K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOne way or Roundtrip Ticket?

I wish i could find a 1 way 1/2 the price of the roundtrips. He is flying form turkey and every flight we have found out of there is at least $200 more for 1 way. I wish I could find that!!!!

Kayak tells me that IST to DUS is $92 on Turkish Airlines, and DUS to Fort Myers on Air Berlin is $371. I picked December 6 at random. That's less than $500.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-10-19 15:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOne way or Roundtrip Ticket?
Some airlines charge 1/2 the price of a round trip when you go one way. Two I know of and have used are Air Berlin and Southwest Airlines. If you MUST buy a RT put it for as far in the future that you can, maybe you will want to visit or go back for something you forgot. :-)
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-10-19 11:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan I combine income from 2 jobs?
The costs of the entire process surprised me but I was glad to have the funds. The 125% is one thing but the filing fees, AOS fees, not to mention medical exam, documents like birth cert and police certs, any shots needed, plane flight, you name it. It adds up fast and doesn't seem to have an end in site. Be prepared, and you may wish to go to night school or other options to get well above the 125% amount. Personally I think the 125% is way short of what we really need to get by and they are very generous to only want us to earn that little.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-10-20 11:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan I combine income from 2 jobs?
You already posted this question.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-10-19 19:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan I combine income from 2 jobs?
You need 125% unless you are in the military. A second job is a good way to make up the difference. Best start now to have some longevity by the time you need it.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-10-19 19:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed help please
The paperwork required for the UK embassy wanted ALL birth certs for our case, regardless if the kids were traveling or not. But at the interview no one even wanted or asked for them! Your daughter is not traveling with you, meaning not emigrating at all? Or will she follow later? Maybe a box got checked in error and you can say she is not going, so there is no visa for her. I take it you did not pay for a visa for her.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-10-25 11:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion I 134 and D 156
For our "evidence" we simply said we are engaged as of the date. I understand it depends on the country though, some countries are very choosy.

The total number of dependents must include yourself unless you are supported by another.

I submitted W2s and my tax summary, but they were not needed. You can go to the IRS page and request tax transcripts, it takes longer to read this post that to request the transcripts, I kid you not!!! I will submit those with the 864 for AOS.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-10-25 10:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-156 Question #37 illegal family member.
You can say he is working if you know he works. You are not sure about the status and it is not your job to determine it. If they find that he is here illegally that is entirely their matter with him and it should not affect your application. To provide complete information you can add a letter, referencing the question number, and tell them that you are unsure of his status and offer what you do know for sure. Don't guess or assume, that can make a bad thing worse and open a can of worms. Just say you don't know where you don't know.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-10-18 17:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Fiance(e) interview failed

The problem is over there at the Embassy.

As a former embassy employee I will tell you that this is NOT the best attitude to have. It is not their problem, it is your challenge. You have a higher bar to meet than those from countries like the UK or France. Past fraud and other international issues make it easy for some and hard for others. You are on the heels of those before you, and if the Embassy receives word that they have a high rate of fraudulent applicants, it is the liars and cheats who have made things hard for you. Meet their standards with respect for them and pride in yourselves. Show them you are not one of those who ruin it for everyone else. Leave them with a feeling that they know they did right by you and maybe the next honest person won't have it so hard.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-10-26 10:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures125% ,medcaid ,child support
If I was PAYING the child support and found out the funds were going to the support of your immigrant fiancee you can bet I'd be back in court asking for a reduction of the amount I have to pay. So ask yourself how good your relationship is with the other parent.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-10-26 10:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApplying for a tourist visa while awaiting NOA 2 from K1 application

I don't know, I wouldn't recommend bringing household goods when travelling to the US under a VWP. And I believe you must complete the medical in the country where you are applying for the K-1 visa. However you don't need to complete your shots for the medical before you enter the US with a K-1, you can complete them in the US.

Yes, the shots is what I meant, not the medical. Shots are way cheaper in the US.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-10-31 13:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApplying for a tourist visa while awaiting NOA 2 from K1 application

When I was waiting for our NOA2, I thought about applying for a B-2. I called the Consulate before I spent $131 on the application. I was told that for a tourist visa you need to demonstrate non-immigrant intent. As a CR-1 (and a K-1 too, practically speaking) you have clearly demonstrated your immigrant intent. As one cannot possess dual intent simultaneously (I'm not sure if we can include the H1B here), I was told not to waste my time applying for a B2 despite a prior approval and five year student visa. Tourist visas are issued on the strongest ties rule. It is very hard to overcome the issues of ties to your homeland when you have a USC spouse or fiance.

I see a great reason for a tourist visa while awaiting your K-1 visa. Come here for the medical! Varicella and the other needed shots are so cheap in the US that the shots and the plane ticket alone are less than the same shots in the UK. Yes you can get the shots here on a fiance(e) visa but if you are married I understand that you need all the shots before you come over. And why not come here to deliver household goods, or just for the holidays? I am sure there are many ways to show your stay is temporary.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-10-31 10:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApplying for a tourist visa while awaiting NOA 2 from K1 application
I agree that there should be some amount of privacy, but security always comes first. If little dividers were put up separating the interviewees maybe that would create a hiding space. Maybe plexiglass would be a solution but that may create other issues. If you wish privacy your only option may be to speak in a low voice.

Others who hear your interview will only want to learn how it goes for when it is their turn, and to the staff on the other end you are simply a number, they see too many people to remember anyone but these really zany folks. Security is first and foremost even at the cost of individual privacy.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-10-28 12:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApplying for a tourist visa while awaiting NOA 2 from K1 application
OP, there are plenty of replies here about the visa but I can answer your other question about Embassy admittance. I worked in a US Embassy as a section Deputy Chief for almost two years. The movies show that scared Americans can always run to the Embassy waving their passport and be admitted like they were visiting grandma's house. They even bring the local citizen who helped them escape and are whisked off in a helicopter to the nearest airfield and given a first class ticket out of the country. Only in the movies!

Embassies are not cities, they are office buildings. They do not have hotels, motels, or quarters for lots of people to live or stay. In face on my assignment I actually lived in the city on the economy and only went to the Embassy for work. The rest of the time I was to fend for myself. The Marine Guards are the only ones that I know of who live on the grounds 24/7. I worked late one night and forgot to inform the Marines, next thing I know I have a shotgun in my face. Security is VERY tight, even if you work there.

There are only enough office locations for us to do out job, maybe cubicles or maybe a big desk depending on who you are. There is no space for visitors other than a small library, reference room or a briefing room on the backside. This is where the scheduled visitors may be escorted. And yes, you are always escorted where ever you go regardless of your citizenship. The majority of the Embassy is locked off from those without security clearances and a need to be there.

An American overseas who needs help from the Embassy, like a missing passport, medical emergency, or other personal issue will likely never get past the same waiting room that all K1 applicants visit. For similar security reasons it is hard to get on many US military bases even in the US.

Lastly, even s an employee if I had a need to bring you on the compound, I would have to request proper clearance and you would have a very intense background check first, which may take a few weeks to get back, American or not.

The movies are fun, I get a kick out of how the good guy can scuba dive and get to a shore and have a tuxedo under his scuba gear then go on about the embassy (XXX), or how a person can run to the gates shouting "I'm an American!" and the gates simply open up and they get VIP treatment (The Saint) when in reality you need to deal with many layers of security, and government security at that, so you know the process is going to be very slow.

Some embassies have an "American Corner" where you can watch American movies or read American newspapers, it is a goodwill gesture to the public. You can ask if there is an American Corner at the Embassy in your country. Heck you may even want to see if they are hiring locals for unclassified work from security to administrative work.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-10-28 11:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhere do we start!
If you get married in the Bahamas you want to go the CR-1 route. You may want to marry on US soil, get your travel authorization then go to the Bamahas.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-11-07 12:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFood Stamps

You mean to tell me that it took you almost a week to come up with that? Really? Why did u even bother? It has already been made pretty clear what my plan is & your entire comment is irrelevant.

I was offline, getting married, signing my family up for insurance, shopping for furniture with them, and have more to do than try to convince a person why they should not go on the dole. I'll never change your attitude, I was only pointing it out.

By the way, plans? Plans are ideas with no motion. E-mail me again when you have actually DONE something.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-11-15 10:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFood Stamps

Who the hell are you to pass judgement on me?

If you do go on food stamps, then I am the guy FEEDING you. My kids don't work, they do not get allowance, they cannot buy candies. I cannot feel sorry for a person who can at least sell their computer to eat.

However you clarified that you are NOT on food stamps...yet. That's good. If you can keep it that way, fantastic. If you have to get them, well that sucks, it's never fun, but like I said, do not expect anyone to comfort you trying to start a family if you cannot care for yourself.

Oh and when I was on food stamps? ONE month was all I ever got. Less than $150. And it was me and only me.

I'd NEVER start a family I could not afford. But that's just me.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-11-14 16:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFood Stamps

Like I said, I really do appreciate everyone who was honestly trying to help. It just bothered me when comments & advice turned into passive aggressive insults.

Don't expect a lot of love when you admit being too poor to care for your own needs and now you want to saddle taxpayers with a family. Most of us here QUALIFIED with the 134 and 864 to sponsor someone and take it very seriously. You are trying to end run the system at the expense of taxpayers.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-11-08 16:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFood Stamps
If you yourself are on food stamps good luck getting a sponsor who will support you all for ten years. You are already a burden yourself, never mind dding more people.

There are publicly funded benefits that are not considered a public charge, but they are still a burden on the taxpayer. There is no way I could sponsor someone, bring them here, then put them on government services and programs to fulfill what I can not. I'd lose to much sleep and all my pride.

Many moons ago I was a welfare workers, there are loopholes for everything. You can have a 2011 Corvette and a 2011 Porsche 911, both paid off, and there are loopholes where you can still qualify for food stamps even with so much property.

I really think you need to look at yourself closely. And know what? I was homeless and on food stamps once myself. After just one issuance I swore NEVER AGAIN.

Only YOU can make that choice.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-11-07 12:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhen will I know if I need a co-sponsor?
I do not recall seeing anything saying that you have to have had the job for a certain amount of time. You need an amount for an annual income to qualify. Just the same, the question about job consistency may arise at the interview, and if you can get a co-sponsor that information can be offered if your I-134 is not enough.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-30 15:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExcessive Chat Log - Too Many Pages

Which you can't bring in to the Immigrant Visa unit at at US Embassy in the world.

It's not allowed.

Would you include it in yer packet, your casefile?

Mail it in, but they did not want/need it.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-12-13 17:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExcessive Chat Log - Too Many Pages
We selected "print to file" and put it on a CD.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-12-13 13:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMedical exam.. stupid move, dont repeat, heads up to others!
We got the kids the shots they can get for free in the UK. The rest cost wayyyy too much money, like Varicella, so we waited until they were here in the US where the shots are $10 (6 pounds 30 pence) per shot. Everything the kids needed was a little over 70 pounds. As for my fiance she is set with $220 worth of shots (about 135 pounds) that would have been a LOT more expensive in the UK.

Remember too for the AOS you only need the FIRST shot in the series. It is a good idea to complete the series of course.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-10-25 10:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI made a Bone-Head mistake
Be sure to post WHY you got the RFE in the appropriate thread for everyone else!
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-12-22 19:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI made a Bone-Head mistake
When you send something certified or registered, add a day or two onto the delivery time.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-12-21 11:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDescribe the circumstances under which you met??
I would include the dates of travel and the duration of stay. Otherwise you are spot on!
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-12-21 11:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOne-Way ticket issues
Having a Syrian stamp in your passport raises security concerns with DHS. Lots of bad guys go there to train, so when you come to the US you get asked extra questions.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-12-28 19:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOne-Way ticket issues
A one-way ticket raises concerns if you buy the day of the flight, pay cash, have no luggage, and have Syrian passport stamps. Other than that you're fine.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-12-28 18:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures11/2/2011 NOA1 date... Would 7/7/2012 be safe as a wedding date?
I used the timeline of others to estimate my time too. I knew Karen would arrive here after her birthday but before mine, and that she did. That gave is a 2 month window which was delayed by an RFE but was still timely. We were able to move up the Embassy interview date as well. You have to remain flexible. If I was planning an all-out show I would have moved the date further out to be sure. You don't know what will happen with flights, politics, etc. Hope for the best but plan for the worst.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-12-28 18:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould a beneficiary arrested once in US but no conviction expect delays?

Hello , seems like everyone here is well informed on this topic, CAN SOMEONE HELP ME ??

I am the US Petitioner, in the I - 129f there is this question that asks " Have you ever been convicted by a court of law (civil or criminal) for any of the following crimes:" then it goes on to list them. I have been convicted once but NOT for any of the crimes mentioned on the I-129f, could I answer NO to this question? The wording of the question is what confuses me.


Yep, you can say NO and mean it. They are only asking about certain crimes.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-12 14:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould a beneficiary arrested once in US but no conviction expect delays?
You can never undo an arrest. Convictions can be overturned, expunged, and thrown out. You can even downgrade certain felonies to misdemeanors after the fact. But there is no time machine. Best to admit to whatever is in your files, it WILL be found. Not disclosing anything will make them wonder about your honesty and sincerity and may slow down the process while other things are checked on you.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-12 13:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould a beneficiary arrested once in US but no conviction expect delays?
One thing to know, if the cops want to arrest you, get a lawyer! They are not going to listen to your story and say oh sorry you are right you can go now. They need to determine that for themselves through an investigation. I was once pulled over and had guns pointed at me for armed robbery. Turns out they thought I was the getaway car. Every single officer apologized to me for the close call, but know what? I did what I was told. Thee is a time to state your case and a time to shut up and do whatever you are told to do. Be patient.

Also if you get convicted of a felony in the US and are not yet a US citizen you will typically be deported to your home country. I knew an Aussie who stole a car at 18, and when he was 41 he got busted for shoplifting, they saw the felony from when he was 18 and shipped him to a country he left when he was 1 year old. This is an administrative law so there is no grandfathering.

No doubt the arrest will raise flags and it will be investigated, but that won't add weeks to the case. With today's internet and accesses online they should have all the info in no time. Not like the old days where you needed to call people to find out stuff.

Any my Aussie buddy is doing fine down under. :>
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-12 12:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo criminal accusations cause a problem for the K1?
I read about a small criminal case about a year ago where the bad guy reported to court, was very sorry it happened, it was a one time incident and he was not a career offender, and he had planned to leave the country and move to the US. The judge opted to drop the case in the interest of justice because even a shoplifting conviction will cause havoc in trying to come to the US. maybe in your case you can show your plans to emigrate and they will dismiss all the charges quickly to let you carry on. You will be out of their hair too so they have nothing to lose.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-05 14:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo criminal accusations cause a problem for the K1?
So you have an ONGOING case at the moment? I'd think you would have to close that issue before coming to the US but maybe I am wrong. When you leave your country I hope it does not follow you. I just read about a German woman living in the US who may be deported because Germany wants her arrested for something that happened years ago in Germany. Personally I'd make sure all issues were fixed before I left the country.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-05 11:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Affidavit of support

No she has none! It would only be my fiance.

With herself and your fiance then she needs to make $18,387. With 3 people, like if she supported you too, it would have to be $23,162.

Would your sister be up for this? Does she know what is involved? Make sure she is on board 100% so that she is completely willing, there are stories on these boards that once a sponsor reads the details of the I-864 they back away.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-05 16:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Affidavit of support

The thing is my sister does make $21.000 a year but this is before tax deductions. Will this be ok?!

Does she have any dependents? You need to add her and the number of people she cares for plus you.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-05 16:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Affidavit of support
Only one co-sponsor is allowed.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-05 16:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat needs from my fiance?

Isn't the fiance petition in the US only require my part to file and a letter of her intent? Then when she's called for interview, that's when the evidence kicks in? So the evidence will take place over there, no?

You can download ALL the forms you will need right now to review them. There are specifics for initial application, papers for NOA1, NOA2, Packet 3, Packet 4, POE, AOS. It feels like the same info over and over in different order.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-05 17:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat needs from my fiance?
I get certified copies of everything. Birth and marriage certs, ID cards, passport pictures, copy of passport, etc. While you are together copy EVERYTHING that you can get your hands on. if you find out later that you need something and have to write overseas to request it and wait for it to all come back, we're talking another few weeks at best.

In my case I needed birth certs for her children too, and a custody paper. we had to hire a solicitor to draw up the papers. By looking around now, you begin to see the snags that you may hit in the future and you are better prepared for them.

Having all this information is not a bad thing. Now than Karen is here and we are married, should she ever need a form for a US office, be it a home country driving license or a police report (get an extra one!), we have it. Imagine trying to offer information about the other country from here? I say while you are there get all that you can.

As you can see by the posters above, you NEED very little right now. But I say get what you can and start a file, you will soon see how quickly you need to submit other documents, and if they are right in front of you now, grab them!
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-05 14:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLondon Embassy Interviewers
See my timeline!
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-05 20:26:00