Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Romania!!!

Wow, ce ma bucur ca pot discuta cu tine this pet issue! Eu am o stare ca, nu am asa emotii de zbor, nu imi fac probleme de oboseala, nu una nu alta, dar ma gandesc la catel non stop si cum va fi ptr ea acest prim zbor!! Si eu imi iau catelul cu mine in cusca, sus in avion si nu la cala.Thank God !!!! E un teckel mic, are pana in 5 kg, deci e ok sa o iau.As vrea sa stiu, daca ma poti ajuta din experienta sotiei, cu cateva idei, cum se simte catelusul in timpul zborului? Doarme? Mananca? A mea este destul de cuminte, si daca eu sunt langa ea, este cea mai fericita.Deci nu latra, nu e galagioasa, si ma asculta. Mi-e teama sa nu ii fie rau, sau ceva de genul.Voi ce cusca imi recomandati? Plastic sau soft material? Inca nu am cumparat una, trebuie sa cumpar cat mai curand.Good luck to you si astept raspunsurile tale,sunt tare stresata pe subiectul asta ptr ca tin enorm de mult la ea si vreau ca totul sa fie bine.
Numai bine si mult succes in continuare!! :thumbs:

Noi am cumparat o cusca soft, nu din plastic. Sa nu iti faci griji pentru ca totul va fi bine, al nostru catel care de obicei latra si musca, a fost cuminte ca un mielusel pe avion. Binenteles ca a stat tot timpul in cusca mai putin in timpul escalelor cand i se dadea apa si mancare foarte foarte putina pentru a nu avea surprize in timpul zborului. :)
Never_lose_hopeMaleRomania2010-08-20 02:32:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Romania!!!

Am cautat bilet si la LOT, dar din pacate nu am gasit nimic convenabil pentru ultimul segment (Chicago sau Minneapolis - Omaha); fie era peste 300 USD :blink: , fie nu imi acorda destul timp pentru customs. Eu am lucrat la o agentie de turism si mi-am pus si colegii sa caute solutii :innocent: luck :(. Nico zboara cel mai des cu Delta, dar biletul la ei costa peste 1350 USD, asa ca a trebuit sa ma declar multumita cu cei 1000 platiti celor de la AA. Cel mai important e sa avem zboruri fara palpitatii :D . Abia astept sa ne povestesti cum a fost ;)

Sfatul meu este sa il rogi pe viitorul sot sa iti caute bilet, pentru ca, cu siguranta va fi mult mai ieftin daca este cumparat de acolo. Ma rog deja e cumparat biletul si in fond si la urma urmei cel mai important lucru e sa fiti impreuna cat mai repede nu sa pierzi timpul cautand bilete de avion. Asta e bine de stiut pentru urmatoarele persoane care se vor afla in aceasta postura. :). Exista si in state agentii, unele la care lucreaza chiar romani si care spre deosebire de cei din Romania mai si negociaza pretul biletului. :dance:
Never_lose_hopeMaleRomania2010-08-19 13:15:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Romania!!!

Alexsa, off...daca vorbeam mai devreme iti recomandam de unde si cum sa iti cumperi biletul.Eu l-am cumparat direct de la LOT Airline, e compania Poloniei, si am observat ca in perioada asta toate preturile sarisera fff tare la majoritatea companiilor.Dar exista un glitch, spre ex eu mi-am cumparat bilet Buc-NY ( cu escala la Varsovia) cu $584, si apoi mi-am cumparat bilet NY-FL ( destinatia finala) cu inca $100. Asta inseamna ca mi-am cumparat biletul singura , pe doua segmente. Asta fac de fapt si companiile cand vand, numai ca te mai incarca la pret. Deci biletul meu ajunge la un total de $700, Buc-FL. Si, daca nu ma insel , tot LOT oferea bilete cu POE in Chicago, daca iti este mai aproape.
Ptr cei interesati, biletul ptr catel ma costa cu totul $300, mi se pare f scump, biletul meu din NY spre Fl e egal cu pretul biletului ei , lol, dar asta e, trebuie sa o iau. Te pup si eu si mult noroc, si keep in touch!!

Sotia mea a avut aceeasi experienta cu catelul.Acum cand va veni inapoi in Ro biletul dus intors este 200 usd, cert este ca acum nu mai trebuie sa cumpere cusca pentru catelusa(pechineza) care va sta binenteles cu ea si nu la burta avionului. Mult succes si sa ai un zbor placut. :)
Never_lose_hopeMaleRomania2010-08-19 13:06:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Romania!!!
12.08.2010 I-130 Touched
12.08.2010 I-129F Touched

We are so happy. :)).
My hubby just finished the phone call with USCIS and asked about our case. She is intending to come in November in Romania and to go back together in LA. The answer was very simple. Time line of USCIS is maximum five months but usualy earlyer at CSC. They have advice my hubby to wait in US until the process at NVC will finish(maximum 3 months) and after that to go in Romania. :dance:

Never_lose_hopeMaleRomania2010-08-18 14:52:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Romania!!!

Dragele mele Sunshine & Lore...multumesc mult pentru gandurile bune, incurajarile along the way, sfaturile...Cine ne poate intelege mai bine decat cineva care trece prin exact aceleasi etape ca si noi, care moare de dorul celui drag si numara zilele pana la ziua cea mare? :yes: Ziua mea a venit si sunt fericita sa o share with you. La interviu m-am intalnit cu o alta VJ ca si noi (profilul este al viitorului sot, cetatean american), ne-am imbratisat si felicitat la sfarsit si ma gandeam...ce fain ar fi fost sa fi fost si voi in sala. Stiu ca va veni in curand si ziua in care voi veti fi stelutele :star: (merci Elena B-) ) si eu ma voi bucura pentru voi.

Despre interviu, am scris in mare in review. Toate intrebarile la care ma asteptam, toate prejudecatile pe care stiam ca le vor avea...le-au avut :blush: . Sunshine, consulul ajungea la faza cu doar "cunostinta" de la viza de turist, dar m-a luat pe ocolite. M-a intrebat cand am aplicat pentru viza (desi stia, pt ca am vazut ca avea si actele mele vechi cu el) apoi, asa ingenuu comenteaza "deci ti-ai vazut logodnicul si atunci in Noiembrie". Asta era capcana. I-am raspuns ca acea calatorie a fost in primul rand in scopul declarat atunci si anume "professional conference" asta l-a mai linistit putin. Ideea este ca atunci cand el crede ca te prinde cu ceva si te intreaba daca ai cum sa explici acel fapt, sa-i raspunzi, "da, pot explica". Sunt amabili si asculta ce ai de spus.

Din ce am putut auzi in jurul meu, cazurile au fost destul de usoare; mai existasera persoane care aplicasera pentru o viza (alta cred), dar cu un alt partener si, desi candva fusesera respinsi, n-au avut probleme deloc acum. Chiar nu sunt pusi sa respinga daca aveti explicatii pentru toate particularitatile cazului vostru, va fi bine! :thumbs:

Va pupacesc cu drag si astept vesti bune :thumbs:

Felicitari!!! Ma bucur foarte tare pentru voi. Speram in curand sa te urmam si noi, ceilalti membrii ai VJ, sa nu mai stam departe de familiile noastre pentru ca e insuportabil, stiu prin ce ati trecut.
Never_lose_hopeMaleRomania2010-08-18 11:54:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Romania!!!

de la ambasada primim doar pachetul 3, cu instructiunile si niste formulare de completat (pe care oricum le poti completa online si downloada). nu vine cu confirmare de primire...te vei trezi cu el in cutia postala, dar recomand sa-l trimiti inapoi cu confirmare de primire. De asemenea, daca din orice motiv nu primesti pachetul, completeaza formularele, contacteaza ambasada fie prin telefon, fie la intreaba-i daca poti trimite formularele. Asta insa doar dupa ce stii sigur ca a ajuns dosarul tau la ambasada. Best of luck!

Thanks for the info. Good luck.
Never_lose_hopeMaleRomania2010-08-12 06:35:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Romania!!!

Noi suntem inca in Initial Review online :D. Nu va bazati prea mult pe statusul online. In cazul nostru, estimarea timeline-ului a fost perfecta, deci daca si in cazul vostru va fi la fel, veti fi impreuna pana la sfarsitul anului! mult, mult succes! :thumbs:

Inseamna in acest caz ca in curand trebuie sa ne apucam sa dam telefoane sa vedem stadiul in care se afla petitiile. Nu ne grabim prea tare pentru ca biletul de avion e luat pentru 25 Noiembrie so we have plenty of time to wait for the approval. :). Intrebare, plicurile de la ambasada vin cu confirmare de primire? Intreb deoarece eu sunt mai tot timpul plecat , din cauza jobului si mi-e cam frica sa nu cumva sa vina si sa nu pot sa il primesc :).
Never_lose_hopeMaleRomania2010-08-12 06:11:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Romania!!!

Multumesc! Sa fie! Recunosc: mi s-a strans stomacul de emotii si parca si putina teama. For some reason, nu ma simt pregatita...Poate tocmai pentru ca s-au miscat asa repede toate. Sper sa fie bine! Multa bafta in continuare!

Multumim la fel. Noi suntem la initial review din 4 August pentru viza K3. Speram sa mearga repede sa facem sarbatorile in LA. Pentru CR1 inca nici un update pe USCIS :(. Oricum noi vrem sa fim cat mai repede impreuna si ne-am bucura sa fie aprobat mai repede I 129F pentru ca dureaza mai putin la NVC :).
Never_lose_hopeMaleRomania2010-08-12 05:31:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Romania!!!
Felicitari, foarte repede au mers actele la voi :). Succces la interviu.
Never_lose_hopeMaleRomania2010-08-12 05:11:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Romania!!!

Bine ai venit si mult succes!!! :thumbs:

Multumim, si aceleasi ganduri le impartasim pentru toti cei aflati in aceasta situatie si care stiu ce inseamna sa fi departe de familia ta. :). Din spusele sotiei am putea avea putin noroc datorita alegerilor ce vor avea loc in USA, astfel sa rezulte un timp mai bun la procesarea dosarelor noastre. Succese maxime tuturor :).
Never_lose_hopeMaleRomania2010-08-10 04:44:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Romania!!!

Si eu am auzit ca e un val de fast approvals care mai tine cam pana in iarna. Deci e bine, ne prinde si pe noi.
Plus, au schimbat adresa catre care trebuie trimise petitiile, toate merge in Texas acum. Spun ei, pe, ca schimbarea asta va aduce cu sine mai multa eficienta in procesare, deci se vor misca mai repede. Fingers crossed. :P

Nu stiu daca sa ne bucuram inca sau nu dar am trimis I 129F in 28 Iulie si in 5 August am primit case number-ul. Am verificat pe USCIS si surpriza , este vizibil spre deosebire de I 130 la care din 18 Iulie este NOA1 si pe internet inca nimic.

I 129 F - Initial review

On August 4, 2010, we received this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E) and request that the filing fee be waived. The filing fee has been waived and we have mailed you a notice describing how we will process your case. Please follow any instructions on this notice. This case is being processed at our CALIFORNIA SERVICE CENTER location. You will be notified by mail when a decision is made, or if the office needs something from you. If you move while this case is pending, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address or contact our customer service center at 1-800-375-5283.

During this step, USCIS initiates the background checks of the applicant/petitioner and identifies issues that may need to be addressed either during an interview or by asking the applicant/petitioner to submit additional information or documentation. USCIS reviews the applicant's/petitioner's criminal history, determines if there are national security concerns that need to be addressed, and reviews the application/petition for fraud indicators
If you have filed an I-485, I-589, I-751, N-400, I-90, I-821, I-131 or I-765, you can expect to receive an appointment notice to appear at an Application Support Center to have your fingerprints and/or photographs taken. The timing of your appointment is determined by the number of applicants ahead of you that also need a biometric appointment. We try to schedule biometric appointments as quickly as possible and in most cases you will receive your appointment notice within 30 days of submitting your application. We will send your appointment notice approximately 14 days ahead of your scheduled appointment. It is important that you keep this appointment. If absolutely necessary, you can request that your appointment be rescheduled however, please be aware that rescheduling may delay the processing of your application. Please follow the instructions on your appointment notice if you need to reschedule. Occasionally, you may receive an appointment notice to appear at an Application Support Center to have your fingerprints taken when you have filed a form other than those listed above. In these situations, you may receive your appointment notice more than 30 days after submitting your application or petition.
Never_lose_hopeMaleRomania2010-08-10 04:25:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Hello Romania!!!

si noi di ro asteptam NOA2

In aceeasi situatie ne aflam si noi.Speram sa treaca timpul cat mai repede sa putem fi impreuna.Succes tuturor familiilor sau viitoarelor familii.
Never_lose_hopeMaleRomania2010-08-06 15:20:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanEMAIL & USCIS WEBSITE - I-130 APPROVED!!!!

Just letting everyone know I received this email tonight. Whooooo Hooooo!!! On to NVC!!! :dance: :dance:


The last processing action taken on your case



Your Case Status: Post Decision Activity

On November 3, 2010, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I130 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN. Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283

Never_lose_hopeMaleRomania2010-11-04 00:44:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2

no idea.
You'll have to wait until 'others' who transferred, report some status, and then study their timelines.

Never_lose_hopeMaleRomania2010-11-08 03:59:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 and I-129F approved together

Hi Mehdi,

So, what happened with your case. I'm in the same situation. Did they close your I-129f?

Take a look at the signature of Mehdi and you will have your answer . :)
Never_lose_hopeMaleRomania2010-12-03 01:17:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIn need of tips, moving to US from Sweden

It sounds like you meet the requirements for Direct Consular Filing (DCF), there is a forum for this topic. I suggest you check it out.

Also those things that you have heard!... they are mostly wrong, so please read the guides and study this topic here:
Marriage Based Immigration Choices
for Non-US Citizen fiancé(e) or spouse living overseas


Never_lose_hopeMaleRomania2011-04-25 16:37:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionI am an AMERICAN Citizen now
Congratulation !!!
Never_lose_hopeMaleRomania2010-12-07 20:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVermont Service Center

I'm stressing out over this too!!!! I see that 5 people got NOA2s from CSC on the 19th...and VSC had 1 on the 17th...Its slowing down sooo much, just when its time for us Aug people to be getting approved *cries*

If anyone has info on this PLEASE post

Take a lock at Igor's list :thumbs: http://www.visajourn...tion=3&sortby=1
Never_lose_hopeMaleRomania2010-11-22 12:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC email format
Congrats for your NOA2.

Edited by Never_lose_hope, 22 March 2011 - 06:59 AM.

Never_lose_hopeMaleRomania2011-03-22 06:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresReceived NOA2 but again a transfer notice e-mail and Text

I just called the USCIS and spoke with an Agent. I asked what is the status of my case , she replied " case got transferred and it is in Initial Review" ... then I explained that mine was already approved and now it is saying "transferred" so what happened? Lady did not have an answer . she transferred me to an Officer.. She verified all the Information and stated that It was a glitch in the system , the transfer was done on November 2 from Texas to to California) , system is sending that information to me via e-mail and text( funny thing is I never got a e-mail and text when it was originally transferred)
Currently my Application approved and it is in the process of transferring to NVC. Officer told that they understand my application took more than usual time and hope NVC will Expedite it ... ( I don't know is it true). Application will get transferred to NVC within 30 days of approval.
Ok guys tell me if you guys got a different answer and we will see how it is going to get processed in NVC.

Thank You...

Never_lose_hopeMaleRomania2011-02-28 12:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresReceived NOA2 but again a transfer notice e-mail and Text
I have the same problem, approved on 17 and email on 27. But since we have the NOA2 I think that is some problem at USCIS database. :bonk: :bonk: :bonk:
Never_lose_hopeMaleRomania2011-02-28 10:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI just got my NVC case number and IIN

I just got my NVC case number and IIN. Should I email DS 3032 right now or have to wait? When should I send DS3032 form? What about AOS fee and immigration fee? Can anyone tell me what to do? Your advice will be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Give them a call and give them email addresses. Then you can email your choice of agent the email version below:
Subject: <NVC Case Number - Beneficiaries Name>

NVC Case No: <NVC Case Number>
CIS Case No: <USCIS Case Number> or <NOA Receipt Number>
Petitioner's Name: <Petitioner's Name LAST FIRST MI>
Petitioner's Date of Birth: <MONTH DD, YYYY> i.e. January 01, 1951
Beneficiary's Name: <Beneficiary's Name LAST FIRST MI>
Beneficiary's Date of Birth: <MONTH DD, YYYY> i.e. January 01, 1951

Declaration of Choice of Address and Agent for Immigrant Visa applicant

To whom it may concern:
My name is <beneficiaries name>, my visa case number is # <NVC Case Number>.
Per the DS-3032 (Choice of Address and Agent for Immigrant Visa Applicants), I would like to appoint my <Husband/Wife> as my agent of choice to receive all future correspondence from the U.S. Department of State. <His/Her> contact information is provided below:
Name: <Petitioner's Name LAST FIRST MI>
<Petitioner's Address Line 1>
<Address Line 2> (optional)
<Address Line 3> (optional)
<City>, <State/Province>, <Postal Code>
Phone: <Petitioner's Phone Number>
Email: <Petitioner's E-mail Address>
All mail from the U.S. Department of State concerning my immigrant visa should be sent to the address above.
Please let me know if you need additional information. Thank you for your help.
Sincerely yours,
<Beneficiary's Name LAST FIRST MI>
Telephone: <Beneficiary's Telephone>
Email: <Beneficiary's Email>

After that you have to wait AOS invoice and pay it online, then after the acceptance of your email appointing the agent, agent will get IV invoice that must be payed when available online at . Then you can print the cover sheets and send the AOS and IV(DS-230). After that you just wait for CC and interview appointment letter. Hope this helps you. Good luck.
Never_lose_hopeMaleRomania2011-03-05 04:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA'2 Text and E-mail No hard Copy

Good afternoon:
Last week i recived the txt and E-mail however im still haven't got the hard Copy .

Any idea of why?
Should i call the CSC?
F/R& J

First thing I will do is call 603-334-0700 at NVC and try to find my NVC case number.The NOA2 will come for shore by mail, but you can find out NVC case number using USCIS NOA1 number witch is the same as NOA2 number. Please follow this link for more info. http://www.visajourn.../page__st__1225
Never_lose_hopeMaleRomania2011-03-08 16:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Package for CR1

Ok... I have paid my fees at NVC and am My wife's agent.. Now I am told she must fill out and submit an application for immigrant visa. So I thought I had done that at USCIS level, must be done again??? Also what else needs to go in the package when I send it to NVC in New hampshire?? Just want to make sure I am doing everything correctly.. Maybe I am slow but the next phase seems vague to me. Appreciate any help.. Thanks and good luck to all.. Jimu07

Follow this guide. And good luck :thumbs: http://www.visajourn...p/EZGuideSpouse
Never_lose_hopeMaleRomania2011-04-20 21:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures2 yrs or 10 yrs visa

You can try and ask the Consulate for an IR-1 and see what they say. Some Consulates have agreed to grant an IR-1 if it's very close to the 2-year wedding anniversary (but normally, no more than just a few days and as long as the intended travel date is past the 2-year mark).
Alternatively, if you can delay your travel to the US until after your 2-year anniversary, then you can ask the Immigration Officer at the border to stamp your passport with an unconditional permanent residency stamp. This has been done successfully by some people here on VJ.
A third alternative would be to try and reschedule your interview for after the 2-year anniversary, in which case they'll have to automatically consider you for an IR-1. But be sure to remind them, because they may still think they're processing you for a CR-1.

:thumbs: I think the second one is the best
Never_lose_hopeMaleRomania2011-01-20 05:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues
God luck to everyone with interview date today :thumbs: .The CSC to TSC to CSC black hole is finally starting to vanish :dance: :dance: :dance:
Never_lose_hopeMaleRomania2011-05-03 02:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

Wife and son will be home next week, finally!!

Congrats Wade !!! :dance: :dance:
Never_lose_hopeMaleRomania2011-05-02 22:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

Looking at my spreadsheet, there have been 11 expedites from the TSC group. Some weren't only for the USCIS error, but had financial hardships and medical reasons as well. You can always try to expedite as well. It won't hurt to try. Good luck either way!

Never_lose_hopeMaleRomania2011-04-26 15:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

My wife had a admisnistrative processing for lack of medical records.Now, My wife got visa finally. We are excited and so relieved. Congrats to everyone who got their visa and Best of Luck for the ones who has their interview day coming.

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Thanks everyone for advice and support. You people are awesome.

Congrats !!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
Never_lose_hopeMaleRomania2011-04-26 09:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues
Interview rescheduled for May 17. Thank you God, and thank you all VJ friends for your help. :thumbs:
Never_lose_hopeMaleRomania2011-04-26 05:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

Just got the call. visa approved!!! :dancing: :dancing: :dancing: :dancing: :dancing: :dancing: :dancing:

Congrats!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
Never_lose_hopeMaleRomania2011-04-25 02:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

That's awesome. Hopefully it all works out for you.

We hope so to :)
Never_lose_hopeMaleRomania2011-04-21 23:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

Do they reschedule interviews? How about if I want it a later time like a week or 2 after?

We have asked because my birthday is 29 May, and interview is 31 May. We hope to celebrate together and that is why we asked interview earlier. I do not now in other cases but in ours they told us about 17 May as possible date for interview if the pack will be at them soon.
Never_lose_hopeMaleRomania2011-04-21 14:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

is it possible to reschedule the interview on earlier dates.

We have contacted our Embassy and they told us that is possible but we will see. Good luck.
Never_lose_hopeMaleRomania2011-04-21 11:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

Just got a call 20 mins ago, the I-601 has been approved and the wife should have her visa in a few days.

Congrats!!! Finally you will have her home with your son. :)
Never_lose_hopeMaleRomania2011-04-21 02:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues
Thanks Saylin, yesterday have spoke with Embassy and 17 May is possible but the docs must be at them soon. I will let you now if we will change the date till the end of the week.
Never_lose_hopeMaleRomania2011-04-20 19:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues
NVC have sent our pack today to Embassy. Hope to reschedule interview for May 17 :)
Never_lose_hopeMaleRomania2011-04-20 18:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

Hi everybody,

Just got back from visiting hubby for two weeks and also found out interwiev date while visiting my husband.I am soooo happy and finally drama is over!!!I like to thank all of you for your support and help!!!If all goes well at the interwiev,we will be together for our first anniversary :dance: :dance: :dance:

Congrats!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
Never_lose_hopeMaleRomania2011-04-18 02:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

I'll be waiting :)

It took a few days after my interview date was scheduled for the AVR to update that the case was shipped out.

They do not now about the packs sent by NVC. Is the NVC job, and "we do not have anything to do with that". So in my opinion DOS is useless. :(
Never_lose_hopeMaleRomania2011-04-14 14:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCSC to TSC to NVC: the Saga continues

Mine hasn't updated either- I just called NVC and the operator said it will be shipped out within the next few days. :whistle:

Thanks Jenny, but is time for us to take the lead and do not let them send the papers after 3 weeks after CC or interview date was assigned. We will fight this since is a payed service and is finished. Is enough TSC error, NVC asking BS things and delayed our CC and now this. We will have till the interview date over 310 days and this is to much. We had enough, the cup is full and we can not stand any more this BS. They are incompetent.
Never_lose_hopeMaleRomania2011-04-14 14:06:00