CanadaScary experience!
My dad has worked in retail as a manager his whole life (save on foods for those on the west coast) he has had some doozies. Be very careful. A good friend of my dads stopped a shoplifter that stole some meat. The guy turned around and stabbed my dad's friend with a needle. He died 6 months later from aids.

Personally, I would have walked away and let "David from loss prevention" handle everything. 8.25 an hour is not worth that stress or risk. Personally, I'd only die for about 100 million.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2008-01-21 17:00:00
CanadaAmerican/Canadian in Canada

The guy who runs this posts on VJ and is a very very good guy. They are all helpful here, give it a shot.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2008-01-20 23:59:00
CanadaMust we Hate America?
I should add that without the diversity of Canada I wouldn't be the person I am today. I appreciate my home country and I will always be loyal to it. However I do truly believe if I was to scale and do a pro/con list Canada would lose.

It's beautiful, the people are generally great and we have a world wide reputation as peace keepers (or we did until Afghanistan). In the end, I think we will end up back in BC. I will just be sure to go to Washington state for medical reasons (socialist healthcare suckssss) and I will never vote in an election. Then I think I could do it. wink.gif
bradcanuckMaleCanada2008-01-23 02:35:00
CanadaMust we Hate America?
I hate a lot of things about America, but I hate the indifference of Canadians more. THERE I SAID IT! While Americans are blowhard thick headed bastards, Canadians are passive #### talking idiots! BWAHAH!

Honestly though I was studying to get into politics. I wanted to get into the system and make a difference. That was of course until I realized how absolutely hopeless the CDN political system is. Compared to the USA it is horrid. MPs mean nothing. Party lines are followed 99% of the time and if you break a serious line, you won't get your ticket for the next election meaning you are booted out of the party. You're bullied into voting a certain way even if your constituents are FURIOUS about it. So everyone hates you AND you lose your seat how fantastic is that?

This is one example of many, many many things I hate about Canada. I could (and probably should) write a book about this some day.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2008-01-23 02:32:00
CanadaMust we Hate America?
China I can understand. Not even Bush is that crazy. No one in their right mind would be their army between China and ANYTHING right now, or in the future.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2008-01-21 19:40:00
CanadaMust we Hate America?
The popular kids is popular, yet the kids who hate him also want to be him deep down. The words they speak behind his back are nasty, but would be taken back if they got to have a day in his body and life.

Jealousy, is normally where that stems from.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2008-01-21 17:32:00
CanadaAny advice on SSN woes?
It's frustrating isn't it? The SSA office pleads ignorance, the credit bureaus do not answer their phones... so we are sort of just sitting in limbo I guess. The bank just shrugs, pizzmeovv.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2008-01-26 12:02:00
CanadaAny advice on SSN woes?
I've been trying to open a bank account with my SSN and even get a JC Penney card among a couple other little things like a credit report. My SSN isn't in anyone's database so I can't get anyone to approve me of anything. I'm getting pissed because the SSA keeps saying oh go get a secured credit card. GREAT BUT HOW IDIOTS they won't give me anything they think my number is fake or not valid.

How do I get this number to "kick in" so to speak?

Anyone have experience with this?
bradcanuckMaleCanada2008-01-25 21:09:00
CanadaQuiz: How to choose a candidate
None of these candidates will change anything. The political system has fallen apart and we've proven the 2 party system no longer works.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2008-01-31 17:38:00
CanadaVancouver Review
That sounds awesome, now go celebrate. Hooray!
bradcanuckMaleCanada2008-01-24 19:20:00
CanadaUpdate on Credit
1) Become an authorized user on spouses card - great advice
2) PLEAD with your bank. If you deposit a lot of money on a regular basis, have other loans or do a lot of transactions with them they can be helpful. BofA was with me because I've been with them a long time and they just had to look at my history to see I could handle a card.
3) Secured cards work if you can afford it.

I'm new to this too, but I'm learning fast.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2008-02-08 18:26:00
CanadaUpdate on Credit
I found out the hard way that SSN does not equal the ability to live normally... yet. After visits to the SSN office and 1800 number I was told it was my responsibility to "get credit" in the country.

Here's what I did:
1) Requested a credit report on
2) It was denied before submittal due to the SSN not being in the database
3) Went to https://www.annualcr...m/cra/index.jsp and requested a report. Each agency said I was not on their databases
4) Went to BankofAmerica and applied for a low limit personal credit card ($500)
5) Went to JC Penny and applied for a card

After these steps, I went to an auto dealer and was able to cosign on a loan with my wife for a new car.

I was denied for JC Penny, but I was approved for my BofA card due to a long banking history.
That's the story so far.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2008-02-08 14:59:00
CanadaA Question for the Canadians: Do you plan to become a citizen?
Yes, I plan to work as a Police Officer in a few years. In order to do so I have to at the least have APPLIED for citizenship. So that's the plan.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2008-02-11 18:25:00
CanadaA funny thing happened down at the DMV today...
My BC license was a novice also. They didn't really know what to make of it. +1 for DMV wink.gif
bradcanuckMaleCanada2008-02-13 17:43:00
CanadaAnyone in CA interested in a dog?
My wife and I no longer have time for our puggle. He's a sweetie but I feel like we can't give him the attention he REALLY deserves. Everyone who meets him loves him.

He just needs a family who can pay attention to him. Being locked up all day I think is a cruel way for such a sweetheart to spend his life.
If anyone is interested in a Puggle-poo please let me know. Ask friends too. We want him to go to a REALLY good house.

He loves to walk and play and cuddle. His favorite thing to do is to wrap his arms around my arm and lick me all night, he's just amazing.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2008-03-25 17:24:00
Canadacanadian tax return 2007 nonresident canadian
I am looking for similar info so I shall bumparoo this. smile.gif
bradcanuckMaleCanada2008-03-25 17:16:00
CanadaWho is in the southern California area?
I am just curious who out there is in the LA/SD area of southern CA.

Would you be interested in some sort of coffee meet?
bradcanuckMaleCanada2007-10-16 12:39:00
CanadaEasy way to build credit
I can confirm the Macy's situation - I have done this. They will take CDN, UK etc no problem. So just have your SIN and passporte/DL available in store and you're set. It works!
bradcanuckMaleCanada2007-08-10 11:44:00
CanadaSo I waited too long on my taxes...
So I just have to file as normal and mail it in?
Yes CDN taxes
bradcanuckMaleCanada2008-03-25 18:28:00
CanadaSo I waited too long on my taxes...
I have to file soon obviously like everyone else.

How can I do it? Can I do it online or what's the best way? Before I paid an accountant.
I made $0 last year due to immigration. I want to report myself living outside of Canada as of 2006. How can I do this?
bradcanuckMaleCanada2008-03-25 17:14:00
CanadaGetting Senator intervention
You are within the timelines, so sadly nothing can be done at this time. I talked to my congressman about this and the DAY it is over processing they can take rapid action. Until then... you're stuck waiting.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2008-04-02 13:42:00
CanadaMy very expensive life
Yes, the money is a dent... but at the end of your life will the $1,000 and change really matter when you look back? Don't forget to keep perspective... it's so hard to lose in the moment.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2008-06-03 18:01:00
CanadaDropping in just to say "hi!"
QUOTE (Carlawarla @ Jun 4 2008, 06:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Brad!!! Lovely to see... your words! laughing.gif Enjoy your vacation!! You sure sound a lot more calmer than I remember! What a wonderful thing! smile.gif rose.gif

LOL you mean I am not neurotic anymore? I also lost 15lbs.... hmmmmmmm someone may have been a grumpy panda wink.gif

We're heading to Cabo on a cruise, I think we stop in a couple more places. I let everyone do the planning and I agreed to come with for the tan. I try not to get too involved in trip planning because I am obsessive (not so much compulsive)
bradcanuckMaleCanada2008-06-04 17:36:00
CanadaDropping in just to say "hi!"
Hello to all my Canada Forum friends. I hope everyone is doing well. After receiving my GC in January I haven't been around as much as I was before.
A couple of updates:

- My dad now sends me Cinnamon spread, dill pickle chips and smarties monthly to satisfy my cravings.
- We are going to Mexico in 2 weeks. YAY get to test out returning into the country with the GC for the first time.
- Career is rocking, and we are doing great.

I want to say to anyone who is still pending in the process.... it hurts but it is so worth it. There IS light at the end of the tunnel, don't forget to look for it every single day.

Cheers, love you guys!
bradcanuckMaleCanada2008-06-03 17:57:00
CanadaThe other side of the fence...
I'd miss the weather. I'd miss being able to drive without stopping every 1/4 mile for a light on trips (Canadian highways are a joke). I'd miss Disneyland and the accessibility of southern California.

There's a lot of food choices here too. Culture bombing means Italian, Indian, Chinese, Japanese... man I could go on for days. Back home has.... mcdonalds and some terrible places like "Kelsy's" or something.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2008-06-06 18:35:00
CanadaGetting injured in the states...
I went to a county fair (OC Fair) 2 years ago, and ate some bad hamburger (what else is new, everything at that fair is bad, tainted or old). Anyway, I got colitis. Went to the hospital where the nurse said I was fine and told me to leave. I informed her that she was an idiot and she should shut up and get out of my face immediately. (I was sore and cranky, that was NOT the time to be a diplomatic pushover)
The doctor did all sorts of scans and blood tests and it came back as... yep colitis.

I paid $400 for the visit with Blue Cross. I got to see the bill... $11,000 and change for the entire thing. Bloodwork, scans etc. I'd say I got a good deal.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2008-07-21 12:11:00
CanadaStruggling with a sense of identity.
QUOTE (Eric_and_Corinna @ Jul 21 2008, 05:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I know Seattle has this bad reputation for rain, but is there anyone who actually had lived there that knows for a fact that this is true?

I've been there probably 50 times in my life for various reasons, and every time I am there it is raining. Sure, that could be a coincidence. In fact, Seattle doesn't even make it in the top 10 rainiest cities in the US, based on actual measurable rainfall.

I think what makes it seem worse than other areas is that it is gloomy like Vancouver. So it gives the perception that it's always raining.

Wow, there's a lot of us who are in the same position, I guess it's something all of us have in common.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2008-07-21 17:40:00
CanadaStruggling with a sense of identity.
Tex: I wanted to reply to you real quick and then catch up with the rest of the thread.

We have been evaluating Arlington. You are 100% bang on with the home value. One of my coworkers is from Dallas and said it was just amazing. We plan on visiting before deciding what we want to do.
Again with VI you are bang on, you addressed all of the things I agree with. My dad and I were talking about what you can do in the summer VS even California, and VI has everywhere beat down. I miss the amazing summers of home.

Sigh. This is going to be a real journey.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2008-07-21 15:03:00
CanadaStruggling with a sense of identity.
I've lived in the US for over 4 years now. Around 3 years ago I left, moved to Canada and attended University for a semester because I missed home so much I couldn't be away any longer.
After going home I realized I didn't like the weather or the slow pace of Vancouver Island. After being in California so long I had adjusted to the way everyone here is in a mad dash constantly and drive like lunatics. I grew very bored quickly of the bad weather and the slow people and decided to move back.

California isn't my "home" and I don't think ever will be. I am never really perfectly comfortable. I think about going home on a very regular basis, but struggle with that because I know what happened last time I went home. It sort of spoils everything thinking about how I couldn't re-adjust to where I grew up.

So herein lay my dilemma. I love the US, but I also love Canada. But it's not just me anymore, I have a wife to consider. I know she couldn't handle the rainy climate of Seattle for example which I think would be the perfect midpoint for me. I could go home all of the time and still be in the US. But that just wouldn't work. Sara would get so sick of the bad weather we would MAYBE last 6-12 months at best.
We could never move back to my home.

So now I am lost. I am unhappy where I am but I know anywhere else we go there is a risk one of us or both of us won't like it.

I made a plus minus list on a sheet of paper to see if we should move or stay, and it was basically a break even tie of positives and negatives on moving and staying.

Anyone been through this?
bradcanuckMaleCanada2008-07-21 12:07:00
I am visiting Canada in October.

Will my USC wife need medical? If so how does travelers insurance work for going north?
How about me... if I am sick or injured while visiting, am I covered if I have not paid BC Medical in years?
bradcanuckMaleCanada2008-08-22 20:57:00
CanadaPrime Minister Stephen Harper pulled the plug on his own minority government on Sunday, setting off a national election campaign
Harper is doing a real fantastic job. Anyone with political experience or schooling in political science can see he has done a real A+ job with a minority government. I hope he has the opportunity to take over with a majority.

I'll be voting absentee for Harper.

It's unfortunate Canadians just hate their government as something to do, without any real reason. I'd love to hear some intelligent arguments with SOURCES showing how terrible Harper is. No one can provide anything that I have had this conversation with before. They just have nothing else to be angry about so they hate this guy - and in fact Harper is kicking some real ### and making this country even better.

If you HATE Harper and are voting for Bloq, NDP etc just to do it... do some reading first.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2008-09-09 11:06:00
CanadaWatch your bank closely.
QUOTE (payxibka @ Sep 24 2008, 12:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There are ways around the $100K limit as it is a PER account limit not a per bank limit.... You can have Checking\Savings\Retirement\Certificate of Deposit accounts, one each held jointly and\or individually.

Not that I need such a scheme but such a scheme is available for the filthy rich.

This is not true. It's a per bank issue. There was a woman on CNN that had 100k in one account, and 20k in another. FDIC rolled them together and she lost 20k when her bank in Nevada closed.

bradcanuckMaleCanada2008-09-24 12:52:00
CanadaWatch your bank closely.
Banks are falling everywhere. If they aren't falling, they are trying to solidify.
For example Bank of America posted a bunch of charges to my account without going in pending mode (as they have done for YEARS) and my account overdrafted HARD for a bunch of $5 payments (itunes etc). Normally I would understand, but these payments PEND first and I have time to transfer $ in to even them out. This time, they just posted without warning.

I called in and they basically said too bad, go bank elsewhere or watch your account closer (I have OCD, I watch it like a hawk)

I have never seen this before - but it's a couple hundred bucks I don't need to lose. Be on top of things - the sky is falling.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2008-09-24 11:17:00
CanadaWhat to do with my GST refund.. now that I'm living in the U.S.??
I've cashed them. I am in no rush to pay them back either - since they take their time with my money I figure I'll return the favor. Couldn't care less about the consequences. RevCan is a joke.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2008-10-15 11:35:00
CanadaFinding a bank in the US
I walked into Bank of America with nothing but a passport and successfully opened a checking and savings account. No questions asked.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2008-10-15 11:37:00
CanadaQuestions...trying to avoid overstay, worried.
As a pick me up - I overstayed considerably and it was waved off and forgiven without a thought by the interviewing USCIS agent. He said it is bound to happen with the way the system is setup. He even forgave working without an SSN. While I wouldn't advise doing that, I am just passing on information that will help you feel a bit more at ease.

Don't worry about overstay... especially when you're married to a Marine. smile.gif
bradcanuckMaleCanada2008-10-15 11:33:00
CanadaDoes this mean what I think it means?
You're approved.

Commence the happy dance.

kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
bradcanuckMaleCanada2008-11-19 12:11:00
CanadaCanadian Immigration Forum
That is the one. Thank you!
bradcanuckMaleCanada2008-11-24 20:06:00
CanadaCanadian Immigration Forum
I remember someone pointed me to an immigration forum for CDN Citizens sponsoring USA Citizens (spouses) to immigrate to Canada. Does anyone remember that forum still? I need to go back to this whole thing.
bradcanuckMaleCanada2008-11-24 18:37:00
CanadaCrossing the border w/ Green Card
Legally and technically they can treat you however they want.
However that kind of behavior is not "normal" by any means. Did you note the officer's (lol what a joke by the way) name? During infopass you can bring up the name and if you speak with a manager on the floor, ask to file a complaint.

You shouldn't be AFRAID to enter your country. Are you afraid when you go to Canada?
bradcanuckMaleCanada2008-07-21 12:02:00