National Visa Center (Dept of State)Additional Processing?
it means you have a long wait ahead.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-17 14:07:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI need some advice

yeah ive noticed its gonna cost alot....... ive been lookin into services that help ya, but dam they are expensive

but unsure if its worth using one or doing the work ourselves

ill defo look over the forums, the more info we can get the better

will also help keep her mind at rest, shes soooooo worried

Unless you have issues that may send you to court, I suggest following the guidelines here for starters. You can post stuff here 24 hours a day (try THAT with a lawyer) and you can always buy a lawyer later. All you need to do at present is fill out forms and send some money. If you get a weird letter back then post it here and we will help. Even if you hire someone all they can really do it ask you questions, you still need to provide the data, so you are basically hiring a typist. This is a great exercise in patience and willpower!
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-05 18:22:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI need some advice

we are tryin to stay positive........ theres no way we are planning on giving up.

theres nothing we want more

Let's just say that you have come to the right place. Scour these forums and look for all the information that you can find. Read the pinned RFE thread to see what blockages you may come across. And save up your pennies, this is not going to be cheap by any means.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-05 17:56:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI need some advice

stressed? that aint the word lol i feel like my first day of school again

completly lost, just trying to figure out where to start...................... and yeah, we are going down the k1 route

When we first saw the listing of the entire process and what is involved we thought the wall of paperwork was going to stop us. Walls are there to stop those who have no desire to climb. we accepted the challenge and succeeded. The only way to lose this journey for sure is to give up trying.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-05 17:45:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI need some advice
My fiance and I submitted the paperwork in March 2011 and she was here in late September 2011. The longest 6 months of my life! Had we married first it would have taken a few months longer based on the timeline at the time.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-05 17:08:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864
If they are balking at $1,000 they need to look at the entire picture. I have spent about $12,000 already since March and there is more to come. Have they seen the entire financial picture? And yes someone needs to have a job. He is 19, is he working? Can he work a second job? Federal minimum wage is $7.25/hr which is $15,080, and he needs to make $18,388. So ne needs about $9 an hour. Can he find that opportunity anywhere?

Edited by Robert&Karen, 07 January 2012 - 01:25 AM.

Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-07 01:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionforeclosure

Asks this if you are using the real-estate as an asset, for example if income falls short of the required 125% poverty-line. You do not need to list assets if income is enough to sponsor an immigrant.

Whew, thanks. The 125% requirement is still ridiculously low. I'd love to know how to live on that amount, I'd save a bundle!
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-06-14 14:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionforeclosure
The I-134 DOES ask if you own real estate. I am at the point of losing my house and feel I may as well stop payments. I don't want to put I down negative equity.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-04-07 21:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionEmbassy/Consulate: Medical and US Travel Questions
Some of the shots for the US medical are non-standard in the UK, and my fiancee is about to have to pay 1,260 pounds for 3 the series of Hep B, Rotovirus, Chicken Pox and Influenza.

This is quite an expense and may delay her immigration for a couple months while we save for these. Anyone else have this sort of shocker, or are there other options? We did look into no immunizations as an option but that adds a serious delay and more paperwork.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-20 08:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDHL Tracking From NVC to US Embassy
I was told that to call the London Embassy would be $1.80 a minute from the UK. I use google voice and it is 2 cents a minute from the USA. FYI.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-08-17 16:21:00
US Citizenship General Discussionfilling for citizenship
The sponsor and alien are both able to collect food stamps if the
sponsor qualifies for food stamps. No liability to repay the means-
tested benefits are required while the sponsor is collecting food

"Final regulations published by FNS on November 21, 2000 (65 FR 70169)
clarified that a State agency cannot request reimbursement from the sponsor during any
period of time that the sponsor receives food stamps. If a sponsor subsequently stops
receiving food stamps, the sponsor is still not liable for benefits issued to the
sponsored immigrant during the period of time the sponsor received food stamps."

You can read all about it here: http://www.fns.usda....en_Guidance.pdf
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-06 19:08:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionCitizenship denied for lack of good moral character

How on earth does calling fellow member a thief is not a personal attack. ...

It's an education to the OP. By his words he was trying to justify his actions, as if we will all agree he is not guilty. That has already been decided, and if he has a shoplifting conviction, he IS a thief. Everyone knows it but him.

And no, you will not be deported for a misdemeanor. But did you know that planning to commit a misdemeanor is conspiracy, a felony? If I tell a buddy "Hey let's go get a couple of hookers" we just planned a crime. I hope no one was listening.

Walk the VERY straight and narrow while in GC status!
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-15 23:38:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionCitizenship denied for lack of good moral character

I think some of you have gone over the top attacking this guy.To call him a thief when you do not know the facts of the case is not fair.He/she was simply asking for advice on how to proceed, not for people to sit in judgement and issue personal attacks.I want to apologize that you posted something here and this is the response you got.VJ is better than that.Sorry.As far as your situation, I dont know how to proceed.

He was arrested and paid a fine, which means he was convicted. He admitted taking something out of the store for which he did not pay. The fact he left something there on his own accord does not make this a valid exchange or purchase. He tried to play it down in the original post, which means denial, which can be worse than the crime itself. Covering out of shame is understandable, but then why come here.

Regardless, for petty crimes like shoplifting you can indeed simply get a ticket for it, like a traffic citation. Every case is different but here is a typical scenario. You show up in court and if it is your first offense the tendency today is to give you a slap on the wrist. A small fine, maybe community service, maybe 2 hours in jail, tops. After a short informal probationary period, and if you have not broken more laws, you can change your plea to not guilty, and the matter is dismissed. In California this is under section 1203.4 of the penal code.

Then if an employer asks if you were convicted you can legally say no. Arrested? Yes. But they are not to ask that. Now if you apply to the government for work, yes you were convicted but it was dismissed under the code mentioned. Be up front. You can write to the Dept of Justice and request a copy of your rap sheet if you don't know what the details are.

Solution? Get ALL the information you can on the case, review it, and know it. It happened, do not deny that fact. You were convicted, do not deny that fact. We are no longer covering what you did or did not do, we are covering events of the past as recorded. The FBI keeps all the records in databases that never go away and every government agency can examine. You can be that anytime you sign a government form with fine print that they can pull that data.

I'm sorry that you misunderstood the needs to be clear. Hopefully your record has remained untarnished ever since and you stay out of other troubles, and thus show that you are a credit to this country and an honorable person after all.

Just so you know, if you ever steal from the same store chain again (I know you won't, so this is good trivia), and they see you have a shoplifting conviction from that store, you can count on a charge of burglary and deportation if you are not a citizen.

I used to work plainclothes security in major dept stores.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-15 12:35:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionCitizenship... or not?
My mother came here in 1965 and thought her green card never expired. Back then the cards were indeed green and did not have an expiration date on it. She registered every year at the post office as required. Well then she went to Canada in 2005 and on the way back was stopped by Customs because of her old GC. She eventually got in but it was quite the hassle and she had to start the GC process again for a new card. She asked me about becoming a citizen instead because it was such a hassle.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-10-26 10:21:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionProof of Anullment of Prior Marriages
I would include the present marriage. It could be written better. If there is enough room I'd put: 1 (current)
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-12-14 17:36:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionProof of Anullment of Prior Marriages
Yes, put N/A or Never Married. The block needs an entry one way or another.

NEVER leave something blank that they can ask about later!

Edited by Robert&Karen, 14 December 2011 - 03:39 PM.

Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-12-14 15:39:00
US Citizenship General Discussionpassport application over the holidays
They're moving pretty quickly now. I sent in my renewal for normal speed and got it back in ten days. I feel your pain, sending original documents and all, but the system works well as long as you included all that they wanted at the start.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-03 14:56:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionChange Name
Take your marriage certificate to the DMV for a new license and the social security office for a new card. When you apply for citizenship submit your new last name and the marriage cert.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-05 18:28:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - Receipt of paid traffic ticket in NYC?

Thank you for the response, I got the print out of the checks i paid, its shows the ticket numbers I hope USCIS accepts this.

The fact that you are putting forth an effort will count for you when there is doubt in the incident.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-18 15:47:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - Receipt of paid traffic ticket in NYC?
If you paid by check contact your bank.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-12-19 13:02:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - Receipt of paid traffic ticket in NYC?
Can you go to the DMV and get a printout of your driving record? That will show if you have anything outstanding. Also how did you pay? Personal check (hopefully)? Usually such records are purged after time. I had to prove I paid a ticket 4 years after the fact and the bank no longer exists. It involved a lot of legwork.

Maybe go to the ticket pay office and say you want to PAY OFF an old ticket. That will get their attention. Then when they see that you owe nothing, say you do not believe them and want a printout.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-12-18 13:52:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionTAX RETURNS

Why the killing of more trees? :no:

They grow on trees!
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-22 01:36:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionTAX RETURNS
My tax return for last year was over 40 pages. Much easier to send the transcripts. You can order them online to be mailed to you and in the time you read this post you can be done with one year, honest.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-20 16:18:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWhat to wear for the interview?
Events like this do not happen every day! If you dress better you will feel better.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-26 19:38:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionQuestions about USCIS Interview
There's an app for that.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2012-02-08 20:01:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionQuestion on N-400 part 8, letter D

If your spouse became a U.S. citizen by Act of Law, meaning automatically when his parents naturalized, then he himself never naturalized. If he never naturalized, he never received a Certificate of Naturalization. If he never received a Certificate of Naturalization, his parents can't have lost his. If they claim they did, they are wackos.

They can apply for a "Certificate of Citizenship" for their kid. I can get one but a US Passport works just fine. If he had no passport and has to prove his derived citizenship, then the parents need to supply their naturalization papers.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2012-02-10 20:22:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionQuestion on N-400 part 8, letter D
Just include the passport (all pages and covers) and state that he has "derived citizenship" and I see no issues with that.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2012-02-09 13:28:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionQuestion on N-400 part 8, letter D
I have my citizenship through my parents (derived citizenship) and use my passport as verification. No certificate of any sorts was ever issued to me. I just use my passport and no one has questioned that.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2012-02-09 13:17:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionTime Outside the U.S.
As the petitioner I too had to list time outside the US right down to specific address and phone number. Ever try that in a wear zone? What do I say, that I was in the third foxhole on the left? Do your best with the forms and cover letters can explain everything in detail.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2012-03-07 12:44:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionTime Outside the U.S.
What you posted here sounds perfect. Maybe you can narrow down the trips to summer time or other specific times of year? I think what you wrote is explanation enough. I think the length of time spent in Canada is more important than the number of visits however. Get as much detail as you can recall and run with that.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2012-03-06 13:40:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionUSCIS contacted after became a US citizen
Click on REPLY to the email and I bet it goes elsewhere. Spammers do that to get your info.

Edited by Robert&Karen, 16 March 2012 - 11:07 AM.

Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2012-03-16 11:07:00
CanadaReceived an email
Well it seems legit them with the references from the government. I think they could be a little clearer in the email they send out, otherwise this never would have been a question. The fact they do not allow replies, hmmm. Then again I bet they'd be flooded with questions about things they don't know. They should have a link back to the Embassy instruction page on theirs.

Oh well, no harm done, pays to check twice! Good luck with your journey!
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-11-16 12:26:00
CanadaReceived an email

Again, please be careful when replying to embassy specific questions if you do not have experience with the embassy.

Plenty of folks try to make a buck with the needs of Embassy customers, some legitimately and some by scamming. I'm not saying this is not one of the legit services, but there is nothing on the page to say that it is the ONLY way to go. Now if the US Department of State tells you to use the site, fine. It would be nice to see some official reference to this private business somewhere.

As for my experiences with Embassies, I used to work in an Embassy as a section Deputy Chief.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-11-16 12:07:00
CanadaReceived an email is NOT a government website. It is owned by:

Computer Sciences Corporation
Wearne, Kenneth
15000 Conference Center Drive
Chantilly, Virginia 20151
United States

The domain was created 24 June 2009.

I suggest you contact the Embassy to see if this is an AUTHORIZED and PREFERRED method of visa delivery. This may be a guy just making a buck and you can choose from many delivery services.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-11-16 11:26:00
Could just be a brand name....
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-25 00:19:00
CanadaK2 interviews in Montreal
For what it's worth, when we had biometrics a few weeks ago they took one fingerprint from each kid and had them write/sign their name on a scan pad. of course the letters are all horked up and as it was not a pen the kids did really bad, like writing on air. Just odd that they wanted this from a 5 and 6 year old.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-26 13:18:00
CanadaK2 interviews in Montreal
Though our interview was in London, Karen took the 5 and 6 year old with her. The interviewer did ask the kids some basic questions, and since kids don't tend to lie very honest answers were given which can't hurt. The train to London was 3 hours, and it was quite an expensive day, but it also helped in letting them feel the entire process and educating them on how they are a part of it.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-26 12:46:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionForm I-751 Denied for my Wife! WTF!?
She will be on a utility bill as soon as possible, that seems to be a biggie here for establishing residence. Taxes will be joint effective 2011. DEERS will be soon after, and I thought that would be the one to set it in stone!
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-16 12:48:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionForm I-751 Denied for my Wife! WTF!?

OP - the "big" ones you missed in your evidence submission are joint taxes and joint lease/mortgage. A lot of people have reported sending in the RFE and getting approval within days.

With housing prices today I refuse to saddle my fiance with the burden of my house!
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-16 10:49:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionForm I-751 Denied for my Wife! WTF!?
As a serviceman myself, we both know there is no such thing as too much documentation when it comes to the USG. I'd get EVERY bit of evidence I could and overwhelm them with data to show how erroneous their original claim of no relationship is. Photographs, emails, you name it. In fact in the two years my fiance and I have been together we traded over 10,000 emails. When we marry I will put her on every document I have. I figured DEERS would suffice but it looks like it doesn't, that's an odd one. Get statements from friends and relatives and ANYTHING that shows you two as a legitimate couple.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-15 12:12:00