring NOA2
Don't worry about it, they automatically extend it. Even if they don't respond to your emails, they read them and put them in your file (I saw some of mine in a file when I had my interview), so they'll have a record that you asked them to do so.

Unless it's changed since I went through there, the phone number is (604)685-4311 x235 and you can call between 2-4pm Vancouver time.
mercyFemaleCanada2007-02-09 00:54:00
CanadaVancouver Waiting Room...

seems to be a bit of movement in Van so i thought i'd bump this back up.....anyone else stressing over the interview.... :wacko: lol 6 more days til mine

good luck to all


You'll do fine Jeanette! It'll go perfectly and you'll have the visa before you know it!
mercyFemaleCanada2006-12-01 21:46:00
CanadaVancouver Waiting Room...
Good luck hockeygal! Everything will be fine, I can't wait to hear about the interview and how you got the visa!
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-20 11:42:00
CanadaVancouver Waiting Room...

Nevermind apparently you can't call Vancouver :blink:
I sent them another email... hopefully I get some kind of a response today.
I would really like to know where my petition is.

Not sure why you think that you can't call Vancouver, I have called several times. I find you get much better results by calling than by emailing(they never respond to mine!). The phone number is (604)685-4311 x235 and you can call between 2-4pm Vancouver time. Hope that helps :)

Edited by mercy, 17 November 2006 - 09:32 PM.

mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-17 21:31:00
CanadaVancouver Waiting Room...

yay! interview booked for the 7th of Dec. later than i wanted but soon:) i can't wait. good luck to evryone waiting for a date and let me know if anyone gets the same day


oohh congrats Jeanette!! Great news!
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-15 19:18:00
CanadaVancouver Waiting Room...

No I should have though, I didn't realize that would have been a good idea, so I was done, but held on to it... I can send it to Vancouver ASAP though.. I'm going to ask when I call tomorrow!

It might end up being quicker for you this way anyway. From my understanding(someone correct me if I'm wrong), you can fax the checklist/DS-230 to Vancouver, so when you call you could ask if you can do this.

Yeah, Vancouver (when I called today at time and number you advised) they said I could fax it in to them... Is this the fax number I want to use "604-685-7175"

Yup, that's the one! :) I have a copy of the OF-167 form if you need it, it's the one form that Vancouver has that Montreal doesn't. They emailed it to me today, and I've posted it in the Foreign Embassy section of the board, here.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-09 19:40:00
CanadaVancouver Waiting Room...

No I should have though, I didn't realize that would have been a good idea, so I was done, but held on to it... I can send it to Vancouver ASAP though.. I'm going to ask when I call tomorrow!

It might end up being quicker for you this way anyway. From my understanding(someone correct me if I'm wrong), you can fax the checklist/DS-230 to Vancouver, so when you call you could ask if you can do this.
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-09 11:42:00
CanadaVancouver Waiting Room...

THANK YOU!!!! You have NO IDEA how much that helps, I've been trying to get that information .. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! You have given me hope!!! :D

You're very welcome :) I remember how anxious I felt when I was in that in between zone, not knowing if my case was there or lost or what. I don't know if they'll be able to schedule you an appointment until they get the hard copy of your case, but you can call and request a date before that and they can make a note of it. They mailed me my appointment letter a week after my transfer request. Did you send Montreal packet 3 back? If so, you'll probably be scheduled an appointment right away too.

Edited by mercy, 08 November 2006 - 08:36 PM.

mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-08 20:33:00
CanadaVancouver Waiting Room...

So I WAS in Montreal, but reaquested a transfer to Vancouver... On Monday.. Tuesday I e-mailed Vancouver to see if they received my case... I havn't received a response yet... I hope soon? I have my package done, accept anything that's different between Montreal and Vancouver.. and really really really really really really really want an interview the last week of November, first 2 of December, although end of December would work... We'll SEE!!!!

I did this and didn't get a response to any of my emails(I emailed every day starting a couple days after the transfer) until 8 days after I requested the transfer, but on the plus side the email had my interview date. However, I recommend calling them(be prepared to wait though); the nice guy I talked to a couple times told me that Montreal transfers the case electronically and also by mail, so they will have you in their computer system pretty much right away. The phone number is (604)685-4311 x235 and you can call between 2-4pm Vancouver time. Good luck!
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-08 19:27:00
CanadaVancouver Waiting Room...
Count me in, but hopefully only until the end of the month!
mercyFemaleCanada2006-11-08 16:48:00
CanadaDr. Howard Seiden & Associates (Toronto)
I can't believe they'd charge you for a copy of the vac supplement. It says right on it: "Give copy to applicant".
mercyFemaleCanada2007-02-20 11:03:00
CanadaI am absolutely beside myself right now...
Are you the "immigration expert" in your relationship? Meaning, are you the one who has done all the research and learning? I know that for us, that is definitely me and knowing the process made me all the more anxious and ####### about it. Joe has no clue besides what I tell him, and I think that makes it less urgent for him. He put off petitioning for a month or so, and because of it we ended up going through IMBRA hell. I really had to stay on top of him to get the affidavit of support done, both for the K1 and AOS (and he originally filled out the wrong form for the AOS affidavit). I don't think it's done to be hurtful, so much as it's not in their minds as much as opposed to us who are here everyday, reading the boards and guides and everything we can get our hands on.

Definitely tell him how it makes you feel, JenT hit the nail on the head, that's exactly how it makes you feel. And, even though it sucks to feel like a nag, stay on top of what he's supposed to be doing. Good luck!
mercyFemaleCanada2007-02-23 18:27:00

the Canadian version is different from the US version. The ingredients are different, and the Canadian tastes more cheesy. As Kath mentioned, even regular cheese here in the US isn't very cheesy. I have to agree. I usually buy imported cheese, at exhorbitant prices mind you! because anything I've ever tried that's made here in the US just doesn't resemble cheese IMO. Its like rubber and with very little flavour.

My husband thinks I'm crazy because I flat out refuse to eat "Kraft Mac & Cheese". It's so gross! He actually doesn't think that Kraft Dinner tastes different, so I'm glad to hear it's not just me. I just finally got used to the taste of US fast food, and I'm still iffy on the Chinese food here.

US grocery stores may have more "choices", but it's mostly just more packaged foods, definitely not fresh stuff. I miss the huge grocery stores of Canada. It is cheaper there though, so that's a plus. I've been our main grocery shopper for the past 10 months or so, and I still get confused about what kind of milk to buy.
mercyFemaleCanada2007-03-01 20:22:00
CanadaWedding Certificate vs. Wedding License
Why not get legally married at the court house now, and then do the big Hawaiian wedding as planned? If you want either AP or maybe your greencard (if all goes well) approved and in your hands by the end of June, you'll want to start the process ASAP. I'm pretty sure you'd get an RFE for the certificate if you sent in the license.

We got married at the court house and walked the certificate down to the registrar ourselves and had it in our hands within 5 minutes. I sent my AOS/EAD/AP out that very day.
mercyFemaleCanada2007-03-04 23:11:00
CanadaWork Authorization

Don't forget to enjoy the journey in all the rush to "get legal".... It's the one thing we insisted on.. taking time to laugh and enjoy our "legal" ceremony. I didn't want it to be just something we "did" for paperwork. But another step in our relationship and our time together. Just wanted to caution you guys in all this race to the Visa/AOS finish line :)

Totally agree. We'd already had our non-legal ceremony, so for us it felt like a technicality at that point. But if you're not planning a ceremony until later, definitely make something special out of it. Enjoy it, go out for a special dinner, have family there, whatever.
mercyFemaleCanada2007-03-09 16:26:00
CanadaWork Authorization

Mercy stole my advice :).

But to reiterate - as much as I had studied the paperwork before hand, I still neglected to realize that our joint sponsor had to give us his birth certificate and it really held us up. Just fill out ALL the forms now, that way you are ready to go the nano-second you do a civil ceremony. Also figure out now what the rules are for getting a marriage license and then getting married. What ID will you need? Is there a waiting period etc.


Great minds think alike!

Good point about joint sponsors needed proof of citizenship. I hadn't realized either, but bless my father in laws heart, he noticed it in the instructions.

It can seriously be done, we went straight from the court house to UPS and sent out the applications immediately. It just takes a little bit of prep.
mercyFemaleCanada2007-03-09 12:34:00