K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk1 Visa
QUOTE (Dragonfish71 @ May 29 2009, 02:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I was asking when my paper work will got to NVC, I was told that I-129f do not go there, If the case approve it will go straight to the state

I think they did know what they were talking about, they just answered the wrong question. They clearly said the documents go to the State [Department], which is correct (the NVC is part of the State Dept.). I suspect they thought you asked about the NBC - one letter different and your petition goes nowhere near it.

The fact that first-line people at the Misinformation Line rarely, if ever, make the effort to ensure they've fully understood what they're being asked is another very good reason not to waste your time with them. Just search/ask VJ instead, you'll get a better answer and without all that tedious mucking about in their phone menu system as a bonus smile.gif
JeremyRMaleEngland2009-05-30 16:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa ID
That photo in the gallery is poorly labelled though. The visa number is the one printed in red ink.
JeremyRMaleEngland2009-06-07 12:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresReasons for POE denial
Doesn't a K-1 (or any other) visa holder have legal recourse though, if CBP say 'no', to have their case heard by a judge before being sent back? I know this is one of the rights waived by people flying in under the VWP so presumably visa holders have that right?
JeremyRMaleEngland2009-08-09 17:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYahoo! Messenger archive as one of the proofs
I didn't actually include any email or chat content, per se, just records of when and how we talked. I created a big long list of our Skype phone calls from my history showing who started the call, what time/date, how long it lasted and whether it was a video call. That ran to many pages.

I did much the same with emails; who sent & received it, date/time and subject line. Also many pages. There were probably about 30-40 pages in total that we included with the I-129F (although I realise it probably wasn't looked at until the embassy stage). The CO just leafed through a couple of the pages and that was that - he was satisfied with *how* and *when* we communicated rather than what was said so don't think you need to include pages and pages of transcripts or the text of emails (although a couple of selected highlights might not go amiss).
JeremyRMaleEngland2009-08-06 18:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWrath of Creditors
I have some debt back in the UK. Not a lot, measured in terms of low-hundreds (of pounds) but it's there none the less. It wasn't my intention to leave a debt behind and it was my intention to get it cleared off ASAP but that's just the way things work some times. Unexpected expenses in my last few weeks in England and not the easiest financial times Stateside means it's still there. In so far as I can tell, though, it's not affecting my credit in the USA in any way.

I believe (but don't quote me on it) that there are laws which prohibit the export of personal data from EU countries to countries outside of the EU. That would presumably include financial/credit data so to the OP, while what he did can't really be condoned, I think it's highly unlikely to bite him on the backside here. That said, he'll possibly have CCJs entered against him which would make gaining credit in Britain almost impossible should he ever return.
JeremyRMaleEngland2009-08-28 16:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDHL - Shipment on hold
QUOTE (Leo&Farah @ Apr 20 2009, 02:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The shipment was cleared at OH but we just got a confirmation via tracking airway bill online and through customer service hotline that they delivered it to the wrong address. I had printed his address, my address and both our contact numbers neatly and in caps on the airway bill. Somewhere along the way from here to there, my address changed to an incorrect one and they retained most of his address but changed MD to Ronald Reagen National AIRPORT (DCA). Some guy signed for it and that's that for now.

<sigh> That's ridiculous mad.gif

Have you made any attempt to contact anybody at the airport it was delivered to? Might be a good idea to try and get them to get hold of it before someone realises it's misdelivered mail and trashes it sad.gif.

At the very least, you should insist that DHL refund your shipping fees.
JeremyRMaleEngland2009-04-20 15:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDHL - Shipment on hold
QUOTE (Leo&Farah @ Apr 18 2009, 01:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There is NOTHING there they can deny. G325A, letter of intent, photos of me and him, passport photo of me, copy of my BC, copy of my passport, copy of receipts, copies of skype call records, verizon and us cellular and some personal wallet pics I made for him. There's a few small paperclips and two big black office paper clips. So what is the problem arggggggggggh? It shouldn't take them TWO days to figure out the contents of everything.

It's nothing personal and nothing against the contents of your package - it's just like travelling through an airport - some people are always randomly selected for the 'extra attention'. Likewise, some packages are always going to be randomly picked out for checking that the customs declaration is honest and accurate. If it contains just documents of little or no monetary value (in their eyes, the value will be the cost of the papers, not whatever it cost you to gather them) then it'll be fine. Any delay is annoying but it'll be cleared soon and on it's way...
JeremyRMaleEngland2009-04-19 18:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresthe red flag??

Proof of a bonifide relationship covers a multitude of sins.

This is absolutely right. Being in an 'age gap' relationship may become one of the straws on the camel's back if the evidence of relationship is weak or the consular officer has suspicions that things are not quite right but it need not be an issue on it's own.

I'm the beneficiary and 20 years younger than my wife. We are far further down the road than the visa stage (Removal of Conditions) and our age gap has never come up once throughout the entire process. Not even at the visa interview - the CO asked for my date of birth then my wife's and not a word more was said because our evidence of bona fide relationship was solid.

Don't worry about age gaps at the interview - simply make sure that your proof of relationship leaves no doubt in the COs mind that you're a legitimate couple and it won't be a problem.

We live in a much more connected world than we did just a few years ago. People now are much more likely than in the past to meet and fall in love with others from outside their age or traditional social groups. Consular and Immigration Officers are aware of this.
JeremyRMaleEngland2011-07-12 12:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOne-Way Tickets on a K1 Visa
QUOTE (Karin und Otto @ Jun 12 2009, 06:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I guarantee the airline will ask to see the visa before allowing boarding..

Absolutely they will, regardless of what type of ticket you have and whether or not you're a visa or visa-less traveller, the airline are responsible for screening passengers they carry to check that they are broadly eligible to enter the USA. That means ensuring VWP travellers have a return ticket inside 90 days, and ensuring that those ineligible for VWP have a suitable visa. I'm pretty sure that if the airlines send someone Stateside who is obviously ineligible to enter, the airline gets fined.

I dare say it's been stated enough now but I entered on a one-way ticket. The pre-screening guy at check in wanted to know why no return trip and I told him I had a visa and was emigrating. He asked to see it, and there was no problem at all. He did have to go off and rummage in some dusty cupboard to find a white I-94 form though biggrin.gif (as opposed to an I-94W, which he had a stack of).
JeremyRMaleEngland2009-06-12 20:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTOTAL COST OF K1 VISA
I guess for context, a slightly more up to date list. This is based on our experience:

I129F: $455 (Actually we got in before the increase)
I134 (AOS): $0
Embassy visa fee: $120 (London)
Medical: $250 (London, approximate by today's exchange rate, no vaccinations)
Travel to Embassy: $350 (YMMV, literally)
Miscellaneous: $150 (Notary services, copies of certificates, photos, clearances, visa delivery, etc, etc. YMMV)

Total: $1325. Ouch. Apart from the initial $455, it's spread out over 8-10 months though so not all at once.
JeremyRMaleEngland2009-01-07 14:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!
I'll add my experiences. They're a little old (Jan 2007) but probably worth mentioning.

The background is that I first visited my then fiancee (now wife kicking.gif) in July '06. It was our first meeting and I entered via PHL for two weeks no problems at all. Just meeting a friend I've known for a while online and in I went. Well you all know how it went by virtue of the fact that I'm now on VJ wink.gif. I no-showed for my return flight and left the country on day 86 of 90. Worst moment of my life. Three months later I was back, again through Philadelphia but this time booked for 88 days.

This time I got a grumpy one at the border. He asked why I was visiting and I said my girlfriend. What he did next took me by surprise - he went straight for the emergency contacts page in my passport. "And who is Cindy?" he asked. Didn't see that one coming! helpsmilie.gif I told him she's my girlfriend and that was that. No more questions, straight to secondary interview for me! I guess booking a long trip to see someone who's important enough to you to list them as an emergency contact (right under my mother laughing.gif) raises eyebrows.

The secondary processing person took my big red folder and sent me to get my baggage and come back. I had to wait a few moments for an immigration officer who searched my bags. They have some kind of sixth sense or something because she stuck her hand into my baggage and came straight back out again with the folder with all my personal documentation in it. Birth cert, bank statements, etc. She questioned me about why I'd brought my vital documents with me (thinking I wasn't going back to the UK, I presume) and I explained that we were going to get engaged and file I-129F in the near future and I was bringin my documents so we had them when it came to time to file. She seemed satisfied. I seemed terrified ohmy.gif A few more questions and she told me she'd stamp me in and I'd be on my way.

It was when she came back to return my passport that she gave me a parting shot that floored me. After reminding me of the obvious 'don't get married here', she told me that (a) I was 'done' with the VWP. That I was on the verge of becoming resident by the back door (2x3 month visits) and that I would require a visa on my next visit or I'd be turned back at the border. That said, she did stamp me in and we got our 88 days heart.gif

Suffice to say, I never did risk returning the the USA until I had my K-1 in hand. It took almost a year. Worst time of our lives but we got through it heart.gif
JeremyRMaleEngland2009-01-05 20:53:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2011 Filers
Thanks everyone :) Huge relief tonight..... Had a celebratory Waffle House lunch (how southern is that :lol:) and a celebratory drink this evening.

We're actually considering waiting a while before going into the citizenship process. There's no compelling rush as I see things and honestly, I think neither of us really want to be back into all this USCIS stuff for a while... Maybe we'll wait until summer, I dunno...
JeremyRMaleEngland2011-11-29 19:23:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2011 Filers

The house insurance documents, the IRS transcripts and our photos seemed to be what she was most interested in. She didn't even look at our bills, receipts, etc. She flicked through our bank statements that we submitted initially but didn't want the newer ones we took.

Gah. Can't edit it anymore. Should also say that she took the affidavits but didn't seem to read them in any detail.

Also, she seemed a bit confused about why the classification on my 2yr GC was CF1 (which is what it should have been, no?) but according to the approval letter she changed it to IR-1, which I assume is also normal?
JeremyRMaleEngland2011-11-29 13:53:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2011 Filers
Once there, it was a dead easy interview to be honest. She started out very businesslike and formal and (as we discussed it later) we both were ready for a fight :lol: but she softened up when we dumped a metric ton of evidence on her desk :P and stamped a approval decision letter. The house insurance documents, the IRS transcripts and our photos seemed to be what she was most interested in. She didn't even look at our bills, receipts, etc. She flicked through our bank statements that we submitted initially but didn't want the newer ones we took.

Her demeanour changed even more when she saw how relieved we both were. I guess that's always a 'tell' for them that they've made the right call. We arrived early waited about an hour in total but went in about on time and were done in probably no more than 15 minutes.

She also gave me a letter to take to the InfoPass office downstairs for an I-551 stamp if I wanted - I made sure to take it :P but should have the GC soon enough, I hope.

FWIW, she said I was interviewed for insufficient initial evidence. We made a judgement call against sending it in a bit light on evidence but having enough time to be sure I could renew my DL, etc, versus sending it in with more evidence but risking losing my DL for a few weeks while the NOA bubbled through the system... Why they didn't just RFE me if they wanted more, I'll never know.

On to N-400? :lol:

Edited by JeremyR, 29 November 2011 - 01:45 PM.

JeremyRMaleEngland2011-11-29 13:41:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2011 Filers
Updating me :dance:

California Service Center (28 applicants, 26 Approved, 93%)

VJName.............Date of I-751..NOA1 Date..Biometrics...Approved....Received....Comments
CECILE AND BRYAN.....02/04/11.....02/07/11....03/18/11....05/03/11....05/10/11...
ADRIANA WATSON.......02/14/11.....02/15/11....03/18/11....05/05/11....06/01/11...
JACOB AND DANIELA....02/16/11.....02/22/11....--/--/11....--/--/11....--/--/11...
ENVY_ME..............02/18/11.....02/22/11....--/--/11....04/15/11....04/22/11... (No bio needed, did bio less than 6 months ago)
SAVETHISPATIENT......02/18/11.....--/--/11....03/21/11....04/28/11....05/04/11... (No NOA1, but online lookup suggests 02/23)
MEHMET.TURKEY........02/22/11.....02/23/11....04/22/11....07/11/11....07/22/11... (Interview: 04-19-2011)
GUADA AND CONRAD.....02/22/11.....02/28/11....04/01/11....05/05/11....05/06/11...
TIEUNGAO35...........02/22/11.....02/24/11....04/01/11....05/11/11....05/16/11... (Early bio: 3/11, RFE 4/30, RFE responded 5/01)
ELI THE BARROWBOY....02/23/11.....02/25/11....04/26/11....06/20/11....--/--/11...
CANDYACE.............02/25/11.....02/28/11....03/24/11....04/25/11....04/29/11... (Early bio: 3-23-11)

Vermont Service Center (45 applicants, 40 Approved, 89%)

VJName.............Date of I-751..NOA1 Date..Biometrics...Approved....Received....Comments
TRELAWNY PARISH......02/02/11.....02/03/11....03/16/11....07/28/11....--/--/11...
BRIT ABROAD..........02/05/11.....02/14/11....03/21/11....08/04/11....08/10/11...
BARRY AND JACKIE.....02/05/11.....02/??/11....03/25/11....07/28/11....--/--/11...
JAY DEE..............02/07/11.....02/10/11....03/07/11....08/30/11....09/06/11...
LLBEANS..............02/08/11.....02/12/11....03/18/11....08/30/11....09/02/11... (Card received on the same day as approval letter)
KPC..................02/11/11.....02/14/11....03/23/11....08/08/11....08/13/11... (Early bio: 3-3-11)
MSZ..................02/--/11.....02/18/11....03/31/11....08/12/11....08/19/11... (Early bio: 3-9-11) - Elizabeth, NJ
COLOSO...............02/14/11.....02/17/11....03/25/11....09/23/11....10/22/11... (Early bio: 3-24-11)
JEREMYR..............02/15/11.....02/22/11....04/04/11....11/29/11....--/--/11... (Interview: 11-29-11 - Atlanta)
LUCCA................02/15/11.....02/18/11....03/25/11....10/12/11....--/--/11... (Early bio: 3-17-11)
LDORA................02/16/11.....02/28/11....04/25/11....--/--/11....--/--/11... (RFE received 8/15, responded 10/20)
ME-HA................02/16/11.....02/18/11....03/25/11....09/13/11....10/24/11... (Approval letter received 10/13)
(former SLIM2240)
BABYBLUESUSIE........02/18/11.....02/24/11....04/09/11....10/11/11....--/--/11... (Late bio 8/15)
SHER82...............02/19/11.....02/23/11....04/04/11....05/18/11....05/26/11... (ARMY)
PTER.................02/20/11.....02/??/11....04/11/11....08/04/11....--/--/11... (RFE received 3/15)
RICHARD ROBINSON.....02/23/11.....02/24/11....04/15/11....08/23/11....--/--/11...
JENGR................02/23/11.....02/28/11....04/18/11....09/08/11....09/15/11... (RFE received 8/22, responded 8/23)
MAYANKSANGHAVI.......02/23/11.....02/25/11....04/11/11....09/13/11....09/20/11... (Early Bio : 3-25-2011)(RFE received 8/06, responded 8/23)
ELI5ROSE.............02/28/11.....03/01/11....04/19/11....08/26/11....08/29/11... (Early Bio : 3-29-2011) - Alexandria, VA


* Make sure that your VJ Text Editor setting is set to Rich Text Editor.
* Go to the MOST RECENTLY POSTED VERSION of this list (go to the last post and scroll UP) and "Reply" to it, deleting the "quote" tags in your reply.
* Please DO NOT change the font, font size, add colors, stuff like that.
* Please PREVIEW before posting to make sure it is properly formatted.
* Please check that you have not deleted anyone's NAME & DATA.

Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved
Received = The Date you received your Green Card

* Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list.
* When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly
JeremyRMaleEngland2011-11-29 13:33:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2011 Filers

Not sure if I just missed it in that very extensive list, but I'd make sure to bring official tax transcripts (you can have them faxed over in 15 minutes - we did that last minute when we put our I-751 together to send). I wouldn't trust the USCIS to still have them even if you sent them in with the actual application. I sometimes wonder what the USCIS does with all the extra photos and documents that they never give back, but also never seem to use for anything and often seem totally unaware about receiving.

Oh, yes, they're in there somewhere too. Last three years or is that four. One with just my wife and married-filing-jointly thereafter. I've had them on-hand since just after I sent the I-751 in case of RFE (for sending returns initially which doesn't seem to cause most people any problems but a few seem to be RFE'd for).

But yeah, they're in the folder (and specifically mentioned on their list of things to bring, which is essentially a CC of the initial I-751 evidence list)

Edited by JeremyR, 28 November 2011 - 03:52 PM.

JeremyRMaleEngland2011-11-28 15:51:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2011 Filers
Thanks everybody - it means a lot, seriously :)

We're about ready. Here's a list of what we've gathered.

  • Affidavits - 5 of them from 6 different people, all notarized (one is a joint one from my in-laws, two from people who were our neighbours until very recently, two from my wife's work colleagues including a deputy sheriff).
  • Couldn't get a letter from the bank in time (wanted two working weeks !!! and over thanksgiving it wasn't going to be done in time) but we do have a copy of our account's signature card showing when it was opened, when it was modified to a joint account and has both of our signatures on it. Also some statements and statement copies from over the last few years, checking and savings.
  • Photos. Trawled friends' and relatives' Facebook pages (and their camera memory cards in some cases!) and managed to pull together far, far more than we originally sent. At first we sent about 15 of which about 10 had us both in the frame at the same time. Now we've got 51 for the officer to look though (careful what you wish for, USCIS :P). The vast majority having both of us, most have the kids too and, the rest of them are each of us with each other's families.
  • Letter from my wife's employer stating her name, position, salary, length of employment and permanency. Also printouts from the personnel department's computer systems showing that I'm her beneficiary, that I'm on her health insurance (and that it's current and active at this point in time), etc.
  • I'm not on the mortgage because it's not a good idea for us to mess with it (we'd be worse off afterwards). I am listed on the house insurance though and we have a copy of that policy document.
  • Various miscellany. Health and car insurance cards with both our names, driver's licenses with the same name and address, her other IDs, passport, county gov. employee ID, etc, also showing her using my name. Letters, postcards to both of us, an anniversary card my grandparents sent this summer, shipping notices, some bills (although they're all in her name except the satellite TV which is in both but is, ironically, paperless d'oh!).

They're getting a big folder of stuff to wade through. Serves them right :P :P :P

Note to self: get passport photos done :roll:

Oh, and they're forecasting snow tomorrow. GREAT! :huh: It's a morning appointment and the only real route there is via Atlanta's biggest rush hour trouble spot (it's off 285 a few miles south of spaghetti junction near Tucker)

Actually yes, my case was miraculously found again and approved, all within the span of a week. Sorry I haven't posted any updates about it yet. No interview, no RFE, no real reason for the delay. Still haven't received the new green card and it's possible I'll need to go and get an extension stamp to tide myself over until it gets here.

Senators' and Representatives' immigration liaisons are superheros, aren't they? :D My AOS had problems with USCIS stubbornness (didn't want to accept that we squeaked over the 125% affidavit of support requirement by a few bucks and RFE'd me for a co-sponsor or proof of further income. Sent them back a copy of their own guidelines with helpful highlighting of the relevant requirements and a second copy of all the proofs that my wife *does* make enough to sponsor me. Also asked a US Rep. office to give them a push in the right direction. Approved without notice, RFE or interview a fortnight later :D Although I do wonder if I might have [cough]ed the adjudicator off and whether they wrote "Interview this one at I-751" on the file </cynic> :lol:

Edited by JeremyR, 28 November 2011 - 12:58 PM.

JeremyRMaleEngland2011-11-28 12:57:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2011 Filers

Jeremy are you getting Ready for your interview? It is coming in a couple of weeks...

Get ready we all want you to have success....

Thanks :)
Yep, we're getting stuff together, letters from my wife's employer, affidavits from some friends who were our neighbours for three years until this summer, my in-laws, a Sheriff's Deputy who does works security (in his official capacity) at my wife's office and knows I pick her up and drop her off most days - I figured he has weight as an upstanding member of the community...). Getting the affidavit from my in-laws was like pulling teeth - they're very stoic people and getting them to describe our relationship on paper and sign it under oath was.... interesting :lol:

Everybody keeps telling me (including my wife) that it'll be fine and I'm sure it will be. It's impossible not to be nervous though, and I know I've been a right grumpy git lately as a result :lol:

Hey Coloso. Probably sending the citizenship application out tomorrow. Also got a senator involved. I was in touch with a lawyer colleague of mine specialized in the field of immigration who says he has several cases pending 8+ months at Vermont with no explanation.

As I understand it, when you file the N-400, your I-751 will be immediately frozen and will be adjudicated at naturalization interview along with your N-400 and then of course, no green card will be produced. Kinda irritating to spend that much money for absolutely no tangible outcome, no? :rolleyes:. If I get my GC promptly after the interview, I'll probably only have it for a month or two plus N-400 processing time before it too is useless. It's all about feeding the bureaucracy machine, I suppose :P
JeremyRMaleEngland2011-11-15 10:45:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2011 Filers
Of course this morning I get a response to SR#2 :P

Your case is currently in suspense until the interview date. A notice will be mailed to the address od [sic!] record once a date has been scheduled.

In suspense? The poor case must be on the edge of it's seat :lol:

Edited by JeremyR, 31 October 2011 - 09:05 AM.

JeremyRMaleEngland2011-10-31 09:05:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2011 Filers

Interview? Can I ask how old are u than ur spouse? Stupid ppl. How many years older is Michael Douglas than Catherine ..

I'm close as makes no odds 20 years younger. I heard here before that a younger wife is rarely if ever an issue, younger husband on the other hand, can sometimes be.

age wasn't an issue for you for pre-ROC applications, so it won't be one now.

I know, you're probably right but it's hard not to feel singled out. There have only been two interviews in our group of 72 applicants after all...

don't waste your time fretting about the whys, just enjoy thanksgiving with your spouse and start prepping the n-400!

citizenship = washing your hands of the USCIS

Indeed :dance:
Before today, I wasn't that bothered about being rid of them ASAP but now... You can bet your bottom dollar I'll be filing at the earliest opportunity post-Christmas.

Edited by JeremyR, 29 October 2011 - 08:52 PM.

JeremyRMaleEngland2011-10-29 20:50:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2011 Filers

well, at least you got some information. better than nothing. think positive and hang in there. team UK is rooting for you!

Thanks :) I can't help but feel that our age gap, which has never been an issue before in the process, even at the visa interview, has now raised an eyebrow sufficiently high enough that we've been singled out :huh:

Of course the notice came with a supplement that details what evidence to bring (they want it all, again :rolleyes:). They want me to bring two passport photos (of me, I assume, it doesn't specify) which is strange considering they got a photo of me during bio.
JeremyRMaleEngland2011-10-29 15:27:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2011 Filers
Interview notice received today. :rolleyes: :unsure:

Notice date Oct 27th, interview date Nov 29th.


I guess the reason I've heard nothing for so long is because VSC got rid of the file a while ago and Atlanta have been sitting on it waiting for an interview slot.


California Service Center (28 applicants, 26 Approved, 93%)

VJName.............Date of I-751..NOA1 Date..Biometrics...Approved....Received....Comments
CECILE AND BRYAN.....02/04/11.....02/07/11....03/18/11....05/03/11....05/10/11...
ADRIANA WATSON.......02/14/11.....02/15/11....03/18/11....05/05/11....06/01/11...
JACOB AND DANIELA....02/16/11.....02/22/11....--/--/11....--/--/11....--/--/11...
ENVY_ME..............02/18/11.....02/22/11....--/--/11....04/15/11....04/22/11... (No bio needed, did bio less than 6 months ago)
SAVETHISPATIENT......02/18/11.....--/--/11....03/21/11....04/28/11....05/04/11... (No NOA1, but online lookup suggests 02/23)
MEHMET.TURKEY........02/22/11.....02/23/11....04/22/11....07/11/11....07/22/11... (Interview: 04-19-2011)
GUADA AND CONRAD.....02/22/11.....02/28/11....04/01/11....05/05/11....05/06/11...
TIEUNGAO35...........02/22/11.....02/24/11....04/01/11....05/11/11....05/16/11... (Early bio: 3/11, RFE 4/30, RFE responded 5/01)
ELI THE BARROWBOY....02/23/11.....02/25/11....04/26/11....06/20/11....--/--/11...
CANDYACE.............02/25/11.....02/28/11....03/24/11....04/25/11....04/29/11... (Early bio: 3-23-11)

Vermont Service Center (44 applicants, 38 Approved, 86%)

VJName.............Date of I-751..NOA1 Date..Biometrics...Approved....Received....Comments
TRELAWNY PARISH......02/02/11.....02/03/11....03/16/11....07/28/11....--/--/11...
BRIT ABROAD..........02/05/11.....02/14/11....03/21/11....08/04/11....08/10/11...
BARRY AND JACKIE.....02/05/11.....02/??/11....03/25/11....07/28/11....--/--/11...
JAY DEE..............02/07/11.....02/10/11....03/07/11....08/30/11....09/06/11...
LLBEANS..............02/08/11.....02/12/11....03/18/11....08/30/11....09/02/11... (Card received on the same day as approval letter)
KPC..................02/11/11.....02/14/11....03/23/11....08/08/11....08/13/11... (Early bio: 3-3-11)
MSZ..................02/--/11.....02/18/11....03/31/11....08/12/11....08/19/11... (Early bio: 3-9-11) - Elizabeth, NJ
COLOSO...............02/14/11.....02/17/11....03/25/11....09/23/11....10/22/11... (Early bio: 3-24-11)
JEREMYR..............02/15/11.....02/22/11....04/04/11....--/--/11....--/--/11... (Interview: 11-29-11 - Atlanta)
LUCCA................02/15/11.....02/18/11....03/25/11....10/12/11....--/--/11... (Early bio: 3-17-11)
LDORA................02/16/11.....02/28/11....04/25/11....--/--/11....--/--/11... (RFE received 8/15, responded 10/20)
ME-HA................02/16/11.....02/18/11....03/25/11....09/13/11....10/24/11... (Approval letter received 10/13)
(former SLIM2240)
BABYBLUESUSIE........02/18/11.....02/24/11....04/09/11....10/11/11....--/--/11... (Late bio 8/15)
SHER82...............02/19/11.....02/23/11....04/04/11....05/18/11....05/26/11... (ARMY)
PTER.................02/20/11.....02/??/11....04/11/11....08/04/11....--/--/11... (RFE received 3/15)
RICHARD ROBINSON.....02/23/11.....02/24/11....04/15/11....08/23/11....--/--/11...
JENGR................02/23/11.....02/28/11....04/18/11....09/08/11....09/15/11... (RFE received 8/22, responded 8/23)
MAYANKSANGHAVI.......02/23/11.....02/25/11....04/11/11....09/13/11....09/20/11... (Early Bio : 3-25-2011)(RFE received 8/06, responded 8/23)
ELI5ROSE.............02/28/11.....03/01/11....04/19/11....08/26/11....08/29/11... (Early Bio : 3-29-2011) - Alexandria, VA


* Make sure that your VJ Text Editor setting is set to Rich Text Editor.
* Go to the MOST RECENTLY POSTED VERSION of this list (go to the last post and scroll UP) and "Reply" to it, deleting the "quote" tags in your reply.
* Please DO NOT change the font, font size, add colors, stuff like that.
* Please PREVIEW before posting to make sure it is properly formatted.
* Please check that you have not deleted anyone's NAME & DATA.

Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved
Received = The Date you received your Green Card

* Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list.
* When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly

Edited by JeremyR, 29 October 2011 - 02:24 PM.

JeremyRMaleEngland2011-10-29 14:24:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2011 Filers

Thank you Jeremy, did you get to do the Service request yet.

Just got done with them, SR #2 is filed. I wonder who's desk SRs land on - whether there's somebody who does SRs specifically or if they go to the adjudicator who's processing your case. If the latter, I hope that this makes them realise that I'm going to pester them continuously until they get off their backsides and process this case :devil:

Interestingly, the VSC processing date hasn't moved one single day since I last called them a month ago. It's still Feb 24th and now shows as such on their public processing times list. Sucks to be a March/April/May VSC filer, I guess - they're gonna be waiting even longer than us at this rate.

Edited by JeremyR, 26 October 2011 - 12:31 PM.

JeremyRMaleEngland2011-10-26 12:27:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2011 Filers

Guys waht about N-400 how can we get ready for that. I heard taht we only need to fill an application for that there is not need to send all this documents again like we did for ROC. Is that true? Do we have to send only the N-400 application only?

The documentation burden isn't as large as for RoC, I don't think. This is the documentation checklist for the N-400. A quick skim-read suggests that the easiest way to satisfy it would involve sending:

- Front and back GC copy (not sure how to handle this if you only have an expired 2yr card :wacko:)
- 2 passport photos
- Money, money, money, money!
- Copy of USC spouse's birth certificate
- Copy of marriage certificate
- IRS tax transcript for last three years
- Copies of divorce certificates for any prior marriages

So nothing too hard to obtain by the looks of things. The VJ N-400 guide doesn't mention needing anything else... Presumably there's no need for any of the evidence of bona-fide marriage stuff because it's handled at the interview?
JeremyRMaleEngland2011-10-26 12:04:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2011 Filers
Everything you send them becomes part of the permanent file so you don't get anything you submitted back :/

The only except is if they require the original of whatever, then they are supposed to return it...

Jeremy any good News?

Nope. Gonna call for a second service req in a bit.
JeremyRMaleEngland2011-10-26 11:37:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2011 Filers

Me-ha how many days for them to send you the card? Mine letter said 60 days...

What about you Alaskan and babyblue.

By the way alaskan is the card green?

The new cards are indeed green :) Wiki has a picture of one.

I am minded to try another SR once I'm 30 days out from my previous one (which is next week sometime, I think [edit] next Friday [/edit]). Honestly, I'm getting the the point of not being bothered about this silly RoC business now - sitting here wondering why it's not being processed is not doing me any good. I have legal status, I have work authorisation, so bigger fish to fry and all that...

Edited by JeremyR, 16 October 2011 - 07:49 PM.

JeremyRMaleEngland2011-10-16 19:47:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2011 Filers

Ok so guess what????? I received a letter from USCIS.
I was approved! Approval date of 9/13/11.
God is awesome!

But what I dont understand is why online it still says pending, when I call the 800# it still says pending and the CSR didnt say anything to me about an approval?

Congratulations :) I'm hoping for much the same. That's exactly what happened to my AoS - no email, customer service told me it was still pending and then I went to the mailbox and found an anonymous looking envelope from Laguna Niguel... And there the green card was - I didn't even get an approval notice until about a fortnight later and the case status didn't change until several months later (was surprised to get the emails :P)... Case status online is a useless indicator of pending status.
JeremyRMaleEngland2011-10-13 17:28:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2011 Filers

another 600 bucks in their pockets

Ouch! Shouted the nail as AJ911 hit it squarely on the head :lol:
JeremyRMaleEngland2011-10-12 18:17:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2011 Filers

Hey Coloso. Nothing on my end. I just tried to sneak in another service request and got caught LOL! :rofl:

Nice try :lol: I considered doing that :P

The CSR said "Ummm ma'am, my system states that you did a service request Sept. 27 and it advised you to wait 30 days"
LMAO! I was like "oh ok" LOL!!! :innocent:
She said the system will not allow her to make another service request.
I have to wait till Oct. 28 to call back.

I'm locked out until Nov 20th. For reasons best know to themselves, they slapped 60 days on mine :(
JeremyRMaleEngland2011-10-12 13:40:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2011 Filers
Goodness there's not many of us left now. That's good... But I'm one of the 'left' :crying:

.... still waiting :(

Congratulations to the approved folks :)

Edited by JeremyR, 11 October 2011 - 08:45 PM.

JeremyRMaleEngland2011-10-11 20:44:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2011 Filers

I was just looking at other posts and it seems like the update on the website (not sure if the physical letter is any different) typically says 30 days not 60. Oh god, I hope we didn't get an RFE....I will have him try to read the letter to me later tonight. Wish me luck!!

Unless things have changed since the AOS days, RFE letters come on a plain old boring piece of paper and include language like "Include this letter with your response", and of course the heading "Request for initial evidence" or "Request for additional evidence". On the other hand, an approval notice is headed (top-right) with "I-797, Notice of Action" and is one of those fancy green documents on heavy watermarked paper with "The United States of America" written within a fancy border across the top. Receipts, appointment or case transfer notices are similar but come on an I-797C... Hopefully that helps work out what it is?

Edited by JeremyR, 06 October 2011 - 07:33 PM.

JeremyRMaleEngland2011-10-06 19:32:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2011 Filers
Because they want to make sure he hadn't swapped places with somebody else in the meantime, literally :lol: Appearances can change, fingerprints do not :P

Also, because it drives a whole extra level of bureaucracy (the ASC's), something every government needs to do - there must be MORE BUREAUCRACY! :lol:
JeremyRMaleEngland2011-10-02 20:06:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2011 Filers
Oh I'll almost certainly apply, just not the very moment I become eligible. December is expensive enough already :lol:

I have a question though, if anybody knows. If you submit the application in the 90 days preceeding your eligibility date, do they stick it in the processing queue right away or do they just sit on it until your eligibility date?
JeremyRMaleEngland2011-10-01 17:12:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2011 Filers

So I was reading that I can apply 90 days before the actual day I'm eligible for citizenship for me I think that's in December!! And I'm thinking what a waste of money adjusting status is..

Yep. I become eligbible on December 20th, off the top of my head (Mar 18th - 90 days...). I'm starting to wonder if I'm even going to have a 10yr GC before I file it (not that I'm likely to file it in late December - other things to spend $700+ on :lol:)... Yes, RoC is really a waste of money - they didn't used to have it. Officially it was added to deter marriage fraud but the cynic in me (and I'm a huge cynic :lol:) wonders if it was more about inserting another payday for the government into the process....

At least we were approved, but the waiting continues...

Yikes. That's not on. If you call them and they say they sent it, make sure you get a USPS tracking number from them so you can independently check it's status...

One question, have you moved since AOS, if so did you file AR-11?

Edited by JeremyR, 01 October 2011 - 10:11 AM.

JeremyRMaleEngland2011-10-01 10:10:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2011 Filers
Congratulations Coloso :dance:

Updating list:

California Service Center (28 applicants, 26 Approved, 93%)

VJName.............Date of I-751..NOA1 Date..Biometrics...Approved....Received....Comments
CECILE AND BRYAN.....02/04/11.....02/07/11....03/18/11....05/03/11....05/10/11...
ADRIANA WATSON.......02/14/11.....02/15/11....03/18/11....05/05/11....06/01/11...
JACOB AND DANIELA....02/16/11.....02/22/11....--/--/11....--/--/11....--/--/11...
ENVY_ME..............02/18/11.....02/22/11....--/--/11....04/15/11....04/22/11... (No bio needed, did bio less than 6 months ago)
SAVETHISPATIENT......02/18/11.....--/--/11....03/21/11....04/28/11....05/04/11... (No NOA1, but online lookup suggests 02/23)
MEHMET.TURKEY........02/22/11.....02/23/11....04/22/11....07/11/11....07/22/11... (Interview: 04-19-2011)
GUADA AND CONRAD.....02/22/11.....02/28/11....04/01/11....05/05/11....05/06/11...
TIEUNGAO35...........02/22/11.....02/24/11....04/01/11....05/11/11....05/16/11... (Early bio: 3/11, RFE 4/30, RFE responded 5/01)
ELI THE BARROWBOY....02/23/11.....02/25/11....04/26/11....06/20/11....--/--/11...
CANDYACE.............02/25/11.....02/28/11....03/24/11....04/25/11....04/29/11... (Early bio: 3-23-11)

Vermont Service Center (44 applicants, 34 Approved, 77%)

VJName.............Date of I-751..NOA1 Date..Biometrics...Approved....Received....Comments
TRELAWNY PARISH......02/02/11.....02/03/11....03/16/11....07/28/11....--/--/11...
BRIT ABROAD..........02/05/11.....02/14/11....03/21/11....08/04/11....08/10/11...
BARRY AND JACKIE.....02/05/11.....02/??/11....03/25/11....07/28/11....--/--/11...
JAY DEE..............02/07/11.....02/10/11....03/07/11....08/30/11....09/06/11...
LLBEANS..............02/08/11.....02/12/11....03/18/11....08/30/11....09/02/11... (Card received on the same day as approval letter)
KPC..................02/11/11.....02/14/11....03/23/11....08/08/11....08/13/11... (Early bio: 3-3-11)
MSZ..................02/--/11.....02/18/11....03/31/11....08/12/11....08/19/11... (Early bio: 3-9-11) - Elizabeth, NJ
COLOSO...............02/14/11.....02/17/11....03/25/11....09/23/11....--/--/11... (Early bio: 3-24-11)
LUCCA................02/15/11.....02/18/11....03/25/11....--/--/11....--/--/11... (Early bio: 3-17-11)
LDORA................02/16/11.....02/28/11....04/25/11....--/--/11....--/--/11... (RFE received 8/15)
(former SLIM2240)
BABYBLUESUSIE........02/18/11.....02/24/11....04/09/11....--/--/11....--/--/11... (Late bio 8/15)
SHER82...............02/19/11.....02/23/11....04/04/11....05/18/11....05/26/11... (ARMY)
PTER.................02/20/11.....02/??/11....04/11/11....08/04/11....--/--/11... (RFE received 3/15)
RICHARD ROBINSON.....02/23/11.....02/24/11....04/15/11....08/23/11....--/--/11...
JENGR................02/23/11.....02/28/11....04/18/11....09/08/11....09/15/11... (RFE received 8/22, responded 8/23)
MAYANKSANGHAVI.......02/23/11.....02/25/11....04/11/11....09/13/11....09/20/11... (Early Bio : 3-25-2011)(RFE received 8/06, responded 8/23)
ELI5ROSE.............02/28/11.....03/01/11....04/19/11....08/26/11....08/29/11... (Early Bio : 3-29-2011) - Alexandria, VA


* Make sure that your VJ Text Editor setting is set to Rich Text Editor.
* Go to the MOST RECENTLY POSTED VERSION of this list (go to the last post and scroll UP) and "Reply" to it, deleting the "quote" tags in your reply.
* Please DO NOT change the font, font size, add colors, stuff like that.
* Please PREVIEW before posting to make sure it is properly formatted.
* Please check that you have not deleted anyone's NAME & DATA.

Date of I-751 = The Date you sent your application
NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved
Received = The Date you received your Green Card

* Please Capitalize your VJ Name when adding it to the list.
* When you're on this list, please come back to update your information accordingly

Edited by JeremyR, 29 September 2011 - 11:32 AM.

JeremyRMaleEngland2011-09-29 11:31:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2011 Filers
The agent should have given it to you. If I were you, I'd call back and verify that a service request was actually made for you (and get it's number).....
JeremyRMaleEngland2011-09-26 10:52:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2011 Filers

She told she did it, I hope she did make the SR anyways.

Did they give you an acknowledgement number, with VSC at the end? If yes, she entered the SR...
JeremyRMaleEngland2011-09-26 10:26:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2011 Filers

:wow: Did anyone catch the mistake????
The inept Customer Service Representative put that my SR was for non delivery of GC.
That is how BOGUS these service requests are!
I think they are just automatic generated responses! :blink:
If a REAL person researched this information they would've seen that I did not received an approval so how could I be checking on the delivery of my GC, LOL!!!!!!!! :rofl:
I showed my sister and she agreed SMH!

Either that or you're approved and your card genuinely is in production? That's certainly how I read it. So erm... Congrats.... Maybe?! :lol:
JeremyRMaleEngland2011-09-26 08:26:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2011 Filers
Random stat: As of today, my I-751 has taken 18 more days to process than my I-485 did (196 days for AoS NOA1 to approval vs 214 and counting for RoC)
JeremyRMaleEngland2011-09-24 10:03:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 February 2011 Filers

did you receive that via email?


Honestly, it's hard to tell whether it's an acknowledgement of my request or a dismissal of it. I suspect the latter though.

We'll see...
JeremyRMaleEngland2011-09-22 08:10:00