K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow many times have you visited your fiance?
I'm going back in 8 days to visit her for 6 days. While a plane ticket costs money, it turns out I can ship plenty of stuff back with me for free as excess baggage, and it comes out that my trip is actually CHEAPER than postage for the items, plus we get 6 days together!
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-08-26 14:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow many times have you visited your fiance?
Jimbo, I can see from the bios of folks here that I'm an old guy at 48, even though my fiance makes me feel 17. I have a solid career, racked up tons of frequent flyer miles for work, and can budget the money to go visit. When you are young you have plenty of time and not enough money. When you get older you have plenty of money and not enough time!

Do not expect limited visits to count against you. I even had a customs agent ask men on a returning trip me how I could afford to travel so much. Watch Kayak and Priceline for cheap plane flights, plan your visit to coincide with holidays (I stretched two 3-day weekends into 9 days off straight), and cut back on other expenses at home.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-08-10 12:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow many times have you visited your fiance?
She was in the US once, I was in the UK five times.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-08-10 10:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNow it's a waiting game!!!
Hi Mark! Plan on about a year from the UK, you can see my timeline below.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2012-03-06 01:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFiance sucks!!

That sucks, but glad that you found out NOW.

Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-03 13:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
When I logon now I see that most of us are through the entire process, and the newbies are asking the same questions that we did. Ebb and flow.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2012-03-22 11:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2012-03-02 18:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
The GC was mailed yesterday. If we get it tomorrow it will be 365 days from start to finish!
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2012-03-01 12:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
We need a one year anniversary party in 36 days! :dance:
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-25 12:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
Someone start a March 2011 filers thread in the AOS section and post a link!
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-11-28 11:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
Once we are all in the states then we will all be doing the AOS bit...what board on this forums is the next one we should all be reviewing?
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-11-22 11:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
After the plane tickets, the many visits to the UK, the honeymoon in Vegas, hey I will have memories. We can all remember something awesome about 1998 but may not remember how much money we had in the bank. That shows what is truly important. I am just glad I can afford to make the memories.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-11-15 20:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
Filing AOS next here, going to be $2340 for 3 GCs. That will make for a thin Christmas.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-11-15 18:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
Getting married in 9 days, sooo happy, it will be March 2012 before we know it!
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-11-02 12:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
I wish our header info to the left of this post at least mentioned the state where we all moved to!
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-10-25 11:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
Today we are getting social security cards and more shots. We have the shot records from the UK and the list of what the medical inspector told us, so we ought to be fine. Once we get the shots then we search for a civil surgeon to transcribe the data to the right paper for AOS.

I wish we had insurance already. The kids! Oh my they are 5 and 6 and in the 2 weeks they have been here we already had a nasty fall (no broken bones but lots of scuffs), a dump on the head, a bite from a dog, and a finger in a mousetrap. Of course we TELL the kids about the mousetrap, we SHOW them what it does, but of course one of them always has to figure it out on their own!

School starts back up on the 25th so we will be ready for that. The kids want Halloween so that's a plan.

We're doing family things, we have never been so happy. VJ made the move entirely painless and we knew what to expect every step of the way as a result. Onward!
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-10-13 10:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
And I have to work today. I so look forward to 4:30pm!
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-30 12:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
I picked up Karen and the kids this evening at 5pm at LAX! WOOHOO! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-30 00:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
Karen is in the air now. Together forever in 10 hours! :dance:
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-29 08:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
I have to say that I am so glad this is coming to a close, the waits, all the long waits between the NOAs and the interviews and gathering paperwork, I will about feel like I have retired from a job after this! Exasperating! I feel like I am watching a movie, the kind with a tense exciting part where you want to stand on the chair and scream and the screen, yep I feel like that, I am cheering on the airlines, the postman, the movement of the sun across the sky to close one more day that my fiance and I must be apart, rooting on the next day, encouraging everything ro progress rapidly, as much as possible, to the every second that we are united once again and this time forever. Only then can I truly sleep in peaceful bliss. :dance:
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-26 18:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
Aww rats. Had I bought the plane ticket yesterday it'd be HALF the price. I waited to get confirmation that the visa is enroute, then the flight was not available at all and the next one is 3 days later for double. I guess there are worse things. She will be here in a week!
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-22 12:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
I say that we keep using this thread and helping one another all the way through to citizenship! Then we can look back at all our hard work and let out a collective WHEW!
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-21 22:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
This is great, we have been able to hang together in this forums from NOA1 to the interviews! It's like we all went to school together! :thumbs:
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-21 15:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
We need a reunion once we are all stateside.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-15 16:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

got packet 4 today!! :) my interview is on the 20th of september! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: So excited!! haha

You only have to wait 5 days? Lucky you!
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-15 10:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
WOOHOO this is great news! Please tell us how long it took to get to you once approved!
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-12 11:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
I'm in the UK again this week visiting my fiance, will also bring back lots of stuff as my luggage, much cheaper to fly with it than mail it! Also, we are even deeper in love, we can't wait for her interview, everything about us is oh so right!
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-09-05 12:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

VISA in handPosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image yahoooooooooooo so excited!!!

11 days to get it?
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-08-27 17:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
You're all invited to my house on our 1 year anniversary. :-)
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-08-21 15:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
All of us March filers should be seeing interviews pretty soon. I feel like everyone here is my extended family!
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-08-20 19:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
You'll be disrobing completely so don't wear anything complicated.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-08-19 17:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
What does it take to bring a dog here? Some countries have a quarantine of several months.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-08-18 12:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
For us we needed the police certificate in hand for the medical exam, so first things first. We ordered all the records needed once we received Packet 3, then got the police cert and medical, then submitted the forms. We also knew shots were needed so those were started very early on. They have to be given in 3 stages with a waiting time in between them. Some of the things need to be done in a certain order, you can always knock some of the stuff out of the way.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-08-13 00:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
We mailed packet 3 to the Embassy on August 1st, registered mail, and it was signed for on August 2nd at 7:56am. Today we call for the status and they say they have not received it yet and to wait two more weeks. Is the internal mail that busy? Are they just blowing us off? I mean I do not expect them to get the packet at 7:56 and be ready for us at 8:56, but I'd expect them to track the registered mail. Does anyone else have any experience in this area? Are we worrying for nothing?
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-08-10 10:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
Sent the packet to the Embassy, they got it on the 2nd but have not logged it in yet, they said to give it 2-3 weeks after receipt. I hope that means we get an interview a week later!

Just paid for 3 visas over the phone, total was $1,050, so glad I have nickels put aside for just this.

More innoculations tomorrow, poor kids!
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-08-09 10:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
Well the letter had one list to send back as well as a reference to a website, which had a different list of the forms to keep or to send back. So we called them this morning and they said to send ALL the paperwork in but keep the documentation such as birth certs, etc. So today off it all went in one package.
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-08-01 16:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
We got the police certificate, it said NO TRACE which is what we expected!
Packet 3 goes back Monday. Also will call the Embassy to verify WHAT they want back, the letter said one thing, the online notes say another, and this forum a different reference yet.
Medical is Thursday.

With any luck the interview will be late August or sooner!
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-30 17:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
Police cert requested, medical appointment set, visa forms being filled out today, woohoo!
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-22 12:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Is London still booking 4 months out? I know Montreal is in November now, still hoping I can get in there. I want to be with my love for Christmas!

FOUR MONTHS? :blink: Are you kidding me? For real? :(
Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-19 18:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
I called on the 8th after no VNC results after the NOA2 for 4 weeks. They said it was all done on the 7th. Today I get a letter saying it has been sent to London, and the letter is dated the 8th.

Robert&KarenMaleUnited Kingdom2011-07-15 21:21:00